The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

i r' 4 a 1 1 i MEDICAL. Hotuhortt leli iU ltpMM7y Ne. 149 Caroodeiet street, mm at a a rt mabasawakw rpflj trwtjMat and certaia can of IrpfcMtte JL by thorn Lok edBcatioB and expef ic nrofaass, IB BBW a to be a Boairlv. uvai and Ultton an It le proper medical advice ran be bad 1 tbeeeCA of the Organs of (feneration. Thla specific needs no recommendation, aa It baa beea before the public for tbe lasttweive years, both in Eurore and tha Doited States.

It baa the advantage over all others, as It contains no mer nry.but is purely vegetable, without taste or smell yo cannot be detected by your nearest friends It is often the rase with many persons who have been so unfortunate aa to get caught th tbe disease to Immediately apply to a physician, who, tea chances to one, does not know the first principles of the disease, and wbcas rrmejirs are worse than the disease Itself. In the first place yon are put ooder a coarse ol starvation, giving you at toe same nme a parcel 01 naa seoua snixturrs, aepriving you oi society, canstng too i neglect your bosineas; and after yoo hare been In hand Tear ar eishteen months, voo are finailv discharged in much worse ooditlon than when yoa commenced. This specific acta like a charm, from ons to three boxes always perrorming a perfect cure. For sale at all times at tbe following drug storrsi H. BON ft A BEL, Tcboopltou las.

corner of Natchez street BEACH, Cbartrea street, corner of Ccstomhous. T. FBEDr.RICKSOM.SooTchoupitoJiasstreet. J. P.

BERBOT, I is Tcboopltou las strret J. STME, Canal street, corner of Csrondelet. A. D0CLO0X, 80 St. Charles atreet, corner of Commu dal Place.

1. BOOTH, corner Carondrlet and 61 rod streets. A. A JONEJ, 139 Poyrfraa street. J.

WRIOHT A IA1 Cbarrrea street. HO. B.ENNEDT, 64 Chartrrs street Aod by ail tha principal arofjlzts tbirrtijhoct tt Dillon. as rtm sthp maslIeU Jelie Dt. Mall.

a haareanoved froan No. so Castonzhoaaa to New Exchange Place. fH VALUABLE D1SCOVEB So nav raoalrcd antil evrc ta eSected. Private diseases tared in a few dtyt I ralogy. ay regulaa physldu, without luerctjry or other potrou I Language ons mediciaea, a Ka Exchaage Place, dew Orleans I The Pro Or.

OLLEtf calls tbe atteatloa of there afflicted wlta ay of the forms of a certain to his general adver siaenaeni in aoouer coiamo. 1 ne treatment edop tea oy him is that which has fche acoroval of the moat distia Clahed Sargeosa of Pari. Loudon and Mew York at urversalsaccrae baa proved beyond a doabt, that parmaaear care lor tee worst cases of constitutional ay pbauhr, gonorrhata, atzictnrra, enlargement of the proa Crat4 lands, diaeasea produced by a certain solitary prac ilea, tc, can now be obtained to a moral certainty, application be male to those whose lnteMirsnce, skill, ana experience, can ae reiied oa. lore Dr. Mullen opea ad la taia city, oil the enany caaea that have come andei his care hare beea care, without a eingle csceptloa.

of these wera of yeara atandlng. One remarkabis case of strict are, thirty years aid, has been cared, no tne surprise of the patient. The gentleman (whose reapectav bllitv Is known to the citizens of New Orleans 1 la at band. aad (by his permission) est be referred to. To Dr.

treacaaeatsf sulef jiea la not known aoath New York. Ha tretaaent of goaorrtMxa and gleet la the most perfect ver discovered. It la the ahorteat, safest, and rarest. Tea Patient takes bo coaoiva, ccbetw, tnrpeatlue, or other asaas ova dnara, am a care IS obtained in ona or two aaya, witnoaiz aaio, lire onvemenca, or pay sole Impotencv. ch toft of diet.

ft cur im elf ec ted wtthtn the time nftmt4. Cash .11 lisle and Piano Mors ol HORACE WATERS. No. 33 Rmadwav. New Tork Hi TcmDg men or otber, woo, by ex caaa or self poll atj 00.

may bave brought on themselves ay or tne aainrat conseqoeaces reooiticg from an anra trained lodalgenca af the passions, such aa pre max art. impoteacy.invoiantary aentlaal emissions, general deoiu ty, or eonatitatlooal derangement, consult Dr. elol lea with honorable confidence ha otters them a perfect STjrrs, 1 ae nncien aecrecv ouatl iw. Dr. Mullen caa be conrulted at hia sVcr, No.

tat Es Change Place. BENJAMIN MCLLEN, PL D. Remember No. tel Exchange Place. serve 1 'M Highly ImDortstat UUcsTtrT.

DR. JAMEA, who has become so celebrated for the thooaanla of cares he has performed on old enronic, mercurial sypniuric, son all private diseases, without mercury, is consulted daily at bis oihee, a Customhouse atreet, from the hours of 7 A. M. till 9 P. M.

Strangers and citlaens. ho wisb to be cored without mer enry, hindrance from boelaeaa or exposure to friends, should apply to him aa aooa as possible, and a perfect cure will be guaranteed tn all curable cases. Recollect tb name and number of Dr. James es Caatomuooae street auA ly tvt Texaa (J red Han. CHUBB BROTHERS, Bankers.

Washington. D. will stre special and prompt attention to tbe caller tion of claims against Texas, Texas Bonds. Notes or Evl dences of Debt, to be paid by the United States under an act af Congress, asoronnatlns S7.7."o.iiOO for that Burnoae. Oar tang experience in tbe buaiueas, and being familiar who1 sue wnot as ousipesooi toe oovernmear, so wen as having a reliable agencv at Austin.

Texas, will enable as to authea ica'e and collect speedily such claims as may be entrusted to aa. Pmpcr forms of Release, Powers of Attorney, and fall Information can be had by addressing us Our barge will be moderate, sna governed bv the ne tare of tbe dalm, and we will remit as aooa aa collected, in sight checks cn BnstoSi. New York, Philadelphia, Bal tint ore, Charleston, New Orleans, or St Loals, as may bs desired by the owners. We refer, In Hew Orleans, to Jadson at Banker. CHDCB BROTH EBS.

Bankers, opposite Treasurr Department. mho lgtAOteod Waabtntrtoo City. fwusxlry aLnd rrlarhlo Vvorfna" No. too Julia street. New Orleans.

FW. COOK, Iron Founder, and Manafactarer Steam Engines, So gar Mills, Vacuum Pans, Csetoa Presses, Saw Mills, Draining Machines, and machinery every description. Iran ar.d Braso Castings made to order. Steamboat. Cotton Railroad sod Plantation work executed with care aod the utmost despatch.

Metallic aod Composition Packing for Steam Cyiinlera, of all kinds, made to order at the shortest notice. Orate Bars, various patterns and styles; Stirrups, Flange Bolts, tuoHMur im uua. ims wromnM ana ouiiaers eav Inga furnished with despatch aad tsc bestipoaslbla air I. Opposition to tte ComoioatV.n I Music at Greatly Re oaceo jiatea XTOTWITH8TAND1NG the combination of Morlc Drat ersita keep aa the prices of non copyright music against toe Interests of Native Composers, and their re fusel to extend to Mr. Waters the courtesies of tbe traie.

he ia making immense sales having abundant evidence tuat ne baa public countenance and support in his opposl tion to the Great Monopoly, and in fa efforts to aid Na lire Talent and adopt tbe National Currency. Hia stock ef American and European Music Is Immense, an. 1 tbe catalogue 01 niaown pnoncationa is one of tbe largest and nest aeiectea in tne united states, ne naa also mane a great reduction in tbe price, of Pianos. Musical Instruments of all kinds. Superior toned 61 Oc tave Pianos fur no.Stai, and Site, interior of as good quality aod instruments as strong and aa durable as tLoae Wblch cost SaiOl Pianos of every variety nf atyle and price, op to Bi mm.

comprising rnose of ten otnerent anan ufactmiesi among tbem tbe celebrated modern ion proved Horace Waters' Pianos, snd the first premium M. lean Piaooa of T. Gilbert A Co a make (owners of tbe Patent.) 8coud baad Piano, st great bargains. Prices from SvOtnglnO. Meiodeona from five dilferrnt manafnc turiea.

Including the well known 8. D. At H. W. Smith's meioaeona, (tuned tne equal Temperament) rue nest make 1b tbe United States.

Prices, a 4ft, eo, 7A, tion, siA, iml Smith'a Doable Bank Melodeoos tno. Each Piano and Melodeon guaranteed. The best terms to the trade, schools, Ate per rent discount to Clergymen end Churches. All orders promptly attended to. Music sent to all parts of tbe country, post paid, at the iiuumti raieaoi uenerai ana select catalogues and Bcnea ules vof prices.

Musical InatramenU forwarded to any auumsirecQi cnirfe. rfl am Pravcllcal W'atchniaRera' PJatabliahmr nt. sasr Tbe unders'goed woold respectfully inform Ls4k frienis and the pub ic that he has opened a fs as ajvn.unni.iu est.D'isnment at ws JVleCsmp street, where he will be happy to re form "enaassaaWaBT work In bis I ne. The nndrrsisnrd brine an experienced, practical watchmaker, he flatters himself last he can give periect sno entire satisfaction to al who may favor bun with their catroaagel apT im WM. STEP To vjiata OaMimert and the Public NOTICE is hereby given that from aod after tbe firet dav ef May next, tbe New Oneans Gaa Crmn 1 will cease to carry ea, asa branch of business, tbe uirii: aa of houses for burning gaa.

The Compauv are auo of laying open the business af sss fitting to 1ndiu ut loterprue ion U1J wl'l ai.v wua no. rai: towards indirlanal gat fitters, of approved character aim qualificadons All persons engaging in the business us' have a nermit or license from the Company, and bo erned by tbe roles prescribed therefor. Tbe gaa will be introduced Into any bouse not fined by a license refer; not even then, antil tbe fittings hsve been tested oy an officer of tbe Company and approved. I The Company have on hand a large supply ef Mstetials was 1 itting. ia IDS meantime, toe oiiaersignea wo'Ba recommeodto the public OEM1CUEN k.

L0EFFLER, No iti Cbartrek street, as faithful ana experienced Gas By order af tne Board. ji. Gaa W' CAMPBELL, SaperintrndeSt m. i nn. nnn in thla oay remeved WlUfrlinn.

5 8A lLERY and SADDLERY HAH.D Common street ti theTew Mo. T9 IhA. WWriU ourth anent of gaods tn their li door fnnn Camp sti et, aswaya an hand the be.t assort l.tlrJ" and qaaHty, Tmvr.T. be foaad ia the Amit aT tosmlt narcaaacia. wh "a wlU not fall fl 6mdAW aMTTH BHOTHXB, EDUCATION.

Wvuw Am fdid Stisl1ah on he fnllnwtna. liar VI wm and eolicit tbelr coottaoed patronage, suripg tbem that 1. primary I i will be left untiled to promote the welfare of tarn aecoadarr bru of tola hldeoaa atfecOMj wiu I oii. ao(i Uvereble opinion of an appro ally ilumiMr. Aa darins lew yew.

I mhllc ttaawrWLl of Syphilis reTt of me cary nearly abaadoaed. tcept Ewb5 least only prescribed la to se it. sasiT th.c.aea. rwhe UyjJ ht are now euHertng ender tnia ioMiuott. perlbl.

Injury to their cnt 0" rrt that solas who coaid bare been perfectly cared witaoet toa THOMSON offer, hit will ore by tbe abortive ZfZiZIl call on htm on percema tne iSfS: ni.nnarv featebllsbed DOS,) Mo. 149 Ce ende bZ7cj Heriaetreeta. third l.a fc 5r oi7U.e Marble ftatoe. fcT Separat. "5lr MiTre crTcd.

BS" Omct hoar rrom ear A Treatise an ftilctnra, elect, Im potency Ac. fa al Arratla. nl ft ly TB8 SOUTHERN MEDICAL DISPENSARY removed from No. to 141 Camndeiet street. mi ntflV! and PELETIEK'S fnf Paris 1 COM Ji FODitD MlXTCHEand AST1 8IPHIHTIC (hB Cine, for the core of Oonorrhoa, iaictnm, tileet, mrmmA Dimm.

etc. 4C In offering tueoe preparationa to the pnbile, Drs. Leroy aed elctier fearleanly hazard the auertton that they arc not only nnurpased. bot oneqaaled, eltbr for their ce raclTe propertua. or for ailldneea, aa'ety an1 reratnty la their "pe rations, by aoy prvpararioii, compocoded im al ml lar oaronera.

now be Fortr the io ilc Lone nrf trig run nf aonorrbcra. Sleet, Btrictorea, Pate In tbe Lolna. Horning in tbe Crlaary ed by tbe Componnd Miatora. and ca ri( i i inriTioif The location ol this school about midway between Carrollton and ereenrille combines ibe aereral import aot adrantagra of being aalobrious, eaceedingly cobt ntentoc access, ana, aoore i I i ki mflneoLes of the city. Persons Tisltioa the Institution from the city by railroad can be leP at tbe gale, br intimating thlrrieirt to toe conductor, CO Hat, ur Tai hlxiiu.i.

Tbe conrseof Instruction embrara all the nsnal branch esof a tnorongh Eaglish Edoration, Latin. Greek, the Modern Lansnages. and Book kerplng, fitting tbe popU nr in nnirersitT. astbeDarent tniv desire. Tdc of Proferaors employed in erery department.

To facilitate tbe progreaslof tbe pop! la in speaking tbe French rnaliih Imiieaaaes. tbese lancoaaes will be sooken eaclnsirely, oa alternate days, daring recreation French EXAMINATIONS, ic I Article a'makes It the duty of the Mayor to select arse Pnhlle examinations occur In tbrlmonths of December I kindmn ao one of tee freeboldrra who and May, of tbe precise date of which tbe public will be I bare signed tba certificate and recommendation, as he doiy informed. The annual distribution of prlxra takes place Immediately after the examination In December. This institution Is free from all sectarian InHueacea, every pupil being allowed the most perfect freedom In the profession of bis religion. The pupils fiom Catholic families are, bow' ver, qatred to attend tbr Catholic charcb, an tbose from Protestant families the Prou staot church.

on tbe Sahhath. TUlTIOIt. etc. rayabie uuaneny, in Aarsncr. Boardrrs per quarter.

Day Scholars. 3a Washing ana mrnaing Bra and Bedding. 11 not foniisbcd by tbe parent, paya ble only once, an ntering, aio. Each popil should come with tbe following ar i i ailver fork. 6 table napkins, 6 tow els, all markers with the name of tte puplL Kfcrencee Blluor R'nnrr, r.imvtumon; u.

1 1 1 i af Ik fsrtsn jenrnnu a. st lui i i I. s.rnv id I inin i.rinri: j. tn Br. sr.

LU I 1 Iff I till 0 VI 1 IVUI i i I martirnlfirt). odIt aeraonallr at the lnftlta Bcrmanent core the tpace of fia or aia'daya, witboat I tion. or addreu the Principal tiroufd tbe Cartniiton Poat nwh reatrictlon to diet, or ao to exaoaore or bnainraa. I Othce. rnr iy Bestdea tola Important adTantare, It nrrrr lean tbr nunc C'sutrlt Inatltaio.

At Sreenville. near Carrollton, Jefferson Pariah, alnre. can now be commended to tbe public aa one of the most complete, as well In respect to its pro 'Ytiooal personnel aa to every thing else, which can con tribute to tha welfare of youth. Its locality, on one ol the most beautiful properties of the country, confessedly tbe most salubrious in Louisiana, lea extensive aod airy dormitories. Its Immense garden, overspread by trees a hon lred years old, and cestioed entirely lor tne exercie of the pupils, render It a most delightful residence, and one exceedingly adapted to the physical development voona eersoas.

whom tbe life of a boarding school, ordl nariiy so sedentary," not seldom renders weak snddellcste a.orllsa and rffsca are taugnt in tne ou ft.oaries insti tute, with tbe same teal. Ibe different courses srs pur sued in botn languages, me raacc, aiivc to au tne im portanrr of the English braaebeao; education, has confided trifui totfce direction of accomplished ladles, who reside Dermanriitlv in tbe establishment, aod of Mr. Melhado. an able aad conscientious Professor In tha Department oi Ancient and modern Languagea at tbe University of Louisiana. Mr.

and M'me Mace auperintend the French readies. Tbe academical and university standing of M'me Mace guarantee ber capacity for pursuing Instruc tion In French to tbe widest extent, and M'me tL brings to her duties that devotion which, as IS already Known, Insures success. Rellaious Instruct! oa Is Imparted In the St Charles la. stltute, with all the care its Importance demands. A venerable Pastor visits the establishment once a week, for the purpose of giving religious lessons aad preparing th pu plls for their Orst communion.

M'me Mac, oartlculartv desirous that herBUjIlsshoald erctse at all tlmea among themseivea tbe most scrupulous polucneis, and by this means she readily succeeds la urmlug la them those gentle and ktndlr rsannera. which are so becoming, especially In a young la The Musical Department is under the autctloa of Mr. Elle, whose talent is so Justly appreciated. Terms and other particulars mar be learned from th Prospectus, wblch Is to be procured at tbe office of this paper, or at Mraara Boallgny A Oaoacbeau's. tieferences r.

trnma, nrw vnrsui tsoangny era eucheau. New Orleans L. Lallande Ferriere. Carrolltoa 1 W. C.

Claiborne. New Orleanai Victoria H. Roman, Car rollton; Christian Koaetlua, New Orleans; Oervala Ar tt. Carrol I toaj Aeaasejoor Boisblanc. JeSeraoo.

je if allelR(0 DepitrtmeDt. PNIVER8ITY OF LOUIS I A Hi. TBE fourth annual session of this department wll comsnenee 00 rbe first of November, with the fol lowing Dauted Profesa irshlps filled 1 I. Ancient Laa suas es. fidatbematlca.

Natural aod Cl PbllMoohv aod Astronomy Geology. 4 Chemistry and Mine Merman and Hebrew Languages. 6. French and Literature. 7.

Spanish Laussare. Profeasor of Mathematics will sive his claases era tul'ous Instruction la Topograpotcal and Linear Drawing. lue jouro rnze tor to. secneoc most proncient the Hebrew Language, and the Burke Prise for the stadent excelling in fclocation, will be presented at the close of the srasion. Tue ortantaation of thla department la such as to ea able stodenta to follow a complete or partial course.

Xhe annual expense will depend upon tas number tickets taken by the student Full information given at the university Buildings, Com DOB street SEABS, era no Iv Dean to the Faculty. Irustltoffoa far Yaung I.adlra. AS BOARDERS AND DAY PUP I. Camp street, earner cf Delord street, rsa A I 1 1 mum i.Km v. institution, and parents and guardians, that she haa removed the school conducted bv herseif and slaters, to the airy and commodious locarlou, corner of Camp and ueiora streets, ana assures teem tae same unremitting efforts will continue to be mads for the Improvement of her pupils, and tbe development of thetr capacttlea In all tbe Drenches conducive to the highest mental and moral cuMvatioo.

Tbe French Language Is under tbe charge of M. Laa grin and a French lady, who will also reside In the eatab UshDieot. 1 Spanish. Mr. Tornoa.

English Department. Misses A1U son and ai'me Boudet. Latin, Greek, Oerman, Piano. Harp, Guitar, Singing and Solfeggio, by (listing Ushed frrotesBors. Ls7 i be Prytan'a street omnibuses wl'l take Pupils from CsjibI street to MJm Allison's door, la 71a minutes.

JeftrrwwB Arsiaiemy, St Bourbon street, N. Orleans Conducted by J. 0. LORD. rHE plan of this Institution comprises a general and ex teueive system of edocatioou Pupils are sdmitted al six or sevea years of age, and can continue till tur'r eda cation Is complete, or till they are prepared for their future pursuits in life.

They are distributed Into classes according to their tal ents ssd advancement Tbe ore mine a are perhaps the best to be fouud la the city, with ample apace for exercise sad recreation, every accessary convenience la comoinea lor aa uwu.utloa of learning on a targe scale. The profea ors are gentlemeB of talent, chosea with care. Good order reigns In the establishment, and strict attention Is poid to tue moral conduct and improvement of the pcplla. Instruction in ta English aad "Teach LanruA ea. Writing.

Arithmetic. Geoeraphy. History. Mathematics Book Keeping, Ac xne loiinwttig isogua ta aad accompuzamentj art taoght The barges are For Latin or Greek, per re net fi 00 Bpanisb, German, or Drawing, per month 4 "0 Music, per montii 10 or Dancing, per 0C teaclpg ana alilltary Exemae, per month Terms For Boarders, per month SA or: Half Boarders, per montn 1000 Dnv Scholar under 8 years of sjre. ner month a 00 Dav Scholars, under It years of as e.

ner mcnth a on Day Scholars, above It years of age, per Iti ou School hours from half past till and from half past 4 till a o'clock. st tf I sisg LtacSlea' Academy. Corner of Rampart and Mala atreent. Pa TADAMX PARENT has removed her lnstltatJosi J.TA. the corner of Rampart aad Mala streeta, aad ia ready to receive Doaraera, ssu ooaraera, ana aay acaoiara.

1 oers are spacious ral lenes and a magoiflsent terrace, which tvea a spienaia view 01 tne enur. city as inr as toe iase. rhe apartments are vast and well aired. There la even advantage and Inducement offered to pareota, as to tb moral and Intellectual cultivation of tbe minds of their daughters. Tbe beat Professors are employed.

Every branch 01 a solid and redned ed neat Ion Is taught. In both language. 1 aiso, acrompiiaamencs sucn as rawing, raiat ins, Embroidery, Ave The Musical department la under the direction of tore of the most competent and acknowledged talents la the city. A competent Professor has the special charge of the ulaitv uvtsirzi lp 1 auLuta. Mr.

GEN1BBXL hia beea eagaged aa a Teacher of Vocal Moalc. For terms apply at the institution. Parenta are permit ted to visit this Institution on Ban days. Once a week, (Saturday,) between it aad 1 e'clock, the young la liea assemble ia the parlor, in order to acquire those polite and gracefsl manners so aecrsssry te yeung pe sons when they enter society. Young ladles residing at a distance la the different dla tri eta will be conveyed, gratis, in omnibuses to aad from tbe lnstltotkin, commencing September laM.

References Hon. P. Boole, Uon. A. D.

Croaimsn, Ret Dr. ilt ott. Rev. J. Loene.C.

RoseMus, L. Eyma, Esq. forrtall. W. Jl.

Wilder. Bev. Dr. Leaco*ck. He.

l.eala Iastltate. No. 313 Dsnpbin and lftA Hnanltal rTiHIS flourishing SrmiEary forthe education of Yeung A Ladles is saoaud in desirable locality tbe premises usee orvn omit expressly ror tne purposes of a first Clsss ooaraicg coooi, ana win conveniently aceommedate ever two hundred puplla M'me DERON, the Directress of tbe St. L' als ir.sti tute, member of the University of Frsnce, gives ber cb tire attention to the voune ladles entrnated to hw She not endeavors to cultivate la them the habit of sruny, out aiso. Dot a oy precept and example, to laxtill Into their minds those cardinal virtues which form the heart The studies In English and French embrace all tbe branches of a thoroof a and accomplished education for yaung ladies.

M'me Deroo Is assisted bv dlsrlnsnlshrd Prnhnn the Academic Coarse, and by good Teachers for the tie mentary 1'lassrs usdc Piano. Ham. Bolflssio and Blnan.i I. th. oki.

of constant aod eauecial care M'eoe 1 vi I I.K.. whose talent is so lastly annreciated. haa charm of rhi. 4Aeiarm.uK. moutuiy cxamrnatiooa, or musical Soirees, are given, in order to arouse tbe emulation of the pupllr and certain their pro frees.

Arawing ana itenclng are also taugnt SUMMER RESIDENCE. From the let of Jane a branch of tbe Institution laooea st Mandevi lie, where everything la provided far tbe con venieuce nf those pupils whose parenta desire that they moid be absent from the city daring the summer mop the ie studies are essentially the same ae those pursaed at v.r bs. tioaia tnarituie. wnicn remains open aonng ta tii; rr year, ana coaseqaentiy not tae siigntcas mterrup on occurs apon the reunion of the classes. rranlous is attacked to tbe Institute, for the cob renience of those pnplls liyln above Caaal atreet.

aula as nm Daniel Edwarag. I Successor tn Twihill A Ed arris 1 Nne. 58, 30 and 31 New Levee. and 87.M and JI Fnltnn at ATANUFACTURER of every description or Copper, lti. Tin.

Sheet Iron and Braes Work. He Is now rea lv maaing 01 oteam rains, ajisrifying and Evaanratln. Pans r.rvr. I nir. 1 ounr Al uuat.

Aiatavonle. 1 O. O. jy S. ef O.

V. Al REGALIA, JEWELS AND COSTUMES, maaafac tured aad kept en hand at the eld establishment ef combs, 844 ursna stieet, east el Bowery, new York (aP Orders from tttc AUitAry aomrtly aeBAltdha. ape 06 ly MATOHVAXTT Of HEW Citv HalL Anril T. 18MV. J.

EVERETT. Principal. I XTOTICE la herny given, inoi au peraona apyi jui THE ftrartb aentl annnai aeMion oi Pia I aiinatinoa oh w. e.rmnce on WEDN EbDAT. 14'h March, aad the Hctly with the proriaiona of Ordinance Wa.

4100 of the Principal wooo aemii Diawie io wiwiwr i bommn bi. tbk. Uu, ofj lf. ..1 Aniuv a. vi vi''t'(i" men tball read and write, andervtanrl and apeaK fioently the Eng'ian langaag' (anch OFFICERS a may be loca ted briow Canal atreet, ahall apeak the Engliab and French langnigra,) and abal morrorer prodace a rertin cate of recommendation to the Mayor, from at Irait three well known freboleri and retractable cititeua of Mew Or leana, to the follow'ng That aid applicant hat) raided at leaat two years.

eooerut1eiy. to tbe fliy or Hew Orleanai that he is a cltlsen by birth, or legally rat nralized; that he is a person of goo 1, moral character, bonear, giber, and indostrioos, and a fit and proper person to fill theartoatlon he applies for Article 4 reqatrea "that all officers and policemen, be fore being aworn nnd entering opon their Jotis shall gire bond and ar rarity to the aarisfsction of the Mayor, the Csp'aln In the mm of Lieutenants. o)n, Berg snta .,800, and Pclicemen $1,000. tbe bond be conditioned for tbe fatbfo.

performance of the "'ti dotirs deol1ng upon tbem. and to bold i tbe cltyharmleas forr ms i omluion or commission, of said officers and Lolicrmen. in the eaerclse of thrir dotlea in hi. diarretian and Jodgtnent, ronsiner ikkh anrfmost solvenL JNO. L.

LEW IS, Mayor. aar in order to fVi'itare persons applying for situations on the police, blank certificates, embracing ail the reqnlre mruts o' the ordinance, will be furnished at the Mayor's omcei also, at tbe office of tiie Chief of Police, and Captains of the Districts ap7 6t fA fB.1 fits LA NO0VELLE ORLEANS, I Hotel de Ville, le 7 Avril. 1AM. AVIS eft par le present donn que toutea Ira person nes qui demsnderont da I'emplol dans la police aeront tenors dete conformer strictement sal disposit ons de 1'orHonnanre Mo 4100 da ConseM Common orgaoitaut le departcraent de la police et approirW le Avril. ltt L'article 3 de la dite ordoonance ezige qne tons hnmH nolle s.chmt ire et ecrlre et entenden' et prment c.uramment la naue Anglaise, les OFFICIERS qui aeront piarea aadeswus de la roe do Canal dvrout parler lea laogaes Aosiaiae et Francalae,) lis drvreoc rn ontre proouiresu jnaire ua ccnincw a irwiujiuwiur Orleans; Prot C.

Mace, St. Charles tion dan molns itrois icoonu dc pvtaablect ea that troublesome weakness that occurs arte after the asa scribed, and if taken will arrest and remove itsws In Inn nratmcted of other medicines gen re BOAajji HALF BOARD1KO AJI1 DAX SCHO01 in the rt atage of the dlaease. It OR YOCWU LABIF.A ive ail nnplrasant feelioes In a few Conducted by M'me C. MACE, rtedorehron stages of the diaraaes Thla InatltaMon. established only some moatht This Institution, established only some moatht In obstinate Uleeta.

Female Compla'rts, aoch aa Whites, kc It is wlthoat doubt tba most cttrctuai remedy ever discovered. We do aot offer these preparations as a Panacea, or cure every thing." bet for the aoive named cases ra authorised by Trs. Leroy and IVlttler, of Paris, tfc( Bventors, to guarantee a core. We would here remark that thear preparatlona bavs been before tba public or newDTlrans ror rne laattuir teen yeara, and they hsve unlversaliv proved erfirsclnua L. C.

Thomson. Ho. 143 CARONDEIiET STREET, between Povdraa aod fieri streeta, third house from Paydraa, sign of tba Marble Statue, Sola Agent In the nisea Btacea. open from A. M.

tat P. M. nl 1 K. lyudlua'a linpraved ipeclfle i'aata A CERTAIN and erfectual remedy fur tke cure of Ux A. aorrbea, Oleeta Wbiua, 6uicturea, and complaints la molni ndnt deax datii Tille de 1 Nod Telle Orleans) qu'il est ci toy en no on qull a et leg.lrmrnt naturalise; qu 11 jouit a nne oooov rrpuia hu 11 CB1 honntte.

sonre et actif, et qu'il corvtent parfsitement r.mnli, 1 a nine anil dfcmande L'article 4 exlge "au'avant de prefer serment et en trerdans l'exeicice de leurs devoirs, tons Irs officlers et mem brrs de la police donnent nne rsotion. A la satisfaction da Mairsi le cspl'aine, ds la roomie de 10,00 les lleutrnsnu rte g.t.too; les sergents, ae ei it. mrw h.M Am in nolle de aijuOi et le cautlonoement sera concn de maniere a impliquer la fidel. execution dea diderents devoirs qui leur Inromberont, et de uanlere susrt pro lrer la ville contre tout arte omfa ou com mis psr les dita ofneirrs et membres de la police dans 1'exercice de leurs devoirs" L'article 5 fait on devoir an de ehoisir comire rsnllon rt renonriant relol des Dropritaires oil auront eigne le rertlfieat de ircommandatlon, que dans sa sagesse ct son opiolon 11 consider cornow le roellleur et le plus solvable. JNO LEWIS, Maire.

mmv aukji. ikiiiiM I. MntBnM aal demanderont de I'rmplol dans la police, II leur sera fouroi au bureau du Msire des certlftcata en blanc embtassant tauUa les con dltions qu'rxige I'ordonnsnre. On trouvera auasi de ces certificate ao bureau du Chef de la Police etkeeox drs Capital nee dea Districts. apa INo.y097.1 RESOLVED, That tbe Comptroller sell at public auction, after ten days' notice, the contract to repair the sidewalks in front of Wsshington Square the whole In accordance with spe durations on file la tbe Surveyor OUiC''rifmed1 JAS.

H. CALDWELL, rmiUriH n'HWll aiuciuhibi SlgnedJ L. H. PLACE, President Board of Assistant Aldermen. Approved, March 31, I860.

SignedJ JOHN LEWIS, Major. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, I City of New Orleans, April ISM. NOTICE la hereby given, that on MONDAY, the loth Inst, I will adjudicate, at is o'clock at my office, the above contract apa O. DE BOYS. Comptroller.

I No. mjiw.1 RESOLVED, That the Comptroller sell at public aoc tion, to the highest blriJrr. for cash, sfter ten riars' notice, all tbe old curb and gutter stone on hand, and not required for the city a rue, th surveyor furnishing an inventory of the same. JAS. H.

CALDWELL, President Board nf Aldermen. (Signed L. H. PLACE. President Board of Assistant Aldermen.

Approved. March 31, laf a. SignedJ JNO. L. LEWIS, Mayor COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE.

Citv of New Orleans. April 3. 1 XTOTICE Is herebvslven. that on FRIDAY, tbe ar 1SAS 13th I will a.1lodlrste. at A o'clock P.

on Levee street, between Louisa aod Piety streets, a large number 01 01a cats ana gaiter nones, apt o. DE BOYS. Comptroller. Notice to Tax Payers. TREASURER'S OFFICE, City ol New Orleans, anarch lano.

TN accordance with the requirements of the thirty fifth I section of the act of consolidation, notice is hereby given, that the tax receipts art now ready, and the tax payers are notified to apply at the Treaaaier'a office and pay the same. By tbe provisions of charter, all taxea that remain nnpald on the 1st May are to be put in suit niha W. GARLAN D. Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE, I frm Orleans, March 10, 1AA XTOTICE la hereby given, to owners aod captalna of II steamboats and seagoing vessels, that the following article oraioaoce No.

IkO will be strictly enforced Art Every perioo owning or totca anding any steamboat or sea going vessel Is forbidden to permit aoy person to renixin oa board such vessel while lying at any of tb. wharves of New Orleans, aa transient boarders or ledgers, (loose persons employed on aald boats excepted,) anleafi tha aaid owner, commander or captain, ahall bave prevloualy obtained a license from ths Comptroller af the city, which lireare ahall be registered at tbe Mayor' oltic, and for which aaid owner, rnmn ander ar captain. shall psy to the Treasurer of tbe city nne bundled dollars f.r tbe year ending on tbe 1st day of January folluwlng tbe taking out of the license. Any owner, commander or captain who shall fail to comply with the provisions of tots article, aoau oe nne a twenty nve dollars lor eacn ana every ctieoce. mail WM.

JAMES. Chief of Police. 1VERPOOL SALT For sale. Sots sacks Coarse Salt i and S7I sacks Fine Suivrd Salt, landing ex Ashley, I uon ijtverpooi. ror terms sppiy to Ja r.T J.

P. WHITNEY At Camp street C'lrcna Mtrex iloapitals No. at Circus street, between Poydras and Perdldo streets IS now the charge of Dr. A. MKRC1ER, No.

lh 1 Canal street, aad Dr. STANFORD CHA1LLE, at the HospitaJ. This establishment has been completely reorganized, and Is ready for the reception of pattente Tbeaccommo aatioui are excellent, and patients may rely upon recelving every attention, A deposit far ten days Is required on 1 iissioa. Terms of accomuiodatioa. Including prescriptions, nsra tng, Ac, are Rooms for patients, of both aexea and af all colors, from Bitot a day.

Wards for slaves, BI a day. flursical onerariona charred extra. Children vaccinated on Tuesdays aad Fridays, from 11 to I 11 ciocx, ei eacn. aTDr. Merciercan be consulted at tbe Hospital, from to 1, except on Sundays.

sr Hr. Turpln can be consulted, on diseases children. rrom iMiosii r. m. will be carefully prepared at tbe drug stars attached to the establishment The Lake tonne la Unea.

This favorite Hotel at tbe lake end of tbe Shell Road, la open under the charge of Mr. GEO. W. CULLUM. formerly of the City Hotel.

be lessee deems tt use leas to place the establishment more prominently before tbe public by a description of Its merits and arlvantagca. It is too well known to need such praise. Be trusts to be sble to gratify all comers, more particularly family parties, for whom auch arrange ments win oe maac ae will renaer tae noose a quiet ana asr.e i.mwt. a 44 tf Billiard iUanoractory, Corner of Walnut and Canal sheets, Cincinnsti. Ohio.

THE undersigned begs leave to Inform tbe public that, having )uat returned from Pans, is now prepared to laranu niiusiu saoiea, anu every aruvie appertaining lo tbe game, at tbe shortest notices and. having tbe most extensive manufactory la tbe (Jolted States, enablea blm to furnish all material from ten to fifteen per cent cheaper than any otner establishment can afford to do it He naa constantly on band Billiard Tables of all descriptions and Sricee. ana paya particular attention to tbe manufactore of eds particularly adapted to the Southern climate and. having been engaged in toe business for many yeara, baa acquired a thorough knowledge of tbe requirements of good Billiard Table, and will guarante their workman ahlp and durability. He maouracturea Marble Beds ma bogany, walnut, cherry aa.l sine and baa also on haod Bella, of the best seasoned Ivory, French Cloths.

Cues, India Rubber Cushions, of his own Invention, also Tables, as can be aeen at tbe following billiard rooms in New Or leans St Charles, Southern and St Nicholas. N. B. AU orders will be thankfnily received and promptly attended to. J.

M. BRUNSWICK, Fa 3m Proprietor. EXCHANGE New York, Washington Baltimore, Richmond, Charleston, Mobile, ror sale Dy Avi mw Cincinnati, Louisville, St Louis, Chicago, Austin. Texas, San Antonio, Texas, JUDBOn at Bankers, a iaun v. AAauaera, F4 corner of Canal and Can streets.

New Or 1 ana. To liullders and Shippers. NWH EATON, No. 3 Canal street, N. and retail dealer in Doors, Bashes, Blinds, Ac Use on hand in his warercom, a large assortment of the above articles, manufactured of tbe best lumber, and kiln dii Inside and outside 8 butters.

Shatter Blinds, Gothic and Circular gashes. Panel work, Ac, of ail descriptioas, made to order at the shortest notice and In tbe beat manner Window Glaaa and a general assortment of Baliders ard ware constantly on hand and for sale at the iswest prices. 1 Km Isaiah Rogers. Henry kV hltestone. Architecture.

OGEES At WHITESIONE. Architects, office Main XV street, Louisville. make all necessary drawing, for and superintend tbe erection of every description of ouiioing au parts 01 the union. As a guarantee of their competency and experience, they refer to the following, among tba nurneroua bnildings designed and erected by Mr. Kogera daring the last thirty yeara: The Tremont House, Boston, Mass.

1 Tbe Merchants' Exchange, Boston, Mans. 1 Tbe Sutolk Bank, The Howard Atheneam, The Astor Hons. Now Toeb The Merchants' Exchange, New York, N. T. The Church.

Lafayette Place, The Beak of America, Wall st, Tbe Bangor House. Bangor, Me. The Metropolitan HalL Chicago, I1L The Masonic Hall, Augusta, Ga. 1 The Exchange Hotel, Richmond, Ta. The Exchange Bank, Tbe Battle Hotel, Mobile, Ala 1 Tbe Burnet House, Cincinnati, Ohio; 8t John's Episcopal Clior, Clncinna Oblti Trier Davison's Store, Main st, Mr.

Hatch's Villa, Dayton street, W. Smith's Villa Clifton. The Capitol Hotel, frank for Ky. J3 tie. Trac' c'irnv! 8t2m lr.

J. Klllolt, Veterinary fSurgeoo, hsSd. Coopllnt Valret, Ac, constantly on I 6 perdiSo street, New Orletn" He would call the attention of planters te tbe Steam Trains which have been lu successful operation on the pjsntAtrtons of Cot R. C. Camp.

Mr rz KT. Harrison, E.J. Forstal Nelson At Donelsnn, Osgood A Lawrence. W. A H.

Stack house. A. Thorn laaaaTr. i' tall, of this city to whom he respectfully refers for full prm iiata mevt im aTX WlU give his personal attention to the cere of la diseases of hOaets, COWS and other AnV aw a mala, Hia long experience In tbe "tiusiness, tbe completeness of hia estabiienment, and the character of his aasl Xante, guarantee that proper attention wlU be gven to all animals entrusted to his charge Connected with thla establishment, there is a large Lot la Perdldo atreet, where Horses caa be tarsed loase far exereisn. Ib all rases a cars Is warranted or no charge made.

dlv am lr KI.I.IOTT. a PaHIs. itra t. f)OTATOE8 Ply to miua) st nou.baxrelt potatott fur sale 10 arrive Ap WE J. DEWEY 83 OravleilsUeAt.

JvU fJwper well. nutaace from Ylekabarg (by Railroad )ta Raymond, 40 soilrs miles 8tslng to the Weil. Throagb In three Tbese waters need aacommemi ineyar exteesirely known to tbe community, and recoia mended by the Medical Faculty In tba core of tt( KrasiaMtnsf illiriala til EIia rnnriCT IDCD L.UIWH1V v'laBtB' I iii.heres. Broncbitia. Chlorosis, trmrral LVbiilty, Cotaneoua Diaeasea, and xls easrs of the spleen.

Bladder, ate Board to 1st one. per Fiom 1st Jane to 1st October, per Is. IMMaN WILLIAMS, Superintendant PMMri Well. I msa SiST A.ents for the "sle of the Water. O.

D. Metcalf A Mw Orleans; Wm. McCotchen Co Vicksborgj Thompaon at Emanuel, VaxooClty; Whitings rvsosier. Jackson, Misstastppl. Jutlnm'a Kachtsnge, Corner ttraTier and C'aronrietrt streets.

Is orfn for the reeeotlon of visitors. The public can drpen I on always obtaining at this eitoDtiso mrnt the choicest Wines and Lianors imported. Mr. Cullcm can be aeen at this establishment from 10 A. M.

nnt'l 4 P. during which time be will oniers from parties for limners, Suprera, Ac, at the Lake Mouse. Arm do Hotel, Magazine If ew Orleans, between Sravler and Natchez fl MOHSr. Proirrlrtor. The proprietor respectfully informs his friends and Datrona.

and the oubllc eenerallv. that this well known and popular establishment has been thor oughly renovated the past season, and newly furnished throughoot A large extension of room has been obtoiotd by the proprietor's renting the adjoining, portion of the ouiiPing. wcicn win enaoie oim ro cctiuoiuubw mjm.m nnmK. ml mmtnrrmTm thfin UkSt winter. No expense baa been spared by tbe proprietor to enable him to merit a cootinnance of the generous patronage has heretofore received, and every exertion will be made by himself and assistants to render the aujouxn of his oeste not only comioruiDie out gaf One great convenience attached to this hotel.

Is rrmt mM i run ne naa nr a mosr on otiurr, Lake Hotel. The undersigned, having bought net the Interest Mr ILn.ier in tbe LAKE HOTEL, will ron tlnueto keen the asms ou his own account, and hope to merit tbe full favor of tbe Lake patronizing public Not having tbe pleasure of living under tne control or ik New Orleans Council, be will keep his house open as long as there are guests to be entertained. Mrs. H. HODER has kindly volunteered her attendance to the La lies' depsrtment Toe Bar and Restsursnt a'wsys supplied with tbe best things the market may afford.

OTTO BR1EDE, Proprietor of Lake Hotel, terminus of the Jtflersou and Lake Pontchartraln Railroad. WANTE Two Walters and one Bar Keeper, for extra work oa Bundsye and holidays. mbM itn be IT. kWtf Oralis. JCST PUBLISHES A NEW DISCOVERY IN MEO ICINE.

A PEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL TREATMENT, without mediclie.of Spermatorrhea, or Local Weak nrse. Nervous Debility, Low Bptr.ta. Lassitude, Weaknesa of tbe Limbs and tbe Back, Indisposition and Incapacity for Study and lAoor, Dti.lnrag of Apprehension, Loss ol Memory, Aversion to Bocletr, Love of Solitude. Timidity, Self Distrust, Dizziness. Headache, Involuntary Discbarges, Pains In tbe Side, Affection of the Errs, Pimples on the Face, sexual and otber Innrmltlea la Man.

From tbe French of Dr. B. DeLaney. The lmportantfact that tbese alarming complaints may easily be removed, without medicine. Is, In this small tract, clearly demonstrated, and tbe entirely new and highly surcraafal treatment, as adopted by the author, fully explained, by means of which everyone Is ecabled to cure nlmself perfectly, and at the least possible coat, avoiding, thrrrny, ail toe SMivemsea bwuhj ot tue aay Sent to any address, gratis and post free, in a sealed es veiope.

by remitting 1 post pain 1 two pustoge stamps to lIMi LAJiEY, 17 Liapeoard atrea. Texas 17. H. Mall lne. new gorx.

llardvrarr, etc. RICHARDS. SLOCOMR A No. 11 Chartrrs street, New Orleanr, Importers and wholesale deal; Mi era In Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Suedes and American Bar. Sheet and Boiler Iron, to which they invite the atteu on of country dealers.

Among others are the following goods 700 tons Eurde and American Bar Ironi 19u teas English and American iioop. Boiler and Shert Irco; M0 tons Holi.iw Ware and Castings, assorted lO.iuu pounds brszier's Copper, assarted, ail sizes Hiv dozen Axes, Collin's, Hunt's snd other makers gfia dozen Carolina Grub and Cane Hoes, aasorted arzt dos Shovels and Spades. aaortedi 610 dozen best Cotton aud Wool Carda SMI casks best Ox, Log snd Trace Chains, trJtO Ploughs, assorted. Bang's Carey, Hall's Peaco*ck, and May beri Cast Colons Mill Stones, Grind Stones, Mill Ironr, Bolting Cloth, Ac. Tot ether with a toll aasorrrnent of direct In rsarta'lon Foreign and Domestic Shelf Hardware, all of Hcb will a.

11 on tue nioet lavorante terms. dJi tniltW ice most airect, expeditions ana 1 I Herpes, iuuic ironi wrirnus lo capital of Texas, and the cen tral or western portion of the btate, via Gahreaton, Hon. ton, taashlngtoo, innepenoence, sjnapei mil. Bren nam, Round Top, Kufersriile, La Grange, Bastrop, Webliervilie te Austin. Stages leave Houston on the above route dally te Washltigton.

and three times a week forall of the otber places, eoimertli.g at Washirgtoa with stages for Spring field, Huatsvilie and Andersou, and at Ansti with stssrs for San Antonio, New B'aunfela, Waco, Georgetown, Bel ton and Dallas. 1 Stsges also leave as ton three tlmea a week for Montgomery, sluntsvtlle, Cincinnati, Crockett, Alto, Douglass and Narogdoehea U. S. Mail Boats leave Galveston for Houston on the arrival of the New Orleans steamers, and stages leave Houston on the srrtval of tbe Galveston boats. Extra etagee will be furnished, when neceasarv, at regular stage fare, oy appiic.rioo to me agent at noustoo.

Stage office. Houston House, opposite post office. FI4 fA dAWly F. P. SAWYER, Proprietor.

taT Louisville Journal will plraae copy and seed bill to the office of tbe Houston Teleerapa. J. Spe rcer Ueatal targets. No. Its Canal street, RE8PECTFFJI.LY informs his friends and tbe public that he has returned to ibe city, after sn absence of nine years, wi'htbe inrrrtlon of permanently locating, and oilers his profesnloiial seivlres to the citizens of New Orleans, gtritranteeirg entire eatinfacttoa for ail dental ope rat unt He can produce testimonials from persons ia different peris of the Stste where Le has prscttced, aa to hie anility, and arllctrs the patronage of his ft Office and Residence, lu Canal street, over Mra Banister's Mil Hnerv store.

ari Is Krtilroad Iron. sale low. 46 bars IRON, about 11 feet Ion soa ia uastam nousc stores, ror terras, sppiy to Jawi WHITNEY A 61 Camp street. George Harvey. Edwin H.

Wbedon. Auction Honae la Ht. Louis. Itlo. HARVEY at WUEDON, Aactionters, No.

4A Main street We attend personsllv to the sales of every description of merchandise consigned us to be sold st auction, and from our long experience in the auction business, aud having 'he sdvanlage of a good market at all seasons, trust test we can reuarr entire satisiection 10 ail wuo may wiab to favor as with consigu meats. tar Returns of saiea made and proceeds remitted promptly in an cases. i sm liounly Land, Peneiona, Vc. NOTICE to all persons tit led tn Bounty Land, under the act of Coo Teas nf 3d of March. 18AA.

also. Pen sioners and Widows of Pensioners of the Revolutionary War, aod all other wars since. The undetsigned. having now received tbe proper form from the Pension Office st Wsshington, Is psr pared to attend to the same: and also brine in oosa aaion of the I Records aod Rolls of tbe service rendereo durine tbe Rev olutionary War, and of all tbe wars in wbicb tbe United I Btatea naa been engaged since 1790. both of Army and Navy, also the service of tbe Texan Revolution of la prepared to assist the officers, soldiers, or their widows ana netrs to notsin their cistms for Koonty lsqi or Pen sions for services rendered la the different wars.

Ail persons rrqulrlns Information, eivina full nartica lars. post paid, will receive prompt attentiaa. Having aa efficient agent In Washington City, I feel confident that all claims rotmstcd to me will be attended to at once. In case the claim rejected, no coerce will oe mint. u.

i. sULAKUO, riotsry robin rnbto Im Camp atreet Juoait or Alialoid. A DRAFT, drawn by J. tk. Benjamin, March 98 1AM, XX at twelve months, on and accepted by Messrs.

Cleve land tiros. A to, in Isvor of A. L. Sloan, for 8877 A. The public Is cautioned against purcbaalog aaid draft, as pay ment baa been stopped.

Tbe finder will please deliver tbe draft to as Iff 11 ri DUNCAN at apft tf 6a CaroBdelat street Mew Orleana Ktnlavratloii and Uernlttnxioe OFFICE. rpHE anderslgned. at his old established office, cob tit es to accommodate persoas desirous of remitting money to their friends In England, eland or Scotland, wilh sterling sight drafts, payable in any poat town ia the above named kingdoms, and In sums to suit He also, as usual, continues having passengers brought from Liverpool to this city, on good ships and reasonable terms. Par ttea living at a distance, by addressing a letter (poet paid) i me. auuersignca, win pc puncruaiiy.attenaea to "VI JOHN TOOf.E.

A Bank ttea iUrer and Texas United Htutea iTlail Line of Staarea. PARMA I. KE A Proprietors. Stagea leave Alexandria tri weekly aTav A tor Nacoedochea. via Salipetown.

Ml lam aad nan An.n.ttn.mnn1nv thrnnsh In forty boors, and connecting at Nacogdoches with the line running tt Huntsviiie, from which place lines arc running to Hons on, Washltigton, Austin and Ban Antonio. It also conn, cts with the line from Ne ogdeciiee to Biuc.rjAn, uu aai.aiiudi via zsenaerson ana marsnaiL This line, connectit.g with the regolar packets at Alexin trie, to which point boats can ran at all seasons of the year, otters the gres eat Indocemecra to the traveling public, from Its certain speed and comfort, the proprie tors having spared no triable or expense In procuring the best coaches, tbe finest teems and most experienced drivers In the Southwestern ccun rr. Also from the fact that it affords tbe greatest facilities for reaching every point of note in xeu, wunuut encountering rne inconvenience and danae a voyaso across mi. ten It nls Am A A a. rVHitLWRiUHr Commission Mat Jf.

chants. No. 11 Wal tree New York. References HenryJ as Icid.N rw York 1 William T. Whitney, Boston, A.

M. Hclk Orleans, rsti dAW'tf Stoves. Tla and Japanned Wares AUSTIN tiOODVVYN, No. 1 Front Levee, orner of Customhouse street. osre uiuiiBiib.j ou nana ana are dally menu facturing every description of TIN WARE which, together with tbelr stock of STOVES, comprises the most complete aaesrtxaent of any nWU.IIUUICH, IAA IA11B Llll.

Their stock of Stoves are of every variety of patterns, of both Eastern snd Western manufacture, consisting of Cookins. Parlor and Office Stoves. The invite con ntn merchants and others to call aud examine tbelr stock anc 1 rices before purchasing elsewhere. Their prices are low ana terras en.v. jaio an ly ii Thomas Wilson Baltimore.

i A8H ADVANCES on consign racnts of pror'ure to the aoove nouse, z.jvavzi, i at 94 Carnndolet arroof whe will also make adrancrs on consignments to their frienda in Philadelphia, New York, Bo ton, vetpooi, Ac mliltj asum ter Cure Water Cure. 'a ue uaoersisr 1 mine rne srreniion OI invaiias 878 to the LAWRE iCE WATER CURE, Brsttl. boro', U'ji Vt srknowiedsed ss one of tbe mast favorable localities for this in tbe United Btatea They are conhdrnt that their experience of many years in con drscting sucn sn estsolirnrnent. together aitdfome recent Imnrovemeots marttMn hrrhte bathiness well as lodging detiartments. Kill sstisfy the expects' lou and wants of ail that favor tbem with their rounder ce.

The medical ae partment. In particular, will be kept in equal step with the pmgiessui scivBiiac nyuionainr. v. tt. tjiiavt.

ni. E. LOLW EJ THaL, M. W. KLIN 6 TnhTft 3m Proprietera.

wTUAi.rBn wuips a 1 braclns an aaartment of twenty six varietiea. in all arrent en dozen, jteifian mBnafacture. ror sale by an ii m. vs. aa xo o.ux 'aca.

eTssTaau FOR GALVESTON AND MATA0ORDA VAX United states mail tana xne steam ablsr LODI8IANA. W. H. Talbot, command er, will leave on BOM DAY, the 15th at o'clock A. pl.

nsaaig ania ftoeoaft the Steamsbin Lsndlng. tar A steamship of this line will leave every SUNDAY and THURSDAY. taF Shippers will please provide themselves with the steamer's bins or lading rvo otner form win oe signeo. 1'HUUIUt Mar 3. at a o'ciuca a FOR BRAZOS SANTIAOO, DIRECT New Orleana and Texas United States Mai I Msiin tMil 1nr IT new and mAgniflcent steamship NAUTILUS.

John S. Thomp on, commander, art leave aa above, punctually. For freight or passage, having veiy so pet lor state room accommodations, apply to HARRIS At MORGAN, foot of Julia street, opposite the Steamship Landing, aa Ail freight shipped by tbe Naatilus will bs delivered to Capt Kennedy, of the steamer Orampus, un SaV Shippers most provide themselves with the steam ablllsnr lading, nootcertorm wm urmnun. apu tVsiw VsrC. a mail STEAMSHIP COMPANT FOR NEW YORK.

VIA HAVANA The fine fast ateamahio PHILADELPHIA. Jaa. Kri. nrk commander, will leave her wnarf, opposite ckson Square, for New York, via Havana, on FRIDAY, April lh, ot 8 o'clock A. precisely, tne Gov nn.nt nmila and nassrneera.

For freight or passage apply at the office of the Company, 71 Mag Mine atreet JENNINGS, LADOHLAND At apl' tapiv "I1 NEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS STEAMSHIP COMPANY For Nrw Yo'k via Havana Tbe new splendid side wheel steamsuip ISLALnv WAKHIOK, Jas. u. nannrn, com m.niier. win leave ner woarL. irsr uisxrii on rr DAY.

the SMh inst. at o'clock A. M. For freight or I passage apply ta JAO. CONNOLI At Agents, spv 44 royarae sireer.

Kor (nllfornra. vet a aii dki 1 Tri 1 i T7 1 i Aspin rall and Psnsma'at The D. 8. MslI steamshlb PHILADELPHIA. Jaz.

P. Scbenc.a.conrmnnder will leave her wharf, opposite Jack aoa Sonare. on FRIDAY. April sotb. at 8 o'clock A precisely, wiin trie uoernm ni mails inn paasengers, connecting with tbe U.

8. Mull steamship El Dorado, at Havana, and tne Pacific mail steamship John L. Stepbepa at Panama The faoama Railroad is now or mora vttAn TO OCEAN, and the transit made In four hours The davs of sailing will hereafcer be the Mb and SOth of each montn, rrom mis port, vis narana. Throogh tlcxets can now ne oorainrn at tne omcc 01 ARMSTRONG, HARRIS A apl 1 tspl 9 43 Natchez street, near Camp. Cnllfornlau NEW ORLEANS AND CALIFORNIA Steamship Line, via ntcaragua Only twelve miles Isnd travel For San rrencieco The eleaant steaRishio DANIEL WEBSTER.

Lucas. commanding, will leave hi Point Arrnai on SATURDAY. April I4tb. at a o'clora a. connecting at san juan an Sur with the splendid stesmship Lnc.e Sam.

For tickets no v. ir.mruciu. iot biuii biieo. taY Paasengers by this line go through to San Francises regularly in twenty aays. Vera funis.

FOR VERA CRDZ O. Mall Line The new and magnificent steamship ORIZABA, Thorn. Vnrhim. commander, will leave for tr. Urn.

on 8AT0RDAY. April 14th, at o'clock A. 1 1 ii nilt A For freight or passage, having elegant accommodaaow I agent for cabla and steerage poa enger. aj'piy HAHLRJB At MORGAN, foot of Julia street, opposite the Steamship Landing, aay pB seogers mast provide themselves with passports from tbe Mexican Consul. No freight will be received without an order from the agents.

ap3 Fare Cabin Pasasge to New York, Twenty Dollars. steamships terrus apply to apt tf IT OFUTCU B1A1 9 nl AIL. tilt semi 1 Weekly New York and Savannah steam snipe me new ani spienaia siae wueti fLOKIUA. I3i.v tona.H.iapx. m.

b. tt inkiuhu, ALABAMA, 13O0 G. R. Bcheuck, ACG08TA, lAoo Capt T.Lyon, KNOX VII. LE.

1Mb) tons Cant C. D. Ludlow. will leave Savannah every WEDNESDAY and SATD3 DAY. Three ahlpe are among tbe largest on the coast, nnsur isased In speed, safety or comfort, making their passages AO to 10 hoars, and are commanded by skillful, careful and polite officers.

Hsving elegant state room accomrno dallons, they o3er a most desiranle conveyance to New York. Cabin vo Steerage PADELFORD, PAY st Agents In SavaaBa' AMDEL L. MITCHELL, li Broadway, New York. Savannah, November IT, a Fare UeUtired. Cabin Psfloose from Charier too to New Yo ato.


Berry, commander. MARION. 1 Foster, commander. JAM 8 APr.R. 1900 C.

Turner, commander. BOOTHERNER, loos ton. D. Ewsn, commander. Leave Adger's Wharves every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY" afternoon, after the arrival of the care from the South and West Tbese steamships were built expreesly for this line, and for safety, comfort and speed are annealed on the Coast Tables supplied with every luxury.

Attentive aud courteous commanders will ensure travelers by this line every possible c.mfort and accommodationa. For freight or paagv. having elrgant state room acco monations, apply to BXMRS MJ8SEOON, jei.t a onarieston, 0. i Cabin Flans 1 "teerage 8 Charleston to Philadelphia. Thrcusb Sn A to ao Fare meals included.

STEAMSHIP COMFAN JTS LINK. Steamship CROAKER CITY, H. Hodgson, commander leoo tons bartheo. The above new and magniflceat steamship. built expressly lor tots route, is one 01 tne 1 arrest on tne American coast, an 1 arunsur pasaed if equaled for speed, atreegth, comfort or accommodation.

Bailing Days rrom Charleston 10th. totb and aoth day of each rronth. From Philadelphia ath, 16th and sAthdayof each month. Agenca la Philadelphia, ctERON at MAKTin, 37 it North Wharves AgenU la Cbarlestoa. HOLMES At STONE nruT Boyce A Co hart FOR BALE, together or In part The hull Psof the steamship CINCINNATI.

Would a first rate three masted schooner or bark, and could be fitted out at a very small cost. Also, a large low pressure BOILER, nearly new, made by Armstrong, of New Orleans. viiM ill wli.k A1SO, a gOO 1 HI" rrnm b.iuii, ran be seen on board the vessel, lying at Algiers, above Canal atreet Ferry IT or terma annlv to mbi3 Im J. E. VOBE.

77 Poydras stieet Kor Hale Lsw. Th n.w r.1 AnkAt.nllAl itMllllviAt OR. LEANS, as she now isys at Mobile In com! plete order. Tbe Orleans was built at New Aioanv, Indiana, in tbe most subafantlal manner. Dimensions Extreme' length, S34 feet: breadth of beam.

S7 fret 33 feet Boor 1 depth or bold, 8 et Two engines, 8 feet stroke, 24 inch cylinder; 4 boilers, 30 feet long, 40 inch diameter: wheels 34 feet diameter, 11 feet buckets tonnase. 4A. Is offered for sale on ItberaTtrrms. Apply to GEDDE8. Agent, ap At 10 Bank Place.

FOR BALE A light draught steamer, built for cotton, of tbe capacity of loon bales, 130 feet long, two years old. For L. BNAPP, 37 Front s'reet. STEAMBOAT MARY FOLEY FOR SALE Tbe well koown staunch built Steamboat MARY FOLEY is offered for sale on liberal terms. For further Information sol con ditions of sale, apply to LOblT A CHaRPENTIER, 83 Customhouse at BnV All persons having claims against said boat will please mske known the amount to tnhw lm LOB1T tt CHARPENTIER.

Tawbtalt for Hale. The towboata DE SOTO, LOUISVILLE 1 aJrv PERSIAN for sale low. Three boat aaaw aanaBOMwhare well found, and ready for business. Fo terms, Ac, apply tt the Towboat Office, 81 Royal street mhis lm STEAMBOAT FOR SALE Foraaue, STEAMBOAT, built for tbe cotten Uade now two years old and la perfect order. measures t64 tons, 1BO feet long, 3t leet wet noor.

and 6 feet bold 1 8 engines, 18 laches diameter, 8 feel stroke, with doctor; 8 boilers, 40 Inches diameter 1 medium size csbin, and well found, ana a remarxaoiy last poat For farther particulars and terms apply tn W4 tf JOHN E. hi oe at 4 rnynraa street FOR SALE Steamboat W. P. 8W1 'NEY, suitable for any bayou or shoal rive I will carry about 13011 bales cotton, draws inches light ror full particuisrs inquire ot mhno tf HEMINGWAY. FR1EDI.AN DF.B A CO.

Ilonne to Rent and Furniture for Sale. MTO RENT The three stoty House Ne ton, Julia atreet, one door from Baronhe. There will be a great reduction In the rent until 1st October, and toe nrniture will be Bold a great bargain, aa tbe preaent occupant ia compelled to leave. In consequence of 111 health. The bouse has been thoroughly painted and cleaned recently, and the fomitnie le nearly new.

Apoiy on tbe premises. apt At 8 New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad. tjswa Passenger Train leave the city depot, cor of Solis and Clio streets, one square above tne new canal, oaiiy, nonaaya included, at 8 o'clock in the morning for Oavka. which thev teach at 1 o'clock and return the same day, leaving Oayka at a o'clock and reaching the city at 7 in tbe evening. On the trips up and down, the trains stop at all the intermediate stations, receiving and landing passengers.

The Bccomraodationa at the Amite Hotel, and at the Otyka Hotel are excellent On Sunday. Excursion Tickets will be Irsued from New Orleans for Poncbatoula and Osysa, or intermediate sta tions, at ti. which Includes he fare op and down, an Excursion Ticket will only be good for the day on which it ia antra. Freight Trains leave the city depot every Tjeeday, Thcrsday and Saturday at 9 o'clock. and Osyka every ALuauaj, TTcuncaosy ana naay at a ciocx.

a. as. GEO. fl. HAZLEH UKSC spei tr General Superintendent and Chief Engineer.

Arrival of M'tnO Adolphe. THE original, unsurpassed, and Justly celebrated M'me AOLPHE, the universally acknowledged greatest tympatbist In the world, snd the same distinguished lady who created throogh her marvelous revelattooa of tbe past, tbe present, as well as tbe correct predictions of tne lotare sucn intense excitement In England, France and tbe principal citiea in tbe United Btatea, that tctieen Victoria presented her with a costly Diamond Brooch, and Daniel Webster with a Jeweled Ming, is now ready to receive visitors at the Weste VeranJsa Hotel, earner of Julia and Tchoupitoolaa street, entrance in Julia street, four doors from Tchoupitonlsa, whem she will inform all past, present and future; If they are married er not, and when or wbat I any or husband they will get or business of every oescrlption. My terioasand almost im possible ss her profession appears, she comes recommended by so highly respectable and Innumerable certificates of ac kuowledged power and skill that it precludes all anpposi tion or irobabll'ty of deception ar im position, ss anany others now practice. saT Consultation fee from 81 to according to bow far thev wish to go. or whst time they occupy.

mht4 tf TWaNTY DOLLARS REWARD Rsn away from steamer the boy DAN, about two weeks since, tged aooat 9 years old, teeth out in front of tbe upper jaw; Le ia black, and is well known about tbe Levee. Tbe above reward will be given to any person delivering blm In any ef the city i is, or on board of tbe boat apio Itt 8 WM. COLTER, steamer C. D. Jr.

If. 11. Uaap dc W. handler Fl A it ft CO 04 Commoa street, opposite the Private Extranca of tht St Charles Ho teL FH. KJIAPP, having had more thaa tweaty yean practice la bla pro fens loo, aad being aaanriated with Dr.

CHANDLER, a catlczaaB ef akill aad axparleaca. I tJbSdest 'ley caa p.ce all Who Buy ho uov Usis wit kit psfroaaga Jell, MsBW STEAMBOATS. MICHIGAN ud Las Paokcra. run Bioniiiio, t7iu, iiAix.1 MAIL LINE Winter Asraar. 1.

mieatid low oiLSaare trscket are; rrs COBA, A. Hlern, eserar. a4 OREGON, Capt Seabed Foot, master, and FLORIDA. Bates, master. Laving been bunt sprtsaiy for the lake trad wltn (superior soconi raonwt'o a.

Oae of tvie absve steanieei will leiva tr Po9ch rtrsii Rallrrswl DAILY, on ajri ral of the 4 o'clock P. M. cars. Retomlng, will stop at Pascag.ala, Pass Christian and Bsy fit. Louis oa kloala) and Thoraday nigbts.

Cabin passage S4 00 Passage of sailors. Deck SB sage Nee roes In lots of five and upwards. Negroes In lots of four or under caoia srasmge irom xaacagoaia. Decx 00 i ao 00 1 AO WkT The mall bag will leave the siDce of tht agent dally at 3 o'clock promptly. o31 tt.

fBTPEB. Ageat. ittBaak Placa AlKB nmi Kivrir. FOR MONTGOMERY AND WETDMP KA, via the New Basin. The entirely new light draught passenger steamer ARKAN Harris, mas'er.

lesves tbe New Baaia for Montgomery, Werumpka and all landings on the Ala ttiver, on BATUtvLrai, Hin uuu, at ciocx s. M. For freight or passage, having floe accomtaedatlona, apply on board, or to JOHN E. HYDE At 4 Poydrae street. now receiving freight at the Magnolia Wsiehouse, lower side of the New CsnaL ap I freight, snd will leave aa above on ATURDAY, the Nth at 4 o'clock P.

For freight or psaj, having splendid accommodations, applv on board, or to 1 C. T. BDDDKCKE At apl 4 100 Tcboupltoolas street. FOR 8T. LOUIS.

CAlUO AND MEM. 'phis The new and plrmlid retolar bar THOS LARKIN. W. B. Miller, master, wnl Irnve for the above and a'l Intermediate landings on SUNDAY, tbe 15' last, at 10 o'clock A.

M. For freight or passage, having fine accommodations, apply on tx ard, or to T. BDDDECKE At CO, ap4 10 Tchoo jtrouls rtreet FOR ST. LOOIs The spendtd paasetv 'ger packet COLUMBUS, W. H.

Fulton, I master, is now In port receiving freight. and will leave for the above and Intermediate porta 00 MONDAY, tbe loth Inst, at 6 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage, ha icf superior accommodations, apply on board, or to am 3 IT GEO. W.

8HAW At 84 Povdraa st REGULAR ST. LOUIS PACKET The 'fine regular passenger steamer OCEANA, Bard ran. master, win leave lor tne aoove aud intermediate landless on SUNDAY, tbe inst, at in o'clock A. M. For freight orpos age apply on beard, apU or toO.

M. WHI1 E. nl Front street FOR ST. LOUIS Tbe hue regular pas senger steamer MAY FLOWER, Joeeph orown. mas'er.

will leave on ber next trio fur tbe aoove sni intermediate landing) on TUESDAY May at 6 o'cl ck P. M. For eight or passage apply on ooara, or to apl M. WHITE, 3 Front street Bis" The M. F.

is furnished In the most approred style in every psrticolar for comfort and 1 peed, aod passengers rsn depend on ber leaving punctually at the time advertised. State rooms can be secured ky applying to tbe FOR ST. LOL18, CAIRO AND MEM obis The splendid l'sht drausbt packet stesmer ALECK SCOTT. Fsirchild. mas ter, la now ready to receive freight for the above and all the Intermediate landings, and will leave oa BATOR ft o'clock P.

M. For freight or pas saage, haviDg superior accommodaliona, sppiy on board, or BP3 Tf to GEO. W. SHAW A Poydras st aoove aud REGULAR ST. LOUTS PACKET The fine regular passenger steamer LEXING TON.

Mather, master, will leave lor the intermediate landings en SATURDAY, tbe 14th inst, at ft o'clock P. on board, or to BL For freight or passage apply apu 8 BELL, BUCHANAN 06 Magazine at. spit tr FoR ST. LOUIS Tbe splendid nrw THOMAS LARKIN, Wm. Miller, master, is now receiving height.

HI iese ss above on SUNDAY, tbe 15th Inst st 10 I clock A. M. or freight apply on board, or to AfaOtTlT, DIX St. CO 71 Tckoupitoulas street. FOR ST.

LOUIS, HICKMAN, ew Madrid. Kandnipn. aiempD S. ana an the Intermediate landings The nue steam er GSM. F.

frrt, master, will leave as above on WON DAY. the 1Mb inst, at ft o'clock P.M. For freight or passage appiy on board, or to ALLEN A SHANNON. Trboupiioul street, apl a or to LEWIS ENAPP. 37 Front street FOR ST.

LOUIS, CAIRO AND MEM 'phis The splendid light draught packet steamer JOHN 81 MOM US. Townsend. uiaoufi. is now ready to receive freight for tbe above snd alt the intermediate landings, and will leave on WEDNESDAY. 35'h inst, at 6 o'clock P.M.

For freight passage, having superior accommodations, apply on board, or to apl I tf GEO. W. BHAW gt CO t4 Povdraa St. REGULAR bi. LOUIS PACKE1 For 8t Louis, Cairo, Hickman.

New Madrid, 'Randolph, and a 1 intermediate landings The superior light draught and swift running passenger stesmer COLUMBUS, Wm. H. Fulton, master, is now tn port receiving freight, and will leave as above on MON iiav 1 .1.. a 1. umii.

v. iuv w. v. sage, having superior accommodatious. apply on board, or ap'3 to JOHN E.

HYDE A 4 Poydras st fix A plan of her cabins can be seen and state rooms te cored on application 10 toe agenta REGULAR 8T. L0UI8 PACKET For St Louis. The new and splendid swift run ning passenger pacxet ateamer our.A A. Burdeau, master, will leave for tbe above and all Inter mediate landings oa SUNDAY, tbe 1Mb inst. et 10 o'clock A.

M. For freight or passage, apply on board, dr apit to JOHN E. HYDE A 4 Poydras sr. REGULAR ST. LOUIS PACKET Tne 'fine regular pessenger tea mer THOS.

H. LAH.n.1 1. miner, muster, will leave for tbe aoove aud Intermediate landings on SUNDAY, the Ifth inst st 10 o'clock A. M. For freight or passage apply on ooara.

orto zaczaIa, Aut.rLAivAr st na Magazine st. REGULAR BT. LOUIS PACKET The fine regular pasrengrr eieamer MAY ri ou ro v. 1, 1 11 k.nwm a a. km aiwi'h 1 .11.

uisiiri. will leave for tue above and all Intermediate landings on TUESDAY, the 1st May, at ft o'clock P. M. This boat is famished ia tbe most approved atyle In every pertirn lar, for comfort, safety aod speed, and paasengers can depend on her leaving punctually at the time advertised. A plan of the cabin can be seen and state rooms secured by a plymg to apis BELL, BUCHANAN A PA Magarinc st Ohio, stiver.

FOR CINCINNATI. LOUISVILLE AND Madison The steamer BUCKEYE, R. M. Cox. master, will leave for the above and all intermediate landings on SATURDAY, the 14th Inst, at 6 o'clock P.

For freight or paasage apply on board, orto ROGERS, McGUIRE CO it Poydras st STAR LINE For Cincinnati aod I onia 'ville Tbs Star Line stesmer LAND18, iCbenowetb. master, is now receiving freight and wnl leave for tbe above and all intermediate landings on MONDAY, the 16th inst, st ft o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply on board, orto ap14 R. B.

BELL A It Poydras street. FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. 'The steamer BUCKEYE, Cox, master, is mow receivine freisbt and will leave fori tue aoove and all Intermediate landings on SATURDAY. the 14th inst at ft o'clock P. M.

For freight or passage appiy ou uwu, or 10 ap'4 B. BELL ft 18 Poydras street. FOR LOUISVILLE The fine regulst passenger steamer BEN FRANKLIN, Dol its, master, will leave for Louisville and a lutermediste landings on SATURDAY, the 14th Inst, at ft o'clock P. M. For freieht or paasage apply on board.

WW JUX.AJH, OULHAltAil at apl 3 UMAniinirt Bar A plan of the cabin can be teen and state rooms sec urea py sppiying to tne sgenta FOR LOUISVILLE The fine resmlnrnna. senger steamer EMPRESS, Sheerer, mas Iter, will leave for the above and all inter mediate landings on or about MONDAY, tbe 16th lost, at 6 o'clock P. For freight or paassge apply on board, orto BELL, BUCHANAN A ap 9ft Magazine at passenger steamer NIAGARA. Harry iSootta. roaster, will leave for tbe anov.

and intermediate landings on or about FRIDAY, the t7th inst, at ft o'clock P. M. For freight or passage appiy on board, orto BELL, BUCHANAN a ao't Magazine tt. taY" A plan of tbe cabin can be seen and state rooms secured by sppiying to the agents. STAR LLNe For Cincinnati.

Lnniill ana maaiaon me steamer LANDI8.J. M. iChenowetb. master, will leave rr sho above and ail intermediate landings on SATURDAY, the istn at ciocx jr. m.

or freight or paasage apply cn ard, or to apis WOOERS. McGUIRE A tt Poydras st FOR LOUISVILLE Tbe fine era lar 'passenger steamer ECLIPSE, E. T. Blur ireon. master, will leave forth, anov.

an1 intermediate landings on TUESDAY, tbe 4th at ft o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply on board. or to aplO BELL. BUCHANAN A 96 Magazine st awr A plan of the cabin can be aeen And state rooms te cured by applying to the acenta.

STEAMER ROBERT J. WARD Season flii tf Arrangement This splendid ateamer will aaraMSS 1 lleeve for Lonlaville and a Inform. diat. lanoiog tarougDout tne season, ae followa to wit Leave New Orleana FRIDAY, April to, at 8 P. M.

May. SATURDAY, May 19. MONDAY, Jane 4. WEDNESDAY, Jane 30. July 4.

This boat Is furnished In tbe most approved atyle In evrry particular for comfort and speed, and paasenge caa depend on her leaving punctually at tbe time advertised. A plan of the cabin ran be teen and state rooms sec reo oj applying ro tne aget r. apt 8 SAMUEL EWING, tA Gravler street FOR LOUISVILLE The line, re, passenger steamer A. L. SH0TWELI ar El ilott, master, will lesve for the above and Intermediate landings on or about SATURDAY, the 14th April, at ft o'clock P.

M. For freight or passage apply on board. orto BELL, BUCHANAN A mhi8 SftwMagazineat Bar A plan of the cabin can be seen and state rooms aeenreo oy applying 10 rne agents. Penmanship and Hook Keeping jr Soring Classes for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, are now beginning at DOL I BEAR'S Writing and Book Keeping Estao iisnmrnt, iuo canal street All are i desired ited. All have the tight to attend till perfect, on caving I nn the regolar charge.

I Bt7 rjt RUFOB DO LB EAR, lnel Canal street lloase to IaOI and Fat nltni Fssw Mni as. nanosome one story cottage Residence, sitoate on Josephine street, between Magazine and Live Oak streets. Fourth District Th Knna. rnntAim I are rooms in tne main Building, with bath room, kitchen and aervanta' rooms. There is a handsome shrubbery round tbe house.

Tne furniture Is nearly new. To a person renting tbe bouse the furniture can he datalow price. For further particulars, sdmeas 143, Post Office. V. FnarfnVa Successors to Dr.

P. B. Albera, Corner of Delord and Tchoualtoulas streeta, opposite St Mary's Mark t. A APOTHECARIES and CHEMISTS. Dealers ta SF A Medicines, Pharmaceutic Prepai 11 tiona.

Per.omerlea. Ac fj Also, the hiteat Wioes aod Llquort, lor medicinal Partlcniar attention always giver! te the replenish lng BteaauboaUaad Ships' Medicine Cheats. campeunded ut Bl rnvslcisB and Faasily Roceipea a ail Roceioea aoura, by ea eful and competent bands. Hrly FAUPEIa A I niamoads Raw, STBAMBOA1 TaV TWfrt Wtajwisjar wat It SaR1ULAR MEMPHIS I lJU i vTPackot For Memphis, Heli i I 1 Oreem ville, aad all lanaia i I Th regular splendid pssstsgu steamer 61 rv, j. rw.mmm, master, anu be reaoi fre; ht en Monday morning, aad will Iravaa WEDNESDAY, lfttk last, at e'clock P.M.

a or passage apply boa.d. ar to JUHB Bi, aV Tbe Sea. Collier will take freight u4 tor Nashville, to be resMpped ea tha Xsmiiriw vttlc packets at Memphis. mga. ITTr?" a.

lT La" asempaia. uelena. I TT gOreeB ville. Lake Providea ef and all Intermediate landings Tba rptendlt steamer GEORGE COLLI IC leave as above oa WEDNESDAY, April la P. KL For freight or awtrf apply sn beard, or 1 spIS W.

SHAW 4 Pot Srs. sat A clerk will be an tha Lavsa early ea lEST tug. to receive weight. 'wmwvmmm) tar The eearge Collier will take freight far and al) intermediate landings oa Camberlaad riw reshlpped on the Memphis and Nash Tills an Memphla Fcfci FOR eJAYOO LAFO0RCHE Is Krt, Dona'dson Tills, asd aU i veu Lafootche Tha iTr" CERES. J.

J. Lebartbe, master, will leav ttZ SATO RD AT, at 9 o'clock A M. For freight TnjY FS4 tf DB BLANC. 14 uain i 1 fCS FOR ST. I.ODIS.

CA.RO. Mi MPHIS I A Brown H. a' i aU 7 e.t landinga Th w. TAv, tDe 7 1 tn', 1 1 Ua lSlS iTr Waaleleraot. swift rannins Dtssenrer steamer I siTri niv Orieaa, a.

leans Tuesday night A. LAFOREBT. BewCnwt V. UCHA HaT The Carrier having been purchased Btreck, expra aly for tbe LsJoarcbe trade, sairrI" planters can rely oh her remaining Mnnri SalW aia fT 7f FOR MlLLIKE 1'8 BSNrTTfTT' jjV.t?bur,, Warrentoo, New Cartia Rodney, wckez, Bars aod Baton Rouge Regular Sstareav Weikll v. borg packet atearaer SOUTHERN eLlsCts.

msguinVent. swift runaing, rssnujui SOUTHERN BELLE. J. IC WhiMTLtnT, above every SAT0RDAY, at clack P. Ml FsifcL or passage apply oa board, ar ta 1 rrrhM t.

B. BMITH. 1 Caaal at I tar The Belle will take ht wd rSf.l Vicksburg, giving tbroos bills ladlas connecting with several Yazoo ats st VlrlsonriL THE CAPITOL Rayon Sara For Baysa Be s. rort ztudson. LobdeH mam a lAMiuemine, Donald son ville and aU toteru eSstTlT The new and splendid steamer "i win leave for tne above ui.

ciocB a. ana en weu ijes bl. ne taming, the cars. For 0A oureveport. pagnoue, wiimin ma Landing, Ot Port Union, Mouth RlnM I 'nl I.i.

SI Cliy y. sBfsitH Ouachita Hill, CaryriHe, Cba Miller's P. I a ft, sni aplt ney, a aater, FITOL. CAPiTo HOLMES At CLAD8S. Is Ha I 1 1 a BEID11 DAY, at I will leave Bayou Sara after the tnSL reight orpaasage apply an kaara, ar to 3 HI J.

EaRC Ell ContTaSi" frei JOHN J. PEARCE ia Contl JalU fi ly or MENARD et VIGNAUD. 14 BaP A cierk will be on the Levee, near the hot ef cl itwAf SO IWAiVA SWl.He An tm K. fr TA. The owners of the BELLA DOSL fw" hay.

parcboaed the eteasser MDiiC, mti 11 atake her place la the Bayou Bart basts, will continue to ran reeularlv durine tbe nau log New Orleans as usual every SATURDAY, altsVai I P. and Bsyu Sara on Wednesday, after the arrai i 1 ik car. irom ytooaviue. for rreisnt or psaaset, sa on board, or to HOLMES At CLAbsi, mi 1 1. J.

twpiwma tu UNITED STATES MAIL FACtrT FD. Jr. For Vicksburg, WarreatasTa. uc.k. A nin.u.

BBBBl awuwwj, v.auu wau, et eBSl ti Binwi. v. narvs SA Port Hudson. Baton Rouge, Plaquemine. rsnal.Us.iTi Tbe magnificent fast running pas era gar packet est I C.

Holmes, ma cer, will leave aa abave sver? TCI DAY, at 6 o'clock For frei sh tor i board, or to CARROLL, FRITCCARD A'coT jsiy tf Union Row, 63 Caroaarlet bm BaT Tbe C. D. will go through to Vicksburg wtuiaai tentioo. and will connect there with the JackVoa cars. UNITED STATES MAIL Psrti NATCHEZ For Vkkabarg, Wsrrwiai New Carthage, Ash wood, (trans' sHif 1 osrnu.

Rodney. Waterproof. Natchez. FartAAank. a oorn.

Ami aa u.iawii, upwiii awhv, wuensias. IMBaMns ville Tbe maguificect new regolsr passrsrw saoa MAT CUB 1 every SATURDAY, at 6 o'clock M. Far freight! VaVsMC tBLrU.jr WAS in will CARROLL, PRITCHASJ) A JaiS tf Onion Rw. 63 Caraadeka tbat aT Tbe Natchez will go throngs to Vlcaabarg nsi detention, and will connect there with the fi tmis on Monday. O.

8. MAIL PACKEX Sew Port Hudson, Bayot Sara to 4 Cosst rVsn The passenger steamer NEW LATDSi Emile Gross, master, will leaveas follows: CarBavsilaA very FRIDAY, st 10 o'clock A. H. for Port Baaa every MONDAY, at 6 o'clock P.M. tsunlsg, lasa cay on eara every oaturaay, atsrr tncraiiroai csniral Hodon every 1 nesosy, at e'clock r.

M. an r) BALiZE PACKET 0. 8. Mall Tatai 'and substantial stesmer OPHELIA, las iDimitry. master will cutlass tsaah tbe panrbof riaqaemlnes twice a week, as loiiowsi Ua Ing New Orans every SATURDAY morulas, si o'clock, for the Ballze, and every WEDNESDAYS Ins for Grand Prairie only.

Returning, will Isavtlat every Bsnday, ana rotate Mvnecn every saai Thursday morning. Tht Ophelia will atop at all diate landings on tne veaat. or iratgru aad aeanpa nl on board, or to 1 P8 tf CHA8. DE BLANC, 14 artotBh REGULAR MEMPHIS PACKET las lng EVERY ALTERNATE WEMh DAY For Memphis, Helena. NssWa reenriiie.

Lake Providence. Vtcaaoers.aae au mate landings The splendid regular passsagsr GEORGE COLLIER. jBoslee.ffuaAr.wUl above every alternate WEDNESDAY, throagbssia season, ror freight or passage, having suparist oatioos. appiy on ooara, or to tf OE r.O. W.

SHAW tTO' a. NEW ORLEANS ARD LaFOOBCU fja. eW packet steamer FAN BY BFAaHAWLl sfai 1 1 as sis' A Terrebonne, an ester, ha i kees ts oogniy red, will resams her re fu lar trl a ta tbeslpl tra1eon TUESDAY, Wovember Tti learrhtgBewOrwi ciaca a. awa isn iii at a o'cioca Mr. yi.

ua: amine, win leava iA es wiwsr yreonesaay, O'CIOCX A sis every savo o'clock M. Tblhodaug every Hsust and every Saturday, at 8 o'clock P. M. Fsrlnfi or paasnc, having superior accommoJatlsas, ayst Messrs. CONERY A WILSON, No.

8 Froal Lttai, la Orleans, or to the captain on board. Bar The F. Sparhewk will run to Doaaldaarraisjt the river rines, lravint New Orleans as abovs, sal at son ville every Thoraday, at a o'clock A. ts Sunday, ate o'clock A. M.

AgenU In Thlbodaux, Messrs. VAN LEW att'4 Arent in nonaldsonvllle. V. AUR1N. a REGULAR U.

8. MAIL PACAIT hl 'Ashton, letter's PomtSkipaiO. la linv. Providence, vlekamue. Bant ton.

New Carthage, Grand Gulf, Rodpey, Itstcsnl, fs Adams. Ravnn flara. Huton Rdbm. and sua lseaSBSBS laadings Regular Weekly Packet Tbe egnia at tf running passenger packet steamer FRANK af ''I Estea, will leave aa above every TMUaauAi at 6 o'clock P. punctually, carrying the aaalat at day.

For freight or paainge appl so oosrd. er Jsl8 T. ItmilCsBa lar Freight taken for all pouts ea the at signed to a boose In Vicksburg. A clerk will be on tha Levee every TallBBT ing to receive freight Red River. FOR RED RIVER The KIMBALL.

W. BraadweU, 1)1 sir leave for unreport and intcrsieals" lngs on SATURDAY, tbe lth inst, st ft e'CMCt for freight or passage appi von ooara, orro aaii if i txna tsipp.r FTsstMa ar Freights taken at high water rates aAsraaati Knw. ih. D. iin neiellea.

af leaalSSLSf rr FOR SHREVEF0RT, ORAlip LsAjS JT Grand Econ, Alexandria sad 8asii tuBBBssBall andlng The light draught tad hat a cnMsdAuier HnhiM. snswwiv leave for the above and sjOutermediaW avaaisst SATURDAY, 14th Inst, at ft e'clock AL st sav or postage apply on board, or to Bpl I A. Twin imrr.nin.i Bar A plan of the cabin can be aeen and ate rooms tUmM cured by applying to the'or nnA fTr Ua r0tL JEFFERSON, FOET fsS SfV? 8 re veport. Grand Ecore tad Ale saArv 7 new.lirbt dninsbt sad PsnLai passenger packet ateamer ST. CHARLES, BaaratlAaw fT" 3 a.

FOR LOUISVILLE Tbe fine regolar aru 8 fcMrTH. It Caaai TZ. FOR SHaVEVEPORT.eRABDKJJ fAltnalilt, and all lnwrme taaaee? regular paasenger si isbib Frtjis. 8. D.

Megowsn, master, will leave as aosy DAY. the 14th Inst. at 6 o'clock P. M. Far paosoge appiy on ooara.

orto I spa H. M. ROBINSON. tt OiesW tJ'' I av rreignt taxea tor aoove tne zaiw, nr. BiMni.111 tarn UVU 1 For Grsad Ecore, Nschrtscset, aw 1 rloo Alev.nHela SiortnU'S.

meoiAte lannings 10c new aoa spit" ti steamer RAPIDES, Jobn C. Dowty, sstf, "3 for tbe sbove every TUESDAY, at o'clA yj return! og leaves Grand Ecors every Frldsyss" una oatu asy. ror ireigntor psstsgs, jasis accommcdatlont, apply on board, er t0 gan' sp4 18 TchoBpltoolas OpeloHaaa. mmm, ir5i Aierinii. at li o'clock will take fre1" port and Atchafalaya.

For freight or mT board, or to CHAS WT rM.A.HStWV. r1" 11 1 AttaUapas. TlMeynler. msster. will feave ''ia and all intermediate ports on SATURDAY" at ft o'clock M.

Por freight or pass aFPY apis tfuftehlto Klvar. JasM POR OUACHITA BIVa fast runnlngpasseager ears" btacv "LrMoore. taettpvVlt. above an MONDAY, 16th inst, at ZzZi. Csmden.

French port, ech Hills, 1111? gton, riseon nni aarUWuw achita City, Mouth gt Black sUf or ge ip yon board, orto srsatslrs, Wi'll LEWI BI 1 fall miia paCK1 'L17b I i rhsmMson aasa .1 Marie Baline, mmij mmnt, ot Bartholomew. iT iAr ov a 1 nartuoiuiAAcw. a. to begin THIS WEEK. Lessons not lim 'hr.

Trinity. MJ 1 ia.ts nuera tuespieu bp I .1 I nrtll tS .1 iamw It msster, will "Till hs A.S rioree. i 1 morrow SB r. TCEJSIJA Hie 17th or Be Lrru0 at wi tlY" Lnf 1 nnilT. JlRUl VA.

sv msASwa nJEA1 Bluffs. Trvau fttJKZ ta City, Alahama Sum T. Keeling, aaa ter. 'SJTt. 1 K.olin.

ma sat 1 OIIISA on SATURDAY, the 14th "fT fretgbt or paasage apply on brau d. or yi Z.S.TT10 Yazoo Hirer. POR YAa uv taTartZ' 5 41TY CASH WARRANTS a cbaa SLdra moso lm O. TOBJWAav i iY .1 1 te.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.