The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

BsaBBBBBUBBBBBaBBn BBBBBBBBnBBBBn BBBBBBBBBBBBBBa BBBB taBJgjjg WEDNESDAY'S EVENING EDITION. MASONIC. nffl cars Tims and Place HNnn(. mllKTPO A MASONS Nasi IMt at MTBJl.Bnl of Baronne ud Perdido streets, it ocloct Ofneers ri Rry "V7 H. iltw, H.

Hemoureer. 8 H. M. i d'tlt Fellows, P. 8 J.

A Robertaoa, Wr L.u A 1 la Ii to i v. i I uVTiHMi. n. xa v. 7.wnci OLAY ENCAMPMENT of Knight tha ud third friday eveniug in Uunnic Hall.

OB Boroune street, at 7 a1" 0TV P. Coleman. Prelate: J. ii a a s.ll.b i K. Csushlin.

J. Wsrdeu B. mi ia ir sUCAHJX), Recorder. ktbJB WASHINGTON 1 No. meets sKLLeAsvlreeBme Bt Masonic Hall, comer of W.

H. JL DwileTi H.1ILJ Faute, Vi. Duoel, SCTrtry I. 0. O.

F. Qfflcw Ttai FUes Mssting. I EXCAMPMENTS. eAJTD ENCAMPMENT OF LOOTS a. the third Tuesdays of Jan SSKaKsivTnlt o'clock.

The following officer EQiZrr.lertrd aad Untalled far the current year, rui arVii77 Brand Patriarch. Spwaro eikJahlr. W. en a DOrU.AF; bTw. Brp.

to M. FEMOB, W. eranT Ma i Q. L. UniUd Siaua.

I Manual. unm TrtN. W. errand Sentinel. A FIANEFORI.

W. 6raod Derotr Sentinel. ALTUD ATES, of No. D. ti.

Grand Patriarch fcrlcrtc rrmnklin. A If DAE MATT A. of No. 4. D.

D. Grand Patriarch aDwrict Na. Baton Roce. ami AH ENCAMPMENT No. hold! 1U reenlar 'Mrtmarat Eaoni Na i.

Odd Fellowa' Hal 1. on the aecond latarday of each month. Officera Andrew Ccl A Cootarier. H. P.

Alfred Shaw, Scribe; Henry T. Sherman, 8. nZmm F. Baafea. J.

W. ti tALLZ ENCAMPMENT No. holda 1U refnlar jTjriM, at Room No. a. Odd Feilowa' Hall, on the nrat taod Monday each month.

Orfirera A. S. Picard, 7aTjka eUkcraon, II. P. McMahon, S.

W. J. InrMtcxi Thomaa Anderaon, Treaaurer; John' BnTa W. lATiTETTE ENCAMPMENT No. hold iu regular a mil Trff Hall, errry 6 rat and third Monday in ia''l "Omcera W.

Lamberton, P. John T. Cnd. H. P.t W.

T. eilmore, S. G. E. Medina, LODGES.

iaaiBiTT IT5I0H LODGE No. meet! erery Monday eTenlnr, i.TIiii Odd Fellowa' Halt Officer Joarph P. farawT. I William Godfrey. V.

Paal E. MoraV Tf una, rer. CtESCKNT LODGE No. t. mretl erery Thnraday mat.

hi loom No. 1. Odd Frllova' Hall. aUDcri u. ieary, rer.

ice, iiumai II JKJTISSON LODGE No. 9, meets erery Thnraday 'milil ia JenTeraon Hall, Levee atreet. between Jackaon nai rSiHp atnets. Fourth Dittrict Olficera Thornaa S. BCay.

N. G. J. T. BarretU V.

G. G. E. Medina, Secre MryTw. W.

Vaoht, Per. Sec S. P. co*ckrill. Trrtaurer.

COMMERCIAL LODGE No. H. meeu eyery Wednea terrreaiu. at Oddf ellowV Hall, Room No. Officer Cooke, N.

Jsmea K. Gutheim, V. 6. G. Kar mat, lecretary L.

F. Tower Per. Sec H. Nobles, orsyUDGE No. meets ererr Wedneaday ere irt, stJk o'clock, in Room Na 1, Odd Fellowa' Hall.

SCera AH. May, N. C. 8. 8.

Todd, V. G. Sam I. JL 1WU, Secretary; H.B. BonneyaL Per.

Sec; George DUitA LODGE No. IS, meets crerr Monday erenlnf Raom 1. Odd Fellowa' HalL Officers Edwin L. Ltwa, B. a i WUliam Wataoo, V.

O. WUliam Wat W. McCnlloch, Per. Sec; John D. COYENANT LODGE No.

IT, meets ererr Tuesday strains, at Waabinfton Hall, Maricny'a Butl.fini, Third SaaricT OfBceia A. Derail, N. G. S. Brrwiter, V.

t.LA Smith, Secretary; John S. Maonatll, Per. Sec; Daaiei Wheeler Tressarer SHERIFF'S SALES. BsUaS by OwBherlaTvr tke Pariah Orleana sar a csrriuoa. Jsjafk Cbaksj as.

S. Cbaioa, Testamentary Esecator of josrao ssiaiawiano Hnera salt in partuioo. FlfTH DISTRICT COURT OF NEW ORLEANS. Is, Lam By rirroe of and in obedience to an order sf tale wadartd Jans 13th. ls, to me directed by the DaiHli tha Fifth District Court of New Orleans.

In the SkMaeatitiad matter, I will proceed to aril at pob ic sue tas swanaa oi ue city cacnanse, be. Litem a. alalia Chartrrs and Rral atrrrta. on MON DA V. IS o'clock to effect a par Rs Yacant Lota of Ground sitoate in the rear of the I Maaiapaltty, now the First District of ton city, alad aa lata Noa.

19. SO. tl. Si. S3 and i.

of onare Ik Ua, aaawied ay Bank, Baadtnaad Rendon treeuand aaamaraawe; all aaid lots fronting oa Baak RreeL Tai sas aadirided orth of a portion cf aToosid de aaaaad by letter E. comsrised within Common. d'Heme art. Vassal and Lopex streets. Tatwaaaraaser ptaa aaade by treorseT.

Una bar on toe Dtcsmber lata, a copy of said siaa made by Alloa and dated an the 17th Feftrnarr. Imsi. both wart aiaa and csdt are drpoaited In the office of a J. astary sabtic, la thia city. Taraaaad csiiilltliaii For i be sU Iota, one fonrtb raya saaaA, aid the remainder at 1 and 3 yeara' credit, in awa skasat eadoraer, bearing 5 per cant interest per an Bsa aim data antli Baal payment, aad 8 per cent per an awaaBwraaatartry, If not toea ponctsally paid aad ape aalasrtsMaaatheBiutieili eold ssd as tae aadirided fonrtb of the portion of ground I by the letter E.

cash. IsLasary aasoc JAMES P. FRERET, SherKT of the Pariah of Orleans. tuiiaai A. ncClaro T.

Grakaun FB Lisa. Jsa McGregir 8 ewart ra Samr No. 6.4V7. WtTR DISTRICT CODRT.OF NEW ORLEANS yrlrta sf two writs of fieri facias ts me directed Jrtbj aVaanssi the Fosrtb District Coort of New Or aa a ths aS mi eatttled canar. and poranaat to an asaaaaataaterrd asta between the partlea interest rd Iberr aajeaad to sell at pnblic auction in tbe Rotooda as Orj In kssi, St.

Lonis street, between Chartrea sr amcj, sa MONDAI. Joly ii ISU, at is TmSBBsassatLODISA, together with her tackle, ap sa, aasntsas, Ac aa abe now He ia tbe riser Misaisaip amrj aspmite the city of New Orieana. jeaaiataaaasresaitm. Oae laanh cash at tbe rime of adJodicaHoa.and antes of ronsl amount, payable respect neaaatbs afi or tbe day of aa without In JMs aaaaraed by good aa i saffisaeot aecartrjea. railiaaaiaTdeacr)wioaaf boat IS BMrntha old.

carries osaaa, drawas fret aod tacbea water, baal ana, extra aairtT ralre fo rouble allor. aad ell the re sasjaawSaW KmM fJ bset, sol, feet floor, fcet tiiam. depth of V. JAMES FRERET, SheritT tji 11 as of the Pariah of Orrrana. Talaakie Caitaa Laada for Sale.

anaiaisg aeacribaa Cotton Lands In Veens lnlj. aear Napoleoa. month of the Arkao nrar.m rrartlsnal township 16 aoutb, racre 1, "ijMfflasl awarteraf arctinn 1, lyLng on a nay acrea ana iui aeertaw II. lrrat the 1L elrhth nf fL 77rwlBf 4acmiM BO IUIt. saaaaa SSii1 taartets of section is, containing 171 are eouneeted rogether and fronting on Alsstbe N.

aadN. W. three eightha aada are well worthy the attention of cotton CuiulTg tr7 da tmmadUtely on the riser aad aaMaT oad as I Laderstmnd, a bore orerflow has) IT iSL! of country (latitude S4) that wasta aar me srowtb of cotton anywhere. aLi' voc mtia caao; toe oauaoce ana a aatcrest of per cent and mortgage on sarcba asoney la paid. The owner would aT? SreswaaUlae it all toetther.

and to do so would CZ Henry O. S. A Fort Smith. Ark. baa af Tewa Lota, con prising sn acre taaaTaT? sd known as Napoleoa tbe Sd, ad A W.

career sf NsDoleoa 1st. month of the mmm rrontiog on tne tiksnasa riser. rr" "tra aoeir aniti Fealal Pransiulau Zim Administrators of the LonMsna InsU as laaf sad Dumb, and tbe Blind. PTaijrn Batoa Roega, aith Jose, 1SK3. OkTrri r11 Mall will be received until Wednesda; hsksaaZ' AHaat 1i or tha necessary brick ZjZ? la the erection of tha buildings for the atertZs nB ar tklt, aceivesi sar ram tao log sii bb srsctinf the same? Props Wseaaimtalv.

arZ asamber la wboiT. i. mmT Plssas, csa BtBlat1 omaias'tBa Utto by tbe rnrikAJ BALL, M. E. erand High Priest.

8 reiAUBOUS.E. W. Brand Senior Warden. J. CRICRTRI), a

H. WILLIAMS," W.Grand Treasurer. S'fiMiin RrwiAB. R. W.

Srand Junior Warden. WalMiitwroN LOIHIE lia meets eaeiy Tnoranay rauaaat Waahmfton Hall, Mmriany'a Boiidinga. Third SatnO. Omeara Chaa. Toncher.

N. G. W. Bockholdtx, K. EaaaleaU.

Aecxetanri 6. 6. Pomet, Per. Sect diametsr. as fcet long, with eleren a saaiia each boiler.bams S4 cards ash wood in S4 Vaai rans scry fast she baa two engines S3 If Inches saaaaarsf crlai'eraod 10 fcet atroke: alao aoctor boiler aailsi ssil aifaar boist'agensioe with appa hh in.

HiE.n iirr 1 1 icn nw errtenlna minwtff. at tas ateatnera on the Miaiaaippl and Ar aatTaa aeaad for all tbe vegetables raised, be aaaarrVaL teamer nan gating the Ax sw vseommetMled. WILSON. Cat Tth Infantry: rninassiaais oa tb ia wdoic or in Bars. Wsaa T.

srrartit rrtralrrd timalala caly of the flosr rn 4Z iTjlT. nft'. sirdars and studding lumber. ft ana the sheathing far tbe C'hfiaiiTafiiJf'ff nliBdalstTatrB is ts tract Swr.i sswsrwrU tnwMngthe 1sswTsb25 a Boant of ls nsev wbick 'or boa .00 rert, Coatractarswiil be a corlty forth neraormaace I if BBBllll! THE POST OFFICE. SCHEDULE OF MAILS AND POSTAGES.

NEW ORXBANW POST OFFICE. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, ft From the 1st June, to the lat Norember, 1353, Oft Week days, from o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. M.

Bean, Sandsyi and Holidays, from 9 to 11 o'clock A. M. GREAT EASTERN HAIL, sis MOBILE Arrires dally at 8 A. SI. Cliwes daily at lot.

A. M. or yWJ swW fetters eaaawa and at 11 P. M. for srsswas'areww Sapplying the following way offices: Bay St.

Lonis sad Pass Christian, saWondays, Wednesdays, Friday and Baturdaya at lOtf A M. Tuesday and Thursday at A. M. Pascsgoala Wednesday and Saturdays at lOlf A. M.

Herealter, mails for Biloa, Mlaauaippt City aad Lynchburg Spring, will do oa Mondays, Tneaday, Wednesday aad Tbarsdaya at A. M. i Friday and Saturdays at P. M. Fort Pike, on Tuesdays and Tcnrsdays, at A.

M. GREAT WESTERN MAIL Supplying Batoa Rouge, BL FranclsyiUe, Natcnet, Grand Galf, Vlcksburg, Lake roTidencc, Warthlngton' Point, Greenville, Grand Lake, Columbia, Napoleon, White River. Helena, Mam phis, Randolph. New Madrid, Hickman, Columbus, Ky Cairo, Psdacah.Shawneetown, Henderson, Evan. villeand Louiarllle frmr turn a tettk.

Closes at P. M. and Bupplying Natcbes, Vicksburg, Napoleon, Memphis, Cairo, Padncab, Eransvllle and Louisville amat SMS. Closes at 1 P. M.

Arrives dally boor Irregular. ST. LODI8 MAIL Sopplylng Natcbes, Vickibarg, Napo aeon, Memphis Hickman, Cairo and St Louis Closes daily (Sundays excepted) at Sf.H. Arrives daily hours Irregular. VICKSBURG AND COAST MAIL By Contract Sopply lng Logan' Lending, Taylors, Bonnet Carre, Edgar's, Bnngiers, Tureaud's, DonaldaonvlUe awa' aaiariar.

New River, Bayou Goula, Iberville, Plaqucmlne, Maachac, Bruly Landing, Batoa Rouge, aaU aaarrMr. Lnbdell' Store Port Hudson, Hermitage, Waterloo, St Francis vilie Pointe Coo pee aad Mrriw, Red River Landing, Fort Adams, Natcbes, Waterproof, Rodney, St Joarph Grand Gulf, Warrenton and Vicksburg Cloars every day (except Sunday) ats P. M. Due every day (except Friday) by 6 P. M.

RED RIVER MAIL Sopplr lng Alexandria, Grand Ecore, Natchitoches, Sbreveport and Bttrm Taut Close three time a week, at P. generally on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Arrives three times a wees days Irregular. OR LAKE MAIL Close oa Monday, Wednesday and Friday, it AH. Arrives on Tneaday.

Thnraday aad Saturday, by 4 P. M. LAFAYETTE MAIL Closes dally, (except Randay,) at 1 P.M. Arrives dally, (except Sunday.) at 11 A. M.

ARRO LLTON MAIL Closes on Monday, Wednesdsy and Friday, at 1 P. M. Arrives on Tneaday, Thursday and Saturday, by 1 P. M. POINTE A LA HACHE AND ENGLISH TORN, Pariah of Plaanemlnes Closes Friday at 1 P.

due same day by is M. GALVESTON, 8ALDRIA, INDIAN OLA AND PORT LAVACA Closes every Sunday, at A. M. Due every Tuesday or Wednesday, at M. BRAZOS SANTIAGO, POINT ISABEL.

BROWNSVILLE AND RIO GRANDE Closes every Thursday, at 7 A. M. Dm every Monday, at 1 P. M. FLORIDA MAIL Sapplying Pensacola, Apalachlcola.

Il Marks, Cedar Keys, Tampa and Key West Closes en the sd and 17th of each month at A. M. Due on the 17th and 90th. VERA CRUZ MAIL, sis Tampin The following 1 the schedule Leave New Orleans every month on ths 1st. Htb and 1Mb.

Arrive at Vera Cms by the 4th, 17th and txth. Leave Vera Cms on tbe la. 8th and Sid. Arrive at New Orieana by the 4th. nth aad tfttb.

POSTAGE IN ADVANCE) Each Letter. Each newstpcr. Sc HAVANA MAIL Closes, sVret, on tbe 11th and SSth of each month, at 7 A ML, aad sis CkarUwUn, on the 9th and s4th, at 10H A. M. Due on or about the 4th, lrth, 19th and list POSTAGE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE.

On Letter. 10 cents; on Newspapers, cents. WEST INDIA ISLANDS. PORTS IN THE GULF OF MEXICO AND ON THE ATLANTIC COAST OF SOUTH AMERICA, vis Assajas, sd (Araoc sy BraNa IUU Strmmtrt Close oa the 11th and sSth, at 7 A. M.

Due about the 4th aad 19th; aad ria Tssaamaa, closes on the (sat sf each month at 101, A. M. Due absot tbrltth. POSTAGE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, follows: British Pontniom. When the distance from the 0.

8. mallloglHalf oxINew. office isi Letter. paper mi lea or rue ac. Over SAOO miles.

SOc sc. KrituK fmnatitm. When the distance from the U. S. mailing CtfiCrtS: jwvrmiles or J4 44c c.

DC. Orer miles vtben received in the United States, and the distance to the office of delivery Is i int" miles or 10c tc Orer miles toe. Sc. NEW GRENADA, WEST COAST OF SOUTH AMERI CA, CALIFORNIA AND OREGON, SANDWICH ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA.

VAN DIE MAN'S LAND, NEW SOUTH WALES AND CHINA Closes oa tbe 6th and list of each month, at P. ML Arrives oa or about tbe 10th and SSth. tar The postage to places oa the West Coast of South America, sis Panama, Is aa follow: Bolivia aAials www 60 cents on icrtc anaf. So cents oa Utun rsonssaL New Grenada 1 SB cents oa Itttm ttmt. so cents on fetters rariaes'.

38 cents on letter smr. SO rents on a rstrt I cents aaara arat vn a cents toara rronaeat The postage to Aspinwall and Panama direct is 10 cent MfU rmtt and cents each newspaper, and to the Sand wich Islands, Australia, Van Dleman's Land and China fsis Asa rrmmmct) is oa each single letter 8 cents, psyr able la advance. BTdTTbe single letter rate to California and Oregon Is 6 cents jrrrpoid, or 10 cents an paid. Oa newspapers, tic, the rates apply. SCHEDULE OF POSTAGES.

The following are the Rates of Postage since the 1st or July, 1851: LETTER POSTAGE, by half oonc or under, between paBEea within the United States! Prepaid. Unpaid. 3,000 miles or 3c Be Over 3,000 mile Ac 10c Drop Letter I One cent each. Instead of two cents Adverusea letter as formerly. aVkta DtHmrrtd hm Ikt V.

S. Citm Pft Each letter received by mail Sc additional Each drop do, iacn city ic Each circular or bandbiU lc do. Each newspaper or He do. Jell. IS6S.

W. O. KENDALL. Jefleraasi tV Istke Faatehartrala Kailway TN coaaectloa wrtb the Csrroiltoo Railroad From New A Oilcans to Lake rontcnartrain. TRAINS Prom New Orlea (via Carrolltsa)ta Lake Feateharrrala.

Wrrk Dan Fran Perdido street and Ttvoll Clrcls De pots. T.t.v. 10. 11. IS, A.

Mi 1, 3, 4, S. 7, P. M. Sundays From Perdido street and Ttvoil Circle Depots. 6.

7. S.9. 10, 11, is. A. SL; 1, r.

arter wnico tne following Express Trains from tivou tarcic ssj, rnVkl 1 a. Ats. 7ia. m. rontcnsrtmin ivia tarruiiron; vq new unaaa Week Days To Perdido street and Tivoll Circle Depots, l.

SH. 10U, lilt. A. WLf 4W.3li.eH.7a.. sH.

P. is. r. aa. Bonosys to reraiao atreet and Tivolt Circle Denota.

6k. 10U. ilia. A.

M.andiSU P. after which the (olio wing Express Trains to TivoU Circle, Ik, Li AU IL All 111 ill OS asT All ths above trains take ap and land passengers at Carrolltoa. JT upreas Trains sup ssuy as stone (oubhkki BaT liaigacc, Ac, received at Depots oely. Vat Between New Orleans aad Carrolltoa, IB cents each tray. Between Carrollton and Lake Psatcnartraia, ice eaca way.

ast4 S3 ly GLEASOVB Pletavlsl Trrawlaa Haani CatnaaiLBlasl. SS DOTT. S3S Camp atreet. New Orieaaa, la tbe only author! ted Agent ia LauWana aad Beighboriaf Btaite for the above popular Illosrrated Weekly Journal alas for the FLAG OF gus UNION, BaMlsltM as tne same flee. Ha keeps constantly oa band and for sal veiunM and of the Pictorial Drawls Boons Cosnsaatea, ea gaatly bound la cloth, with girt sdgea aod sack, forming pern narlor orrjaeneat coatalrnaa aearly Tmws liltwtratlaaa Tha 'sabacriber aiaa eeneml sseat fnr of Uieasous Cbeaa Pablications.

a cataioare of which ssay be found la the Flag sf Our Union, which are offered cheap at wholesale arreuuL He aiaa kseps constantly sa band all tbe back numbers of the Pictorial from the cat vnt aT its anbllrsflsa Perma wisbina sabacrtha for Gtaasoa' Pictorial. sr for the Flag sf Oar Dnssa, caa do as aad sacare their sa pea ragalarly by ea'tlns oa tbe i noacnarx. or ey casioaiiii psaa. va PicrosialSSseraiLBuaa, lavariablyla advaace: Flagaf Owr Ualoa Siasdvanc I nctorial aad Flag per BaaTBBa. in auvaasw.

BeuBsptryBea444U. aryl4 ly Strlsvc Btyla. IBS. alii Pnb aad Whtta Beawur sUUt aasaeB sususif nan aauuiswB a. i aftlarketa anir Jflarine.

PICAYUNE OFFICE. I Wednesday, July 13. 1 P. M. COTTON We do not see any signs of baalnrsr FLOUR loo bbla extra St.

Louis were sold st S5 28 and ISO bbla. at IS. FREIGHTS Nothing new. EXCHANGES Demand limited. as PICAYUNE OFFICE.

Joly 13. AKRIVKD. Suia ra. Cncle Sara, Lee, fm St Louia. Sbrtveport, Tarbill, fm Sbreverort.

RECEIPTS PRODDCE. SHREVEPORT Steamer 14 bales cotton to Oakey A Hawkins. ST LOU 18 Steamer Unc'e Sim 115 bis hsy, SA18 sks oata. Ill ska co.j D. jhan CJ0 do Farley.

Jorev Aco to cks bacon Martin, Owen Arc pkt radar ix wsrer 15 bbla aid, IS bx' aine Zolle ISO bbla flour. 1 do com meal, ICS all bran Ha ill, Gayle Aco bbls floor, hbrts tobacco Warns, Camden Aco cks racoa Connolly Aco inn aks CO i bay. 140 bbls f.oor Scot. Act 14 ro, 4S bemp kins, Campbell to IS', sks brjn Camden Aco piss lead Fo dick Aco StO ski bran, 443 do oa'a Duff" ITS bb' flour Eseer Aco 4ftl do. 77 ckt bacon A en near A Foster pkgs sundries Boddecke Aco KOO ascks cslj Sbsw Act i has cheese 1 Adams ISO aad bW apples Aco ss bdis do uux a Bloom nxs ar kra Gay 3S do Lorenao 7 bales on Bradley.

Wilson Aco doJno William. do Prelleen Aco do 8ml A Jobnaon 31 hhda tobacco Brander, Williams Aco 17 do Tomer. Wil son Aco 31 do Cswan. Dykera Aco Cf do Rodewmld A co a bxs ds Goodman jnndnes, order Total lul bale colt jo IKS hhda tobacco. Steamboat departure.

Till DAY. AUnmina SWAMP FOX, KlmhaU.S P. M. Cut GIPSY. Ore.

P. M. Red a M. JONE8.Ankrlm.5P. M.

New CJVi)ucrtisemcut0. OPMSBII. FOR OfELOLBAS The new and aafs atratner OPELOUSAS.O. Hinckley, master, win tears air toe snore port on 1 a li HS DAlTtheMtb in nstant. at IS o'clock kin frrisht for Plsquemlne, Old River, Simmapo and a'l laialoa on Ihs A'cbafalaya.

For freiibt or osssase atrolv on board, tout of Conti street. Jyls If Freigbt for Bayou dt Glaites landed at Slmsriport Parlaaj Race MetsUrie t'sirse. WEDNESDAY, Joly I3 Match for 1 100 Mile tad repeat to harness. L. Eon aames a h.

Tom Crtteder. Sam'l Rlcs aames bL ss. Lota Mmin. Ths race to come osT at o'clock P. M.

jy'S J. EOFF, Proprietor. COPARTNERSHIP The oode.J tEV ed bare tbta day entered Into copar.oerahip for parpo of Iran. act nf a Cotton Factorage aud General Commission Baal under tne style of xlEALV, SI AM IE A H. Natchet street.

JOHN H. HEALD, WM. J. B. MAS81E, formerly of lr aa A Co.

JOHN PHELiS. Jyll 1m TI New Orleans. Joly 1 1, ISM WANTED TO RENT Tbe second storv afaatore 3 on Camp atreet, between Common and Commercial Place, for a term of years. Paeaa aon to be air en on tbe 1st of October or November nex Address box R. pre paid.

JylO tf Oyer the Lake. RIFF FOR SALE A nne large new Skirl, with centreboard, mast, sail, awnlna. oars, anchor, and evervtblaa complete and new, now laying at the Lake sod of tbe Pont rnartrain Kailrnad. rnce ISO. Apply at No.

Old Levee, oear Conti st Jylo st far tame. AfinePLEABDRE YACHT, ons vear old. New Tatk build, feet long. 1 feet beam, and acboon rr rlkeed The above boat. Is well found In sails ana rigging, and Is ready for Immediate use.

Inquire of Jy lot J. O. AleLEAN, Boat Builder, Algiers WaahiBBton Ilatel, At the Lake End of tbe Pontchsrtsin Railroad. The prnprtetors of tbe WASHINGTON HOTEL n.nectrallv snnounce that tne aesraarant at tns Hotel sn I not in ru tare be kept reeularlv open as hlthei Par ties desiring break fast, dinner or supper, will be required to ve toeir orders so tbe previous evening. In making new arransem*nts.

the nronietora had In view tbe securing for tbe public an establishment of the nrst oroer, wnicn may become a resort tor nuotiies, and persons who desire to avoid crowding aod noise. Tbe Washington Hotel ts already too well known for tbe beauty of Its site and Its garden, for the excellence of its wines and cutaine, to render nscesaary any eulogiam on it. Tbe croprtetors nope tbst tbe new arrsnsem*nt will sac crea in giving eocn Increased aatlatactioa ss will srcue ressed pi I patronage. Jyf IM athlrra Saklrta Maasl athlrta. Li uiivsiun a rirst remium Bnirtaaa oesv tlemea's Fumlahlne Stores, are la New Orleans W.csraerof St Cbariesaad Canal sta.

New York Manufactory, No. 16 Park Place. Baa rraaclaco MiinHiasiiry stress. Pte Uyl SS NOTICE Persons having claims against tbe etesmboat RED RIVER, a'e requested i vesrnt them imme diately to OLIVIER A BAyulE, Areate, jji at 14 new tost boose a. fllHE establishment known the VARIETY BAZAAR, m.

no. noyai sweet, wiu ne csr. ieu on nereaiter solely by tbe sndersigned. jyis it SietSMTJND RONREL. bRaZIER'8 COPPER JO Da, for sale by uonrJ 10.

II and Is SMITH A COOPER, lN Tcboopltoulas street. Jyis st BANCA TIN 100 pigs In store and landing fur Bale by SMITH A COOPER, Jyl3 at log Tcboupltoalas st NDIA BAOGING 75 bales loperior, for sale by SMITH A COOPER, Jyl3 3t 10Tcbooptoalas street. OTEAM ENGINE AND ROLLING MILL A flrat rata aecond band Steam Easins and Rollins Mill, with one set. oi iwo Doners, ror saw oa ptazxation aoove tne city or partlcnlar apply to BO0L18NY A OANUCHEAU. Jeir la so a atom boose st rpiN PLATES 3HS4 boxes Charcoal brand 300 boxes leaded 14 Su; loo noxes ic la store, landing and for nle by SMITH COOPER, Successors to R.

Sands Tucker A I 3t in) Tcboapltoulssstreet Far Male. A voune. handsome and salted SADDLE HORSE, of Hoe style and action. Msvbeaeen at KioK's stable. In fiaronne 1 1.

Ad lv to Jyis 3t M. SAVAGE ACO .9 Tcbonpitonlss st Leal, On Monday night or Tuesday morning. Between jivon lime ana bc B.ary ket. a BUNCH OF KEYS, tne finder of wbicb will be rewarded eg tearing aaaae at this office. jyis it HENRY PARA0N8.

13 Cam atreet ffrrs for sale PIANO FORTAA from CIONN8 A CLARK. CHICKERING. sad PLEYBL. Tbeie celebrated bund ers are now acknowledsed bv ail at ail aoalated with the business, to stand anrivaled. Their la strumenta speak for themselves, and dispel all doabt The pontic are reapectiaiiv tavueii to call and examine tbem.

TBBing ana Kepainng asne nuuiuiiy and wiu despatca. yis Ci OrA KTBI EaSn I Tbs subscribers bare tbla day ra Boris ted themaelvas aader the stvle and firm of J. A A SNODGRAS8, for the parpo of eondoctiog Facto rage aad General Coram ission bustneat la tbe dlv of New Orleans. Strict personal attention siren to the sale of cotton sa wen as every description ol avestern and riortnern fro ducts. Also to parent una i well i 'receiving aod forwarr lng all rood bought by or consigned to them aitb promot aess aod deapatcb do ipllea furnished planters on the usual terms.

Office (temporarily) at No. 6 Bank Place. J. ill BN0D6RAS9 New Orleans. July IBM.

Jyistf Ocean HDrincs ttearautaa. A at lies of Hesauss take nlacs at Ocean Springs, commencing on Thursday, list of Jul, aod contused on nun Bad 8 urdav. the ttd and SSd. FIRST DAT THURSDAY. July Si Free for ail plea sure yachts entering in the first class.

To be run aader tbe roles of tbe Southern Yacht dab. SAM DAY SKIFF RACE For a brsotlral Silver Goblet allow: ic for length sSt seconds a foot per mile. Entrance a. SECOND DAT FRIDAY. July rj Free tar all plea sure boars of tbe second ana third rlsssrs nnder the rales of tb 8.

I. THIRD DAT SASTURDAT. Julv ts Free for an vend every thing In the shape of a boat, (excepting the wlnner of the first prise oa Thaisday.) with the privilege sf car rylnf toy aad every kind rind of bail AJlowAaceys sscond per foot tor earn auis. xntraocs as. conslstina of silver plate, will be Aa ts tne sum ana sreona dobcs or seen cuss.

Jyis td ENOCH EVERITT, Proprietor. Aaawer ta Sir. J. ffl. Weynaata'a Caxa Fabuabea in tae uejra oi ih tstn inac TTIS i i.

mot true. I have been asked by a few XX a itiesnen. while ia ceaverssUoa. What I tbausnt sf that prepared flour? 1 bare answered in every Instance, ta the best of my recoUeetioa, that 1 had never sar a the Dourer tae bread, oat aia aos oono rasa hwssisbbu very handanasB loaf; hat I tnooetit wouie caea, for 1 saw a guata, a highly rest ia tbe Maine Farmer, af la pectasoe aartcalsaral pasr be mixture that sras put la tha flowr, rationing tbapub nc saainst tae nas of arsasoa uaHtoeingre diecu were possonosa ud if aary mlstaks were aaade la ralziaf woaai hasa a very lajurleaa tf Ba4 tstal offset. NoaossrsBSlsndsTls tsarsrard, I a BsCjacelaw I swar aawka af is 1 a ikid as anaaa ssssw! kaew, aad a liOkt tBtsrat hasa I saAsa ta It tkaS I did not know by wassa st sma iiiaarsi, or bp wbaas It ajboaa I did asA ksww had saw isAasssA la tti ss? If said know not bww could sAectjsv mtersst la tae least, Ths aiiHliaiia by anttlng as tea asHsar af tha Mala Fanaar.

aaMamad tt Astasta, Mjl. Brskshly Basy Bad ealasai mii.i.j biibi tswisriaai i anas ana saMeex nave. N. J7 Stye dtuenms JJicauune. MEW ORLEANS; WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 13.

pgr xhe mail this morning brings no papers beyond Baltimore, from which place we have the 7lb, and from Charleston the 9tb insL ry We have to thank the officers of steamer Shreveport for kind favors. Pacino Race. A pacing race Tor "200 comes oft" this afterooon, at 5 o'clock, over the Metairie Coarse, between Loin Moutez and Tost Crowder. Regatta. A series of regattas will commence at Ocean Springs on the Slst inst, and will last three days.

The particulars will be found in the advertisem*nt Statue of Jackson. The Washington Repub lic says that Clark Mills, the sculptor, has received despatch from a committee of the Jackson Association in New Orleans, inviting him to meet them either in this city or in Washington, to arrange with him for another bronze eques trian statue of Gen. Jackson, to be put np in this city. Does this Jackson Association mean the Muni cipal and State Committee, appointed to contract for and superintend the erection of a statue of Gen. Jackson in Jackson Square! If bo, we thought they bad already made an arrangement with some distinguished sculptor for a statue of the hero of the 8th of January, 1S15.

Later from Mayogutz Advices from Maya guez, received at tew ork on the 5th state that there was great scarcity of produce, in consequence of the heavy rains preventing the planters from getting in their cane. Many res eels were leaving in baUaiL Jccident in LatetlL On Saturday last, as one of the female weavers 1n tbe Elliott Mill, Lowell, was combing her hair in the weaving room, it accidentally caught around the shaft, drawing her up by the hair between the shaft and ceiling, aad jamming her head against the ceiling. The scalp was torn nearly oft. Her thumbs, which were twined in her hair, were also torn of, from tbe great force with which she was drawn up. Tbe force with which her head struck the ceiling was so great as to throw on the belt, thereby preventing her head from being crushed to powder.

She was released Irom her dreadful situation and the scalp was replaced. After some hoars of unconsciousness she regained her senses, and bids fair to recover. lap The receipts at the suitom house at Phil delphia last week amounted to two hundred and thirty nine thousand three hundred and eighty eight dollars and fifty five cent, being the largest amount received in any one week for ten years past ta CapL Barksdale, the Democratic nominee for Congress ia Mississippi, who was lately wounded in a rencontre with his opponent, CoL Reuben Davis, has so far recovered as to be able to resume the canvass. His hurts, though numer ous, were trifling. Postal TV sfjr BtraistcBt.

We learn from the Wr Jiington Evening Star that the postal treaty between England and the United States, of December 15, 1848, has just been amended between W. L. Maberly, Esq commissioner on the part of the British Post Office Department, and Hora tio King, of Washington, on our behalf, by agreeing to supplemental clauses reducing the postage on newspapers (pre payment required) from the United States to St Thomas and other Danish Islands, going by United States packets to Kingston, to eighteen cents under 2,500 miles and to twenty eight cen's over that distance. Great Fire al Onttgo. A very destructive fire occurred at Oswego, on the 5th inst It extended over about forty five acres of ground.

Nearly 200 stores and dwellings are in ruins. The portion of the town consumed is bounded on the west by the river, sooth by Bridge street east by Sixth street, and north by the Fort grounds. The only property saved within these limits ia Randall's elevator, the Second Methodist Church, and half a dozen dwellings. Tbe lows is not leers than $1,500,000. Over 300,000 bushels of grain were consumed.

Many persons were injured by the falling ruins, but it ia believed no lives were lost The buildings were nearly all of wood, and burned with great fury. Tbe fire engines became hedged in by tbe flames and bad to be thrown into the river to save them, Another. Another fire occurred on the 6th It was thought to be the work of incendiaries, and much alarm prevails. The Oswego and United States Hotels were both on fire in the evening, and the City Hotel was set on fire dor ing the night hut no damage resulted in either case. Tas Pretident aac Caenait Going AortA.

Pre sident Pierce was to leave Washington on Mon day, 11th inst, to attend the opening of the Crystal Palace Exhibition. It is stated he desires to make the trip aa a private citizen, unheralded. and spared the annoyance of innumera Ie com mitteee of reception on the route, dec Secre taries Guthrie, Cushing and Davis intend to ae company him. Gen. Cushing has an engagement few days later to deliver an address at the Harvard commencement yemzutU.

The Baltimore Sun says that the revolution in Venezuela has been put down, the Government forces, after a few slight encoac ten, having dispersed nearly all the rebels, a few only remaining in the plains, and they were daily surrendering themselves. A letter dated Caracas, June 8th, says a number of prisoners have been captured, among whom are Uens. SaatAno, Mariauo and Col. Maturell. The ex citement incident to the revolution is fast sub siding, and business resuming its wonted activity, Health and Weather ia Aeic York.

The Ex press, of the 5th, say Though we have had an unusual amount of thunder storms, bail storms, and all sorts of storms, yet the heat in the main has not been very great besidea the thorough purgation which the streets received during each storm helped to render the atmosphere pure and healthy. The total number of deaths during the week was 405, asioiiowa: men, 7b; women, 57; boys, 139 (iris, 133. The week Deiore last was one of the hottest experienced for yeara, at the same period. It came on as with fury, and at a time wnen, so far aa sanatory regutauona are concerned, entirety unprepared for such a change, and continued onaMtea lor tnree aays with scarcely any inter mission, ana nence tne leanui mortality. xWa tf Chtrokt Chief The Cherokee Advocate, of the 29th of June, comes to ns in mourn ing for the death of 'Richard Taylor, Second Chief of the Cherokee Nation.

He died on the 19th nit, after a long and painful illness. Tbe Advocate states that Taylor was the grand son of CapL Taylor, of the British army, and from his youth has been more or less engaged in pub lie or ofidal capacities, aa United States Inter preter, delegate ia behalf of bis Nation to the Federal Government oa various occasions, member of the National Committae, Executive tod, two yean since, elected Second Chief of the Nation. Be was captain of a company of Cherokees nnder Gaa. Jsxkaoa la ths Creek war. At the time of hia death wsa member of tha PraabyteriAa Ctaarch.

of wkdea ko had beea a worthy aad uaaapUry sswsaoar for RAay yeara. AU taa aoaitioBsi ta which ho wm called 14 with afelStj awLto tlvt aU e.P VI. elegraphed totbeNewOrleang Picayune ARRIVAL OF STEAMER ATLANTIC. FOREIGN NEWS AND MARKETS. By the Southern Line.

New Yoxx, July 10. The Collins steamship Atlantic has arrived with Liverpool dates to the 29lh ult She reports that there was only a moderate business doing in cotton. Prices ruled in favor of the buyer. The sales since the departure of the last steamer were 22,000 bales, and were mostly to the trade. The quotations are Fair Orleans, 6Tfcd mid dliog Orleans, 6 to fair uplands, 6d.

middling uplands, 6d. The imports since the departure of the last steamer were 35,000 bales. Flour was active, and had advanced 9d. to Ia Wheat has advanced 3d. in consequence of Uie injury to the French crops.

Indian corn has declined Ia on yellow, and ad vanced Ia on white. Beef has declined. Consols have declined V. The trade at Manchester sympathized with the Liverpool cotton market and was dull. radio aad China The overland mail baa arrived in England with dates from Calcutta A the 16th ult Nothing more is reported concerning the re bellion in Chins.

Trade was very dull there. In India the Governor General was very anx ious for the close of the war with Burmah. Tarkey aad Knssia. Baron Bruck has arrived at Constantinople from Austria. The rumored mediation of the latter power consists in an endeavor to induce Turkey to yield to the demands of Kussir.

Other account! deny this statement It is believed that the Roasians have positively entered the Turkish provinces of the Danube The whole Turkish squadron on the Black Sea is armed for war. It is reported that in consequence of the refu sal of the Sultan to accept the ultimatum of the Czar, the Russian general has received orders to cross the Pruth and commence hostilities. The Russian forces were expected to enter asy on the I9th ult Three ships of war have been sent to protect tbe Greek subjects in the Levant in cee of hostilities. The Bulletin" of Paris says the French Go vernment has called on Russia for an immediate answer to the question whether the intends war or peace. In either case France will be ready for all events.

This, says the Bulletin, is the French ultimatum. Switzerland. Nothing further of the insurrection at Fribenrg reported. ilaaover. The.

Ministry hn been sustained in a debate on an important question to modify the consti tution. Syria. The Porte has authorized the construction of Roman Catholic church at Antioch, which completes the reparation accorded to France in consequence of the trouble at Aleppo. Washington, Jul 9. The Secretary of Lega tloh to Central America left here yesterday for New Orleans with the instructions for the Min ister, whom he will meet at that city.

Tbe ingate Columbia will take the Minister to San Juan. The Tehaantepec Treaty. We have been favored with the following pri vate telegraphic despatch Washington, Jfv9 The published statements in reference to the Tehnantepec grant have been submitted to the President, who authorizes an explicit denial that assurances have been given that the Conkliog treaty will be approved by the Administration, or that it will be submitted at an early day to the Senate as stated. Eastern Malls. Mobilx, July 13.

The New York mail of the 7th inst, wilh the foreign letters by the steam hip Hermann, and the back paper mail, hat ar rived. From Caps Town, Latxa fiom AcsTAjtiA. The bark Springbok arrived at Boston on the 3d inst front Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, with datts to the 16th of May. The new constitution had been pro mulgated. It gives equal rights to all classes and colors.

There is to be a Lerialative Council and Assembly, composed of colonists, elected by the people, but all law are to be subject to the sane tion of the Queen. The country was generally quiet with the exception of depredations com mitted by a few bodies of disarmed Kaffirs. The bark Geelong, from Australia, with 30,000 ounces of gold, and the steamer Melbourne, wilh 100,000 ounces of gold, all for England, had put into tne cape. The U. S.

steamer Powhatan, of the Japan ex peditioo, sailed from Table Bay on the 29th of April, for Mauritius. The news from Melbourne is not so late as tbat received by the way of Panama, but the ad vices from Adelaide are later. The Weekly Dispatch, of March 19th, says that three more great nuggets had been found in Canadian rul ley one weighing little short of ninety eight pounds, another seventy nine pounds, and a third 140 ounces. The heretofore famous Oven Dig gings" were at a discount, and many were leav ing and but few arriving. The New South Wales Legislature has passed an act for the regulation of gold fields, so etnn gent as to disgust tbe miners, and put a stop to many of the diggings altogether.

There is no change tn the market quotations, except for lumber, which was rapidly increasing in price. Washlnaton. Mr. Copeland.of New York, has been appointed chief engineer in the navy, vice Stuart resigned, Capt John Kain, of Indianapolis, has been ap pointed a route agent upon the Madison, India napolis and Terre Haute Railroad. Mr.

Nesbitt, the contractor for post office en velopes, says be has written to the Department for permission to leave the seal off the pro paid envelope. Archbishop Bedini, Nuncio to the Brazil, ar rived at Washington on the 6th inst Ha was accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Vertue, of the Lob don Mission, as his English secretary. Ion," of the Baltimore Sun, says: The efforts of the Administration to adjust the fishery question in a satisfactory manner are worthy of all commendation and support The neglect of this matter heretofore has undoubtedly brooght it to a very dangerous crisis.

The course of the Administ tion oa the subject was decided upon ia Cabinet meeting last week, and it is said to combine moderation with decision ard firmness. It will necessarily require some time to effect the diplomatic arrurementa bow la contemplation, and meanwhile it is of the utmost consequence that the American fishermen, whatever may bo their lock, will keep their powder drv. The naval protection afforded to them by the Government is quite a good aa could be spared at present The force will consist of the atam frigate Princeton, the war steamer Fulton, and the sloop of war Docatar. Cora. Shnbrick ia probably ta have the eosnraaad.

The Princeton at aot to roataia at the awhias rroaad unleaaaorri emergency assoeld reqaire it She will take ia coal at HaMbx aad proceed Uoace to join ths Bast Iadia sqnadr Mr. Walker and hat anlte pre ease ap the HocV tetraaeaa, aad Usance ky the eertaad root to bmi vt tMs; ywaaw seUsBWaofgtB)vwrMrM VY. ir IT ARRIVAL OP THE STEAMER AMERICA The steamer America arrived at Halifax on the 6th, bringing Liverpool dates to June 25th, making the passage inside often days. The Arabia arrived oat on Saturday morning. The steamer Atlantic had arrived out (no date is furnished.) ROLAND.

Business in Parliament was nnimrjortant The prevailing opinion was that the combined French and English fleet would enter the Dardaaell in corsequence of Russia's occupation of the Danubiaa provinces after which Austria will Cer to mediate, and nernrlati nns mmmanra. It wr fully believed that the crisis will terminate pacoauiy. The cotton operatives at Di overs and Black. burn threaten to strike. The weather throorhont England waa van fine, rnd the protpecta of the harvest flattering.

i ne crops in ireiana lnuicaie an eujriy Harvest runci. 83veral minister 1 chr ig are announced. A remarkable statement is current that tha Emperor intends to submit the question of peace or war with Rutiia to popular vote. It is also rumored that the Frejch Government bad copy of the Russian rnsmlfesto ten davs a to. nd had recommended li Porte to accede to terms in the form of a no instead of a treaty.

Tbe Montienr contain a decree retrnlatinr the affairs of the Bonaparte family. The Emperor ar umes the sole mastership, his consent being neceary to tne marnt'e or divorce of any Bo napa e. No Bonaparte will be allowed to go further than five leagues from home without permission of the Emperor, under penalty of arrest or exile. M. Maupas bas been appointed Minister to Naples, end Adolphe Brrroi to Brussels.

IVITZIllilD. The Government of Freiburg had called out the civil guard in fear of an insurrection. PBUSBIA. The Berlin Cabinet has taken neutral grounds on the Turkish question. I A Considerable excitement prevailed in Lorn bar dy and Central Italy in consequence of the Turkish difficulty, and the reports that Mazzini was again in Switzerland.

Austria bst a large tamo near Vanessa. It was reported tbat tbe Swiss troops in the King's vwouia do withdrawn by order of the tte pub BU88IA AND TU1IIT. A statement from St Petersburg to the 14th says tbat no final resolution r. peeling tbe occu jjaiiuu ui ido uaauuian pruvmcra wuuiu irc taken unt'l the reiusal of the Porte to the ulti malum was received. The ultimatum waa finally rejected on the 16th.

It wri thought tbat tne Ktusian policy was to exhaust the resources of Turkey bv causing an immense outlay for its defence. It was reported that the Russians bad entered Moldavia and were proceeding to Bucharest. The Czar reviewed the balance of his fleet at Crorstadt on the 12th. M' chikoff had been appointed Governor of enmea. Advices from Odessa mention an advance in grain, owing to large purcbx3es for the Russian troops.

TDIIIf, The Porte on the 16th ult. finally refused the last ultimatum of the Czar. The Russians had ot yet crossed the Danube, and it was believed there would be no war. Tbe oBtnan Envoy had arrived at Constanti nople. Earl Carlisle passed through Vienna oo tne i7tn, witn aennite instructions to the Untie Minister at ConstantinoDle.

The Palis Steele stales that the ho*rtadars of mo Lranuuiaa provinces nau promised toiailacs on the Turkish territories with their troops in case of a Russian invasian. The Hospadar of nr. ii i i rvniincnta uau maue tne same nromise. The Porte has declined the oiler of service ten dered by the Hungarian and Italian refugees. He wants oniy cngitsn or rrencn omeers.

Events at Constantinople had produced a profound se.isation throughout Arabia. The pilgrims have assembled at Mecca, and all the native tribes anxiously await the war signal. neiiguius mnaucism tias reacnea irom Constantinople to Zeheran in Persia. CHINA. Accounts from China state that the American naval forces were assisting the Emperor, while the British remained neutral.

Advices from Shanghai state that the English residents are greatly alarmed, and had enrolled volunteers and landed guns trom their ships. The Americans had also held a meeting, and appointed Messrs. Cunningham, Wetmore and vvaraen a committee to set when necessary. The Americans bad given direct aid to the Chi nese executive. The British Bad resolved to preserve a strict neutrality.

The brig Science, armed by Americans, attempted to pasa up to Nankin but grounded, and is a total wreck. The frirate Sueouehanna at tempted to reach the city, but returned for want of sufficient death ot water. It was renofted that the whole American squadron were coming to tne seat oi war. A lit I A. Australia dates sO to the middle of March.

At Melborne, gold was selling at 76s. per ounce, being an advance. A coal mue has been discovered near Port land. Advices from New Zealand report rich rold discoveries at Coronandel Bav. Faulkland and Canterbury.

Conger hri also been discovered XiltlTI. LIVERPOOL. Jum ts. Cotton had been ia active de mand lor the home trade at an advance of 1 lod.att per pouna in middling ana fair qualities. The market ws: Doorlv sonolied with the better ooalitiea Orieana The sales of the Week amounted to 67,01 bales, of which spec ulators ioob s.cao ana exporters 7.450 bales.

Tbe imports of the week were 39.0.) bales Tbe brokers quote fair Orieana at St. middlinc. 1 lfid. fair uplands and Mo bile, Alid. middling, l.vl6d Sales this dsy of 7JJU0 bales, chiefly to manufacturers.

Stock ex ship board 876,000 oaiea. BrtadttJtf: The weather has been verv favorable for tne crop, ana tne accounts from tne!lsrj and nab agricultural district) were extremely encoureein'. Wheat bad declined id. per bushel. Iennistonn A Co.

qunte wuitc aioe. sa.w7B oa. red, re. 4a.wbl sa. flour qaiei at od.

per barrel decline Richardson quotes canal 3d. Philadelphia and Baltimore at 24a 6d.artta. Ohio If Si. Cora dull ataos. for white and Xt.

6d.sr3la for yellow. rrwuuiu. Hess beef waa rooted at 6d.9100a Sd. Baden och quotas st lifts. Market dulL Mess Fork.

70a is but mostly held st 77s 6d. Bacon in tair demand st its. sooulders. 3SS.W36. Lard firm at 63s.

Roun was sytire at ss. Hd. for and 11a for fine. Turpentine firm si lit. Bales of bbla spirits at aa od.

srvm. isiiow nrm at aaa. Rice wss firm ant advancing. Sales of 150 tierces Csro 11ns at Sis. bd.

Suear active nnder the red need duty. Tea firm Commercial ad rices from India and China were unfavorable. At Manchester trade had fallen off, bat prices were not lower. LOUDON, Jumt 84. Coffee doll.

8agar firm st ed. ad vance. Tea qniet but firm. Wheat had declined la 1er quarter. Flour firm.

Com neglected. There bad been small sstes of United Ststea sad Scale stocks. 8 6's, V7 ur7aia; do. 101ICJ do bonds, "67 168, 110 trill Pennsylrsnia 6's. 8708; Maryland 6 i10u; Kentucky 6's.

W'7U. srSr Consols for account closed at Var rmru Bimrtt. i ne Bourse close a nnniy. Three's 77; four sod halves, lot), fr. rsc HAVRE MARKET.

Jumt 31 Sales of cotton for the week 11,030 bales si (Of. for Orieana ro eraUaoara; wf for Mobile, and S7t for Uplands. Msrket dniL The market a shade higher sales atsaf. wss poon wsptuico witn nee. ana nrtcsa of uaraiina were TU Forgery TriuU Klsaane was found guilty at Cincinnati, on the 6lh inst, of forgery on the first count.

Findley was also convicted, but has Wtjlmgitm rational AfiaaauaU. The contribu tions to the Washington National Monument, during the month of lane, were $1,037 45. At a meeting of the President and Directors of the Firemen's Insurance Company of Washing ton and Georgetown, on the 5th last, a donation of one hundred dollars was BnAnimooaly made by the company to the monument ffot oa Slow There is a progressive chap around Philadelphia, who Uvea by his wits, aad from their onalitw. wa neaa he wont starve aeon. Oa a rainy day he swea boldly into a bar room or barber's shop, and aeixinsr apon the nrat umbrella handy, he very angrily aays "Ah I found it a pretty note, Uro and steal a mana nnibrella ia that way and away baton.

T'other dav lie aajarehed ap to a venUetnan la Cheaaat atrawt, aad scabbing at tha amhraila ia his hand, aays he That a atiaa.atr; wrsera am yon get it MbMnerdosV' save tbeanan. "it waa laas to ana to day by aa arnalaranca; If it ia yours, take it sir. Miaet oreotrmttfcafceaysbitfta The Death or Call are a. CFar ths Picayune. The consolations of sympathy and tha eeado lenee of friendship can bat partially reach, math, leas heal, the heart Wounds of a mother bereaved of her offspring.

No human affectioaa with such tenacity to the object of their embrace si the love of a another to the person and memory of her children. Timewhich dlstiilo tha dewa of oblivion upon no manyapr the aflkrtioes and trouble of life, faila ta bring the relief of forgetfulneea. The world. with Ire pleasures and abstractions, resigns the offices of nonsslltloU aad confesses iu inadequacy to raiUnte the severities of such a trial. All that Is left her who is doomed to drink this bitter cop ta ta tarsi to religion and seek ia revelation the only comfort that can be hoped for.

Ia the death of ehi). dren there is mucha consolation In the thostght that theirs is a blissful immortality, and that, for themselves, it is infinitely better to depart, and be with Christ These thoughts were suggested by the death of little Belle, a sweet child of less thaa two years of age. Whilst her parents feared and expected the death of an older child, a aoo, aha waa taken. Ministering angels carried her away to their own bright, home ajid left her invalid brother behind. "The last was first, aad tne orst shall be last" Bat two others had rone before, and now in triune harmony they lift together anthems of praise with all the heavenly cnoir.

How inscrutable are theVays of God I eeno cially to the bereaved I How difficult for sock to read the severe lessons of an afflictive providence But these have a meaning, nevertheless. Theyrebuke our worldliness and persaade to neaveniy minaeanesa. i nat motaers neart was not crushed for naught In it God has a gracious design and in taking away her hmrt tiliiiins and plantin them in glory, inducements were multiplied far the earnest prosecution of Christian discipleship, "for where the trenaro in there will the hern be also." The departed dear ones shall not return to the parents, bat they, if moved to faith and love, shall go to them. Sorrowing and tearful mother, reflect that ere while Heaven shall gather thee and them within its bosom, where God shall wipe all tears away. Xo chilling winds nor oUonons breath.

Can reach that healtnful shore Sieknrsa and sorrow, pain and death, Are felt and feared no more." Now sorrow fills thy heart, and earth is to thee a vale of tears. But now the cypress waves above Thy pure and spotless brent And that bright form of life and lore Ia wrapt in silent rest But yet of hope a distant gleam Recalls me from despair. And tells that we may meet again. My lost loved, precious Belle a The storeship John P. Kennedy is ex pected to sail from Brooklyn in a week or ten days to join Ringgold's exploring expeditier.

r7" Lawrence Fogarty has beea convicted at Buffalo of the murder of John Brown aad eeav tenced to be hnng on the 36th of Augast OITT I If ML LIB XlfOM. IirQiTxsT. The Coroner held an inquest yes terday on tbe body of a white man, name an known, about eighteen years old, found floatiag in the river at the foot of Conti street. Bee! District. The jury returned a verdict of "Death from accidental drowning." The deceased was five feet two inches in heighth, had long, dark brown hair, no beard, and had nothing oa hia person but a pair of striped linen pants.

Dead. We learn that John Eagan, who waa stabbed by the watchman John Sujlivan oa Bar day night last died yesterday evening from tha wounds received by him ia the affray. 8ullivaa is to be examined shortly orthe charge. RECORDER BAMOIt COURT. Falsk ParraKCKB Ernest Jacques was arrested yesterday afternoon on a charge of obtaining goods under false pretences.

Indkckrt Exrocroax. Patrick Shannon and Patrick Conroy were arrested for a.flil'g ia the river and indecently exposing their peiwOOA. A Dcax. Robt Severia and Armand Larsoncc, two colored pontons," fought a duel yesterday morning on the Metairie Road, with pistols, at fifteen paces. Larsnsse was woeadact ia the head, but not being satisfied, Remanded AAOther fire.

This was objected to by the seconds, aiaa colored persons, and so the matter eaded, aa they theoght But alas, for the fallacy of hnmaa hopes, the police heard of the affair, aad aD the parties, with the exception of tha wounded atar, were arrested and locked np for examination oa the charge. The seconds arrested were aaaed P. D. Barjou and Armand BubereeL Robbkbt. Francis Laeonr makes sJudavit that while walking along Burgundy street, at IS o'clock on Monday night he entered the noose of a woman named Mary Johnson, oa her iavi tation, and while there two other women came in, and all three seized him, threw him dowr, and robbed him of tS or thereabouts.

A warrant was Issued for the arrest of the fair depredators. HABBoarso a Slavs. Alexander Tntdeaa deposes that his slave girl Annette was enticed away by a man named Naye, some foar months ago, and that shs 'was arrrested. oa Motaday night having been in Noye's poaaeaaioa the) whoje time. Nuye is ia custody awaiting.

amination. RXco*kDER, WfflTUl COCiT. FrasT DiaraicT Couxt. Peter Berry, for as saulting aad battering John Howard, aad atoe far pitching into" the officer who arrested him, was ordered to give $300 security for his appsaraaeq before the First District Coort Fnvxn. Ellen Smith, for a breach of ths peace.

was fined $1(T; and Tobias Anderson, for brinf drunk, was fined 2. Vagejtts. Eliza Sickles, Samnel Parker, Catharine Carroll aad Black Eyed Mary, eHes Mary Smith, were all sent to prison for vartoos periods aa confirmed vagrants. 8aunro Ltaooa without Licxnsx. FeUx Ff cot Valentine Knell, N.

Benedict J. B. Todd aad F. A. Saagsbary, charged with seiMng Baeer wtt out license, and A.

Long, charged with ssUHmf; liquofto slaves, were called ap for this morning, and their eases were eontiaBtat. Mrs. Mulhollaad. accused. of selling iqnwun.

oat license, will be examined oa the 19th iaaL i David Ledenhamer and J. Chans sen. atSUa without license, were fined $35 each. aJco*kDU UUUMAV'S COtJXIU Amaxows. Felicite Laroetta.

Adafefiasi.B. pisa and torastanco were art set ed on Union street last evening aa'lawfi and abandoned chaneters, keeplnr a 13 fame, and for loenltlag and kicking UoatFlwawM la the watch hoane. Tarrara: Fornro Aa anipW trnnt whl awsra evident marks of having beea brekea epea, was loon a on Eiysiaa Fields street mat night aael taken to the watch booae of the Third Pstfrict, UCOBDXK TAUGHT C0DKT. No LorsrtaV WnBam lUleywu arrested jta terday for peddling and to aeU annr without a nce a. 5', DarAOL lOweauUa Itartia go wTaak aadhr down apen tha wharf at tha foot of iMkmm street' aafawssaigMlXtUea' aad baeoass) dam wet.

moist tha Scona.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


Why is New Orleans paper called Picayune? ›

Nicholson was the owner and publisher of the New Orleans Daily Picayune, named after a Spanish coin called a “picayune.” She chose to name the city after her beloved newspaper. Today the paper is still published but is now called the Times-Picayune.

Is New Orleans a nice place to live? ›

Considering a move to New Orleans? Along with being one of the best U.S. cities for singles, NOLA is an iconic Southern city with vibrant live music, gorgeous architecture, Cajun and Creole cultural influences, and—of course—the city's legendary Mardi Gras celebrations.

Why is it called NOLA? ›

The first letters of “New Orleans” and the state abbreviation for Louisiana, LA, combine to derive the nickname “NOLA. Put those together and you get N.O. LA or NOLA. Residents and visitors commonly use this shorthand or acronym to refer to the city.

What is the name of the New Orleans newspaper? ›

Louisiana. The New Orleans Times-Picayune, one of the state's oldest newspapers, has the largest circulation in Louisiana.

What are New Orleans locals called? ›

Leger. Lived in New Orleans. · 4y. Generally speaking, people who live or were born in New Orleans and vicinity are called New Orleanians. Some of the suburbs' denizens have more colorful terms for themselves, such as “Metroid” for citizens of Metairie or “Chalmatian” for those from Chalmette.

What was the original name of New Orleans? ›

The name of New Orleans derives from the original French name (La Nouvelle-Orléans), which was given to the city in honor of Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, who served as Louis XV's regent from 1715 to 1723. The French city of Orléans itself is named after the Roman emperor Aurelian, originally being known as Aurelianum.

How much do you need to live comfortably in New Orleans? ›

The average cost of living in New Orleans Louisiana is around $2011 per month excluding taxes, and a family of 4 can easily afford to live on $4273 without rent. New Orleans is much more affordable if compared to other US cities like New York and San Francisco.

What is the nicest neighborhood in New Orleans? ›

The French Quarter & Bourbon Street: the best neighborhood in New Orleans for sightseeing. The French Quarter isn't just one of the best areas to stay in New Orleans, it's easily the most recognizable, too. Black wrought-iron fences and balconies contrast with vibrantly-painted homes, shops and pubs.

What is the safest part of New Orleans to live in? ›

1. West End. The safest neighborhood in New Orleans is the West End. This area offers a great mix of suburban living, safety, and affordability.

What is the racial makeup of New Orleans? ›

The Population

According to EMSI population data, New Orleans is more racially diverse than the U.S. as a whole. In 2021, an estimated 59% of the population in New Orleans is Black, while 31% are White non-Latino/a/x, 4% are White Latino/a/x, and 3% are Asian.

What is the big nickname for New Orleans? ›

No one is quite sure exactly why New Orleans was nicknamed The Big Easy. Many people hotly contest this nickname's origins. Some believe the name comes from The Big Easy Dance Hall, in operation in the early 1900s until it burned down.

What is NOLA coffee? ›

Put simply, New Orleans coffee is coffee that is infused with chicory root. The chicory root adds a little boost of flavor to the coffee, making it a bit richer, earthier, and nuttier. The chicory root is roasted and ground, much like coffee.

Does it snow in New Orleans? ›

It's snowed in New Orleans 31 times over the last 100 years, and first snow those years have ranged from December to March. Only 10 of those times did it snow hard enough for meteorologists to measure. However, the month it's snowed the most in is January, with February a close second and December third.

What is the best time to go to New Orleans? ›

January, February & March: the time to go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, parades & St. Patrick's Day. January, February and March are the best months to visit New Orleans for many reasons.

Where does the name picayune come from? ›

Its name derives from the French picaillon, which is itself from the Provençal picaioun, the name of an unrelated small copper coin from Savoy. By extension, picayune can mean "trivial" or "of little value".

What is the meaning of the word "picayune"? ›

adjective. , Informal. of little value or account; small; trifling: a picayune amount. Synonyms: trivial, paltry, nugatory, insignificant, inconsequential, measly.

What is the history of picayune? ›

The area known as Picayune was long inhabited by the local Choctaw Native American tribe. The area was first claimed by French settlers and was a part of Louisiana. Many different European settlers wanted possession of the area because of its strategic location: near the Gulf of Mexico and near the Pearl County River.

Does the Times Picayune still exist? ›

The Times-Picayune's resumption of daily publication

The new edition removed from New Orleans the designation as the largest city in the United States without its own daily newspaper; with The Times-Picayune and the New Orleans edition of The Advocate, the city now has two.


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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