The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

11 i I' a eat aaf I 5 ajaai 144 'eTf Larymai. wHAthe I I POO tat, iOO iDULUMmi af taa hawk RDxaM 3 nBV 1 TA aa. uroAxacK Mel aaasawaeaws wvW, aa t. a ae 1 Hack, et 4V Breamlne strata. ffX, Bwtgiaary Mil rwataNt KMU 'Ctack.

sUeer ft Ca Ml siaeentble Dry woods, Ac, at Lmt hrwt. aBoaa, Aynrtaaaasai an Maeenle nm KACOHTQtnt LODGE Na 44, em, Harm street, Na 14, meets thle evening. BOLNT MOR1AH LODGE No. AA 8m4Mi Hn, iu taa evening. nir.NM OF 1AJLMI ONY LOBOB Ho.

68. Brand Lodge Haa, a satwm this evenhi Lha eveahiA 4LPHA HOMB U)MI No. TS, jhJarronina. 044 WUmm. prBT0trL01aE Odd Pallowa MX LANa'Lo Beam Ra.

Oaa reHawa FILaetetheeOBlBf COYkrfAKT LODOB Ma. IT. WiabJagtaa HaU, aUrkray BatMlnaa, aiaeta thiaeeeains. MAGNOLIA LODGB Ha. Euooi Ho, Odd Peliowa all, aaaoai thai eaama.

fXaatAinA LODOB Ka. aa, Jcffanea Ball Fomrth Lajarict, aaaetathajaroalBt. Taaaala af Haaar. A4a MXVAirl TEMPLE OP BOM OR He. Templan ree Paaa.1 M.CALirORNIA, Bepkma, A.

M. d. BWAiBL, aaaaaeta, a r. CREOLE, Walker, A. M.C ABROW.

Bewmaav II M. car BlCMUiaB, a r. BL. kt tUar.COMrrTHarrelLdP. M.

tua BiTr ELinoi A oaa. a r. l4 vVUaon, IP. M. Wmt Rrfw.TEI.AS, Stlnda.P.

hL ukabaia MARf flelmoa. a P. M. Wemabie. WALSH.

Cable, a P. M. aad Braamtinot Ageata ca rnra Flcarnae by tl I of tha baat aad captain etamped aa I I aa hoard, a taa aflka of the forwarded hyaaftraad ha mea taa boata at TWkabarf, bylaen( i at the aaaaf af that ofaco, mhio tf aaroaaalcaoeearttia Eaaltah eteamablp 0EN. MIR MON eve hereby BoUaed that eaid eteamablp baa beea ay a ante craw oi we owcaaaina; aqoaaron to mo BICB ptaco BOO wm uewn oer earn. 3.

ACBBO. Afant, 97 OraTlar atreot NOTKm Tho captataa at ahlpe hoand from New Of i Bate BToatte ao Ham are lalwreaed taat the AaBH bvthe Daderwrltara af Barra BAHRT ADDERLT. Eac. tho port Caah ft. WKLCH.

aaKey WeotT af Na CeaA a. W. wciiCH, aa Roy weak. They are eaaaeqaeaciy roiaaetad to apply to eaid RoatatocamefaraccMenteauglBgthem to pot Into BMd porta. apll atawamf YlcAaharg connocta at Ylckaharg with aor laaooaBa lauanaacaie nverat aii ha care af ateamer Dew Drop will ga mm. mA mm eol tfl M. P. DENT. Far Hlra. rpWO NX8R0 MEN i one a good Cook, the other a A Brat! ran am bo urea or hired by the month tb.

Bat to remain ta the city. akawly a IM Camp atreee, hack omce, ap ataira. Natloe. Rf THOMAS BANNA holda ear fall Power of X'L Atlaaaey.aa par act aofbre M. Oernoa, aotary public.

wewtaneaaa, aaay iai. CARLOSS A STEWART. CaroBdalet etreot. Natfea ta the Attlllery. ORRICAB'S FA1CTION for Firing wtthoat Pnauag.

All ord era filled wita aMjatra. aaar a) H. A oaaitaa, ai tat it of Meaara. Wboaier A FeratalL earner ef ared etroate, New Orleana. Je lm Hea therm Back lea MaaafactarT.

am Reeapmt atreet. THE andaralgned beea taave ta laorm the public tbat he la prepared to aaaaaaactara all klnda of Backlea aeatred by eaoMlora and etbora, ta any aoaatlty, at the ahait I neaico aad aa raeaenABle tmm ra by aadto toe order of Meyer A Bbach, f. at eight moot be from Beetameer la. I860, tbrtwa oa adnd aad BoartvAve SO IOO aallara. by Bar The pahttc are caotteaed net to aegouate mlUaaymchaaeeaaawpord LLT A CO.

OcatAa Swriagfa Ha tel. Taa BBderBleaailitaaictfallT Inform the anbllc a that they will be prepared to eoea tdwir Betel under the aanr rtatenckuca dkk Hotchkiaa. on the lath leak, The public caa net eerared that bo peine will be anared toaaake thla hotel aa extractive aa any en the Coaat. Taa hatakag eat aabmg la anaarpamad. The Bar will be BadnthrauarrmteBdeaceof the well kaowa Mr.

t. Walter AB prraoaa dralroaa of aeeuriag raoroe caa ad it raea Meaara. SCHMIDT BE1GLER, Old Levee atreet, few Orlaana, a AS, BOTCUR18S, Ocean Sprlaga, ''jea am SCHMIDT A EEI8LER. Nettee. LL peraaaa havmg eJahwa egalnat the met emlen of the ZV late Mra.

Pracilla rtfatb, widow of See. B. Bow "elatrh, will prmaat tbea to tho anderaigaed for eenle BtTd WaUTARER A FELLOWS. 6 atirhUfft artaVC. 7ee etf 7 Atfyi af Che.

B. Faraa, Adaunlatraror. Iafaiaaatlaa WaateeS 7" fTOHlf SORDON, faraaariy of tbo O. A Army, loit a) Taaoe oa loth March, last, aad came ta New Orleana. ovay maarmattoei ef him will be tbankfDlly received by hia wrtra, RLIRABETH GORDON, at Mra.

Leonard's. Ml almatraat, haw Orioaaa. Jet at aaeT Bemra. LEA BANT and airr Beoma. for Faalllea or Slnaie tjenileaaea, la a tratclaea Private Boarding Bouae, wBh tha heat of heard.

Terma moderate. Location de alrahle, being nearly eppratte Lafayette Square. Apply aaes at let St. Charlee atreet, betweea eired and Lafay Mtmj aaaiaiie ait per awu. Jw ot aVrtswl taa New Hone Cera, ata Canal to Esplanade atreot.

one BAG. eeatainiaa Insurance Policy. Bank k. Cttv aad Btoia Tax RrceiptA Old Checks. Ac.

As Ahey are ef ao aao to aay aac. the finder will be liberally swaaaakd he taswine thava at OB Carondelet atreet. m. aaaiin. Vlehy Waters JUST locerved aad for sale Y1CBY WATER IN BARRELS, from Callum Sprints.

AUbama. Jes St Apply at S3 Common atreet Teethaleka. 1THP1CRS. lustn TOOTH PIC received and for sal hL T. LON8JAJ4BNATHkN A mmK aw a Brevier street.

.1. TXRCUSSION CAF8. aXTTS, aar sate by 1 V0SB WEST, IIS I list Per Male. 5rec Ban Belittle eaed. aad a mmily Hone, years aid, per it.

Also, a naroucoe, oeen fhsHon. built by Minor A jBlneaa, aauaaae lar a doctor. Apoiyas LA BORIS'S STABLE. Jet at earner af St. Leana and Bourbon at A Ta Hire.

Neveiuue'. a Na 1 male mine Room and Body SrrvaBt. to years eld. Call at 66 Baronna let at Fifty Delia ra Reward. tha atreet.

ester dav mernloA betweea the JU haw aaareef taa and slevmm. a DIAMOND CROSS. The Aaaar will reaarre tha above reward and the thanks af the aeae) by returaiag tt to tha Office ot tbo Saint Charles ileal. Jel Mf Klee Riee. If)) CASKS Freeh Corollns, Just received by rail reed jagTia Mrwrhtf BUNTTNOTON A BRO.

Mew Blay Batter. tr fi CROCKS 1 Extra Choloe Yellow Batter, per JU to Bviiaa for sale AT GEO. BULEFF, Jotgt 67 Proot Levee, Cewaeaa. 88 and 84 Tchoapitoalas atreet. "Mr Rattew.

)TU INBrjheaca May Butter, per Adams', sJU far aale br EAGAN A RING. Jet at 68 aad 04 Tcboupltooiaa street. Ta BaUdera. TPSTTMATRB A rekerildLBg tbe JCE BOUSE, aa Cua Xj teeahaam atiuet, beta eea New Levee aad Front ate anS as racaerad at the Loelaaaa Mutaal Inanraace Cem sway, aaUl Taaidsy evealng, tho 4th ef Jane Jal et Heatherwera Hahscrihe te It. OTJfCE wo bora dierardad Nerthera Periodical Litara bj men, taa eaasviim aacee Where caa we supply to taa CaBlaiarata Btataar The aaswar is a wrsep ceaAribaemA air.

a DAV1A At BrATHAM. OrenadA kQaa. THE iMiallia af sealers ts aol to ear stack ta sarrats and Baaf haeraaa, as tow arlcas, firosk COAL OIL CO MP ANT, G. LATTTNa A 16 UaAm street. 'BrrSt tfT 'a BAal AsKsLDe BAR IsKADs POBIALBBT TORI WEST, sayxUstf i 1A1 73 ar Bstoby i J.

F. COULON, tor Pay drat at, Flea Flear, .1.1 pMkamoarrar hea wnaoaaaa XT A. Jl. Caaa, kao yiii ill hi lad MUTHTKN RURAL GENTLEMkW, ftormtAgvtnutosnLUtaraty anANews Weekly of ths kmhaevata SmtoA It cbnllea 'am parieon with Bay atAar ef an daas. It is a large aad elegant eight page Bavtag a torse aad aatocwrpaaf Agricaktaral aad aaoa aad Ftaa PI ear, for Bale law by rf aale of aale toe aactJon, of boat i credit, Tent Bald amoant aad Aelaat trierae I'afralre 1861.

lea ra oarant aera on La tion aMrnT, New to atreet, BBi aippi thla aald and aad and fieri da thm drt da to JOHN B. At 0 ISO If A MlfkeAaxeqiatsVaet' AaetJter JFIam JVB tOUTHSMIt tOXrSDKMJTlON la AlglerA abort tha Canal itraet Ferry, Opts SUNBAT, April and tvery IUBDAT daring Tha proprietor! ef this Garden raapactfaUy Inform the r2uS50, "ted this pleceiaa style to alt ths Hatea The (04 Lager Baat end Uqneva i ataa, largo. Ball Roam ka mdrf for BelR thedancug public ether apparatus la la cmutractten far the ami ant at children and grown Panama, which whoa dona win ntako thla taa baat Gardea la or about Haw Orleans. neasura BV AAaoiaaioo en Sundays GeaUomsa, ts casta i ladlai a company, freA WW Iadlee anaccompenied bymtlemen, not odmrtted. JOHN iAlKj: LEOPOLD, SHERIFF'S SALES.

Wacaer a. Steataer RapabUo oai. FOURTH DISTRICT COURT OP NEW ORLEANS Na, By Tlrtae of and In obedience to an order readeredfl nt A tasu aad to me directed by the readerad May A last, and to me din Baaocablo tha Poarth JHatrlct Coort of New Orlaana, In above entitled canoe, I will proceed to oeU at oablie at tn City Botal, Common rtreet, between Mfl oa FRIDAY, the lcthday Jane. U61. at It o'clock hL a.

xno ateamer KcruBUC, tofotnerwtth aB har furnlcare. tackle, appareL macbi nenr. Ac. a ina now Ilea I tuu 1 riier, Hfbt eaak, oapoetta Tanlaborc. aa in ina anovc aou.

Terma Thla belne tha aeeond aad laat anellAa. th tmSA will be deanltfrely adjodlcated to the biahoot ami In wiwuw wiHKTCT mum will mill, wwjraMwntaa the parchaeer farnlrhlna bond with aaocVjutd aoW eecorlty, conditioned according to law. parcnaeer a nail have to deduct and pay In i a hall have to deduct and pay In caah the of printing, Sheriff aad Clerk "a faea. kaenluc iiinnii aa about ai8oa E. T.

PARKER, myMJtTUlt Sheriff of the Patwh of Orieana. Wacaer la aataaa RenahHA tit mvi aDATRIEHE CODR DE DISTRICT DB LA NOU Teila Orleana No. En Terta d'an ordre rands do mat 1851, at a mot adreoae pea I'Bonorablo Oua Coax do Dwtrict do la NooTellorleana, dana demna, Je procederai YEN DREDL da Jain a bML a I' Hotel do laCitd ma da la buunu. utn raea da Camp at dee Magaalna, la rente pabUque et adjadicatloa do lie oHOBBBTapear nsruBLac; oaaem Pble aroc aa machine, eea moablea, Ac. tal od'U ee tracrra aaloard'biil Am.nm 1 luippj.

rire drolta on iaca da Tanlabaure. pawi one i HiMreci eeMnB. Coodltkma Cette criee etant aeconde et dernlere dlt bateaa aera dennitWement adjagd aa piua at dernier enchertaaeox, poor le prlx qui 'en offert donae moia do crddit 1'aeqaereur fouraiaaant bond oa obligation arac caatioa bonne et oolvable, conform enrent la loi. dit acqnrreur palera aa comptant, et ce en dednc da prlx do radjadicatioa. lea frala d'annoncea, da da aramer, lee depeaaee, e'eierant enaamble la aomme de iiaoo on enriron.

E. T. PARKER. mya Jet 11 14 Shdrlf de la Paroiaae d'Orieana. Shirley, Bell de Co.

ra. Steai ibaat Wm. m. Liery ana uwuere. FOURTH DISTRICT COURT OP NEW ORLEANS No.

14.4J0 Bv virtae of a writ of fieri fteiaa ta mm directed by the Honorable the Fourth Diatrict Court of Orleana. in the above entitled will proceed aell at public auction, at tha City Hotel, Common between Camp and Magazine etreeta, on FRIDAY, the 14th day of June, 1861, at it o'clock M. tt. The team boat Wat M. LEV toeether IUJaaJX9wlth all her furniture, tackle, apparel, ma i i Ac, aa ahe new Ilea in the Mlaaav river, ai tho foot of Conti atreet, Second Diatrict ot city.

Seised in the above (alt. Terma Thla being the aeeond and last auction, the boat will be definitively adjudicated to the highrat last bidder for whatever ahe will bring, at twelve montha' credit, the purchaser larniahlag bond with good eolvent aocatity, bearing Ave per cent. Interest per annum from data aud privilege on aald boat until final oarment. Said parchaeer ahall have to dedact and pay In i amoant of printing. Sheriff 'a and Clerk'a fees, aim usee aav about aOtRX In caah tha keeping E.

T. PARKER, my J4 1114 Sheriff of the Pariah of Orleans. Shirley, Bell aV Cle. ra. Le hatema a wa pear wiuam as.

un at les procrtacairee. iDATRIEME COCR DB DISTRICT DB LA NOO velle Orleane No. 14.430 En verta d'un writ de fades mot addreeaf par 1'Honorable Quatrietne Cour de Diatrict de la Nouvelle Orleana. dana 1 affaire procederai IcYENDREDl, 14 dejuln lSol.hmidl, I'Hotel de la Cite, roe de la Commune, eutre lea rare Camp et dea Magaelna, la rente publique et adjodica do Lo bateaa vapear WILLIAM M. LEVY, ensemble ovec aa machine eea meuMea.

i Ac. tet au'll se troave euioard'hai daaa la Beuve BliasiaslpBt. ris A vu de La ran Conti. Deuaiema Dia trict de cette villa. Basal dana l'affaire ti doaaoa.

Condition Cette criee etant la aeconde et dernlere. It dltbttoag eara deaniUvement adjuge au plus offrant et dernier encberlaerur, pour le prix qui en sera oaert, deoae mota de credit, i'acqulreur ournira eon oon.o obligation avec caatioa bonne et solvable, pertant Interet an taua de cine pour cent Ten de la date, et privilege aar le bateaa, Joaqu'b permit paiemont. Le dlt acqut reur paiera aa comptaat, et ce en dedaction prix d'aefudicatkra, lea frsis d'annoncea, aa eherif, do gntner, et lee depenaes, a elevant enaernMe a la aomme do 900 on environ. E. T.

PARKER, rnyW Jet 11 14 BbMf dsla Paroiaae UeerRe Jehaaea va. Steaanhaat Reek City, Captain and Owners D. P. Eaton vs. Same THIRD DISTRICT COURT OF NEW ORLEANS Koa.

16,00 aad 16 104 By virtue of aad In obedience two orders of sale, rendered Mey 87, 1861, and to mo directed by tbo Honorable tbo Third District Court of Now Orleans, in the above entitled causes. I will muceed ta aril at public auction, at the City Hotel, Common street between Cams ona Magazine st rests, on FRI 1861. at 18 o'clock BL DAY, tbe 14th day of June, 1861 Tbe steamboat ROCK CITY, torethor with all her furaiturA tackle, apparel, ma chinery. Ac. ee ahe now Ilea ta the Mlasle iipU rtvi nght bank, in front of Gravier atreet, First District, ProviaioBalry eeiaed In the above suitA Terma This being tho second and last auction, the said boat will be definitively adjudicate I to tbe hlaheetaud last bidder for whatever she will bring, at twelve montha' credit, tbe purcheaer furnishing bond with good aud eolvent security, and privilege on said boat until Anal payment.

8aid purchaser shall have to dedact and pay in cash the amount of priating. Sheriff 'a and Clerk'a lees, keeping, Ac, my ahaat 8460. E. T. PARKER, Sheriff of the my Je4 7 11 14 Pariah of OrieanA Geerce Jehaaea va.

Le hateaa a vapear Bora City, le Capital ne et lee Proprietairee O. P. Eatira va Lea memee. TBOIS1EME COCR DE DISTRICT DE LA NOU velle OrWans Nos. 16.099 et 16,104 En vertu de deal ordree de vante rendoe le 87 de mal 1861, et moi adreasea par rHouorable Troirlerne Cour de Diatrict de la Noavelle Orieana.

dana lea affaires ct deaaus. ie proce derai le VENDREDL 14 de lulu 1861, midi, I'Hotel de la Cltl rue de la Commune, entre lea rua du Caaap et dea agasinca, a IB vrnte puouque et adjudication at si a fc La bkteaa vapeur ROCK CITY, en lal'i vTaemble avec aa machine, see meuMee, Ac, sJwawavaawBB tel qo'll ae trouve au)ourd'faui dens lafieuve Muaawippi, rive droite, en face de la rue Gravier, lar District. Bale! prov laoireroent dans lee affaires ci dearoA CondltiOBB Cette criee tant la aeconde et dernlere le dit bkteaa aera deanltivement adjuge au plus offrant et dernier encberiaeear, Pour lo prix qui en aera offrtt, doute mots de credit, racqnerear loarnire son Bon ou obligation avec eecutitd bonne et solvable, conformement a ia isl Le dit acrruereur paiera au comptant, ot ce en deduction da prix d'adjadicatlon, les frsis d'annonce du aherif, du grrmer, at depenaes, i levant ensemble la aomme do Sato ob environ. E. T.

PARKER, myto Je4 7 11 14 Shrif de la Faroiseed'OrleanA Braader tV Hahbard, la Liqaldatlea, va, Ann C. Haworth. FOURTH DISTRICT COURT OF NEW ORLEANS Nc 14,879 By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale to me directed by tho Honorable the Fourth District Court ef New Orleana, tn the above entitled cauaa, I will nreceed to aell at nabMc auction at the Cite Hotel. Common street, between Camp and Magazine streets, on TUESDAY, tho lath day of June, 1861, at IS 'deck the following described slaves, vis BTFPHEN, a negro an, aged about thirty five yean. 8AT8T, a negro woman, aged about thirty five years.

ANTHONY, a Begra man, aged about twenty one years Seised ia tbe above suit. BaT Ti 1 11a Taali an the spot. E. T. PARKER.

mySB Jet 11 IS Sheriff of tho Parish ef Orleana. THE BATTLE WON. Belli br Ofl at War Prices. Great rod seamen ta are offered to per. ms wishing to buy Piano Fertee.

Fine octave Pianos are bow offered Ifor S8a to AMa to reduce a stack still a large, on account of hard times. Cttisems aad atranaera are Invited to examine for tham salvea. r. P. WERLEIN A BALSET, jesgg and 8 Camp, and 171 Canal ate.

F. F. Werleta HaIawf. raouanere ar a Beea Music and Steele ookn Aaents tar tha aale af Lssbta A Bradbarv'e Piaao Favtaa. DmIUm.

Webb ACa8 Southern made Piano Portea. Everrthlna la tha Maaic Has nana Partes Tuned and Repaired. rmase art, r. r. WEI EELETJf BALSET, 6 Caaap aad ITS Canal at rtt ft nBnft I 1 Wavtaal e.

ottasvllaaFasaji tUU.UUU rngandCeillna. U0.eas raaillil Iwaare Kdgs tmarts 108.088 teet DP Shall lug, is aad is Laeaaj LA08.0M laot Bough Larasaer eVnaTtUxgand tos.soe feet i. in, 'tf. ITr III tTSXOM ShlngW, Cyprass, Areilmpesyefltoers tha shortest BotacAattha es Sats at asaaareat asaiket prices, by BsBLraoa doix, aew aMern. JrS 6 eta larsi Mllltmry Caya.

ADE to order, In any quantity, at wry hert notice, at ODR BAT STOReT myto lm lot Fey draa etreet. OWE HlPtlDRED DOLLARS REWARD fTaboyarewardwia be aald to any person who wjheawrrirl LAVlNlA la Jail, so that JtSZ'hmt ar fiv? ineheeghnee" mrga lea istBKsw "an at aor Sanaa left haadltaiak I easatday aborar almaaascaren tbetopef her aoaa I aad aaa aa her sen ahooider blade SheVwaya tryt to raacrel henelf lu thla dty, and foilewa waahlaa aad iron av as. visrtsi st i Sanaa i a i at Ths Feea)lee Raee Caaraea Bf MONOPOLTl nave naait aar a Km tha OLD LOUISIANA CE COURSE, aad am bow sj eagaged tn PaaiagitUi lar LrneiaA TVatxins Terma ag Saaaiilialaa Tm tha mietlaa af Driving, Trotting tmd attending; eR Races lar tha year. Twenty PoilatA aavahaa awavtarle. Soaorrlptton Lawa new pea Ai tag BtsMas af Blrnw.

Kmg. Esq W. M. Bagtia, BaVtF. Uaer A Cai Mr.

Bon viae, ea TauloeseTtreet, BT BelBShea Dr. BUlott, Bamaae straati Mr. Pay, Falt1M atraoti end ether lamimni maaamiasaa cttv. iJVe Track wUl he raaeVy sardrrvraf ea aWSeBrVaaB an I. i li wrat ii no o'clock, the troops, Ant The Je4 taT, Jo4 baaroeaa of Keep J.

a Cook II. Chlam N. OTJowd Weet Harrla, E. John kv. On come, and not Uama, i of on A FRITH BTCKTiaS Mil k.

a.1.1 I 1 Sm of tho oreaa atreot M. E. Charch Sooth, every WEDNESDAY HMKT. between tha haarang a a for tbe speedy tarilnarloa ef oat difficulties with Hortk, too protection of tho Ufa and haaltboi ear aad tbo aacceaaef the arma of the South. Tha prayer meetiag will bo held Beat Wednesday axan.

public me mmt cwliallv levlted to attend. lt hUtS E. BRAELLEZ, C. Other dty papers plaaae copy. HALT.

OK AMERICAN HOOK ANTJ LADDER FIHE COMPANY, Ko. a. The officers and members of thla Company are i hereby notified to attend the regular Monthly Meerine. to bo bold at tha TroVk Hum on THTJRSDAT EVENING, tha eth Inst, at Tk o'clock. Bt order 4t A.

F. riCTON, oeretaty. NIW ORLKiKH Bfawll 1881. NOTICE. The andaniraod.

mwchanta iniurf In th nnimi mvaucv whiikii. um cm onr reaeecttre from the let honeea at POOR O'CLOCK, P. hi Jane to let October next. coalfield, Wallie O'Brien, P. EtheU A Wav H.

Cook, Creaap, McaU'lan A Francke A Daaaeel, P. E. Laarana, T. Pradhomme. S.

B. Renaedy A Floto A Marmot, J. Brenaa. 01OWOII, A Boyd, Webeter A McKcsna. OTertoB A A SolUTan, A NetteltoB, Berder A Haarerty A H.

Fairchlfd A Cck, Robrrtaan, Oirea, WitU AOoa WocHlraC Cai? Hunaoaf Caeq ibh' ayara. a FOR THX TXAR I860, Real Batata, BlaTea, Panacal Property, Capital, la Fnrnltnra, Ac, ARE NOW DDE, payable at my omce. City Ball. Tat Payera are re apoctfully roqaeatod to caU and ay their Taxaa. ADbtlla paid by It July wiUbe adrartiaed according to law.

ADAM eiFFEN. City HOWARD TEMPLE OP BONOR Na. a Mora ovary WEDNEADAT EVENINa. at a a'elaek. tha rrankHn Temperance Hall, oaraat af Spata aad TalrdDlatrieA OrBcera tor he Chriaoaa Berni McWbirter.

W. Tr. Warren Prat. W. O.

John Wll. W. D. O. i John McRay, W.

e. i F. I. Feriara. W.

Tnomoe A. Teal, P. W. T. myis '61 ly WANTS.

WANTED Information of ANNIE CHAMBERS, who arrived in New Orleana on the 3d of Miv. hi w.v the Opelouaaa railroad. Any tidlnca of her will be thankfully received by MRS. M. E.

LANORIDOE. or aaareaaeo (oinia omce. jet it WANTED A Sculptor and Letterer, at SHDTT'S Marble Yard, la Baton Kongo, La. Refer to Newton Bicnaroa or A must, S4 rultoa atreet, N. o.

Je4 It WANTED By a Oantlrman, a comfortably Furniabed Bedroom, with Board, In a res pc table prlva'e family. Communicationa will be considered conMential If desired. Address 1. A 8., care of Box MO, Poet Office. Je4 It Y17ANTED A situation by an American adv i ft TV Housekeeper oa a plaatallon or la the dty oily understands rutting and making dsto clothing, and also understands the care of a daily.

Best reference give a AiKirees a ina omce. Jfi 3V WT ANTED By a respectable Gtrl, a situation aa Nurse or seamatieM la ruiiy com ua teat lor either denar ment. Would have no objection to travel. AddreaaX A. 1 at tnia omce.

Je4 1X7 ANTED The Cbante of aeveral Children. In healthy attaation, ten mllea on tha Jackaoa Rail way. The comforts of borne will be obtained. Terms moderate, wool city reference given. Address MRS.

MOCRLE. Jet 3t Krnaer Post Office, RennervtHe. La 1X7 ANTED By a resectable Oirl. a aitoatkm aa Beam etreea, or to take care of children. Beat of refrr ncee given.

Apply vi camp street. Je3 atl AJ ai i iu noy to a rtena a ugar More an orohan wv prejerred. Apply at tha corner of Tchooplteulas and Orange streets. JeJ Jtl WANTED Situations by two young Girts i French woman, and woaid go es Nurse and ia an. and woatd so as Nurse and to lew understands all kinds of aewinc and dreaamaklne no ob leetlon to traveL The other to de line Weahlne and Iron ing understands fluting.

Address E. at this omce. 41 J3 4t1 KT ANTED Three or four single Gentlemen can be accommodated with bne, airy Rooms bathing enn vrnlence, and with or without Board, in a private family very moderate terma. Apply at Sll Jsagas'ne street. oetween uaienute ana Erato.

je 1 et ANTED By a respectable Girl, who is a goal bai oreeaer, a aituaiion aa nurse. No obiectien to do housework or to travel. Adareee as. thla omce. Jal St 1 1R7 ANTED Bt respectable Woman a attaation Washer and Irvncr.

Aaartss aiAslx. at this omce. Jel 3t ANTED By a middle aged Woman, without any VV family, a it nation 1 she haa a sewing 1 fully competent end willing to make herself useful In general ta a respectable family. 'Haa no objection to go in the country. Plaaae apply at Conti street, myji st ANTED COOR Wanted, a good Haa Cook, to go with tbe Orleans Cadets, now at Camp Moore.

He must come well recommended. Apply Immediately ta J1ART A IS Chartres street. mysi EAM WANTED A Lady who baa taught for aeveral years among the most respectable families in this State, and competent to instruct in English, French, Latin, Music and Drawing, wants a situation as Governess. She baa no objection to prepare small boys for college, or take charge at children during their parent' absence, and at iena to toeir eoucauon. would travel wito a tacniiy.

Tbe best references can be given Apply to D. at this my31 7t omce. WANTED Twe French Ladiaa, experienced Teachers, wish to find situations In twe genteel families. They are qualified to teach the French and English languages tat all their branches also Music Can give tho beet city reference for their respective capacities. Inquire of M'ma DERON, Principal St.

Louis Institute, corner Daaphin and Hospital etreeta 1 or address E. C. care ef Bloomfleld A Steel, 60 Camp street. apW m8tW WANTED A rttaatlon as Wet Nurse by a healthy young Women. Can be well recommended.

Apply at thla office, to G. R. my7 1 WANTED TO RENT A good comfortable Dwelling one with aGarden, retired from tbe street, and nea ana of the city RaL roads, preferred. A good rent will be paid for one suiting, aad possession taken this Summer, or early in the Fall. Address by letter, stating location, rent, Ac box Na 896, Poet Omce WANTED The care of a private i summer months.

Any gentkan ddeace daring the a about to Uave hie residence for the aommer, who would like to leave It in tho hands of a person who will take he best care of tho same, can And each a oerton by addieeaina Boa SStA New Orleans Poet Office No compensation required, and beat ai reierencce given. my 1 WANTED Situation A Gentleman, who has been In business In this city over twelve years, and haa an extensive business acquaintance la this city, at St. Loom and other points, is desirous of obtaining a situation in some Commission, cocton, oroceiy. Insurance or Bank ing House He la capable of taking charge ef a large will devote hie whole time and Influence for the Interest of bis employer. Only a moderate salary expect ad during dull timea.

Address Y. C. at this office, my 16 tf WANTED looo MEN to go Into immediate and active service. Call at SS Carondelet atreet, back ot the Bt. t.nanee now.

mys ci TY ANTED BOARDERS Two Gextlemen caa bo ac commodated wtth Board In a genteel French funny, permanently. If convenient. Locatloa pleemnt and within ra minutes walk of Canal street. References exchanged. Addrea E.

Plcayxne ofBcA aplO 8m 3TJK STORK. Sign of the 0LDBH aTpomtethea'ammHoaal. Awabls barreled SHOT BUNS asa set ana hBBdred aaffaieatvarlatfeAssadaby ha baa ws ararrant to be food snots amdlm basal Ajso, aa aaaartxaentaf THB BXST BJFLES AMD BBYOLTaTRsL WHOUBALB HARDWARR DaCAXBRB TAYLOR At CHURCSILA, gwlna stooe Opp.Bt.Ja FyleTa lytdp CHARTRZS STREET 36 MTUTARY DRUM. FIFES, And AlRBleal IutTmaieata af all DeseiiptlaBS. i FOREIGN AND AMERICAN MUSIC hapWOaNTJTi FLETEL WOLFF A CO.1 PIANOS.

From Parte, with certificates accompanying each, ts prove their identity. a AJaa PIANOS OF THE BEST AMERICAN FACTO RTER Pianos and all kinds ef Musical lnatromaata Tuned aad BJanoaSaLt. LOUIS 6RUNEWALD, BOVU88 ly et Chartres street. Nattea te BhJpaera af Fretgrht. Othcs i ti.

Om, aad tx, N. Aailraad. I Mar fix. lau. Having arranged a through tariff ta tha Blacao aamad below, vixi Lvnchbom.

Patsvaaare. sUehmaad. nenii ana wny rauia, wo are preparaa to sign tarougn hoi of Ukding, and forward froigbt wtthoat delay. T. WI ILLIAMS apt Btalea.

Pickery, an aUBalswstreat, be twees Race and Orange, a a ears ear xtu is Twanto Bva lis tare re ware wm he given lor the latoveif of the J. A B. JOHNSTON. Lremeae. tflfl BOXES siimiai aad 898 hanea Oi prtaae etaer, received BdmA Far aale by TROMO per ltattaa bark NT AN A myts atv 4 Fraat aad FvUtea st.

i MUfsst Fw aale' cheap, ts good Caws, meat gt ApalystUtaScesfUa kere atroeta, araaairt tana lamea Darla, W. O. T. ard, W. V.

T. i Charlee a. Colllna, W. R. W.

A. B. JahBHoalaraTe. W. F.

i Joba eat n. I them acclimated. Be ajoio lake Tenne Fiaeeluae. Tray 111 where to the any areoMna Board I not fcrk aTaiiew pleasant car WW thnee. Bee The having these In for dty, and 00 van I 'T I v.

aaf la WUUM, aartA Ar HOTELS, WeUlaaTtAa HAaaa. ItlaaiJaalllii Inform Berfrlenda ana ne pnouc tanerauy taai aa oaa aboTt Hooaa for tha eeaaoa. and mm aha haa takantba and ataaroa theal that peine or exponae will bt at wno cau apoa oar. nnoar uaam alwaya rmif for taoaa who wish to the fonday Kacaraioa Trip. moderatr.

8B hu. v. wEixmaTfm. UavrteaiM BBrlaara. nTbeae cetottratod Mineral Sariuca I Frank lin coantT.

Tenneaaaa. uu araaltaated la Bear Tallahoma, the NaehrlUe and Chattasoan Rallraad. Then water (craraoar. vnaiyboata, InvaHda wffl Sad tha m. ml U7 mJt act.

ornencuu ra aioww a'l uooa of aiaeaaoav fBtale omnaanzp. Aivaoeaeia. lhip cmbmimil um. mi. iBpeeela, LWe landalar Piaeaaae raal, afercwrlal Peraaaa fraaa Hew Orleaaa, Lonldasa, ar MleiftalBpL Dreeue tlckeai to Btn iaana ttiairi they will and an eaambeB to confey (Wave aktlaa Sprfn(t alT otnor mmmeuow wni aw oaaoreaay pm oy ao taoptoprmtor, eo itiiiums nu.

W. G. MILLER, Proprietor. envi' 1 tBy lm per waekSA l(raaa thoroa(hlr rOBa piaiad, "a 'atat bow ra complete ardor, will he naUtaayef JnaeaaaC tune, win oe apereo naa caa eomrtoata to tne eom and ploaenre of vtattora and buaiihwa, and erery in cm pwa ram. Persona wiehina to ensue board and rooms at thla house wfil pireee acUreaa EkULE CAMPOS, Boa 1107, New Orleans.

Terms per nsoni n. aso oo Terma per 00 Term per day. 1 eo EMILE CAMPOS. Pruwletur. GEORGE R.

WRlOHT. SupC N. B. Horses and Carriaea ma he had at all myst lm Ceaperr'a Well, HINDU BOSK This aetad Watering Place la Open throughout the year far the reception of visitors. IN MAN WILLIAMS.

myll lm Proprietor. fitaatgranterr White Saryrhar ryprragf In MONTGOMERY COUNTY, VIRGINIA. This dellghtfal watering place will be open for tha reception of visitor! en the Both day of May. These Sorinee are more eoey of access than any other ka Virginia, being Immediately oa the Virginia aad Ten nee Railroad, In healthiest' portion of the State, aad surrounded by the meet beautiful mountain scenery. medicinal quail ties of tho waters are fully established.

been lnstramental In the core of many illaaaaia peculiar to tbo Southern country. This ia not only a delightful summer resort, but, la exciting times, a safe retreat for ladiaa and children. Telegraphic communication with all Important points the Confederate States. JAMES R. KENT.

President, LEWIS F. J. AMISS, myw lm Proprietor. Paaa Chrtatlaa Hetel. Thla Hotel will be opened for tne reception of visitors oo the 1Mb of Jane.

It la In riod order and will be conducted In a tl bevel atylc Board AM i )per month i ctuiaren ana servants, nan price. my 3m 8 JOHN McDonnell. Praeata Hetel, Bllexl. The undersisned. successors to Mrs.

EIIia aba brth red at, formerly propriitrem of the fS Green Oaks BoteL Blloxt, ressectfullv an ssaass Bounce to tbe panne that tha establishment la now open In the summer season. Attached to tbe hotel hi a good oiinaro laoie, a oeautuui yacnt, oaaaie horse ougglea. camagee, anoraing pleasure ana comiort. Vlaitora to Pradet'a Hotel, wirhing to land at the boat a wharf, will please notify the captain of tbe boat. myl7 sm JOHN A EOGENE C.

PRADAT. a Wavetiy Hetel, eeraer Caanp aad Peydrae StreetA MThle House, eo long aad favorably known to the traveling community, baa since the late Art been entirely renovated and refurnished in a liberal manner. It being eitunted In the centre of buainoae, renders rt a very desirebia piece for those residing in the and aar country friends will And it to meet their wishes in every respect. The rooms are well ventilated cool, and will be let with or without board. Board hi 60 per day.

mylo Sm MRS D. GRANT. Proprl etreea, Warreatea (Va.) Hprlagi. TBE WARREN TON SPRINGS, altaatod ra 1.3 raaquler county, Virginia, will bo open JhlA reception of Vialtors on tho lath of H11 ad for the ay. Terms, per moatb 1 glO per week 1 88 per day iroiered ear is, nail prlcA ROUT.

BDDSIN, rropi JNO. J. ROBERTS, BapC Barnea Hetel, MISSISSIPPI CITY, MISS, aaao. Thla establishment will be ooenod for tho 1 modation of visitors, on the first day af June Beat, The entire place haa beea newly fitted ap and ta now In complete order. A new wharf and bat houses have been erected.

Attached to tha Hotel la a splendid Barroom, containing choicest wines and liquors 1 alaa, a Bit liard Saloon andTan Pin Alleys, after the most approved and modern etyleoi an extensive Pistol and Rifle Gal lery. I lvery 8 tables, provla and carriage horses. In th idea wuu na 1 aaddlA busrv the Immediaia virinitv aha .1 aeraDh and Poet Offloe era eitaated uamiemen or zadim wishing to engage rooass, anil Smmwm pjium mm, malim, vaw iwwy.iw, mm niina. and 86 Common street. New OrieanA until tha 1st June, and thereafter the Proprietor, at Mississippi City.

m. saanas, rropnotor. Baat Paeeasteala Hetel, Alias. The nndersirned will ooen his Housa an tha lsth dayofjana He regrets that, owing to the has of wbarveA Ac. twice durine tha last ai aeon he btm anahle to give tbe entire aaiiaf action to hia guests that ha aspirrd ta i bat daring the past winter he haa taken every precaution ta be able to announce thla to be the most comfortable and extensive watering place in the Booth.

Tbe wnan bow being erected will be a grand structure, and aim oat Impossible to remove by wind or oaa. being built In tbe moat substantial manner and three foot higher than tbe original wharf. Paeeengera wlO he tranaport aa from toe dob is to tne Motel in covered railway oars. A scarcity ef water will be prevented la future by the large Increase ef cisterns, both above and under ground, one of the latter being of the capacity of 80.000 call our The canocttv and situation of tha Hotel era wall known. for fine acco modationa, health, aea bathing.

Ate, It cannot be equaled on the coast and I pledge myself that every exertion ahall be made for the comfort ef my gueata. uhaa im. uus dsl, rropnetoc. N. Should families ariah to come ever bv tho let ef Jane, arrangements will be made to ar com mod ate them.

apa ts JefiTeraea Lake Hetel. End of Carroiltan R. Having leaaed fhle dellehtfully situated Ho a term of years, we take thla means of making known to the public tbat it has beea thorouxhlr renovated, painted, and refurnished, and will ha opened by us on tne 4th April. Thankful to our patrons for i pest I their favors, we promise in every manner possible to wiahaA ahoald it nleaae them to eiva as a call. zisvnu.

ran ana tv, Orleaaa Iletel. STREET. BETWEEN ST. LOUIS AND TOULOUSE STREETS. aoraona bavins rumored that the Orleans CHARTRES Hotel bad chanced bands, we Inform ear friends and tha public at large that aha establishment is conducted, as heretofore, by Mr.

and Mrs. LACH EN METER, who will spare no trouble to keep up the good reputation af thotr house, and will, aa ia poet years, dukota all their energy and care to tha comfort ef travelers. mhls eea 1 Matantftlaa Street Heaae. Corner of Megasino and Julia etreota. This House, entirely renovated and rafuraxaaad.

D1 la bow ready for tho reception of permanent and day Boarders, Its pleasant locatloa aad laree and aire rooma make It a most deal ruble real denes for famines. The Pnmrietor will snare bo exertion nor oxaenaa to tease tseneuae a model in na way, wants tne ahall be moderate and ta keeping with the tiasea. axht tl ly LexlaeTtea Hease, Csraae araai and i open tar the reception ef strangers aad per it Boarders. Tha traveling community wfil nd all the enaaforta ef a borne, with riaimihli Tbe rnoms are larra and well venlllotal Ba lo tatkm ths most healthy ra tbe dty and convenient to baatnem aad the atoamheat landing. B4 60 ly MRS.

A. C. BURG EAR TO FAMIXJEB. The OsmtraJ Heaae. Mtuneltnv.

Baa been constrmctod to meet the wanta of I who prefer a quiet, healthy home, sear to beat to the crowded hoaata ae theroashfisna ar natailas ptacos of the North. 'i ns iennrai uoum ass au una appemtmenm at a arm alasabetei. The aprings af para water aad a river, wtth a both iKwsefor ladies, within few rarda of the not be earpaamd. The country la high and roIUnx. and abouxds ta anad roads for riding, and a Livery Stable, containing rhaiss atock.

aaTers good mrllttim far the pvntwtlt of kwahm ae BO. BL CLARK Pfutulatal. Magneeia la mar and a half hsura from New Orleaaa, ae ka Mew Orleans, Jackson and arrant Northern Bailiaad, earn Hr ly Flear Flear. FZrf BBLR repacked, a good article for Bakers, will OUU be sold low In lots to suit DarcbMrrs, at Sirman aki's Cotton Pi ass, by myso macti wm. ntunn, i taronaeiet st.

Netlee TtURING my abaance MR. ISIDORE DANZIOKB AJ wUl hold my Power af Attorney. JUiUUB UaDIlUU. Bew Orleans, May ifejl. my tf Bead Bead Saaa.

TBE UNION TUG COMPANY, being prepared wtth four large Boats, carrying about 4O00 barrels each. prepared to contract for tbe delivery ef Sand, Lime, either bv the boat load or In a nan titles to suit, at aar point on tha river between Eltlsa Clinx aad tha BAUsa Tbeae boata wUl always be towed by tha company 'i steaai tnga, and partiat contracting may rely apoa having their orders promptly executed. Orders can ha left at tbe store ofj. H. ASHBEY, Na 68 Old Levee street, earner of JeeTeeean ar at aha ofiVca of the NaSBC bar Im street.

JOHN MA. B8ELL, myl lm Maaagrr, BtMAiBB ttad tha Flavaa. Ui CHARLES I. B. flSHBB, mts Mobile, now lealillag at tot Baronna A eatween Jalia and tMroa atreota win grve inetroctaen to a 'TVeax Cees.w TRB teltaaaHil wtaa, kaowa aa LAUAABTJaBB fill that aasBATaW aria, MViana I mmmA Sannmm.

lS atai 5 rLam.iMa.tka Baanmof.tho aawnaef Nalto aad rario, Where tha earns wy a catm.aaaam sea tocasss, spa aaoa totewaaeCoaaderredby tha tow gf the Os Bxblratlaa ad Paris, to 186A vae cork, beet aaa, la I J. taaamaia ami varan ai. au aalMd sTtaJs A fflUTaTRB A CLBawtaWMl the aale agaato ta Hew Orleans, and are ealy pwweaa autt iwtml toaeB tM awreine Vtoan Ctrse," oa i bumz uavaaaiiBat 1 Meant. J). Leaaaiai i A Cw at aetobU.hmwat hartrcs bee lr reatiwi hf Bw Ortoxna, a sswpnxtis axsiaing 'fMinavj 780 JY o'clock, troet Linen para.

BaT Tl IX Wlue, is of at 13 and 1) on im VSAfci no iVUCTIOIiaALESr eaaaaNsrwrsraevavbvap KOTICJaW AUOVIOR 'JaSeBt aMa Day each asxakf Mt CM "aUTVRDATS ForeigB I Dry eoAtf Oradit Balea Cashed aad Bala Wltheat Btewerre. 000 cartons Plain Bonnet Ribbons, ts pieces Heavy Blask Silks. piece Swim Muslins, Checks, Noiaaookaand Jaconet Ana I lepers, Damasks, Napkins, Barege Ac E. ROGER A Aactkmeera. TUESDAY, the eth Jane, 1 881 WTO ha Bold at IS at their Salesrooms, Noe.

46 and 47 Old Levee 800 cartons Plain Bonnet Ribbons i SA pieces Heevy Black Bilks i poo SwtsaMeallnei 100 Plain Naneoekes 1M Check Sin White Jaconets oo Lmea Bird's Eye Diaper i 86 Table Damasks; too dosen Damask Napkins i 75 pieces Plain Colored Barcgoa. And Itt lota of Seasonable Dry Goods, each ss: Check Ginghams, Paper Cambric, Black Fillet Mita, Shirt Fronts, American Print. Camlet Jeans, AI Drop d'Ete. Furniture Prints, White and Brawn Cottons, ranch Cottonodca, Madias lyl Coraeta, Veila, Hosiery, Ac Terms at aale. Jes BT ITKBIi Wataata WaJaata.

BTR.B. 8YKES, Auctioneer Will be oold ot auction on T0E8DAY. the eth Jane, at 10 o'clock, at hie auction store, frft Magazine atreet oo bales Grenoble Walnuts, fresh. WW Ti I ma Cash. jM Oreeetiea R.

B. 8VHJ tiea. Prevlaiewa auad Y.lanaa. R. B.

8 RES, Auctioneer. Will he sold at eoctloa on TUESDAY, tbe 4th at lo o'clock, at his auction store, tt Magazine atreet bblo Lard 80 bbla. Beet and Pork) (0 cases Fk klrs; 80 cases Brandy Pearai isn.ouo Clears; ao boxes Tobacco, 9fin boxes Star Candles bu bags Filbrrts Brandy, Gin Whiskey, Sardines, Almosids. Cider. Port English Dairy Cbeese, Flour, Corks, Ac Jet BT OARDHKR 8 MI TBI aM CO.

Aa Extra Heaae GIJ far Hire. IIZZ1E, aged to years, an Ar Seam etreea, Hnuaa Servant, Hairdreaaer and Ladlee' Weittnemald. Thla a rare opportunity for a family spending their aummar across tbe Lake, or in tbe country, to obtain the eervices an accomplished servant. Apply to GARDNER 8KTTH A nrK tf si Common street. BT B.

B. 01 RF Ts Vmm.m.m.mmmm. vjtrvywrir'ai. rrevisieae aa Lieaere. D.

E. MORPHY mr. mm, wu. Aw uw.i rw 1U UC sold at auction on TUESDAY, tho 4th at lOa'elack. store 47 Magazine street 140 bxs.

Candles; 178 bxs. Sospi kega White Lead 1 106 haa. Cheese; lift bxs. Tobacco; 70 bbla. Flour; 7o baa.

Cordials, HO bbls. Beef: Brandy, Gin, Champagne, Raisins, Clgsra, Bacon, 4t 88 Terms Cash. Jet Flear Flour. D. E.

MORPHY, Auctioneer Office 47 Maraaine street 111 oe sold at auction on WEDNESDAY, June 6.11861. at 10 o'clock. In the Hope, Delta. Mississippi Jtwell Warehouses, for account of whom it may concern hm barrels more or loaa) superfine and unbranded Floor. SaT Terms Cash.

Jei Stack ef Faaey Oreeeriea. Til D. E. MORPHV, Auctioneer Will be Bold Bt auction en WEHNESDA Y.June 6. lwii.

at 11 o'clock, account of liquidation, at 108 Camp street, lust above Foydrae The balance of the stock of Groceries, consisting of a general assortment well worthy the attention of tha pub Nr. tsar Terms Caah on delivery. Je? BT R. M. MONTOOMBRy.

I Far aitare Farad tare. At Aaction. TLR MONTGOMERY, Auctioneer WUl bo sold ataortionoa TUESDAY, tha 4th June, at 11 o'clock. Old A action Mart, Na 87 Came straoe large and general aeaortment of New aad SacaaeV rurnitBre, comprising Hareaua, Bedeteada. Armaira, Biaeooaraa, asaae.

LaangeA auteAlng. Easy hairsi Csntrs. Card and Dlnlne TabUa MirvovA Carpets, MMtreaaea, Kitchen Furniture, Ate aaw is taaA Jet BT N. TIGNIB. Bnarar 8nffar Unreserved aad Pesltlve Sale of Fifty Hogaheada of Clarified aad Centrifugal Sugar, oa the Levee, in front of the Opeieaaas Landing, opposite Toulouse atreet.

BT Ti. VIGNIE, Auctioneer TH URSD A 6th June. 1861. at It o'clock will be sold 6o bhds. of Centrifugal Sugar, in lota to lait purchasers.

aW Terms at aala. Jes Is, A. LETT, AaeUeaeer, 84 Street 84 WUl cdnttnae to give hia attention ta Sales af Baa Estate, Negroes, damaged Cotton, Paraitnra, aad oat doer boatnem generally. 8bT roramaalrarVma may also be left at at Caraadeiet Melarrre TDls 'STREET, land Bat king Tuba, far hot aad PLUMBERS. 108 XT' EEP constantly on hand IV cold water Shower Botha, Water CloeetA Cookine angis nv Doners, van Bisnns, ancnew amaa Larc, Force and Beer Puenpa Sheet anew zieaa earn a ijana ripe i I Cooking OBd Braes aad rusted co*cks, of all Booting Stoves.

Ac Private Dwellings, Stores and eaaranteed. OOVcca fitted aa aad aar Box as. Mechanics' and Dealers ExehangA apll Si ly Baradir TBB sakacriher, having New Orioaaa of the hlghr, taady Wlaaas eoea appoinaeo bom ageni I htv issns, la li Is and wall ef J. LkDSSECRB At arrowera and Wine Merchaam. Balta Bargandy, baas to call tha artoaawa af tha pahUe Is the Tlgffe9'mt't im' t.

Baian (Vieax Ceps) Amber Wtaa, xhra. Cote Or, Pale Wine. aUd Starring Roaaaawan, BORGOBDIRA ms As Yoagaoh, RsckAbarg, Baaaaae, ffhAnsbarvln, Burta Pommard. Ac WHITE WINES of ChahBa, MOrTRACHin, and FRENCH WiNEB, CLARETS and BRAND1ER ft JoiaM A. CARRIER 88 Old Levee sh.

TarletJee Htahlea, at Dryadee street. foot of Daiea street. New Orleans. Haraaa, Beggies and Family Carriages for HirA Hi kept on Livery. Horn em and Saddle Horses for alA if J.

FAY, Proprietor. Jan. Harrteea, A TTORNEY AT LAW, IS rianaTlal Place Bow t. Orlaaaa. Arthar Baaeh, SAIL MAKER, TENTS, AWNINGS and FLAB manaracury.

Ba at Old Basra and ad 80S Tealeate aCwer of Canv Fancy Boat Sails, Terpentine, Coctoa Cavers, Wagon Covers, Trunk Covore, Circaa Teats, Aa. Rope Bearing ladders, sum spucisg. ate SAN CT AWNINGS AND CURTAINR Silk, Gmd end Sliver EntoruidcTed Flags Bad BsantTS, made to order. Fmes Neatly Repaired. 1 Staffs Rlggod end Flags Reoyiy Maoa Also Canvas Signs Made and Lettered.

An aeaortment of Iaga aad Tanta eunelaiilly i tor eaw end tor beta Returning his thanks to his blends and tha pebttc generally tor Beat parroaege, ha Awpoctfaily BaUdta a caa tinaanca of their tavora. A. H. beea te sav tha the beet aaaterialA and hie prices will bo eo i customers will find tt te their in teres to gtva him a call before contracting amswherA Being the moot axmnatvt aatablxmaaeat la ths dty, ba caa afford to de wort cheaper aad la Better style tbea elaawbeve. Orders Beat ay aiall treat the taeeUy aramptly at, tondedR.aiiiilfalry.

ARTHUR BADCH. avaatavara vt. Rerthara BlAAaflttare BO APS SOAPS SOAPS. WARRANTED BQOAL IP BO BTIFaTRJOB BW MOST FAVORTTB NORTHERN BRANDS BP UKB RADEB AMD FKICBB, FaUsICAFI CHnfflfjAL WOaUaJB, PRO NT, BOTRB DAMB ABD FULTOH BBW tBLIill. Fwetary af OILe, af Bverr ATeeertBUi 1 auactty af thotr apeo faa piiigilaii and I which irJfs'aoartamxr I ha the decidad advard ifcrhvrmg ta thatr smchsaf raw quire, than oaks are eanfideaaiy BUrEBMOA SB taa waiaea armaA neefaathan.iimBi aTkm (UST AS GOOD saarticiA JUST AM CHJLAP, asm at rCST BUCH iiUANTrniti ONLY, tf may ahe i ia, eg meat the wweMydamamaoaf tkakr haawsaaa, fceal BJJJABI.E HOME IB ATT ITPT1BB.

sail isf is Bj Instil Wanted te LeU rtehtpTANO' a aatotoaa. aad arse which thotr Barsutoaawrda AxsmL sad Weak sAdham antral aaas, kr fisa, neoriy agwFtvmeBvja 1.3 naa A hma. 41 Jj a at Wpmmmmn gvaa. lj.4 he avaa. bells a and ahade 1 for MmmW Bt.

I I to I practical akUl aad iiaaiHaii sa at rial aoaaamV aaahned to have BB A AaJ I niv a Banaeoeaery 'ibid BeaoetoaBt aJ rea to a aoed tenant, tU tha toth of Oct? Oeara! FOR SALE OR RENT Tbat tare Tf Camp treat. desired. Arolv ta or avna nnrr a saerprr.rA WWm v. 11. 9AXM a STORE TO A F.NT The deatrmbte Store Na 1st I Canal atreet, between St Charlee aad CaroadeleV.

I av Apply eat the premawe. I Alaa. a number ef Aim PIANO FORTES, af the heat PBIBI IIOMB, I far oalo at groat baraalna lar i Jot at FOR SALE OR RENT MeBdevtlie A aew Semuact RastVaea Lvllle, oietalv furmiehod. aa tha Lka abase wtth etaMe, kitchen, store hveee aad eudnstld i a carrfaae and haraa. with I I mm 4 a wusv.

bus et Broaertv 11 aeuae. Bus of Broaertv ICO teat front Bv sen Sac garden and ahade Oreee. Kent IW Apply r. COOR. at Babart A Paster's.

St. Charts at. Dy OR SALE A apieaead OaBtaga Hwaaa, favwhibed, and awrden with all kiadeaf oeg otahleo aad frmwa, sibbii at Magnaria, MJ? ApTye" NORTON'S, IsaPVfdTaaat. fI5B.A,A2MwII,I UP KNT WlthlBtho I aalnutoe'walk of the St. ChArkee OeOit Two large 1 JhtAaad airy Faralahed Roams.

Apply aa 7 Cecal at. I FOR RENT A camrimrtokle Cottego Tf i in. tainlng aix rooma, Ha Suit Rampart atreet. tauiiniBns inivs wet. even saw.

lMi Dr. E. Bvda'e omce. He. tie Tehee nit las mrmL v.

Ml KJ TO LKTA tore etsry Faralahed frame Booaa Na 410 Neyadee atreot. between Trrpek.hare aad a Euterpe to be let tor tha aumaaar. Apply oa tho arearioea. Jal Br TO UNT Btore 87 Magazine street, Pted by Mackey A DayTBp to in mysi tf 87, atagaiineet. FOR ARN BW wa.

The aew three otory brick et, between Julia aad SI JeavpB coatalna wa resswe, arccnes. aatmng r. throus hoot aa ha reated very tow. Ahw aad Daair. Apply to w.

bTthompsoi to hire, a Cook, MPSON, mySO St F0R RENT OR SALE The two atary Brich Mouse and premises, ft betweea Glrod and Julia arraete. Apply ro CLARAJE A BAT BE, rto. 11 Exchange Place. artoT. BaTNeT Na U8 Gired atreot.

my4 tf OFOR SALE OR RENT A very deetrahia CeCtaae Reatdenco at Root Peacagoato, Mleaaavtaus, cewzaiav maala mail la thr mala hanea aritb kltrhea as.a servants' noma, carriage boose, Ac, coss piste garden well stock ad with choice trait trace, grape vines, trees aad ebrubhery. A Van, attached to the promises, a Ana large bath boaae. For terma. Ac, apply to j. water3an7 coracr Mogazlne and Common ecreeta, or JOHN R.

WATERMAN. myej lot Itt GravieT street. FOR SALE OR RENT A desirable two story frame Dwelling, with nine Lota of Greond, most rlrsmatlT situated in Carrol rcon. Pnr narUealaia PP'T F. FERNANDEZ A ABRAMS, Aacritmeera, mytltf Office, S9 Notches et.

Avaa, TO RENT A three etorv brick Daralhne Roaas 3 situated oa Daaphin street, between Custom boeea ana canal. Apply to W. A D. UROCHART. BEfyiv SI Carondeletst.

TO RENT Store Be. 67 atsswi. akiaaA. La quire of iyi STLAUAA I A DAI. MF0R RENT A large Bomber of Dsrelllngs.

(furnished and Bwfurnlshed,) aao. Stereo and Officea, in different carts of tb, cttv Amrv to A. F. BRIGGS, Real Estate Broker. Na 16 Exchange Alley, opposite Old Post OrBcA eel valaable Slaves far aala Merksalca Hsaaa Bevaral valaable Slaves for aaia Mrchaaira, Bervanta, Ac Alaa, 80,000 acres of the finest Cotton Lands In tha South a aarttnu ef whk will aa Dry Gooda, Hardware, Saddlery.

Boots aad Shoes, and other poods suitaMe tor a coaatry atere, aad ano tsorth ef VMS, BV 1 iluo ef the gooda paid in cash myis SBAT ST. LOUIS, MISS. RESIDENCE FOR I SALB OR RENT A Cottage Reaidenca. coax I plotely firm is bed and suitable far a email meai'y, I dalisbtfolly artoated ea tbe Lake For terms. Ac, I appU te J.

T. at tbe Opeioasas Railroad Ornce. ceewer I racer ana Lvee etrsets, or as taa Ban beast laaaei af Baaia (lata WhHo) and Erato etreotA my 11 tf FOR SALE OR REIT A beeattfel Cottage I enco at Pass Christ Ian. aboat five ee elm ham I Idenco at Paae Christian, ebeet Ave or sU haadred hi' yards east of tbe BoteL fmatua about 108 feet oa yards east of tbe Hotel, froatlng aboat 108 feet en theGalf br adenthaf ana or two aaiioAto the Bavaa. The grounda well supplied with choice Shrubbery, fruit.

Ornamental and Shade TreeA Tbo Furniture la the boooA felly aafiWaent for a family, will be rented or eaid with the oremaseA Apply to NICHOLS, E8UC. oa tbe premises, or to MR. J. A. riURGU.

at the Peae, aad to W. A. RARTLETT. myii im as FOR RENT A dethrbtfal Cettoaw Raatdeace. at Ocean Springs, wtth six raoaas, Faraiahad.

Feeaae on tne in may. Apply to W. L. RAYBURNas RcLEHOaC, RATBDBN CO.B, FOR RENT Reaaonabla, to i a gawd toaakaA a as TrOead etreea, Wa I Beat twe etory frame Dwelling. 48 T3d art tweea Common and Gaeeuet.

havine the mala building, a two story end attached wtth I Dtcaen room ana wooajaae tm taa roar i aad gas thraaghoat tha hooaa, with a well paved yard ahrahhery. Appty to Y. CHARMBURY, apis tf Caraoiaatatrwi FOR RENT A Beat, ccaauovtabia Cuttaaa Heam. wtth aathoama, Ac. weU located, at Pem Chrss tiaa, furaiahoA.

Will he reated tow to a nPOR RENT OR SALE That large asm dlaaa Bote! at Ocean Savtnaa. amhras An mala building. twewiBga "'l Asm boil i bar ream, billmrd raem and ceCteee brass. Iiinlkn wifi all tha grouade bow under fancA Tha hotel la weU far atahed, aad the whose premteee. having been lately rs pasrva, ana aaea moor, reeaaaaasa green KHBUirr A SUeLla, sue ana sua ota lvooi TO RENT Tha doaoes fowratavy Brick SJtora MNa 164 186 Caaal atreet, at present arcs pied by the Southern Clethtna Manuaactery.

aa to rent from Suathem Clothing the let October pvexlune, Thie paeputi oa both Caaal etreet aad an aaey running oarcea as aiiiaum axreet, to KUB. Bp tt by un iret ta depth. ROCHEREAU A CO QTO RENT Tha tajoe otory Brick DwwIUag, Na in aa. yl. a a at.

i tfll lal nmialin arvsa aa aakaaW the 1Mb Aprtt. Apply to D. DAMXRON ACR, as i (may ISO tort) with aae et bHilliie iss A. AsaTyea ats rromt Bioaa. a TO RENT A handaome Ataa ana or two mailer iw aew aad the homes Jest TO RENT A bABdaoaaety furniabed Front auer rima xne rarnatura au Jest painted.

Ahw half a twe ar partly faraleheA aattobla am a aaan amuiy. lerme mooaraia. inquire a l4 Bo mne etmc, betwvan Girod and JaliA mhl4 tf TO RATBT la Caaal street, apkndid dram Boa is, PamOAVa. TO RENT. gwm, POB REN Tj Lma, hetw, As i attaplid by FOB RENT Tbe two three saorv i a tan aaaaa ana naeannts bv Crawull A Haileta.

Pi had Appry el Bt a Far Sale. Oa mtaf danartarAB aatr at Baa BO RAEA, Agriy at 18 haada high, eovrad and geaslA tm aanai awaia nksxn af CllsBAte far Aha tft ONE fasias ef latttade Berth end BW feet ef i rirre a eifferwace ef twe essTeee of lasltadA MAGNOLIA hi ana degree natth af Stow Orlaaaa, aad beta aea too and too feat above tt, ia i ia latlj it hm a Uimatem awe aegreas ams. A larldanra ta New Now Orleaas ar la any aart ef aho Bat about the eamo thing aa te climate, is evws two digram tTestiakla 7 It caste atrrarwandaii tha ef svaa i two dailart to eat there aa Excursion or ticket, Ba lew Orteaaa aad TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS REWARD Raa away from the stesmheot T. W.

Roberta, oa tho II to aegre maa auamea wiuis, a aar a griff, years oiA aaoat foot sor 4 laches In talent, etatten when he aniaka Tha above re iZrlll to raid far hU acnrebensioA if le ired la lar) eo tbat we ran gat him, aad notice left with Ceeptr A Nct bsrt. ijommoa swaei, new wmj. myto ot 1 J. A J. J.

NORMENT. a larat. On the war from the earner ef Annancmtten and Erato streets to Canal street, corner af Der bigay, a mdy'a GOLD WATCH, Na loan, marked E. ea tha outside cbsa Tweaty dollars reward win be paid to tha finder for ra tuminx the 1 16 1 I IS I Loalai Fans aad Be Banner Residence at Flat Rock, North Carolina, foe eeA 1APER1 A HET WARD, af Chnrleaton, wffl aell. Bock.

eighty era aa mvmmim r.lHrslIss Oa aha ZraeS tbeae ia vovtabto Cottoaw. with tea rooms; ataadiag FarnMora. Cbisa, Tea Bet, Ac wtth all tea reeaieiee eatawxldiage attarneA it am atoo a ano trrws a in, ice Hoaae. The above ie dietaat fresa the Charch aaovrt three ar mar bum. Far fovrnor aartirolars aoplj at aar office, BOOTH SIDE AUGER'S WHARF.

The above wffl be delivered to the purchaser eo the let January, 1868. asyaO 48k L.O RR1 PARIn SNUFF, Of BOTTLES AND BULK, OR SALB ta gaanttrlm to Jobbers, by A. ROBINSON CO, kto Ba 1 mUtagacaam Billal.alagl iniwtorw? aanosustsVwirod, Bkais, SlStaJeejch, baaf ataris aWSA Twmei vTstlakera TajSAatartnanxnatauanto of Best ark ta Octet ar hat, a im HA te AMJ1 ixs karl TT af axpam BTIlXa77BUOB niu i ija Jt Mm waiw a mww Ttw'atAD tAHBl Vignrw Barn A AWT A aaa Baat ht tbo saxy I a a ax aamm gaaa, TO LET One atory wrratsmai, oaa seeca aesow gaaa aasraa ea Preat 4 otraeea, awaty aia at prrvaee aaie A vizi alABlAABbA FA Am. Bslanara ia North CarettttA cantainlna tw handred aad (SO) acres af hum. Of this two haadred acres iar fr aca.

aad aarte acras of kisfa and tairtr af low a I wheJeaale Draggiato, tawJarBto. Kv. I taa. fuml wlaahw to taka aaec I a7 FTf Sevew Piaei llet. aha a met a nh i nasi i a actaa fitted eon far tha en mmmwJ saawsssa world, eeag to also a.

Tha Oa eclsck kw Bail and 118 aa (4 Bt I I I oAea UAlmaawt I I aar Q.aiaa ataa aaa aa I ga. HaBshv aaersAmw aad Baa laAa. I saw I larrrBlastlaw lrtvmtyrl I jv.g rraAT Apaly at Bt Caaal sta est, aajaaasaajaaaaaaetAAaBaB T. a I MmM RILROAps, Czar saatsAaut T3tT 2 TO AM7 rmOM TUB iUKM SdMM BAT fiXLT St CJJ5TR, Bey TVaa at te art PVwaathel "Oath A. M.

Boaae Car. 1 aa t5 'mm I St Botiaaa. aBBBt hove tiw ia Barlea to SUBDAT ARAaBBEBVXNT. Siaaays. the Steam Trata wUl iaaen a hLTia Boa af tha here car.

The Btasan Tvaaa arUI karre the cJtToarl frvsaj rl to aorta 11 P. BL Taa rasa u. booj, teem a P. BL until 8 F. hL Ifmhha Deyog i Pa Sis; im BitTS efi AKPBXY, awBaranaaaAaaA Illhaada Ceatral aYame aaaV.

rj TwO 'dCatra, DA4J.I TRAINS leawa I SlrtSSl mil kmmm I2 Weet. paae to New TevThrae Days and B. ARTHOJR, Sapeilalsaavaa P. kOBH.BY7 wthwrn Aevwei Neva W. P.

JO AB BOtA, aryla tf faTtoTlew Tark, daw aaasVet hom*o Camp aa est. Freight will beracervedat tha Dopat, garnet ASO P. BL, dairy, aWAaawa The Campaai aat ear Batakyare. RxcxrwewTrasnto ee'eiack. P.

aa BAXBRBAX, it. a. wu iiiiit, Shall Cae a TntTellatar. ta an Exewrakm Ticket liinaa cm tha road aa high aa MAGNOLIA o'clock) aad return aa aar ef thai fonday aeon, vtsi Ruarsaaa Trata arrives ta New Orlaaaa at a a'rtoeh Night Train arrives as New Orleans at cents a mile adalveatea ui Beaetea ITaTTread MAIL ROtJ IE CHAN 4 TOFWsxJaW PTfv asaw take eaTeck aa and WBar eTyeAay. Prtey and aataoda af aaem arrtvma at Baaaaaa A.

MT TVeaaw rala laavea at 18 A. hL, ar aa arrival ef akeaV wrieans eaaaer. trains make aare reaaattaaaa 8k I SaAl day at BArraahearg, walk tha Baffaas voasvaao BAsiway, aar Aaeua, Baa Aatm Basgsa win to checked at Vpyodto Train aa Taming! is arriving by acta etpuBtan lap an warg. A80 P. AL Pare eack way.

to aad tram 1 Fare Harilaaig Ef. B. Maraaia lasaailn ta, lau. i Orta Lawlj rlUe AX IF OJtXXXIT JUTD MjUBTJLLM STT.BflAlB HXW aUJUTaV JUaT MMFUTJTJX Ttme Four To SSs Haawa Leas thaa as vla FarUcketeaAd farther I SUaat, aad at tha Depot of thoJ BENTLEY D. Chief 1 AL r.

WBARLRB, saWA sad tot StaaaaaaatB I evens, earn tar Bow Iheraa am I'retghS ssBlba I twaloeeo etaanV ewery ears, amBaaamaaaBahBi, Ail khrwagh freagkd raiialaaA ea to octomr aaeh Aay wiU ha eBrwwrdaaVbi amaa tar aahtswaawt by aaaaaaaasaB the jattswtaa. leewothe mTrhia. taat ofjulim saewSaawPs stoakaaa at rst exaoea pi Faartht.1 vaaaap am earn gam gaaa, AaaM ahm A fa aagaaa 1 PI i ii Ta FTecaarylJI. I aaia Seat an 1 aSB ITrlaaaa CawwafT CAUeialvll USR tcaraes of AV II A hfaad en I Bail UssmlaS, AaadTli hmsa TiasB Ba eewp a iai mm m. urA kvaevw.ea Msa Trias ait.

iZTH yasaaaaana amoa Cos Haaaa. 1 leaae iayo aaaj nan Memaf Par tttreuh TVhsea i. aa. of the New Orlaaaa, jai aiaa iiT0iii jfU toeHawAffc im as aad tha JsLBawa Railroad sell Camwaiaiaaa TVAsOb as Bar aa Mao BjBa, erExcamoa TVketa dar tha tataiaai iiifis o'clock Tram at HALF PRiCRTwo Ceeiaisitt vwM esrv aaanaa wwaayjaiaaa IsnAaw SHtSiIS rsT. alt ami aadartaBawawa.

CatambaA La a Ti am. aad all Waetern aad BartaaraT rat free af iaiaii. Boaetoa aad Texae CaatsaT Braairto BAlhwadaraad at Earrhv. aaenaam aarrrmg aea tSawaataMa rata inn i HbubTbb at a A. ALaadataV.

IS. inisjasljsjl PaiihaaiTVAatavasBaBitia. KAtELU aai SaaarsaaaaAaak. taeanrai TieaaS aaaaat. my7tf mt0 'vltiiiff' Ajiajt iTTTt 7 Tr i as atok Bar aar Pi aak 1 1 a aad tatoal Far latat awarme stmd rfsataaa AharA, aaxjo.ui eujmW xxatlwxt.

aawrtrAaemYtorjaaAama, bv ftr Cmwmea aaraat. BwraB swmamam aaasaie. mmm. aha aBhatosd tarn mat niliiiai ax. rrery hoea sA a Is aartfi 6 F.

ahsBSMl'm. PABB BmgtoTVawtotoetaansCiiiinia MaaxaW Chndrenamder tsymwaaad leiaa to ma. Beer from Bat iliaa Avuwaatoctoy mCm'toa, lAeaxasg Frank Ifiv om week enws, i.taaiu A aamUtBHltl taahmday at and A. Bl laaai aad 7 P. Bt Pi ia zaae a ao i laiaa aavw On weak aaan, et end 1 P.

at. et AM AaUlSm4BmaR S.a,S.S,, ramdsr.Sx. raratsWenra tJtFAYxrTTB BORSB CAB IsTJTB. aad after Mondwy. WA af Boo the havaa ears twa araaa the OAVee.

lH imi ii aA aaaw OaawA, totoa hood af Ji ihi ia aaraat, Fowrah BaaHit, asm Butea Pmif. 4. ahenvwryeaww tow 8 8 V'lati Isams h. VK II V' 1. kLaaaaTa" ears, 6 eenaa.

ffi awsa, at awnaaeef tea. ye i set. IA sr. DKIM fblia. OoazM Trw r3wtv, WrT' BOTK3 1 lOCAloid Aas IaiVi toe vasrid.

eskrM tAo Faaa af A 'mmm ef lmk as. laaiema. Fa. A AWnmay I aad aaai s. BS.

PraVDeoae. rsh Bersaaaa atraa eJAJ mmWWW esTaBBBTBaJBr maaffBaT BTaBaamB AT. JBR 'Nertoara and law em eivt a4 I i Baas twate tore t. Vw Bow traBat. Cearo, Lsv Ida.

aaa, I arh ead A axAc fswervea rewto eanarerai to Bases kvscwv. ey e4 JTmt speaa 1 raton toaoa I A.1 eA th BBV. ttfj 7bara haa tW tit a sad asa. Ask Aw Thi a age va Trnr atonarsav. WAmA ran ha had at sae avjaxa re if a cat i a sLaUlS)Btw, EaATT.T.thiirilKii ag i.

1 AS.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


What is the most famous section of New Orleans? ›

The French Quarter is the choice if you only need to see a single neighbourhood during your trip to New Orleans. Called “the Crown Jewel of New Orleans,” this neighbourhood on the banks of the Mississippi River is the heart of all things historic in The Big Easy.

Why is it called Times-Picayune? ›

Nicholson was the owner and publisher of the New Orleans Daily Picayune, named after a Spanish coin called a “picayune.” She chose to name the city after her beloved newspaper. Today the paper is still published but is now called the Times-Picayune.

What is the largest newspaper in New Orleans? ›

Louisiana. The New Orleans Times-Picayune, one of the state's oldest newspapers, has the largest circulation in Louisiana.

Where is the Times-Picayune printed? ›

The Times-Picayune/The New Orleans Advocate is an American newspaper published in New Orleans, Louisiana.

What is the safest area to stay in New Orleans? ›

Lake Shore-Lake Vista is generally considered one of the safest areas in New Orleans. It's a residential area located along the shores of Lake Pontchartrain, offering a peaceful and suburban atmosphere. The area is characterized by well-kept homes, tree-lined streets, and easy access to the lakefront.

What is the largest newspaper in Mississippi? ›

The Clarion-Ledger, Mississippi's largest newspaper, was founded in 1837 as the Eastern Clarion in Paulding in Jasper County.

What is the major newspaper in Louisiana? ›

The Advocate is Louisiana's largest daily newspaper. Based in Baton Rouge, it serves the southern portion of the state. Separate editions for New Orleans, The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate, and for Acadiana, The Acadiana Advocate, are published.

Who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers.

What state has the oldest newspaper still being printed? ›

Founded prior to American independence, The Hartford Courant is the country's oldest newspaper in continuous publication. On October 29, 1764, New Haven printer Thomas Green began publishing The Hartford Courant (then known as The Connecticut Courant) out of the Heart and Crown Tavern in Hartford, Connecticut.

Who founded Picayune? ›

Picayune was incorporated in 1904, and was named by Eliza Jane Poitevent Nicholson in late 1883 or early 1884. She was the owner and publisher of The Daily Picayune, a newspaper named for the coin.

What is known for? ›

Launched in January 1998, has grown to become the leading local website for news and information throughout the Greater New Orleans Area and South Louisiana.

What section of New Orleans is the most historic? ›

Some of the city's oldest and most recognizable sites reside in the French Quarter. Among the worn roads and colorful buildings of Decatur Street is Jackson Square. The square is historically named after Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States and a leading general in the Battle of New Orleans.

What is the #1 attraction in New Orleans? ›

Whether you're a life-long local or you're in town for your first visit to The Big Easy, there are plenty of things to explore for every taste and preference. French Quarter Phantoms has been voted Voted #1 in New Orleans & America's Top Ten for over 8 years in a row, so we know a thing or two about our city!

What is the main part of New Orleans? ›

New Orleans began with the Vieux Carré, or the French Quarter—a square that hugs an elbow curve in the Mississippi River. The architecture is European and Creole, the colors are Caribbean, and the festive lifestyle is a New Orleans trademark. For 300 years, it has been the heart of the city, centered on Jackson Square.

Why is the French Quarter so famous? ›

Often called the Crown Jewel of New Orleans, the French Quarter is one of NOLA's most historic neighborhoods. But you'll find plenty of new mixed in with the old. There's a reimagined French Market, modern boutiques and artisan co*cktails mix with beloved antique stores and old restaurants.


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.