Courier-Post from Camden, New Jersey (2024)

COURIER-POST, Friday, July 25, 1980 CALL AD-VISORS DIRECT 663-7100 6C DOGS (11) SITUATIONS WANTED (15C) DOBERMAN, 16 wks. old. all work done, moving, must sell immed. Call 346-1446 ENGLISH SPRING. SPAN.

PUPS, WRM. A INOC, PAPER TRN, REAS STUD SERV 227-1801 FOX TERRIER PUPS. WORMED A INOC PAPER TRAINED, REAS 227-1801 FREE TO good home, yr. Ter-rier-Shep. Spaded exc.

dispos. Housebroken. Call 428-0899 GER SHEP. PUPS- AKC. Sire Ch Hawkeve ROM son.

Dam AM. Can Ch. Frack daughter. 428-160S GERM. SHEP.

pups, shols, wormed. 424-1953. GERM. SHEP. Pups.

wks, 4 F. Call bt.S-9pm 8S4-410S GERM. SHEP. PUPS, AKC, champ, sired, 21S-24S-OTV4 GERMAN SHORT HAIREO pointers-akc. Parents an premises.

939-34W. GERMAN SHEPHERD pups AKC, solid blk or bik tan. Shols. Very reas 268-1649 or 248-1297 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, $25, 629-2573 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, AKC, lrg boned, I6t-H0. GER.

SHEP. Pure bred wpapers M. Blk brown, amos old. $74 662-9507 GOLD RETREIVER PUPS, AKC, WORM S. INOC.

PAPER TRN, REAS. STUD SERV 227-1801 GREAT DANE Fern, blk. Shots, Capers, well trained. Smes. 4S6-2145 etwn 8410PM, John HELP WANTED WAITRESS mw, oxpU transp, Pinto's 627-2ZM RETIRED PERSON wanted for part time light delivery A light stock work.

Call Mike or Georoe at Mechanics Aulo Parts, Blackwood, N.J. H-J10U SIGN CO. needs ofoctrfcal sign service man mw, 913-1434 WANT TO BE WELL DRESSED? Bo your own Boss? Earn while you loam. Cor A phono nec. Comm.

Call 728-00) Or 494-2703 WOMEN MW, To arrange appts. by tele, for our photographers. Work from our studio. PT days. Call for appt.

939-0441 YOUNG MAN mw lo work as apprentice tn drapery shop, Palmyra area. Call 829-6663. DavHursericsv ChiIdCare(S AUDUBON AREA T.L.C. Nursery Dav care. State Certified.

Meals included T.L.C. S46-07W BABYSITTING, Playrm, yard, meals, Pennsauken, U7-3tn. BABYSITTING in me heme. Pri vate room, eas-ajje BABYSITTING In my Cherry Hill home. Pteyroom, enct.

backyard. Any dav or nite. Call Carol 663-2940. BABYSITTING in my home. Wkdavs only.

767-6462 or 767-6B89. BABYSITTING in my Lindenwold home. Reliable mother. 346-1562. BABYSITTER will take calls for child care in her home now for mothers working in sept.

Blackwood area TLC. Refs. 2J7-6877. BABYSITTING, my home. days.

eves, wkends, exc. refs. 854-0564. BABYSITTING-by school teacher, ii former pre- mv home. 627-4058.

BABYSITTING avail in my home. btoosooro area, x-iiii CAMOEN COUNTY YOUTH ADVOCATE PROGRAM IS toOkino for people to provide housing for teen-age children. Piease call 854-5009 I will babysit in my heme, exp. mother, fenced in yard. 479-2083.

I WILL babysit entire wkend at your home, i Christian honest. 665-1790 INFANT, Pre-School in my heme Betimawr. yj i-4a. NEW WORLD DAY CARE 546-7024 Barrington.NJ. OPEN DAILY TLC Sitting-full or pari time-my fenskn home, ptavrm, fenced yd.

bal. mealsfun activities 662-6749 WILL BABYSIT in my Ciemenlon apt. hii ages, WILL MIND YOUR CHILDREN in my Pine Hill name. Feed-Friends, eun.ez-siv. 01) Situations WANTED barmaid available for private parTiet, oanquers, etc If miervsivo, i.

tor na-w i EFFIC. personable full chare bookkeeper desires part time evening and 'or wkend position, willing to work in your place of bus. or in my nome. Att. 6 p.m 629-1521.

GIRL FRIDAY-Typing, collating. viiv. aiviTW cat ut cal work, accurate 134-4373. MAN seeking buying or purchasing position, worked 10 yrs. same 10b.

W6-6472 ask for George or Cathy MARRIED MAN teekina tertiritv job. Worked 18 yrs al one iob. Call M6-64Z ask tor George or Cathy NURbE-Companion-Housekeeoer desires part time work, exc. rets. exp.

osi-uin. NURSES AIDE 10 years expor. ml rwn. in your name, e-) PART TIME BKKPR OR isyoorsoipor. Reas.

m-0SJ. PBX Recoplionisf. IS vrs exo. Bell trained. Lite typing, fro nor a I OHiC work.

435-1871 SCUBA DIVER looking for part time work. Advanced open water certification. TOOLMAKER With own, vhnn rlptirot rm. tract work. 871-0775 WILL DO home repairs, pain.nq, cement ft insulation.

S40 daily. Irishman, 461-6639. (09) I HELP WANTED POSTER Full time. Mini ba will ing to work have current driver's license. This it not a wmmf too.

yr round applicants only. Reply box e-es rest, tamoon. N.j.oaiui. Press Person, Head We offer tod salary benefits to trie md. fotaliv familiar witti a suDurban 6 unit press.

You mus ce wil'tng to work the 6.30 p.m. to 2:30 a m. srttt We are a well estaDushed respected So Jerev newspaper Pieaie send a tetter or resume with your salary history to: MR RALPH CAR. NO, Production Manager TODAY'S SUNBEAM 93 5th Stree Salem. N.J.

06079 Eaual Opportunity Employer PRESSERS Ld.i sportswtar, immia. oponmat. sTooav worn Full union bonof its. Atco Knitting Mills, White Hon Pike A Chon-y PRINTING PRESSMAN WOMAN for a small press, time. Call 939-40S6.

ORj part PRODUCTION SCHEDULER Background in production centre systems techniques. Should have exp in shop floor control. Forwarc resume including salary require ments to Media-Stack Incor porated, 150 Northwest Blvd. Vineland, N.J. O83o0 PRODUCTION WORKERS noeded.

Expansion has croatod now Obi. Starting was S4 fir. Eic Donetirs. sttaay work, am post-Tions require hard work. Oppty.

for advancement. Apply at Beaver Home products, kiJ union Ave, Ponnsauken, N.J. PRODUCTION WORKERS Now accepting applications and testing for immediate openings which exists tor factory workers in our Bar-rmgion plant on 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Excellent starting salary and company paid benefits. Interested applicants should apply in person to WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY tOO E.

Gloucester Pike Barhngton, NJ 06007 Equal Opportunity Employer M-'F PRODUCTION WORKER, exp. helpful tn trimming A forming of plastic parts. Able to use power woodworking machinery etfi-J cently.34t)3o HEALTH COOROINATAOR Health oriented Social Service! OrcaniJat.on. Local office of Nal'li Org see.s program coordinator KiDorts to txect. Oirerfor.

strona oral written skills, send resume and sal. requiremews to Courier PosiBox E-4i, Camden, 08101 PROGRAMMERS Get out of Manienance into rveiComent' Usma the ici'ftit t3M Hardware Our cuents need 1 to 2 year experience as a Prosrarnmer either COBOL, BAL, or FORTRAN. Can for your free W0 computer salary, survey for computer professions 60-482-2600 SOURCE EDP i QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTOR MW-exprd. Must be familiar withi machine drawings A all types ofl gauging equipment. Exc.

working; conditions with company benefits, oinimi. v.sii ib- ijx won-t-ri tor appointment interview. EOE QUALITY CONTROL ELECTRONIC INSPECTOR. Electronic exp nec. Please send resume loi PU BOX MedtOf J.

08065 REAL ESTATE SALES JOIN AWINNER were locking to expand our aireaoy successful sales team. Benefits galore including profes sional training, national referral nelwork, bonus program, and pleasant surroundings Wean the Gold Call CENTURY 21, on.iv neairy REAL ESTATE SALES OPPORTUNITY AWAITS THE RIGHT PERSON. WE HAVE EXPANDED AGAIN IN CHERRY HILL A HAVE IMMEDIATE FULL OR PART TIME OPENINGS FOR QUALI FIED PEOPLE. COMPLETE TRAINING WILL BEGIN IMMEDIATELY. COMM.

PLUS BONUS. CALL NOW FOR AN INTERVIEW. JIM BUI VIOAS 474-000 ANITA VonZECH 667-4400 KATHY BUI VIDAS 479-1300 JIMBUIVIDAS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CAREER REAL ESTATE IS BACK! Interest rates are now at a reason- Die level and hom*os are sell i no WHY GALLERY OF HOMES? in house training program wirhour own video program hom*os relocation service J.Largest A most beautiful office in merry mil 4. Friendly sates staff 5. National TV advertising 4.

Graduated comm. schedule For interview contact MARTY WILLIAMS at GALLERYOF HOMES, 479-1900 REAL ESTATE SALES-Philip Zmman Co. is interviewing for 2 full time 2 part time licensed salespersons to staff a new Penn-seuken office. We otter liberal comm. structure, personal tram' ng, ample floor time, incentive (09) (09) HELP WANTED SALES COORDINATOR We presently have an opening for a bright, aggressive, mature self-starter to in our productior control dept.

Good phone personality required for vendor contact Exc typing math skills required Applications taken frorr 10AM-3PM ALUMINUM! bHAPfcb, INC. 9000 River Kd, Detair, 662-SSOO. Equal Opportunity Employer SALES PERSON-to sell Accounting Service. Groat potential. Comm.

Must have car. Call 777-076 SALES WOMAN- over 18. Bakery. Wednesday 8 to 8 to 2pm. Sun.

8 to 3pm. Apply in person betw 7 8pm. Oaklyn Bakery, 909 White Horse Pike, Oaktyn. mw i SALES GIRL mw for unique speciality shop. Call John63-aao.

SALES HOAAEMAKERS VITAMINS A HEALTH FOODS, Will train-ftexibie hrs Aooivinper-. son All Natural, Marketplace Cherry Hill. SALES HELP wanted full time.1 expd Apply in person. Athletes Action, Mooresiown Mall. SALES Shutlerbug, wreta.f Advances growing retaiier.

$600. plus. Ms. Lits. SALES PERSON-Millwork.

Exper. needed tor calling on housing deve lopers in the Atlantic. Burlinaton Camden A Glaucestpr Co. area Expenses A co. auto part of salary benetit plan, send resume incl.

salary history to Box E-S4 Courier pos', Lamden, N.J. 08101. SALES ENGINEER Sarni -Conductor Production Eouioment Exc. salary plus co. car plus incentive.

Phila. based territory. Send resume to Tempresi. 119 Peaco*ck Aiioy, uanoury, conn, om to. SALES, wo have a career position in our mgmt training program for an ambitious person willing to: work hard with imatitive.

No exp. nec. Sal. to start S200 wk. Call 9-4 A Saf.

morning 779-930. SALES, Wholesale sales position! open to experienced Tire Miesper- son. Good starting salary, comm. car allowance A fringe benefits. Local territory, no overnight Travel, can Goooytar wneiesaie Tiro center, 44-4304 SALES, games uadoets.

a new A exciting siore opening in Echelon Mali is in need of a store manager 2 full time salespeople. We are part of a growing chain of specialty stores headquartered in Vaiiev Forge, Pa. which sells electronic games, calculators, watches family fun items. If vou have had exp. in retail sales are neat, infeK figent personable vou may qualify; for this oppty.

Sal. plus bonus. Call collect to 215-666-9292, 10am-4pm to arrange tor an interview SALES-Parf lime-Full time. Comm. Work own hrs.

No exper. No deliveries. No investment rea'd. opptv. tor advancement.

SALES: Emolovment Counselor, tf you rave the abt desire to work peopte have sales exper. we wtfl tram vou. We are the nations laroest wover iiu otcs coasi to COaSI, SNfcLLINO A 3NfaLLINt tmo aqv. b4b Kl. o.

Kennsau- ken, 662-S424 SALES Accessary designers fori nomes ana onicos. comm. vi p. T. Willtrain.

Appt. call 171-5159. SALES S.J. area Estab'd firm tooiuny tor self-molivaled individ uals Seeking high corr for direct saies. uraw vs.

comm. plus tun benefits package. Immed. openings Call 23W89 btwn 10 12 oniy: SALES Household goods wiin maior earner Must have house hold goods exp. Call btwn 9am j4-ov 1 SALESMEN, mw, exp.

prof. Partsi sales, trucking industry. Resume; to P.O.Box Pennsaukofi, N.J. 08110. SALESMAN, mw, full time, must havo some exp.

in men's A boy's Clothing, gd. benefits. Appty in person Euaono Jacobs. Oestferd wan. SALESPERSONS exprd in receiv- ino for retail hardware A lumber store.

Fuiiapentime. rai SALES Professionals onlv. Our Rpds avo SS00 wkly comm. Selling exlerior remodeling to homeowners. Quaii-j tieo ieaas turnisned.

call i-4pm, Jerry, 662-3955. SALES SAIES0PP0RTUNITIES We have FULL and PART TIME positions available our MOORESTOWN location for individuals who appreciate the finest in precious gems, watches and gold iewelry, gifts and table fashions. We want people who like people, people who en toy selling very exquisite merchandise in warm, elegant surroundings. Sates experience is desired, but not required. Excellent ben efits.

For further information and an appointment, please call Tracv Morris at-. (2)5 864-8814 J.E.CALDWELL CO. Chestnut Juniper Sts. Pa 19107 Equal Opportunity Emplover SANDWICH GRILLE PERSON-Day nite. Apply in person, Depl-lord Tavern, Deotlord Mall.

SECRETARIES-TYPISTS TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS Work when wnere vou want MANPOWER TEMPS. 963-6000 3720 Marlfon Pnskn 772-1700 18 Ecneion Mali, Vrhs. lnPhiia.cali215-S68-4050 NO FEE SECRETARY. Local bank desires (09) HELP WANTED OPesTomii or pert time. Ekpofd.

For monoqraming embroidering machine. Moeres-lown Mall. Clllllsn. OPTICAL LAB-CemfHlte tense curves, answer phones. Witt train bright, hardworker looking for toll time prm.

lob. 1140 wk. 21S-TJS-53M. OPTICIAN WANTED- Exper nec gd pay, ad. hrs.

Call Fri. Sa: a. Sun 663-3330. OrganislSr Choi' Direclor Preter exo in Lutheran liturav Send resume to Temple Lutheran Cmjrch, Rt. 130 Merchaptville Ave Pennsauken, J.

0S1 10. 06J-3J. OWNER OPERATORS Preferably wreelers. Steady war, gd money. PAINTER- Full time lor high rise not.

complex. Sal. 1196 wk. plus union oenettls Call 662-3400. PALLET REPAIRMAN, mw, (2), must 456-vuu2, vam-3pm PART TIME -Ladies or Men, over '8, work from home on new tele orrone program.

Earn up to 12 to S100 per wk. depending on lime avai. comm. can 424-4W0 PART TIME PERSON to prepare sandwiches tor industrial caterer 4 day wk, Sun thru Thurs. 9AM-12 Con 858-261 1 PART TIME, Local business man is people tmmed.

starting ishour. Mint be II have rate 16. car. Call, students accepted, call btwn 647-4147 J4pm, PART TIME HELP Office work Teenage boy or girt. Must have own auto.

Te do errands for busy Martton office. 15. nr. plus mi. Call V-S.

5VO-WS. PARTTIME STUDENTS Ambitious students living In Somordote, Blackwood, Tumerv ville A surrounding areas can earn re ss per vm. comm. working errvrnoens Mturaays. interested people call 931-063? from I to ipm for more into PART TIME TAILOR Needed fry- Jean's Store Musi be exprd.

Cain O53-40 PART TIME- Clerk Ivoisl for man sales office Near 1-295 Rt cnerrv Mill, y-io hrs. per wk 3-5 days per wk Flexible. 424-3232 PART TIME CARRIER, for early morning newspaper route Oelran. This is a gd. way to supple- mem your income, eor more info, please call 445-4790 betw.

9-5. PARTTIME immed. pert time positions are now avail in our Stratford office. Earn up to $100 per wk. as a telephone order clerk.

No exp. nec. Sal. an attract, bonus plan. Call Mrs.

Kirby at 346-0 181. PART TIME, tomtom, 3 or 4 days. Ml Mare, Medtord Lakes. 6S4-9tot. PART TIME Assistant Manager for convenience food store.

Mature, responsible person pre-fared. 9U-97U, 1114544-0670 PART TIME TELEPHONE APPT CLERK eve. hours, 5-9 4 positions avail. Call 235-7789 Btwn 1 5. 3onlv.

PART TtME-Need a income'' Earn aporox $100 working 6 te 8 rri. demonstrating wicker tV 3f fiower arrangements. Fantastic comm. promotional opowty Great for housewives. For more mto.

can Marv fctlen, M-25ZQ. PART TtME Position ooen in Retail: bwf. Accepting applications btw al Glah Brothers, 201 tjiacK norse nue, naddon Heights S46-0660 PART TtME SALES MANAGEMENT, SIP-S3W Comm. Unique. M-42J23t PART TIME EVENlNGS-Matur.

persons needed for toteenone con- toct worn in our on ice. no expor nec wo will tram Qualified aooli cants. We offer guar, salary, incentives, paid vac. A product I discounts. Pteate can mmn for personal interview.

PART TIME Janitors, expd only, part time evening positions avail. oil ingswood-Cherry Hill area. Recent refs. a must. For call loll free 800-64J-9192 Mon.

thruFri. lOa.m to 3 p.m. PART TIME, floor person expd in a'l phases ol floor stripping, buffing, etc. Steady work. Gd.

starting salary. Recent refs. a must. Hrs t0 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Only expd need apply i For application phone 800-642-919? Mon: thru Fri. 10am. to 3 p.m. PARTFULL TIME, Work your own hrs. Top comm.

Rubbermaid Party Plan, 7-367X 267-2459 PARTS COUNTER MAN, mw, main qualification exp. in dealing public. Resume to P.O.Box 177, Ponnsaukon, N.J. OBI 10. PHARMACY ClerkCashier.

Full vme. to. pret. Kunnemede'Gien-Cora area. Call for aopt 939-2500.

PHOTOGRAPHER- traits, full time. Exp. prof 'd but not nec. iw per wk. at up.

car nec. Calt63-10O4 PHYSICAL THERAPtST-fuil time immediate opening available for staff Physical Therapist licensed1 ana registered me state of Excellent waae and benefit oark- age. For turlher information con-, tact Personnel CHERRY HILL MED CTR, Chapel Ave. Equal upporrunuv bmptover, Mh, Pi ANIST-Baolisl Gospel. 1st 3rd sunoavs Kenearsat once a wk.

Sal ary nego. commensurate with etper. pnone B4-i8i5or 6Z7-7744. PIZZA Kitchen Cook GriHe man trTi'w) sandwiches, etc. Must be luiiv exoa.

mis work, oay sh*tt, full time Nignts Part time. Haddonfieid. PIZZA MAN MW. 663-1217 exprd. Cail PORTER for loaning of apartments A general grounds cleaning! for targe garden apt in Chorry Hill! nwusi oe exprg a nave gd refs.

Call HELP WANTED HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON immediate opening tor ambitious man or women ocean City's most active otfice. Outstanding income potential (comm) thru sales rentals complete in -house training program. Join a team of winners. Call Beroer Realty, 3160 AsDury Ave, Ocean City. JW-0076 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES Your exper.

might qualify vou for a position to learn mortgage pro cessing a growing, progressive tirm near Hi-sodiine. Pleasant workma environment, ibera Dene- fits Can Charles Simpers, 795-2404, REAL ESTATE SALES-Sal posi tion for new no me atveiopmom, Mooros town -Ant. Laurel aroa, Draw or comm. Cat! for confiden tial inttrvitw. Previous exp.

prot'a. iirt or tvyi REAL ESTATE SALES NEW HOMES We have those maaic inaredients. good builder, a good product reas. prices. Exce comm.

oofen tial for licensed sales associate. No new home exper. nec. Full or part time. Call betw 9am iz Noon.

CDSC REAL ESTATE INC. 7M-2070' RECEPTIONIST- Diversified spot reg's typing ability to handte detail. To $160 FEE PAID. Call A WOMAN WORLD, S23 Kl. 38, Cherry Hill, 663-S4U.

Emp. Agy. RECEPTIONIST, Mutt have expr. in answorin9 phones, typing tiling. Apply in person Auto Parts DiSDriouton, springoate ho.

Chorry ill or call 424-5527 RECEPTIONIST good telephone techniques required. Lite typing. 66J-W4 RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY- Collingswood firm desires tndiv. with pToasant voice and good typ ing skills. Exc.

working condi. Call nnr. Allan, RECEPTIONIST. Heavy phone contact, typing. A real people per son! To SIX), t-bb PAID.

Call A WOMAN'S WORLD. 523 Bldg Rt. 38. Cherrv Hill. 663-S41I.

Emp. Agy RECEPTIONIST- Denial specialty office. Responsible capable woman. txPd. pret no eves, Kpsume ro box t-4.

courier Poo CAmden, N.J. 08101 nvw REFRIG. MECHANIC-Minimwm 3 yrs commer. working expor. knowledge of ac A htg.

Pd. uni form a bl. ut req. i. jersey co.

Coll f3-2832. REFRIGERATION MECHANIC needed to service transport rofrio- oration equip. Will consider com mercial mechanic lor this position. 423-4400 RENTAL AGE NT-Part time, some weekends A evening hours, salary pius mnui. Appiy tn person, SPRINGHILL APRTMENTS Mopionaoea n.j.

ENTALMGR tor 200 unit garden apt. complex in Clemen Ion. Ma lure person pret. xp nec. 784-4A05, REPAIR OPERATOR, We are seeking a person qualified in reoair of printed circuit board assemblies ana core memories.

fcxci(nt evesite req d. it vou nave experience in this area piease contact James launders at KaIOco Computer Repairs, 778-1800 for immed interview. RESPIRATORY THERAPY, TECHNICIAN Oeboran Heart Lung Center, Browns Mills, NJ on permanent 3-11 shift. NBRT graduate of approved school or NBRT certified or certification eligiDie. Wilt consider applicants wth 2 years O.J.T.

respiratory experience, M.L.T. or cardiopulmonary background. Good salary, benefits and working conditions. Call; Personnel, 893-5069 for appointment. Equal Opportunity Employer mf RESTAURANT, salad or preparation worker, or 6 day apply in person 10em-4om Boston Sea Party, Rt.

70, Cherry Hill, N.J. RETAIL SALES A STOCK, for very active linen store, full A part time Editions we aro looking for ardwortting, self-motivated people. Flexible schedules. Call for RN-FuM A Pari time for 3ll shift nursing unit of Church Home. Must have own transp.

Call The Evergreens bet. 10-X DM' 1.11 UM iM nail Pweehends. Mod-Surg. EOE. Elmer vommwniif nespuai.

ok? 207 RN'S-LPN'S, part time needed for mobile insurance examinations in the Somerdale, Magnolia Stratford areas. Dav eve. work avail. Piease call 424-548 from vam-apm. SALES POSITION Fraternal insur ance, excellent opportunity for experienced Life Agents.

Call for appointment, Cherry HilL MTfOZ-OIZU, Zt4S9-33U SALES We have immediate openings for highly motivated sales people. Exciting career with multi miltion dollar organitation. Excellent income thru our advanced commission system A yearly renowols. Experience prefered but not necessary. Catl Mr.

LaRocca or Mr Schanti, 71-7343 oofwn lOARi a 7PM tor interview W-4, 428- IS 50. euiprneni nas aaies positions avail to call on wholesale accounts, architects, engineers bu'lders. Territories avail include: Pennsa N.J Deiaware, Maryland A Washington OC. Draw against commms. Send resume with sal history territory desired to Cou-rter Post Box E-4LCamden, 08101 SALES PERSON-Our increasing sales volume requires us to seek aggressive comm, salespersons Full or pari time lo sell energy conservation equip for home use Leads provided 609-S46-3168.

HELP WANTED CAREER SALESPERSON If you desire an excellent income and professional environment. If you will work hard and maintain a proper attitude, a career opportunity awaits you with the product acclaimed as the market leader into the 19B0's. We are looking for 2 persons With the riAQiro anH anli. tude to meet the challenge! Experience helpful but not necessary. BELLEROOX VOLKSWAGEN Rt.

130, Brooklawn 456-4450 Ask For Mr. English (09) 1 HELP WANTED SECRETARV-Full time. Diversified pos. in professional office. Requires excel, typing A shorthand.

Reply Box E-S2 Courier Post. Camden, N.J. Ofl 101. SECRETARY, Igirf office Ma women. Insurance, telephone customer contact expr.

heipf ul. Woodbury area Send resume with salary requirements to Box E-W, Courier 08101. SECRETARY FEE PAID EXECUTIVE Maior Co. looking for personable id iv. dual to assist Credit Mgr Duties meld typing, H.

SH, dictaphone heavy client contact. All Co. patd benefits. Sal. lo S20G Cal Dee Wheeler 4TM700 DAVID PERRY ASSOC.

BOON. Cherry Hill SECRETARY, EXEC.BKKPR-oxcol. skills reo'd, able to war indopondontfy In engineering. office in hom*o. WMAMift SECRETARY-We need someone exp'd.

with medicai insurance forms for this orowino dr's. ofticp Some fvpino. Salary will depend on, super rw -ra pia. Honeyford Personnel 39E. Main Mooresiown 234-2876 SECRETARY Dictaphone typist.

Join rapidly growing So. Jersey Optical Firm. Interesting A varied job. Skills noeded: gd. typing A Excel, bnfts.

For Inter view call Susan, Mon. thru fri. at 728O001 or apply at Wando Comer Lowortanding A Landing Rds. Blackwood. Mon.

thru Fri. bet. 9-4. Equal opportunity employer SECRETARY exp'd only. 1 person office Knowledge of home pudding neiptui, out not esenhai.

Responsible position wlong estaod'trm. i oo oav and oeneti Send complete resume and salary expected to Box -68, Courier Posl Newspaper, Camden, N.J. OBioi SECRETARY BOOKKEEPER administrator for onoinoorlna firm in Martton. Varied, responsf Die, inrorotiing too requires oxp'O, self motivated person. Excel.

growtn potential. n3-577 SECRETARY wanted for small construction company. So. Jersey. yping, tiling, receptionist, etc.

Reply to Box E-L Courier Pott. tamoen, n.j. dsioi SECRETARY-tf bkfc'o, ansi phonos, familiar plumbing and noaung terms wouia oe neiptui, go starling salary. Ask for Barbara, MJ-WIV Dtwn-5. SECRETARY Work in food A beverage dept.

of 300 room hotel property in S. Jersey, Excel, sal. A corporate onus, career oootv send add i cations to Director of Food A Bev erage. VW LAUKfcL HIL TON Rt 73 A 1295, Ml Laurel NJ 080 Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY Sales office of elec tronics firm needs self starter, Exaerd. in all office orocodurei.

Able to handle pressure and follow thru on details. Contact Plasma- Therm 77-4 SECRE TAR Y-Presfiuious law otfice has immediate opening for experienced secretary wiin good typing and steno. Any tax experience helpful. Start al $200. Fee paid ot course.

DUNHILL 647-9180 2301 Rt. 3A Cherry HUM Agy SECRETARY. Real Estate exoeri- ence. Immed opening. Call Mr.

G. 654-5151 or 235-4220 SECRETARY, Assist the pres. of ims wen estab d. co. wvour od.

typing A steno skills, Front otc. pos. t-fcfc: ho. can Mr Carvln Snelling SneHing SECRETARY (PART TIME) Interesting officesecretariat position for someone who can only work pari time at present, but can assume full time work later this year. Industrial marketing firm in Cherry Mill needs someone from Bam to noon, Mon.

thru Fri. (20 hr. week). Typing, filing, telephone; kind of a galguv Friday spot. S4hr.

area, to start. Write Courier Post Box E-48, Camden, 08101 SECRETARY. Diversified spot. requires accurate typing, organi-rational ability. Lite steno.

1200. FEE PAID. Call A WOMAN'S WORLD, 523 Rl. 38, Cherry mhi, ooj- 1 1 tmp. Agy.

SECRETARY exp wstatistkal typing- General all around office num. Bz-siMoerarnftPfwaypM SECRET ARYSALES-Real Estate expor. pref'd. Sal. plus comm.

6 day work week. Exc. working unui. rniiivn ami. immio, Send resume to PO Aox XML, Sick SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST immed.

ooenino in Vineland ren ror fnorviauat wmm. 5 yrs. exp. varied duties incl. typing, shorthand, answering phone, tiling, adding machine.

Start S4.S0 dot hr an ws. wvers, oviwq. SECURITY GUARD, Corp. tooks mature reliable individual, steady work tarrMpm. Some overtime nec.

Apply in person Magic Marker Cherry Hill indu. Triai ror dtw. varn-jpm SERVICE STATION MANAGER Seeking I full time expd indiv. to take total responsibility tn ooriino a gas only station in Pennsauken. xc.

opportunities plus partnership imeresi lor rne ngnt individual. Send resume to Rt. 130 co Mr. Taylor 409 E. Rt.

70, Cherry nut, m.j. scRVICE DISPATCHER, exp. noiDtui pur nor apply in por- son Woodbury Fuel A Suoolv Broadway A Florence Wood- oury. SERVICE MECHANIC, hoating A man, Mw. At least yrs eip.

aim Duct Installan far residential worn, helpers a mechanics. Call spm. SERVICE STATION ATTEN- UfcNl. pret person witn eioert ence, over 25 or on fixed income Full time Call 76-7714 Dlw ash for uonna SEWING MACHINE OPERA AORS-liiino makers, pocket makers, top stitchers, sieeve lining vfieis, miners, Sleve sellers or vim. fcp pret 0.

Ivv Hall, Shies unwooo Mapie bnade. uvsv SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR ipra. bo. working canditions. Piece work.

Background in neck. wear prof, but not nec. Call Jamas Neckwaro lnc 2a ra SHEET METAL Residential Duct msiaiier. i yretpr, top wages, good wenems. V.PU4J3-DI) SHEET METAL VECHANIC-Mostly prototype work, must oper ate brake and shear.

Air cond'd shop, i-uiiy paid benefits, call uoromy I oca, 00 1'AyJU. K-TRON 20 Warrick Ave. Giassboro. N.J. SHORT ORDER COOK 4 Pine must be oiprd.

Call altar 4, j-ire, vonrwra nua SHORT ORDER Penn Villa Diner. Rt. 130 Oraiel rennsauken. SHORT ORDER COOKS-Mult he eiporo. Good salanr.

Dav or nlotii thill. Call n-SI6a, or apply Five i-oinr uinor, net. xte. 41 a si Dopt-1 lord, M.J. SPECIAL EDUCATION itALHtR- Meadsiarl.

The spe tcial education teacher work; directiv in all class rooms with soe- cial needs children. Daily activities individual plan should be on al special needs children. Oualifica tions required BA degree or Special Education, previous work exp with young cniioren. Sal-lary is jyoBS lor 31 w-ks. Contact a.

Bailey al sj8 Broadway, Camden, N.J. STABLE PERSON to help care for pvt horses. Must live in vie. of Shawnee H.S. tip.

pref'd. Pleas iy is. STATION ATTENDENT For Week end work. CALL blw 6am aiui-r. ffcKSON-opening now avail, for pari lime year round employment, stock work and some food preparation involved.

II you oie Tnieniyem and quick to learn, apply in person, Hickory Farms ot Ohio, DeoHord Mall, 725, blwi4 4 7pm STORE SECURITY DETECTIVE-Some epd prof'd. Apply in person Jjifiosway, Delsoa Glaisbore betw.vemAopm (09) r- in a Co. ot TYPING done in my hom*o, 79S4 197 or TJ-1 1 TO DOG BATHING A Lt. Grooming done in my hom*o. Very cheap.

Lrg oogs a specialty tmai. (13) MONEY TO LOAN BUSINESSLOANS BY DIRECT LENDER. To help or expand your business. 10,000 A up We may say Yes, when the bank says No! For fast action call Mr. Freed, Central National pund.

6W-4W0. HOME OWNERS PAY OFF ALL SILLS When the banks sioo lending, we slarl. Credit problems understood. On a graduated z.b ha program. monthly 125.000-1224.5? monthly 19 monthly GATEWAY FINANCIAL.

20I-25S-5025 Monthly payments 1st year MONEYS Business loans la start, expand or comoioe dims, private tunas. 7M-O102or4al-S12l (15A) CATS HIMALAYAN, Blue Paint fern, all snots, declawed, 1 72Hu7. KITTENS-Free to good home. Call S-0161 KITTENS. 1 tern, 3 males, 'fi Angora, fitter trained, S20 each 966-8136 SIAMESE KITTENS- wks.

Litter trained. MS. 482-1238 aft 6pm. SIAMESE KITTENS. male.

8 wks old. Call Sa-360. (15C) DOGS AFGHAN-M full mask, brown saddle, blonde 1 yr. Magnificent specimen. $200 78-8548 att.

6 AFGHAN pups, AKC. Exotic colors. Deposit will held. S2S0 A up. AIREDALES, AKC, shots, 44- ivw.


Shots. UKC. Good watchdog. 663- 109O. BASSE TT HOUNDS, MfkFi Shols, n.u, 44- IV5J.



REAS. 227-1801 BOSTON TERRIERS. shols. AKC, 424-1953 BOXER PUPS. AKC.

Fawn ormoie. Miots. 474- ivw. BULL OOGS, AKC, shols, 424-1953 CAIRN TERRIER PUPS, AKC, WMD 8, INOC, PAPER TRND, REAS STUO SERVICE 227-1801 CAIRN TERRIER puppies, AKC, snois, 4Z4- co*ckER PUPS, AKC, WORM. 8, INOC.


227-1801 COLLIE PUPS AKC, 784-5113. COLLIES, AKC, normal eye checks. Beauties. Tris, sables ft blues. Studs.


INOCj PAPER TRAINED, REAS. 227-1801 OOBERMAN Puds, AKC, MftF, eos is bins, 44-iysj. DOB6RMANS-I00 AKC champ sired pups. Slkv blu.s, fawns, ds, docked, cropped, shots, Temperament guar. 3 older males iS250ea.21s 933 i.

(16A) FURNITURE LANE BEDROOM con- wardrobo, dressor A mir ror, 2 and tbls, ttSO; S' l' buffet, antique, mahooj. 4 chorry, 462-3193lt. 10am. MOVING, Furniture for sale, call aitSDm, 42B-1510 ask lor Berme RECLINER, mail hugoer, rust, 4 mos. old, orig.

uzs, soli for SI75. Call7(3-06SO CA A. IAU. COal rnicnaH uiMual SIS0. Early Am kit tble 8.

cnairs, is, bdrm set. 175. SOFA A love soaf, colonial, early amer. Gd. cond.

1400 or best offer. J-euiias, an. rpm. SOFA 2 chairs, Italian Provincial. J200 SOFA, Broyhill, gold, wood trim, very good condition, SW.

Call MOVING Selling Mr, ar. 2-bdrms turn. tv. Buy now for Auo. 17 flCkuD.

VBJ-J6IU. MOVING beaut, wicker liy. rm. din. rm.

set. Bamboo shades, posters. Queen brass bed a matt, tropical plants. Call 43S-S934 aft. S.

WHY PAY RETAIL' SOFA, CHAIR LOVESEAT 1159.95 DAVIS DISCOUNT FURNITURE 401 Way, Gloucester, 4M-1300 MON, TMURS FRI. TILL 9P M. (16G) APPLIANCES AIR COND 18,600 BTU, used 1 season, askina sjuq or best air 845-8435 alt 4om. AIR CONDITIONERS. 121.1 Fod ders 20,000 BTU, 270v, 1300; Sears weicrspor, osuo BTU, 110V, 12U0.

eoe-eysAoves. DEHUMIOIFIER, '79, 25 pint, used mo. yu. e5-60 FFhinPD mxlM exceiienl condilion, 1190. S44-717i ask Tor joe.

FREEZER Gibson. IScu ft Ivri Old, VJ 1-56 1. GAS DRYER deluxe GE. 2 vrs old. 1135.

241-2760 HOT WATER HFATFR Rrarffnrrt 80gal electric, almost rrew, used omon. tin. i.ail 44-UIJ6 MUSTSFLL ATOWf FREEZER, Whirlpool Uorighl. lS.tcuft.SI7S. REFRIGERATOR, GE Froslfree, 166cu ft, ice maker, copper lone DRYER, Whirlpool, gas, 1100.

KNITTING MACHINE. PASSAP. DUOMATIC, comol wmolor Stand. Never used Rpnlaremenl COSI SI IUU. ASK SUU.

bverything 1ST Class Condition, S46-7943 PIGGY BACK Mini Washer Dryer, tk new, szso tall 435-1 747 RANGES, Gas Electric, fr. 121. All in workina cond. Privotelv owned, 1st come, 1st served. 9am-4pm, Mon-Fri.

1931 W. Rivor prtvo, pennsauken (no phonal REFRIG. Soars Coldsoot. 15 cu. It.

frost free, built In power mizer at roiters, tine new. 1750, 853-0829. REFRIGERATOR, coopertone trosi tree, 1175 call 663-5154. FURNITURE Working Slaidy) CoU Todayl 963-41400 mm (09) HELP WANTED TEACHER, hom*o Economics (N.J. certified), special Ed.

lacit- ity. caiic.fE. wniTwaiouT-o-s. TEACHERS AIDE, dav car can tor exp. prof.

Send resume to 197 Jackson ko, atco, ww. TEACHER-HaK dav. Mathema-ticTeacher for miodie school-N j. certification req'd. September 1980 thru June iwi.

interested candidates should submit resume A toi ler of application to Superintendent of Schools, Hoitv Oak Voor-hees, NJ. 08043 on or before August i. wju. tut. TEACHER, ESL for full time program teaching adults for state government agency.

Send replies to box E-ai, courier post, cam- TEACHER DATA PROCESSING QUALIFICATIONS- Shall he var- tionaily certified by the New Jersey State Department of Education, xperience preferred. SALARY: As per Teach ers iaiary ouide. DEADLINE DATE: August 7, 1980 fos'hon io be tilted by September CONTACT- Jav TrwIUi. Prinri pal, Gloucester County Area Vocational Technical School, Box 186, Depttord Township, Tanvard Road, Seweii, New Jersey 08080. (609)468-1445.

Gloucester County Area Vocational-Technical School offers equal opportunity to qualified individuals regardless ot age, race, national origin, religion or sex. TECHNICIANS- TV A stereo repair. Full time. SAI. commensurate with exp.

Liberal Co. bonof its. Apply in person at Jefferson ward service Center, 4i Mantua Blvd. Woobury.080t7.EOE TECHNICIAN for Hi-Fi stereo, car radio repair for an established company. Car stereo installation exp.

necessary, must novo references. 426-576 TECHNIC! AN-Need 1 bench mar also 1 road man, mw. tor the repair maintenance ot 7 way radio equipment. A FCC license is req. Write P.O.

Box 55, Blackwood lerrace, j.obovo. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS- excel lent oppty for part time or fulf Time worn tor nousowivos per sons on fixed income. Exp. prof'd. out not nec.

salary, commission. Call Sid or Ronnie, 456-467. TELEPHONE OPERATORS, aavTime a wxenos. js-aiuu anytime. TELEPHONE OPERATOR Automotive experience preferred but not essential.

Duties include hght otfice work. Hours Monday-Friday, 1-fom. AppIv in person. tarn-5pm, see Mr. Buchanan.

DIS- TASIO CUE Rt. 73, Mar I ton. TELEPHONE SALES, PT eves 6 -9pm, Mon to Fri, shifts. Mrlv rate. comm A incentives.

American Apwiance. boo wi-aiaa TELEPHONE OPER ATOR-exo'rt oniy. Lorn-Key to busy lines for on, service lo. i ypmg nec. Lou tor opch bm-ouu TELLERS, full time A part time! posit ions avail, tot exp.

Tellers. Apply in person at Commerce Bank ot New Jersey, 3J6 w. Rt. Marl ion, n.j. vgj-wuu.

TIRE CHANGER Full lime. Hioh voiume oeawr. txp-a in mags pret. but not nec. Cherry Mill area, lurnersvHie area, 228-1100.

TOOL A OlE MAKERS. Top waoos. All benefits. Air conditioned. Call, 964-igiQ.

TRAINEE Mechaniealv inclined to team ser vice for sewing machine vacuum store, wr. Lonen8-6ii4 TRANSPORTATION PERSON- will worm in operations area. Exo. wtCC compliance highly desirable. Excel, benefit package fully paid by Co.

Please reply Reisch Trucking, lit Union Penn- TRUCK MECHANIC, 1st class. exp. with light, medium A heavy inevv A omc truck, dealership (raining A knowledge ot Sun Test equipment pref'd. Can 767-5900 or apply in person betw. Sm-Spm QuH Rt.

73, Marlton, N.J. TRUCK DRIVER for moving 4 storage co. Exp. articulated! license a must, uaii yw- iff 1. TRUCK DRIVER, Sortie lank, full Time, mkiwj.

TRUCK DIESEL MECHANIC Expd. Call 227-1242 bofw 8 TRUCK DRIVER. For recession-proof industry, familiar with instate area, min, of 2 yrs. driving exo. To S5 an hr.

Expect significant overtime earnings. AppIv in person onlv, ft Snack Foods, 845 Bethel Kennsauken, n.j. TV Repairman mw inside work. iuii or pari nme.o- I5UU. TVTECHHICANforanostabtithed company.

Must do aiprd wrofs. eo-sav TYPIST, general office duties atoepnone typing. Cherry Milt. Full lime. Reply Box 6-44.

Courier-Post, Camden. N.J. 08101 TYPIST, for dictaphone tran- ktibihb in oocror-s office, full time, reply box e-u. courier-Post, Camden, N.J. Otto I TYPIST, gd.

wf igurot. Learn beekeeping, other interesting duties. Pioosant working conds. Center cirypnna. 21S-54J-1I12.

TYPIST, Part time. High high accuracy. Call M5-T27i to arrange .0,. inTorviowiimo. TYPISTTFI FPHONF RECEPT -Diversified activity in comm, E.

otc. Previous E. or legal exo. Prefer mature resident ot inerrv mil tast area. Call Mrs, Martin at 42S-44 16 lor anof TrV ir it TYPIST Needed tor permanent Part Time position.

Nationwide computer communication's firm. we train on premises with pay. xceilent benefits, oood oav. mod ern facility. Starting For an appt.

can Mrs. Mammersiev, Mon thru Fri. blw ICMpm, National Data 667-4400. TYPIST accuracy kev wsmli Lots of phone work.

3-4 days. S3.l0hr Ms Scotl VIM MECHANIC. Fully qualified need only reply. 544-06 WAITRESSES, Experienced only Apply person Ponlio's Kingsway Restaurant, Rt 70. Cherry Hill.

WAITRESSES, mw, exp. only. AppIv in person Oloas Diner. Rt. 70 nnariron.

WAITRESSES exord. Anolv in per son snippers seafood Restaurant, Rt 71 Marlton WAITRESS, Exprd, mature Mr- son. Apply Overtorook Barsons, cinkPwrB urcte anopping center. WAITRESS 4 HOSTESS, mw. various shirrs, eip.

mandatorv. apply tn person oniy Somerdale uinor, wnite none Ptfce, Somerdale. WAITRESS mf Eip. nec. Full parmme oay wont.

perm. pos. Apply within, Ventura's Hideout. Rt. 3i.

Mt. Laurel. H.J. Man. thru ru i-i pm.

no pnone calls. WAITRESSES-eo. nec. Incl. fall employment.

College students welcome. Apply in person Mexican t-ooo i-actory. Ht. 70, Martton. WAITRESS 428-4215 exprd, mature.

WAITRESS wanted, mw. diner ep. oniy. Apply person. Ota-mond Diner, Rt.

70, Cherry Hill. WAITRESS part time, Appty in person, warwtcn Tavern, euv warwicn ta. someraaie. WAREHOUSE. fill Customers orders, 40 hrs.

wk $3.25 an hr. to start. Yr round employment, aopiv person, Charles Dumonf Son, springaaie tnerrv miii, n.j. WELDING FOREMAN, shoot metal labricalor has open ino tor person witnexp. as a super visor a knowledge of spot welding Mib weiama tecnniaues.

a. set. paid benefits including pen! sion. eno resume mciuatng si. history ft requirements to Box E-M, Courier-Post Camden, N.J.

oeioi WIRING Expanding electronic firm Is seeking a career oriented Individual exper'd. in soldering ft wiring ot electronic equipment. Applicant should have knowledge color code and be able to worn from electrical schematics. Con tact Plasma-Therm 77- 170. WOOD WORKER, Pattern making type, experienced te build wood trim iios ft wood tool in a for vac uum formed plastic parts.

Call TJV-40J0 BEELINE FASHIONS ha immMli. iv vpvnin ivr manager, rt train. Car ft phone necessary. Call 64-7701, 72M90I RETAIL-BOB'S SEAFOOD now taking tab applications for new sforo in Marlton. For tnta.

call 679-0033, btwn 10am 4pm. PRETTY GIRLS WANTED For Massage ft Escort Services. No oxperimce Will 15 mm Carpeting AppQaaces Antiques T.V.-Sterto Musical Merchandise Home Furnishings GREAT DANE, AKCCKC, lawn, 9wks old, champion line, 268-2766 IRISH Setter pups, AKC 5gen. red a $100. 66S-U07.


champ, bldline, ready te go. WS-SllI LAB RET. -AKC, ALL COLORS, WORM PERM. SHT, REAS. STUD SERVICE.

227-1801. LABRADOR RETR. PUPS. M8.F. Shols.

424-19S3. LHASA APSO-2' yrs. Must sell moving. S125. AKC.

589-1488 LHASA APSO PUPS, AKC, MS.F. Snots. 424-1953. LHASO APSO PUPS, AKC, WORM. 8.

INOC, PAPER TRAIN. REAS. STUD SERV. 227-1101 MALTESE PUPS, AKC, WRMD 8, PAPER TRND, REAS, STUD SERV. 227-1801 MALTESE, shols, AKC, 424-1953 MALTI POO pups, non shedding, shots.





AKC 424-1953 POODLE PUPS AKC MINIA TURE TOYS, SHT, STUD JCKVILt. -IBUI POODLE wormed, shols. To good home S75. 662-0235 POOOLES 6wks, AKC. Blk.

Min. shols-wormed. Reas. 764-0221 POODLE PUPS AKC reg. All shots.

Tails croooed. Dew nail dinned Call629-t341torinfor. POODLES, AKC, 424-1953. shots, PUG PUPPIES, AKC, shols. 424-1953.


Bronze. Excel, cond 1165. Call 786-1324 WASHER or DRYER, completely rebuilt. 2 yr. guarantee.

Free delivery. HIS. Call 7(4-7474 WASHER ORYER-Very good cond. (100 ea. Del.

avail. 767-9169. WASHER a DRYER, heavy mo old. exc cond. S375, 46 1-7373 WASHER, Frigidaire.

ISO. 931-6346, anytime. (16K) ANTIQUES ANTIQUE Roll Too Desk, excond. Call beiSnm, 547-8722 ANTIQUE tub w'solid base. GO cond Best olr 697-0421 CHAIRS, 2 matcning oak, press back, cane seats.

2 lor 190 Assorted old bottles, carboys, tugs crocks, misc. antiques, 931-3901 CHERRYHILL ANTIQUES EXPO '80 July 25, 26, 27 New Jersey's Largest And The Nation's Oldest Antiques Show Sale ADMISSION FREE iia, irKiuunb rrum 13 siaies. Featuring period and country lur- nirure. cut glass, porcelains, silver, collectibles and much, much more Cherry Hill Mall, Cherry Hill, NJ Exit 3 or 4. ofl Tok.

For information. 301-995-0118 A Bellman Promotion PIANO, Player, 778-1133 1900 firm. Call PUMP ORGAN-Taylor Farley. Early ltoo-s. Works good.

USOfirm or trade. 4354930. RIFLES (2) lSOOMuskel type. Eic cond. 2 pendulum wall clocks, 2 swords saber type.

931-9337 all 3. SECRETARY DESK Governor Wlnthrop, mahogany, ball 4 claw. 1400.829-9471 (16M) TV-STEREO COLOR TV's most sizes. II50 lo 1200. Guar.

428-2428. Stan's TV PIONEER XX950 Stereo Receiver. Excel, cond. 1225 or best otter. 596-0662 SANYO COMPLETE STEREO MUSIC SYSTEM.

Fully aulo stop. 1200 final. 964-3070 SPEAKERS Infinity book shelf, Kenwood turntable. Reas. 146-1287 TELEVISION Zemlh color.

Console. Cabinet in gd. condt. TV needs some work. 160 858-8288.

(16P) MUSICAL MERCHANDISE AMP. Pianoso. varv ad. tend VA Call 154-7605. CLASSICAL guitar hardly used case 170.

963-8556 all 5 CONN ALTO SAX- 1200 final. Call 964-3070 DRUMS, Ludwig, 5 pieces, Zild-iians cases, exc. asking 1500. 783-4332 FENDER RHODES Suitcase 88 Piano. Exc cond.

1825. 881-9112. GUITAR IBANF7. -custom pier rui mHir 1150.435-8333. ORGAN, Hammond, oxc.

Sac. Bestoffer. 786-0197. PIANOS WANTED. Too 111 paid Immediate removal.

227-2620. RODGER DRUM SET- 4 pel. Zil-dian cymbals incld. Like new. Must sell.

S350. 567-1 IMafttpm VEGA 4 siring lenor banio. like new hardshell case resonator. Call 228-5571 programs, A a pleasant working! SALES PERSON to sell beauty atmosphere. Cait tooav.

PHlLLIPlproducts.Retailsales. Hairdresser ZiNMAN A CO MLS, 963-17 IS prof. Full time. Call Mon thru Fri. REAL ESTATE Apartment Management.

Immediate opening' SALES FNGiNtER-Manuiac-leran Asst. Manager and Manager 1 'urer of heat-ng 8, air condition Secretary for loan dept. Gd tvPingiatr cond. 4 heat pumps service ror mootum size oum jersey Apt. Complex.

Send resume including salary requirements and experience. All replies hold in strict conf donee. Reply to: P.O. box 21. Chorry HilL N.J.

0034. HELP WANTED CREW MANAGER $300.00 $600.00 wk.comm. can be yours if you can invest 32 hours of your time per week, have a station wagon or van, and a desire to be your own boss. For more information, call: Mr. Arnold 627-3291 between 10 AM and 5 PM (16A) FURNITURE BDRM- KIT.

SET, iwivtl Ch)r, Wfa, tIC. 939-304. BED, Kino size, 6months o'd, musfi sen. 3. taiiyjy- iom or H-ibw BEDROOM SET- Medit, Queen1 sue, Desk chair.

Glass lop brass laoie, oaov cno. hm- i)4. BOOTH wtabte wht feather cust, maoe, 5-6. iuu. 8M-4Boy.

COUCH, burgundy. Mohair, good condition. SIM or best offer. Call; DIN RM SET-Apl. II.

Tabl. Schrv twffel. Fr. Pnw. Iruitwood, sioo.

OIN. RM. SET lot -d maple. Trestle laoia. tnma, aenrs.

M25. DINETTE SET, w4 chairs, very! srurav. wj. corux sw. DtNING RM SET Colonial Cherrv Must sell moving.

Ec. cond. Cal. oei. 6 JU jo am att.

6 JO pm in' iojs. DtNING ROOM SET-IOpc. Walnut. Ashma (300 or best offer. Call LIV.

RM. SET 3 oce. AMku. end tables, 2 lamps, all pine. Cos! si aw new.

BesTotfer.M9-.B30. FURNITURE Si 000.000 WORTH OF FURNITURE UNCLAIMED FREIGHT MANLH AC TUrtt RS GOOfS RtG BUN MCfiCHANDlSE Att Mercriands New Ftvnous Mak CONVRTIfiLE SOFAS Reg Srft tnese ooas are new. but manufacturer gootod and covwed tem tn wrong fabric. Vours For Sofas without beds W7 Lwe Seats J95 EARLY AMERICAN TRADITIONAL CONTEMPORARY SOFAS Various Fabric tl68 BEDROOM SETS New ft in sealed cartons. Famous national brands $327 MATTRESSES Famous Makers Matched HI-RISERS $166 LIVING ROOMS A 3 Pc groups.

Theae sofas and chaws are dealer eanceHaiions. We can't mention manufacturer's noma because ot prices. HEADBOARDS 15 00 flECLINERS $78 00 CLUB CHAIRS 157 00 HARDWOOO ROCKERS $48.00 RUGS 12x9 $29 FRINGE OVALS $12 Wall to Wall J3 so. yd. TRUCKIOADS from famous Soulhorn Mills.

Shags. Plufthe. Nyloni. Polyesters. dels.

Wools. Rya. Aximmiters, Domestic Orientals. Hundreds to choose from: 6k. 7k10 8x15.

7x12. and Isronr IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CASH OR TERMS HI-WAY FURNITURE -J-tlQUIDATORS R-xjt 70 Ooon Ctwrr (Wi 1 Mr West ot Garden Slsts rock 301 Whitchorse Pike, Laurel Springs 783-S522 662 Mantua Rt. 45, Woodbury Neil to McDonald's. 840-0202 Rt. 73 Granite Maple Shade Next to Burger King.

234-2 snort hand nec Excel sal ben: efits mckJ. dental. Call 662-OiOO ext 291. Equai Oppty Emptover. SECRETARY, Gd typing sborl nand Pleasant phone voice, iightl oognvping.

ror an appt, az-siuu i-V SECRETARY, looking tor 50m one wiin well organiied office skills to worK- tor manufacturing co. in Chorry Hill ArnA AAuct rut lunlii able to uo riirf tun, ibi to start, seno letter or resume to box b-ti courier-Post. Cam- oen, ustui HELP WANTED AUTO BODY SHOP MECHANIC Also AUTO BODY PAINTER All fringe benefits including hospitalization medical, paid vacations. See Mr. Viviani GARDEN STATE MOTORS Black Horse Pike Rt.


MEDICAL SECRETARV OBtOI. or call lor info 609-769-0101 SMMMaWMMMAIBdM I I i 1 1 1 I 1 Boys and Girls 12 years and older EARN EXTRA MONEY DELIVERING THE DAILY SUNDAY COURIER POST RIGHT IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD There are Courier Post home delivery routes available in most areas of Camden. Burlington and Gloucester counties. A Courier Post delivery route is a good way to earn money for the things you want You can also win valuable prizes and exciting trips all for just a few hours a week. Talk with our circulation representatives to learn the many advantages that are yours when you serve the daily and Sunday Courier Post.

Call Courier Post Circulation 662-4700 Tell em you want to be a carrier in your town. MANAGER SUPERIMTENDANT, couple to manage 4 maintain fo unit apt. complex. Somerdale area. Sal.

'plus apt. Ep. prel. Send resume to Box F-44, Courier-Post, Cam-I Jen, N.J. oatol or call Mrs.

Leach, 154-5050. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Managers to work with teenagers. We will train you. 1. FULL TIME PAY FOR PART TIME WORK 2.

MUST HAVE CAR OR VAN 3. WILLING TO WORK HARD 4. HOURS 3-9, Mon. to Fri. 9-3 Saturday 5.

JOB SECURITY AND QUICK, QUICK ADVANCEMENT CALL NOW, 429-4401, ask for Mr. Johns SUPERVISOR OF PRODUCTION Supervisor exp. a must. Purchasing exp helplul. Co.

hat tripled in I vrf Sal. dep. on exp. Apply JS E. SUPT.

COUPLE Exp'd own tools salary plus apt. 4M-7SH or send resume to P.O. Box 541, iverhead, N.Y. IIT01 LIKE YOUR AD TO APPEAR IN THE "SHOPPER'S ITS EASY, JUST CALL 663-7100 AND LET A CORDIAL ALH60R ASSIST YOU!.

Courier-Post from Camden, New Jersey (2024)


How do I contact Courier-Post in NJ? ›

The mailing address is The Courier-Post, P.O. Box 5300, Cherry Hill, NJ, 08034. For customer service and home-delivery, call (800) 677-6289. For all other questions, call our office at (856) 663-6000.

Who owns Courier-Post NJ? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

What is the newspaper in Cherry Hill NJ? ›

Cherry Hill Sun - The Sun Newspapers.

Is the Courier-Post printing plant in Cherry Hill to close in June? ›

The Courier-Post's production facility in Cherry Hill, which handles printing and packaging for several southern New Jersey and regional newspapers will close in June. The Courier-Post and its parent company, Gannett, announced the plant closure to the production staff Wednesday.

What time does Courier-Post stop delivering? ›

Next working day by 9.30 am to business addresses in main centres. Allow up to 5 pm for residential addresses. For within-town/city deliveries, the delivery may be same-day to business addresses if items are picked up prior to 12 noon.

How do I get in contact with a post? ›

Calling Customer Services on 353 (1) 705 7600. Writing to An Post Customer Services, General Post Office, O'Connell Street Lower, Freepost, Dublin 1, D01 F5P2.

Does Courier-Post still exist? ›

A new NZ Post brand

Our three delivery brands - NZ Post, CourierPost and Pace – have become one, with a fresh look and feel to match! You'll also notice simplification of our product names and services, making it easier to explore our offerings.

Is USPS considered a courier? ›

Is USPS a courier service? Based on our definition of a courier service, we wouldn't classify USPS as a courier. However, the USPS express mail service (known as Priority Mail Express) could technically qualify as a courier service since it's meant to be a domestic, overnight delivery service to most US addresses.

Who owns the post courier? ›

The paper is majority owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. The Post-Courier's readership is mainly urban, and it is considered to be influential in the community.

What is the Camden local newspaper? ›

The Camden New Journal is a British independent newspaper published in the London Borough of Camden.

What is the biggest newspaper in New Jersey? ›

The Star-Ledger is the largest circulation newspaper in New Jersey.

Is the Star Ledger still in print? ›

The Star-Ledger, a seven-day staple for so many of us over the years, will eliminate the print version of the Saturday edition in 2024, the owners announced Thursday.

Who prints the courier mail? ›

The Courier-Mail is an Australian newspaper published in Brisbane. Owned by News Corp Australia, it is published daily from Monday to Saturday in tabloid format. Its editorial offices are located at Bowen Hills, in Brisbane's inner northern suburbs, and it is printed at Yandina on the Sunshine Coast.

Can you print at Cherry Hill Library? ›

After uploading your document to the website, visit one of our print release kiosks located next to the library Reference Desk on the main level or in our Computer Lab on the lower level to log in and print. If you do not have a library card, after clicking on the button below, sign in as a “Guest User”.

How do I cancel my post and courier subscription? ›

How can I change my subscription or cancel? Please email us at or call us at 843-853-7678 and one of our customer service team members will be happy to assist.

How do I send something via courier? ›

Booking a courier online is quick and easy, whether you choose to arrange a collection from your home or place of work, or drop off to one of our 54 depots nationwide, or your local Post Office® branch. To book your parcel courier online: Head to our quote and book page and enter your parcel details.

How do I send a courier to someone? ›

Head to your nearest post office and buy an appropriate-sized envelope for your parcel or letter. Insert the item(s) you want to send, and securely seal the envelope. To ensure that your parcel is processed as a Speed Post courier, clearly write 'Speed Post' on the top of the envelope.

How do I mail something by courier? ›

From prepping your items to dropping them off, see how easy it is to send a package.
  1. Step 1: Start with your destination in mind. ...
  2. Step 2: Make sure your items can be shipped. ...
  3. Step 3: Pack your items. ...
  4. Step 4: Pick your shipping service and calculate your rate. ...
  5. Step 5: Create shipping labels. ...
  6. Step 6: Get your package to FedEx.


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.