Last month, I had the chance to get an O'Reilly license from my company as part of my education budget. I was quite surprised with the quality and diversity of content I found there.
Since then, I've been learning a lot by listening to audiobooks, taking classes, and joining some BootCamps too.
Below I’m sharing some insights about the content I enjoyed most!!!
📚 The Manager's Path
I am still a junior developer, but the task of managing people is a fascinating topic for me, and I am aware that it is a challenging task, regardless of the workplace you are in. In the tech industry, where managing is also an important skill, it can be difficult to learn, especially when there are not many tools, books, or guidelines to help you.
I had a great time listening to Camille Fournier sharing her insights and experience. If you're new to the industry, this book is a must-read for you.
📚 Software Test Design
Software test design outlines best practices for evaluating software products and crafting comprehensive test strategies.
Covering the key forms of testing for modern applications systematically, and helping to understand anti-patterns and pitfalls in system design with the help of practical examples.
Learn about the good and bad parts of different tests and how to use them well together.
Recommended by LinkedIn
📚 The Art of Leadership
A lot of people think that being a leader is a special job that only managers can do because they are supposed to have strong leadership ideas.
The perception that leadership is a role reserved exclusively for managers with robust leadership ideas is a common misconception. Leadership, in its essence, is not confined to a title or position within an organization.
It is a quality that can be manifested at every level, regardless of one's official job designation.
It involves qualities such as empathy, communication, decision-making, and the ability to motivate and guide others.
True leadership is about behavior and impact, not titles.
Some of the events I joined
💡 Leadership Bootcamp
By Sujatha Das
You don’t need to be a manager to be a Leader.
Leadership skills are essential for career advancement, and honing them can lead to more effective management and a greater, more positive influence on others.
I Joined the expert Sujatha Das to discover more about my leadership abilities and learn how to put those skills into practice. I understood how “leadership” is distinguished from “management” and how self-awareness and emotional intelligence can help me to enhance my leadership style and my interactions with others.
💡 The Power of Storytelling
By Carl Pritchard
Being a developer isn’t only code-related.Speaking is anessential skill for our personal and professional development in the areas of communication, presentation, critical thinking, teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, and resilience. This skill is critical for any industry, any job title, and any career stage – whether you’re just starting or have been in the workforce for years.
💡 6 Rules for Communicating with Management
By @Roy Weissnann
Every day millions of employees contribute their talents to organizations all over the world, yet many of them don’t earn the recognition they deserve for their accomplishments because they don’t know how to advocate on their behalf. Instead, they hope that their work will speak for itself and wait for affirmation to come from above. But many supervisors don’t fully realize what their employees do all day, or how well they do it, especially in fast-paced, high-stress work environments. Nor can a manager assess an individual employee’s ambitions if the employee never speaks up.
💡 Clean Agile
By Robert Martin (Uncle Bob)
Nearly twenty years after the Agile Manifesto was first presented, the legendary Robert C. Martin (“Uncle Bob”) reintroduced Agile values and principles for a new generation—programmers and nonprogrammers alike.
💡 Software Architecture and Generative AI
By Neal Ford
Over the past year, generative AI has dominated headlines. It's well-known that it’s being used to write code, but how can we leverage its power in software architecture when every company’s architecture is different? How can we convert the knowledge automated by AI into the wisdom required for software architecture? What are the best ways to use this powerful tool to improve our architecture’s security and resiliency?
In general, I'm enjoying a lot of the O'Reilly content. It will definitely be helpful for me to improve my career and growth as a developer. I'm looking forward to sharing more about the next learning.
#learning #growth