Oroville Mercury Register from Oroville, California (2024)

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Oroville Mercury Registeri

Oroville, California

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5 lk M1W ii UL Jtoi r(ii otM dtoaftb -dk ft "-ft Thursday Oct I 1964 OROVILLE Mrfury-Igii4r Ray Talks Ability To Skill Read Toastmasters Hear Humor Install Officers For Year The basic requirement of fields for the future of our so- ONE POUND OF BODY FAT EQUALS 35H CALORIES How many calories are required to gain one pound? Closing Prices MY Stocks By Called lYrss International Allied Chemical 53 Allis Chalmers 226 American Can 44! American Motors 176 American Smelling 54X American Tel A Tel OS Ampcx IVi Anaconda 526 Associated Dry Goods I6 Bethlehem steel 407 Boeing Aircraft (7 Bordens 77 Brunswick Balke 87 California Tacking 30 Caterpillar Tractor J57 Sacramento Group Inspects The Dam Retired employes of Sacra-ntenlo firms banded together In an organization named in Retirement" accompanied by some id their wives Mi a bus tour of the Oroville Dam project Wednesday and a visit to the Chinese Temple Ninety four persona were In the group which traveled In two buses equipped with public address systems California Department of Water Resources personnel described the dam project enroute' The local chamber of commerce supplied leaflets snd mementos to the visitors and arranged with Mrs Reece and Mrs Frank Boyle for personally conducted tours of the temple Van Tongeren chamber manager extended greetings California schools in these times is to provide youngsters with marketable skills when they leave the classroom Ray Johnson candidate for the Fourth District Assembly seat told school administrators last night at a meeting in Glenn County "The schools are the training Julius (Whiz) Pappa administrative vice president George Birth secretary treasurer and Belton High sergeant at arms Toastmasters are a self-education group comprised of local men One of over 4000 clubs affiliated with Toastmasters international Each man is dedicated to helping each other in Palermo Board To Meet Agenda Lists Some Minor Items Board members of the Paler mo School District will meet tonight at I pm in the Palermo school according to super intendent Louis Carlin The board plans to sen a 1956 sedan A minimum of (150 must be bid The board will also consider paying dinner expenses for teachers Interested in attending the Better Conference to be held In Chico at I am Oct 3 A report on student transportation ill be made by the superintendent A new route that wUl go through Wentworth Ranch and up Craig Aenue is being planned The board expected to adopt a policy to accomodate law enforcement agencies that find 4 necessary to interview children at school Four first grade teachers will discuss a first grade teaching program that wUl center mainly on reading better listening better thinking iCrianese 696 Wilh humor as the theme of the evening a large group or toastmasters toastmistress a and guests enjoyed a special meeting recently at Mandy'x pancake house Besides ladies night Installation and old-timers night a feature of the evening was the speech contest" ricked from previous contests ware speakers A1 a a Dave Cross Harold Ellsworth and Tat Eddy Harold Ellsworth realtor was voted the winner He also w-on the award as outstanding toastm aster of the year Charles Watkins area governor from Chico was installing officer Ellsworth will be president Assisting are Fred Jennings education vka president Shopping Symbol Contest Attracts Four Contestants There are four contestants to date two of whom have submitted drawings in a contest to determine a symbol or character depicting shopping attractions of the Oroville area Latest artist to fill out an en try blank at the office of the Oroville Area Chamber of Con mcrce whose div sion is sponsoring the contest is Mrs Kathleen Adams LsPax Drive ren and ink sketches of symbols and characters with names for their characterizations imprinted underneath have been submitted by Mrs Symie Krplinger 1315 Montgomer St and Ardin A Rayone 2346 Elgin Mrs Keplinger has entered two drawings one labeled and the other Joe" A $50 first prize and five honorable mention awards are offered contestants Entry dead line is Oct 13 Winners will be announced Oct 21 in conjunction with the Fall Harvest Values to take place the to lowing three days in all sho ping sections of the Oroville area under division sponsorship and better speaking Johnson said cannot afford economically to ignore the need to make our new generation self sufficient In this Atomic Age The cost will not only hg expensive to the individual tt will Impose a financial burden upon every working member of our population" Johnson said schools are expensive but they do not have to be extravagant he added the state legislature of California must take a hard look at new methods of financing education We cannot continue to Increase the already heavy burden upon property Johnson said it may be necessary to examine permissive sales taxes for counties and districts to supplement school income He aLso declared that empha sis must be placed upon fundamental programs most essential requirement of every student is the ability to read" Johnson asserted responsible educator every parent realizes that children well grounded in reading can achieve far better results in school work Johnson Is campaigning In an Assembly district that covers Butte Colusa Glenn Sutter and Yolo County His home Is In Chico but he was born in Oroville and attended schools here Candidates Today By lulled Press International Jehnson: Baltimore Md Goldwatrr: Jeffersonvl 1 1 Seymour Columbus Indianapolis Frankfort Logansport and Grown roint Ind Humphrey: Glasgow Mont Seattle and Tacoma Wash Stiller: Reno Ncv and Glendale Calif fflllllliCIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIWIUIIIIIUIIIIU Obituaries iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pleas Thomas Funeral 'arrangement are pending in Sanford Funeral Home for Fleas Thomas 73 2745 Myers St' who died this morning in a local hospital Mr Thomas born Dec 21 1890 was a retired employe of Western Pacific Railroad He was very active in Masonic orders Mr Thomas is survived by his widow Cora of Oroville Blame Children For Shed Fire County School Board Meets Monday Night Three members of the county school staff are scheduled tu participate at a regular meeting of the Butte County Board of Education Monday The meeting starts st 7 pm in the superintendent's office John Clark director of educational services will discuss supervision snd curriculum and comity instructional services to schools Ralph Brenner coordinator of pupil personnel service will discuss the county school testing program John Nope assistant superintendent will talk about election responsibilities The meeting agenda also includes a routine report by Superintendent Thomas Evans Chicago Rock Island 337 Chrysler 816 Crane Company 556 Crown Zclicrbach 59! 6 Crucible Steel 226 Dow Chemical 744 Du ront 2716 Eastern Airline 3176 Eastman Kodak 132 Fairchild Camera 2376 Fibreboard 34 76 Food Machinery 58! 6 Ford 58 General Electric 896 General General Motors 994 General Telephone 33)6 Georgia Pacific 536 Goodyear 406 Granite City Steel 28 Greyhound Corporation Hewlett Packard 196 Inti Business Mack 43476 Inti Harvester 834 Inti Nickel 854 Inti Paper 3576 Johns Manville 5376 Jones Laughlin Steel 846 Kaiser Alum Chem 3276 Kcnnecott 91 Kroger 346 Libby IS Libby Owens 6076 Liggett ft Myers 8376 Lockheed 376 Macy's 904 Magma Copper 4276 McKesson-Robbins 38 74 Montgomery Ward 396 Morrell 2776 National Biscuit 6076 National Distillers 2776 National Lead 796 New York Central 4576 Olin Mathicson 4376 racific Gas 32 radfic Lighting 304 Pacific Telephone 38 Packard Bell 1276 I The code breaks man- Pan Amcr World Airways 2876 daughter down into three sep- Lighter Charge (Against Moss Claud Ray Moss 18 will in superior court tomorrow on a charge -of manslaughter without gross negligence not voluntary manslaughter as was erroniously reported yesterday Moss 2861 Myers St was the driver of a car that crashed on State 70 Aug 8 and killed a I front seat passenger Joseph Abreu 17 Moss was charged with manslaughter when It was learned by highway patrolmen that the crash occurred while Moss was kissing a back seat I passenger Judy Diane Smith IlS 899 Merced Ave Lions To Conduct White Cane Drive For Aid To Blind i Tomorrow and Saturday 39 members of the Oroville Lions dub and their families wjR be inviting local residents to share in their annual Whitt -Cane Days Paul Slodola club -presi dent and Gordon Slock White Cano chairman said -today Wearing their Uentification the dub members will call on local residents to share In the work they are doing for the sightless and eight needy and to wear their miniature White Cane for two days a symbol of recognition for the -work the dob is doing all year round Principal Lions Clubs projecst made possible by local contributions to the sight funt have been the Oroville Blin Club and boys and girls' of Butte County Each pound of body fat equal to 3500 calories This nwis if you want to lose 10 pounds you must eat 35000 caVviH less than you are now eating This can be done qu'n easily in one month You can reduce by either reducing the amount of food or by increasing your exercise Although exercise particularly walking very healthful It takes a tremendous amount of physical exertion to cause a loss in weight If you walk one mile a day six days a week at the end of a year this exercise will help you lose only seven pounds Looking st this another way if you walk tor one hour you use up about 200 calories of energy A small candy bar or piece of pie has about the same number of calories It certainly easier to give up the sweet dessert than it to walk for one hour In order to lose 200 calories This does not mean that exercise not a good way to lose weight It just means that tt takes longer However it does firm muscles and reduces the amount of fat so that a person's body healthier and more attractive One should learn to eat foods which have little or no calorie value such as carrot sticks celery sticks cucumbers lettuce green peppers and tomatoes These are excellent to nibble on to stop hunger pangs between meals or at bedtimes rather than indulging in calorie-rich snacks An estimated 1700 of damage was caused yesterday afternoon when a fire destroyed a shed filled with building materials According to the California Division of Forestry the fire occurred at 2080 12th St Ther-malito on the Dale property Sparks from the fire also started a spot of grass Another shed fire was caused at 1:27 this morning in Cherokee on the Oroville side of the cemetery when heating equipment became too hot An estimated 6100 damage was caused to the shed and its contents The shed was owned by Mrs A Campbell of Chico The tenant was Stanley Morgan of Cherokee ap-Ipear Carl Nicircnn Jail Inmate Wouldn't Have Fled Anyway While two sheriffs deputies stood offside and watched the fon last night a disgruntled prisoner in the co jail tried to pry his way to freedom through a wire mesh screen behind the bars of the jail's south tank None of the south tank visitors would talk today but whoever made the attempt called Jt quits after he successfully removed the screen and was faced with the job of remove ing the steel bars on the window Capt Richard Stcnberg chief sheriffs investigator said deputies are investigating today hoping to turn up i suspect If they do charges will be filed Stenhcrg said the operation was no secret to anyone Deputies could hear prying noises and decided to await the result outside He said the screen Is being welded back into dace today Two Accidents And Two Hurt Two persons received minor injuries in traffic accidents yesterday according to the Calif or nia Highway Patrol Injured were: Anthony Lewis Snares -28 Gridley and Mrs Lucille Katherine Valin-atL 486 Live Oak Soares was treated for his injuries In Biggs Gridley Memorial Hospital and released yesterday morning following an iccidcnt at 7:20 am on Grid-ley Colusa Highway 323 feet east of Goodspeed Watt Road According to a report Soares hit a car driven by Casper Smiih 58 Yuba City Smith was attempting to make a left turn and Soares who said the sun was in his eyes did not see signal and hit the other car broadside after it had already started the turn Mrs Valina ti was Injured at 30 last night in an accident on Larkin Road 550 feet south of Higgins Avenue Officers reported Mrs Valin-all's vehicle struck a large dog She then lost control of the car according to the report ran off the roadway and overturned in an orchard She was treated In Blggs-Gridley Memorial Hospital for minor injuries and released Dock Strike Cleaners SAVE 10 Yu CASH I CARRY "A Particular tarvka far Particular Paapla" 21 IS Baldwin LE 3-1643 Judge On Ability Governor's Plea National Employ the Handicapped Week Oct 4-10 will be observed here under a statewide proclamation issued by Governor Brown A spokesman for the Oroville office of the Stale Department of Employment said today that about seven per cent of the workers placed in the Oroville area are physically handicapped Governor Brown pointed out in his proclamation that thousands of physically handicapped Californians are productively employed we are to meet the chat lenges of the future and maintain our leadership in national affairs all meipben id our labor force must be Judged on the basis of ability not the Governor said challenge to California to utilize all our resources human and natural and we must meet that challenge by providing job opportunities for all" Governor Brown said Dr Masfache Optometrist a Eyas Examined ft Lance Fitted a Contact Lansei Fitted 1968 Bird St Ph0M LE 3-4604 ante categories: voluntary involuntary and manslaughter involving the driving of vehicle Voluntary or involuntary is not specified in vehicle manslaughter but under vehicle manslaughter there are two options with or without gross negligence coroner's jury in the case decided it was the Ronald Reagan Sets Oct 3 Chico Speech Screen star Ronald Reagan will make a profession of his political faith in a series of 10 appearances in Sacramento Valley cities starting Saturday for years a liberal Democrat and six-term president of the Screen Actors Guild Hollywood labor union solidly in support of the GOP David Keystone of Citizens for Goldwater pointed Carl Cecil Niemann 50 143 Worthy Ave died this morning In a Sacramento hospital Mr Niemann born April 1914 In Glendale bad lived in Oroville two -years lie was the local representative for tb United -Farm Agency He was' a 25-year employe for Lockheed "aiuf before coming to Oroville he wored for Lode-heed at the Vanderburgh Missile Site in Santa Maria He was a member of the and Association Mr' Niemann Is survived by bis widow Sarah and son David Niemann both of Oroville daughters Mrs Mary Hitch-man of Santa Barbara and Mrs fathleen Spain of Arcadia brother August Niemann Jr and parents Mr and Mrs August Niemann Sr all of Los Lngeles sisters Mrs Minerva ifaxson and Mrs Gloria McCartney both of La Crescenta Funeral sendees will be held Monday at 10 am In Glen Haven Mortuary San Fernando Burial will follow in Glen Haven Memorial Park Local arrangements were under the direction of Hand 1 1 and Riley Funeral ChapeL KARACHI Pakistan plans renewed Industrial activity HOSPITAL DATA Arrivals and Departures ENTERING OROVILLE COMMUNITY Hospital Doris Hiatt Durham Frank Myers Route 3 LEAVING -Cindy Delgado Dorothy Crook ENTERING MEDICAL CEN TER Hospital Mary Jo Sands 39 Valley View Drive Sue Hatley 63 --Wan Blvd Tamara Foster 864 Pomona Ave Cedi and Steven Spencer 2695 Oroville Garden Ranch Road Joyce Wright Palermo Med Hemdnway 1781 Sixth SL Bernice Morse 3415 Oroville Dam Blvd LEAVING Linger Robert Frauds Viola Spencer 1 ENTERING BUTTE COUNTY Hospital Wayne Small Chico Edith Nause 1913 20th SL Arthur Peters Route 2 Jorita Osborn Chico Norma Sohnrey Biggs LEAVING Harold Nod George Brush Patricia McGinnis Francisco Vasquez Oscar Tipton Lloyd Ludviduon Laura Burch out His first appareance will be Oct 3 at Chico noon 520 'D ST DOWNTOWN MARYSVILLE JC Penney 5976 Penn Railroad 3776 Pepsi Cola 584 Phillips Fete 534 Polaroid 16376 Procter ft Gamble 85 Radio Corp 3276 Republic Steel 486 Rcxall Drug 5676 Reynolds Tobacco 4376 Rhcem Mfg 1876 Richfield Oil 5976 Royal Crown Cola 204 Safeway 69 Scars Roebuck Co 12276 Shell Oil 52 Sierra Pac Power 4376-44 Sinclair 00 4776' Socony acuum Oil 8576 Southern Calif Edison 3476 Southern Pacific 4276 Standard Oil California 1476 Standard OU Indiana 8276 Standard 00 Jersey 8076 Stanley Warner 2976 Jtudebaker Packard 676 Swift ft Co 5376 Texas Co 8376 Tidewater Assd 30 TTansamerica 4976 Union Carbide 12976 Union 00 Ca 98 Union Pacifi c4276 United Aircraft 5876 United Airline 4976 United States Gypsum 8376 United States Rubber 6176 United States Steel 6176 arian 1476 Western Union SIX Westinghouse Air Brake 31 Westinghouse Electric 3876 Chico Woman's Art I Shown At World Fair CHICO The framed origin-lal print of linoleum cut and Iserigraph which she said was I well-displayed in the exhibit of contemporary art at the New York Fair has been I returned to Dr Janet Turner I of the Chico State College art department and will be included in the faculty exhibit at the Creative Arts Center Chico I Oct 5 The print is entitled and is a scene from Bidwcll Park It was shown at the New York fair by invitation of a special committee set up to organize the the DAHLMEIER BROTHERS are Insurance- Statistics BIRTHS ROACH To the wife of Ronald Roach Biggs a daughter born Sept 30 in Oroville lessie May Smith Funeral services are pending in Brusie Funeral Home Chico few Mrs Bessie May Smith 4 Chico who died yesterday in a local hospital Mcs Smith was born in Wichita Kan May 3 1900 She is survived by her hus-nd Ralf Smith and a son Marvin Smith both of Chico Alfred Watson always Day" in the Mercury Classified loaded with money-caving ba Fire Log £4 ALWAYS SEND 1 I 4 ED HAL REGENCY Flows rt and Gifts For Evory Occasion 534-0664 2550 Olivo Hwy Ora VI I life DAHLMEIER BROS INSURANCE AGENCY SOM MYERS SL M4b YESTERDAY 3:45 pm False alarm at Montgomery Ward Store Tele- Yrungsto'wnn She ft Tube Wnnlwnrth 20 011 telephone cables at the 'store Wires became crossed and a short resulted causing the Oroville Fire Department alarm system to ring Three units from OFD responded 4:40 pm Fire in sir vent PASADENA Calif (UPI) the stove in Prospector's The California Institute oil village No damage One unit Technology recorded an earth- from OFD responded quake with a magnitude of 42 1 TODAY on the Richter Scale Wednes- 705 am Sawdust fire at toy Intersection of Sixth Street and Reports indicated the temblor I Nelson Avenue No damage was centered in Walker Basin I Cause believed to have been about 30 miles east of Bakers- from someone who threw light-1 eld Calif Authorities said it lgj jcigarette into the three foot did no major damage I circle of sawdust yesterday Dr Charles Richter of the lyjjg njjg gf sawdust evidently i Caltech seismologcal labors- smouldered and finally caught quake fire this morning One unit from anted at 10:51 ami PD( (1:51 cDy responded pjn EDT) 1 (Continued from Page 1) quiry to determine whether the economic health would be endangered Certification of this to the President would empower the Justice Department to seek a court-ordered 80-day off The board scheduled a morn-ng fact-finding session with Thomas Gleason president of the I LA and Alexander Chopin head of the New York Shipping Association amid speculation the government ould act with usual speed to obtain the injunction perhaps today The strike was likely to tie up as many as 500 ships About 5 were berthed in the port of New York which stands to lose an estimated M3 billion a day long as the strike peasists The National Maritime Union and the Seafarers International Union have pledged to support the I LA strike which began in ew York and some other port lours before the midnight dead-ine About 20000 seamen and 10000 truckers were idled along with the longshoremen Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 pm in Schcer Memorial Chapel for Alfred Watson 83 1950 Pine St who died yesterday in a local convalescent hospitaL Rev Andrew Acquis tapace of Calvary Baptist Church Oroville will officiate and cremation will be in the Chico Crematory Mr Watson born April 27' 1881 in Australia had lived in Butte County 34 years He was a member of the local Cannery Union and was a retired employee of Stokeley Van Camp here Survivors include his widow Lena and a son Charles Watson both of Oroville daughters Mrs Elsie Dins more of Long Beach and Connie Watson of Sacramento a son Alfred A Watson of Quincy and five grandchildren In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be made to the American Cancer Society Robert Rogers Florist 7 20 ORO VILLAGE 534-1977 Flowers Art Most Appreciated SMITH'S NURSERIES A FLORISTS S33-4994 or 533-7914 1044 Olivo Hwy The Mercury wfll be delivered to your home by the month (II live la our delivery area) tor lees than half the cost of huyiog It down town IM-tf Keep up to data on your dty by reading the Mercury (an the other news too) FOR A PENNY! Thursday Friday Saturday To Introduca Our New Soft lea Cream Ice Cream Cone 10c Get Second One For 1c Regular Sundae 35c Get Second One For 1c AT THE COUNTER ONLY QUARTS AND Va GALS PACKED TO GO Drive-In Oro Dam Lincoln St GIFTS HOME GOODS FABRICS LINENS READY-TO-WEAR LINGERIE COSMETICS ACCESSORIES CHEER UP Wedding Bouquets Cut Flower 'fe Decorations a Funeral Places SWEEM'S FLOWER SHOP 2275 Ft Wayne 533-CI35 aw WEB4KET0 to JpjiV WV- nmtYou! XVvv? SANFORD FUNERAL HOME 24-Hour Attendant Refrigerated Air Conditioning 1175 ROBINSON ST 533-0323 Oroville InSXNcE Overtopping Coverage? William A Heitman Complete Insurance Counseling 1349 Feather River llvd 534-1595 X222EZZZZZ7 Take the Mephom Md dial a Len Distance wit tea faraway someone you miss find it a vary usrm-inf experience And to wiB the friends and family you caH For anthint says YOU Eke your voice 0 Pxffl TilsylWM Reminder: To complete your ado more quickly dial thorn direct BLOSSOM SHOP "Your Only Downtown Florist" OROVILLE INN ARCADE 533-5203 Phone 533-7055 TATMAN'S 1934 Bird 533-5334 a 7T ram.

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Oroville Mercury Register from Oroville, California (2024)


Where is the Oroville Mercury Register? ›

OROVILLE MERCURY REGISTER - Updated June 2024 - 2081 2nd St, Oroville, California - Newspapers & Magazines - Phone Number - Yelp.

What is the circulation of the Oroville Mercury Register? ›

It publishes Tuesday through Sunday with a circulation of 5,852.

What is the history of Oroville California? ›

It was established as the head of navigation on the Feather River to supply gold miners during the California Gold Rush. Gold found at Bidwell Bar, one of the first gold mining sites in California, brought thousands of prospectors to the Oroville area seeking riches.

Where is the Mercury published? ›

The Mercury is a daily newspaper, published in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, by Davies Brothers Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of News Corp Australia, itself a subsidiary of News Corp. The weekend issues of the paper are called Mercury on Saturday and Sunday Tasmanian. The current editor of The Mercury is Craig Herbert.

Where is the Mercury News headquarters? ›

The Mercury News
The Newspaper of Silicon Valley
The March 14, 2023, front page of The Mercury News
Headquarters75 E. Santa Clara Street, Suite 1100 San Jose, California 95113 U.S.
Circulation93,302 Daily 150,686 Sunday (as of 2022)
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Where does Oroville get its water? ›

Lake Oroville, the largest reservoir in the State Water Project, supplies about 80 percent of the Tri-Valley's water in a typical year.

How much water is being released from Lake Oroville? ›

Current Lake Operations

Feather River flows are at 650 cfs through the City of Oroville with 3,350 cfs being released from the Thermalito Afterbay River Outlet (Outlet) for a total Feather River release of 4,000 cfs downstream.

What Native American tribe was in Oroville CA? ›

The Maidu Indians

Oroville, California is part of the ancestral home of the Maidu people. For more than two thousand years, the Maidu people have lived in this area.

What is the ethnicity of Oroville CA? ›

Oroville Demographics

White: 66.47% Asian: 12.08% Two or more races: 11.82%

Is Oroville a nice place to live? ›

Oroville Reviews

The people here are nice and there are a lot of family's that live here. The town has a lot of new apartments and houses that are being built or are already built that the rent isn't too high. It's easy to make friends in this town.

Where is the Mercury News printed? ›

The San Jose Mercury News is the major daily newspaper in San Jose, California and Silicon Valley. The paper is owned by MediaNews Group. Its headquarters and printing plant are located in North San Jose next to the Nimitz Freeway (Interstate 880).

Where is the company Mercury from? ›

Mercury (automobile)
Company typeDivision
HeadquartersDearborn, Michigan , U.S.
Key peopleEdsel Ford, founder
ParentFord Motor Company
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Where is the Sandusky Register located? ›

Sandusky Register
TypeDaily newspaper
Headquarters314 West Market Street Sandusky, OH 44870
CitySandusky, Ohio
CountryUnited States
Circulation11,000 (as of 2023)
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Where is the headquarters of Illawarra Mercury? ›

77 Market Street Wollongong NSW


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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.