The War Within Mining Profession Leveling Guide (2025)

The War Within Mining Profession Leveling Guide

Mining in The War Within (Khaz Algar Mining) is very similar to Dragonflight mining, as is the layout of the Specializations. In this guide we comment on what is new, and provide some suggestions as well as 2 farming routes to level your mining.

New to Mining in The War Within

As with every expansion there are new types of ore to mine:

  • Bismuth
  • Aqirite
  • Ironclaw

Bismuth ore is common quality and Aqirite and Ironclaw are both uncommon. Bismuth can be found in all four zones of Khaz Algar, while Ironclaw is only found on the Isle of Dorn and in the Ringing Deeps, and Aqirite is only found in Hallowfall and Azj-kahet.

New Ore Modifiers

In Dragonflight there was an introduction of special modified nodes (Hardened, Molten, Primal and Titan-Touched). In The War Within there will now be five new special node modifiers: Crystallized, Weeping, Webbed, EZ-mine and Camouflaged.


Gives a 2 minute buff increasing your secondary stats by 3%. You are also protected from the negative effects of Weeping Ore and Altered Herbs.

Additional drop: Crystalline Powder


Weeping is the rarest node. When you mine this ore you will be inflicted with Horrific Poison for 1 minute, which will deal damage over time, as well as slow you and reduce your Primary stat and Stamina. This effect will be removed early or not applied if you have the buff granted by the Crystallized node; otherwise you will need to wait out the debuff duration.

Additional drop: Writhing Sample


Webbed nodes will tether to you when you get close, slowing your movement speed by a significant amount for 7 seconds. This slow applies to any person who gets close, non miners as well.

Additional drop: Weavercloth


A large amount of dynamite embedded in the ore will explode several times around the node as you mine them. The explosions are preceded by circles on the ground indicating where they will explode, and remaining in the circles will make you take heavy damage and a significant knockback. Depending on how the circles land it’s possible that you will be knocked away before you finish mining, and thus have to start over. These nodes in corners are nearly impossible to mine without a high amount of deftness (mining speed).

Additional drop: Increased amount of materials, like Rich nodes, and Rusted Piles of Scrap for Engineers.


Camouflaged nodes can only be seen while you are under the effects of a Phial of Truesight. This Phial is crafted by Alchemists and lasts for 30 minutes, they are also tradeable on the auction house, but could be relatively expensive early on.

The camouflaged nodes will always be either Bismuth or the uncommon ore that is not usually found in the zone you are in. For example if you are in Hallowfall, the non-camouflaged ore will be Bismuth and Aqirite, and the camouflaged ore will be Bismuth and Ironclaw.

Knowledge Points from Mining

Just like in Dragonflight, you earn 1 knowledge point every time you mine a modified version of ore that you haven’t mined before. Considering there are 3 types of Ore, plus 3 seams and 6 types of modifiers (also counting Rich), there should be 24 knowledge points obtainable just from mining every type of ore, including the normal version.

Mining Nodes By Zones

Modified nodes occur in all zones however we have broken down the zones for each of the ore.

Isle of DornBismuth, IronclawBismuth, Aqirite
Ringing DeepsBismuth, IronclawBismuth, Aqirite
HallowfallBismuth, AqiriteBismuth, Ironclaw
Azj-KahetBismuth, AqiriteBismuth, Ironclaw

Location of the Mining Trainer in The War Within

The mining trainer is Tarib, who is located in the North of The Foregrounds, near the center of Dornogal, which is the capital city of Khaz Algar.

The War Within Mining Profession Leveling Guide (1)The War Within Mining Profession Leveling Guide (2)

You will be sent to Dornogal within the 10 first quests, so there is no specific reason to go here ahead of time just for the training. But when you are here, make sure you learn Khaz Algar Mining.

Before Starting Mining

If you start mining right at launch, there is not a big opportunity to buy anything on the auction house before you begin. However, if you start at any point later, there might be a couple of things you want to get ready before you start leveling mining.


Firstly, if you are able to grab some Mining profession equipment from the auction house, the extra skill will let you start gathering higher rank materials much earlier. The uncommon Proficient Pickaxe, Bismuth Miner’s Headgear and Miner’s Bismuth Hoard should be relatively cheap and a nice start.


If you have a Dragonflight Alchemist, who has left over Artisan's Mettle you can craft yourself some Steaming Phials of Finesse. The 30-50 Finesse they grant works on Khaz Algar nodes and is a nice little bonus. These are Bind on Pickup, so would have to be ordered through the work order system.

You can also get yourself some Phial of Truesight to see camouflaged ore, either through an Alchemist or the auction house. Beware, the materials to craft this Phial are expensive, and you may not get good returns; though you should probably expect the price to be lower than the 1 million gold I paid on the Beta.

Both of these phials can be active at the same time.

The War Within Mining Profession Leveling Guide (3)The War Within Mining Profession Leveling Guide (4)

There is also the Phial of Bountiful Seasons, which unfortunately I was unable to test on the Beta, it grants a large increase of Finesse (chance to increase the amount of resources you gather) during the summer. However, the resourcefulness is not really used by mining. It's currently unclear how this phial works, but it's likely to be the go-to Phial for Finesse.

Mining Profession Knowledge

While actual profession knowledge choice will be down to what you want to obtain, usually specializing in the ore you want to collect more of, we do recommend unlocking the specializations in a specific order:

  1. Mining Fundamentals - Just unlocking this tree will cause every node you mine to restore a Vigor (this effect was previously on the Skyriding talents and has been moved). Further specialization into this will allow you to mine while mounted, but it will cost 60 knowledge points to get there.
  2. Mastering the Mysteries - By unlocking this specialization you will learn the Overload Node ability, this is a long cooldown you can use on nodes to gain additional resources. The cooldown gets reduced by mining and can be further improved by spending knowledge points in the specialization.
  3. Plethora of Ore - This specialization just grants a flat 30 Finesse when you unlock it. Although we think spending points in this specialization early could be a great money maker, we think the other two specializations' base-unlocks are a lot more powerful.

Leveling The War Within Mining

To level Mining, you as usual just need to mine. However, what could be interesting to know is that some nodes stop giving skill ups much earlier than others. This table breaks down at what mining level each node will go yellow, green and finally gray.

Rich Bismuth455055
Rich Aqirite/Ironclaw758085
Bismuth Seam808590
Ironclaw/Aqirite Seam9095100
Named Bismuth808590
Named Ironclaw/Bismuth100100100

While you may want to prioritize nodes that give skill up, you should not ignore nodes that are gray. If you see two nodes on your map, collect the skill-up node first to reduce the probability of it despawning before you get to mine it. However, unless you see another new better node, then go mine the common node. Always keep mining!

Mining Farming Routes

We have included two farming routes: one for Ironclaw ore, and the other one for Aqirite.

Ironclaw Farming Route

We recommend farming Ironclaw on the Isle of Dorn, as it has a large number of nodes. The route we have marked on the image below loops around the coast and then across the front of Dornogal.

The War Within Mining Profession Leveling Guide (5)

Aqirite Farming Route

Our Aqirite route is in Hallowfall, marked on the image below.

During testing, we found that following the rivers up and down netted a large amount of nodes. Just be wary there is a little verticality in the zone, so make sure you are clever with Vigor when skyriding.

The War Within Mining Profession Leveling Guide (6)

Darkmoon Faire

When Darkmoon Faire is active you can gain 2 skill points and 3 knowledge points by doing a short quest from Rinling, called Rearm, Reuse, Recycle.

We recommend leaving this as late as possible to get the most value out of the increased skill points.

The War Within Mining Profession Leveling Guide (2025)


What is the fastest way to level up mining? ›

Here are some tips to either help get you started boosting your Mining skill or allow you to do so even faster than before.
  1. 5 Get To Floor 100.
  2. 6 Upgrade Your Pickaxe As Soon As Possible. ...
  3. 7 Eat Foraged Goods Or Buy Food From Gus. ...
  4. 8 Always Break Gem and Ore Nodes. ...
  5. 9 Always Break Silver Rocks. ...
  6. 10 Go To The Mines On Rainy Days. ...
Mar 4, 2024

Which level 5 mining profession should I choose? ›

In the later game, Geologist slightly ekes out Miner at Level 5. There will come a point when the average player isn't hard-pressed for ore or Coal, but they'll still earn a hefty bit of cash for any extra gems they sell, so they should increase those profits by switching to Geologist.

How to get mining to 100% Dragonflight? ›

Leveling Dragonflight Mining

You will have to rely on rare nodes to get skill points. But, if you have little competition and are lucky with the rare nodes, you can probably reach 100 in 3-4 hours. It also depends on how well you use the new Dragon riding skills.

What is the best stat for mining Dragonflight? ›

All stats have their uses, but for Mining we recommend focusing on Perception in order to maximize your rare loot drops, which should maintain their value throughout The War Within. Finesse is also a strong stat which can increase your base material yield significantly.

What is the max XP per hour in mining? ›

Players can expect to gain up to around 45,000–55,000 experience per hour below level 60 when not using tick manipulation. From level 60 and above, the maximum experience rate in the Mining Guild caps at around 70,000–80,000 experience per hour, depending on performance and the pickaxe used.

What gives the most XP to mine? ›

It is recommended that you prioritize the mining of ores that immediately award XP, such as Redstone, coral, lapis, diamonds, and emeralds, rather than iron and gold, both of which must be smelted before use and mining Nether quartz has yielded the best results as it's worth 3.5 XP, which is the maximum possible reward ...

What profession is best with mining? ›

Mining pairs well with either Engineering or Blacksmithing, production professions that require ore. Skinning pairs well with Leatherworking, as it is required to craft many recipes. Tailoring pairs well with Enchanting, as players can convert cloth into Tailored items and then disenchant them.

How to get level 10 mining? ›

Skull cavern dives, preferably early to mid spring spring. Those ore nodes give large sums of xp (50) and iridium spawns in large quantities on deeper runs which ensures lots of xp. You only need to mine 300 iridium nodes (~600 ore without miner and ~900 with) to get the 15000 mining xp needed for level 10.

Should I choose coopmaster or shepherd? ›

Coopmaster and Shepherd offer similar bonuses, for the most part, each one increasing the quality of animal products and speed of friendship with animals in either building. However, the third bonus from Shepherd (Sheep produce Wool faster) will be much more useful than Coopmaster's (incubation times halved).

Can you level to 60 without Dragonflight? ›

Level 60 characters

If your character is level 60 and can't earn experience, make sure that your World of Warcraft account is upgraded to Dragonflight. You cannot level past 60 without owning Dragonflight.

What does Finesse do for Mining? ›

Profession Traits in Mining

Deftness: Increases how fast you mine and extract ore. 3 points of Deftness gives +1%. Finesse: Allows you to extract more ore from mines.10 points of Finesse gives +1%.

How long does it take to level to 70 in Dragonflight? ›

It will take you anywhere from two to 15 hours to reach Level 70 in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

What is the best Mining Specialisation Dragonflight? ›

We recommend the following builds, in this order: Mining Process: Choose this to extract more base ore and rousing essences, uncover gems, find more rare side gathers, and increase your mining speed. This is the best build for generating gold.

Where is the best place to train Mining Dragonflight? ›

While there are many different trainers around the Dragon Isles that can teach you Mining, your main trainer will be Sekita the Burrower in Valdrakken. This trainer gives you the opportunity to do unique Mining quests that reward you with points to pour into a specialization later on.

What Dragonflight professions will make most gold? ›

Certain professions are more lucrative. S-Tier professions for gold making include Enchanting, Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring. A-Tier includes Herbalism, Mining, Skinning, and Fishing.

What is the fastest way to level up mining in wow? ›

Smelting. Check out my Smelting guide if you want to level mining with smelting, you can level Mining to 300 without mining a single ore. It will cost you a lot of gold, but you can usually get most of your gold back if you sell the bars. Smelting is a much faster and easier way to level Mining.

How do you get XP fast in mine? ›

We've updated this list to make sure you know all the fastest ways to farm xp in Minecraft.
  1. 19 Farm The Deep Dark. ...
  2. 18 Defeat The Ender Dragon. ...
  3. 17 Kill A Wither. ...
  4. 16 Smash A Bottle O' Enchanting. ...
  5. 15 Use A Grindstone. ...
  6. 14 Find Bastions With Piglin Brutes. ...
  7. 13 Complete Advancements. ...
  8. 12 Build A Makeshift Farm In The End.

How to reach level 10 mining? ›

Skull cavern dives, preferably early to mid spring spring. Those ore nodes give large sums of xp (50) and iridium spawns in large quantities on deeper runs which ensures lots of xp. You only need to mine 300 iridium nodes (~600 ore without miner and ~900 with) to get the 15000 mining xp needed for level 10.


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.