Wisconsin Tribune from Mineral Point, Wisconsin (2024)

Til E. Mincni! Poitil. Nov. 16 ELECTION RETURNS. We to-day the official vote of lowa Coontv.

and had hoped to he able to give nearly the whole to the State; hut have not as vet received the vote ol any other untv except from precioc.s. Enough, however, is known to show that the entire Loc co Pick is foe na. bv majorities greatly reduced from those heretofore obtained by that party. The professed Free Soil Pirty. in many Counties abandoned their ticket, and voted with the inkers.

and some of the are even now cl lining the result as a Free Soil victory. The Loco maj-rity in Milwaukee is shout in La Fayette Waufcesh-' 750. So tk Dodge Green I da Lac Jcfleraon Washington The Whigs have about mojorirv in Rock County, a small majority in Cirant. Winnebago. Walworth, and We hope to be able to give tae oinciai next week.

So far as ascertained the Whigs have gained several members of the Assembly, JOWt (MJNTT SOI TIfKRN DISTRICT. Mineral Point- vernor-Dewey 193. Collins 225, Chase Lieut, gov. all 197, Howe 225 t. of State, Barstow 190, A Men 221; Treasurer, Fairchild li.

Terry 241 An ft n. Cion 19 1, But ter field 121; Sup-t iulendeut. Runt 102 Barry 210 Assembly. Strong lOi, Hohithorp 219; Surveyor. Hill 19i; Treasuror, 109.

Vivian 1-0, nomas 56 Terrill 72: Clerk Rynn 2 175 Mtjjlin-X) tvey .54, Collins oG; 1 53 Howe 57; Bars tow 55. Alien 57: Fairchild 51' Terry a Conn 51, Butterfield 57; Root 34, i Storng 0:1. Coldthorc 13; 58, 1. Thomas 15. 32; Hill 43; Rvan 15.Ai1.

39. Dowtv Cuiiius Howe 7a; Barstow 70; Fairchild 60, Terry 05; Coon 61, Bat let field 70; 42, Barry 79; Strong Of, Fiorp 53; Vuir 37, in 41, Thomas 41, 15; iliil 71); Ryan 37, Allen Bft. Wald wick. 22. Collins 22; Beall 22, Howe 22; Harstow 22 Md -n 22; Fairchild 23.

Terry 21; 22. Butterfit Id 2i; Rout 15, Harry 19; Strong 27, llolrl'horp 16; 19 iviin ps nil! Ift; II 23; Rv 25, Alien 14. nr strict Jlu hi mrl 135. 43; Brnli 13ft. 11 owe 41: Bar-tow 13ft, Alden 41; Fairchil 1 137 Terry 3 Coon 37.

iMerfiel-1 41; Ruo 77. 95: 1 1 Icrton 81. Wa'krr 05: McNair 3 r.G Fertill 52; i 1 til 124, Ryan 59. Mien 83. D'utgptillf 110, Coliins 137; Beall I ove 127.

174 125; IV I 1 1 rrv T2ft; C. 12ft 1 Ii 17. a 07 IT k.i l()fi Viu n7 ft I ui I Fml 43; Hi 177. o. 92 A i 11 vv.

13, Pi 12; Bei'l 13, iF we 12; Barstow 13 Mdf 11 12; Fii'rchdd 1 S.Teiry 12: on 13 But. ifi Id 12. Roi Birry 16. Felle ton Hulkt Thomas 2, Ttrrill 1.5; ih la. nw ty wav 14, Po; 1 1 21; lo 1 II 9 Harsi 17, Aider! 17; Ii hi! 15.

i rry 1 Cm 17, tli- 1 1. i.t 1 1 IN i WaK( 14 Nan 9 vat 12 5. i 7, (1 ill 14. 22. 9.

wr 31, Colli- 17; Chase 3, IG, Bar-tow 35 Fairchild 31. Terry 14; 29, But lerfi 1 21 F.llh-r'.o 17, 9 Ml Nan V.viuo 4, I 15 12, Allen 15. TO Cod.ns 10. irst. 10, Aliim Fnirci ild 10, Terry 10, Butterfield Root 8.

Burry 5 Fullerton 7, McNair i7 It 17. tv 11. Collins Hr til 1 1 If owe 1, Aid 10, Triry on 11, Bullet field Root 8, Barry 9. 15, Walker Tiiomat 12 fern 4 wvA G.Cw'litis 12; Real? (j ve 12; 5, U.l* Faire thi G. ierty i i tie R.

1, Burry 16; Full rton 7. Wuiket Vivian 1, Thomas 15. Terrill Hid IT. A Ton 1 I f. 'rhino I I.Co sins R- 11.

Howe S. 10- Aid i t. I rry 5r G.mn 11, Hut.ufi u.t 9, Bany 6 Full. ru.n IJ. Walk 4, Thomas 7.

i ernd Hill 13. Vilen 11 Reaii 14. 1-J; IWstow 15 13, IS; Con 15 R.uu 12. Jfi: Ful lerton 18 Walker 14: vmn 7. Tuou as 0, Terrill II 8.

Ail a 10 total. ji.7craor—.J)t wey Collins 655, Chase Howe 633. citt.u-y Ot Sint Burs low 7u7, to i. 647. 5 'OS Batrv 674 lv.

North a.lcrton V. Ci- District Goldihoro 33 i i 4-5. Vivan. Tl: 'was 17J VU4. 1 453, Allen 6 1 i-i i to Colored 5-J5.

NEW YORK FLECTION. Fho turns from the Emre at indurate that she has nobly nainl Arc and herself, against foinbinei. if Huiikertsm, and uncertain Ficm uloi -v' York ritv 20T) whig tht sure, and probably Vs-un, 14 4 iucnlocnt; Aldi-t---nmo. 1 2 wbigs, i I wha.is. 7 liwttfin a.

In i gs Whig Senatir and As 11 Vr! ll if-, cijf. bv i maj. (I small Wing maj. on stale tickt. jh aeh, who bus bis tick a iri ct( and ii itiu bv i v.

200; it. 2 ami 2 higa; wnlg ici 1 Cb- I cl A na 6 0 Whig. 0 1 Si i ota lv ro, 201 do. tr: OB do. in towns 0 do.

On towns Gi dm A'i town C-. towns i 1 ii i'V' low ns 362. d.uner—s towns Loco. ite 400 do. Kingston and Suugcrties, give i yse! iQtimnke-.

rr.bia elects Whig Cierk and one (fiber ftf Asst ntbly. I 'ess county gives a majority for ig vna'ur. Whig maj. 2GO on Slate; T3O on nuiii and 30J on 1- la a I- to ssbciOf, and pro t' Aator; 1 whig Assemblyman. A o.mling to the latest nt ws by tele graph.

Whig majority in New y. is om v.fnnt less tb 1 returns (v gave us ason to hope, S. I', tri-reds retain th ir a-c the State du in the Legioiatnre, and the major! is close enough to make it acer (ain edge of good conduct hereafter. A itab us Joii'ieM. wber tin biujj -nt on tae right side, are of eii less to be tear, and in the alter mil tie nee than larger ones.

-Gcltna Cuzetlr. 7' I the ff week before last, we iii el article, which stated that the rieml- if Samcki. Cr.aVvforo I were dis- Mti-a. and with the nomination Me. Stru.vo r.e Assembly, which might erhaps be nsiriie 1 as representing Mr.

Crawford dis- tisfiej with that nomination. Injustice to ra vford, therefurr. we would state that vc- i.eurred in. and supported the nmt if '7 Mr. Str ug.

as may he seen hy the proceedings the Convention de the nominal! n. he being the man. win- i veil the nnrnimstii'n (f Mr. Strong by ice! iadun. after the informal ballet.

That there are many who have nn-ferred the rn.it of Mr. Crawford to the one mfKte. we not doubt, but that Mr. was one of tc number we have the best of reason for i as he made no exertion to obtain the nr no nation, while Mr. we was very active in placing himself betore tae Convention, B'yn vTinc Geo.

I). Wilber, 1 M. gave an introductory Lecture at the Pro; vtynun Church, on Monday evening pi the subject of Anatomy, Physiology, The able manner in which Dr. W. ii ii "ied the subject gave evidence of his scientiiac knowledge, and convinced his audience his proposed Lectures will prove t.ig; instructive.

11 is course of Lectures will commenced on Monday next, at the ic School mm, and, the very moderate charge fr tickets place them within the reartb jf all who desire to attend. 8 vrs Notwithstanding the exertions the Public manu-1 nifs at Madison and Milwaukee. Mr. Barry has a very respectable vote for this office. of the Counties were not supplied with Mr.

Barry, and in nearly all where lid-e were circulated, the result shows hia i srjty with the people. or Supervisors. Board of Sui County are now in session. Uv. i.

to the had management of our County iters herd' fro, much labor ill he nec. es- ry to place things upon a right footing, te fed confident, (judging from nf the gentlemen who constitute the Bethat nothing will be left undone that err to advance the imprests of the nd place matters in a shape to be more t-i- understood hereafter. staunch built. well proportioned, fast schooner ENTERPRISE, under the command cf Capt. Blttler.

le ft the Port of so-Tal Point on Tuesday last, destined for regions of California. At precisely tf minutes before eleven she weigh'd chor and put to sea, amid the cheers of an rnense concourse of men, women, and who had assembled to witness her it-, itb the Stars and Stripes i mast-head, and accompanied bv the Bnss Hand, whose music addec! much to the interest of the occasion. She prv dup High Street in fine style, and after or eg adieu to the assembled multitude, put o' ijr Galena. The Enterprise was manned as fine a crew of hardy sons of the west, as sailed from any Port the Gold Reand it Enterprise will insure a plentitul PI Ij the Dusf they are hound to May they have a pleasant voyage, and may they be permitted to return with their 3 well loaded with the precious metal is the oSJecVff their voyage. Gone to are the o.

in written upon the margin of the and returned by a Pest isier a few days Now tins man who has to Calir (whose name we withheld rthe has been a constant reade rcf the Trib. tar two years at our expense, and if the refli-ction that he has neglected to pay the Printer does not lend to distnrb the quiet of hid mind, he may be considered a well qualified for getting if he canbut at all events to gel it. May fleas, bedbugs and musketoes he his constant companions until he pays us our dues or returns the rapers we have consented to trust him with lor two years. We have already cjurite an interest in California in the shape of delinquents. and no doubt, from present appearances it will increase as the coatintry becomes settled.

Beautiful I-vstrcmfnt. have just been shown a most beautiful Compass, mnnufietured to the order of C. F. egate of this place, at Manufacturing Establishment of Mr. C.

G. Ki.no. of Boston. It ia the most perfect Instrument in all its parts, that we have ever seen. We would recommend the Establishment of Mr.

King to the favorable notice of all persons who may be desirous of obtaining good Instruments. Shakspearias and Mrs. Strong, of the Howard Athaeneum, Boston, will give their third and last entertainment at the Court House this evening. The piece selected for the occasion is from Lady of Those who have listened to Mr. and Mrs.

no comment from us; those who have not. can satisfy themsetes by calling at the Hourt House this evening. Tei-coraph. ---Owing to a delay in obtaining materials from the East, constructing batteries the Telegraph between this place and Madison is not yet in We received a letter on Wednesday evening last, stating that it would be put in operation with as little delay as possible, and from a knowledge of the characters of the enterprising contractors, we can assure our readers that the fault is not witli them, and that before the stockholders will be asked to receive the line, it will be put in first rate working order. A meeting of the Board of Directors was held last week, and Col.

S. W. Hotchkiss unanimously elected President. Col. H.

is now busily engaged in putting the line in such working order as to place its acceptance with the stockholders beyond a doubt. The estimated Locofeco majority in Michigan is about 4,5 The following letter has been received by Mr. of this place, from a fiend recently arrived at the Cold Region, via. Cape Horn Stocktov, Aug. "Oth, Dear Friend: Having arrived safe in Hell Dorado perhaps you would like to hear something about our voyage, and hat have seen in Calif.rnia.

We left New 'Tk in the iurque flersdiit. the J-d IJanuary, crossed the Eipiator in i.ongitudo where were ft days arrived oil' ('ape Frio on the til licit, and on the lb ente.ed the Harbor of Bi' .1 tneiro. The cli nale and natural scenery of this part of Brazil is a fall and perfect realization of all my visions a Ferre-trial Paradise. Soon after the appearance of the Cape. titer m'skfi clothed with verdure, and occasional' stream-; water dashing down their sides, rose apparently Lorn i the ocean, until we found ourselves the base of the grett Sugar-loaf ck tint stands on liid South side of the entrance into the finest harbor in the world, not excepting that of San Francisco, Passing the entrance with the frowning 1 battlements of Fort Santa Cruz on the right, and Fort Botaf on the It it, the waters suddenly expand, forming a body of water resembling 4lh Lake at idison, but much larger.

'l'iie town Sebastian, commonly called Rili, and the largest city in S. America, is situated on the left side of the harbor, and Grande on the right; small steamboats are plying between these places every hour in the day. Immediately hick of the towns, mountains of'a conical form, covered with a luxuriant gro tit cf vegetation, producing all the fruits of the tropical region, while still farther on rises to vie the distant mountains of the interior, their summits veiled ith tht- rolling clouds that ban, around their base, forming a scene hich no lover of nature would ever gro weary in c*ntemjdating. Whatever fruits in and fTercnt climes are found Thrt proudly rise, or humbly courts ground. Whatever blooms torrid tracts appear Wuose bright succession decks the varied year Whatever sweets salute the northern sky VS'nh vernal lives that blossom but to die, here disporting own tire kindred soil, Nor ask luxuriance from the pi inter stoH, While sea-born gales their gelid wings expand To winnow fragrance round the smiling And we will dismiss this country by florid groves aid fields appear; Man 1 set nislhe only growth iat dwindles here." Sailing from this place, nothing of importance occurred until arrivo-H oft" Gape Horn, when we encountered a tremendous storm; 1 ere sixteen days under close reefed squalls of sno and rain a word, conflicting winds and raging waves seemed the vie with each other to toss our vessel beneath the foaming hiilo No language can portray or imagination can scarcely form an adequate conception of the terrific sublimity of the storm thedark drapery obscured site heavens, wrapping its filds as if to shelter and protect the sky, and the creaking of our laboring vessel made us think I tho Land of steady and wish we were there.

Hut, as mir used to say, Perseverance accomplishes all so it did here: we arrived at Valparaiso on the -32d of May, just four months after leaving New York. Sailing from this we re-crossed the Equator, and after spending 75 days, a portion of the time with head wind, and a greater poriimi with wind at all, we arrived at San Fi Aug. yth, making a voyage -00 days. are now at Stockton, near the diggings, in Tpper California, and most of us in good health it is very sickly in the mines. We brought with ns a year's provisions, and have regretted that we brought anything except what we c- nld carry about our persons.

part of our freight we have left atSanFranci-c with two ot our company to take care it. The teamsters here at Stockton charge 30 per 100 11., fur hauling height -0 or JO miles. 1 shall leave for the interior We have just the execution of a yr-ung man belonging to Ci.l. Davis's regiment of disbanded volunteers, who was sentenced by the A cable he hung. It appeared that be was connected with a band of rowdies ho si le sane money, and ihat the prisoner shared Sj.so it.

His name was Dil.vis, 0 tears of age. tail and fine looking. ihe execution took place at 4P. M. A large concourse c-f people commanded by officers, followed by citizens on horseback, all armed with rifles, revolvers, swords, and borse-pistohs, assembled on shore in front the vessel where the prisoner was confined, and having- formed in two lines, the prisoner was led through handcuffed and found, placed in a cart and seated on lis coffin.

Arriving at the gallows, the prisoner was asked if he wished to address the people lie answered in the negative. Phe minister then stepped ino the cart, and ifter reading a prayer in behalf of the prisoner. addressed the assembled multitude as near as i can recollect as follows Friends, we are now called upon in the Providence of God, to itness a scene which we have not been accustomed to in the States, where society is fully organized, and where order prevails. This man, (pointing to the prisoner.) according to our laws, tlie laws of this our adopted country, has ed his life, and we are called upon this day to witness the execution of the law upon this person, whose life must he token fur the safety of Then turning and placing his hand on the head, and turning Iris eyes upward, said: man, look to Jesus, and let your prayer he. Eord Jesus, receive my In less than one hour the soul which now animates this body will i lake its exit the spirit vv rid.

and this body ill he consigned to the silent tomb, there to remain until the last trump shall summon thee to Judgment. Wo have done all that we could do for you. We have pr Vi that the same Savior who forgave the dying thief on the cp rs may also forgive The Sheriff then iced.the rope about the neck, a white rap was drawn over his fire, the word was given, the cirt drove from under, leaving him swinging until pronounced dead, hy the doctors. The body was then taken down and buried with the clothes. fiat, and even the rope still upon Iris person.

With respect to the Gold here. I would sty that, from what 1 have seen and know, that there is plenty of it here. The money business is no doubt less lucrative now th it was a few months depends on are not successful. Silver coin demands a high premium. An old acquaintance visited our tent to-day who Ins been here some trine.

saw his bag of dust: one lump weighed two ounces. Saleratus is worth here at Stockton. 1 per lh. flour, cts. per lb.

rice, 5 ets. per Ih. corn. per bushel; horses, from SUM) to mules, from 00 to milk. 50 cts.

per quart; welding wagon tire. and the same fir shoeing a horse; digging a grave, fifteen dollars. I intended to have written a much longer letter, but everything is in confusion, as we are preparing to leave for the mines. Yours, F. A.

M. P. Ft. Eoclosed I send vm a dr: the natural curiosities we saw ff Morn. No.

I is a representation of the Eephant! No. 2is the Flying Dutchman. No. 3 is the Sea Serpent: we inquired of his Snakeship if he as the same varmint that had so frequently been seen by the itivea away down lie replied th it he was, and that lie now belonged to Sir .1 dm Expedition that iring ivigator having despaired of finding a North-West issage. had sent him into the Whirlpool off the coast of- Norway disc vv South-West which he had 1 and bv coming out of the little end of Cape Horn.

an accurate dTwins' long talked of Perpetual motion; ami No. 5 represents rit Skipper under its influence while attempting to promenade the qu irter-tleek; von will perceive that his are di imetricallv oonnsed four old proposition That a person's feet are ays pointing towards the centre of the Eirth. F. A. M.

A. a i I Mr A. C. Brown, of Grant Coun-v, Wi the person whom Mr. Hyde stated in a letter which we published a short time sinee.had brutally mor- defied a manat Green River.

(Vliiornia. has writ- i a letter to a Ir.end. Air. Chas. A'cCoy of Ilazlc Green, in which tlie following as the facts in the ue, he letts-' is dated Lake City Julv 13th.

Ifc 10. 1 got uTo a dilf.cnlfv one of the that I started with from river, and I ait' re dly sorry that ever saw them at The tacts die evse are these, and although you iy heir other nn different report- 1 want you to understand if just as it was At the wry at Green river. I had been hard at work all dav. June i 184 b. at getting the wagons and teams across, and there was in the mess, a sul -cv.

grumbling Dutchm in, who did nothing all the and i but set around the camp; and who had abused me a good dc il pievious through the journey. At nigh! I came up 'o the camp and asked him for a piece ol soap to wash mv hands, when he immedia'elv commenced grumbling that I ought to get things mvrelf and not bother him. and went on with a good deal of such stuff, and af'er some other word-. I told him to htt-h or I would make him. when he swore he would say what be pleased he was afraid of no tliat I was a tr.lFng rasrnlf With this 1 raised up and there was a I irge bog between us.

and on it a plate of knives and forks and ns I raised up he mule grab at the plate of knives anil in a moment 1 grabbed to i'ch the kni and as he got hold of the indie and I tlie blade, he drew- it through mv hind and cut three of mv fingers almost to the bone. Finding that i he had the kni in his hand. I instantly dtew mv 1 (locket knife and made a thrust at him and struck him in bretst and he died in about twenty mintres remained there tor two days and the cornpinv went on. I there bought me a horse Irom the Indians, hired my Ward and came -a'e to this pi -ice. These are the tacts in the let the iepiorts be what they may.

cither pndlie or private. Yours. A. C. BROWN.

The Virginia papers speak of a -ridden freshet in the Roanoke river. The ater ro e3 i in I a short time and extensive damage was dune to the corn crop. irr PLF.A"F. OB F.RVE that Wwar Btlsam 1 of Wild Cherry Bark po-ses es rare me.dicin and toes, fo there is -carcelv a fan, ly in our I ind 'hat doe- not use it in some simple form, and are benefitted bv its trse. The Bdsam o- Wild Cherry is prepared bv the celebrated Dr of Phil idelphia.from the extract ot the Primus Virginia.

Wild Cherry) in a ghlv concemra'ed ith other power agen's. that are reb ated their soo'hing. tiealing and Tifluence upon the lungs For the relief pulm mary complaints, compound is certainly superior to all others with which we have become ed, and we earnestly recommend the afflicted to i mike trial of this article. Sold by. T.

RodoF, Mineral Point, F. Badglev. Platteville. Div Evan-, Do Ire Minera! do Var ONKHUVEISD VNTFir'ET Fil SAN die annually of fl uismnptiori in the United States; so sav the best informed inedieal writers. This mortility might be reduced nine-tenths, if ptHv recourse he and to Da.

Ro Svrvp og Livsttwinr and Tar. For proof, see pamphlet in hands of Agent. Mineral Point, Nov. 18, 16-FA. bold by, T.

Rodolf, Mineral Point, K. Bidglev PI ittevdle. Davis Evans Dodgeville, HfSsnrrftipi! On the 15th inst by Sam. Thomas Esq -Mr 4cseph Lasodov.To Miss Kliz i.ru via ma In Delivan. on the feth bv the Rev.

Stephen McHugh. Beriah Brown. Editor of the I iscorsm Dtmocra', to Miss Jaxe Mclliua of 1 Splendid i iijjf. The subscribers are now publishing un eiegari Engraving on the tue feiev. JiWui Wesley, Engraved in the highest style of art, by John ihth aUc-r the celebiated painting Claxton.

Among the many good men who have sj ent heir lues in the advice ol their Divine blaster. ever exerted a greater intluence tor good than J.d John aisur. With high ol intellect ho united a gentleness disposition which enabled h.ni. ai she same time that lie touched the tender chords ol the human heart, to convince lb'- i.iuleiataiidjiig 01 ihv liuth and importance ot the holy precepts ot the Gospel vvh.cti he promulgated. And when we tiu.c mto consideration that Ins rnamn id labors ot Use.ulne.-s extender! To a 1 period oi more than halt a during he hole ol this long period an unerring comae oi rectitude was mam.e*ted in his walk and con versation cease to wonder at the high degiee oi estimation with wtmhhs memory is cneushed.

not only by the members ol thedenom.nation, oi the upbuilding ot which bis untiring energy and piety much conti ifauted. out by tue truly ions ot every sect. Ihe death oi Wesley was perlectiv consonant with lire even rectituile ol i.is protrac c.l lilt, and adds another to the many proofs that the -eiidol the good mm is peace. The closing scene the ie ol this venerable man is the one Mr. Claxton fusso happily chosen as the subject ot las beautiful faithful copy ol inch, ve Sin an elegant manner.

we have thought would be a memento which thousands would ith to have trained and hung up in the parlour. In order to euab such as de -ire to do this lograti ther dctire. Mr.ai am. who stands at the he id oi his pro in the United la es. has been eng iged to ei gr ive tins elegant p.c.urc in is st le.

and rely-ng upon an ex patron ige. the price been put so low that none who desire it need be without it. Ihe Engraving is ot a luge size, suitable tor framing, and will he printed on the best quti.ty of heavy pl.tfe piper, in a very superior inner, ich impression presenting all the beauties o. a fin cl un pruOj. and will be lurnuhed at HEF.LIOWHGU UiU 1C 1 Copy 5i I 7 Cop.es i 3 Copies, ouu 13 Copies.

20 Ud 20 COPIES FOE I HIRTV that members o'congregat ons and by uniting toge.her and tornnng c.ubs. can obUt.u t.i.v m- si tnipies-ive picture at JN.Y JNr DJLUfI ANJ A HALF A urronnd.ng the bed ot the dving patriarch are ne een figure rep.e en mg the persons. ni tiy vv iiiitq i por.rails are g.v ea. origin eit rmty.) tiev. IV.ud Die i ison.

Rev. Jo eph Bradford Mrs. Charles Wcaley Mss ail Wesley Rev. Thom is Km tin. Mrs.

lather Ann Rogers. Muss liiiclne. altervvaids virs. Mo. inner.

Rev. Rogers, fl e'er J.uiis a 1 i eve. i i 1 i al r.er-on --p 1 .2 i IV lei i i.e. Robert C. Rev.

Jjtin o. ulbeut. Rev, i norms Broadbeiit. Rev. George Wiutl.eld.

Re. Jonathon Edmonson. John Horton Esq one of the Executors of Mi. i Wesleys Will. Dr.

John Whitehead. Mr. Westers and Biographer. A Med.cal to Ur. Whitehead.

I Agents or the sale of this fine work of art, are v. ai el every pm the United dates I For lurther and ir-. add.e.-s GL ADDING Ac til IGIX Publishers Methodist Book No. 4 North street. Phil idelpbi l.

This El eg mt Engraving vv.il be on rii-d whole.xale and Kerail, by the Methodist Boos. inn 2 1 ilber t. New Vorx. and by their A gen throughout u.e Uni.e.l ta ihe pure ia e. sc.

tins Engr mug will please ir in muid ill it this 1 ia is been all tlielirst order, and no' such as are taken from second-hand Pi spapers publishing he above advert will be emitted to a copy of the Print, bv send ng a tn.irxed number ot U.e.r to the publishers. CIRCUIT COURT. IoWA CoUSTf ISI UXBI N. Ftate of Wi Conn yot lowa. Mary Bowden, In hancery Petition lor Divorce.

Johnson reading and til nit the petition of Marv don praying lor a divorce from the hinds Matrimony with her hnshtnd John on Bowden; I It it orde cd tint the said be brought to a heating beiore this Court at Chanda at nr. Op in neral Point in the said Countv of lowa on the jUh day ot December, Jt is further ordered tb." Wth or either ot said parties may ta tci-Tirm nv be read on the bearing ot said i petition be.ore VV illi-iP I R- ll 1 Esq- toiirt fur said ot lowa, at ins oli.ee in Mineral Point in said 0,1 ie day 1 of December, A. D. 1 4n, between he hours ol 1' ocloc.a A. M.

and oarlock P. M.oi and also before Ibe Court at the hearing; ft is luCaer ordeied that a copy of this order he six -nccessixe wee in the isconsin Tribune, a puhl.e New sp i jier. printed at Mineral Point in said County, before. said g7th day December, A. I) lb4'h and proof thcieof luriashed to this Court at said hearing.

MORTIMER iN, Judge ol the Judicial Circuit ot the State of isconsin. ale of Hls'Oiifin. I James Hurhison.Clerk oun of hnca, rtf Ihe Ctrruit I our I in I I and for County and a.e aforesaid, do hereby I eer, that the above and infs is a arid eerier. ropy of the orders made ly our said Court in the above e.iii.ied cause. It due my hand, and the seal of the sued our his i I.

ft day oj Sotunber rl. D. 1 At i st JAMES Ml-TCinSON Clerk. i 'mi l. low i Wis C.

F- J. tdc n.s j.icitois lor i men vfi.J nifll) A GOOD CO that will give Ik Through the inter. 1 nqnire of the primer. I 1 From the Snh erilier. in October last, two COWS a 1 hi untie.

or In icais old. and hid large M. I wan stamped on lie 1 bell other a 1 irge f.ir.c red Cow nearly the i same age. Bo were hr in.led on the left hip with the letter A. Anv in nrtn ition as to their whereabouts wall be l.berallv rewarded bv JAM ME ADO AS.

3l.iier.il Foint i ch. ih u. D. la UhiLLO Attorn at Law, Notary General Land Agent and Deedc the tales oi Ohio and Mieligan: ls. low a is.

i. MIC iid P.o'. Jot; in. It -n ii.Moriii t.vK.:.ns, Onciui Castle, N. V.

Jir3t.Tr 3s Bahstow I.situs. Buffalo, Hon. Cole. Potosi, Wisconsin. B.

Air Bigelow has made arrangements with a responsible isuropean Agent, who has hid many yens experience in investigating the titles ol American, citizens to pioperty in Europe, tli it will enable him to forward anv business of the it iture of investigating titles, or collecting money in Europe, ith the assurance that it will be attended to with fidelity and on the most reasonable terms. rt vr iiidiibct Just received one hundred Blinker Coats and baexs, which w.U be sold cheap by JNO. MILTON. js fflOA A verv vuru-i uml of the must appusvcti I received and sab- hy a.u. BLECH TILLEV.

sheriffs sale virtue of a writ of eri Facias issued out ot. anil under seal of the Circuit court Crawford county, and tome directed and deliv crej favor ol Piene Chouteau Jr B. Sarpy. John F. A.

Sanford, Piene Minard, Felix Valiev and Joseph A. Levi trading and doing business un der the name and style of Piene Chouteau Jr. an Company, and against the gomis and chattels, land and tenements of Alexander S. Hooe and Emil. Hooe h.s wile who is executors of Joseph Rolen, decease 1.

I we seized and levied upon the followmg described rcil estate as the property of said deen hints to wit The east halt ot the north cast quarter of secttonNo. thirty' three. (33) in tovvnsiup No. seven, (i) nortu ol range No. four east; The north west quarter ofscclion No.

thirty-four (34 ton township No. seven. (V) north of range No. lb ir. (4) cut; Tltc east halt ot the south west nr of section No.

nineteen, (tit) in township No. seven. (7) north of nlgc No. four. (4) east; also the t-r half of the north west i of section No.

thirty. (3D) in township No seven. (7) north ot range No. tour (4) cast. The above 1 inds 'itutc.

lying and being in he county of lowa, sta col vv iscon-in. aiul I vvd offer and sell at public vendue all the right, title, and of the slid tie end tuts, of, in. and the above descriU-d re il estate, at the front door of the Court Home ii the Town of Mineral Point, in tHe county of lowa, on aturdy the third ihv ot November. A D. i between the hours of U) clock A M.

and 4 clock P. M. ol said day as this 1 ivv directs. LEv I Sheriff. low.t ounty Wis.

Sheriff Office, Mineral fept sth Oen Eastman. Any tor Pitff. 51 Ovv N. B. Ibe above sale is to Saturday the I7rh dty of November, at the same time and pi ee County ot Li Fmet To Mirch Terra.

Jeffeison Crawford vs v. In Alfred It appearing to the satisfaction of this Court that the above nimeil defen inr. Alfred Kibbe, is nor a resident of this tate but is a non-resident de endant, it is on motion of K. sq. folcitor tor the said Ordered by the Court, that the said defendant do appear and pie id answer or demur to the said comp in ints bill of compKait herein on or be ore the lirst Moral iy in the ot March next, or in de.ault thereof that sod b.ll lie taken as con ested and it is lui ttier ordertd that said complainant do came a copy this order to be puhlbhed ist once in oich wee; nx weeks soccersiwly in the .11 I'nlnne.

a pubi News-0 liter p.tfitished it Miner Point, in the county of fate of vv i-cn first mrertion ii sod Xe.vfpaper to bevvi bin tcen dtvs from md a ter dre of tins order Given under mv hm l. at Chambers, tiii day of October A li-40. MORTIMER JACK ON Atte t. sam G. Bush.

Clerk Circuit Court. La Fiivette Cos Wisconsin ICm A in- Came.l’ kit asoi tA 44 -ki I existinglietwcen the Mibscnbers. as Attorneys and Counsellors, is Ttii.s day dissolved by mutual consent. All to the late firm ol Cu ivvroKn may be paid To either ot the subscribers, who are authorized to receipt lor the same. DAY 11) VV.

JONES, SAMUEL CRAWFORD. Dated, Mineral Point. June 2Jd. IS-PJ stf sa cr a wfor and, at Law au and Coun elI All KttAL Poi Wisconsin. ill attend to ail business entrusted to him in the Counnes ot Io wa.

Favette, (irant, and Ci aw'ord. and in the c-uprerne Court. H. will il-o attend to the payment of taxes on lands in theabove iiarued Counties. July Ist, IbPJ.

jL Splendid lot ot le.i.ani Table. Silver Spoons just received and lor rale by' the wh en he promises to sell as low as they can be purchased in the istern cities, and as pure and good as can be tound anv where. ALFOX GARNER. Mineral Point, Oct. Lost th' house of Rev.

in thivilrige. and Pi ittev die, ew da vs since a LARGE CLI. lER BOOM PIN. The f.nder be liberally rewarded upon leaving it at this office. Mineral Point.

Nov. Gib. 1549. Piano fur Sj'lc. JUS RF.CEIVI from the Mannfactorv of CJfickerimr trail Cos, Boston.

1 superior Rosewood Piano wHrrgnted of tuperios finish and tone, ior sale by JOHN Ml! Ui Whereas. ROBERT RECORD. who as bound to me by the overseers ol the poor the state ol arid who is vet a M.nor. Ins is me without itisc. all persons an heiehy notified to harbor or trust him on mv account, as I will he accountable for aov contracts his making.

BKNJ. F. Walworth, Oct. 31, 1549. 3 straysT" 11AKEN UP by tin- subscriber on the sth ol 'i iml white slugs, one very old with a stool tail and a part ol tinleft oiii Inokc-it off other aliolll or 7 ye ar- old and blind in left eye.

The nvoer is it -i, ri to rail, prove properly, pay charges and tnkv them away. LLOYD. Jlill Crefn, Arena. Nnv if h. iHiti (3 va, 'hr for IT T.T/''TVS new am! inlidu of (n---fftitmiry, jiisl at et i and line article just received and lor sale at (7.

W. COBB S. TMIiG pepper ce. Ground lepperand Cinntmon lnd-go. aier ertib 111 ic atg Bushes, ood-saws and a few other tr ips lor sale at G.

COBB S. Ti 70 TEA will a put ip Ci i.e Lump my a.i ilb. packiges. Also Olb and 1 Gib Cattic-sol Imperial lea G. W.

COBB Grocery' Store. BRANDIES. Cogniac, and Pale Brandies also Pure juice ideira White Wine. Champaigns Scotch Ale.just received and lor sale at G. W.

COBB C. INSEED bbls. of Luim Oil for JLai sale by TIIEO. RODOLF. few trs superior Prunes lor sale at G.

W. COBB S. AMBUKGH CHI itdbs tor -aie by HARRtoON LLOYD. i Bb! Honey in the lirst rate article for sale hv HARRISON LLOYD. S.

li oLiij ami mu I Rarrell txce ient quality, just received arid lor sale COBB S. ahecril wmld inform th Mineral Fo.nl and tn the reremly hy ss t(ry Ld 'iihit t'lkooKmivs, BJOTS SHOES, ready made clothing and in fact almost every article that can be thought 0 will be ed ol )br at prices -o low as to not or, please, but to astonish purchasers. Persona who consider economy an object, will do well to give him a call. JOHN CARTER. Mineral Oct.

b. Hi. F' I AKR 4 ii o. if a mu. co.

a 1 411 wn Cheap Store have just Jcceivt by Prtrie ehooners, a large well Sf i and beautiful ''tuck PIE AM) FANCY CRY GOCCS. sc which cannot be surpassed 1 ill h.s srxc! Aim his may be tound English. rr h. i American Prints. American.

French and cotch Ginghams. Linen Ginghams. ivens. M. de Laines.

Alpacas. Cashmeres Mulls, i arnbric Jaconet anil Book muslins. 5 Linen lulkl Gloves, bilks, Satins, French Broadcloths Cassinicres, Vestings and a great quantity of READY MADE CLOTHING bnitabie tor any weather. Together with the usu al variety of i 7 rgj -JJ i CRCCkE Y. ha DWAfiE, CUTLERY, and a genera! assortment of PAINTS, Dili, WINDOW Persons wishing to purchase either the useful or ornamental, lor uidiTy necessity, or do mir 'oC': and ires iv, pa rea-onaMe any article usually kept or any other -tern market D.

A. FAIRCHILD CO. Mineral Point, bept. 12 Soy A tlp.nl ion Wlkilp BONNFLL are now receiving indirect from Erie, buffalo, and Troy, the largest assortment of Mov es ml Hollow-ware ever offered in this market. They also manufacture every description of Iron, and Copper.

Ware, all of which they pie ge themselves to sell at prices that ill give gem r.d satisfaction. A general assortment ol Japar- 1 Ware. Zinc. Pumps, bfaeet Iron and Lead pipe, luce-pans, Frying Brass ami Iron Candlestick Weights and calcs. Jack chain.

Enamelled Koine and Coffee Mills, for sale as above. All dealer- in the above articles supplied on liberal terms. -V U. Any kind of jobbing done at the shortest notice. LAN -1 XG BON NELL, Jgtnt.

Mineral Point. Nov kd, list'd. 3 3m TSV virtue of a writ of ri Facias issued from the olfie, of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for lowa countv Wi-consin and to me directed and delivered in favor of Abner Nichols, and against the goods and chattels, la and of William Henry. 1 have by direction ot plaintiff att ys seized and levied upon the following described real estate situa'e in the vvn of Mineral Point. lowa Countv, Wisconsin, viz Lot No, in leitt survey ol the said town of Mineral Point, cottoning twenty one hundredths o.

an acre, also part of Lots ten, eleven and twelve, in block No. thirty-one in Mrong s. Neil and Doty's addition to tie 1 town ii Mineral Point, with all the pr.vil, gesbelonging to the afore- I said Lots, and 1 will and sell at Public en' to the highest as I best bidder for Cash, all the right, title and interest which the said William Henry, had in and to the altove described Town Lots on the first day of November. A. 1839, or at anv time since, at the Front dtaor of the Court House, in the town of Mineral Point, on i The sth day of December next, between the hours of 10 o'lock A.

M. a P. M. of said day the law directs, to satisfy said writ and costs. Li I to! ERLING Sher.ff, low a Countv.

Wis, Sheriffs Ofllce. Mineral Point. Oct. aOf h. 1849.

Mi Eaton and Cchrm. Plaintiff Attys SALE. BV virtue a writ of Fieri Facias issued out ot and under ea! cH the ucuit Court of lowa County, and to me rh reeled and delivered in favor of John L). lrv i the goods and hatlands and tenements, ol Thomas Jenkins; I have eiezed and the following descrihed re and estate as th property of said defendant, to wit situate. lying and being in the County of lowa Ma'f ot adjoining to Dodgeville and including several Lots in the village ol as laid out by uies Legate April 26th is recorded at neral Point 2d day of October is 7.

it 800. M. ge 1 I viz; The north cist quarter ot the north east quarter of section No thirfy-thiee. (33) in io-rnship No. mx.

west quartet ol the ibrih west quarter of section No, in the same township, with ail the privileges and appurtenances lielonging to the two a'ore-aid ot land, and I will offer and sell at public A endue for Cash, ail the right, Mile and mte.ist said 1 homas Jenkins had in and to the above -nbed estate on the 20th dly of vpil IbtiO, or at anytime since; at the front fin! ot the Court House in the tow Mineral Point in the cot itv oi lowa on the third div of Novein er. A. If lb. between the hours of 30 clock A. M.

and 4 clock P. ot said day as the la directs. LI.VI PURLING. Sheriff lowa County, Wisconsin. Sheriffs Olhce.

neral Point, ept. 17th IS-JO. st6w Wvhburne Worn man Air, or Flaintiff. B. The above sale is postponed to raturday the 17th day of November, at the same time and pi ire.

UillHl vqvTrU t. is he. given under tgnel i. hate teen j.ppoiu'ed ly llaerison Lloyd i Ksqr. Judge of Probate for the County of lowa, ite ol Wisconsin Administrator and Adnnintstritnx ol the etab of ORHIN J.

ot said County, ileceased. and all persons indebted'to -aid estate, aie requested to make immediate merit, and all perst us having claims against -'ted I estate are requested to present the same on or belure the lirst dav Januarv next. EBENKZER WILLIAMS, LOUISA M. MINOR. No ire.

-rwHEREAS my wile is now in a state of tai derangement, I would caution all 1 sons ietling hot or any other person anything on my account without a written prder irom me, as I pay no debts so contracted; And all persons having claims against me, arc requested to present the same to Cutf is Beech, who will pav the same on mv order. JAMES A. Me DOUGALL. Mineral Point, Oct. lit 9..

Wisconsin Tribune from Mineral Point, Wisconsin (2024)


What is Mineral Point, Wisconsin known for? ›

With a committed labor force and rich lead deposits, Mineral Point became the most important lead-producing region in the nation during the mid-19th century. By 1830 Mineral Point's population was greater than that of Milwaukee and Chicago combined.

What is the newspaper in Mineral Point WI? ›

The Democrat-Tribune (Mineral Point, Wis.)

What famous people are from Mineral Point? ›

Many famous people have come from Mineral Point including David William-Hutchison (Major General in the US Air Force), Jack Enzenroth (Major League baseball catch), Allen Ludden (American t.v. personality / game show host), and Bruce Howdle (ceramic artist and muralist), as well as many other artists.

What is the sister city of Mineral Point WI? ›

Redruth in Cornwall, UK.

What is the major newspaper in Wisconsin? ›

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is Wisconsin's largest and most influential newspaper. It is published daily in print and continuously in digital format (www.jsonline.com).

What is the state of Wisconsin mineral? ›

The state mineral became Galena at the same time red granite became the state rock, thanks to the proposal put fourth by the Kenosha Gem and Mineral Society in 1971. They wanted to promote awareness of Wisconsin's geology.

What is the main newspaper in Madison Wisconsin? ›

The Capital Times: Madison WI News.

What is the most Cornish town in the United States? ›

Mineral Point has been called the most Cornish Town in America, giving us plenty of reasons to celebrate our connections to Cornwall, England. Immigrants from Cornwall played an important role in our history: this annual event celebrates that heritage with tours, workshops, music, food and more.

What rare stones are in Wisconsin? ›

Rare Gemstones in Wisconsin:
BerylA mineral that can be colorless or tinted green (emerald), blue, yellow, or other shades.
EpidoteA greenish-black or pistachio green crystal that often occurs in prismatic crystals.
3 more rows
Sep 24, 2023

What is the white rock found in Wisconsin? ›

Chert. Chert is a fine-grained sedimentary rock mainly composed of quartz. It can be white, gray, yellow, or brown in color. In Wisconsin, it is prominent in mounds capped by chert in the southwestern part of the state that are roughly 425 to 475 million years old.

What is the official rock of Wisconsin? ›

Red granite was officially made the state rock in 1971 due to its abundance, economic value, and uniqueness to the state of Wisconsin.


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.