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cxxxn. NUMBER 19

MARCH 6. 1998

Spring Party To Face
Only Minor Changes
cpmm111ec had considered 1he idea
holdmg 1h,c. concert ou1,1dc on
J.,htm ·Ill. (Jut-I
Saturday aflernoon. bu11ha1 would
Dct1n of 1he Cullc-~e Michnel require movrnE! all e1o·en1s to 1he
c.1rrc10 announced yc,1crday lhal fcnc:cd-m athletic licld ~n 1hu1 Stuht ha, oH:ccpted 1hc recommcndndcn1 Acl1\•111cs could m:m pul fonh b)' the Sprmg Pany an c,rderly fashion. This move.
\\'tcl,end Akohol Comm,ttcc 1hm cnuplcd with the po1cntrnl for bad
.,,,,ul<.l allow ,tudCnl( w11h valid we:uhtr. convinced 1he comm111ee
rfk*' idcn11fica11nn IO hnng a "rca- 10 l.cep Sa1urday·,:, field even11, nn
...:,o.iMe amount nl akohor· w11h Whi1nall and ,chedule 1hc main
rhl.'ll'I tn lhc c,·cnt1,; th111 will he held cnnc.:en tndno~.
··1 th1nJ.. 11'( a (Cally good exM Wh1rnall Field. The amnun1 ot
akohol deemed rca,onaMc. in ad· ample of Mutlen1s rcumg 1oge1her
J111on 10 01her loii~tic de101I,;:;, will ;ind \\1-.!'.mnounced 1n 1hecom1n~ week,;;. 11on ... Sophomore Clac;;<. Prestden1
The dcci,ion wn, mollYatcd by ond member of the Spring Party
the! tact 1ha1 the drmkin~ aic 111 the Planning Commi11ee Devon
s1.11e of New York 1c: 21. a law wuh Skerriu (aid of the recent decision.
14t11ch lhc Univcr!.ity mu,;:;t comply. "It wa, definitely the best comproThe comm111ec. which wa.c. cnm- mise we could work out."
Senior Cla,~ Prc._idcnt Carmella
rn-.ed of 13 1-rndcntc: and faculty
member"-, ummnnouc:ly agreed 10 Alvam agreed. adding 1ha11,he wo1,
1llc new pohcy.
happy 10sec tha1
ThC)' aho dedecil\10n was
"Should the types of prob- "a
made with ,:,1uc1Jcd 1hn1 o pri\·;11e c;;ecuri1y lems we experienced in past dents :ind not
~roup will be yea~ be repeated in April, wi1hou1 1hem ...
k1red 10· check the /999 (Spring Party As far ac;; senior<.
IOc;; .
arc concerned.
Sprini:; Parry is
1•111111, decision in 1hc fu1ure 1scnn- lhc ~omc o~ always. except thal
11nt:cnl on the ou1cnmc of 1h1o;. now. we"II have 1n Cnppeto s:iid 1ha1 he is pleased
) Cilr'1- Sprin~ Pany.
··Shnuld lhe typ,cc;; ol lalcohol- with the wnr._ of lhc commince.
rtla1edl prohlcm, we experienced which included Alvaro. Bcmley.
'" past yea!':\ be repeated tn April:· First· Year Repre~cntaltve Kri~tie
C.tppclo wr0tc in a public ,;;ta1e- Cancgollo. SGA Corrcmen1. "lhc 1999 cvcn1 will be Ca· Secretary sophomore A morosn
t« ed."
Cefalo. Co-Chair of 1hc Spring
"Keeping the ca1crin: pos~ibil- Pany Planning Commiuec junior
11) 1n mind. perhop~ studcn1c;; w,11
!"-t more responsible," A1t~oc1a1e
Ot,,n of 1he College and D1rec1or
nf Studen1 Life L1,;;a Linque\t ,;;aid.
'"The lmojor1 Ching 1h31 this rdj(;.
Ry Rrad Healh
(u..,,,on1 tt\.olved amund was the
C1>11mw,1flln· Editor
qllc\lurn . 'how can we drink 3(
rr~-ely :t( po,s,hle'r ond chat's di(In an address thal he called ··a
manire~1a11on of technological
Respons1b1lity wa( a key i~,:,ue change al Colg:11e Universi1y:·
•n the decision.making process Prc,idenl Neil Graboi~ gave
and. according to Studcol Govern- alumni around 1he world a quick.
A~(()Ciotion (SCA) Pre(idcnt in1crac1ive update on lhe l';lale of
Xav,cr E.srrada. student committee lhe college by u1;ing cuuing.edgc
"'ICmhc~ 1r1cd 1n cnnvince 1he ad· Internet 1echnology.
m10ic;1rauon tha1 everyone will reThe WccJncsday evening speech.
\fll..'Ct the dc<:i~ion and act appro· which touched on issue,;; ranging
p11a1ely. "I can·t emphasize ii frnm the challenge of making more
tnc,ugh."" he said. "'I Students' ma- ef1'ic1en1 use of Cnlgaie·s financial
111r11y) will determine Spring Pany re~ourcc'- to underage drinking.
from now until e1emi1y:·
wai. 1hc Univcr.!;ity'!; fir51 lec1Urc 10
Alcohol educa1ion wa~ an01her be carrted on the World Wide Web.
it.c;ue addres!oed by 1he commiuee. making Colga1c 1he M:cond college
1n an effort 10 improve Sprini in 1he nonhea~1 10 anempt such a
Pirty. Linque.c.t said 1ha1 many stu- prcsen1a1ion.
dtm~ want tn lead an ini1iative 1hat
"I hope thar thi( is not lhe last
help people look a\ 1he week- time we will have to uM: technoltnd differently and Junior Class ogy in chis form." Graboi!; said 10
Pr.siden1 Alfred Ben1ley It.ant 10 set up i;.ome1hing where who crowded around a 1able in
'hldtnl~ can ~peak ou1 aboul alCO· Pers..\On Hall to watch rhe lec1urc.
hol-rela1ed problem,. Nex1 year.
Still. a< CJllani.:e,. admin1tot"d like 10 implemenl ocher tev- chaotic and frequenlly crowded na·
tl,; of impact educa1ion.""
1ure of 1he lnlemel mean< 1echnol·
In addilion 101he alcohol policy. ogy ha.< much developing 10 do be·
di~uui,ons have taken place dur· fore ii is m,dy 10 become• ,carnies,,
• ; lhe ..,.1 lhree weeb resanling
medium for communic11ing.
lbt location of the main Spring
"Pan or the exci1emen1 of it is
Parfy concer1 and 1he en1ire 1ha1 it's a new 1echnology. an
•·tckencl"J eventJ.
evolvinc technolosy. and the excit•
/\ccmting 10 Cappe10. 1he main ing pan is you arc there ... Joe
'llflcen will be held in C011erell Rapapnn. who"'" up 1he 1echnic1I
_Cnun nn Friday. "pril 24. The end of lhe . _ h for 1he "lumni
Ry Sarah Trtffin,:er

IJ: \" IH .,.

Traci Hinton Pelerson. who hosled dance work~hop~ on Tue.sclay and Wednl'~d:.ty. performed (or
a c rowd in the Hall or Presidents )'t .~terday.

Colgate Welcomes Renowned Jewish Scholar
Ry Noah Winlrouh
M11rror>11•/tlr1,4 .- Slit((

La~t ni~hl. Cnl~:.uc Univer1;11y
welcomed renowned l(raeli au1hor
Aharon Appclfcld In ca m1rn,.
Appelfc,d. Culgme ·, hr,t Fina rd
Jewi(h Swdics v1i.11rni: scholar 111
n:o;.idcncc and ::1uchnr of mnre 1han
40 hools. delivered 11 ltt1urt en•
;nled. ··Whal ic;; a Jew in lhc Modern World"!..
Appelleld arrived al Coli;a1c on
March 1 and will ~pend the monlh
lec1unni; 10 cl:"st'S including: OenC(ic;; and he;; ll)tcrprclc~. Core Jsrocl. Mocfom Jewish F1c1ion and
Col~ate'( Living Juda1!i.m cour,,c.

In a1.h.l111nn. Appclfcld will d,,cu"
fu.:tmn w1·i1m~ with a mu,1cr c:la,,
m 1he En~h.i-h Dcpar1men1.
Thomh in pan 10 a ~enerou, de,.
n,lltnn fmm the Fin:trd l:m11ly. ltk'
Oep,11•11ncn1 of Jcwi,h S1mhe, w;1,
ahlc 10 hnnl! ,ul'h a rmhhc wntl.'r
tn Cnl~:.uc. "Ah,arwulely rcco~n11ctl a,- one of the
world", ~rea1e,1 livin!! wntcr,. Wt·
i1rc therctorc honored In have h11n
here. II ,, an mcredihk oppon11111I)
fnr "'H.ldent._, f:M.:ulty :ind 1hc entire
commmuty 10 wofk wi1h ,omeonc
a, ,p«rnl aiio h,m:· Director nl Jcwi,h S1udie,:, S1cven Kepne, ,,11d.
La,t m~ht", rnlk wm, predrn111n11ntly a que~tion-unck1m,wcr ,c,.

,,or,. when: Appdtcl\l prnhi:d the
.mtlu.'.ncc pf o\'Cr 50 ,tudcn1,. foe.··

ulty anti ,1,111 .,hnul 1hc ch,ln!!'"!!
ulcn111y 111 Jey., 1,,cfay. C,1111~ nine•
1ccn1h c.·cntury Ji:w,,h amhnr-. ,uch
;1, K.11\..,. Frcutl :inti W111llen,1cm.
App:ltdtl th"'u"cd Jcwi,h '-1.!II •
halrc..·d. u111vcr.:1li,n1 anti r,.1n1culnr·
Mn. i., :1thhtion. he l'nndudcd 1hat
wh,u ,hapc, Jcw, l«)IJ,1y ,, their
,1m~t:lc In hnth mlhcrc 10 1radit10n
,111d iry lo ,,,,1m1 l~11c Into non-Jcw1,h ,oc1c11c,
In 'f'>C.ll.lO~ ;.1hot111hc Jc..,., 1n 1hc
modern world ;md lhc 11np;1c1 lhat
th,, 1dcn111y fr1l'110,, ha, cau,cd.
Aprcllel\l ,,11d. ··There 1, ,1 ,cn,c
t 1,11111111r,I 11111-,,111:r 1hrr,·

Seminar:-- Nclwork. a developing
hranch ol ln1croc1ive Strnccgie<
Managernen1. 1ha1 <.p,ecrnlite~ rn
communicahng on lhe I nlcrnct.
..The Web is a rel.11ivcly new
medium full or /i.Urpn,e1;,. snme nf
which are fa(Cina1ing. hue many or
which arc fru'-lrating:· D1rec1or of
Commt1nica1inn( Jame( Leach
warned lis1cnerc;; before lhe ,;;pcech
Gmbois ialked for ne.1rly an hnur
U$ Leach. Rapaport and Oircc1M nf
Alumni Rclarions Ruch Ann Lovelcs~ huddled around a hi.prop al the
s ide of 1he room. waiching the
speech's progrc..<.,1,.
A few of 1hc routhly 35 user.<.
who logged-on 10 Grahois· lrc1Ure
from variou'- loca1ion< around 1hc
world. complained of' problem( re•
ceiving M'lund over the lntemc1.
1hough Rupapon said 1hat wha1evcr
problem~ 1hey experienced wert
1he rt~uh of 1he ehh and now or
informa1ion on lhe ln1erne1. nol
wi1h 1he broadca~, from Colga1e.
..We couldn·1 have done lhis a
year agn. The 1echnoloi;y didn ·,
exist." Rapaport said. Wi1hin a
year. he prcdicl< 1ha1 problem, wi1h
1ranln1emet will di~ppear and collc!!c.s
will begin e ,tperimcn1ing with live
video•~ well.
Unlike the Univc~i1y's 1elecnn.
ferencins center. which i~ dominal
uudio et1111pmcn1. the ct1u1pmcnt
u-~ed to send Grahois" ,-pccx.·h tn lht.·
world - ::1 per,nn.il cnmpuh:r and a
few other machine,- 10 cumrnl the
sound - was pu~hcd min 1he cm·
ner of the lcc1urc mom .
"Star Trek was 20 yea~ i.lfO tha1·, when the computer, were
hit;." Rapaport <.aHI. cxpl:un111~
Alumni Scn11m1r- Nctwnrk", ",tu·
dio ,n a comer· philo,ophy. "Nu"
1he cmph;1,i, i, «'n nrnlin;,; the 1cch·
noln~y ,in~1llcr. Th.i(, what Y..I.'
have here:·

Bcc.:au,e 1he 1echnoh,fYu,ed 10
hmadcai;.1 lectures over 1hc ln1crnc1
, i;. Mill in ils infancy, 1hc company
has nm yel '-Cllled on a fi nal CO\I
for the ._crvicc. Rnpapon 1,;1ic.l 1hat
company official~ will not llcJ;lll
deciding on a finnl pm:e unttl till
of the 1riol run1- arc c,,mple1e.
More lhan 100 ;ilumni rcg1,1ercd

:idv;1m;c In h,1cn In Grnh-ln, •
uptl.11c nn II le ~11 Coif.UC ewer lhc
ln1crnc1 a, a ,hdc ,hnw nf inrngc,
dcp1c1 1nll c~11npm life fl,1,hcd
aa,, .... 1hc1r Weh hrow,er,. As
Col~;itc·, accc" In lhc lechnnl·
o~y 1c, ,end iMnrmt11,on uvcr 1hc
lrucrnc1 inc rc:1,c,. ,o "'' II 11-. relia,,l·c- ''" Wch--ha,cd c,11nmun1c.·a1111n,. Gr.1hoi, ,;_m.J. ,1ddinJ; 1h01
1he lJn1\'Cl''IIY w1ll l'01Hinue U\•
in;; 1hc ~loh;1I nc1worJ.. lo hrrng
rnforma11n1l 10 .alumni arounJ the
However. while mci-.1 ol 1he
quc,11110, Graho1c; l1clt.lcd lrnm
;1h11nm e·nmil were uhoul '4nne nf
1he mo,1 prc..,..tng ,,(ue, fal'tng
Cnl;,;u1e lod:iy. mml of the review,
:,round 1hc lecture iahlc ltw..:u,cd not
,u much on wh:n Grnhois ,au.I a\
1hcy did on 1hc 1n1erac1ive. i;lohal


Divin~ Triu Perfnm,.t W,•11 At ECAC.,·.

The Bi~ \Vifd Road,how. pre,emcd hy cov1ronmcnwl acuvit;I:,.
(\l,mm S1cph,m and Jo,h Bumim
·,K,. hllll. pl,-.:c in the Common~ on
Tl•~·'tl.t~ The nmll1-mcd1:1 pre-.cnW·
11011 Uk:ludcd ,1 ,luJc,htN, ,·11.Jco and

h,, mtMI.° ,1hou1 ;mt1-1t,~~mj_! ;1c1,,,.
1,m m the N,,,,hcn, Rchan,,:c for ,wdcn1' to ,peak with
ht'4h Stephan and Bunum.
Stcph,in. cun-cmly "~rad~n, .11 Brn-.e State Un1\.Cl"II)', and
Burn,m. who ~radua1cd Imm Col-

~;llc m 1996 w11h n degree in lllO·
lecular h1olot:y. joincd the Nnrthcm

Rnd.,c, Prc..,crva11cm PmJect after
hem~ m,pired hy ti: 1wo :,,can- ago.
The Big Wild Road4-how i~ on a
<.'ITl:'-li-«'IUnuy. 50-Mop 1ouraimin~ 10
expo.~ illci:ol logging practices of
the U.S. Forest Service. which i~
currcndy fragmen1ing the largest
untouched wildernc~s left in 1he
1t,wcr fony-e igh1~IOIC\,
Stephan and Bumi,nplaccpnnicularcmph,Li:i<. nn OwcJMallard.a for·
eMed area that link~ 1hrce fcdero l
wildcmeof central Idaho. Cove/Mallard.
which i~ home 10 ~veral rare and
end:ini;ctcd s..pecic~ of wildlife. currently races one of the mm:t controvc~iol 1imbcr ~ lcs in U.S. history.
The pml)('lsed $.ale plan~ to build
road~ into 1hc Greater SalmonSelway Ecos.~tem to allow rorclear
cuuing on no1ional rore.i:.1 land.
The madi:how alcned student< 10
1he potential damage 1hrea1ening the
public national forcs1s in Idaho·~

Non.hem Rockie..<. Thc.1;C area<. some
or 1hc lac;t "Big Wikl" h!ft in America.
belong to the public and cannoc be
de:ircu1 wi1hou1 the public"c.pcnnic;.
mal..c the-..e prncl1l-e:c; illef!al. bl.II c;uch
l.iw., m't cum:ntly not bcmg cnhn'Cd
Smc:c 1hcy han~ hct.'Ome incrc.;1.,.
ingly involved m 1hc Co\'c/Mallard
h'lft,1 pl'O(e<:11on c~unp.·Hgn. S1cphan
,1od 8urnm1 ..eek 1ocduca1c 1he put,..'
he. p.1n,cula.rly collc£e .,,uden1 ... on
lhe 1llci;al log~mg prncticc-c; laking
pince on pubhc land,. They ht'l\'t
c.pen11he pac;i 1woc;ummcf'(; ai Cove/
Mall.1rd plt1ymg an t1c1ive mlc m lhe
nonvi0Jcn1 l'C'$i(;tancc: m 1hc 111nbcr
,alefi.; la.~, i:ummer they joined hun•
dreds. or other ronct-mcd ci1,1..cn'> 10
create fore1-1 blockades that pre•
vcn1ed road building and equipmcn!
The 1wo activis1~ hope 10 encouruge "udcnis 1oacknowledge !he dana;e-r (aced by the na1ion·,: few remainmg wildem~( area.( and to take action. "'Whether 1hrough i::preading
awareness. writing a leucr or :x:tu·
ally going 10 Covc/Mallard1his coun1~:· S1e-phan t,aid.
Colga1e senior Emily Loeb. who
spcn1 la.~ summer in central Idaho.
encourages Colga1e srudenL< 10 get
involved. ··~ing al Cove/Mallard
wai: an empowcrin&, lifc--changing
experience.'" she said. "II allowed me
10 make connection,: between whal
I learned m 1he clais happening in the real worki. l came
back 10 Colga1e kMwin~ I had lhe
power 10 make a diffettnce."

Hall after being hit by a snowball. Campus
Safety tran,.poncd the student 10
Comn,uni1y Memorial Hosp,lal.
5:15 p.m.: R~ived a r,:pon of a
1wo-car mocor vehicle accident in
1he Alumni parking lot. Minor
propcny damage occurred after an
individual backing ou1 of a ~paoe
hn another pa.rtc:cd vehicle.
OlllSidc of Stillman

Thursday, VU,
4:48 a.m.: A student reported receiving hara5,.c;ing phone calls at
1hcir Stillman ~itkncc.
9: 18 a.m.: Received a r<:pon of a
1wo-car m01or vehicle accidcn1
behind Droke Hall. Minor properly damage occurred after a
p.1rkcd delivery truck slid on ice
and hi, a parked gamage 1ruck.
9:43 p.m.: F,r,: alarm a, Parter
Apanmem~ caused by 1-tcam rrom
a i-howcr.
7: 19 p.n,.: A~ludcm rcponed i1em.s
mi1-1-ing from 1hcir locker at Hun1in1:1ion Gym.
Friday. 2127
12: 19 a.m.: A staff member reponcd 1heir vehicle paitcd al Reid
Alhletic Center mi~ina. Campu~
Safe1y Off,cen rocovered lhe vehicle II lhe Studcnl Union.
J:SS a.m.: OfflC<',.. on rourine pa1rol found ,....;dent.«Jf Parlce Hou"'
in pos~ession of marijuana and
drug parapllemalia.
I :~ p.m.: A Slaff' mem1Jef 1eponed
item$ mis.(i"I from Pen..'011 Hall.
4:10 p.m.: AMUdtnl reponedlheir

vehicle windshield damaaed after
....rr member ........i in deMing ,now oft' o( lhe ..i.ic:le.

6:39 p.m.: A rcsiden1 of Univen;i1y
Coun ApanmenlS r<:poncd a fir<:
under the stove burner or their residence.

Saturday, 21211
4:50 a.m.: Fire alann at W~t Hall
caused by nn acliv:ued pull station.
4:SO un.: Residen1s or wes, Hall
were intox 1cated and raited to evacu.
a1e during a fire aJann.
12: JO p.m.: A '1Uden1 reponecl i1ems
mi'>~ing from Brian Unle Filncs~
I :52 p.m.: Fir<: alann II lhe Honors
Hou'< caused by bum! food.
10:00 p.m.: A Vitheir vehicle wu hit and damaged
while ii wai:: parked in 1he Cuneo
parking IOI.
10:15 p.m.: A slUdent was found in
Po-<~~~ion of anocheu1udenfs iden-1ification card.

I :32 a.m.: An officer on rou1ine pa!rol of Gale House found damage 10
an out~ide wall.
I :JJ a.m.: An officer on murine pa·
1rol or U:nive~ky Coun Apanmem
foond damage 10111 in!erior wall and
that a tire e,uinguisherhad been wn-pcr<:d wi!h.
2:35 a.m.: Re~iden11 of Parker
Apartmenu were found in pa m

Sludenls fnllow lhe. example nf Kalhtrlne Rnlilnson, a prnfes.siCamp on Tuesday.

Over ~pring hrcak. four mem•
bcrs of1h< Cnlga1e Chuinher Playco; will 1ravel 10 Mexil'o for a 1enday musical lour led hy As.."ociutc
Profesi;:or of Mu~ic Laura
Seniori;: Ethan Hcchl and
Maureen Taylor. junior Kendra
Harps1er and mu~ic- u~i~lant
Nathan Cook will perform M:ven
concerts in and around Me xico
Ci1y. ~stinalion,; include the pres•
1igiou1- Cont.Crvatoria de la.< Rmai::
Morclia. the National Univer.i1y of
Mexico and Tme Mihuacan.
The ~lcclions for the concert

February 2S - March .l
2:JJ p.m.: Cam.,.., S1fe1y received a service~ to assist 1
relocked lhemselve5 ,n a 5d ofhandcuff~ and could no« ge1 ou1 of
1hcm, 'The 1nd1vidual wa., tran<·
poned 101he Hea1lng Plan, wher<:
1hc handculTs were cut off.
IZ: 11 Lm.: A <1uden1 reponed
1heir vehicle hit and damaged
while parlced .. o·connor Campus Center.
I :50 a.m.: An offteer on rou1ine
palrol di!ICOvem:I ilem~ mi5.~ing
fmm Reid Alhlelic Ctnltt.
5:44 a.a.: An off"ecer on rou1ine
patrol foond I window damaged
11 49 Brood s,-.
8:54 a.m.: A , 1aff member re•
poned graffiti on a wall II Slillffllll
1,11 p.m.: A 111rr member reponed a,affiti on walls II Wat

pie> cetta! hy buml popcom
9:15 ..,._, Aa alumw reported
ilem< mu ,•., r,o111111e lflllaf ,.__

.............. .., .....

in performin,g ~clc..:1inn, hy Mcxicompt,,er Manuel Pnnt.·c a.,
well Brahm~. Mn£arl. Oulc
Ellington and ~lection~ hy Gt.'ur~c
Gen.hwin. in honor of' the centennial annivc~ary nf hi~ hinh.
The four mui.ician~ acknowledge 1ha1 1he oppor1uni1y
Klughcnz ha!, given them 10 rravel
and perfOfffl i~ an invaluable one.
panicularly for Hech1 and Cook.
who arc plannin@ gradua1e ~,udy in
music after Colgate.
.. (Touringl i~ ~omcthing we·re
going 1obedoing in the fulurc quite
n hit. hopefully;· C.:nok 1.aid.
Klughertz ha.c; prcviou,ly toured
cx1en~ively throughout Mexico
and Latin Amenca and teaches the
Core Mexico ela~~. Thi~ will he 1he
first time any or the studcn1s have
traveled il'f Mexico and it i_c; the li"'t
opportunity or ir'> kind 10 he i:pon~orcd by Colgale.
The iroup ha .. put eon,-iderablc
lime ond effort mto planning and

preparins for 1he tour. In addnion

10 auending rcgulnr prac1icci:: '*1111
1hc Colgutc Chamber Playen.. 1he
mu.,ician~ have held additional
prm:1icc.,; ~ince the beginning of the
year. and lhey have hccn rchc.irtin~ more frequently over 1he pa1-1
four wccl..'- in an1icipa1ion of 1he

Klugherti began planning 1ht
tour two year~ ago while tourinJ
in Mexico. Klughcni·~ s1udcnts
emphasize the amount of etron 1h11
dte ha~ put into arranging this 1ou,,
"I Klughenzl i~ lhe mo1iva1ing
force behind us.'" Taylor said. "She
arranged every detail of 1he lrip.
made conu1c1~ and has gc)nc abo"c
and beyond ch< call ol du1y. She
ho., been tin in,;pim1ion to us all."
The fnur muplaying logether for nearly lhrte
year.. and have performed m NC\\
York Ct1y. New Jersey and Long I<·
land. Thi< past ~ummer. .they per·
formed at lhc Chenango Summer
Mu~icFcsc. and 1hcy are !:ehcdulcd
to perform 1hcrc again this '-Ummtt
The quintcl will have a previc•
performance Tu.:~ny al The Ba~'t
Canal Colftt Shop•• 7:30 p.m.

3-.J5un.: Rn, ...... a-o,.,,.

Z:56 • ·• ·• Re1iden11 of Parker
Apannaenrs were found ill pu1111
llionol, ........

Mexican audience. Klu~hcn1. will
he accompanying her four ~1uden1s.

jacket in
Campua Safety
offlcen ...... wllh lfanillon Polict olllcen 1......-,L ba ·
Ulllble IO '--lht oubject.
11:11 L&: A lllff ...... , .
ponedthal a IIUdl II ftll CIII blact
ice oullide or .... ALANA Col-

aonofai.r kec.

...... c:.aw.


Bcl;innini; on March 23. the

Sexual Crisis Resource Center
1SCRC) will nS()r Se,ual Vio,ence Awarenes~ Weck. which is
n1eun1 10 promo1c awareneM and
vndcrc.tandin~ o( .-.exual violence
w11hin 1he Colg111e communi1y.
The event. which i~ being or~n·

n11c,enior.-. Irene Beer~ and A ndy
Kru~cr. will tlctin with a ~lf-de-

(c,,._c "!orlo.shop on Monday in the
Hall ol' Presidcn11-. This work .. hop.
nin with help fn1m lhe Center for
Wnmen ·, Smdies. will nc1 Bf; a prc\C:ntnllvc mcawrc for potcntml v1c11m, ol ,exual violence.

On Tue!,ng of 1hc provoco1ivc movie
{)"""' m,r/d II m the Cen1cr (or
\\'nmen·i: S1udie<1;.
" Thi~ mcw,e ,how .. how women
;ire pMtr.iycd in mu.sic ,•idcos:·
Bee~ ,3;d. "Ill v1deM. women arc
m:.11ed nc; c;.cx ohJec11- and thii; exi,lainc: why men view them in 1h01

Krui;cr added. "'I I ii. ::in older
movie. ,:o ii 1-howc; video~ we·ve
all c;.ccn and grown up with. h
,hows how 1here ic; o mc1hodoloi;y
1othc w;1y women arc por1rnycd in
a demcanin~ manner. Women .are
alway~ shown c;eeking out a man.
*ho turns away from her. Al the

lasl ~cond. he take,: her. !-howing
that he i~ a good enough pcr~on 10
do her 1ha1 ravor."
The movie concludes with video
clip,$ con1rasted wi1h 1hc rape $.CCne
from the movie The Atx·11,f/~d.
The mos1 powerful event of the
week prf1mi~c; 10 be on Wednesday ni~hl when. for 1he eighth year
in ti rnw. lhe SCRC will hold t1
Speak-Ou, in 1he Holl of Prc~idcn11-.
"The Speak -Oul i~ what the
SCRC i< known ro, by a IOI of
people.'' Beer~ c;aid, " It i!- a powerful 1001 to educate mher people
and ir. our Mrontc!-t method in rni~inJ; awarenei.s."
"'Tl1i~ •~ a time when people can
come out :.'!bout 1hcir own expericncec; with ~cxual violence. Th1!can get ver)' emmional as prople
dc~cnbe: expcnenccc; with fnend~
and ranuly:· women·s Studie.1- Pm-

people can 1::ilk 10 one ano1her."
Beer< added.
In tlddition 10 the Spe::ilr.. -Orn.
counc;cling will be provided for n
foll day ( IO o.m. 10 IO p.m.) on
Thursday in lhe SCRC oJ'licc. locn1ec.l in 1he bac:cmen1 of Cunis
"M11ny eioorioM are ~1,rrcd up
durmg the Speak•Out and people
need some.one t() talk m." Bee~ said.
The major training scs..c:ion for

Colgate News Briefs
Ten-Year AIFC President Steps Down
Diet Swell. laq-li-Alu11111i lnierFl'aleffllty C.OUncil (AIFC) pmi•
den,. Slepped- fmm Ilia position II thecq•;. .;.,.•, meelin1 lut
Sarurday. Bi.rch. who - • member of Ille Alpha Tau Omep (A'TO)
rra1emt1y. oen-ed • AIFC pNlident for u unl"ecedo 1tod ,en yc.s.
He will he rq,laced by Phi Delta Theta JWhitt '96 and
Theta a,; member John 1 - '94. Boch Whitt Md Lane are ronnec
ciaoed.- Di...- of Prat o"ty and Sonirily Affoin Simi Wilhehn said.
The Al'FC rq.www..th. i,11a-,lalumni imolved wothtto. fnleinity
,y-. and "'IJIIOl1S t h e ~ IFC and r,11emi1y .,_,.,
.. ,Bin:hl ii a iou,to act oof'ollow. He not only pally helped
11es. bur ako the un1..,.;1y ibldf." IFC Chair of Abnn1
more 11,yao Miller said.
- By Cltru llbhltn

or-....... _. ..


Coofennce- place IMl ,- , ,und • Bard
in AIIIIMlllle, New
York. Ni• Colpll .......,111 .-lended the c....,._ which - co'J)()IIIOtlld by Bani ud .,..,. collep. Over 1, ...,.... t.om oevaal
univenltieo hi
The Iheme rtl
illy Sl!AC e"'8I - "Ri..,.
by Mir, Webber.dlllCIOrollhe C.-l'Gr ......... l!lllics .... Social
PolicJ • Clftlll Uulwwllly. Slwlllllt l1lell lllilled -W. IO llo1d a
candlollpt vlsil la ....... . , paw In ..... The_,;., ooncladed,
wi1h a -lcal . . . . , . _ . . , llllo 111111 David ltovica. 111d panici-

••'Mllll-'tb'adli,af.._.lolf ......... apwl..._
cuoaioaaJsi1dern11d• ,.,..,.,.. 811...,- I r ! ~ o f

1he ,...,_ . . . . . . . . . QN s1111.

Inc.Andie Molelplile lO die enlire lftlllll• llla1Dpioaf ...,.-11al CMUl!Cl 1be lladlon Valley
a< a Cw 51uc1y,• Swiday•aew111 lho Included a llnal Mn,t,op wi~...... ripla. ...lvlam skill&. c,in-1111 ....,_;on,
tnViJOC! 10-11:I - - - - poHtica.

"You've tried
1M rt/St . ..
Now try the Best~•

fall. "'Coun~lor~ learn how 10 1alk
to vic1ims and point 1hem in the
righr direction. whether 1hey need
to pre1-1- charge~ or j u~t need an
e.1r:· Beert: said.
Am,1her a.c;pcct of lhc week will
M lhe Utica Clmheslinc Pm~ram.
an an fnn11 forexprci-l\ing the feelings a,i.ocia1ed with s.exual violence.
Victim~ will~ given lhc opportunity to decorate a T-!i-hin 1h.11 expre,:M:s 1he1r cxpericnccc;, Color.;
are u1-cd 1-ymholically 10 rcprcc:em
diffcrcn1 11tsuc~ a~sociotcd wilh
sexual vifllcnce. ~uch a" iocei;1 or
domc,1ic violence. The T-s.h1rtt:
wlll he on display all wttk at 1he
O'Connor Campu~ Cen1cr (Coop),
Effon1- were mndc lnc:1 yeur to
SHlrl n Colgate c ltllhc1-linc. Al•
1houph it did nm talr..e off. it is
hoped 1h01 Colgate will h:.1\'e its
own line wnhin five yenr:c;.
Brrnging in new pro~ram1t
hrou~h1 St1me challenge, to 1he
planning process, "The hig~es.c
ptoblem wa~ finding o ~pcakcr.''
Kruger sn,d . .. We had -.oinc lend(;

10 o couple of diffcrcnl -.peakcr:c;.
We had some co1uac1 difficuhie ...
rhnugh. i.o rhey never worlr..cd nut."
·"Thi!- show~ yC'lu can·, !-:13n l('fl
early." Beer: ~ id. "Howc,.·er. we will
he bringing ~,ck (l(herctfec1ivc pmgmms1ha1have wcwi;:ecJ in 1he pas1."
Publicity w,11 be made 11100: dil•
ficu h _bcc;iuc;e Sexu:11 Violence
Awarene.,1- Weck will fll'CUr right af•
rert-1uden1( return fmmspring hn:ak.
"We plan to cover tho campu-. in
011<1 hope 1hings spread hy
word-of•nlThi~ Sundayru 9 p.m.. Bee~ and
Kruger will he on CUTV a,,s.wcr•
ing quc.!,tion~ ahclul Scxuol Violence Awarenes.-" Week,
The wccl i~dc~igncd ro, victim~
and non•victim" alike. "We wanl
ro help victims lind a way 10 get
through their expcrienc:e1o.'' Beci,;
s.aid. '1"he week ac1c; a,: hrecovery and a prevcnra1ivc mca,:ure . h helps men a nd women
watch oul for each other,"

Sophon,om Shari Halpt•rn. I .4,.•i.k~' (;li(-k and Tri.,;;;h I ,is;t pn.-par1:

pa,Key Dinneir to henen1 lhe "\Vomen HclpinJ?, \\'nmen'' ttrea.c.t r
cancer n•se,u·c·h funtl.

,.,,,,~..~,.11,, . \

Lai.I Fririonnl Ct'ltenc1I jnnlcll C<1mpt1) or.
t;ini,mtinn, 10 rccnt,:m1.c :ind honm
differem cuhure~ anwithin the Colgalc t.:nmmuni1y.
A<..'Cfm.lins·co event Ofl:!MII.C r -.C•
ninr Shan:cn li.·m.:,il. !he Wnrktexp,
wa.~ a ··re,1ival 1h.a1 would c.·dchr.111.·
lhc divco.i!y of c.:uhorc\..,f,tknli. ;_11"KI
c1.pericrn.·e, a1 Col~mc:··
The idea fur World Expo un~t·
nmcc.l frnm ac."t•llahtm11ionof i.cvcml
SllkienL~· Jde:m,; fmm d1tfcren1 •");o•
ni1..111inni... 1ne plani. for 1~ w,,..ld
Expn expanded and the tll.'.lt1al ..:,·cn1
inc;ludcc.l danc.:ing. mu,ic.:. foc!c.1 .ultl
m.:tivitie,. Em:h iahlc rcr,rc,..;ntcd
vminus interc-.., and c.·uhun:,.

Author Discusses Problems
Affecting Modern Judaism
cahn. lt'i: heautiful :111of frustnuion for Jew,:, On rhc one arc nice here. Thcre·snntlrmm,. 11·,
hand 1hey arc trying 10 gel away j u.1:1 plea., ant to live here. 10 ,iudy
from 1hcir traditions. hue some• and 10 cnntemrla1e:· Appclfcld
limes 1hcy feel loyal to lhcm. Thir. said of CnlBtUe.
phenomenon 'created wonderful
At c(ghl yc.1r.- uf :.1gc. Appclrcld
people and created a genre ;iround was forced 10 leave Rnmanm and
which much of la1e-ninc1cen1h cen• cn1cred a c.:uocen1m1ion c.·arnr. where
1ury rhoughJ was bai;cd.""
hi, rarcnts died, Alnne, he c-,1,;;1p..'tl
Quei.tioM 1ha1 were raised in• ond survived the war a, a c:hcl ·, ai.•
eluded whc1hcr true Judaism i~ sisrnnt w11h 1he Rui.-.ian ;1rmy.
dead in 1nday·s worid :'I nd in what Applefeld'~ Holocau..., c1.pcncocc,
way !-p1ri1uali1y has been lost ti(; arc ai che he-an nl' hi),, li1cni1urc,
Jews have hccomc "middle-clas!-, ··
Appclfcld'~ vb.it 1n Cnlf''"~ will
Appelreld Mn.:s.~d the change 1ha1 culmm:lle in .i M:m:h ., I kc1ure. ~h,
Judaism ha.(; unde'llone in the mod· lec-1urc ahflut h,,. Hnl,-.:JU\I cxpcnem world and the internal c;1rug~le cncc!i- will he Cnl~111e·, inaufUl'ul
within c:ach Jew to he hoth loyal 10 Fin'anl Lecmre in Jcw,,h Sttttltc,.
their religion and. al lhc $a me lime.
10 fil into !he ft'SI of the world.
AppclfelcJ concludcby remarking. '"There arc 1wo Mui~ Kianna Cole. E:-.1111da. Intel' Fra1crliving in modem Jews. one whic;- ni1y Council OFCJ Rcprc,cn1,11 1vc

The "4:llh.'tl ,odmkxt Free Tihc.1. rc,~·c

S10tl~.1~I Wt,mcn·, Stuthc,. In at.I·
\lilion. \CVCr.11t.:uhur.11 ~murie,. ,uch
·" th1.· fapanc:,.i.: duh. 1hc Lm111
Amcrit.:an .S111dcn1s Of1!an11,11i11Jl

CLASO) :me.I . 1 South AJ.ian 1,?mup
rnwidctl in)o,ighL~ into 1hcirc-ul1ure."-.
Onndni; pcrtnnn:rnc.--ci. fculU~I
1hc Cnft;.11c Cinllwc. 1hc L..ttinAmcfi.
c:111 O,mt.:cl' (LAO) und lhc N:1~inn
Indian D.ull."CO., Othcrcmcn:iinnk!nt
wn, f11Uv1dcd hy ,in~1ni: !!rt•up,.
,uch ;i:,. the Rc.!,olutinn:. and 1hc
,Swin~in~ Cia1c,. There we~ al"' a
vt1ric1y c,r m:ir1ial ar1~ cxh1t'li1,.
Orsuni1cr, or 1hc Wnrld Expo
induJcd Ii.mail. _1unic1r Mahii.ha
Shah. ~cnior Shiyana V;1lcnlinc.
i.c1rhc111111rc Prce1i Par.1 .. h.1ra1t}1 and
,cn111r Pami:I,, Hatht1wt1y. They
w11tlr..c d lt•J;Clhcr wirh Direcmr nf
S1mkn1 Ac.·1iv11ie~ M;1mic Terhune
mul Di1\:c.:lor cir Fm1crni1y .ind Sn.
ron1y A.lf:.ur, Sim, Wilhelm In r,ro,.,11k cath ol 1hc 11ri;1ln11::111un~ ,nvolvcd m lhc C\'Cnl wilh the money
l1w- 1hc l1klt.l and mu,k they nc..-cclcd
1111' their rrc~cn1:111un,.
Shah ,t11d th:.11 1hc Expo wai: 1101
01lly a ,ucc::es~ in tenn~ of lhe turn·
nol. hul abo in iti. ,ii:nilic.·unce for
1hc variou, cuhurc, al Cnlg:llc. "II
w;1, grcal In ,cc 1hc dift'crcni cul·
wrc, t;CI 111~c1hcr under one umhn:lla :ind rrc-.ent ,omethin1! aht1u1
thcm-.elvc,:· ,he ,;1id.
Jumnr Vic.:1c1ria Rivera. prc,illc111
of LAD and :1 N:tt:in:t Indian
dam:cr. w.i, ;il-.o op11nu,1u.· "huut
the Wnrld Exr,tl. "II wa, a re.illy
good lllllC. I w:" happy tn ,cc lhal
11 l!OI ,ut:h ;1 hit= turnout and I feh

pering. ·escape , .. soon a$ Po"~ible
fron11hc world.' 1he other whi~pcr-

ing. ·why c.scapc'! h ii: warm and
in,.•i1ing in 1he neM, why do you
wanr 10 wander ou1,:idc?...
Appclreld. a Holocauc:t c:ur\'ivor.
ha~ lived in Ii.rad ,:ince 1946. Th, ..
year. he dtddcd 1ocomc 10 Col1;a1e

10 1ake a hrcak from l~rael. "lt'c;

Gre~ Jnhn,on.
Lm~uc~I. Co-Cht1ir of 1he Spnng
Par1y Planmn~ c,,mmiuec ,ophomnrc Rachel Owcn1.. Skcrri11. D1-

rcc1or of Siuden1 Ac1ivi11e, Marnie
Terhune. Dircc1nr of Coun,clm!!
and Psycholot;1cal Service, and
S1uden1AtTai~ Board (SAB) mcmher Mark Th
Pmlc,.,or 01 Snciolni:y ;ind SAO
mcmhcr Ad.im We,nhe~.
"I am nptinu,1ic that 1hcrc will he
no prnhlemi. Im Spnng Panyevcn1,1.
We 1n1\I 1hc ,1udcn1-. and. 11' rhcy
ah1dc hy the l)tdic,c,. 11 will he ,,
wondc,fol "eekcnd." Cappc1n -.aid.
L111quc~1 ct.:hocd 1he'-c ,cn1imen1i: and added. ·-r m ,;lad 1h01
people wclrlcd io~ether (to develop
a ,,cw pnli<.·yl. hut nny, it", up 10
1hc \luden1, 10 mal e it wort:·

University Awarded Grants; Use
Will Spur Environmental, Studi-es
Ry Emily Ha~enah
M11nHm·Nt'11, Swlf

Colgate received a grant for
S675.000 from 1he W.M . Kec k
Foundauon for 1he Envirnnmcnrn:I

Studie~ program las1 Dec-ember.
The donatmn will be u~d to purchac.c labon,tc,ry cquipmcnl for lhc
hiology. geography ond geology

dep~1r1men1,:,. o~ well as the Bcwkcs
Ccn1er field srn1ion. The ~rant will
al._o help m fund c;ix c.ummcr re-.c.irch p<~IIH'ln~ for Mudcn1~ frw the
,,c\l threc year~.
··we arc 1f}'ing to establish 1hc
environmental ..,tudie.., conccnlra11011 progrom an(] we're in need of

new equ1pmen1. ·· Acting OircClc\r
ol Cn\•ironmcnrnl S1ud1e, Randy

Fuller '-::lid, "Th,, ,;rant \·•ill really
;1llow u, In mnvc forward."
The Nm,nnnl Science Foundo-

11011 al,o awarded Colgate a gran1
ot lo; IO I .21t7 f <'r the i;eolngy
incnt. Thi~ ~rant will complement
1he W.M. Keck Foundation in ful•
• filli ng the expense of an X-rny
nuorcscencc ~pcctrometer. The
iran1 will abo be u!tCd 10 purcha~ '
an x .ray diffractor for chemical
and mineralosical analy~s of gco•
logic moterials. Thi~ will enable the
Geology Ocpanment to replace a
20 year-old system that is uited in
course~ and ahc\ut SO percent of all
~1udcn1 re~arch projec1s.
·11,c varie1y ot' new equipment
will help allow for new and bcner
focilities. which will really help 1he
~tudcnts in la~ and in re!Pmfe~sorofGcology Bruce Selleck
~;id. The new cquipmcn1 w,11 31[1;()
he uc-.cd by thedcpanmcnt'.,; fi\'C faculty member~ for their re~:uch.
'"The environmental t;tud1r,; progr:1m i, brand new and trying 10 gel
t,ff 1hc ground. Thc,c gran1~ ha\'C
awarded u~ the opponunity 10 i;et
otf 10 a ;rem t;tan:· Fuller t;aid.

F,!!hling Hunscr in Hamil1on. a
divl\ion of Volunteer Col~nte.
,ponsored Hunger Awareness
Wecl. 10 make swdcnts aware- of
lhe l:.ir,e number of Americans
who experience hun~cr every day.
The week. which conclude.:- today.
('fln~iqed or a ,ncal sell-back program a~ well as a hunger banquel
:md :., food dnvc.
To participate in the meal sellhad pm~ro,n. ~:tudcn1S signed over
meali;. they planned not to eat at 1he
«..ltninl! hallt;, Mornoll Food Ser·
vice, then govc a p0r1ion of the cos1
of each donated meal 10 1hc Fncndt;h1p Inn on Madii.on Street. Any
cxlra pmcccd'- will be given to the
Hamihon Food Cupboard.
Senior S1accy Viola. a member
of Volunteer Colgate's cxccu1ivc
hoard. cmpha.,iud 1hc imponanct:
of keeping lhc focus local in order
10 help 1hosc in Madi,-on Coun1y.
Co-chair of 1he commi11ee in
chorgc of the meal ~II-back plan.
senior Candice Grant. cchoerl
Vic,la·s l-Cntimencs. Grant s1rcssed
Ihm thi~ even1 is one of Volun1eer
Cnlgi,ue·~ higge~t money makers:
hc1wccn 200 and 300 people had
~igncd up 10 panicipa1e in 1he meal
sell-bock prosram by Tue,day
evening: S1udcnts were able 1osell·
hack their meal,- from Monday
lhmu~h Thursday.
"I appreciate everyone who do·
nmed meol,; durin~ Hunger Awarcne:--s Weck. It is a good cause, C.t;.

pecially ~ince it directly benefit~
the 10wn of Hamilton." Gran1 said.
Though 1he meal ~ell-back pro·
gram ended T hur~day. ~,udenl,;
may s till par1icipa1e m Hunger
Awurene.~1, Wee.._ by contributing to
1hc food drive. Boxes for 1he food
drive are located 1n 1he ret;idence
hall'-. 1hc o ·connor Cnmpu~ Cen·
1cr(Coop) and ac:1demic buildings.

The 1998 World Game. which
will rnke place Sa1urday at 12 p.m.
in lhe Commont;, 111 an interactive
works hop 1ha1 c hallenges it~ par·
1icipan1s to deal with 1he world's
mot;t pressing problems through
crca1ivi1y. crirical analy~is and
1eamwortc. Colgate's World Game.
which is sponsored by lhc Dcparl·
men1 of Na1ural Sciences. will focus specifically on issue~ of the
The game i~ played on an enM·
mou,. 70 foo, by 35 fool world
map. As many a.~ 200 players c.an
panicipa1e in thi~ half-day event;
organizer~ uy the more panicipants they can get. the more dy..
namic the game will be.
Playe:~ will be divided in1otearm.
designating various wortd popula •
tions. 1hcn allocated resource.< accmlin~ 10 their ~ ition~. The 1cams
will then he cont'ron1ed wi1h promi-


42" 42"_..:.......,,.

Friday Nlgh1: Clear and aim °'""'igh, Low of ,10°.
S.1unlay: P>nly rloudy. Htgh ol 45~
S.1unlay Nigh,, Cloods ,ncrc,smg 1hrougt,ou1 1hc nigt,, JO
pl'fttnl rh1nce of r.un or t;now showers low of 33°

They will remain there as long 0$
t;tudentt; conrinue to dona1e food.
'"This 1s a good cause and I appreci:ue ;Il l those who part1ci pa1ed. II 1c;. impOrtant lCl remember 1hn1 M:,di11on County 1s 1he
second pooret;1 county. and everyone here a.1 Colsare hat; 10 be
aware of what we have by hclpi:'lg others:· Gran1 ~aid.

Fighting Hunger In Hamilton Group
Leads Successful Meal Sell-Back
lly Erika Miller

ncn1 gk>bal problem~. includin~ walcrond air pollution. soil dc~rndalion
rind resoun.:c dit.tnbuuon. SHKk!nt~
will be challenged 10 mee1 the ncetl~
ofthe1r regionsof1hc workl and will
al~ be gi\'Cn the chance 10 gain C1.Jl1Ural awarene.~ and gcopoli1ical pcrspcc1ivc.<, while u.negotiation s.kill~ to face real-life
The game was crealed in 1972
by 1he World Game lasti1u1c. an
organiia1ion dcdica1cd to research
and cduca1ion of world i11sucs. in
an effon JO incrca~c respon$ible
cititen~h ip around 1he world.
Colgate',; tir,;t World Game wa.~
held four years ago.
"The Wnrtd Game i, an oppo<1unity for Colgate student~ to wortc
collectively to deal wilh lhe real
workl i~II is a chance for the Colgate com•
munily 10 consider 1he fundamental intricacies face our global community.·· event coordinator senior
Jared Margolis ,;aid.

February Disciplinary Board Summary
llwN Clift ol ~ 0,-ly wtrt hoord, •od di, - - Wffl •1 Jolm:

0.. l1ffl

udwa1 i..od ...,....... 11,e Ul(riol( was I cn4tef "f" o

o.,,_.....,...,...;..,_,u4 ... r.odm,-W.. n..-wasacn4t.r·1·.
dlt"""' ... ....,....., ........

0.. 11•1 ,...., ...,..,. 001 .._.i,, Afttr a w.r.l,..;,. ol dlo iolorllia1,oo I'•
...,..i a, dlt i.....,. dlt ....., . .. fM ...,...... r.
Th, .....

... ..... ,... ., . , ia dlt ...... ""'d,uipl;..ry ,,..,... rw ... _ ,

n,, odlor " " - a...., • ....,,.,. " ,.•.,. a r.i.. rn . ian..
n,,...., INII ,.,.,.,..i..,""' was ,i.c... •dncitllll!Or)' ,...,.,. rw"" "'*of"'
,u,. Mluliao......., ud 1"''""'"""1 Wldr )ant J-,. afint/mll ...... ef Siil.

!M011.... u,,........, 14,un,ioitfwdlt<-,y "(...,., _
.......... ,.. .,..,. r.a4 ...,...~~ f« ,.,inc faht firt alanni.

Positions available include: Cabin Counselors and Instructors for
Basketball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Golf, Tennis,
Gymnastics, Swimming, Lake, Theatre, Dance, Aerobics, Ropes
Course, Ceramics, Jewelry, Wood, Photo, Fiber Arts and MORE!
Outstanding Facilities. Room, board and travel allowance. Our 67th
summer as a co-ed resident ca:inp in the Catskill Mtns of NYS. Make
a real difference in the lives of children. We will be on campus on
Thursday, February 26th, but first please contact:
Sequoia P.O. Box 339 Rock Hill, NY 12775
Or Call 1-888-679-5298. Let's Chat!

Hall T-sbirls and IUppliel will be IVlilable to allow lddilions IO
Colple's own Clocbeslino Project.

\\! C) R 1~ D
Drunk Driving Slammed
In Stnate
Scna1e approved a new na1ion1.1 I

,1;.mdnving o n Wcdnc.~day. dc.i•pitc
claim~ l h ai such a law would in1errcrc with stotc business.
By • 62-32 margin, 1he •tan·

dm1I .,...._,ec1
percen1 blood,1lcolltiJCGllklll •
1he iegul limit for drunken elm•
mg. Fifteen s1a1es alttady ha\!&.
1his as the standard. while 3j

sta1cs have a le~~ .severe . IOperc:cn1 limit in place.
Tho.~ s1a1cs that choo~ not to
accept 1his more rigorous Stan·

2002. and 1cn percen1 every year
.ifcer 1ha1.

Supponcr< of 1he change say
that 1he .08 level is not 100 severe. A.08 hlood-alcohol con1en1
•~ the result o f consuming fou r
drinls in a hour ror a 170-pound
man. or three drinks in an hour
for n 1)7.pc,und woman.

1:re~!-ional Democrats in conjunction wi1h President Clin1on. The
plan. par1 of 1he Congres~ional
Democrats' clec1ion-ycar agenda.
would include buildi ng new
c.chools and hiring the equivalent
of one new 1eachcr for every public ~chool.
The proposition call~ for the
J;_Overnmcnt 10 ~pend S7.) billion
over fwe ~ar, 10 hire Ioo.oon
teachcr.t in or~ 10 reduce cla~(
size lll{ou,hout !he United S10le<.
a move 1ba1 ,upponeu say wowd
shrilk average cla~ ~iie 10 18

Anodw , _ and lodl"gov$'9.'1 billion in
¥'lillt,I ,wodcn,la 1ion bond, in
l ~ d ~ t , t help schools 1h01
1~,!•'p11ale of di,repair. Tho,e

who~ h e
bonWwould receive
tax eredil rather
than intercs .
r Tom
Daschie. (D-SD>,~
die Jl"'Posi1ion the "'&ent~ol-•i,,
fied agenda" 1ha1
Democrat.!- have bt9' working on
for ~ix month.c.. · '
T hi s proposal comes eighl
mo91h, before Congr<:<11onal ele<;1ions.


NJ), one of 1he main sponsor,; of
1he measure. predic1ed 1ha1 this
new c.umdard could save more
1h;1n 500 lives a year.

WASH INGTON. 0 .C. - The
nation·~ fi~t fema le s-p.1cc ~hunle
pi foe. Eileen Colline:. was promoted

rnuh1-hilhon dollar plnn 10 1m
prove pubhc educntion was pro.
poc;cd on Wedne~day by Con•

MARCH 6. 1998

cmony on ThurWay. Collins will
be 1hc fir:c.t woman 10 be in charJ;C

of a U.S. space mi1;sion.
An experienced pilm. Collins

has nown in two shunle nithls one in 199Sand3no1hcrtn 1997and has been in line for the pot;i·
1ion ac: shunle commander (or ~me
During the naminF ceremony.

a~ain$.I law enfol'l'cmcm.
The lyrics under "\.'fUI I ny arc
found in 1hc Stmg ''Dc.ully Ci:uuc ..
from the record Ti/ M,· C,H4f'I
Dm11'.'fi-whi1.:h i~ due 10 he rclc~1,1.:tl
nex1 wcel.. For example Thom."
'-:IY"· "'When they 1ry 10 pull ym,
(wer.1-hon1 ·cm in the f.t\.·e. }' •111:·
;1" well :;i:,; 1,thcr line:,. 1hn::11c11111g
1he Sacrnmen1t, Ct1un1y d1,1n1.:1 .11torncy. the Sacramcnu, ,hen«. :1
police oft1cer onlion om<'er. accorTip Kendtll.
John Duree. Thomn11·s attorney.
$ays that the ne.; charge,. violate
Thoma,·,; Fir,.1 Amcndnle'nt ri~h1
10 free speech. However. Kendall
~aid 1hat Th0ftl11J' p,1.•a 4.:riminnl
:iction,; cxcrudr him riom thi$ conSlitutiQ,nal pmtCCllm.

Finthe imponancc of math and S(;icnc.:e
s1udie~. Following 1hc anno,uncc•
mcnl. Collins and the F11~1 Uldy
Wtft slated 10 vi(il a loc:il puNk hi1,.-h
!-ehool' to emphasize thm mcs!-.1£e.
There arc two shuule n:,is$iMs

scheduled for 1h(< year. ·So,neti,ne
in December. Columbii\i• lined up
to c.irry an X ..ray tc.lcseopc into
space. A l~ in Oecembct. Endeavor
ii;, scheduled 10 make a ~pace sta,.
1it:n delivery. thdoph that ffl4~ he
mov~d 10 next year.
Album Lyrla Land,,
l opper In .lail


artist formerly coovictct
fi rearms charges~ 1994 11:iooting has returned to [ail /or what,
police say i~ a violaOOl t,f the
terms of his parole. The anti•police
lyric!- on hi.!- late."-! olhum have been
called in10 question hccausc they
may disregard a provision of h~
parole that required th.it he not pmmote gang lifc.s1yle!-.

On Tuc~day. S hawn Thomae;,
who recordf; under lhe name "C•
Bo:· wac. arrcs1cd and will be held
wi1hou1 bail unril the California
Board or Pri~on Term~ decide~
whal 10 do :1hou11hc 1.:asc. Hif; sentence for 1hc violnllfln could r.ini;c
from a warning 10 o ycnr in j:,il.
The charge~ a~ainc;i Thoma!- include 1hrcn1cning puhhc nflici11lir-.
criminal hehavior and violence

Ntw Ltade"' Tn lie
Eitcltd In China
BEIJING. Chino -The next twcl
weeks will he hu:,.y forChin.1·:,. k~islaiurc. Thnoi;h m:iny impur1an1
decisions h,we .ilrcatly hccn made
in ~crct. new lc;1tfer,r. ~11II mu ...1 he
elected 10 five-year tcrnh.
The lcgishuurc convened Thu"·
day for ii~ annual I5-day ,c:-..,iun
amid!-:t talk oftcnnnmic reform :md
government cc,rn1p11on. Vo11n~ for
a new premier and other lnp po,,1inn,i; 100k pince in 1hc Grca1 H,1II
of1hc People.
The ruling Cnmmuni..,, P.uty.
however. had already privlllcly
made moM nf 1hc 11npnrt:m1 t.leci,mn:,., whu.:h the !.97() dclc~,nc, 111

rhc Cnn!!rc". the m:1J1hcm p;1ny mcmhcr,. arc 1.:cnmn
hl .iprrovc.
ThtlUJ:;h 1hcrc hai- hcen no fornml ;mnoun1.:cmcn1or any nf the

chun~c, ycr. ,omc :,re 1.-cnain 10
h,1rrcn "111n . Zhu Roni;ii.
Chm:,·, main cc11nomic: policy
nrnl..cr ,rn\.'C: lt)tl.l mH.I fmmcr
may11r t•I .Slrnni;h:u. i~ prcdic1ctl
10 he 1hc new r1·cm1cr.
The out!!oini; premier. Li
Pen~. who ha~ ~crved the m:1ximum of 1wo live•ycar tern,,. i~
expected to be approved a,.;; Cnn·
gre,;s ch:tirman SOl'\M:lime hefore
1hr end or 1hc :,.ekion.
7R.OtHI 0.alhs Allrihuled

FRANKFURT. Gcnmony - A
7K ytnr-old mo1n wn$ arrt~1cd
TucMlny af1cr:1llc~edly tidmi11ini;
tu pcr.-.cmally shoo1in~ 500 ;.lduh:antl children in caMcrn Polund in
Nnvemhcr IIJ4J. ProM:cutor~ .:ire
now invc.'\ti~atini; hroader claim~
1hu1 he a(siarcd in the dca1hs of
70.000 Jew~ :"II the Mtijd11nck
Jc,uh ca,np in Luhlin. Poland.
Thnu~h lhc man c.:unfc~'-(..'tl to
1~'1! 4.:rimc.~ in July. hi:,. .:1m::,1 w,L..,
rin.,,iblc nnly ttlicr proper llnc.:umc1l1:11ion haJheen round. It c:ame
m lhc fnon 11r hi~1oric;1I record, of
1hc Lillin!?,. ,11 Majd11nck in Ne-..
vcmhcr l().a.,,givcn1hc1.:cl()c-n:1mc
Or,crati«m Haf\+c,1 Cclchratinn.
Gcrnmny·, chief No1,i-hun1cr.
Willi Drc"cn. :-:lid. "I c,in only
,pc.-•t:ulntc why he 111;-uJc \ll4.:h ai,.
adnw,,mn. Pcrh.1p, hr wan1ctl IO
rchcvc h1, c:nn,c1coc:c: ·

February 1998
Each month lhe Campus life staff recognizes indivwal studenls who have enriched campus life in a significanl way through their participalion
an4 illllOlvffllent in the Residential Life, Student Activities, and Fraternity and Sorority programs. This monlh we would ike to thank the tolowing
stldenls for !heir ouhltanding conlriluiona:

AndrN J. Broob '00 Andrea is an RA in Drake Hal . Most recently, Andrea facilitated a program designed lo increase dialogue and
undenllanding d 1he Harlem Renai&sa,ce Center. Ovef dinner, students, faculty, and Slaff came togelhef' to disc11ss the issues surrounding
Cagala, HRC, and our lludems. Not onty does she excel in her Residential Ue responsibilities, Andn!a is also involved in numerous clubs and
orvanlzatiana aAUld campus IUd1 aa MBA
Sillerl of !he ROWldlable.

Leah M. Garabedian '01 Leah la a lnl·ll'NI' ltudenl living In Eut Hal who has gone out of her way lo help build commoo-y in her residence
hal. She planned and a,gani1lld • hd .,_, lo Baa1on that vmy IUDC8SsM, and t h a t ~ Easl Hall residents a chance to get off campus
11111 e,,palell09 c:ly ni. loglther! LHh coordlnnd the alllre lrlp n IQ logalher an information pacl.,.. for tha11 •bdlia w h o ~ F'aaz11 A. Ha._.,., 'N, . _ ......, .., llanlaha 8. 811111 'N, and Slllpna Valenti• '91 These women a re to be corrvnended for their
coa111b,.,. lo pramallng and ll4ll)Cll1q ._ inllmlllonal and CIAnl -.inly. They recenlly organized 1he very auccessf\A Wof1d Expo
ewnl Thia 11ratannual 8'Wltc:1l1bl.-d . . Cl&n and t1l1nlMCOMfflulla the Colgala community. 'Mlhii a very short period of time, this
eoanlinallld 1111•io-• ......, perbmers and lllmo8l 30 1111 ldent graupe lo oome together for an afternoon of festivities, food and
11'1I r111i11nanl

W.b 1llr H. Pllchs '10 W1bll8r la an RA In Curia Hall He '-8 bean
Cdgat1 Specllcllr, Wlbll8<
been ailll Illy lnvdved In._ Peer

U8ffllllalY In his effor111 to raise building unly and lnaease pride in
ea.,ac. Medl1tiGn Program, and recently as a faciitator for the Skin Deep

Prognl11. Wlb'I ef'.c,11 lo rllile . . dill11g119 aboul , - -.llllillf'II at Colga1I 819 nolew011hy.

R.111111111 M. Yan • 'OI Ma mlfflblr of._ CAB as,ec.1 E\a:b 'Commillee. Ron C00ldlnatad the very popular Slmpeon's Festival last semester
111111 11111 Wlaalt111l "118, 1nc:u1nQ the WI la, Ot,nipka, Aris Con1alt, and Ka:lolra. Ron ia allo a Senator-at-large for studant senate whafe he
adaon blhaldhla dwandthaC,..111 clllMUily. Aaidl fnlm Sludan!Adlvli11, Roa Is allo acllve in Iha Admisaions Office as the codill u d ICU 91*111, lnc:ulng . . COulillw1lu,1 .if lhe E-mail 11clb1 d Colg-t'a web lite.
.,• .,. HtJJal

. D1lana WIiia•
Si'ni \Wlllm

Tuesday, March 10th
. 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Further Considerations "On Zen"
Robert Ho Lecture Room
(Lawrence 105)


- · - --·-- --·-·····-.. ······-- .......... . . ,.,,......~- •4~, ...._ _ _ _ _ _.._ .

M ARCH 6. 1998

l.(, I( ..
.. te--n

healer • Charles A. Dana Arts Center

Margaret Maurer. Acting Director

Colgate University students may apply for a small number or grants to suppon
Humanities re.~h ac1ivi1y in the summer of 1998 in ei1her of the following

Student-Facuhy Assistants. These grants support projects undenaken by
a ream or one faculty member and one ,1udent or more. The student and
lhe faculty member should collaborate on the proposal: however. the
faculty member should write a separate lcncrcvaluating lhe merit of the
project and s1udent. These projects mus1 benefit the student as well as
lhe raculty member.

Student Research Grants. These grants support projects undertaken by
one srudent or more. There is no presumption of direct supervision. The
student applicant should write a detailed proposal which must be supponed by a letter from one or more faculty members who spe.'lk 10 its
merit and feasibility.

The awards committee will prefer oucstanding projects proposed by students
whose academic records warran1 high confidence that their projects will be completed during the summer. In general. strong preference wiJI be given to continuing Colgate undergraduates.
Each award provides $300 per week for the student: the expected period or
summer research is eight to ten weeks. Subsidiud housing at a cost of around
$45 per week will be available on campus. The awards comminee will reserve the
right t.> make any number of awards in each category, including zero, depending
upon awilable funding and lhe quality orthe proposals for each type. Department
chairs are responsible for insuring that summer research work will not cam the
s1udcnt academic credit or honors status. At summer's end each student will sub,.
rnit a substantial n:pon on the completed project lo the Humanities Division Di·
rector and make the work available to those who arc interested.
Proposals (originals plus nine copies) should include a title, statement of objectives, a des,:ription or melhod for lhe project (bibliography where appropriate),
and the student's graduating class year. Leueis or support rrom faculty should be
submitted directly to the Acting Director. Deadline for submjssion to the Division
or Humanties (Lawrence Hall, Room 01) is March 31, 1998. The Acting Oin,ctor and the Humanities Chairs will constitute the awards committee.

Tfie Brewster Inn
Special Winter
During the months of February and March the
Brewster Inn is offering a special winter package. This package includes overnight accommodations, dinner for two, and continental
breakfast. Rates range from $100 to $140
depending on the type of'room. Choose from
seventeen luxury accommodation, four with
double Jacuzzi baths, and four rooms with

For reservations and further details, please call
Tlie Brewster Inn
Caun.ovia, New York
1• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

FALL 1998
Friday I :00 - 3:30 Prof. Ph ilip
Introduction to creative writing, with an emphas is
in fiction.
By permission only. Space limited. Priori ty given
to s tudents with writing sample. See Professor
Busch in the English Department.

Thursday 2:00 - 4:30 Prof. Philip
A workshop in the writing of creative nonfiction.
The course includes practice in the formal and
informal essay.
Prerequisite: Instructor's permission based on writing sample. Submit writing sample to English office (315 Lawrence) before 4:00 p.m. on Thursday,
March 26. The sample can be fiction, nonfiction or
poetry and should be no more than 10 pages.
For more information, cc;i_ntact the English Dept.

YeMerday. Dean of the College Michael Cappcto announced his acceptance of the new Spring
Pany Weekend alcohol policy. as established by a committee of 13 students and faculty members. The 8.Y.0.8. policy applies only 10 students who can prove that they are 21 years of age or
older and it~ future. according to Cappeto and Associate Dean of the College and Director of Camru~ Life Lisa Linque;t. is dependent upon students' appmpriate behavior. Both Cappeto and Linquest
(in addition to other administrators) hope that this compromise will innuencc students to act responsibly over the course of the weekend and student leaders have echoed the same sentiments.
The discussions that have pervaded much of the committee members· time over the course of the
pa.~t three week~ dealt with more than just the alcohol policy. but that seems to be the most
controversial issue surrounding Spring Pany Weekend. As such. the administration believes it is
imporrnnt 10 abide by New York State law. even if some students would like to see Colgate as an
untouchable entity. a place that is completely unaffected by rules and regulations. If the policy
seems unfair to under-21 students. they must keep in mind that it is not like the University is
revoking a privilege. In reality. administrators arc simply obeying the law - something that is
beyond their power to change.
Swdents should be wary that the administration will keep a close watch and could cite misbehavior when reviewing the policy for next year's event. In fact, both Cappeto and Linquest said
that. if alcohol-related probli:ms arise this April, catering will become more than just a viable
option ... it will become a rcalitr., Given this fact. it seems reasonable for students to step up to
the task at hand and act responsibly during Spring Pany Weekend. This docs not mean that the
fun will end: rather. it could ensure that the fun will continue for years to come.

On heh.ill of1he C"rnn111111ce on Facuhy Atfa1f'-. I woukj
h)..e 10 rntorm 1h.: Cnli:;ttc t.·ommunlly 1h.it. :ii 1he Janua,-..
?6 foi.:uh)' mcc1111~. 1hc l.11:uhy Jch.11cd ,md p,, ....ed the fol,
lc1\\tng ,en-.c of 1lw lThe C'ol~;.llc fo.Kull) \ 1ew, 1he ahu'-C ul .i new mcmt\-r
edut.·,u1on C\pha Tao Omcg.:1 f ATO> frnlcrmly on No\'emhcr I. 19Q7. for
i.:nllcctl\'C lewd heha\;11,r ,1, ~.11.:, "'omen: 11 <11nu111,hc, men. II ca,l\ di,~rai.:e on Col,
g:11c l!m\'cr-.il)' ,me.I ,, no1 to he 1olcr.11cd in ;in educottmriJ
cn, lflHl me 111.
The l,1colty rc,:,ohc, In 111crca,c 11, effort, to educate the
,1udcn1 conunun11~ rc~,1nlm~ 1hc dc\.a,1:umg mlpiK:1 nl ,u~h
heh.1~ ,or, We ur~e tht· Dc..m ol lhe Facul1y ffane Pinch1nJ
:rnd lhe Dc,m nf the C"t,llc!!C IM1<.·h,1el C.:1ppc10J tn Y.or\.
w11h focuhy anti ,1uc.leni, to orfan,,c cdui.:aunnal prol,'.rnrn\
addrcc.,mg 1hc-.c 1,\llc,.
The rc'°hn,on wa, deba1cd ex1enf:11,cly and paf:,cd h) ~
wr111cn ballo1 vole or :ii<, 1n favor. four opp<-...cd :ind three

mg, ;ultl Grt,mll.l'-: (B&Gl clfon1o 111 ,now rcmov.11. partku·
larty lur 1hc ,nl1~,1orm ol Febniary :!A and 25.
DurinJ; the winter mon1h1... nur ground._ crew !-iphl'- into
1wn smup,: the mo1or ponion or1hc crew hes mi. wo, i... wcci...tl")'"' at 5 o.m. and the remainder t-lnrt later to i..ccp road1;.

l'lcarcd and ~anded chmup:h 5:JO p.m. Cuc;1od1an.; 1;1an work
Ht 6 o.m. wcddoy-. and clcarc111ranccwayc; 10 hmldmg,. Our
~onl ,, 10 hO\C the campu.; made; and walk, clcnr in umc for

the 111"1 morning cla1..1,, For wcckcndc; and c1,1cn111~c.. we have
i.:rcwi. on i.1;md-hy who rc~pond 1t Campui. Solely cull, for
,nuw removal . For 1he moM pan. I cnni.1der our etlon1;. 10 be
On 1hc mornm1; ofTuc~ay. February 24. a heavy 1.nnwtall
hc!,_:tnne. we e"hClUr OI 1111'\Ci. and. hccaulo.C or warmer 1cmper:uurer.. the ~now
\\ a, wet and heavy. When II finr,lly 1..1opped. Madi'-On Coomy
h,1d rccNdcd o whoppm~ 41 inchc~ of new , now~
The B&Ci rci.pnni-c 10 the i-nowl'all hc~an m 5 a.m. Tue~ay
mom mi ,1,hcn the sroundi.crcw reported lnrwork al lhcir rou1mc ,1ar1 11mc. At noon. we rccngnitcd 1hat the ~nowfall wa.,
hc.i,) and additional cffor11;. were needed. Six adduumal
~round, crew mcmhcr. were kepi on un11I 7:.\0 p.m. In plow
ro,,d, :md keep \\'alkwa)•1;. clear: ,ecnnd ~hill cu1..1ot.1ian, 1ook
on chc re,ptln,1h1llty for cle:1nng '-!Ct»- imd cn1rance1;. 10 Ca\C
L1hr.iry. 1hc O'Connor Campu~ Cemcr and Frank 01mn~ Hall.

About The Colgate Maroo11-News:
Otltl'\.-.. ,U"C loc~ned on the 1h1nJ floor of the S1udenc Unlt'ln. J I5~22877.U . .\1$-22~-77-lS fa~. Our m:uh~ :icld~, ,.., T111' Colgme Ma·
"*"'·Nl"n. Student Unioo. Cof~ale Unwer-..1y. H;im,tlon. NV IJ.l4fa.

The npnm,ne,.e.xprtx-.e
n;il hnanl :.ind lk> nn1 llCCl.-"'itnly re~nl lhe VM."\.\"-ofthc 31.lm,n"·
1r.11ton ,,... Student A,-.ocJnunn of Oltgme Un1\'\.--Nty.

er.ti fmtJndi. crew nll"mhcl"- 1-e1Ur11ed 10 campu, 10 pl1,w 1oac.l1.
,md were rcpla1.·ed at nutl111i;h1 hy 01hcr l!rnund, crew 1ncmbcr,. The cn11rt ~n"'1n1.J-. i:ttw i.rnncway, and dnv1ng 10Cnlt!;11e before they <.ioncd wnrl. Wetlne~day O'km11ng al1;0 left 11, 1.hnn on 1;.now shoveleN., 1;.mceabout a
d<',1,en or our ,1aff member. coold not get nul of their driveway1;. and through unpk'iwed cnumy mad~. Ourplanoo Wcdne1..dny morning wo<. 10 clear the main rMdwny:. ;ind maJnr
walkwa)'· however. due m <.lipper,' mad rond11ion<.. our Cl·
forti.;, were d1vened 10 n,1;.1."tmg vehiclc..., 1h.ill wcrc,tucl orCflOld
nflt reach compu<. dei.1ina1ion~. The'-C included food detwery
Imel., io Fronk D1mng Hall and the Edge Cafi. lhc m;ul trod.
and focuhy. srntT Md ,1udem, 1ryinF 10 ge1 up 1hc hill. Cl wa.,
noc nf the unfortunate one, who-.c car ,hd t)aclward 11110 a
,now bank oo O..k Onvc). On Wcdnci.day morning. we al1;0
brought in an ou1,ide <.-on1mc:or 10 help dear park mg IM, and
~nowbank~ aIon{: 1hc
. major mad<.
A~ Wednesday came 10 a cl()l;.C. we ~urvcycd our effort$.
We reco~niud 1hai 1hcrc wa.f: much wonc ye1 10 be done on
pa1hway!.. parking lots and lhe areasnf the College Street ap.1rtmc1u1;.. Overall. I wa<.ex1rcmely pica~ with 1hc "·ork 1ha1 our
B&G siaff hod done. They truly did a magnificent JOO puttmg
in long. hard hou~ durint: 1hc !linow~1cmn and keepml-! 1hccampuf: open.
When I rc;1d \Vahle"· ed11or'-. ct,lmnn. I wni. nullilll)' di~ma)ed. Ho\\-cver. I mc1 '-"Ith my ,mt) and we reviewed nur
octmn<. dunng 1hc 1,nnwbeen done IO impro..,.e our efTor11;.. We did come up wnh '-'llllC
inno\l;itivc and con1:;1roctive idea.; and I thank Wahlers for
prompting u<. 10 do 1ha1. although I hope we don't expcnence a
repeal of laM week'1;. 1;.now1;.1nrm.
I "'ould ask 1ha1. in the fuiurc. before wntm,;: such a col·
umn. the edito~ and reporter<. woukl call me 10 hc:tr my ~idc
of the i-1ory. Ir my explana1ion doe'- 001 meet Th~ M11nlt>1I·
N~K',t !-italT'1;. expectalion,. lhen go-ihcacl and crioci,..e u<.. Our
:oat is 10 provide 1hc Cotg,ue community with a hi~h level ol
~rvice. Wahler.;." feedback helped u1;. do a helter job.

nu- Colg"'" Mum,111,Nr,I'\ accqx., t.-nmmc..•oi:. on new:-. cm~~.

C..'~·r:.,do:~ 1C'tl1 year of !he ,,,n1cr. AII wntt.'1' ,~tld pro"ICle a telephone
numl'ICr 1or,-en1~uoo.Annn)mnu, lenet" ~,11 not be pnnicd TIit'
MtmH111-N,,...,, re.~,,e.. tl..r nght lO ed11 k1tfl" for ltf'l;th ant.I 10 n:·
,.__,, th<"'-C ,li..---c-mcd un:-.mtnNe for publ1t.·;.t100.
All k-ttCI"\ mu:.,. tic n.'\.'CI\Cd tiy Wcdnc.,,d,y :111 ncinn tnr Foday pubh•
...·a11C'tl1 nw Almt11111•Nru., c..~.u,1w i;u.v;u11ce putihcauon orall lem.""

Com,ncnlary Policy:
11-ic:, IC\\'-.cxpn..,x-cl mCnmmcnt;il')' i1n:-.olely thlr-cofthe :1u1hl-io,.,

'9.thtrnned :L, well ;to, 10 l'l!Jt.'\1 any ru,,de deemed un)ouitohle for puhhi.:.11"1n. Anc\11ynlOIJ), nrt.elc, \\ 111 O('I( IX" pnnlt.-d. Subm1,,1c'.ll1), mul-t
he m;idc hy Wt.-dnc..,,Ac.h'er1isi~ lnfonna1ion:
TTw ColJ..'<1111' M1mlfHl·N•"' \ \l.Ckon1e.., p.ud 31,h.m1..en1enN. TIie

~kJdhnc h'f' <.·opy ,, Wcdne,d.'l)' n1 liw p.m. for Fncl.,y puhl,c31mn.
\\\• 1'1:'4"T'\'C 1hc nght 10 m.1.)..c tinal 1od~·tmen1 on the ,,,c of an :xi
nnd u hl"lht.'1 11 will he 111Cltkk.--d in the 1,,ue n:c:iue-.ied Send ad ~tP,k.''' 10 nw C,Jgaw M1m1t11,-M.,,n. Smde,n UniM. Colga1e Uni,cr-11), H:umltnn. NY IJ.\.l.6orc:ill {.l 15) 22~-774-l
Puhlii,:;hin,t lnfommlion:
Tiu- ('11I.C.'t1lt' MmllfNl•Nt•u, {USP~ 121,:\20) ,, fll,lbh.Jli.-cl \\'CCU)'
\\ hen d.t--,-.e, arc 111 -.e,-.wo hy 1he ..-,1t.1c111, (\t Col~ Um,-crMt),
S111"4,ipoon pn1..'e t), SJO ~r) ear. Pfflrdtt";I) po$11.'l~ paid 31 Hanul•

NY. P"'-'m,N'--r: Send 1ddn.,,. ch.m1,.-e-. 10 nN! Ct,lgolr Mtt·
nw,,,,N"'' \,Sndenc Urnon, Cofgaiic Una\-er.,i1y. Hamllmn. NY IJ~.

Richard M. Ke.,,l<'r
Prnrt~,or or Economic Sludin
<.:hair. <;ommlllte on Faculty Affoi"

Al R p.m.. in rc,pon..c u, a rt
In r"C"'lk'lf1~ 10Chl',, Wahlen,· cd111,r·, column ,n 111\.1 W(.•d, ·,

lMn E. \Vaid n111

The mcmherc. ol lhc Sexual Cn1;.11;. Rc,ourcc Centn
(SCRC) woulJ hl.e 10 announce 1hc cvcn1, planned tflr Ille
annual Se'M.irch 23 en 26 {1hc wed alter ,pnn,; brcokl.
Monda)' io Thu~day: Coop Tahle w11h free condom,.
lnernlurc on \C'l(li.tl ,i....,,111h nnd advoc,1cy ,crv1cc< one.I purrlc
nhhnn1;. 10 ue on ColJ;ate ·.-.. Survivor Wrea1h and wear 1ri
,uppor1 ol Mont.lay: Scll dch:n-.e wnri.,hop m 1hc Hall nf Prc-..denl\
at ti:30 p.m. Learn ba,1c c.elf~dcfenc;e 1cchnique,.
Ttie,day: Drrll11nmrld.t 2. 1hc provoca11ve mcw,e at.c1UI
women·, ponrayal 111 mu1.ic vidco1.. will he shown in tl,e
Ccnlcr for Women·, S1ud1e,. IC\llowcd hy d1~u"ion .11 ~
Wcdne~oy; The Spcnk Out 111 lhc Hall of Prc~1dc:n1,. a
N p.m. Th,, i, .-in opprn1un11y for ,ur\livor, of 1-cxual a,,au
10 ,peak allou1 1hc1r c~pcncncc1. 111 a ,uppon,vc and ,tift
Thur\.Clay· SCRC-trnmcd coun\Clo~
h(1ld oll-d.t) I1r
n.m. 10 10 p.m.} ,,11,c:e hou('(. m 1he office in 1he bac;emen1 t"1"
Cun,~ (nex110 I-bider Rcn1al1;.). We encourage people 10 ,1op
by or call (c:itl. 7070) ,r the)' ho"e ony quei.t1on~ or CCllt<
We w,11 a!i..o ha..,.e ,upplie~ avtUl:lble 10 allow add1111""
10 Col~a1c·s own Clo1he,ltne Pm_1ec1.
We lool. forward to another ,ucce~,1ul and educa111'lf'li
wecl. in rai,1nE? awarcne,, abou1 c;.c:rnal vmlencc.


F.rln M-.11'•41 • "••~ •.-1111.,,..
Rrad flttlh • c---'-r, •.....,..

Miki' Kart.. • ""'...., .....,.,. •....,..,.
Jtffrty Mon1r • ~.,..,..., S,.,b •AII...Jnn f..pn •
I .b ,\'('ht1' •

,.... . . . . . . .

J•mN 1\aiklnt • "-"- "-'-~
M11,:ait t·hana • O.,id Mthh" H
Chrl, \\'11hkn • Kathtrint \\ilt~'
Mi<'hatl \V~ Mr
h ...., - . .... ~."

Rtn 011nntr • A ...1.....1 ~ , ,. . . . .

r.-..1w,.... NMT:Ali-t tlrtlk. fU-1(-.J.i• )I...... A ~ ......._,
°"4111111 "''"'""'" 111d J-"·• ,o,trt

I am wr111nG 10 1hank the Colga1e community for tht-11'
O\'Crwhelming <.uppnrl of the Konheld Febn1ary IR in 1he Hall nt Pre1.iden1s. With your J""1~'
1:mce. we ra1:.td SJ.40010 hencfi1 Madi!iion Family Outrt~-11
and 1hc prevcnuon ot child ahu1;.c and neslect
Kono:-inni \\uuld lil.e tn thank 1hc lc,cal Hamilton t,uw
ne~,;e~ who donated 1't.'frc-.hmen1, for 1he evening, ThJl'I
you to the ColJ;ate 0.1ncc Groove. the Swmgmg Ga1c,. iltl
Colga1e 13 and the Rc,olu1ion1;. fot providing en1cnninn
at lhe auction.
We apprccia1c 1he a,...,ii.tance from faculty. staff. i-1u~
grool)I;, Greek orgam1a1ionc; and individual .;,1uden1, vi
donated over 45 i1em1- aucuoncd off to 1he h1ghe,t bidJ~
We would alr.o hl.c 10 ex1cnd a ~pecial thank You 10 tht1"'who anended the aucuon and purcha~d 1he dona1ed di
ncr-. le~c.on~. p;irl.in!; ,po1i.. parue~ and a variety nr ,,1h(I
i.uperh pri,.c~.
Thanl. you. Col~a1e. tor helping u, rcv1\e a carnpu, t

MARCH 6. 1998

In my 1hrc.-e }C.ir... at Cnl~,th:. I h,1\·c nc,cr read ,mythm~
1ha1 "a" ,o c1m1plctcl~ olt-ha-.e .1, la,1 \,eel.·, a111qoc ot 1hc
Dmo~ur BBQ mSyrai.·u....:. I ,ho1.1ld h;.I\C r1.'\.·n~n11ctl the mm etc
ol the aulhun. ;h ,i'IClfl ,i... lhc) i.·1,mpl;11ncd ,thou, 001 ~Clllllf a
1'C\Cf\·a11on .11 J 11"" ,u1d harl'il.-cuc har. Whncvcr hn, C\pcncorcd 1hc real 1hmg ~nm-.,, 1h.;1t 1h1.1 c,~nt1.1I quahuc, 01 :1 h.11 ht..x-uc c,1,1t-ih,hmcn1 he: m ;1 ".111n:,, v.nh ch,n,k:ter. rnlK·ou,
li\'C ,1w,,c .iotl cOl,ll);h, 1h, ,111d hoc ,.uict• 10 ll\;l~t' }t'U l_!tl hhnd
Ynur I nod , n111.·, IIC,,',i,'.lt-'\.'h,'d ICl llk:UIIOII Ille Cl~hl \ ,lrlCI 1c, ol
hot ...111ce rn,\ nled .11 c,1l·h 1ahlc. 1;mi;mi; ltn111,v.ee1 ,ind IJrtf}
to '-<'MtethlllJ; 11ml c,tti...c, 11.;mpor.111 lk,tlnc....., m \\Caler 1ot.h\ ,tlu.ils. Ph ..... all 1,;.1rn:'-'' ,me.Inn, ot 1111.·,u ,ire ,pci:1all) prc1).1rcd
nn the prcnm.c,. I h,1,c- c,11cn ;11 lhc Duu,...,mr ollcn ,111d I Lnnv.
(II no more C\Cllnlf c.11m:; c,J'IC, 11."nc:c \\ nhm ;.l lour-hour r;i.

I . II


•1NR.JITTON AHEN>! ... DEl'lAnON AHEN>t ... su::lW DOWN!...SPEEl>UP!"

r,.. ,,, ., '" '''"". ,_,,._ ....._ ., , .

.A,,,, ...

Committee Announces Revisions To Spring Party Weekend Policy
To Ille edllor,;:
I am wn1ing to summari,e 1he outcome or the conversa•
110n, 1hat have 1~1ken pla<..-c regarding Spring Pnny Weekend.
Fif";I. 1he main cooccn will take place 1n Couercll Court on
Fnday mgh1. April 24. Al the ~u~gc~uon t,f many Mudcnt~. the
Sprinf Party Weekend Commntee p::.wc thou~htful considerilh('IO to holchng the concert out~1dc on Saturda)' aflcm<>On. This
locauon and 1ime would have required movin~ 1hc event to the
.i1hlc11c field~ where the ~cure fence could have enabled \IU·
den, leade~ 10 ~II 1icl.e1s. Ho lding an otndoor~oncen in Cen-

tral New Ychalleni;cs. Funhcnoorc. 1he Spring ~ny Weekend Commie-

fee rccogmtcd thal the overwhelming '-Cnlimcnt of ~1udcn1c.
wa.c; IO keep the Saturday afternoon evt:nt~ on Whunall Field.
Fnr 1hc~ rca<,,tm,i., the concert wa., -.chcdulcd for Friday and
rnoved m10 Coucrcll.
SC.'(.."()nd• .a ~mup compri~d of c;1udcn1c;. admmi.:;1m10~ and
facuhy met for three weekc; 10 determine how the Saturday af1emnn11 field ev~nt migh1 be mana~ed inn way tha1 would 1,m.
\ 1de (;mdc111c; wuh an opponunHy to en1oy themseh·ec. while
ah1dini; hy New Y,wk S1a1e okohol law,,.. The membets. of 1he
c:omminec deserve our dec~I 1hankc;, The un.rnimou:- con·
\Cn«,u$ of lhi.: J;fOOP wa.'- lO allow ,wdenll\ wi1h valid pho10
1denttf'icat1on to bring a reasonable amoun1 or alcohol 10
Whunall Field. A priva1c ~unty gl'()Up will be hired 10 check

I~ before and during lhe cvenl. More infonnat1on rcg,ird,ng
logi~ticc; will follow in 1hc cominf week.I\. Should 1he 1ypes or
problcm1;. we cxpcnenccd m p..1c.t year.. be rcpc.11ed m Apnl.
the 1999 eveni w111 he ca1ercd.
Ounng the cou11-e of the\.C con-.-·ef'.11ionl\. ii bccnmc abundantly clear 1ha1 a conflict exi(;I~ between what ~ roe Mudcn1c.
perceive 1s a nght 10 dnnk alcnhnl on campu" anc.1 lhe gmdC·
line~ or 1he Federal Drul? f,ce Schools a.nd Communi1,c" Act.
which require~ college adminii.tr.uor. 10 enforce the ,u11c·~ alcohol law!\. The 21 year-old drmkinf a,ge and lhe tetlcral law
leave hule room for compronuse. In my npimcm, 1h1, law. the
mood or1hc coon1ry regarding alcohol conc;ump11on by underaged people and lhc opinion tunong M)mc su.1den1~ who feel 11
11\ 1heir prerog:uive to drink on campui- have created an unavoidable conOK:t thou ha..s pitted ~omc 11.tudeng agnin\l "1he
admmislration:· h is a diffiC\llt conllict and one 1hm warran1,
con1inucd ooiwe~'uion.
It 1~ everyone'c; hope 1ha1 the "1udcnl commun11y will
come totethcr and celehrme 1he orri,..ol nf c:pl'inf and 1hc
end or the academic year ma ,ale :md cn1nyahlc m:mncr. I
wi~h 10 1hon~ 1he ,1udc1u leader,. faculty and at11mn1,1ra•
tore.. for wnrkmj! 1ogc1hcr 10 cr::il1 1hc procedure 1h:1t will
govern 1hic; weekend.
MichaDean or1he Coll<~•

After reading G.-iry Ripple's fecl-~ood alumni column
ahoul a hhcml an~ education in the marketplace. I 1hought I
would ~hare a rew adduional 1hou~h1c; lhat I hope will be
bcnclicial 10 you M11mm1-Nr11•,; readerc;. I work for Ne1scapc
Communications in Moun1am View. CA. lhe company 1ha1
mnkc1;. 1hc ln1cmc1 browser.

I am here 10 1ell you. ladiec; and gentlemen. that out here
m lhc hotbed of Silicon Valley: Bill Gares i~ breathing down
our necks and try in, 10 take the milk out our babic~· bonlel\,
Wall Street i1; on 1hc backs of public companiei- e,·ery 90
day1. 10 bring home the bacon. Out here. your ~ ial skills
learned over a co~plc of brew~ at the Old Stone Jug and ~o-Clllcd problem-solving skill~ teamed while 1ryin~ 10 fi~ure
out how 10 wca~I your rra1emi1y off probationary statue.
w1II not help you. You need 10 ~ct ~riou~ ~oal~ the day you
amve at colle~e. rorm a phm of how 10 achieve lh~ goalc:
and be prepared 10 walk in employers· door~ wi1h some·
1hing ~iou,- 10 offer them that will help solve 1hcir problcm11..
A religion major who ,oes 10 medical ,I\Chool had 10 have
!\Ct thal goal back in his or her frc.~hman year and needed 10
ochitvc a killwhole way. And law ~hool? If you don't go 10 a good one meaning you knocked 1hc M>Ck$ off the LSAT and have a
GPA of 3.S - you can look forward 10 a luxurious life of
pu~hing paper and chumg ambulances for an average
lawyer\, :-alary. which is about 560.000.
For1hc vasl majonly of you in your j unior or i;enior yea~.
1he 1raiM 1ha1 caff'Y people 10 high-flying medical and legal
careers have already lefi the ~tauon. and you aren't on 1hem.
I was a chaner member or 1his va~t majori1y. hanging out in
Hi1m1hon. ~pending S20.000 plus or my paren1s· money a
year wi1hou1 a plan.
In my fir.I job interview cigh1 year< ago. I .s1rollcJ in10
Colg11c Palmoli\le on Park Avenue in New York r.p0r1ing a
Spam,h major. a decidedly mediocre 3.0 a"'etaEe and a re·
"Umc chock full of qimmer,;. 10ohng around Europe and
wni1in5 table~. The poli1e gentlamen 100k one look al my

rec:ume and c:a1d, ··Frankly. Joel. you can do nC'llhing for me
in 1wo l3nguagec;.'' II wa, fanuary or my ,cninr year ::ind I
had believed all of lhe nnn\Cnsc i1hou1 how ~rcat Coli;a1e
gtadl\ were and how ca~y ii would he 10 ~ct a jnh,
I hnd no pfon whatc.ocver. which wac; 1ruc for mo,1 of 1he
people in my cla.s.s and, I am qui1e sure. t'or mo.1,;I of ynu. Aller
li1cmlly dOlCn'- of rcjcc1in,ns. I gOI one offer from KPMG Peal
Marwick. an accountinJ finn I had never heard or bet~ in a
field I had no desire 10 cn1cr. I SO< 1ha1 Job•• KPMG by the skin
or my tcelh, The only rea..c:on I goc into New York Univerc;i1y
(NYU) Busint.« School wa< bccau«: KPMG spon3.0 GPA. for tho~ of you keeping -.core at home. doc!,; noc ge1
you in1n, a top boc;ine."-c; ~hool. God only know~ where I'd he
1oday if thal one offer didn'I come 1hrou~h.
Lcc:i any or you thin~ account in,; is fun. lei me tell you.
it was a n13JOr grind. Bui ii w3c. a t;rind I was very. very
lucky 10 have because I finally got my resume srnmpcd hy a
real company and picked up a few marketoble skill,. It was
only after I toiled al KPMG a~ my dny job for ai- many yea!'(;
a.s I spcnc al Colgate and at NYU Bus.incc:c; School al nigh1s
and on the wcekendc. 1hat I had a !-Criou.s c:hot al a decent

Amonl,! 01hcr n11,1.1~c, m 1hc tt;\ 1c,\ \\.1, 1hc , 11.lu.·ult,li...
Ol)IH'IO t•t ordcnnl_! n.11.·h,\<,, .,nd h\1'l_:t;f"\ ,11 ;t h.1rtxx:oc J0tn1. I'm
"llfll"'<.."Wh.11 lhl'} tned ,.., .1L,n 10 or(knn~ 111w \\ 11\oC m Pcat\txl> ·, - 11\
1u,1nt•t g111ng It• h,1pp,.·11. A" 1,11· a, 1· n, t.'c111cc1'ni.'tl. 1he c,-c~ you
~nl 10 the Omt"'-.llff 1.· ,Ill ,ttt} al 1hc1r ht,:lm't.'tl (;111d ovcrpnc.-cd)
Homed Pnl"-CI :ind 11.;a\'c the D111t,...,111, BBQ 101ht,-..c \\ ho w,1111
~J>txl dnnL,. mu,,t.· .U"KI l\arhil..>t:uc'
University Should C onsider
Shuttle Buses Instead Of Roads
To the edilon.:
Th" p.,...t Mnnd,1), Mm'th :?. on WR('U', "Un1r.11ncd P,ycholtti;i,1:· 1x.111 of 1hc Collc,tc. Mit·hacl Cappcmt.·,llnmcn1cd
nn 1hc n:ncw::111011, pl,11111c;.I tor lhe O 'Connor C.nnpu, Ccnlt'r
(Coop). From what he dc'-Cr1hcd. 1h1, plan ,ound, en1crc,tmg
and C't(Cllllll,!, Col~tuc dct1mtcly nc.'t.'tl, ;,1new camptl\ <..-Cnler 11,
pmv1de ,p;,cc lflf ,1udcn1 ac-11\·IUc, ant.I 1•1her nnn-acadcnuc
prnJ;rami,.. Cnmp,1rcd to nmny olhcr college, ,n 1hc nre:1.
Col~me·s c.imr,t,, ccn1er ,, t1u11c ,m,111: 11 more ,p:,ce were
:w:111:ahlc. we delimtcly cc'IC1ltl Iill 11.
Rue. a, w11h any n4hcr unprm-cmcnh, rcnov:1tmg the Coop
hrmt=, v.-11h 11 a ...c1fou, fl•mhlcm: rr.11lic co1lfc,11nn, Cappcto
mcn11onetl 1h,11. ;t" 1111,n: :md more p..."opk: ilmc up lhe h1ll 10
,111cnd !U0t.'IH'lf1, ,11 1hc l.';.lllll)U\ t.'C'nicr. 1hc alrcmly-c-c1,11nf 1rnl·
Ii(- prnhlcm on Ilk: lull will v.-rn,cn.
Build inf .1 n,ad ,~rn"" 1hc old l!ulf '-·our,c "a po1en1i.1I ""'~
lullon 11, lhl\ prohlcm. N1,1 only "'oultl 11 provide more n'IC,m m
fCI around nn the h,11. h-tll cum:n1 pl,1111,; mvolvc !he atkh11nn nf
1$0 p,1rkmg "-P,.k."C"-. Thc\C .ire dc,ir 1111pnwemen1c; hut. a~ I
and ~,..eral other people have ,,med in n.x:en1 lcllcr'\, :my road
1~ not worth 1he darna~c 11 will do 10 the old fOlf CC'llll'C and 1hc
Coli;me expcnence ,1... ti whole. Do we rc,1lly nc.'t."1ocklc u.itlk COOfC\ltlln°!
Ye,, more pa_rkmg and le,, 1ralli, .ire hc1eh ~ood 1hinf'· But
what ohout ,tuJcnt, who dnn'I nwn ct1r,·., I <..·onMtlcr my...c1r
ludy ht.'t:;111...c I h;1\'C a "'chide ml t.'iunpu,. 11·, nice 10 know
that ,t I needed 111, I couhJ dnvc up the h1ll 10 cl:,....... Hnwc-.-cr.
I W1l4..1ltl ~lallly trade my Okt,nmhtlc for 1hc nit.I golf i.'OUl'\.C
anyday. Puum!,! I ~) parking 'J)acc, hichmd 1he dPrml- 11w1IC'I\
\.lu1.len1, li,..111f oo 1hc h1ll 10 par~ nu1o;.1dc 1hcirdnrm,;:, I nmy he
mic.1nkcn, bu1 dnc,n'1 incrca,in~ 1hc numhcr of car- ('lfl the hill
incrca~ the 1rnllic on 1hc hill as well'! li-n't 1hn1 the oppchllcof
whnl 1hi11. m.:1d "1,;uppo-.ctl 10 dcl'!
So. whm'c; the ~,lu11cM1'! In 1)rtlcr In lc,"-1,!n 1mflic on the hill.
dccrcaq: 1hc numher 111t\1r,. on 1hc hill. G,ve Coll!alC l-tudcnti.
a reaMln not in drive up 1hc hill - l!l\'C 1hem a 1,;hu11lc·.
The nmncy 1h:u wnultl have hccn 1,;pcnt hmldmg lhe road
.and uochatning me Irnm the ,11c nf c1 ""'tn1ct11'IO i.'ould he ll"ctl
10 imw1dc a , holtlc ...crnc-..: up :ind tlmvn lhc hill - •• rl.m 1ha1
ha.:; a lot or .adva11111~e,. FiN. ,10t.·c 1hcre ",II he 1c...... dnvm:;,
there will he 1c...... 1mllk .int.I p.ulmt!. lfyou run 1hc ,hu111c, .u
night 1hey can al..cl-.Cf\'C ai- Satcnde1,;. Not nnly 1h11t. hu1 11 you
run 1hc -.huulc in1t1 town. more ,1Udcntt. will ,hop at Ham1hnn
buc;ineK~s. Maybe 1,;tcwc, would even linancially , uppon 1hc
~hunle pmjcc1. 1f 1he (;hunle agrcetl 10 ,mp at 1hc1r front tlnclf'I;,
Before I have II• ch:11n my..clf 10 a hulldozer. why don·, we
1ake ~me umc 10 lonk at the ... umuion. Maybe we will he ahlc
10 cclme up wi1h altemauve ,nluuont.. ~uch 3(; a , hunlc bu,;.,
Iha! will ,olvc the prc4ilcm of lmffo.: while re1amint: 1he ,.inc111y of lhc old ~oll t."0\11'-C.

After a while. I e:au.Pht Internet fever and wen! calling on
Net'-Cape and got m because of my 1ime at KPMG and my
MBA. Four year~ reading Spani~h literature wa,. l\o u1,;elc.,._
in Silicon Valley 1ha1 ii wal\ lauthable. In addnion. rcw
people oul here e,·en know whis. I had not planned nhcad; inMcad. I thought the Coli;atc
Mar McLean ·99
name wpuld j uc;1 ~omehow carry me. In o ..c:n-.c, l 1;uc,, it
did. but trust me. I got lucky. And 1h31 linle bil of luck pm•
duced fourdifficuh yea~ wher~ I had to perform Oawlc,c;ly
The value ot the hmn,e Coll!alc ,cal, 11,; cc:111na1ed 1n he
in a job I did not ev~n want.ju~, to make up for 1he fnct 1hat
S6.400. no1 S 1.000 a, wu, reported m 1hc February 27 1,.
I had not goucn my ac, msc1her earlier.
By all mean~. enJOY your time at Colgate and lake some sue of Tiu• Mumm,-Nc·w(.
grea1 liberal anc. clac;~c;. Bui. if you arc not pur;;um~ sumNote:
mer in1ernc;h1p~. profo1,;c.ional _sradua1e school, or (;pcc1fic
• Thie; will be the l::1c..1 edllinn nf Tl,e /1,/amw,-N~w\ until Fri.skills neceS;~ary 10 lhc marketplace. you arc in ror :.'I , cry
day. Man.·h :?7. dvc 1n ,prrn:; hrcn~. Lcnerc: m the cduor..
rude awakening when ~r:u.luation day arrhct..
fnr 1ha1 1,;,.uc c..hould 1-\C ,uhm11t1,.'15 for puhhl·a1iun ,n 1hn1 ,.....,ue.
J otl Rolhsttln '90


Internship Search
Causes Frustration
lk.1r M,,, Trctlmf:Cr.
We have rc\'CI\Cd ynur t1pplic,111(1n
lur ,1dm1~,u,n in1e, 1hc 1n1crn,h1p
ru u~r,1111 ;11 fWl Ul ~ bl;rnb l.
l lnh,rtun,ucl). we :ire unahle IO

" I ~ul :in car int'cctmn and
a llm 11re on 1hc ,ame ro:u,t

.. Spcndm~ 12 hour"' in the
Newnrl :lirpon wailing fnr
my hrolen airplane..

.. The Allman Brother,·
Concert I went 10 over
hreak ,tarted an hour late
hci:au,e Grel! Allnrnn
wrecked hi' Harley.··

" I mic;,cd the plonc tha1
w,1c; surpcl~d 10 rn.le me
10 Florida and I had io
nw•,\ lhe whole vacation."

,,111.:r )'llll .t po,11u,n ,111h1, 11mc.

Th,ml.. y1H1 h'f your m1crc,1 m

Sn n:ouJ 1hc la,1 two le11cr, I received
1n Ill) m,ulhtl;,;. A lier c:pend111~ hour, wrn-

"'l! r,wcr lcucr, and perfecting my rc,U1nc.
I \\ondcrcd 11 II wii, nll Ju,1 :1 h1g w::i,.IC c'lf
I lllll'.

11 ,td I ,cnl 1he wrong l..md, nf Wiilmg
,amrk,-• Were 1he) 1urnctl oH hy 1hc ::u:1
1ha1 I ,pcnl 1hn.:c yct1r, worl..m,
11..•t .11 .1 ,upcrmarl..ct in h1f:h ,chool m,1cml
ol 111 ,,nnc lllh.'11'1,c 1nurnall,m pm~rnm'!
Wa, 11 hcc,1u,c 1',c nc,cr c;i(cn ;1 IOmml
d.a,, "' 1hc held
cnnrnum1ca1,nnc;·• r
,1111 nn1 ,tirt· whal the ;.1n,"er, arc to 1he,c
,md many t'lhcr quc,11011, th.II pcrv;1dcd
Ill} mind .i, I ,1,,od in the mu.Idle of the
("1,op \\hrnrni; ahou1 how I wac; unemploy•
,1t,lc. lt,,wc\•Cr. al\ I read further on 1n 1hn,c
lc11cr.... I real11cd 1ha1 I hod dnne no1h1ng
\\ n,ni:,
Af1cr cxplai11ini; 1ha1 1hey couldn ·1 hire
m..:. 1hc lcttcrc; made nntc of lhe fact 1htu
l'nllll'>CIIIIOl1 for the poq11onc; 10 which I
w;1, applyini: wa, :;.liff. One in1ern,h1p
alone hml ~00 applit·.:1111s for 1en ,pcu,! I
h,l\·c 10 admu 1ha1. after readm~ 1ha1 c;13.
11,11c. I felt n li11 le heller. Al lcoo:t 1hey
lonled al my rei-ume. They could have
c:.-.dy thrown I! away hkc yc,c;tcrday'11, •.-.h.
A.;. I lcf11he Coop that af1ernoon. I enh.·r1:uncd 1hc noiion of JU(t J;_1vin1! up 1he
\\ hnle 1111crnc;h1p c;earch and c;ettlin£, for
th,11 l!''~'f..l t,r mmmrnm-wngc joh ,c:mnmg
fll\\'crte, and ad,.ini; cuo;.iomerc; 1f thcy·d
rrdl·r r:1per or ph1,11c ,hopping hug,.
1)011·1 fCI me wron~. I lll..cd 1ha1 1nh and
h,Hl' ,1 ~rc;II tfoal nf rc,pccl for the men
.11ul ,1..nmcn l\ 11h whClm I worled. hu1 I
,unply h;1dn' t p1c1ured myc;ell out hued m
111)' ~1ccn ;1pron 1hc ,ummer hetore my
,l·n,or year 111 colle~e.
Tt, he ht,nc,1. I wn, huping for the u.leal
1111crn,h1p 1h1c; q1mmer. I lhIll.I} hl'. Jll'I nrnyhc. 111)' work nn T/rr M11mn11-N,·11·f 1mi;h1 ht,t,-:1 my chance;; for a
l'h"-llu,n .11 :1 1t,p-11t11ch (luhl1c:ntum. "here
I \\1,uld do more 1h:m &.etch cotlec. male
"·111,1c, .111tl nm ;iri,und hl..c y1,ur run-t,t-1he1111II ~nrhcr Alter nll. I h,l\ C had ,t1l·cc:,.,.
lul 111tcrn,h1r expcncnce;; for 1he p.iq two
}CM,: 11 wn, incnmpreheni.1hlc tn me 1ha1
.uwthcr one wnuldn·1 t·tune alon~.
I hcu1· 1h:it a tc,1 (ll people are m the :i.mnc
lw,11 1hc,c day:i.. Many oJ my frie ndc; n~ree
1h.11 the Ccmer fnr Career Service-: i, 1he
pl.ire"' ht: :md 1hn1 everyone there,, ,c,mc
L,ml nf 1m1'.1dC•\\1/t.' lh,11 llllll'h c,r 1h1, mtcrn,hip ,iuff i, ti
famc nr ch,1lll'C. We m:1y he in1clli~cn1.
.11.:tn,· ('1,l~,11..: ,111dcnh. t,u1 th:11 tln(!,n °1
1h.'n·-....,111ly mcan wc·rc ,h110-in,.
\\'h,·n I wll, 11 r,r,l ·)'cnr. I r..:mcmber
1lunlt11l_!' th.it I wanicd to ,ccure po,uu,n ha,ed nn mcnl , I h:u.l a hard 111nc
h,•hc, int; 1hnt 11·c; whc) you lrww 1ha1
n•tmi-.. No\, thou r 111 n Jt1111or. (arm!= wha1
,,._.,,pk c,111 ··1hc nm,1 unpnrtanl ,ummcr
ot 111} lire:· I ooly w1,h I l..new more
r,·nplc in 1hc hu,inc,s.
P,•1h,11,, 1h1, cd1tc)r°, l·olumn i, prenrnwrc: 1h.11 ,,. pcrhap, :111 in1crni.h1p th:u has
,•\crythllll,; rm 1t,,,L111g for will l'c,mc my
".1y ~tt,rc 1he ,cmcs1cr rcnc-he~ an end.
l 'n11I II cfocs. rlt continue 10 crank ou1
11w,c l'tWCI' lc 11er~ a nd rc:;.umcs. mukc
1ho:,,c nc1wmking phone call1- and hope for
llh' hc,1.

L:M wecl ·c; ann(,unccmcnt ot chc re,ull"
nt tlw Third lnccrn,111onal Mollh and Science
Study rcmrndcd this nn1ion n f how for 11 h:,,;
1n makm~ cn1c1al m1provemen1~ 10 our
educauon ,ysrem. Amenca·~ hil!h c;chool
!-enior, only outperformed Student, from
Cypru,i: and S0111h Afnca on a survey exam,mumn 1h:1t le~tcd rud1menrnry knowledge of
,cicnulic: and ma1hcma1ical conccpK The
rc,;:uh, were even mnre
c;oherinl! in 1he fiefdc;
P o1...mcs
c\l c.ilcului. and phyc;1cs: in 1hese areac;. 1he
Uniled Srn1es fimJ.hed
tied for laq in 1he 21nation i-urvey.
While lhc~e poor tes1 re:-ulr-: a,e panially
the rcc;ult or differencei. m ~tyle,;, or iMtruc1io1, tn d if(eren1 na1ions 1hn1 are no1 accnunced for in c;mndard1zed tec;1s. they afc;o
,how 1he product of yeaN. of neglect of
cncc, ;md m:llh educalmn in 1h1c; n:uinn.
While in,1n1l'11and torc1i:n langua~es are ccrrnrnly 1mpnr1:m1 111 prtp~1ring ch,i- na11on·-. ,1udcn1;; for
1hc nt!or~ of chc ..real world:· lhl\ m,tmc·
lion ,~ ot1en provided u1 the cxpe"'c ot.
rather than as. a d1~11ncl hranch of. a weJl.
munded educa1icm Ihat includcJ. !ictcncc and
The rewrn of c;c,cnce ond ma1h 10 the lev•
el, ul cmphai-i~ currcn1ly ~1ven 10 the ,.oi:1nl
'-Clencc, and the hum:m111ec; in the na11on·s
puhhc -.chool" will ~rca1ly focilirn1c 1hc de, t!lopmcn1 nf problc111-1,olvmg ,k1l1c; lhtU arc
,,, t\lten lad.in~ 1n today·c; high c;chool
~rnduacc,. Such an mcreac;c in empha'-1!i
\\OU Id :11,o provide a crucial ,1ep in 1hc n~ht
direc11cm hy 1ncrca.::ing s.1nndards for boch
c;tuden1" and 1eachers. ;;ome1h,n£ 1ha1 is nee•
C":1ry fnr true rntcllcclUal 1mprcwcmcnt of
1he ,, au on ·i- s.1uden1~. II ,s eviden1 fmm ot,..
,;;crving lhcc;e medmcre 1ccc;1 rec;ullt- lhat the
hclch of science and ma1hcrna1ics have heen
flCJ;leClcd for 10<, Ion,; and muc;t be relumed


to 1heir prcviou~ le, cl of et1uah1y wnh lhe
,c'Cml -.eiences ;inti 1hc humani11c .. 111 t,n.lcr
10 1lr0c.lucc ,;,iudemc; tu hl handle the prohlem, of tomorrow.
The Chn1on ,u.ln11111,1r:u1on. which"'"'
quoced as rindint 1h1~ la1e,1 round ol 1e,1
score,: "~ol'lCrmg:· c;hould he commended
for ucknowle_dging 1hc problemc; w11h the
na11on'c; i-chools and cnacLin£, the bold
Goal~ 2000 Progrnm 1n help bring the
na1ion·c; public cducauon c;yc;1em to lhc
level of prnmmence that nur cnllege, and
universi11e" curren1ly enjoy around the
world. So for. 1he re,ull~ of th1c; progn1m
have been encfluras:1ng. with American
fourth graders flUlpcrtormmg all na1inn1excep1 Korea rn bai.ic math and ~ciencc
competence and c loc;ma; 1he male-favored
gender iap in ,core;;,. which ;;,11II e:o;;,11; m
1he vu1 maJor·ity of nat ion~.
However. basic American math and ~i·
cnce compe1ency contmucc; 10 dmp off t:igni hcan1ly ac; c;iuden1s proceed 1hrnt11?h
c;chool. finic;hm!! ,n ined1ocr11y m 1hc e1gh1h
ir;idc :.md neur the honom ol the pad in 1he
twelft h i:rndc. While a '1mn1,: l'a,e can ~
matlc thal "Intel.mg .. ,1udcn1, m Europe.in
and A1;ian n.11,on, :.'lcc,1un1c; fort he poor ref.,.
ove U.S. performance. ~ince ,uch a c;yc;1em
wnuld rc;;,1nc11; 1c,1 1ol..ers in thc,e n,1tion, w
solely the c;1ronge;;t q udenK rnher factor-.
seem to play an equally c;igmfican1 role. The
moc;i cnicinl f.tat it:11c ,n th11; 1;urvey wa1; 1hc
fnct tha11he American ~1udcnt~ were the only
group c;\1rveyed 1ha1 c;howcd o , 1eaJy decline
in ..:;cience and math competency 1hroui;h·
flol 1he1r cduca11on. o 1rcnd 1ha1 corrc..:;poml,
well w11h 1he dct·reao;.ed cmphaM, on ,c,cncc
anti ma1h a" h1sh ~ hool ~rnduau o_n dra"'"
clo,er. The rc1,11fl;;, of 1h1c; m1crn:momd ci,.anunauon c;how thal 1he decrea,;ed empha!-i!- on M:ience and mathematic~ m ..econdary
grades i!- 1he primary culpri1 in America· ..
failure 10 produce c;tudcn1~ competent in all
basic ~uhjccK
Amcrkan studencc;· fai lure 10 {!rasp has ic ma1h and i-cicncc cnnccp1' i~ :1 rdlcc•
1100 of an education c;.ys 1cm 1hat allow~

, .
.. -, ~-

. ..

'. .




1hcm to hlnw nn lhc,c -.ohJCCI~ in h1~h
,t:h1,nt Herc Ill New Yorl... a Regcn1, honor, diploma can ,11II ~ e.irncd with onl~·
t w1, ~ c,1r, .,1 n1;1th and ,c:1cncc cnur,c, ;1\
or,p("-ed 10 a required lou, year-. or Engh,h and ,ncial ,c,cnce 1ra1n1n£,. Tho-<
,wden1, who do opt tor t'our ycnr~ of tr;11n111g 111 moth and ,cience have nt le1n•lour chance ot bean(! ,;reeled by a•
m,1ruc1or who nci1hcr m,11nred nor m,.
mlretl 1n their -.uppoc;ed c;uh1ec1 o l exptrt,,e. Amnn~ college-hound iiludcn1c;. $1
pcrccn1 do 001 ha"c rClur yearc; o l sc,enet
trummg. a ,1arthng fac t ,ince mcdicme nnd
cn,;mecring are c;uch popular career :.'liip1·
rnlltln, m lhe U.S Ba,cd on lhe ,yqem
currcnlly m place. ic; 11 any wonder 1h.t1
Amenca 1s graduating unmoti vated c;w.
denh whn lad: pmhlcm-,olv, ng c;kills. :ind
Th,, docc; nnt mean 10 ~u1u;c-.i Ihm currcn1 prac1icc1; in 1hc mc;1ruc1,on nf Enf!h,h.
c;ocrn l ,c1ence, and fore1J;n lan,uagt,
,h1,uld he aha,Hfoncd or even le"1;cncd
Indeed. 1he,c held, ,hare equal 1mpon.tnl"t
w11h m.11h and ,,1ence a, pillar\ ot a well·
rounded cdui:mum. Whm 1c; needed. hew.·
c,cr. ,, 10 hnni,: .,hou1 a 1ruc equahl) ol
cmpha,,, amoni; all ,ubJcc1c; .ind requm•
mcre,1.. cd lc1r·cl-. nl" ,1:1cncc ;md math 1r,,1n·
int? 10 earn .t hifh ,chool thploma. Sulh
munmt w,11 provide bulh lhe bufi.ic pnlhlem-"nlvint= dill, ;.ind increa,e in cduc.:a·
110nal ,1;.1ndardc; nccc"ary for thic; naunn·\
ovcrnll ctluca1ional qa1c io improve.
We mu,t not he arraid 10 cha Ileni=e our
,1udcn1, or 10 pro, ,de 1hcm w11h a holJ
c:urni:ulum chai will prepare them tor 111,t
ch,1llcni;e, of 1he "(ll'llorce. Greater cm·
ph,.-.1, mU\I be placed cm recru11mg hn)!f'II
Amerkan rnmd;; co ,crvc nc; 1n1;,1ruc1nr" 111
lhcc;c l,eldc;. It 1c; only with c;uch 1alcn1 in
lhe nauun ·, 1;.ciencc ::rnd mathcmaw:•
cla,1;,roc,m~ 1hai the cnthu~1ai-m and m11u·
vauon ncccc;c;ary fnr enli£,htened and ;;uc·
ccr;.,IUI ,wtly con he conveyed 10 s1udcnt\
Wu h -.uc:h n hold new empha~i~ on matltl
;.ind ,,:1cnc,:e educalinn. American ~wdc1U'
wi ll t.e het1cr equipped w handle 1hc ch.al·
lcni:c, of 1hc lnformatmn Age. in "h1ch
,ul·h ,Lill'- hecome more crucial hy tht
Amcnca·c; poor pcrCormance in tht
Third ln1crnut1nnnl Ma1h and ScitMt
StuJy wa" a w:.k.e·UP call 10 1he feded
government und the na1ion·~ cducalot"
ln..,1ruc11Cln m ;;cience and ma1hema1ict: h.\
hecn undercmpha~ized for too Ion:. "'1
1hc lnnt=·lcrm rcsull <1f Amcric:ln schO()I
1h:u arc ,:raduaun., s1udcn1c; la~kin, 1 ·
wcll-rnu;ded cdu4'.r10n ·irnpoqant for ,u.:
l'.I!"· Scicntt and -.nap, e~~1ou1on mu~
rc1=11i,, ':)n e14J1alo~~i1fon ofmpha'-ii,:--cu:ial qJCfh:e,;, and 1\e 11uinllni1ie-: 1
American puhl1c.cduca1ioi,. l'Nt will en
turc 1he prodU(lion ofl'u1ult-pnera1ion
of American~ whn ll'e well-equipped 1


MARCH 6. 1998

groupc;: the g«r.. and the stayer,;. The goeN-

arc tho~ who arc preparing ror a wcek·IOng
frolic i n 1he sun and the stayers are tho~
who~ I ravel plans don·1 cx1cnd intO tropi·
cal climates.
Amongst the barrage of exams and pa·

pc~. the goers have recently been .1;pending
their ume shopping for ianning oil and sug·
ics1ivc bikinis, The stayers. on the other

hand. are left deciding what would be 1hc
most prac1ical combination of rain gear and
snow apparel to pack. While. for the goe~.
spring break promi~s sunny lands in the
distant «M.Jth. 1he stayer.. are looking forward
10 facing climates that may indeed be wor..c
th~n Hnmihon's.
I'd like to take this opponuni1y t~ 1hank
the /\taye~. Although 1he1r dc,.tinauon~ may
no, promi<;,e pink ~ands. and ,.can1ily-clad
cc,lfeJ;e -.tudcn1s. m reality they arc the lucky
one1;:. By rcfu,.1ng 10 take part in 1hc 1ypical
college ~prmg break. thc...e ~ludent"- are help·
ini; the world m a varie1y of ways. Their
dcci~ion 10 remain home i$. commendable
and 1hey de-.en·e 10 be thanked.
By following the palh of the Mayer and
l.eepmJ; away from lan,guid loungin!? bc~ide
h.,y._, you ore h~lping the micro.!-eopic or•
,an, .. ms. Af. you won ·1 be 5,wimm1n,g. million'- of the(C crca1ure~ will be nblc to enjoy
1he1r hvc1;: in the 5-pray 1ha1 would otherwise
have mcrc1lc,!iily died due to accidental in~cc.uon. If you decided 10 travel. you nl~
would have made of the virw•es ;ind bactcna that make their home on you or in you
\·cry 1,ad. by u1lini; them away from 1hc1r
lriendc. up North and perhap1;: depo~u1ng
them 10 die 1t1 a ,,range place The micro~op1c o~ani1,m~ thank you for prolan~1111;1
their live ...
If1, not just 1hese tiny crmer" who henetu frmn your pa~''"!! up 1he <.cn,.iuon or
,onJ..mf m sah water: many lor~er animals
dn ,11, ,vcll. Somewhere. o lobs1cr i~ enJnylllf an c,ma mdue 10 foci 1ha1 your fi nger'\ won'1 be ripp1ni him apan anyumc ~oon. An is.land bird
will ,-nur ju~I 4 liu le fanher not weighed
dClwn by 1he cru.s1or brcod yoo m1gh1 have
fed her. A ~pidcr will con1inue his. ~uuling..
tl"- your tangoing foci will not bnng hii. life
io close. The animals C'l f the world 1hank you
for pre~ervmg their well-being.
Your decision IO avoid 1he f.00Ch1 ng ~un
r;;1y1- n<1-I only bcncfils the.SC living 1hm~s as a result or your dcci$.ion. many machine"'
will n m smoochcr a~ well. Airplanes will take
ot'r a liule more ea~ily freed from your
weight. Sidewalks will decay more $.lowly
spared from your hurrying strikes. The computer ~y!'tems of hotel~ and airpon~ w ill put
off cra5.hing since they'll have one le~ name
10 worry about. The foreign tax, cab will hokl
off on itJ overhealin1. 1hanb 10 1he fel l it
gets from n(I( having to can you around. The
machine< of 1he wortd 1hank you for bein,
considerate of their need$..
On ' " P of 1his. your bypa.«inJ boun1iful
billow ing breezes will brishten many
people'• H.... Tired1r1wl.,..,..won' 1ha..,

m face 1he boredom of booking another identical vacation. Shopkeepers will have the
pleuurc of dealing wt1h one le~~ rude 1nurii;t. Housekeeping will be i;pare.d another
provided with an extra break from serving
hfue drinb 10 ~fUmbli ng 1ouri~l~. The people
of lhe world lhank you for your philanthropy.
Similarly. by avoiding fiery friendship$.
fonned on isolated i~lands. you arc prc-.erv•
ing 1hc environment. By not remnvin{: sand
from bcachc.11; on your lotioned hody and
damp 5,wim.sui1 you att helping 10 hall eros ion. By ~laying oul of lhe water. you are
keeping 1he ocean clca11er by s-paring it the
unnatural beauty products that would wa~h
off your body. The world'~ environment
thank$ you for working for ii$ pm1cc1ion.
In fact. by staying away from 1he lu~1ous
lands of lapping wave5.. you are actually
helping 10 keep our climate from nuc'lmll·

ing crazily. Our body lempcrnlllrc is pretty
clo~e to tha1 of yTherefore. the heal we radiale may actually
be holding the Nonh ~1eadil}' at a wMmer
temperature. By leaving. yClu·d t,c selfishly
making things- colder :ind 1hen:fort le:s.s hearable for everyone else. El Nii\o 1hanb you
for keeping it~ cffecrs- !irnhlc.
If you cannot OClieve lhnt any1h1ni: M11er 1han all 1hc priorcme~nric-. could 1h;111l..
ynu for p.1~1-ing up cvcninJ;S S.J)(l11 in h;1lmy
beach hou-.es. you arc wmng. Col~alc Univeri.ity ali;o applaud$ your dec1),.ion. For
one. you· re enhancing 1he nest he tic.: appeal
of our college, When people head IO tropi·
cal i~land.c; during winier. 1hcir golden 1:an~
upon I heir return to campu5. really look out
of place omid 1he snow drif1~. By remaining your palest. you·re helping 1he s1Uden1
bmly look a~ if 1hey fi1 inw the dimnre.
Col!!'ate·~ 1mai;e 1hank~ you for l.ccpm~ i1

" It's so unfair. Th e whole sophomore class is in a
state of uncertainty."
-Prin~n u,phomon C11itlin D11rht1m, l,,menting mild
co,u/iJions thrHttning the school's 11nn11•/ Nude
Olympics, wlNr< sopbomorn 1tr,11k on the nigbt of1/,, first
mt1VJf111/. Tl,, ,r11dtnt1 ,,,.. considtring s111Htituting Cool
Whip for , now.

Ab.o. 1h.: foc t 1ha1 . .iOer rcrnmint; from
,;print; hreak. ynu will h:1ve none or1hc delicinuc; daiquiris 1ha1 Ml nflcn play :.1 for~e role
In a fOCr'~ v,1c:i1i,)O 111 hr.t~ ahou1. mean"- you
will he-Ip di~pmve u cnmmnn ~1creo1ypc nr
the Colga1c /\lttdcni. When addre~~d with
ynur lac~ of a v;1c:"11on. people will nol he
.thlc rn l't1ndude 1ha1 all ,,r nur Univer-11)'!>
..w,knl/\ arc nch. pr.:ppy 10.,11r,rt1 10 mdulgc in lo1v, .. h journey, ,ever.ii
11111c, a yc:1r. The mln11ni,.1r.11mn 1hanh you
for ,.,nvmJ; 10 pu ..h II pu,1 Middlchury 111 na1i,,n:1I ranking,.
1' everyone nuJ;ruted m the 1oa"IY Imp•
ic:~ over hrcak . it would make 1he counlry
h\l1l.. h.,d. A ma ../\ exO(lu. . wc,uld certainly
mdicalc 1h.11 there w;11, ,11mc1h111g wrong
w11h 1he Unncd S1.11es. By remaining here.
yuu·I"\: 11:,.1ifyini: thal your lcwc for Amerkt1
nnh cli..'t.'Jl cnuufh 1ha1 ,1:1ym~ i, :-.well. Bill
('11111011 lhan~, ynu for ,lmwmg 1h,11. while
l'h.tllf'C ,.., f•)t1d. ,1.iyinl_! 111 the ,,unc lnl'.il1nn
i .. 1,J.,1y. 100,
The l·111111ncnd,111on, !;famed 10 you. fcl·
lnw ,1aycr. llfC t.·cr1:unly dc1,1:rvcd. Rathc1·
1han lnnkm,g .at your ,1aying a.. u c;acnhL·c.
yrn, 1,hould rcg,ml 11 , I);. a 1rea1. How ot1cn
c:an you have C\Crycmc from the 1,mallc..1
,.,,ru._ IO the h1~i:c,1 guy m our country m1
your ,,de' So. cnJ''Ynext wed and pity 1hc
g,,cr,. wh4, nmy nnl even l'l!.111/C lhlll, hy
t"H .. 1r,hn1= the plane 10 p,1rnt.1i,c. 1hcy· re m""''
111:; 11011,n the f:l'Calc1,1 1,prin:; hrcaJ.. 1hcy ever
couhl huvc h,td,

By Erik Heinle
Thie. week. Microsoft Chairman 81II
Ga1ec; declared before 1hc Senate Judiciary
Comm1uec that Micro1-ot1 di4 nOI intend 10
turn ..the information 1,uperhi£,hway into :i
toll road:· Al ,1-,..uc is whether M1cro"-ofi'c.
,nonopoly of 1hc pcr.onal computer opera1111.g "Yslcmi. market. thmuJ;h 11,. Windowc.
pmJ:!ram. represent~ a si~mllcant 1hrea1 10
compct111on. p;lrt1cutarly in the area of In·
1ernc1 browser syi:1e111s.
The Judiciary Commiucc·~ hc.aring $.ICm~
from an on-going in\•esttJ:!ation by lhe Ju11;.
11cc Ocpanmcnt's anti-tn.i~I divi~ion. initialed on behalf of o ne of MicrO$.Ofl's
cornpeti1ori.. Ne,~cape Communica110M.
Ne1~ape alleged that M icro~ft ha" cngaii:cd
in predatory and exclu~ionary hu,.inc~,. practice.". in pan,cular that Micnv,;ofl made ;i~ree·
men,,. w ith 01her Internet providcN: 1h:u
allowed only lhcir program,; or Micro.1,nfl'~
Internet Expk>rer1ou~ Window.i:. In layman's
term~. ha~ MicrQ.1.0ft crca1cd a canef?
At face value. ii would appear 1hat
Microsofl's 90 percent cornering of 1hc operating i;ysfe nu martte1 would fi l anyone'$.
definition of a monopoly. Yet 1here·i~ area$.onable e xplanation: the ~uccc.'-.~ of Window$., which is found on virtually every
(;(1mpu1er. i ~largely due 10 whal economi~t~
term a pofiiliw: reedback cycle. How ii worb
i~ ~i111pJe. A~ Window~ becomc.t more popular and w idely u5.ed. other softwi re compa·
nie.< write more ~f'tware pmaram$. 10 work
wilh Windows. ThHe additional Window~-

friendly program5. mcrea~ the popularny
Window~ even tun her and 1he cycle repc:11 ...
11 is in 1h1c; fa,.h,011 1hat Microsot1 ha.c; be·
come 1he. recogniled lender of the '°flw:,rc
indu"'1ry. while hofdtn~ only a live pcn·cni
m;1rJ..c1 shurl!.
In many rc ..pecti.. M1croc;ot1·, dnnum111nn
of the operalin£ ,r1e11), m:11 J..c1 , .. a ht)t,n
for c:on,;;umer:-.. 8ei.:au~ 1110..1 progr.un, run
on of Window:-.. ii v11'1ually ~utli.m1ees 1ha1
an) program you buy c;in be uM:d w11hou1 .i
majnrc;yi.1cm upgrade. Addiuonally. hccau ..c
Windows i:-. 1-0 prevalent. ii ha .. hccmne ;i
type or cull lan~uai;e. even making II po,;;.
c;ible for computer idiocs 10 u$.C almo:-.t any
compulcr. Moreover. M,crmnft certainly
do.se nm hchil\'e like a monopoly nC'lr docc; 11
view llself ns one. II kect)' price,. lnw and
con1inue1, io in1rodut.-c new pmduc:t"- ahnu1
every ,;1x monlh~.
The rc:il questinn 1~ whc1hcr nr nnt
Microsoft';,; cnnlrOI over 1hc uperatinf: "'Y'·
1em1- prevent"- the mtmduct,on nf new and
i>O""ibly more innov.11ive prosrnrn(;. Two
companies. Netl\Capc nnd Sun Micm),.yMcm,.
believe M\. Nct«3pe ·s Navii;amr pmi;ram
wa,; 1he fi~t commercially popular ln1ernc1
browser. hut it has recently follen on hard
time~. Some of 1he companie~· pmhlemi. are
due 10 poor bu~inesi.. dcci);.inn~. Howe,.,er.
Net~cape may have a reai.onahle compluinl.
especially wirh regard In i..n-called ryin~
agreeme nts. This deal. forged herwcen
Mic ~ft and two Internet ~ rvice provitle~ - America Online and MCI Communicatioos - inJures 1ha1 Microsoffs ln1emet
Explorer will have preeminent occe~s 101hc
lntcme1. Given Micm~ft' i; domina1ion of
1he opera1ing $.yi.temi. market. iii$. dear why
lhe~ asreemenrs rai."cd seriou~ anti-crust
queuions and Microsoft wa.~ wi~ 10 renc•
gotiate 1hem las1 weekend.
Sun Microsys1ems· Java language pro•
gram. which i1s proponen1~ c laim can run
on any computer. regardles!- of Windnw);.,
represents a more difficult case. Here .
Micrwoft hu licen,;ec:i the program. bul
1hcy have alu. al1ered it in10 a proprie1ary
ver!liiOn 1h11 requires Window$., G iven
Micl'OIOfl's dominalion of the markel. it
i1 clear thal when Internet soflw1re developen mltM thMe between the original Java
UICI lhe Mi&roMlfl venion. !hey will fol,
lnw MicroMlft',i, Sead. Thi,i, appeao. to con11it111e • con1erin1 of the wtarke1 in suc;h a
way 1hac anli·INSI YinlatN\ft.5 might heap.

In many respects,
Microsoft's domination
o f the operating syste m
market is a boon for

Thwughtuil 1h1:,. en1ire atfoir. Micros.of!
hu, hc.,.'tlmC ii, own wor,1.cncmy. II i1,t_:lcarly
rccn[!ni/cd uc; the market leader llecnuse
mml rcoplc ,ee 1hc company 1080 every
1tmc they 01,c :1 t:t1mpt1ter. Alter all. whn
wnuhln·1 wanl 10 1·nn1 fur 1he undcrdo{!
Moreover. (i,111:, ,, ;m ca,-y wrgc1. Arrnganl
and alnnf. he wmc .. or 1hc infMm.iuon a:;c
und i1 .. 1:om.Jui1, - muM nf which require
Wm()nw:,. In he ;1cce,s.ctl - a:,. ,fit i, an un·
~10pp,1hlc force of unequivocal f:C-.od. His
hillinn .. m{1ke him a i.ymhol of greed. de·
f.pi te 1he fact 1ha1 Micm..on has one of the
hcs1 record~ with rc:-.pect to reJis1f1 hu1ing
incnmc among ill> employeei.. II i~ nnt hard
to inmge 1h01 lhi);, week':,. Seniuc sh4,wJown
b a:,. much aht,u1 poli1ic-s al> it is ahout con:-.umer pmtec:tion. e:-.pccially when 1he Jus1icc lxpanmen1 i);, pursuing its nwn leg;il
Wh,11. then. shnuld lhc Scmue tin to lame
M icro.ii;ofl'! Very little. e xcept perhap~ 10
keep 1he pre$.~urc on the Ju.ia it:e Depanmenl
to pu~ue its investigation. Every excculive
whn 1c~1il1cd hcfott 1he Sena1c - even 1hose
fn11n Micro.,,on ·s t.'l1mpt"ti1ors - s1rc..c;."-Cd that
more regula1inn is nnt needed. What i~
nttJctl is a vii:orous enforc:cmcn1 of curren1
haws 1h.11 is what mui..t remain lhe pnwilk"C
of rn-sccutor,-.. nur pnlitN.:ians.

11·, fClli1li; nearer 10 1h01 day when r11 call
Colgate my alma maier. lea\'C i1s snrc haven
hch1nd and dc'-Ccnd upon lhc real world, La!-r
week. while waiting to pay a vii.it toA~It'' 1he Prc~idtnl Gory Ro,<. I hcgan to t;peak
with Adminit;tr:uivc As,(isrnnl.(; m the ~idcn1
Cynthm Slcnlt and Claudia Caraher about my
c,,lgine expenenct'$. We heJ;an 1odi4-C\I~'- wh:11
hadchan~etl al Colga1eovcr1he pa.t;l fourycm.
Mm1y call the Clas...; of '9R a clas..< chat u,hcrcd
in a numher of significant physical and philo~ophkal chan!;'C$ at the Univer..ity. Thi1; week.
I find II fining 10 look a1 a few of those change~
10 show hnw many things have changed since
nor cla~s amvcd on 1ha1 warm August d;ay in

rouc;mg applause lrom the hundred~ of ~udent(
who had IO wntc check!. to Fie.her or have coffee with Officer Paul nflcr vi~1tmg Red Apple.
C,mumu,: Thut 11pplr u-a.t mu,11!
J. Greal A merican - Used 10 be 1he ea~ies1 place to get what we needed. Some of my
,uy friend.:. even pa..:...-.cd for 25 year-old women
even here. Rcgnrproduce in the !-tore wa.:. older than u.:.. we

a-half. After 1imc off. ATO will be back w11h n
C1H1w!11m.t: Tf1t! htH1s, """' i mi.~," ~'-" ""''
wUI I~ Jollr>"'i"R t_1// pmpu mitiat,mt pol,til',(.
2. Mu Psi Phi- You m.1yhe.,yin~1oyoor~lf-M11 P.,i Wl1t,? bu1 my sophomore year they
got Cheirchaner and that's about all I know.
Ct111.~11.f11.,: Tit!·, m~r tlr, Ht11,or,t Hou.(t,

di~n, Cmut'tt.t m: It wa.t knut w h, ,m Amuinm.

4. Hamilton Thealer-At lca"I there i~n·t
ns much tramc conge(tion·now in Hamilton.
Scriou!.ly. though. ii u~d to be a quiet place
where you wetc gunrnn1eed 10 he alone in a


Tri-l)ett - Arriving at Colgate during my
junior ye.ir. 1hey !.Cem m he doins line and

ing si~terly love throughoul the campu.(..
C1H1.t,11.tm: S11rpri.1l11,:Jy. tmlili:r tl1t1.«! Tri-TN/t.t
of "Stmmlt,y Ni1:hr Li~·, "famr, they ·11 h, hnl'
for a J,m,: rim~ tf~cm,~.

199.J. ~hilc at 1hc same 1irnc. how much Col-

i;:ue ha~ remained the ~me.

I. Ruhha"s Burrltos-c.ame our ti~, year
and "'en1away our S
will ever for-gel ordering 1ubci:. 01 2 n.m. afler a
long ni)Jht of panymf!
Ct1t1Jt•m11.,: Brb,,: ht1d th, 1111~.,.

2. OCD - Closed down due to numerous
heahh viola1ion~. Off Campu( Deli (OCD)
u:,.e(l lodcliverthe fine~ in subs and na.q-yoom,
fond lhnt we loved al 2 a.m. Unfc.'>r1unucely. the
owner had a run-in wi1h Jude;e Arnold Fi(her
;ind likippcd 1nwn lc.iving u~ wilhout the na.,..,y
food 1hai made hi!. emery famou!..
C,NJ.ft'll.fllf.' Humiltmt hn,,;piu,/'.t cnrrmary unit
now lu,., t1 lo1 morr fru rim,.
3. TOU<'h ofMtxico - Cameand went with•
out much fanfare my fir~.,.ycar- Harniltonju~r
w..1 ..n·1 ready.
C,Hl.ffnmt: 7imd, ,if.ttomacl, flu.
4. Hamilton Bakery - Once !-erved gourmc1 buled good.; where Numem Uno now
srnnct-,. lhc bakery fell victim 10 infltllion and a
dnwn111m in 1he h:1ked i;ood.:. malicc1 j I 1hink).
C,m.tt•ntut: Humilton ,,·t,m.'1
S. The Old Nautlh,.-Pnor10April 1997.
1he Naughty. a~ we hked 10 call 11. wa..:. under
different m:inagemen1. Fortuna1ely. 1he management chan~ec , m.t('JUtH: Tl,(' Ill'\\' Nm,11111.f Jm:h tl.U!
6. Ptabody"s the Restaurant - lmagme
happy hour where 1hey ~"'·cd plate$Of French
lne.:.. lne fnes wercn·11ha1 good. but theyc."OUld
up SJ p11che~ at 4 p.m. on Fnday.
C,mtr1H11.f: Oh. 1l1r mtmont.t .. .
, 1. sn~· Pepperoni Pizza S lices - Juq
kt<.khng. Slkt.i. have alway$ come plo1n only!
Cmnt-,i,11.t: 75 ,·~t1r.tfrrN11 now•.vliCt'f will mll
C.'f)III(' plWII 1»,/\~


, I. Numero Uno - Aboo11ime we go4 fine
Gn..-ek cuii.inc in 1own - Md 1hey deliv«t
Coittt1tt11,v': kttp it 11p.
• 2. Curta in Call - Grem food. hut I think
1hey have yet to ~liD!lhiN the H:imilton mov.C
1t-ca1er i.:; nnncher vic1im of rime ~pcnl here in
Cm,snt.~11., : A .tu/id t11ltlitim1 to 10w11.

.3. McDonald·s - Afler the greatly on1ici,xued srnndopcninp. weruli:zcdthat 1heirfood
wo.( not different than any of 1hc other 50 bil·
lion McDonald'~ e::11erie~. S1ill. their 1);$ney
trivia really hmugh1 in cu..:.1omcn..
Co11.tt'11.,u.'f: Solid ,ldditifHt rn tmm (m1/1',t,f ym,
mm 811f'R,r Kl 11x>.

1. Mobil Mart - Now a ..:.ite of 24-hour
dchouchery ond no<1y nachM. the Mobil Man
ha!- hccorne a m~in!-tay in thi~community and
made mony people. whose parents
un.(u~peclingly gave them Mobil cards for ga.~.
very happy. Al one time. the plan wa.t 10 pul a
Kentucky Fritd Chicken there. bul lhat i~n·1
gonna happen - al lea,.;t not before I arn (')n
~ial r.ccuri1y.

the mad~(!
Cm1.re,w1,: Ambiw,J,nc,
3. Rosita's- I've ncve-rbeen 1hert".
C,-,,,.,,,uu.,: N1mt
4. Ha milton Vldto - You can rcn1 new
movies in Hamilton - good call. Now people
have to replace their Bc1a wi1h V HS. I alr.o
hear there is mmething called Raider Rcnlals
in Cuni,-, Oh. 1hc time~ 1hcy arc a chan,ing.
Comt11 tu.,: Sn"/\' uttded.
S. Big M - An irnpmvement over Grca1
Amcflcon. Now. all of' u.i: k£nl .:.cnior.; feel a
loyally 10 buy from a ploce 1ha1 used m c.irc
nbou1 us. You shC'uld. tC:mue11.t11t: (in 1w1lmwl will, tlttMt bt1tl

out lhc Buri;e·! Ask 1he owner of Pcabody"s.
ConlsCn~us: HER£ TO STAY- 1 lika do .,m,p!

unlike catering. ac1ually reduced lhe fraternity
and somri1y prc~ nce on 1hi., campu.(.

I. Rausa's TobaccoShop- And lhey«>ld

un..:;pecified. They ~ided in what is now the
.. Honor< Hoose:· formerly known a.< AJI. 1he
··craziest houf.C ever illl Colgare"
Cmue11.t11.t: C1H,:t1tt ctm m,ly .t11ppnrtfaur .'fnmritit.t.


10 u!.e something called e•mail on our
Performa 386s. NC'lw. y()u can U$e 1hi!.
whole Internet thini from your room. Gone
arc the days of handwri1ing and even Ooppy
disk!.. When we were starting out. the Mac
Powerbook ISO!. were hoi°. Now. who
knows about 1hem and what'~ lhis whole
Wrndows thing all obou1?

The Cla~.; of '98 u~hercd in the !.tJ'b-CSI con.
siruc1ion in the school't; 181-year h14-tc'lf'Y. Here
arc 13 impc.,rtant new conr.truclton projec1s:
lyler'• f°ield. Tht Edge .Care, Gate House.
Han (and Pt,_. sttps), tht C urtl<
Quad (and tht Clock ), Drak e Hall. C urtis
Hall, the new and lmpro,·ed Lawren« Hal~
PiJuifitness Center.

I. ATO - Well-documen1ed problem<
fm:ed que,1.-ble dtvnio.<11 for• yes-and-

Stoplitd>t - The long owaotcd third stoplight
amvcd A.fltf much an11cipa1ion al'\d fanfare.
mm·hJ~, ,;me rm it,, hand,.

Burgie Howard
Mamie Terhune
Studcn1 Ae1ivi1ic., D;rec1or
Bill O 'Connell
Gary Bean
Campu< Safety OiA!Cl(lt
Guy Roo.<
Mary Hill
Dean of Admio.Bury Robil\Came McLaughlin
Jen Palancia
Rob Kelly
M.;isaal'lt Oin:clM The Offa of Residential Life

Tom Dubreuil
Simi Wilhelm
Dirccror of Fralernity/Sorority Affair,
Bury Kane
Edith Rtile
RcgiNme: Gary Rn,fS rrmain., Jwrr in the pn.,l1inn
<>fAu i." ant to th, Pn.,ide111. wfw,y M i., arRuably tlw mMI '" "ed udmini.ttrau,, nn thi.f


I. Carffl' s01·•ire< -Now a,guably the bcc..-cnlcr in the country and lhc mo.c.1 popular ploct
:u Colgate. Thank,: to Lee Svete. Judy Fi.;hcr.
Sheila Biddle and Pat rick Doyle. the center ha,

received national J>te$.( for Real World. which
hcg;m m 1996 and h~L'i. an incredible plat.."Cmem
OH1w1 1rn1.(: Kup ii up. b<1by!

As firs1-yea~. we became 1he tiN;t c las!.

2. Tailgates - The fiNit !.ign that Amrn-

Cla~( of '98 wa..; the fi~ c~( 10 go 1hmugh
sophomore ru~h. When we en1cred Colgale.
all panics were open and we didn't have 10 get:
tingerprinted and ID'd 10 ge1in - imagine 1ha1.
Sure. there wen, Ii.is. but thoold day~. Sophomore: ru~ wa

pomoi;rnphy. l00. h W3!. a !.ad day fol' many a
Hamihon i;enllcman when Rau!i-3 ~hul down
hi~ opcr.uion.
Co11u 11.t11.t: " 'co mi.u you,
2. Red Apple - Nocmoo, for bu"ing unsui.pectins youngen!- 1ry·ins Ill buy !iOf1lC beer
10 pa~~ 1he time. Red Apple c~
do'Wn 10 a



4. The Barge - Probably the be.<1 thing
Cnlga1e ha( done in awhile and promi,~ 10 be
here for yean. to come. Wha1did we do wirh-




I. Slu's Liquor· Serving the fine..:.1 ~p,rit!.
~,nee before proh1b111on. Stu's took the plun!;C
and moved to a larger locauon. ahhou!!h che
ca~h,cr ha.; not mo"cd <>r chan!;ed her ,mile
.:.ince the Cla(, of ·9g arrived.
c,m.'ftll.fltf.' \Viii/, wr,y m•erpnrtd. .""" ('(Ill·,
l)t't/1 rllt ~,ltc.-1in11 nr the 1111,Mtmct - 11 }:rtat
place f,1r faculty-., tudent interaclian.
2. Peabody's - Opening r.econd ~me~ter
of my first year. Peabody',; catered to 1he
undernged (bul we didn·1 drink there. ()(
coo~). If y<1t1 had a real licen.(C, you inu5.I
have been a cop ro you were negged. Now ii
1i. a genemlly t mpty Cwer.21 only ha.r. Don'1
yoo hate ~tupid state la1,1.,.:.?
Co11,,,u11t: 11,mx ;,, tltt,:t ,:11\'$ - whtfl' e/,tt
c.·tm .trniors ,mtlfirsr•.\'t*ttrs mitt1tlt m ,, plttt·t
wltue tVl''7-'bt11Jy k1111ws .wn,r"'""' tint/ tl,r la.tr
rl,rtt ,~,,pit ynu 11,,nlu!d up " 'ith?

Men's Baseball -V4-ing thcexcu~ of inclement weather. the UniveN;ity de~tmycd one
or Col~•ue ·t- olde..:..1 tradition~ by gening rid ()f
Ba~ball in 1996. The Uni,.·e~ily i:.ou~ht 10
comply wilh Title IX regula1ions and gave
hasehall the"'·
Cm1.tt•m11,,: Rrul ,tmomh 1111wt. tx-lw:. A .,11:,,
of tht ,knrnfi,I/ ofrhr ~mpirt.


When fift,;;t-years talk ohout 1heir Core
cla."-.~. I gc1 ,;o confu:Sed. I.()1$ of lingo ha.<
changed t,;:ince the cla.~t; or '98 ~istered for
GNED 101. Here a~• few exomplc.,.
New Donn
Back8aRlsky llusl.....

Cmue11w.,: Pmfe.t.wrt .,hnuld hnldd"·'-" ti,,".
2. Photoo Unlimited - Now yoo con get
your pholO< developed in only one hoor. Stop

and all thtllJvar-ily ~101u( and. w11h 1he U.S. Olympic gold
medal vicmry. will f.CC a lafBe growth in lhc
Cm1.f1'11111.,: Nmi1Hwl ,:1t,m11u wh,11 ml ,Jm,Rh·
f,r it,, f,nl·Y'*"':



Mia's ...i - ' s Crew - Coming in
2000. to Neil G. and the l'llo.™zm1-~1n
wntn»...W ...,.thFl.-inwthed • - •

,.....,_AIJllrblYthe .-

ieddon wa~ upon U'i. came in lhe foll of ·95
when the ~reatechan£ed forever. What was once a revelmu(
and <;.piritcd di(play of fu n and debauchery
1!. now .i c lo.:.cly monitored communist•likc
exerc1(e in pouy training, making football
game~ le!.s fun (ahhough the team has goc.
ten a Int heller),
Cm,~tt11.t11.t: Th, U11n-e,·Jin· mm,m.t.

3. S prin~ Party Wttkend - lmn~ine 1h1>.
fiN-yem~ - 11 i'- .-i !iunny April afternoon and
you arc .,,11mg on o he.iuuful field with your
t,c_q rnends:all around )'flU and yau ttaJizc wha1
lite·, all aht,m. fhcy Ince.I 10 take ;1way our
CmHf'll.fl/f.' D,m i frt(ld o,, llt.

4. Cam pall:n Cnlgatt -Somehow we·-,
been able 10 ra,~ overSl55 million from gen·
en"MI~ alumm.Th1( money w,11 nllc)w lt4- IO g«J\\
and expand in the future.
Com,11.'fut: O~mn;en ,:om,: ,,, work for 1ht
Cli111011 Lt';:al Dt{f'mr Fu,itl.
S. Adam a nd Eve- The otfteial pany hnc
i~ .:.ome cockamamie ,._,ory about an ovcrpopu,
l.11ton of Canadinn ~ee.:.e. They will be sorel)
C,mtf"11.tm: \\'rm i lw bm:k for u••.:hife.
~. T he party frcc~Oowmi; ht;cr. open pan1Cjl, hfc and death
intramural nvalnes and going out after doini;
your work. To borrow a phrase from
Bnn·theart. "It's a ~hady stale of affairs." Col·
~ 1e h '--Crtmnly nm 1he wotk h:Jrd,play h;ml
\(;hnnl ii Ol'M.'C wa.~.
Cm,.temu.,: IrK lilt' tt mod ,n,ck xning dtM'n
",tlf'tf' indmt witltnut 0 11y brc,kt,(,



I. Seven-lane ~uperhishwoy above the old
golf cou ™' named · Emily Loeb Speed·

2. Escalator carries !.luden1s up the hill.
3. S1uden1 Union demolished. DKE bui ld<

McDonald'~ on Whicnall Field.
·4_ Studenl Government Au ocia1ion ri~e(
10 pm1ec1 studencs.
S. Gary Bean become$ victim of ~1uden1
revoll and is branded with a "No Parkins''
11 1100 on hi~ che,-1.
6. S1rip bar open~ in ba.Scienc.e Library c laiming to be an anatomy

7. Ross Hall and Recrca1ion Cen1er
donated by clu., of '98.
8. Cappeto become,; Governor of Texa(
declares lexaA i5 a country...
9. Tenure procel'~ concinues 10 hun good
10. Trusceei. vote tA abnli5h fr11emllie~.
11. John Jus •pend• four years and

S200.000 to contest jay-walkin1 ticket.
12. Fi•her indicted for embezzlement.
I 3. Pmllibitioll bcsi,.. at Colpie.


MARCH 6. 1998


Student Government Association Page
107 Student Union • Phone 228-7329 • E-mail: SGA

Applications Now Available for SGA
President, Vice President and Class Council
I. All petitions are available now and are due Thursday. March 12. al 5 p.m.
Please note: Students who are abroad have differenl deadlines. so check wi1h
your srudy group director.
2. Posi1ions available:
- SGA Presiden1 and SGA Vice President.
- Vice Presiden1 must have served on Senate ror ar least one semester.
- Class Councils
- Organize ac1ivi1ies designed 10 promote class uni1y.
- Each Class Council includes: President. Vice-Presidenl. Secretary.
Treasurer and five Represencatives.
3. All information is explained on the applica1ions.
1r you have quesrions. call the SGA office a1 ex1. 7329 or e-mail 1keeley.
• Pe"ple going abroad can run. httt they must run with a,wrher person whn
will be away the opposite seme.tter. Bnth candidate.f mu.fl submit

Senate Meeti111 313198
Clark Room


"Nobody is

packing their
- Rear Admiral Michael Mullen.
whose U.S. banlegroup is s1a1ioned in 1he Persian Gulf.


$8,500: Amounl Hous1on
Aslros players and s·aff a1 spring
1rnini11g in Florida con1ribu1ed to
tornadO victim~

Average amounl a
Houslon Aslros player earns
per ,u-ba1
,ourcc: TIME magJ1zinc.

0-fi 1


7:15 p.m.

I. Call IOOrder
U. Appvvalol1M11111Nk'1Mt 111. Ml - 4 o l l d ~



111. Roll CalL
p,Jb la,'lllk.0.of34,
Eolnda. 0-fllll. W... 11i11a. Honan. Ke1ley, II: I , <:IMl.elll, LIM. QMe-.
Cu,-, KDR.
Mcelny, Mi1II.
ct... of lOOO. a-- an "11-0l, A---. 1li Della. Ir)•. Olnll, DU, C... of '



PIil..._ ...........

2001, Moni&. - . SUII-


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the SGA Offioe. Soe ~ - - - • _,of lhil....,
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For next week's meeting- Tuesday
7: 15 p.m. - Clark Room

5'sfil I

M. . .

- Investment Club SGA status voting
-Final, Discussion of Academic

Nine Srudents Wanted for a Crime they Probab~ Committed ...




not wlllll~b\11'1, 10:,I 7



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The sgA~Te~an
Sunday Nights at 9 p.m.
LIVE! Only on CUTV
Interviews with students and call-in discussions about
the issues· that matter at Colgate.

Hosted by Joshua Rivkin and David Mills


MARCH 6, 1998


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MARCH 6. 1998



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March 6-22
PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for Colgate This Wttk is
two weeks preceding the date of the event Send
calendar items to Deb Barnes in the Office of Communications. ext. 7417, e-mail DMBames.

Friday, March 6
3:30pm - Science Colloquium: Dr. Enrique
Galvez, physics & astronomy, "Nature's Geometric Phase" - Refreshments 3: 15 - 209
5:3-0pm - Shabbat Service - Saperstein Center
6:30pm -Shabbat Dinner - Saperstein Center
7:00pm- Children's Theater: "'The Five Who
Borrowed Time," directed by Barbara Vann For information call 228-7639 - Brehmer
7:00pm - Concert: Fat, Smashrnou1h, Third
Eye Blind - $8 students/$ IS general, available
in student activities - Cotterell Court
7&9:3-0pm - Take Two Film: "Alien Resurrec1ion" - $3 - Love Auditorium, Olin
8:00pm - Concert: Manhattan String Quartet
performing Shostakovich' s String Quartet
No.I I , Smetana's String Quartet 'From My Life'
and Schubert's String Quartet Op. Post., 'Death
and the Maiden' - Reception to follow - Chapel
10:00pm-2:3-0am -Afrlcana Women's Week
Pajama Jammy Jam: Ladies Night - Edge

Saturday, March 7
6:3-0am - CAB Special Event Ski Trip: Mt.
Snow, Vermont, bus leaves from the Student
Union - For information call ext. 7320
11:00am,&2:00pm - Children's Theater: ''The
Five Who Borrowed Time," directed by Barbara
Vann - For information call 228-7639Brehmer Theater
1:00pm-Men's Lacrosse vs Stony Brook
6:30pm -Afrlcana Women's Week: Phenomenal women's banquet, keynote speaker Professor Clarice Manin - For information e-mail
KAustin - Commons
7,&9:3-0pm -Take Two Film: "Eve's Bayou"-:
$3 - Love Auditorium, Olin
8:00pm - Open Mic Night at the Barge Barge Canal Coffee Co., 37 Lebanon St.
10:00pm - CSA Dqllar Jam - Edge Cafe

Sunday, March 8
10:3-0am - University Church Coffee HourChapel
11:ooam - University Church Worship: Ashli
Jane Elizabeth Baker '99, preaching - Chapel
12:3-0pm - Catholic Mam - Clark Room,
Student Union
3:3-0pm - Concert: "Music of the People,"
University Chorus and Chamber Singers directed by G. Roberts Kolb, featuring pianist SarShalom Strong in performances of Brahms'
Zigeunerlieder (Gypsy Songs) and Bartok's
Styri slovenske piesne (Four Slovak Folksongs)
10:30pm - Catbollc Maa - Chapel

Monday, March 9

Wednesday, March 11

2:3-0pm - Lecture: John Hatch, "Female
Education Worldwide" - ALANA Cultural
4:3-0pm - International Student Panel:
Students will share their experience of coming to
Colgate from foreign countries - Center for
Women's Studies, East Hall
7:00pm - Zen Master to Speak: Rev. lFukushima Roshi, Zen master and abbot of
Tofukuji, Koyto, Japan, will present a talk on
Zen - Hall of Presidents
7:00pm -Asian Studies Film: "Mirch Masala"
(India) - Persson Auditorium
8:00pm - On the Table: The Promise Keepers
- Center for Women's Studies, East Hall

3:30pm - Men's Lacrosse vs Cornell
7JSF,9:30pm - Take Two FIim: "Girls Town" $3 - Love Auditorium, Olin
7:30pm -Afrlcana & Latin American Studies
Film: "Portrait of Teresa" - 209 Lathrop

Tuesday, March 10
11:3-0am-Mastenror.k of the Day: Apsara
DiQuinzio '98, Santa's Nutk (sculpture)- Outer
Gallery, Picker Art Gallery
11:3-0am-Blology Seminar: Dr. Warren
Abrahamson, biology dept., Bucknell University, "Host Specificity and Herbivore Special.ion:
Goldenrods, Gall Inducers and Natural Enemies" - Refreshments 11 :20 - 30 I Olin
11:3-0am-Chemlstry Seminar: Greg Pollack
'98, "TGF-8 is a Critical Regulator of Immune
Function and Osteosarcoma Proliferation";
Jennifer Sudimack '98, "Design and Synthesis
of Zinc Finger Inhibitors of HIV-1 Nucleocapsid
Protein, p7: Novel Chemotypes" - Refreshments
11:20- 111 Wynn
11:3-0am-Table of Babel: For those wishing
to speak a foreign language during lunch Frank Dining Hall
11:30am - Physics/Astronomy Seminar: F.
Jay Lockman, National Radio Astronomy
Ollservatory, ''The Green Bank Telescope" Refreshments 11:20-217 Lathrop
11 :30am - Women's Studies Brown Bag
Lunch: Performer and activist Jolie Rickmann Bag lunch provided - Center for Women's
Studies, East Hall
11:3-0am -Zen Lecture: Rev. Keido
Fukushima Roshi, Zen master and abbot of
Tofukuji, Koyto, Japan - Ho Lecture Room, 105
3:00pm - Zen Medltadoa Session: Rev. Keido
Fulcushima Roshi - Bring something 10 sit on Hall of Presidents
4:00pm - Humanities Colloquium: Jay
Wright, poet, dramatist, critic, and author of
Boleros, ~ Hom«oming Singer, Soothsayers
and Omens, alld others, will read from his work
- Ho Lecture Room, I OS Lawrence
7:00pm -Alteraallwe anema, Citir.en KQ/11!
(Orson Wells 1941); Swinging tht! Lambeth
Walk (1940), and Rainbow Dance- Love
Auditorium, Olin
7:00pm - Calllp'aphy Demomtntlon: Rev.
Keido Fukushima Rosh - Hall of Presidents

Thursday, March 12
t I :30am - Masterwork of the Day: Cara
Mastropietro '98, Picker An Gallery intern,
Milton Avery's March Avery with Basket Inner Gallery, Picket An Gallery
12:3-0pm - Redial: Ban Haggerty, a double
concentrator in music and theater, will present a
recital of voice works - Chapel
3:00pm - Mastenrork of the Day: Susannah
Tripi '98, Stuart Davis' Composition - Inner
Gallery, Picker An Gallery
7:3-0pm - Peace Studies FIim: "Platoon" (USA
1986), Oliver Stone's Vietnam War classic Love Auditorium. Olin

Friday, March 13
5:30pm - Shabbat Service - Saperstein Center
6:3-0pm - Shabbat Dinner - Saperstein Center

Friday, March 20
8:00pm - At the Barge: Geoff Kraly Trio Barge Canal Coffee Co., 37 Lebanon St.

Sunday, March 22
11:00am - Men's Tennis vs Navy
10:30pm - Catholic Maa ..., Chapel

Spring Break March 14 - 22

Catholic Mau: MWTh, 12:00 Noon; TuF,
7:30am - Judd Chapel

For dally updares call lbe Colpie
Events Une, 228-7100or on-llne 11 .


MARCH 6. 1998


Andy Muck
lly Anne MacDonald
.'111u1t1t1-.v,.,, i


Jl•nmr Andy Mucl cl.um, 1hat ··1here·~ no
ni,h hl.c dcli,crin~


4:;ilf' and. having

hH!'d .ill h1, life on a dairy lann 1n weqcrn

~c" Ynrl.. he ,peal" Imm experience.
\hid, love,;, 1ht d1f11cuh worlo. that a form



dcm,mdc. - C"-r,ct·1ally the 5:30 a.m, mom.
111~1,, - and h:,, worked a1 home the pa,t few
,urnmers hy choice. He

f:\'~illl l 4:

reco~n11e~ that

..dmf)· fanning 1, a 1crnblc way to make a
h,in~. hut 1t"o;. a ;rea1 hie. II reacheo;, you
r~,pon\1hil11y. how lo worL ;md how to milk
,11.:ch'-. All thr'Cc come 111 prcny hand)·-"
When he', no1 m1ll,.;ing. cow,;;. Muck ,~ a
dedicated pan1c1pam in. and lotmer exccu.

tl\C hoard member of. the lntcrvaro;.11y
Chns11an Fellow,h1p flV). During hi, 1wn
~car. on the cxecuuvc hoard. Mud o;.erved
a, wor,hip coordinator. He de'-Cnl'>cd h1!cxpcnence, in IV a" a ··i.pintual awaken•
m1;·· ,ind hM opprcci,11ed ..meeting people'
v.uh "hom I can "hart '-p1ri1Ual hcl1er" and ,
whn al\o care .ihout lhc campu,. They
helped mal.c Cnll?atc a place 1could lm:c:·
Mu<.·l- ·, fa11h 1, a ,nurce of hc,pc and 1ny
1ha1 ha'- been affirmed hy 1he camru, fel.
ha, made me re·
,1h1e 1ha1 hem~ a Chri..iian '" more than JU"
., h1t'CI.'' he c,plmned.
Mud hai. ali.o hcen involved in Volun•
teer Cnlga1c·, Fncnd, ot 1he Elderly pro·
,l!'ram in which he v1'-ited 1he elderly
ff'-ldc n1, nl the Mad1'cm Une Apartment!..
\hhou~h no lon~croftic,ally mvohed wuh
1hc pro~rom. Mud cnntmue, 10 vl'il hii.
lnend'- a1 1he ..e,uor cemcr ·11,ey tell che
tx·,1,1nne, and jolo.:c,." Muclo.: ,.aid. adding
1h,11they trequcnify ach-i'-C huu 10 "hnve tm,
v.h1le )'Ou'rc young."
\tuck. a Ph, Eta Sitma member and mi·
(fflhiolnt;y lnt\Jor. wurl,;~ a, ,in organic.:·
,:hc.:nw..u)· uuor nod advl'.;e<. an}one enmlled
in the cour'(e IO "work hl,.c a do~. h\, all
~"u c,m do:· Ncxl foll. he will lnwcl 10
W.i1.lun~1on. O.C .. as a member ot 1he Na.
11nnal ln,11tu1c, of Health (NIH) ,tuc.ly
~roup. He hope, w ha\'C 1he oppor1un11y 10
v.ork w11h monkey,;, al N IH.
Accon.hng 10 Mud,. Colgau.··s ocadem1C',md 1he acce'("!b1l11y of profc~"°" are 11'tv.,, ~rc;11e,1 ~trcng1hs. "I don't cal'e whai
Jn,nne "3)S - 1he library i,;, a bcauutul place
lillecJ \\ 11h hca1111ful people.''"he ,,·nd.



Mud'" IU1ure amb11mn!. do no1 include
lla,ry farminf. He hope'- 10 v,ork in lhc
Peace Corp, for two year~ after gr.idu:u1on
heforc auendins medical school. One day.
he'd l1Lc 10 work in in1crna1ional medicine.
v. here he can ··do the most good for the
'tre,11c<;1 numb,tr of pcopk. I picture my,elf in an Afncan village."
Even M he cnv1~1on.. the fururc. Muck
ftel, s1ron~ly 1ha1 one needs IO h\'C ,n the



Smaller Films Will Steal The Show
lly Michael \Vyner
Well. here we io ngaio. 11·" O.:car 1une
and. once again. 1 will try to predu:1 1he
winner: for all of you people who nu~hl
ha"e bet'- in :in 01:car pool. In 1he pa,, two
)'Car,. I ha\'e managed 10 prcd1c1 fi\'c out
ol 1he six ma.1or caleJ:!one, correctly only mi~1ali.cs ,o for heing flrm·r•Ju•,1r1 aml
Cuha ··Show Me 1he Muney" Gnndin~. Jr.),
Bui 1hi, year pron11'-e' to he h,mler ch.in
ever Indeed. there arc nn e.1,y £111.!bsl,
Putu•nt·hke ,weep, cviden1. NCll even 1hn1
~inl,.rng 1,,h1p i, a ,ure thing.
The award<; ceremony will he 1elcvi,ed
on ABC on Monday. Mnrch 23. w11h 81lly
Cry<;tal ho~un~ once again. 0on·1 forge,
to ,kip the firq lhrce hnur1; of chec,y production number~ and award<; lil.e Be~,
Sound Effec1i. Edi1mg hcforc you gel 10
the good la1;1 half.hour.

We'll <.1ar1 ;it 1he rcnlly tru.:1,.y co1c~<,1y.
which ha, 1rad111onally ,,ven me problem,

Ha.t .vonr~one ,vou ktfOk.'
d()n~ snme1hing ~xceptional?



,.,, /,!.

That leaves a dead he.11 hetwccn Kun
8a1;10ier and Glona Stuart . I'll ~n·e 11 1n
Oa"ngcr. who won 1he Golden Glohe for
her terrific performance 111 LA . Cn11fi1ln,lial. a film tha1 m1i:h1 nf'II iet ~• 101 o l other
award~ on O,car night. Bui mu,1 people
arc. in1clliftn1ly. pred1c11n}: Stuart for r,.
'""'c who could ride the ,cn11men1al vnlc
a, 1he H7 year-old ac:trc,"· c.irccr he~an ;tll
the way had m l\).'\2 Nm\ th.ii wc,uld
~,1,1r.an1ec her a '-ltlndrn~ ovai,un
, ,,.,,mm ti ,,;1 pm:.r· /,\

Kim Ra~inJe;Cr. I •.A. Cn,,fhlc1rllfll
,ln:u~ Cu~:u.:k, /11 6 Out
Mllln14,: Dr1\'cr. (io,ul U"fl/ lltmlln~
,luh,mnc Moon.·. /Joo,i:i<• Ni~bts
C:luru ~1uar1. T/11111/c


Best Director:
lnmct- <:mncrnn, 1'/tunic
l't:h.'I' CttU!lt:O. /'ht· h,II M,,,,,.,
A1om E1,1;0\:m. fh(' Su•<•C.!l llc.•r,uiflc.•r
<:uru, 11,m,on, I .A <:m,fid(•ntial
Ciu, V:1n !fam. (;,,o,J U'/1/ Hunting
Best Picture:
AJ (;,md A~ It (;c.•ts

"l'b,, 1:1111 Mmtly
(ir>t>I .. A , :,mfidc.•111ial

Big-Name Actors To Reign At Oscars
.... 5uppon1ns Actor:

R)' Chrh \Vahlers
"""""" V,-111, F.1l11m

Rohcrt Fors1cr.Jt1ckfe 8m11 n
Anthony Hopkin~. Amistad
Greg Kinnear. As(;()()(/ As It Geis

Buri Rt.-ynold!i. Boo8ie Nlgbts
Rohin \tlilliam~. G,>r>tl u·,,11 llm,t·

.... Actor:
Matt Damon. (it)()(/ Wiil ll11n1l11g
Hoben Duvall, The Apostle
Pc1cr Fonda. Ulee :S r.old
Du~tln Hoffman, Wag the Dog
Jack Nicholson. As Gt>f>d A1 II
G ets

f\fC'-tnt. He advise, people not 10 "plan 100
f.Jr 1010 1he fu1urc or you·11 rob you~I( of

,lhe frc~om of the momcn1,"

- frum Mtm,a Tomei·~ up-.ct win for 1\h
Cou'f111 Vinm 10 hnle A1lna Pat1tm1·,, ll'•
tory for Tl,r Pltmo. Thi, year prnvc, nn
excep1ion . Although foan Cu,ad wo,, 1he
pn1c from lhc New York Film CrHH.:,
Circle for /11 & 0111. her filrn :rnd her f)(rfnrmancc ,ccm a tin tno llthtwc,l!hl 10 wm
here. On 1hc 01her hand. while Jul1;111nc
Moore ahn won ,1 p,ur nl cnuc:, • llWilrtl,
for Hm,,:it· Ni>:l,tt. her pcrl'ormanl'c may
he lnC\ d;mn~ lor oltlcr Ac::1dcm)' mcmhcr,.
Mmn,e Driver wa, ie!nod. htll ,he 1enio th,nppear :11 1hc cntl 11f (ioml W,11 l/u11I·

Helena Bonham Caner. TM \flings

oftlw Dollf!
Julie Chris1le, tlfte,glow
Judi Dench , M,s. Bmwn
Helen Hun1. As Good A.1 It Gets
Kare Wlnslet. tllanlc

Tiu., )'Car·, Ac.ulcmy Awatth compel!·
uon pron11,c, much cx.c,,ement It will he
c,pccinlly rn1crc,1rn~ for ,nc hccau,c. 1111
1hc tir,1 time. I hnve ,ccn all nl the llht1'
nomrna1ed h11 Ac,1 Pu.:ture. L'nhl.c ''"'
)e;1r. when the mc.lcpcndcn1 lllm, ,ulcd
o,rar n1~h1. 1he ma1or ,1ml11•, have rc,1p·
pearc<.I 1hi, year :h the leader, nl nu1<.1 ol
the nominations.

The po<;.:iblc nonuncc, m 1h1, ca1e~Or)'
were numcmu!. 1h1, ye,ir. Al 11me,. a, mimy
a, ten ac1re1;1:c" were 1>0"1h1l111c, tor re·
c;c,veng n nonun:nion, mclud1111= Tht• \Vml.'\
,,j tllt> Dm·r·t. Alli,on Elliot and Tiu• le,.
S1,m,,·._ S11=,ot1rncy Wctwcr. Indeed, there
i~ no clear fovornc. ~7 year.old Gluna
Swan will undouh1cdly be 1he ,en111nen,
tal favorite. She bci;an ac11ng in 1932 ,tnd
wai a founding member of the Screen Ac·
tnr~ Guild in 1933. She came t.ul <•f re·
1iremen1 10 ponray Ro~ in Tiumi,·. She
ha:i. already told Tl,r Cmnmtrd,,I Appt-al
that ~he will mo~I like ly never "bo1he(· u1

Wlll'l. ;t~:lln
l)i:,p11r the , 1rnn,t: ,cn11mcn1al1I) ol
\1u,111 ·, nn11u11:11111n. Kun B.i..,.n;;e, will
prnt--.,hl~ he t1hle 10 pull ,1he,1d Hi:r rclllrn
10 1nm 1c, atltr t,1l,.1n~ 111nc nH 10 ha\ Cch1I·
drrn wnn her 1hc Cinldcn Glnhc for 1hc
n1l1l·;tll) • .1n:l.11mcd / .. A Cm1J;,k111wl.
\lrnn,c.: l)ri,cr 1, nt11 ~,pc:clcd h1 do mu~h
w11h ;1 ,m.ill .mc.l rn,1~n1lu.:;1111 role m Gm1tl
l\'1/1 I/mums.: Joan Cu~acl,. ,1c:1I, ever)
,._enc ,he', m .md h.,, \l.nn ,e\eral lllm
c:r,1...-, ,l\\:.Ud, lor l11 .,~ 0111. hul lhc mm 1c
re,dl~ \1.,1, llOI ,Ill 0,l'M•CO lthrC him,
luhannc Moore h.1, ., chance 10 w m \\ 1th
rhc help .,, cri1rc, • pr.11,e lor her role rn
l1oos.:u· N1s.:h1, hul. nnl·c .1i;,11n. the ,uhJccl
m:,ncr ma) turn awa~ many Ac.idem) vni•
c1 ,. mo,1 111 whom .,re ,1\ er lhc age ol 60.

A, 111 the cmc:;ory nt Bc,1 Ac1or. Bc,1
Supponing Actor ,, c"cn11:1lly helwccn
1wo people. Bun Reynold, and Rohan w,1.
Imm,. However. Wilham-. ha, 1he cdi;c
hc ..·au,c he ,, a 1hrcc-11mc O,car nonuncc
whn J;UVC o ,1ron,t: nnd cmo11on:1I perfor·
mancc ;1, thcrnp1,1 Se:in M ..·Guire in Gm1tl
, 1>1111111,n/ "" J"-'K"



MARCH 6, 1998

Nicholson, Williams Top list Of
Veteran Actors Who Will Win
,~111111,nl ,,..,,, r1w1i:1·


l\"r/1 lfummi.: Wilh,un, ha, CtlntsnucJ to
p uJ\1 11.·h ,upp~ c~nnht-.. ,1.hn Orl!,,!1 11.111) h,11ccl Roo.i:u•
\ 'r.i:hh ,11tcr l1r,1 \IC"-IO£- II and ,uh ..c •

,1uc111h tired h1, ,1gcn1, Rc)'nold, d1d wrn
the (inh.kn (ilohc in 1h1, cmct;ory. hu1 he
IM, .1h1., rct:cnll) hccn ,1w,1rdcd ,1 hrcumc
,11.·h1c, cn\cn1 h,,nor h) the Simler" ll.td
\111,11.• ,\\\anh lnr ,111.·h llh\1' a, Smot,,,-

and tltc· Ht11ul11 ,ind C,11111,mhall N1t11. The
t.11n1nncr,1.1I ,11h1\!1.:I m.111cr c1f ll110,i:1e•
\'1::h1\ 11M~ ,1hl1 dn,c Ill.Ill) v111cr, :.l\\:.l}
rhc n1h1..•r ,wmmcc,. R,1!-lcr1 F,,r..tcr. An·

1h1111~ ll11pJ..rn, and Greg K111nc,1r. arc not
rc,1lly .l thrc,11 In Win lhC Q,car. a, lhi, Ctll·
..-~my rcm:un, c:-,cn1rnlly a two-man c11mpct111nn.

Th, , l'atei;c•ry ,, very hard
predict th,, year. e,~cn1 ,ally
hccau,c nnnc nl the
nomrna1ed role, arc
p.1r11cul:1rly fon111,11c.
c,pct"1ally followin~
l.t,I yc;ir' \ Q,car Win·
lll"I'. Fm·,:,,, Francc!McDormand. l"d have
10 i; 1vc 11 10 Helena
13nnhom Carter
ha, won five maJnr c.·nw:c. a,,o.
t.·1.1tion nwardf.
und w,1, ex•
pec1cd to ,,·ol L.
,1\\ ,1y
With the

(i1,ldcn Glollc tor Bc,t A1.·u·c,,
Ill a Film (Or.:11110) 1(1r Tht•
U'm.~, of the• D,n-t', hUl In
the ,urpr,,c ol C\'cryone.
D,1mc Judi Dench won
101 M, .t. Broun Dench
rnuld , •cry well \\ ,n
,lf:1111 he,c. Hc,,Hvcr. ,he
,, hcucr 1,,,nown l\\ML 1111hc.11cr and m the
rct.·cm Jamee; Bond I I lmc; a,;;,


Cm,c, hnvc applauded Julie
Chn,11c·, pcrtornrnncc in AftC'l',:lou•. but the film 11~elfwa!- not widely
,ccn. Chrb11e doc~ carry the senllmental
vu1c 11l 1h1"' ctucg,ory. a~ ~he la~t won an
Ac::idcmy Award for Be~• Aclre,-, in 196~
IM l)urli11,:. Ka1e Wine.lei will prohahly
1w1 he i;tvcn the Q,-car bccuuc.e of the tccllll~ 1ha1 Tirwuc will walk home with jur-1
.ih,,ut every other award and while Helen
Html d1d wm 1hc Golden G lohe for Oest
Ac1rc,, in :.1 Film (Comedy> t'or AJ Gootl
A, It G"''· her pcrtcwmance relic, en11rely
on 1ht11 uf J,1cL: Nichnlc.nn.

Th i, cn1cgory comes down 10 Pe1cr
Fonda and the le,endar y N ichnl!-on.
Nichol,on qealll. every ~cene of A,t Goml
A,· /I Gt'H a, Melvin Udall . a New York
novcli~1 who s.u ffcrs. from obs.e~~ivc-cc,m ..
r u li,.ive di~order. T hroug ho u l the movie.
Melvin grow~ as a per~on by rnking in h i~
~ay ncighhor and h i,- dog af1er he i~ at·
l:tl"l..ed. as well a,r. throu~h h is rc la1ion~hip
with a w;.lilre~c; named C arol who leaches
tu m 11N1ut love. Thi~ is Nichol !-on·~ elev•
cmh nominntinn. seu in, the record for 1he
mos1 no minatio ns fo r a male actor Conly
K:ithcrine Hepbur;n ha!- more nomina1 inn~
::II 12).
Wi1h the e xception of Mau Damon. all
1he no,ninces. are Holly wood legends
and all arc n ver the age o f SS. For this very
,ca,-o,L Damon will p rohahly no1 win for
Good \Viii Hum itt,:. ac; he is ~1ill 1no young
and hac; a long career ahead of him . Roher! Duvall mig ht w in Academy support be·
l':rn~e he d ire e 1et.1. wro1c. ac rcd and
fimm c:ed Th r Atm,(t/e, However. the bleak.
d ep re~ll.in i; movie is not ex1c1ly O~arfriend ly. Dus1in Hoffman or Wu,rt ,,., Dt,fl
i~ not expected 10 challenge in 1hi~· c1r-


cgnr) either fnnlln ha, alread)' won mnn)
lilm t.·r11u.:, a"nc:1.l11tm aw:nd,. ,1, well a,
1hc nc,1 Ac1t,r 1n a F,lrn cDr,m.a) Gnlden
Glohc. lor Ult·r·~ Golt/. He al,n i::unc, lhc
,cn11mcn1.:il ,n1c hcc;m,e h.-. pcrhmnance
,uppo,cdly mirror, 1ha1
h,, fo1hcr.
Hcnr}' Fnnd.i Howc\'cr. 11 i, unhl..ely 1ha1
rill ol' 1he Al'adcmy ,,01crc; have ,ccn h.-.
lllm. whu:h w;.1, nul a hox-nlllCC ,111.:cc"
at all Bf,1dc,. m my opinion. Nit.'huhon ·,
pcrlutm,rnce \\;1s tar c.u·rcnor


Id,, nnt tlun\. there" ;myt1ue,11on ahoul
fame, Cainen,n gcumt! the O,car lur h1,
"'orlo. on Tiumtc. He has received crnical
,md puhlir accla11n for JUl>I ahfrt,m the Termmllfnr fil mc;. 10
A/;""·' · He created in Ti·
'""''' a film 1h11t re-



Os<-ar-nominated director James Cameron Mhind tht camera on thf' ~• nf hl~ re<:nrdb reakin~ molitm piclu~ hlockhu~lt r r;,n,,ic.

Fonda, Dench Will Take Home
Gold For Lesser-Known Films

And the winner a;,, fl 1hin k) ... Burl

Be'-1 D1rcc1or
calcgc,ry have
con~ 1c.te 1uly
won the Bc,1
P1c1ure O,car
or were at
lea!-t nonu•
natcd .
$\\'C'tl Her#a(lt'r wa, nnt nnmi•
na1ed for Bcq Picture. de~p11c
cnt1coal pra,,e. Atom E~nyan
will nm wm. I do not believe

1ha1 f1rc.1-1 11ne direc1or Peter
Ca11anco for 7/rr Full Mmih· or
Gu, Van Sant for Gm"/ \Viii H1111t·
m,c:. will win e ither. Cunis Hanson did wonders in brmgrng LA. Cnufidtmurl 10 the
$Crecn. bu1 i i will probably be awarded fo r
Bec;t Adapted Screenplay inMcad.




Ti1t1111t· pre~ently ha.c; bmh the muion and
1hc world lalkin,. IL is already lhe h1ghe,1.gm., (ini; lilm worldwide of all lime and
•~ expec1ed to break the mo nu mental SI
hillinn harrier ( ho rtly. Ir i~ also app:1ren1
1ht11, by 1he O , car 1eleca~1. Tiumk will
have O\'Crraken Swr W11r.t a~ the highesti;.ro~, ing. fil m in the d o mestic U.S . box
office. Tirm,k has 1ied 1950's All Abo111
£re fo r the mbst no minations ever h y a
fi lm and ill- expec1ed 10 win mos1 o f 1he
minor no minatio ns which will pu~h ii 10
vic1ory in 1his ca1egory. The only concern
I have about Tit"1r k not winning is the
po~~ihle Ti1tmic· baekla~h rrom Academy
vo1ers and the lack of a Bes l Screenplay
nomina1ion. Since 1966's A Man for All
Src,.w,,,t. every lilm 10 win (or Best Pie•
iure ha!- received a Be$1 Screenplay nomin;11ion.
The 1wo films 1h11 $CCm 10 be challen1ing Tiumit' in the ques1 for Best Picture of
1he year are Goad Will H,,n,in~ and LA.
Cm1/idt1,t;a/, L.A. C,mfid~rttit,I boast~
nu,~1 of 1he cri1ic~· •~~ociariCln award~.
However. remember tha1 Ti1u11it' was ,e ..
lea~d tc)O la1e 10 even qualify 10 he conll-idercd for thc!wai,: al~l nnt a box office ~ucce~s. which
may influence ll.ome vocen:. G,,nd Will
H1mti1tl( was a very good nwwie in ii~ nwn
right. but it docs not seem lo have ennu1h
of a strong followin& in the film commu•
nhy 10 mu,1er ~ufficient Nrenath ICl nvcr11kc Ti101tic.

Reynold, (or hi!- hnlhan1 performance ac;
a pornography d1rcc1nr m Bm,i:,e N,gl,H
He·c; gm 1hc Golden Globe and a pair ol
cr111c~· award, from hnlh '-Ides ot lhe coast
behind h im. A Reynoldc; vic1ory wou ld olc;o
be the ul1imatccomeback for the ·70~ k ing
(even ~realer than John Tr:wolrn ·s Pulp
Fie,;,,,, comeback a few yearc; a~tll.
Robin \V1llinm~ wa<: alll.n mcrcd1h lc a,
the c.hnnk io whom Will Hunt1n}! me1 hie;
m:11ch. b ut he 1uc.1 doe\ nnt ,eem HI ha\'C
the award., behind hun 10 c;1rry 1he pet for.
mance to a v1c1ory. Ruic ou1 Ruben Forc.tcr
of J,,d.1t• Rrmm and Anlhnny Hflr,k m, of
A1111trml. whnc;e t1hu, nre n(\I e'flactly ~Cl·
ting a n yone abla,e. and wa<:n't Greg
Kinnear only a wickedly c.nide talk c.how
ho,1 juc;i o couple of yearc; ago·1

Rule 001 Kate Wmc;le1. who,e tllm will
wm plenly n l n lher awardio. and whme pci-formance wac; g1-.od hut nm exac1ly O,car•
worthy (unhkc her turn in Sett.f t ,wd
Sru.t;bd,rr). Ahhou~h Helen Huru won a
Golden Globe for A ( Gm>d A f II Gt'l.f, it
was for 1he lee;~ compc111ivc Bec.1 Actrec;c;
in a Film (Comedy) ca1egory and ~he j u, t
doc~ no1 seem h kely 10 win here. Thi.lt
leave~ lhrce British actrcs~c; fro m <:maller.
b ut crilically--adored . fil m~. Ju lie Chri!-lie
wn~ 1oa<:1ed by both 1he New York Film
Cruic~ Circle and 1he National Sncic1y of
Film Critic~ for the ~mall fil m A{ttr~low.
hut fai led to pick up a Golden Globe nom1n:11iun. Caner fnu ncJ favor wi1h the L.A.
Film Cri1icll. and the N:uinni.ll Board of

Ho wever. I have IO g o with Dame Judi
Dench. who brillian1ly pul a~ide her alter
eg o as Jame~ Bond·~ "M .. 10 go into
mCluming a!- Queen Victoria in Mr.t . BmM'n
- an effort for which .she won the Golden
Globe. Ironically. 1hough. ~he may not be
able to pick up her award if she winll.. a_,$he i~ $Uppnudly loc:ked in10 a performance or a play in London tha1 ni;h1.

It seem,; 10 be a two-way competition bc1ween the le~ttr-known names of lhi~ cat•
egory. Pe1er Fonda won 1he Golden Globe
and 1he New York Film Critic~ Circle
1w1rd• for hi• ponrayal of a beekeeper
wi1h a 1roubled family in UI,, s Qn/d. a
liule•,_,, film 1ha1 opened 11,1 ..,Almer.
On hnnon from the National Society of Film
Cri1ie< and the Lm Ancelel Film Cri1icl<
A~ffltia1ion (or hiJ performance•~ a tlcry
~icher in Thr ArHutl~ and he 11,0 ; ti$
kudOII for havin1 dirocted and financed the
film hi....,lf.
In 1he end. I cive the award 10 Fonct..
who 1e•• a oentimcntal .,._ '""" heina
the oon or lepndary ac1or Henry Follda.
A• for oew-kid-oo,-dle block Matt Dt,,-.

he ,hnuld htwc already picked up on award
for Be,1 Or1~mal Screenplay lor Gm,,/ Will
H11111mi.: anti the Ai:ruJemy 1endio to "hare
the wc,1hh. Bc~uJcc;. he need~ 10 pay ~omc
more Juc, 1,,-..1. J,tcl.. Nichol•..on of A., G,,mt
A., fl (irr., and Du,1,n Hortman o f Wa,: 1he
Doi: have already p::ud their due,. b ut ha"c
been around a h i1 100 long and have already won their fair c;hare of accolades:.
llt:ST l)IRt:CTOK
I lir,1 have to ru le oul Atom Egoyan be·
c.:au,c Thr Swf't'I Hrrru{ter ,s: nm up for
Bc,1 P,c:ture. S 1m1lnrly. ru le 0U1 Peter
C:111,mco hc<:~m,c Tiu! Full Mtmh· w;.1, a
ll•i:: ,uirn,c 10 he nom1na1ed tor Be.,t Pu>
turc . Thm leave, 1he three American d1 ·
recio,,. All hou~h Gu, Van San1 did a
terntic Jnb w11h Goo,/ Will HtmlmJ.:, mo\l
people are bunm~ more aboul the acu n~
ond wntmg ol lhe h im 1han the d1rcctmg
Thal leave, another dead heal. 1h1, 111nc
bCl"-~Cn Jame, Cameron ol T,w,,I<' ,anJ
Curll' Han,on ol L.A Cr111/ufe111wl.
Ha1N1n picked up all 1hc cnuc,· pn,c, and
d id an nm,11111~ ,1yh,h 10h w11h h1, clo,,)
Illm noir. hut c;ome1h111g ha, 10 he (,afd for
C.imcwn. who ha, had o lant; career of
maLin~ excellem Hollywood blockbu~,e~
:ind h;1, nevc, won 1he oward. 8 e(,idec.. 1hc
fac t thal he wac; ahle to c.1eer the moc;i expcn~1ve film ever from chao<: la(,I summer
into o ne of thC h1gJ;eq c.ucces:c; ~1orics: nf
all 11me ha~ a lot gmni; for it. He even gave
up hie; c.alary when 1he t dm wa'- i;oing
madly overbudge1. Nnw 1h n1 de.:.ervec.

Ru le nul A < Go," / A " fl Gtr.t bccaur.c i1c;
d 1rec1or fa iled to be nominated. Al~o rule
oul Th" Full Mmtty. who~e enlry into 1h1~
eatcs ory was a big surprir.c and will bt
con~idered a little 100 ligh1weigh1 by Acad·
cmy voteN. If there i~ going 10 be a major
up~I in thi~ category. it's goin@ 10 come
from Good Will Hmui11R, which ac1ually
has a chance of winning H ii ~ms to have
become an enormou,r.ly appealin1 film for
almo,-1 everybndy. Bui. for the mo~I part.
1he race seems to be a clMe one berwcen
L.A. Cmifidt'ntiul and Titanic. LA. Cmt_/i·
dtntiul i,- rhe fi~• film 10 ,r.weep all of the
major crilic~· award~ and wa~ rhe beA1-re·
viewed film of lhc year. Bue. docs anyone
like 1hi~ mcwie elcepr
che c rilic~?


(Well. I did.) It certainly-= to have loan awful 101 or ii~ buzz.
Thal ....... the bis behemoth of Tlra#it .
which wan the Qol...., Globe and llas tied
Et·, for the moot 0.Car nDlllina·
lion); or any film ever.
that ii




did nett pick up a nnmination for 8 e~c

Oripinal Scteenploy i• dioturbi-,. u I very
larg:c number

nr mcen come from


category. So. wb1t"• rally pins 10 happen·! Who !he heck know,? I pess we·II
jUM have 10 111ne ill MIid! 23Mdlildlluush
all rllhore tidy pmdllclioll11111•N1110 find


MARCH 6, 1998



Blind Date Leads To A Night
On The Town For 1\vo Seniors
By C.n>IIM Rtld and Vin Randazzo
Mr1hWtn·Nr'lt., B/11,d f>m, Vrr1111u

We apologi,e for 1hc delay of thi~ article.
~ii we wan1ed m build 1he ~ui;.pcnc;;e! So here
,1: oes ... a blind date according to 1wo Col·
...ue Muden11,.
(arnline: So how"d we get in10 th1c;. asain?

\fin: Well. a few weeks ago. I c;;aw th,c;, ad·
,,r11scmen1 m Th~ Murrm1t·Ntw.t, which
rcJd. "De~pcrate for a date? We arc looking
f1" 1wo durmg Colgate s1uden1c;, 10 go on an
Jll•cxpen~f: paid dinner date to the Col~a1e

!nn and wntc about 11." So. I wn.~ lhmking ...

r,n lmd of daring. nm bad-looking. a gcnu·.
oe Otm Juan ... how obou1 I u,;e my halmn
h.irm on a Cnlg:'lle i;irl for an evening'!

Ludy me !
.\cttmlly. 11 w,t,n ·1 all 1h:u exc:llmg. My
m.'lld. Michelle. and I 1hou~ht we !i,houlJ
,~n up and maybe we would get put IO·
,:t1hcr. Boy. was I wrong.
Yeah. ii"( alway~ great to su.1n oft' know•
n~ )'Ourtl:,ue really wnn1ed IC't go w11h ~omc,nc cl~ ... hul I gue~~ Tl,~ MnrrHm -Ntw,;
1Jtl' knew we were dcMmcd to be together.
"'...,uld1ft believe it when the Ans and Feaurc, Editor called me to tell me I had been
lccted fmm the hundred~ and hundred~ of
it,pcr.uc women who had applied. I al~')
,,uld not believe that we are ho1h (eniors
1 1h,11 I had never even heard of you be·
,,re. I had 10 have the eduor repeal your
Jme n couple of time.~ ... whnt i4i 11".' Rad ...
' Th,1t's Randnuo. thank you very much,
nd when the edi1or told me I hod been
·ked (pmbably because I said I would have
rc~.on 10 1hc Syrocu'C s ingle4i chat lint.(
hcrwise). I wa4, expecting to hear. "And
r1urd1ue is Michelle Park!.. ln4ilead. I heard
hC' tmeful word~··And y!lur dat~ is Caroline
t cd." My letlinG~ 0 1 that moment wer~
1mplc - I wa~ wonderini; where my Inky

Oh. the Inky came in so handy. E$pecially
the picture is about fi ve years old. My
1ends helped me. too. since everyone I
-,ow ~ems 10 know you. They a ll told me.
Watch out!..
. Waich nu1 for his e x.qui!iiite pc~noli1y.
·hnnting smile. burninG mtellcc1 ... So.
.aroline. begin 1elling us about 1hi!ii momen,. evening.
:A4i my mommat~ will anest. I was all a.
icr. My whirlwind or preparation( was inpted. however. by your phone coll. " Hey.
line. want to do something more exciting
ju..i.1 dinner a1 the Inn?"' Hmmm ...
So here's whal I wa~ 1hinking: I have
'i'lcd 1ha1 I would never j u.i.1 have dinner
a fin.1date. Think about ii. You·re trying
~Cl 10 know 1hc pcr..tm, therefore. 1alking
'\1lc trying 10 eat So by 1hc 1imc you've
lhe pcrron lau~hing:. you arc dillgus1ed
the chunks of chewed rooc:t ralling ou1 of
mouth and ~he is disgu~1ed when you
1den1ally spit nul an olive 1ha1Oie!li acro~fil.
tahlc and ..• I found OUI in my mu.,fil..C cla.i. .fil. (here's a
~ for 1he Mu,ical Experience) 1ha1 1he
racu~ Symphony Orchcs1ra wa( playing
Syracu.~f I calJed Caroline and lold her
1 i1. She was ect.ta1ic.
, Ah,olwely, al1housh 1ha1 ,iuff abou1 1he
" i, really di.,...rinJ. Anyway. I'm preny
we decided on lhe Symphony Option
noc 1he roller-,kuing choice you 10ld me
11 la1er ... though.I have to admil I wa.( a
Jc nervOU< u the pn,c,·c with a tOlal Mranger. My confidence
rny converu1ional abili1iu wa,( wddenly
ling me, but al 1.... I knew I could al,
) -r- reQI to dit.CuMing Snutlr Porlt. cpi·


Who could re•m1icipa1ion wa.( a bir unnervin1 u well.
ially when one of lhe wom 1hinp lhU
Id happen did. Let'• jU•ing before lhe dale made Tiu T,xa.,
of God. noc a cut was visible an hour l.uer.
So. finally the date i1.se1r. La.4iC minute. I decided a rose was a ncce,4,~ity. so I picked one
up and Chen picked up Caroline (no pun in1ended).
C: Yet;. 1he rose was very ~wee,. Ok~1y. so
Che ride to Syrncu!-C wen1 fine and we didn·,
even get loi.1 find ing the 1hea1er. We i..aved
lhat ror later.
V: We got to Syracui.c and. ofter we v14i1ted
the RV t;how (no joke). we found out how Cgel to the Civic Center Theatre.
C: So. we got oor 1icke1s (~1uden11icke1s only
$5 - a liulc hint for all you lo\l'ehird4i with
no1hmg 10 do), hnd a linle drink nnd fou nd
our st.lit;. The ~ymphony wt., heau1iful. We
tncd to con 1he uc.her mto ~,vmg U( bo, "-Cal,..
but '-he wMn'1 fooled. Tho1·t; okay. "" we
could still sec every!hmg. espec ially the
keulc dn1m:,,, which .ire Vin'~ favon1e.
V: Ye4i. I must admit. playing the lettle drum-.
ha!. ,alway,. been a dream of mine. bu1 even
benerthan that is the triangle. The symphony
orchc~ara played mu4iic entitled Rm11ro &
Juh,1. which we 1hought wa( a hit ironic.
\Vat; 1h1s de4iUned co be a star-cros,.ed
C: Must be. Okay. 1-0 by the 11mc the t,.ymphony ended we were a linle fidgety and a
linle hungry. Ton bad we would have 10 drive
around Syracuse forq ui1e a while hefol'C we
could go cal ...
V: A liulc fidge1y? To uy 1he leas.,. Whm
happened wa4, thi4i - at interm11-sion. we had
~omc coffee. Once 1he second set hei;an.
Caroline a~t;umcd the anent ion span of a five
ycar·Old. Ac1ually. we were ho1h a bu wired.
Due to this coffee-induced delirium. we.
acltlally I. proceeded 10 gc1lo~t in Syrncu4ie.
The old s1ereo1ype or men and women driver,; wa4i proving true. Come on nnw. men
never ad,: for direc1ion1-' Needless lo say.
atier n whilc, lhat linle compa,i;l in 1he m.ilc
brain prevailed. (Actually. i1 was pure luck.
bul don't tell her 1hn1.)
C: I will admit to being unable 10 direct you
- hut nOt all locall drive around in Syrocus.c
all day! Anyway. I eventually managed to
i.1eer Vin in 1hc direction of Ruby Tue.fil.Thank God. his visions of Oymg olives didn't
come true. Dinner wa~ fun. e.i.pccially ~incc
i1 was on Th~ Maroon N~"'"· In rac1. we
i.tarted ~o late that we wound up cln~ing the
place. Wa4, 1ha1 when we headed ror the ho·
tel. Vin. or did we go someplace cl~ fir..t'!
V: Alrigh1y folks. here·s where it gels rather
interclting. Q ui1c poetic actually. Try to
imagine two strange~ spending an evening
1oge1her. gening 10 know each orher. listenins 10 the inspiring music of Romt" & Juliet
played by a 1-ymphony orchestra, having dinner and wine ... did I also mcnlion lhat
Caroline is a Swin1 ing 'Ga1e? She hesan
singing like the muses of the days of yore
and I begin l insing the harmony a~ our face.4i
hegin ~cuing closer and cklscr. This culminated in a pa4isiona1c ki~4i. aner which we
dni.hcd off 10 consummate our love 31 1he
Motel Six!
C: Now. I know wha1 you're 1hinking. This
seems a liule 001 of character me. But you
know, I ju~ couldn't reli.i.a Vin's smoldering
look~andAAappy one-Ii~ . All right. h·s all a
lie! Since T~ Momnn-Nr wJ wouldn'1 fund a
holcl. all we had was Vin·scar .. ,
V: You weren't suppMC(I 10 tell them that!
So there it is folks. That was our dale. 11 i!li
up 10 you 10 decide whal did and what did
nol actually happen. But. on a more philo!.Oph.Cal nocc. can daring happen ac Colgate?
J 1hink i1 can. bu1 it require~ a bi1 of crca1ivity. No. Hamillon is noc 1he hub or dating
op1ionl. I mean. dinner II Frank is fun and
all. but maybe not the.~• ex.citing option.
So gee creatiyc! People have 10 di!iipel cheir
fear of da1in1 u Col1a1e.
C : I a,ree. Enouch of 1hi, a.~you soon ooe dale. you·,e married. A•imple
dale can be a run way 10 me.et Ml-ffleOflC new
... whether or not a romance result~. So thal'5
our lfflll - we ,ay. 10 fnr ii.


( 1111,1,·"

••I ,\l,u.,, /)1, ,

ToniAhf at Cnlttrtll Courl. Third t-: ye Rlind, S nrn~h Mouth and OJK'nin)! hand. fal,
lakt lht s ta j!,t in what maJ' ht lht hi~i?f'!rit Coli;:ale conce rt o r lhf' yHr. IMon. open al
6:.\0 p.m. and the rnncert s lnrts .ti 7 p.m. Th,• 01('mher,i or Third Eye- IUind 11~.
rrom left to riJ!hl. ha~~is t Arion S:,la1..:,r. J!Hitnd~I K,•\ in C:,dn~:rn. fro ntnrnn Stephan
Jtnkinfil. a nd drummer Rrad 1-h trl?;rt>a\'4,!-'.,

Children's Theater Production
To Entertain Kids And Adults
own." Phll1p,1.,n ;uillc tl. C,,Hca~uc~ of
V;mn' , 111 New York Cll y helped wilh the
M(lr,10,,-N,,." \ .\1,1{f
wn111lf 11f "'me of 1he p,m, anti music:. hut
Tt,,- Ffrr Who Bnrrmt'f'tl Timt• will h-: the worl ... hnri pmup \:i1111c· up wilh lhC m:1pre,-en1ed hy 1hc Children·~ Thc:11er WorL- Jorny uf the play thmut:h 11nprovb,a1ioo
._huri The play w,1~ wri11en und prntluc:ctl Ill a \.'11,d1. •11 1hc c:l.!ntcr of 1hc pl:iy came from
workshnp cla" 1h:u ha, t,;p:mne1wo seme,-1er,. Full or adven1u~. mu-.ic:. hrnlcn docl olf 1hc lhcoucr wall one d:1y
cnlnrrul cn!itllmc,. hig yellow hui-c, ,ind tlurin~ 1111c c1f 1hc 11nprnv,. Frum 1hcJ'C. .i
ice cream conei.. ii -.hould amui.c ho1h chil- 1t,.;u, 1111 ltme 11ml the cli ... 1or1inn... c,f time
1e1ol. over.
dren and adults alike.
This year·s play is ahout characters whn
Ounnt: the pl:,y. 1hc :mdience i, t;1kcn 10
A,l! lfahy World where 1he kith arc hi!!are all in some way outca~ls from n chi ld
~ocie1y. They end up cominf: 1opc1hcr to gcr 1h,m their mnlhcri;., Then. 1hc Wailing
cre:11e their own de,1iny and travel tn fivr Wurhl. where time i, aln11"1 a1 a i.1and~1ill.
improhahle 1ime 1.onc,. Vi,i1int; l.ec:turcr Thi! l...ut ... .:irl.! ,IU\.'L until mu.llcncc mcmhcr.in Thea1cr Barht1rn Vnnn chornctcritcd 11 can he c:;1lh.-d u('c111 h y Trnuhlc ~ind Wint.I
a-. a "piece on how it is alriJ;ht 10 ~ dit'· 10 lilow lhcm (prward inlo 1hc ncxl lime
1nnc. Willimlh ,aid ...T he k1t1, loved 11~
The s1uden1~ re1:pon1:ihle for the writ in~ we \:t,uld h.ivc j u,, ;1,Lcd 1hcn'I 10 hlow fur
and perfnrmint; of 1hc play will rnke 1hcir the re ..., of 1hc ph1y:·
show on the road 10 six school~ in Mm.Ii·
J:inuc lhe Cryh:1hy. played hy junior
son County before mo¥ing on I() New York Ev;:111 Grunwald . ~cl\ 1hc kid, nu1 of 1hc
City for 1wo linal productions at a "chnol ncxl 11 mc 1nnc nf 1hc Animal Wnrltl wi1h
in QuccM ;md lhe Police A1hlc1it.: Center hi' mu ...ical ah1li11c .... Then. 11", nn 10 Rohnl Wmld :ind~• fin.ilc in Fairy1ale World .
in Manhauan.
' Senior Duncan Hughe.-. play4, Gilhcrt. t1 where ,, l11udm11u1hcd L111le Red Ru.ting
sheltered. nerdy character who get4i every• Hoc,d a nd Three I.ill le P,g, ;ire three hip
one home l!iafcly .af1er their mlven1urc" in men ....11ph111nnn:: ... Churlc, Wi,w;.111. An1h1111y l>1(ii11v111mi :111d Corey Hill.
The lcy 10 ~cuing home i, In have ~nth
" h wafil. in1ere-.1ini: and fu n 10 wmch 1hc
play develop over the year." Hughe~ ,nid. t.'lod,, 1ni;c1hcr o1nd "Yn"-·hnmi1ctl.
··A lot of 1hinis we came up with randomly
Al 1hc end of 1hc rl.1y. the c:1Ji,I \:nmc ...
in clM$ e1ercisc~ came out in the play. II 1n,;c1hcr to ,int: a "Ollf! :md ,il!n auin~r.iph'wa~ gl't'al 10 see how people adopted their for h1g :nu.I hll lc Lilk 01 Thur,.tl:1f, r,crfnr manc:e. Grunwald , aid thnt. :11 the end.
charac ters,"
We ... :11 nn 1hc ,wgc for autogrnphs and a
ln1eres1ingly c noush. none of the performers and playwrit;hl~ arc involved in 101 1,,( hta;h five ... !··
thea1cr ou,~ide or 1h1~ play. They came to"11 ', a children·, r,h1y. hut 1hcre's al"o hugc1her co develop a piece thtll would h;ivc mor in II rnr l id, o lir i.lJ;C. h ·, not j u1:1Liule
a po-.ilivc impac1 on kid~.
Red Rrdint: H1.1od. Ii'" Li11le Red Ridin1!
Senior Emily Williams. who ha~ multiple Hnod w11h :1 twi,1:· Ph,llp,on -.niThe 1,,c.....:1gc 1h,11 you c::m have con1rol
roles in the play. includinp 1he Ice Creum
Lady who sends the five kids off wu h .:1 over your dc1-1iny In make thmt:" rnrn ou1
mai;ical clock through 1hc time 1.ones. , aid alrii;h1 for your...cir "hnuhl h,1ve a r~o, ilive
of the production. ··Everybody hrini.:~ their intluer14;e fo r lhc \:hildren m 1he nudience.
()wn perMlnali1y to it • hecause we·re not T hur ... day', perforrhancc for kit.I,. from·
actors! ..
H.imih4,n Elcmc nlary Schnnl !!«'H a gone.I
Ahhough it's been a 101 of work. senior re,.pt,n~e.
Alyssa Philipimn. a.k.a. Myra lhe Mean
..Tn htwc thc«id~ laughing really crea1ed
Mouth. saHJ .. It was defini1cly wonh i1 . lt7s a Int nf encr~y:· William~ ~aid.
been a lot or fun.
Pa t'ormancc$· arc Friday, March 6 ·a, 7
.. Wt -had a choice to eithtT 1ake an al· p. m. nnc> Sa1unl.iy al 11 :1. m. ond ·2 ·p.m:
ready wrtucn play or crone up wi1h •nur ,Admi ",M,n i~ frcc1 ,

fly Ashley Peh=n

... ,_;....,,.,_..,..:i...111
. . ..
.......,~.~ .- ............... _..._..,.,l._
' . '


MARCH 6, 199

Australian Director's Paranoid Vision Proves Dark And Confusing
... John findi. tha1 he is wnn1ed ror mur,.,,,,.,,,.,,,,.,,.11 \ Film
dcrins not t'mly that hooker. hut a number
of 01hers who have heen killed 1n a simiDark City
lar fa~hion. Unfnrrnnaccly for John. he ju~I
Srarrinit: Rufu~ Sewell. Kierer can ·1 seem 10 remember whether or not he
Su1hcrl:rnd. Wilham Hurt. Jcnnircr killed all of 1ho'-C women. Ac1u11lly. he
((1nnclly and Richardo· Brien.
can·1 ~eem tn remember any1hin, al all.
Oirecltd hy: Alex Proyailenst or all whether or nm he'~ accin~ out
• • and a hair (out of four)
some SClrt ofpcrver~c Jack the Ripper fan.
tn~y. His wife. Anna. played by Jennifer
\Vhaf-. up wi1h Aus1ralin 1hcsc doy~? It Connelly. is trui.1ra1ed by John"s amnesia.
,ccm!,, h"c everywhere I rnrn lately I ci- hu 1 ~he hclpi. him elude Detective
1hcr ~ec a 1,;oaln. a bc)()rucr.ini,:. or a 1rnvcl Bumstead (William Hun) anyway. While
::1dvcr11!->cmc111 prai!1,f 1hc "land dnwn under.·· Why ha-. Au~- pcrn1cly w find 1he good Or. Daniel P.
1r.1ha ~n rcccnily hecomc a major 1opic of Schreber (Kiefer Su1herlandl. who he
1mpo11:mcc 10 American,'! Wcll. lc1·1- think hopes will help him piece 1ot=e1hcrhis frni:·
al'\ntu clw; h1fi<. ally ... wha1 i~ 11 .ihoul Au,- mcntcd past. As ir all or thi!- wa,n·1
lr;:lh;1 1h01 we. a, Amcrn.·an!-, \faluc· 1 I hel enC'lugh. John mma also s1ecr clear c,fThc
11 hn1- ,omcthin~ 10 dC'I w11h the foci 1hn1 S1rnn£,cr~. a group of pale. skinny. Marilyn
we can proh:1hly malr.c 4-omc money off of Mnnson-i<:h type~ who have 1hc unique
1hor,.c hlokc-..
ah1li1y 10 allcr physical reality with only
Au\ll'alia ._ecms 10 he ripe for plunder- their mind~ t'llld who just may hold rhc key
ing. II ha, hecn 1hrus1 into 1hc in1crna1ionnl 10 John 't- bClut of amne,.ia. Or. they may
,po1li~h1 with the nnnounccmcnt 1ha1 1hc no1. Who know~·?
1000 Summer Olympics
So. chat·s: the 'i.tory. h~ o
will t,c held rn Australin"s
dash or Tmal Rt<'"" mixed
capital. Sydney. Or mayhe
with 3 pinch of 12 Muu4r_,·.~
we arc all more cognitnnt of
and Tl,~ Crmc all thrown 11110
Au•,arn11a·, eXl((Cnce hca big. boiling .stew Clf Kafka.;;1usc of the dominance of
h:h ~oli1udc and paranoia. It
Ll1C Lon~ley in the NBA. I
sounds really good on p:.,per.
hcl 11 if- for these rea.sons.
but it wa~. al bc,,;t, a little betmlll not hccau<:e koala ~teak<:
ter than mediocre. If you·vc
h,1vc iuM recently become
i:ccn 1hc commercials for Dark
the t rendy <:nack of 1hc
City. then you·11 be fami l iar
m,uvcriu-nche. thal our sole
with 1hosc kooky pale-s:kin"
Ct1ul·m.ian neighbor~ in lhe
known as The S1ransen;. They
Pacit1c Run have become
'-Cem prcllycrccpy in lhe 1ruillhc most pnpulnr kids in
er. but. for 1,on,e rcnson. thei r
crccpme~s JUS:t docsn'I 1ran~Sn. how :ire we A1Tlcrican~
la1e 1010 the film it(cl f. rve
Rurus Sewell
gCl1ni; w make n buck off of
seen more i:poolcy characters
our friends from Ol? Let's import some on Sa1urday morning ne1work 1elev1s1on.
nr 1hcir cul(ure nnd ~ell it to each Clthcr for (Yep. I'm talking abou1 Screech from
prC'lfit! We could ,m1r1 by selling 1hcir food Sm·td hy tht Btll.)
and drink in a chain of Outback
In addi1ion. 1he film·i: pint i~ a tad conS1eaJ..hou.;c1, or in ex1rn-h1rge i,:old-und- voluted . In foci. for the first half-hour-or•
hlue aluminum can._, Then. we could oc- so of 1hc movie. I hnd clo~e 10 ne"t idea
,1uirc 1he rights IC'I dihere in the Srn1e" - heck. Sllverch01r '" knew 1ha11herc wa<: 1h1( guy and 1h1( de.id
more fl01>ulor than Men At Work ever woi. woman and these other guy( who really
and S:.wa~e Garden·.., --Truly. Madly. needed 10 ~cl ,on1e 1,un1an lotion nnd hi1
Deeply .. h.i, qu,cl.ly become 1he 1110,1 1hc hc:ach. hu1 I didn't know what lhey had
hc,wily rcquc1,1cd ,nng a1 b;ir 111111\•ahs all 10 do with each 01her. And 1t"s nC'II hke the
acu,..o1; the country. And how about him·! ..,,ewer •~ kept in the dark about .. orne O'i.·
1, Auqr;ihnn talcnl winning big 31 Che box peel of 1hc plCll because II will iranslate
011,cc·• La1ely. 11 hnt- been. anti 1n no ,mall inco <:omc '-Ort of dramatic cffe<:1 lacer Ill
mc,1,urc due to the ,uccc" of n.111vc Alex 1hc movie - 11 1i. more alon, 1he hnco1; of
Prnya,. Proya, "" be,1 known tnr dircct- lhe plo1 not making any ~en1,e until 45
1111! Tht Cmu·, a darl,. ;mt.I morbid revenge 1111RUIC\i 11110 the ITI(l\!IC. By lhat tune. howt.1111:.,,y ahClul a dead ~uy whCl rc1urno1; to ever. you may alrcody hove {:1ven up on
1hc land nt lhc ll\'1111! 10 avcnl!C hi«. own 1hc him out ol frus1ra11on and walked nex1
h1111al murder. Proya, · curl'enl 1nc1urc. door 10 o1;ee Sim:, Wnrld for 1he third 111ne.
nurl. C,n. "" ,u,1 a, dtirk (hence the n;une).
11 you have lhe lort11utle to ~it through
.1 ,1.-et.~ hi1 le,( morhid and al'i.o :., wee bu 1he Clpenang. you will he rewarded ,n the
le,, contrived. But 1s ll any goo.cl'!
end wi1h on intelligent and uncxpcclcd plm
Dor4 Cit_,. Clpens wi1h John Murdoch 1wi(t thal saves 1he film. Blll is ii worih
(Rufui1; Sewell) aw11kcning alone in a ho- siaying for·? Only ir you arc really patient.
tel roClm. He ii. lyins in a bathtub wi1h the Making maner~ W01$e for movic~oers who
corpse of a dead hoo~er sprn~·led along j us:1 wan1 a brainle1,1, and ea'-y-10-watch
1hc I IClM next to the bed. Surprise. surprii.e Hollywond piclUre. this fil m actually ha<:

Ry Phil Sofia



I. Titanic


n,e ~·eddin~ Singer

3. Good Will Hunting
4. Duk City
5. A• G()()(I At It Got.
6. Spl,cro
7. Krippendorf', Tribe
$. Senseleu
9. Tl,e Borrowers
10. Cau~l,1 Up

Wcckend Total Wttktin . SCudio
Grnu (milbon1) Reh,as<,

$ 3.3

















This \Veektgd's Ne!! Morlts; Tommy Lee Jones recnac1S his role from Tiu, F111i,;,,, as he hunis down escaped prisoner Wesley Snipes on U.S. Manltals: Jeff Bridges
ploys "The Dude." a beer-drinking, poc-wnoking bowler mistaken for I milliomm in
ohe Coen br0thers' The Bill ubow1k1: Gwyneth Palrrow mo- in wilh IIIOlhcr-ie1;,w Jc.111d Paul NewlllMI
plays a private dctc

some1hin1; 10 ~lly. II hrings up some intcrc<:1ing i~~ue~ (especially in these dnys of
senctic engineering and cloning) concernini; che nature of pcrsonhood and what it
is. if anythin~. 1ha1 makco1; up 1hc e~~cncc
of humnn hcing(, This film i" nnl for everyone. hul for 1hos-e who view fi lm as 00th
a medium nf m1 and 3( cntcrtainmen1.111s
worth 1he price of admii:.sion.
The acting was uniformly good. hut none
of the performances were ou11,1andin~.
Sewell {C11l,I Comfort Fmw) play!- con•
fui:.ed. fru'-tratcd .ind angry wilh good energy. if nor llair. Connelly (Mull,11/lmul
Falb) docs her heM Juice Cruise imper·
~onation playing Sewell'" foun~e ~in~er
wife und Hurt doc~ lhe most he can with a
lal'Lluo1;1er part. The M:ncr pcrformancciwcre 1urncd m by Sutherland (A Time T,,
Kill), who play~ powerless and frightened
<:o well tha1 it makeo1; you wonder whal his
chlldhoCld was l ike and hy Richard

O"Bricn o, 1hc co l d. si lken ·voic
Stran[!er whn sacrifice" his ll)ind for 1
~oOO ftf his people. O'Brien (who coinc.,
denlally wrote nnd starred in Tht Rf'I<
Hormr Pktur~ Slmw), play~ his pan v.,1
a Rohcrt P.:i1rick-Ttrmim,111r 2 1ype of 1
ten$;ily and make'- all of the scenes he a
pcuri. 111 heller.
Even with all of it'- Oaws. including a:r
oppres~ive original scClfe by Trevor Jo
is wor1h seeing if you arc lllf.
tl~1rl,. and confu(inF film~ wi1h 1.1phflln;
f:ind ,ltghlly chCC4ty) moral'- 1ha1 '-lrivc fo
hu1 never quite reach their cJc1,ircd le\·ti
of crccpi ne,~. I give Dork City 1wo-an11.
a,h:.,11 t-1.ir~ out of fClur because 1hc efttirt
i~ 1here. Hopefully. Proyas will doh,
tnrmcr penal colony countrypcrsono1; btt
tcr lhc next 1,me around. H1o1; next pictu
j,;. ~1:11cd IO he a comedy and. if h1( J»
film, arc any md1cn11on. 11 i( cenain 10
:i dar~ one.


International Exhibit OfAfrican
Art To Premiere In Utica .Museum
Ry Mike Karle
An< mid F.-mml"' &Im,,,

feel u,n of art nhjCCl'i.. ra1her 1han frnm 1
c1hno1_:r:iph1c pcr.pcct1vc. Coray part1C1
pa1ed 10 a nrntunl exchange or idea~ nbclu
Africa ;1ft w11h arwas and art hiMorian\
He wanced h1( collec1ion to cover 1he co
tire hrcad1h or African art."
Corny hod a broad appreciation of Afn
can ;;ir1 and many of the t1bjccto1; 1ha1
collec1cd arc cnn(idered foneuonal an
wcnpun,. mu,icol in4ttrumcnl~. hnwl'i. a
hoxc,. While the collcc11on focu(es fl
Ccn1r.il Africa anti therefore features matJ,
group, of worko1; by the Kongo and Ku
pcoplei;.. 11 31*\o include!- many 1mpnrtar
Wc'i.l Alric:rn an tradlliClns.
In .uldi11un to celebrating 1he significan
of the cnllection. th<" exhibition al~ (Im
to demonstrate "ome or the major 1hc
of African art. At the MWPI. the c,
h1b11 i" divided 1n10 s, x pan(: Art a
Leadership; Life Trnn'i.itiom;,; Rt
membcnng the Dead: Mu'i.1C 1
the Serv i ce of Spiri1«. a.11
Kingo1;: Rank and Pre,1igc an
Commun1cn11on w 11h the- S11
perna1ural World.
Th,, '-IX-par1 con1;,1n1c11on i
chc cc,llcctmn w;i~ devclt
by Colgo1e As(1'i.U:Ull Pmk•
,or ol Ari Md Ari I h,11 .
Carol Ann Loren,, \I,~
al,C'I wro1e a ~allt.
J;l11dc nf lhe e',._ feaiutcd at 1hc lo,u

On March I S, 1he Munson-William«.Pmclor Institute (MWPI) in Utica will pre,
mi-ere ··soul of Africa," an i n1crna1ional
exhibition of African art th:u will be appenring for the firlit 11me i n 1he Wci:.tern
Hemisphere, II i~ the largest. mo(t nmbi·
tiou~ exhibition ever prc~cnred a1 the ln~tilutc.
''I am plca1,cd 1ha11hc fir,1 Nnr1h American wur n( the Han Coray collcc1ion will
debut :11 the Munson-Willioms-Prnctor In·
slltule," Museum Direcrnr Paul D.
Schw1ezer said ,n 1he Mu,,.t,m-Willium.tPm<·tor ,,,,tlitmt 811/lttin. "'The breadth
and quality or the Han Coray collectiC'ln io1;
astoni1,hang. ·•
The MWPI i" an internationally
rccogni ted fine arl( ccn1er
serving 1he community of
Utica and the 'i.urrounding
regions . E,1abli(hcd in
1919. 1he l no1;1 1tu1e now
hold( ROO even,,. annually
and «.erve( a varied audi ·
encc through 111-differenl
program d1v1'i.1on~.
Spon1,orcd hy The
Snvings Ban k of
Uttca. rhe "Soul of Al·
ric;1" exhib11 will fca·
1ure more 1han 200
ou 1'-lnndini piece,
collec1ed trom Weq
In a (epara1e onenl.i
t=3llcry. ,e, tr~
and Central Africa hc1wcen 1916 .ind 192ft
hle1ck'- Cll ,e~, 3nJ
by the d1M 1nguii.hed An lnltlallM Mesk rmm Zlllre ,ampl e of ObJeCt'i. b1~r
Sw,ss collector Coray.
rowetl from the Colgout'
A publisher. ho1el owner and pa1ron of Lon£!ycar Mu~currr of An1hropology ~,
lhe arcs. amon{! 01her nctivitie~. Coray di~
fncus on the different melhodolog,cal
recttd a priva1e ~chool in Zurich. where prnacheo1; 1hat have been used in the rrt
he cnmmi~~mned European or11s1~ to painl ,en1a11nn and in1erpre1a1ion of Africa
murals on the schoolhou'i.e entrance in ma1cnal cullUre,
The MWPI i~ the only venue 11\ New Y,
191 K.
Afler 1he murals were produced. CClray that w,11 hmt the exh1b111on. The exhih11
married a wealthy Dutch woman and com- will remain on di~plny unril September I
pletely devoted himselftCl his pn,sion for hcforc nmvmg. on tn muli.Cums in Tol((t
collecting. He intended 10 create a ··mu· Quehcc. P11t'i.burgh nod Omahn.
'i.eum of all people( and all 11me," which
""Th,, 1i..1he largc.,1 exhibition we have~"
would feature African an as one of 11s cen• conduc1ed at lhe IM111u1e.·· M arket mt C'-""
terp,eccs. However. afler h,~ w,re·( dea1h mumcation( Manager Joe Schnudt $;;11d
in 1928. Coray's collection w.:io1; 1,old ond takes: up the entire 1op floor nnd we will l!:J\
the idea for his mu,eum fell by lhc way- more than SO program" running in con1ul!C
IIOn Wllh II.·•
The exh1b11 w,11 he opened 10 1hc putif
In 1940. the cnllcction was acquired hy
the Mu~cum of Ethnology of Zunch Uni- w11h a lee lure followed hy u reception .115;.
ver,,1y. The mu~eum rernined around 500 p.m. on Sunday. March 15. The c~hll,11
nf 1hc migrnal 2.000 wnrk'i..,nvcr 200 nf c,pen Tt1e...,lay 1hn14.1gh S:11urdoy fmm J()Jlf
which. lronf 48 tlilleren1 Alrican cultm·e,. 10 ~ ruu. ,md on Sunday fmm I p.111 t••
h:t\'C been ,elec1cd tor the Utica c~h1b11
p.111. T1d.c1, .ire avmlahlc at the Ari Shi
AccordlllE! 10 1hc M,mw,,. \Vrlli11111<-Pmc . Gill Galler)' and co,1 SS fot adult" a1td i;,
wr l11,wttut 811/lttl,, • .. Smee If"' origin,. 1he
IMcluldrcn. lrtCoray C(lllec11C'ln wM alway" guided hy vary. For more information. contaCI ,~
aesthetic cntena. As a re~ull, the cxh1bi- MWi>I Educauon Dcpanmcnl al 797.0:•
1ion present( the African artifacts ai;; a col- ext. 2158.



MARCH 6, 1998

Attentive Waiters And Elegant
Dining At Arad Evans Inn


Ry Nick Ahstoss • nd Ka lie Raisin

Poet, Dramatist And Critic Jay Wright To Speak

A"1m,J1,.N,...,, f°IJtlfl C,u11,

J;iv Wright, a poet, dramatist and cr1tic, will particip-a1e in the Humanities Collo•
qu1um Series on Tuesday, March 10, :u • p.m. Wright will read from his rcccm
v.-ork in the Robert Ho Ucture Room. tOS Lawrence Hall.
Recipient of numerous awards and fellowships, horn the Rockeftller Foun•
cl;11ion. Guggenheim Foundation. M:acAnhur Found,uion. American Ac;.demy
of Art'- and Sciences and Academy of American Poeu. Wrii::ht recei,·ed :rn
honoury doc1or of literature degree from St. l.;1wrcnce Univen.itr in 1997. He
1( .,uthor o( The Homtcommg Singer, SoothMym and Omtm, Exphtatums//n·
1trprt1atio,,s, D1mtm10111 of Hutory, The Double /,r11emio11 of Knmo. StlrPnems. £1,unt ·, Book :ind BoltrO$. Wright ·s poems h,we been published in m.,nv
periodic.ii~ and books. including Tht Na11011. Negro D1gtn/ Black \llorltl. Pof't>y
Rt·111t11: (London). />ottry Nm·rlru1tst, Evtrgrertt Rev,ew :and Tht Btn Amtr1c,m
Pnetry (I 995 ).

A.; we were m.1mm~ 1hmugh F.1ycHc\1lle.
we ,1umhlcd upon a re,rnurnnt " 'f had nc,cr
henrd of hcfore - 1he Arad E\lln( Inn. Fmm

Anthropology Museum Features Important Women
Throu~h M.uch 13, Alumni H,ll's Loni;ycar Museum of Anchropolo~y will
\howc,u;e A fric•m Americ.,n ;and lat ma women in an exhibit titled ·\"1omen o( Hope:
.la fric.m Amcric.,ns .md Lninas Who Made a Difference."' The di(play as c,( 1'4 women
\\·h<> have had Ji profound impac1 on Americ.in life. There is .i giant poster o( tach o(
1he women. with :an insp1r.uional quott, such a$ Fomnie Lou H.immer'( •rm sick
.and urtd o( bcin}t su;k .tnd ured. we must stand up for our freedom"' and Ella B.1ker'(
"Gi\'e lij:ht ;and people will fmd the w3y,"
The women chosen for this exhibit were org~nizrd by The Br.id and Roses Cuhural
rm,ect in New York Chy.
- comp,ltd by MW'f!I' Clnumft.,

The Beatles And 'Rock Aesthetics' Subject Of lecture
~rnard Gendron, ,1 professor o( philosophy .it the Universuy of Wisconsin.
\1il"'aukee, will give a lecture titled "The Be.1tles and the H1,::hbrow,: The 81rth or
Ro,k /\c.s,heuc.s"' on Tuesday. M.nch 24. The lecture, which is part of the Hu •
n1.1n1t1es Colloquium Series. will uke pl.ice .it 4 p.m. in the Robert Ho Lecture
Room. 105 Ltwrcncc Holl.
Gendron, who holds .i Ph.D. from the Uni\'ersity of Notre Dame, h.1s uu~lu
.u tl1e Umversity o( \X1i$cOnsin ,rnc:e 1973. Hi, ce.aching specialities include
cuh ur.il theory• .1esthetics. history of popular music, Foucault and the philosophy or cechnology .. Author or one book as well as numerous anicles and re•
,-iews and a frequent guest lect urer, Gendron is cu rrently completing a second
hook. titled Between Montmartre and tht Mudd Cfob: Pop"lar Music and 1/:e

Colgate Senior Rachel Hackenberg To Give Organ Recital
Senior Rachel Hackenberg will present a recital 0£ ~rgan music on Thursday.
M-rch 26. The rcci.,I. which will begin Jt 12:30 p.m., will ukc pl>ce in Colgate
Memorial Chapel. The concert will fea ture works or Buxtehude, Pachelbtl. Dupre
,md other(,
Hackenbeq::; is a music concentr.nor. She stud1e,s on Colgate's Hohk.1mp pipe
o~.,n w1th University Organist M.uion Amico. For more information, call the
Colf;Jte Concertline 11 ext. 7642,


lhc nu1~1dc. i1 looked liken very old. coloni.11
hou'-C. hu1 in,1dc \\C ICluoJ a lm:ly N,r .md .1
cln"-y c.hnm~ -.cnm,;. The ~;u ,•llCrcd ;11'11,tm
rncnu fe;uurmg ~ouP". ,al,td\...... 1n1fa K·ht•, .1od
an :1~(.('lnment of :i:rr,ctucr.. Allhi,uth \\C d'k~
m c;u m the llk'l'C fo, mal dm11l~ .m:,,. \\\' l'\."t.··
municnJ the t,;.1r a, a \ i.thle. ,111d l'he,1ix-1. ,ll1en1.11ivc.
The mmtrc ti' -.c.Jll'tl u, 1n the ~l,w,c,.'tl·1n J'II ,n:h
~1,on ot 1hc c.hnmg ffw,m. We \\Cl'C 1hcn met
hy our very Europc,m ~,1,1er. 1, .in.\\ h,...,e ,ll'·
ten, led u, 10 hchc\C 1ha1 he \1,,._1, lrnm 1hc
lnrmer Sov1c1 Un1C'ln. He pre-..en1ctl u, w11h"
comprchcn..,.,c: \\Ille h,1 1h,11 "•L' ;1hom ,en
p~1fC' IOnf?. We were ,cry h:1pp)' ,, 1th the, ,mc1~ ul wine'-, Alter\\(' cho,e .1 h(,ulc trom 1tkfine vineyard, ol \V:11.hmgton. lv.111 dc,1.·11hcd
chc ,pccial.; ol 1hc day 10 u,. We tk."t.·1dctl 111 :;,,
w11h lhc anltp.1\11. a pl,ue nl 11'11:;.ll ;11ld ch<.-c't'
wr.1p,pctl around a,par.11_:u, wnh :i \ 111,11:;rclle
drc,,m~. m, ,1n appeu,er. h wa, ;1 ff'C,11 ""Y 10
,1.t11 oil 1hc menl. We ,11,0 dccnkd 111 ,h.1rc .1
d1~h or c.;cnr~c,1 roa,tcd wnh FOffon1Clla
chee1tt. 1nma1oes and pmc nut,. Thc-.c were
not your ordinary 1;00,1, - m l;1c-1. 1hey were
the lllC)',,I tl.lvnr1ul \\-C ha\·e C\'ert;hlf.'tl.
We ,,ere 1hcn -.er\lcd c.:,,mpl1mc111,1ry ,,1l11d,
and hrc.:1d while en}:!,1pn~ in ,,,rnnc ,11mulm1nt_!
,mnll tall w11h h 'an, who rch,,cc.l to hdic,c
we \\Cre 21 hm dth!!clllly rcf1llctl nur "me
~la,,c, unol we L.icL.t'tl the hnnlc. We then re·
11rcd to 1hc t,ar 10 rel;u: hy 1hc fire .1nd ha\C .,
c1~.1rcue. Aller:., tr.11111c .;c.u\·h. l\';.m C\·e,uu...
ally kic:ucd u, iinc.l rcm1ndctl t" that dinner w,1,
ready m he ~rveby lelllng him l:nnw Ihm we dtd onl intend 10
etu•and-nm and "'nl hack dnwn 10 cn1oy our
Kmic had O\'en-roa~1ed duckling hrca.;t wnh
n -.crving of ,wcet h.1,m:u1 nc."C. :....-c.:enlt'tl w11h
a ca~~,, hcrry ,mice and vnnilln cul. It wn, de·
hcinu\and muc:hd1ftcrcn11h,111 ynu w1,uld find
at 01her reqaurom~ m 1h1s. area. N1d h,kl .,
mcc.hum-rarc veni.;nn loin nmnnnlcd w11h ,1
,h.-.1101. 1hyme anti C:'lhcme1 \;'IU\'lfnon '-intcc.
occomp,an,cd hy a h.mnna,,"'cct po1a1n puree
1-idc dil-h. Ivan had \lmn1!1Y rcc;ommcncJed 1hc
~en,;:on hecau,~ 11 wa, tann-,~u~I anti had ,l

Grisham 's Latest Offers Entertainment With A Message
RJ U z Fusco
1-fmrotw,• .Vru \

I 1/('111n Cr111,

Juhn Gri.;ham·.; mo.;1 rccen1 novel. Tht
fo,·r1 Lmnc•,: 1cll-. 1he , 1oty of on op-:1nd-

rnm111~ Wa,hm~ton. D.C .. lawyer at the
"'tll-1..nnwn h rm ('If Drake & Sweeney who
ha-. a terrifying and lire-chansrn~ encouniu wu h a homele5, man. The lawyer.
\hchael Brock. never think5 about help•ni the le.;.; t'onuna1e until the day he opcn5
h" eye, to wha1 i ~ g.oing on in 1he world
.iround him.
Brock ~oon di~cover~ 1ha1 the incident
\\a, not a random one meant to 5how lhe
treedy lawyer!C; at hi!C; firm thal rhere i~
lbf'lre 10 life than money. but a provoked
•tack brought about by the bad judgment<
nf hi5 firm. Within I week. Brock ha.!. re·
\1;ned from hi5 po5ilion at one of the
tountry'5 bi11e11 law firm!C; and ha~ be·
tame a 5lreet lawyer. Before he leavt5,
however. 8n)Ck take5 an incriminatinc file
from lhe firm ... one they 500n want back.
And Ml the 510ry bcgin1.. with the new and
'l'l'lproved Brock becoming a ~,reel lawyer
" 1hc 14th Street Legal Clinic in D.C..
ltclping the homele5~ while trying to pro1tc1 him,;,clf fmm the pe:<>ple for whom he
flnc-e worked,
I found Thr Srrrrt LoM·., ·rr 10 be very inlcru1inc. especially the area5 where
Gri,-ham e1tplore~ 1he problem~ of


homcle,.;nc.;.;. The author h1m\clt ndn111.;
io hardly caring abou1 1ht: ph~h1 ol hoinclc\~ people un11I he bci;nn re~c::irch lor h11;
book :'Ind he give~ special 1hank, 10 all or
1he ,treet lawyer,. like Brock'!, panner and
f11end. Mordecai Green.
The novel illu,1rale!, the
experience of 1ho~e who
work con!.tanlly to create
a ~afe r life fo r people
wi1hou1 pcrmnnen1 home~.
More than any other book
b y Ori~ham. 1h is one
prompted me think about M>·
cieta l problem~. The pro·
ta~oni1.1 could be anyone who
one day reali1.es that money ii.
no1 every1hing and 1ha1 rhere
are people who are desperate
for help.
Thi,- novel j,- differenl from
Ori5ha m'5 previoui. work~ in
~vcral way~. Fir5t. he employ5 a f i r ~ t •
per1.on narrator. and this i5 the only
Gri,;;ham novel 1 recall reading in thi1voice. I liked 1ttis change in pcrspec1ive.
~ince I wa5 forced 10 explore 0t1 my own
what 1he othercharacten; in 1he novel were
I ali.o thought that Thr Strrer li1"·.,·rr did
not achieve the level of 5u11pen1.e 1ha1 some
of Ori5ham',;; other boob did. Obviously.
the book moved quickly and held my at·

tcnt1on. hu1 1t did m,1 c;nnt,un 1hc con,1,m1
nmnin~ from the h1f. had c111ror.11c m,,,.
tu11nn. :J\ wa1; the c;a,e in Th,• Fm11 rind tl,r
P,·lr<·a 11 Hnf'/. Th,, actuall) turned 1HII
tn he ,1 hcncl11 . hnwcver. hc;cnu,c 1did 1H11 feel 1r.ippcd hy
1he my,1cry hut mqend wa,
able 10 pay closer a11en1i,,n Hl
the e\'COI~ of the ,iory.
Another chan~c i\ the
book·~ departure lrom 1he
Deep South. the ~cu ing fM
many or Gri,;ham·s 1110,;t
well known work!-. \ Ul:h
as A T;mt 111 Kill.
Gri,-ham ha ,- wri 11cn
about raci!oim ag:iin:-t African American,-. hu1 in
\ this novel 1hc prejudice
~ i ~ fo c used on th e
home le-'' ·
Overall. 1hc IOIC5t Gri,ham novel
is a good read on 1hc levels or hoth ,;oc;ial
commcn1ary and cn1e r1ninmen1. The hooh.
kepi a quick pace nnd did nm have cxtrn·
neou5 information. The Storie( dc5c.:rihing
both 1he lawyer~ nnd the homclc,s them·
selves helped me to real ize 1he extent of
1he homelc,;.; problem in America. In Tiu•
Strc•tt {,'rn·,, ·r r. G risham educa 1cs hi~ read·
ers and allows them to sec into boih 1hc
lives of the homclc.s1. and 1he people who
protec1 them.

c,h,11nt·1 l,hlC. l\lom wt1, ri~hl - 1hc vcni'4lll w$
,ender cnou~h 10 ,nch 1n )'('ltlf mouth :inc.I ,va,
'4l ,1,.·m111p11nu, th;.11 N1d wa111ctl 10 l!'ll deer
Aller \\C htmhcd. "C tell th:u \\C l."tlllhl no1
cal arm1hcr h11c. h111 h.111. w11h h,, 1nl.·rcd1hlc
p.m er, ,,1 pe,...,ua,1on. 1,.'flfl\'lllt.:Cd u.., to ,1.1} ltll'
,k,....:n All nt lb\· dl..',-.cn, ,11 1hc A1;1d E\,lll'
11111 ,II'\' jll\'fMn:tl t,~ the m-hou....: poNr)' chd
,Ukl 1h1,.: \'11111\' '4..'11.•1,.·1,un '4~11"kd uu1,1;11,,hn:;
\\I.' d1..•1..·11kd 11n 1l1o1.• p,,.•anut•hlllll.'r•,md-,hocol.11t..·-l,1,c1'\'tl 10111..• h ,,.,, .i ,h.imc le• l.',11 1hc
IOlll." IX't.\llN' II l1'M,h.Ctl Ill,.\' ,I \\.01h. Ill ;111 - 11
h,1(1 \1,1/~ \·.lr.llllt.'hlt.'tl 'll!!,11' ,ttd \ tclllll!!' Olll
10.,111 '-''\.'P. ,,de \\llh \\,k:L.) lnl'.tmg ,k-,1gn,
,1111\\1,.'r 1111.' 111,111,.'. h ,1!-.0 t.t,l(."(I lllllfC !!IIOd
Th<.· onl> th.1\\1\;tt..·h. nt the Ar.id E"m' Inn 1,
1h,1111" I.tr '-"''-'Y· ,1liou1 JO m1m111:,. Jntl 11 ,,
11111 dk'.lf'I. Htl\\C\(.'I. II ... ,m ,llll.1/lnl! n:,1:1uran1 ,rnd 11 ~,,u h,nc 1hc llk',in,. \\.C ,m'lf1fl)
,u1=~~,1 rh.11 }t'U :;o (,md tic ,urc 10 ,1,l. lnr
h,11H. Simi illltl 1,k.'L.CI ,11\.' \.'(t11'1,k1\.'tl pn,pl'r
,111 m:. F1lf' n.·'-Cn .111110,. 1.·all cJI~) f-1.\ 7.,;n:20.

Three Concerts To
Be Performed In
Chapel This Week
n,, M ichael \Y)•ncr

I ..1,1,1111 ,t,,, 1md I nma,•, I


A 1r11, 111 1111crc,11n~ 1,.'tlfl\'\:11, w1 ll t.1\r.c pl:11,.·c
1111h1.• }lo kmn1 ,al C'h.,pd ,wcr the nc'(t wccL..
Fir,1. 111n11;ht ,11 X p.m .. 1hc t••1.inh:.urnn
Sinn~ Qrn1r1c1 will p,crlorm Shmw\r.nvich',
S1n1l~ Q11:111c1 No. 11 . Smc1:ma·, Sinn~
Ou:1r1ct f
Al\ U/r ,ind S\·huhcrf, Smn,;
Quartet Op Po,1 .. On11h mu/ 1/u• MmdN,.
The M,mh.111an Sinn.!:= Qu.mc1 h.1, already
hcc1l t,u,y nn 1hc Cc,lfalc c..·.unpm 1hi, wed•.
lc,nmn~ 10 Ct,rc: Ch.1llcn:;c e1t Mnc.Jcr1111y
d,1"c' :ind pcrt11nn1n1; Her{, Lv,.;, Smtt•
lnr them m 1hc (h;1r,cl ,,n Wcdnc,cfay.
The Quanc1. mmlc up of Ent.: Lewi, and
Kenneth Freed cm 1hc vmlm. John Dcx1cr
nn tht.' \'1nla ,md Chn, Findcl un 1hc cello.
"11111-. lhird de<.·,11lc ,1, ., pre nu er cn\cmhlc.
Th<.') a11r1c.1r III m.11nr c..·nnc.:crt hall, :1rnund
lhc ,,.. c1rld .rnd flw llm1,m (ilnf,.. rc..:cntly
h,ulcd them ,1, ",1m1110n,1I 1rc.1,ure."
The Qu.inct h.1, ~en m rc,,dcnt.:e ;11 Coll!"'e ,m,e I1JXO .rnd they ''"'' c,:cry )'C:tr a,
,~.-n nl 1hc Cure rrofr,1111
\ 11,;1,;cp1tc1n \\.111 lnllo\\ tom:;h1", l'.Hllt.:Crl
Al \ ~O p.111 on Sund,1). 1hc Cnlpollc Unt·
,cr,11, C'hnm, ;11ul {'hmnher Sin:;cr,. c.hrl..'cft."d h~ (i ~ohcn, Knlh. ,,111rrc,cn11hc
rorn,:crl "~lu,11. 1•1 the Pc,iplc."
(illl''' f'll.lll"I S,11-Sh.1l11m·s1run~ \\Ill he
fcalurcd m the pcrlorm:rnc;c, nl Rr.1h111..,·
Z1i:t•m1,•,hnln r(i)fl'Y Srn,~,) anti B,1r1nL.',
Sl\n Slm•,•11,I..,· />u·H/l' (Four SlovuL. Fulk
,ong,). S1tCl1lf! currcn1ly pcr(onn, a ,enc~
cit hve hm:1dca,1, tnr Bulfoln Puhlic R;1dtn,
He ,, an ac.:cornpanM n1 Ham1lmn Cnllct,!e
and Syracu,e Umvcr.11y. a, well a\ :.,1 Cnlt_!.tlC. a1ld he ha, hccn tc::uured on -.cveral
c;nmpac;t c.h,,, w11h tcnnr Pa~unle Caputo.
The c1Hll.:c11 will al'-11111..:ludc arran~emcnis
of Amcricm,. C,111,1dian nnd En~fo,h fol k
Finally, '-Cntnr Bart H;1~~crty. a douhle cont.:cn1r.1111r m mu~,c und 1hc;11cr. will prc.-.cn1 a
redwl nf vnc:al wnrk, nn Tu~ y at 12:30 p.m.
Ha~~crty i),, the vice-prc'lident or1he Uni ve" ity Choru5. in whkh he hni. appcnrcd a~
.a , 111m,1. He i, al,o a mcmhcr of 1he select
Chamhcr S rnge1·, aod 1he Cola;ate 13.
Httl!t,:cny h;i, al,n performed in 1hrce Siu·
dent Mu, it.:al Them er prnduc1io,K 1hc mml
rct:cn1 hem~ Chil'11J:11. Fnr 1hc lm,1 1wo rnu,k.1h. Mnm,• ;inti Th,• J\f'J'lt' Trr,-: Tltr o ;.
an- 11I Adam 111111 Ei·t·. he hai. :-erved a,, 1hc
nrn, 1c..·al c.lircc1or. He cmnpnscd origina l
musk for 0.1vid Pinner·~ production nf Au·
~u-:1S1rindhcq;·i. M i.<., Ju/;e la~a s.pring.
Admis..;ion mall of !he ccmcen~ i"' free,





Peer Tutor Applications for 1998,
The Writing Center is now taking applications from students who

wish to become peer tuton for the 1998-9 academic year. This
paid position, which requires a commitment of around 6 hours a
week, is open to students from any discipline. To be eligible,
students must be in good academic standing, on campus for the
entire year, and available for a tw~y orientation before classes
begin in August; additionally, they will need to
• Fill out an application form, availa!>le from the Center (212
Alumni) Bruce Pegg (216 Alumni)
• Write a one-page penonal statement in which they describe why
they would like to be considered for a position and what qualities
Ibey possess that would make them a good tutor
• Provide a 3-5 page sample of their academic writing
• Obtain a reference from a professoc who is familiar with their
abilities as a writer and as a communicator (this can be formal,
such as a letter, or informal, such as a telephone call or e-mail).


The deadline for applications is March 13. Promising candidates
will then be asked to return for an interview after Spring Break,
and successful applicants will be notified before the end of the



For further information, please contact
Bruce Pegg at 7376.


Saranac Lake, NY

Faculty and StudenlS in Humanities Division

Margaret Maurer, Acting Director


March 3. 1998


Student Humanities Summer Research Stipends

WHEN: May 15 through August 22, 1998

Colgate University studenlS may apply for a small number of granlS to suppoll
Humanities rese.u-ch activity in the summer of 1998 in either of the following


An all around staff position with


duties that may include food preparation and serving;
general maintenance on buildings and equipment; assisting in recreationa.l programs; and assisting Camp
Directors with special programs. You must live at the
camp for the full 14 weeks - room and board will be
provided. Weekend work is required, although there will
be one scheduled day off per week, Monday through

Student-Faculty AssistanlS. These granlS support projecL< undertaken by
a team of one faculty member and one student or more. The student and
the faculty member should collaborate on the proposal; however, the
faculty member should write a separate lenerevaltllling the merit of the
project aod Sludent. These projects must benefit the student u well as
the faculty member.


Student Resurcli GranlS. These gr&nlS support pa>jects Wldenalr.en by
one student or more. There is no presumption ofdirect supwvisioo. The
student applicant sbould write a detailed propoul which must be supported by a le(ter from one or mon, faculty members who speak to its
merit 111d feasibility.

REQUIREMENTS: An outgoing personality, good
people skills, kitchen and dining room experience, ability to perform general maintenance jobs, and w&lei 6011t

APPLY: Stop by Human Resources to complete an application or call 228-7743. Deadline for applications is
Friday, March 27th.

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

The awards committee will p,efer oulSWldi111 projecu pn,poeed by students
whole academic records warrant high confidence that tbeit projecu •ill be com·
pieced during the summer. In general, SlroO& p,eference will be pm to cootin•·
OIi Colpe undergndualcs.
Each awanl pcovidea S300 per week for the 111Mlenl; the 111pectec1 period
P•mmer ~ is eiabt IO• wecb. Suboidlllll 1¥:nsi'I • a COil of around
$45 per week will be available on campus. The ...... ._,111n.e will the
riaht to mueany a1unberof awardsineai:b ,..,.,, hwJncl•11-<0. dependin&
upon awilable f\mdi11& •ncf the quality ofthe JIIIIOP"IIIII for each !yp6. l>ejwtmCOt
c11ain are rapoosible for inluring tbat ••ma. r: za
wwt will not cam the
lllldent IICldemic credit or booorl - · µ •
authz -.ill submit • p,botamial n,port on the c:om,,l,1ed pn,ject to dl,l N::z r'llel l'l!lllion Di·




reclorandmaloelbewwtanilablelndlONwllo117'nl hi S
Plopoalt (...;,inal• plus nineC011iH)abaultl IDclllde atlde.. F 1 - - ofobjee0.-. a dt1::ipclan of metbod for the pn,ject (bilJliopply wlln lplllUIDI<~
and the IIINlenl'• pml.., dw :,W. 1 -of urppGCt Imm flazlty . .kl be
,...1,.,dn,dclincdysott,,,Adina Dilw nr:flb• foO
of lfnlMNI (lazwe HaD. a-01) Is Macia 31, u,a. ,,,_ Jlclilll ni,,,c• and tbio lfw....llil'I c.irl will CJUlit,AJ 1U an• 71T ir:e

MARCH 6. 1998




Th• Organization for Tropical StvdiH (OTS) and Duk• University or•
accepting opplicotM>ns for the Fall 1998 se mester for a field-oriented,
ad.Ke ....... ••me•ler al>roacl pro.-•m in Coota Ilea. Stvdonb
earn 16 credit hours in tropical ecology, environmental scie nce and policy,
field resea rch methods, a nd Spanish language and culture.
Credib may be transferred from Duke University.


N. .,..._ ... befiM Its cridal 10 teain i ~
.....,...,,.,._.,.. mainlaln tht hltf,at-d
, . . , ~... - - 1 0 - t h t ~ -.. prdtuioNls.
O..- faculty b m:ellence In teadir,g and to the ocqlislcioo d e«ecc""""""3tl sills. Ext.nsNe clinial intemsl1lp. ond memship pmo-,ms donl
students tht °"""'""1 10 ,cq,.irt valoalilt
t>eptrience-bridp,g tht pp
btt.1ten theofy ond pncdct.

Touro's onque -.lepl tUOn
,onosphen d mutual respepffllion. alld colabontion.

• han«lt-on ••perlentlal learnk,9 • k'ld-,..ndent fiefd prof-ct.
• cuftwol lnwnersion • extendN 1,tays et remo.. field sit••
• home stays • extenJNe trav el to d iverM ~cosyst.ms

Ore-I...._.,_on.clTr op.le_,
..,.,,..., CM• Vnivenfly
for lwodM•

T•L: (919) 684-571.&;





opplicotion mot.riol,, col'lod

. . . . .. . . . ... · · - ...,. 1. . . , . . _ , . _ ,.,


•• . A «HU,o,ti,;,,. of--,_,;,., pruridift6 t,otl..-,ht, t.,, td11corlo,t, ru-~Jt
OIU rM rupo,uibl• tu# of""'4Wol N ~ In tit,, o-opb.

DEGaffS IIICWllE, ).D. • JJ)JNli. • j.DJMJ'.A. • U.J1. fOlt FOltSGN IAWYUS
RJl.lAIMfTN: DilT~

To 6nd out ..t,y nobody ps students bttttr hand,..,. t,q,orience man Touro.
gt,e us , c,11 ...t,y. Or died< out o..- wobsote.

TOI l/

11 r IJ-,J;I "(,




f.A\V <:1-::,rrER

JOO N""° Road • ~"1.lwwwlCU'OlawedJ • TDOITTY 516-'ll l-0476

Pruwedby T~ Two

23RD AT 8:00, 300 OLIN

ld/f( PR/Zl8ff
• "(jrOrcarr"

ll-aider 14nta\s
has ne~ Movies!
C.Ome and ~nt the hottHt new film& and &om•
wonderful old da&&iG&!


• Movu, Porl:ur

f Rll FDDDff

3'01 Lu,k C.lub
Private 1'art•
'bteallng e-eaut1
:ferl'j MaG.uire
Higher l.Nming
M•n In e-laLI:
'boul food
frida1 (with C.hri&iu,i:er)
Nr for,, One ·
Donnie e-rauo
M1 \:5oe&t friend& Wedding
Love J'one&
Gtu••• Who' 6 C..Oming to Dinner

The f ollo,.ing Mo~ , will nor be OWlilobl• unr/1 April 1998:
hltlln Po.rt
£.o"'fln<1 TIM<>"f

Pict up a ballOI 111d ¥Ole for your OICllr morila at any Tate 1\vo film between now
and Spring Bieak, or-o.line at "bap://oegoodmlple edu/late2/"
Tboee who g.a lbe moet wimen will win pell prizes!

C.On~ t
Th• !Alglloh Vatl"11


National Sports

M ARCH 6, 1998

Lakers Coach Harris Might Pay For Players' Mistakes
me or h1, cu,tch. hut he ho,n ·1 even

Jone, and Kohe Bryant. However.
the ~ame 1ha1 Hou'-tnn will point
10 year. down the road a1; the mo~
mcn1 he feh he had turned chc cc)r·
ner-was the madtrip.endin~ ~ame
o n Fchrunry 20 m Por11:lnd. Th:11

1hrc,11cnl'd u, yc1 What a protc,;,-


.. Ynu "ni;m•. I ca1f1 tell how
,nm.:h I .1rp1ei.:1ate the rc,pect Grant
~1,c, me. lie·'- underpaid. he de•

''-'J'\ic, 10 ha\'C h,.., cnn1rac1 rcncgn11,ucd. he ha, e,·cry tlfht 10 choke

he hadly outplayed counterpart


Althnu~h OctrolC

1'1,hin, m,111aJ;CIUCOI
lhdn'1 af.'1Ually'3) 1h,,.
in h~ht ol ,uh11rnm1
l11hn J-.t.."1:r11,:" ·, dcc1,1on
to 0111) m,hlly ~nw,h


I ..;11rcll s,~wcll. 11 may
nnt hi!: lonJ; hcfon: )ClU

Maroo11-News Staff

(Ca,on al Kentucky. Ander,on
would hll\lC heen cho,en well in,1dc the top ten of th" year~ dnili
- even h1t,:.her than 1alcQt~ l1l..c
Golden State·, Adona! Foyle - if
you con 11nag111e tha1. The way
1h111g, turned flut. the Ca"·~ were
w1,e cnou~h 10 ~nar,
lum up w11h the thirteenth p,d and "'•II
reap lh< hcnchh for
yei.lr" tu l'lllllC 11 lhCy
ciin l..cep h11n in

s,,,c,,cll had lw.. con1rac1 rem•
,1.1rcd .md h1, ,mpcn,1011 ,honcncd
tl) 11,c month\, Ye,. Sprewell h.l\l
nulhClll ,wer the cour,c ot the
p,1,1 monl h,. but who the hed,
c.,rc,·1 Thi'- man. \\!ho ,huuld be

,cr\"tnf: umc lor :.a••sauh now. will
,c'Krn rc1.:oup his lo,,e~ by collect·
rn~ the renrnmm1= S 17.J mil hon of
h,.., con1nic1 over 1hc ncx1 1wc,
ye.tr, In add111on. 1hc Wamo,, will
l'C 11,rccd In col\"C mto h1~ "tr.idc

demand .. 1111, ,.ummer and" 111 ~ct
I;u le,, thnn mar~ct value for n
,,1.1:vcr 111 h" ,l,.1II\, ~,nee they arc
not e,.1\.'II) opcra1111~ lnllll ,, J'K'"-'·
1111n ,,1 ,1rcn~th Tc, mal..c m.111cr,
'"'"c. hcc,n1,c SprC'-'Cll ha, a
h,hc-yc;1r cmuract. lhc Warrmr,
'"II ,1111 lthC valuahlc salaty cap
nl~er .i 1hrcc-wa) 1radc. which void,
1hc ha,e-year ,al.iry cap 1mphcatu1n, Thi, will further hurl the
1c.1m·, alrc:1dy tu11lc chnnce~ al
,ei:u1 mg h,ph-ptolilc free ai;,en1,.
I lc1wcvcr. de,pllc the unfortunntc
,11um1on ot 1hc Warrio~. th,, rul•
tnf 11;1, much more tar-reaching cfh:i·t,.
The rca,on wh)' Fecnt:k·, dcci·
,11,n ,tril..c, tear m the henrt< ol
anyhody "uh a clcarcon~ience ii.
hccau,c c,f 1hc me<,age 11 (.Cnd, 10
,cl(.· 1e1y th:u you can choke your
he-..., ,md !!Cl away w11h 11. a, long
y11u can i:c1 ,1 ,hot 10 tall with 1he
,hot clock ,,,mdmi down. Mo\l
lrithtcmnt!. however. 1~ the ,;Ice
1h:11 '4ltnC p)il) er, :.,re expre'""!! a,
" ,'t'..,uh nl 1hc decl'-Uln, The moq
1d lm,g commen1 so IM ha, come
tn1m 130,1011·, Popeye Jone,. who
,;ud, "NBA contract~ nre ~uarnn•
teed C\Cll II you die, NBA COrUTTlCl:arc i:u.1r.mtccd "" nwllt>r "'hm,"
No wonder all 1he player<: have biJ.!
,nul6 m those NBA commercinlit
where chey exclaim. '"I Love Th,~

G;ime !"
A, we 011cmp1 to put 1hc cn1ire
Srrcwcll fi1.l1-co behind u~. we arc
hcnncncd 10 ~ee 1h:u there nl'e upilntl-crnmn,g ,hooting guord, m 1he
league who J.!O only for the JUJ.!ulnr
llt their fl1>ponc111,.
• With Miami pullinJ.! oway in the
Allnn11c. the race for ,ccond pince
will come down m n ban le orhra,g,gmg flJ.!ht, in the New Ymk mcl·
mpol11:m arc:.,. Wi1h the Kn,ck~and
1hc Net, ncd-,n-ncd:. perhnp, the
11Hht llllflOrt:rnt fatlelr will he
whu.:h ,lmollnJ.! i,:u.ird ,tcp, up che
11111,1 - the Kn1d,· Allan l-lou,1on
u, 1hc Ne1,· Kc11y K1111t,.
I hlthlon ha, hccn ahi.nlutcly nn
Inc rn rc.x·enl \\Cd\, :I\Cr.lgmg 24.J
Jl<''"" m h,, la\J 17 FillllC'-. A hit!,
i:hunk ol 1h:11 pmduccmn came in
N.:-w Y(ll'~ ·, na11onall)'•1elevi,cd
,•1ctort over the Los Anj:eles L:1kcr, lhl' pa,1 Sunday, Hou,tnn
't.'nrcd .,2 f)(lllll'- on ten of 19 ,hool •
111~. ,e,·crcly nutplayin~ the "AIIS1.,r· ,hno1111g guard duo c,r Eddie

1,a1ah Rider. -.corm!_! ~4 pn,m, w11h
n rcm;1rl.thle 16nt 20 ,hoo11ng cf·
liouqon ·, emergcnrc. nt\douhl
mdetl by the at,..cnl'C of Patncl..
Ewmp. ha1; ,till mamly hecn due
10 hh ah1h1y tn get 10 lhc foul hne.
He 1s avern~in£ 5.5 attempt'- from

1hc chan1y ,1npc per g;ime during
1h1\ stretch. way up from las1 year,
2. 7. and ccnl) slm1lar 10 I 995-96'1lntul nt 4.4. which wa._ a h1~ pan
in cxrlarnmi why IIOll\l01t avcra~cd 19 7 pom1, o ;,1mc m h1, h1-.i
,e.Mlll \\•Ith Dt-1ro11. The co,urac1
he r'CCCl\etl Imm the Kn,cl,. ,even
year... for S56 nu II inn. ha, hccn
,, ulcly cri11c11cd. 3( ha, General
M,mi1gcr Ernie Gmnfcld", rcluc·
1,mce 10 deal Houswn m order 10
rcnl Damon Stnudanure for lhe re,1
of this ,ea,on. As Hou~10n·~ play
con111tuc, to improve 111 proponion
w11h hi' ,urJ;tCally rcpmrcd wn<.I,
I can hear Vinny from Queen~ call·
11t£ up "J'>t)l'I'- radio WFAN in New
Ynr~ .come oround one of de~c day~.JU'-t
a maddddder c,f 111nc. hahhhy."
On lhc "mclhcr 1;1dc of the
Hud,on. Kmlei- doc, not have to
handle the ~amc M:Oring load a<
Hou,lon doc~. However. JU'-! be·
cau\C he "ill nm i:eore :.' " much or ,hoot n,; much - a, Hou,.ton. 11
doe1;.n ·, mean he can't ou1play him
Kerry·, pa11ence. luw-kcy au11udc.
~la1;hing ab1h1y nnd accuracy from
1hc 1hrce-po1nt line are all valuable
ch:1rnc1crii.t1c, of the ,l.inny

,hno1er. whn,;e con~ii.icncy and
,eo1,;on·10·'-Cason improvement
have been ai..tounding. Oc\pilc all
ol' his offensive and personal g1f1~.
K1nles· gre,uecon,iMcntly i-hut~ down nppoi-ing
off-~uard<. K11tles. after Lord Jor·
dQn. 1s the he~, one-on-one '"'C ~hootmg guard in 1he league.
Also. hy u;:ing h1< long amt, m pct
in10 the pai,~ing lanes. Kiule~ add~
1.6 steals per game 10 his abilily
to hlankc1 hi;: oppor;.i1e number.
In a doy when 20.plu< point·
per-game shooting @Uardi. are no
lon~ercommon pl.Ice and 1he hl.c1;
of Vinny Del Negro arc key co111poncn1~ of champion,h,p contend·
cri:. a guy like Kinte-: ;:hould he
volued hy h1-. orgumLDllnn. Hnwcver. the u,;;,ually 1;harp New Jersey
manngcmcn1 ' "" ~n)'ing they want
next year lo chntinue to cvalu:.11e
K11tle,. The Ne,~ ~hould value
Kittles ll~c 1he Knick, have valued
H1lu,11,n :ind Ind him up with 11
lnng-1crm con1r.ic1 before he be·
comei. a free-agent and hi'- value
• Another up-and-coming shoot•
1ng iuard 1,; Derck Ander!tOn of 1he
C lc,·el.lnd C,walicl'(;. If you·rc nmg youri:elf who he ii.. thm·s underst:mdnble. Sul re"lize 1ha1 if he
hadn ·, torn hi, an tenor cruciate
1igomen1laM year during h,< ~mor

,conng .I\ICrage will
aucsi lfl th.it. t-lowc,·cr. lo.:cep m
mind 1h.11 he ha, played only 29.6
nunute~ per ~ame on a team lo.1dcd
w11h pcrnnctcr plo)'er,. capahle nl
pulling up h1g numbcn. Al,o, add
the rac1 1h.i1 he·, ju,1 coining h,.el
al1cr another knee mJury. and i1
htcomc, ohv,oui: why he ha~n ·1
yel been able 10 bur\! onto the
scene ( Ille reltow Cleveland
rc1ok1c, Zydrun.i'- llg.au,la,;..
Cedric Henden.on and Brc, in
Kn,i htl.

Anck.·Ntn·!<. ~rcatC!oil m,,ct I~ hi\
ah1ht) to _gc1101hc free..1h1'f1\\ hne.

He .I\ICr.ll,:C'\ S.2 n11cmp1, per g;une
and. 004,.-c hc', 1herc. he m.1kc\ )Ut.2
rc1't."en1 of them. the 1h1rd-hitheq
m.:trl.. 1n 1he NBA. Sure. ,o he c.:111
~h.'lfll lflul ,hoh. Wha1 cl(e doe-( he
bnng tn h1, lean(' Well. m odd111nn
IO playing \Ohd dCfen,e. he can 1111·
i\h on 1hc ta.st hreak. hreak do1,1,,n a
half-cnur1 deten(C and he's 1he onl)'
Cavahcr guard who1~ellccu,e 111 the
po'-1. If you art still wondcnnl! about
h1<. 1mpac:1 on h1~ teom. at lhc 11me
of his mjury. the C:w, were in a po~11100 10 get homc<()ur1 ndvarnage
l(lf lhc lir.t-mund of lhc playoth,
now 1hc Cov~ are chn,;mg to the
e1~h1h and linal playoff
ror a rookie.
Parting Shot: Sorry 10 d1"1ppoint.
no more Sprewell commentary here.
However. whm may he ahou110 h.ipptn in Sou1hcm Catifom,a i, nlmt)(;I
a( dislllrhmg.
Oe..pnc Shaquillc Nca1·~ 3S.(;Cr..
lion 11\.1 11hc n:por1, arc JU~ "the )Cl·
low JUUrnt1h,m nf the Ntw Yt,rt
1•mr fond he meam 1hc Dt11h New,l.
1hcre 1'- 11 n1morcin:uln1ing lhat Lo.,

An~clc< L;okcr< Head Coach Del
Harris is on the VCfie of being fired.
Jus. as sure a,;. Del is a mim)(-imagc

of Frank Drcbin from ''The Naked
Gun:· Ham~ i1; one of the finer
coochc.i. in a league featuring A lvin
Gcn1ry 01 the helm of lhc Detroil

The 40-1 R Lake~ are currently
m 1hird ph111..-c m lhc We.i:tcm Conference. TilCy have nnained 1hat record
while wilh!Handing the loss or

O'Neal (month) and N,ck Van Exel

(~oing on two "''ceb). due 10 inJury.
They have also ~ n the dimi ac1 of sianing forward Robert
Horry. due 10 lock of ronfiMnce and
lhe aniui~h resul1int; t'rom the terr,hlc 1hroa1 di.:c.a~ of his daugh1cr
(who live, wllh Hurry'),, wile in
Te,rn,, . where 1;.he receive~ ~pt..-cml
medical .111en11on1. In odd,11011.
lforr,),, ha-: cn.:urcd 1h;11 th1< team.
which hasw m~h e~o in 11s locl..er
room II can be cut "'ith a knife. ha,;
nBryan1 started in 1hc AII-StarG11mc
ahe.id of the two membe~ or the
1e.im·~ own ~rnl'tmi: hackcnun of
Van E~el and Jone<.
When arc people goin~ 1orcaluc
1h..·u. un1il O'Neal can knock ~Olkll
rnul ~~1; under l:ue-gamc pre.it,urc.

a playc,....· leafue dunngconlr.K't umc
m the hopcii that they can ~uecze
lhe owner tor an extra m1IIK>n or twt')_
Heck. in ht:hl of the Sprewell rulm~. lhey arc n~ht. lhe NBA
pla)'cr,. · lcal!ue. Well. if it 1i.. then 11 \
tihnut tune 1t\e,c playe" 100k re,p.-,nqh1l11y tor their own fa1lurt1;,
111,1c.1d or ullowmg their coach.:,
10 1a~e 1hc foll a, lhey pretend 1n
frc l ,otry for them. They rnl..e


l'rcthl Im every lnumph,-now 11\
11me 10 .icccpt tt,ponqhiluy fore,,.
cry failure.

NB 1\ J>o,vcr Ratings:

number. arcn·11-pecrnculal' - h1( 12.0

hl·,u llm-.c worth ou1 ol
,I IC.till (lfru,•i:il.

1h11- team I\ gomJ; nuwhcrc'! Hi, hnrrcndou-: inaccuracy prcvcn1~ the
l.:il..er. from running 1he1r nlf'cno,,c
1hrnugh their he-.;t player durinJ;
crunch umc. No 1cam can wm\1,halc
employing ,uch a str..uc,gy. It ,, 1hc
rl..lyer,. who nrc re,pun .. ,hlc lor lhc
Lalerc: rt'CCIH \ll'Uf~lc,. (IOI 1he
The funny thin~ ,, that a ~one.I
ccl..lt.:h m:iy he :ibout In t:ikc the fall
l'r,r 1he ,honcoirnng, ot h,, lllaycn..
Thc..e .ire 1hc ,amc plii)'CI" who will
r..1111 and r..we aht-.01 how lhc NBA,,

I , Chicago Bulls (44-16): Continued to win following
loss to Blazers. and Sconie is almost back to normal.
2. Seattle SuperSonics (45- 14): Playing in cruise-control mode seems to have caughr up with them by geuing
blown out by Orlando.
3. Indiana Pacers (4 1- 18): After their consecutive
drubbings of Blazel'l< and Nuggets. this 1eam ·s defense
continues to ama1,e.
4. Miami Heat (4 1- 19): Recent nine-game win streak
show, they are pen king. hur cannot afford more injuries.
5. Utah Jazz (41 -16): Bryon Russell needs to hit his
threes. Until he docs. lhcy"II remain on the outskirts. despite record.


NBA Standings


Easter11 Co11fere,1ce
Atl:.mtic Di~,i~ion




New York









..15 I


Ne,,,,, Jtr.;1.:)·
Central Division


  • Charolue
    Clr\ el.10d
    Milw., ukee



























    Western Conference
    Midwest Division



    S.10 Antonio



    I tou(con

    J'l:acific Division
    Sc.atticLA ukPhoenix

    Golden S1.aie
    LA Clipp














    I .I








    .• 10





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    MARCH 6. 1998

    National Sports


    Cheap-Shot Artists Like Suter Should Sit With Victims
    i\rnund the l...eaRue:
    • Con~l':uul;:uion~. Boh Cl,1rlc.
    flUI whal took you <;O lonf! After
    ~,,1c:hin~ Ron Hcxrnll cough up

    three ,11f1 ~oal, in one ~amc earh~r lhJ'i, wccl.. the Philadelphia

    fl\CI''- ~eneral mana,er finally
    ,Jw "'hal everyone cl(,c



    1c.1t;uc ha, been seem~ tor three
    ,~-a~: 1h111 the Flyers will never
    ,,,,n a Cup unle<;<; 1hcy do sc11nc1h111i: ahout



    i I'


    c.., .




    Htx 1at1 ·,
    tt.ac ~ur
    1llcxy h1m,cll ~ouldn'1 be traded

    ht, con1rac1) Garth Snow lo
    V.111cou\er for their wai:hcd-up
    lll'lrnmdcr. Scan Burlo.c. Althou!!h
    ((ftillnly an upf!rade from Sno"'.
    1h.:- (on,•i<:tcd wife-beater Burke
    'A1II no douh1 he compell nf to be
    rl.t) nlf ,tarter w11 h ··,he He:it •·

    Oc,p11c 1he fac1 1ha1 lh1' 1r,1dc
    i:1)ulJ he a quick llx tor 1he Hyer.. t.1hh11u!=h 11 1, unhlely 1ha1
    Burle will m.il c o noticcoble d,f.
    h:rcnl.'C. ,rncc h,, bc,1 )·ea,..... arc
    \\di ht.:hmd hnu). 11 ,vorl~ out m
    thl· lonf 1erm a, well. Burle·,
    <1m1r,l('I expire, ,11 the end nl lhl"
    ,r,1,un. f l'-'1ni h11n plenty of 1nl'tnl1\'I.' u, wnrl hnrd ;,1nd ~ct hack
    1n 1hc IC'lp ot his ~amc ,n order 10
    po1cn1 1ally ,1 nlc gold in tree
    a~cnc) _ h also openc; up o rm1er
    ,pot for Clarle ~hould he w,,h to
    ,11=n .i I rec a£CIII ~cullender ewer
    ilk.· 011- ,eason (con you ,ay Mike
    • One month allcr II occurred.
    u h)11h lilc the concus,,on ,ufforcd hy Mifhly Duck"- winger
    P,1ul K.lri)a o, 1he rc,uh c,f 3
    G.ir, Suter l·rn1,,.chci:k 1c. much
    m,1rc ,erwu-. than oris 1n;1lty
    1h11ught. The clfer1, ol the ,·on·
    rn,,mn h,we ,1lrcad)· l ept Kari ya
    •'lit ur the Tcom Can;ida hneup ,n
    lh( Olympics. and no"' 11 looks
    .J\ 1f he mii;ht m11.., the rc,1 of the
    \CJ-.:on. Kariy:i ha<; tcponedly"
    "ccn experiencing, po:,,1-cnncu,,wn ,ymp1om1, <:uch as head•
    .id1es. di1l1ne!o.i.. 1rnd difficulty
    rnncen1rn11ng for long pcne>d~ or

    • 13uffolo Snbrcr- goallcndcr
    Dominic Ho1ick 1s continuing his
    queq for ycl anolhcr Vc,ina Trnrhy. He recorded 1wo qra1~h1
    \flutouts al the bc~inning of the
    11iccl again!-t the PillJ.,burgh Pcn;uin-. ;ind the New York Ranger<;.
    ~nd 1\ now ttcd with Dalla1,'
    Eddie Bclfnur forthc league lead
    11i 11h nine blanks on the 1,ea<:on.
    • The strui;glin~ Phc,cnix Coyflfc,. whn arc m the middle c1f o
    'C\'cn-~amc .:;lide. med 10 shake
    lh1n,;, up on Wednctday hy ~nd•n~ center Chad Kilger and
    delenc;e,nan Jay More 10 the Chi ~-;i;o Blackhawk1- for wmgcr Jim
    Cumm1n~ and defcnseman Ke11h
    C;1rney. However. the Coyo1c<:'
    h1J;J;c1-1 problem ,s an under~h,ev,ng p<1wcr-play. which ha1,
    ~en even fun her exploi1cd !o.ince
    1hc ob,1ruc11on crackdown ha1,
    1M 10 five extra man-advan1a~es
    Per : omc, Wi1h 50-goal man Ke11h
    n:ichuk. Mike Cianner. Jeremy
    Rncn1ck. Oleg Tvcrdovsky and
    Rick Tocche1. one ha1, to wonder if
    11\.c problem is the playeN1- 1hem~
    ~Ives or Coach J im Schonfeld.




    WcJ nes.day

    11t·1.auc..c ol a no-1rnde clau<;e

    1ion to :i~rec HI a rule 1h01 11, pr.manly there 10 pm1cc1 lhcm. II
    would 111"' help tctuni- like the
    Dud,, pro1cct their muh1-m1lli11n
    dollur in,c,1men1~. Kanyo will
    recewe the ,econd hi!!ht1il yearly
    salary in the enti re league ne'\'.I
    year- wouldn ·, 11 make sense IM
    all involved 10 pro1er1 a noggin
    \O valuable'!
    The b1g~e:..1 opponenP., of o
    prmcc11ve hcl
    me1 requirement
    whine 1h,11 11

    wa-.n'.1 required
    1 he
    G uy L.ifleur·,
    hair used w
    Natio11al Sports Editor
    s1re.ik 111 the
    hree,e n1i he
    glided acros"> the 1cc in the
    Mon1rcal Forum. llerc arc a
    couple of reasons 1hat thing,
    My T"o Cenls:
    li's a ~ivcn 1h,u . by i1-. no1ure. .,ren ·1 1he ,,une :inynu,rc:
    hfc 1:,.0·1 fa,r. Thnt 1,a1d. the rac1
    •NHL players arc now hit"tcr.
    1ha1 Suter will he rlayin~ the rc!-1 faqcr ,md ,1ron~cr 1hun 1hcy hnve
    nf his ,ea,;,on while Kony:, will ever hccn :md therclorc deal ou1
    he .1t home lr)rng 10 ,upprec:, a much higtcr h1I'- wi1h much more
    1hrobh111J; headache ,,11 ·1 only un· frequency. Ahhoui;h 1he average
    fair. 11'1i nc'II rl,:ht. S111er, cheap- pl:1ycr s11c h;1s rncrca,cc.l trcmen, hot cro,;,1,.checl . m which he duu-.ly ,rnc-c Lafleur·~ day. 1hc
    uppercut K.mya·, chin w11h 1hc ,11e of 1he ice ,url.ttc h:i, re,haft of hie. ,t1c..·l JU1il ~econd,;, :.,f. mained 1hc same.
    •The in,1ig,uor rule. which dc1er the IIR)·hut-1alcn1cd wrn~er
    ,cored h,i.. ,econd goal. of the 1cr~ player, from blnrnn1ly s1nrt·
    ~al'ne. ,,...,, one of 1hc flcrce,1. ini; h~h1,. :d,o de1cr, cnfnn.:cr,
    mm.1 uncalled-for h11, rn reccn1 Imm deahn!! nut pum,hment 10
    me,n,11 )· S1111. Su1er con1mues ro chc:ip-1ihot oflender-. for le~1r c,f
    rlay whilt: Karrya can ·1 c,·cn con- l!•ving the other 1cam a man ad
    ce n I rate for periods of 1ime vn nrn ge. II S uter had ~I\ en
    lnni!cr 1h.1n an hour
    Kanya thou kind or .1 h,1 in
    Th,, should open the cyec; of L:1Flcur", day. 1hey·d , 1111 hi.!
    lea!!UC rule-makers. f'or the \CC· p:chnt!' him nff ot lh: 1cc.
    ond 1 1me m a, many ,c,...on,. a
    •Lei", face 11. if L:1Flcur h,Ki e,..cr
    talented. onc-of•a•lind player has ~nuen a c,1rccrh,uJ hi\ c;nrecr put m JCOp:1rdy by 11 would h.il,cctr.l the Canad1cn, one
    a concu,,,on. Everyone remem · nf the hc~t winger. ,n lhc gan1e·, hi'-·
    hers P:it l,.afontame·, cond111on IOI")'. hut 11 woukln"t h.t\'C coc;11hcm
    one year ago ~" he tncd to over· anywhere nc.Lre1~h1m,llmn dnll.rr...
    cornea "lnular a1lmen1. Wha1 1f TilC game ,, nc.)w al-.oa hu,i1'1C,,. anti
    Kan yo·, prohlcm ,c. wor,e., Whal 1hcrc·, no way nf ~clung amund 11,
    11 we will never ,ce h11n reach his
    tull pn1entrnl'!
    T his Week's Ri~ Games:

    New York Kani:ers at New
    The first thing 1ha1 the lea~ue
    ,hnuld dn " in,111u1c an mdcri- Jer:1iey Otvils
    n11e , u-.pension for na1:rant pen• Time: Saturday. 3 p.m.
    al11ci- rcf.ultini; 111 long-1crm
    Yes. th1!o. is a huge rivalry. only
    inJury. I( Kariya. 1he vic1im. will made h1gi;er since the Ran~cr<:
    ml\lii the rcM of 1hc r.cason. why knoc ked the heavily-favored
    ~hould Su1er.1hc offender. J;.Ct to Devils onto the ~olf cnurse early
    ploy'! Th,~ ac1ion alone would in la1ii year's Eastern Conference
    help 10 curh mnny or the mind- semifinals - pcrhap, one ul 1he
    lc1is. ahcMhe-whi1i1le 1nfrac1ions hi~feq surprises ol la1il season.
    thnl occur in a t..p,nr1 where frnsBui tha1 ·.s cxoc1ly wha1 11 wa1i:
    1ra1ed pl-:.ycrs arc holding big. /mu year. Tlli,t year 1he Devil, are
    wooden Stick1i. Right now. a fou r- much-improved on ht)th end~ of
    ~amc suspen1,1on (the lcng1h 1ha1 1hc ice. while the Rangc rc. no
    Su1cr W31i given) i~n·t enough 10 longer h:1vc Mark Mc,sier. 1,1,1 ho,e
    dc1er players who lose their cool mere presence save 1hem a menial advanrngc over 1hc De..,,.
    from doini; some1hing siupid.
    In addition. 1he league needs
    This game will be key in de·
    1hc Ranfe rs· ployoff
    10 in!o.l11U1c a prorcctive equip·
    ment requirement for all playen- chance~. A, 1hcy now 1-rnnd only
    who cn1crcd 1hc IC3fUC this de- 1wo pnin1, ou1 of a rlayoff ,pnt .
    c11dc. Kariya. who already wears 1he 81ue1ihitl!- need 10 ,1ar1 here
    a pro1cc1i"c visor on his helmet in prcwmg them,;,cl vc~ tn GM
    will ccna1nly be weanng an even Neil Smi1h and new Head Coach
    mnrc pro1cc1ive helmet on hi1, John Muckier. before 1he cote of
    head 1f and when he C\ler rcrnrn1, the 1eam i, dealt and the rebuild·
    10 1hc: ice. One 1h1ng 1ha1 ing proce,-. be~in,.
    Lafontaine·, 1roublc1, hove Otvll.t 4. Ranittr( J
    showed u1i 1s 1ha1 more effective
    equ1pmen1 1t very p0~1iiblc - • Edmonlon Oilert,; a t Toronto
    1i1ncc resuming his career he has Maple Leafs
    taken some naqy shots. and hi, Time: S:uurday. 7:~n p.m.
    The 01lerc; hud a hnrnblc ,wrr
    ,uper-pro1ccovc helmet i1i probably 1he rca1,on that he ha1,n ·1had 10 1hc seihon de.:;pue bein' nnc
    runhcr concu~sion1i.
    of lhe tavonics 10 compc1e for
    This would immediately make 1hcir division crown. Well. 1rade
    a d1rferencc m 1hc number of undernch1cving forward Ja ~on
    head injurie1i <;us1ained every year Arno11 10 1hc Oe\•ib tor rn~gcd
    and it shouldn't be hard 10 con- winger1, Bill Guerin ond Valeri
    vince 1he NHL PlaycN" Asc:Mia- Zelcpukin and you·..,e ini your•
    • Ye1i. 1hc league ~ccm1i to h.t\'C
    finally fulfilled 11-. promi~e lrom
    1wo ,ca1ion~ ngo and srnrtcd call
    inf lhe game the woy 11 " wnucn
    ,n 1he rulehool. Player, nre no
    longer gelling away with :-t1ckhold1ng. ohqruc1ion and 01her
    oway-from-the-puck infrnc11on1,
    tha1 have been clogging up 1hc
    neutral zone for the la,t four
    yc:ir<:. Now. let', ~cc how lnng


    lc.1~11c·, lllll\l Jlllll.!111 J')lmcr rl;,y,.
    Edmon111n "111 h,1\C 1,, ,.,_.1 .1r B1..-11 llull anti l'Ompany have
    for a pla~nll ,p,11 th,, ,c,1,nn. lx-..-n 1.1k111~ l11ll ,1dwmli.1~1.! ol 1hc
    ¥.hic..'h ,,. ,nnh.·lhrni 1hc~ ·H· C \ I r;i 111,llhlth ;llll;ll_:C"' ~Cfll"fillCd
    grn\\n l,11rl) ;1t,.·cu-.1om1.·tl 10 111 h~ llll' t1h .. 1ru1.·1nm 1.·r.1\.ld•rnn
    rccc,11 yc.ir,. S11ll. ,111~ 1111111! , .. S,m:t 1lw hrcal. lhl." Rlt1..-, r1n~·cr
    pll..-.1hlc .1, the~ pl,1~ 1hc 111,1111r- rl;.1~ h.1, 1.·1,nHr11.·d m..-r 1n per·
    11y or thc-:ir rc,u,111un1_: ~.1mc, \.'\.'Ill nl 11, 111,pu11t11u11c,.
    t1!!t11n,11cam, w11h n.x·llrd, \"'1",c
    rhc 1\\,11;1111.hc \\1II rcm,un
    1han 500.
    \\llhoul k;uhn~ !!o,1l-,c111c1· J11c
    The Le.it\ arc ,1111 dcrnn ,11111 S,1l.11.• lllf ;1111l1hct l.'tlUl'k ot \\-Cd,
    oul. the producl 111 1111,m.111,1~1.'- . t.k.1..- 10 ,in in1ury .. u,1,11ncd m lhc
    mcn1 hy cx•Gcncr,11 ~1.in,,fl"rl Ol~m1,,._., "h,k rlayrn~ lnri..-,11n
    Prc,idc111 Chll rlc1rhcr. S11II. 1111, C.111.td.1 S11II. 1h1, 11..•.1111 1-\11:1"1"
    1c,1m h.i, ,1 hright ht1ur..- \\ uh " ,01111,.· 111111,c .. ,1\t.' 1;1!..-111 \\ uh the
    t111:.1hty (jM m Ken nr~lll•n ,ind Ille, ,,1 l\•11.•r l·mc,hl'rg. J\d,1111
    two ,upcr,1a1, - fo,1flcn1kl' Fdn lk.ttlu1,11,h. S.ind1, 0,-,1,n,h .,ml
    Potvin ,inti 1.·entt.·r Mai.. Slmdtn
    P,tlrid Hn~ W11hnn\1lhm11 S,1l.11.·.
    1h1, 1i..·.1m w1ll l"\rCl"/t' u, ., tft\1,11111
    "l-!llCd for 1hc llC\:I IC\\ }C,lf\
    Thi\ tc,1111 h:.,, ,t future. 1-\111 1111 .. .-. lllk
    a t~unc 1ha1 the Oiler- nc..-cl 10 \\ m
    Soll. 1hc Blu..-, "'II p1uhatily
    11 they w.in110 he wlcn ..crn,u,I~· 1,1lc lurlhcr ,u.h.inHl~c ol 1hc11
    Oilers ~. Maplr 1..,afs l
    r~uwcr 11l.i) orr1or1U11111..-,. tllal,nf
    1111, ;t h1~h-,1.·nnng ;1t1;11r. The
    • SI. l.oui~ Hluts al Colormfo J\\al,mdll· ,1mpl) w11n'1 tlc ahlc
    111 l1.·c1) 11r w11hou1 1hc1r t.·,1pw111.
    Time.-: Wcdnc,cl;,y. 7p.m
    Him·~ 6. A,·111:mdw -l
    No 1eam h.1, hc..-n hnu..-r ,1111.'\."
    the Olymp11.· l'lr...•:1L lh,rn thl• St.
    Lt1lll"' Blue, W11h one ,,1 lh\.·

    ,cit .I ICllll!'h hoc.·lc) ICtUH .

    NHL Power Ratings:
    1. New Jersey Devi ls (38-16-6): Devils need top production from overachiever, clown the st retch .
    2. Dallas Stars (38- 14-9): L,ck of physicality could
    hurt the Stars down the s1er1ch .
    3. Pittsburgh Penguins (3 1- I 7- 13 ): More open g.,me
    will help Jagr and the Pen<' offen,e, but m,I)' expose
    goaltending weakness.
    4. Detroit Red Wings (34-15-13 ): Fcdcrov's return
    provides yet another top scorini: threat.
    5. Colorado Avalan che (32- 15-16): Injuries arc killing the Avs, bu1 they ,hou ld be healthy for the playoffs.
    6. St. Louis Blues (33-22-8): Scorching specia l teams
    and veberan defensemen have Blues playing better
    than ever.

    NHL Standings
    Easte111 Cn11fere11ce
    New Jcr,cy
    NY R.mi,:1.·,..
    NY hl.tndt•r,
    T.1mp.1 8,ty

    rm ..buri,:h
    Buf(., lo







    J .l














    I I9



    I .II

    I SO
    I St,












    I' I




















    11 7

    I 17




    I' I
    I 5J


    Westen, Co11fere11ce
    S1. Lc,u1,


    Leh An~dt•,

    Si.rn Jo,c




    ,.. ,








    I 1)0
































    I 71
    I '19



    I 'IR







    -- - -



    National Sports


    I I '


    Have No Fear, Hoop Fans: March Madness Is Her •


    II II

    Prmcc1cm ;lnd St John',
    Commenl~: Let the ,pccul.t11onend:
    the Pnni:c1on Ti~~ will be OFht here
    - w.11ha fi,c ~ - c,.cn though 1hey
    only lo,1 one !;:ullc .ill-.ea..on. which
    w.1, 1t1 Nc1nh Carohn.1! St. John·~ Wlll
    ~cl .i h,c ,Inc , f 1hcy have .a !;Ot1d
    ,tttn,,,nt; ac 1he B1~
    1h,._ wccl-.cncl, Sm(."C the Toumamenl

    11 ·, almc,,1 here. ) ou can lcel 11 in
    1hc :ur. Ynu c:111 ,cni;c 11,;; prc'-4."0CC'
    hut you c,m ·1 qm1c mr1J..c 11, 6J p,an.,.
    out m tht' di,.1.iocc. S11II. )'OU dctim1cly J..nn" 11 \, comm~. B1i dance
    umc.1hc NCAA Tnumamcnl ::ind lhc
    ht.•,1 ltmc nt the year (or colle~c
    hoop, l;m,


    Tilc (W ,c,un, 1h:u arc dwuJed mu,
    1hc tnur rc!,; • o n .i


    N C: A A


    hr :11." I.. CI\

    he an-

    llllll!ll-Cd fl-ll


    Sunday nl
    fi:.lO h111.
    t'ClcW'C lhc)'
    I 11r-

    Maroon-News Staff

    nrnl ly .,n,u,unt:cd. I will ~,vc you my
    pred1c111111~ wh:11 1he '-Cetlm~,;; will
    kw,J.. hJ..c tor 1h1c. }Car\, Tnumamcnt
    Sn. here we ~o:
    # I Seed,: An1on:1.. Duke. Kan,a,;;
    ,ind Nrn1h Carohn;t,

    Comment~: Thc,e '-"Cre 1he four
    duh" 1h,11 were ,upf10\Cd m gel 1hc
    numhcr f,ne -.tttl,. The AP pres.ea~n
    pnll \\Clll C'<#2 ~ffci'ii: Conncr11cu1. Kcn1ud)·.
    Purd11c and Urnh,
    ( 'ommtnl,: Onl) Purdue and U1ah
    nw,1 pl:!) well nl 1hc1r l'C(;pecuvc
    l'ontcrcncc mum;imcn1, a~ 1hc other
    1wo nrc lnd,s
    #.\ Sttd$: M1chifan Sime. M1!ii.(;j(;.
    ,,pp,. Swntord :ind TCU.
    Commcnl~: TCU i, dclin11ely o d.111i!erou1: team. Billy Tubb(; ha~ heen
    1hcrc hctorc w11h Oklahon,n, and
    now he·, hacl wnh a \Cf')' a1hlc11c
    TC"U duh 1h:u put, 100 poml~on the
    '1..'Mcho,wd c"cry 111nc II rni..c(; the
    #-' Sttd,: Cmcmn::u,. New Me-<1co.
    Snuth C".1rnhna .ind UCLA.
    Comment~: C'mcinnau a •4·, Yhcucr hchc\·C 11: the Ccmtcrcnce USA
    Tuum:unent ,, hem~ pla)·td on 1he
    Be~,1t:.u,· hClme coun. and the toor•
    namen1 w1 II reward 1h1, dub for per,e, c rrng through numerClu"
    ,u,pcn,1011, 11od inJunc,. Al.::.o. kc.-cp
    .tn C)C on New Mcuco: many he·
    he\C 1h1, ,.., lilt· lir-1ch:rnce they hm c
    had 10 m,tl-.e n nm deep mm the 1ournamcnt. ,,nee !hey have h;1d 1remendou, thlltcuhy 1n 1he pa(;I. Alumm
    will not be happy lm,mg w11h !<,UCh n
    i;,,.xlclnh :md we nit know \\-hat 1h.u
    lc:ttl, 10...
    #5 Seeds: Arl-.on~ac;. Maryland.

    ,, p:.ayetl a1 Mad1Mn Squ;u-c: Garden.
    where the Johnnie~ have heen 1rc-

    mcndnu, th1, ycai'. I 1hink they w,11.
    U. Seeds: llhno,s. Michigan. Syra-

    and Ma~'-achu'-Ctts,
    0)mmtnL~: Some h1g-namc collej]C
    hoop pm~rnm, arc ~om~ 10 he ~iven
    ,i,;-,'-'t.--d"' Utvl:1,, and llhncw, may
    ha\C 10 pl:iy well m conlerencc 1ourn.11ncn1 .1(.·t1Un 10 c.trn the-.c ,et.'d\,
    #7 Sred,: Clem,Cln. Oklahoma
    State. Rhode l1oland .ind Temple.
    Commtnl": The Toomomcnl Sck.-ctmnCommmt..-e w.,11 rewardClem"fln
    for ,1 \(1hd )c.1r m 1;uch .1 mt18h cnn·
    ferencc v,.1tha \C\·enth ~.1·,.·e '-1td
    n hetore and r11 (;ay II aFam: nobody
    \\-3nl~ 10 '-CC Temple m 1he1r brackel
    John Chnncy·, mmchup ,one drive(;
    oppt,'-IOF ollcn,;;ec; crn1,y,
    #8 Seeds: Geori:c Wo(;hlll{:ton.
    UNC'-Charlouc. Wc'-1 V1f£11113 and
    <:ommenb: We'll call th,._ ff'Oupthe
    dl\:1ppo,n1mcn1 bunch. UNC-Charlouc. Weq V1r~in1:1 .111d Xav,er all
    had hf,pc,c•I n.'CCl\lnl,; .1ny1h1ng fmm
    a 1wo -.eed m a four -.eetl. bu1 1hcy
    didn't pl:ly uptothal level durinl? the
    re~ular \C:t'-Cln. Th1(; ~f'oup will help
    make for '-Orne \Cf)' mtcre(;ung 8,
    -.ccd \ , . 9 ...._,"Cd dunn,g lhe fi~t mmd!
    #9 Seeds: Ilhno1(; State. Indiana.
    Ncbm,1-.a and Ttnnc,,ec.·.
    Comment.;: Ye(;. llhnol\ S1a1c ,,
    de-.cn In{: 01 ,uch ;i high '-C.'t..-d and.
    ye,. Bohby Kntl!h1 ·, dub will prob·
    nilly h"e 111 1he 1iri.t round once
    a1_!a1n. Keep an eye on 1he \l(lJ1:.They
    are a )Ouni;: club 1h111 ha..( been playmg very well towan:t~ the end of the
    1te:\",n· rcm1mllC.-cn1 uf the
    1991\-97 An,ona "JUOO.


    #JO Seed.;: Ari1ona Sime. Flond.l
    Srn1c. Oklahoma and St. Lou!\.
    Cnmmenl~: Thi'- miph1 he 1he one
    chance you have 10 '-CC SI. Lomc;·s
    freshman c,,cn-.:umn Larry Hughe'- m
    the B,F 0,U'lce. w mal-.e (;Uft you
    dun'1 m1,, 11. He,, ~1111 a liule raw.
    hu1 he', dclilutely wor1h lhc pm.-c nf
    1he 11d.e1 (hSt. LC'1111s having
    J0,000 people at each
    of the,rM'lnc ~a,nc:c;'!)
    Few pc:1hih1y 10 rnkc 1he
    same over lhc way
    Hughc~(.·an. Unfo11una1ely. rumor ha~ ii
    1h111 Hu~he, plan, 10
    iake hi,;, ;ame 10 1he
    nex1 le\'CI .aflcr lhl'
    #II Stoos: Collere ol Charle.«~n,
    Decrou. Iona and Wa,hmgmn.
    Comments: ()c,n'1 {:Cl caught up m
    chc Charle"IC'ln hype: th,(; i( no1 the
    ~amc team a, the naoonully-ranked
    ((111.1d 1hcy had last )'Caf. Need 10 pteL
    .rn up(;tl rn the hr...i round"! ChecL
    out whoC\Cr wm1.i... up pl,1png
    Iona 1n rhe 1ir,t-round II
    ;1 lcam with :l treat m,ulc l_:illllC
    - .ind ,·hana., an.• 11 w·on·1h<- he·
    colll'C there arc nnl) ubnul lcn
    1c,lm(; ,n the 11011011 that hll 1ha1
    requirement - lhcn pick 1he Gach
    of Jona. Then. 1ry and figure out
    whal 1he hell a Gael t(;'
    #12 Seed!'l: E;:i(lcrn M1ch1~an.
    Memph1(;. Hawaii and Wake For-


    State. Fa1rle1gh D,ci..m ... on and he.1rt anti ~oul of h•~ club. A,
    ' I
    i;oc,. ,o in the Spanan,.
    V:1lpara1~"Commenl~: F:urlc,!!h Ridiculnu, Larry Hua.he.~ - S1. Loui~·" unbt
    ha, a chance 10 1-.nod 1:(l1lle1111c nll. he, able fre,;;hman ,.., 1hc real de~
    They manhandled Lon)! i..1.111d Rrlkl MIiier - Purdue'!ii. h1i: rn.1n 1
    ,n \CN.ltllc that ti you don·1c.lO!Jtt:
    Um\'Cr.lly m 1hcir c1~nfcrcnce 1uurn,m1em and arc ,1, mhlc11c a, .m) hun. he'll hum you 1<1f JOprnni1o
    te;un m lhc m111on.
    I~ l'ehc1uotl\. Mtehifan S1a1e c,m,._
    c,1 10 1h1,;;. If ynu do dnuMe him
    #15 Seed'l: Bu1ler. Dav1thon.
    Nonhern Arizonri and San Fr.1n- he'll p.t'-'- nut nf lhc po<-1 and h
    c1~h1 ;t<..,i\l<. helorc the game,._ o\c,
    Commtnl'l: Unfonuna1cly IOt' San An"'u Se~ay - Ole M1(;~·~ :nh1t1,;;
    Fmn. 81II Ru(;sell hal\ 1?r.1cJu.11cd. o1l- and ,la,hm!! lorward record,
    1h,10£h he «lOld prm.,hly ,1111 help tlc,uble-tllmhle every 11me he pla),
    1hi~ club. Nclb<~y r1ut of 1h,~ {!H'IUP 8c,idc1:. with a name hli.e Alt\
    liihould plan to miM a lot nl cl:, . .., due • Se,ay. he·, ~01 io be f:ood.
    F..arl B'" 1he NCAA Toumainen1.
    # 16 Sttdt,:: Navy (P,11rm1 Lc;tiuc
    "Lanie Earl" ,mly 1;mnds S' 5·· 1all,111.'.
    winner). Nicholl, S1,11e (St1u1hl:imt yoo'd never Lno"' ii fmm hi~ ~in,
    r,,ntcrcncc wmocn. Radford ,ind "'-''" He ..., \.CC.'-ond m 1he counll) .
    Te,a(; Southern CSWAC w1nncrt
    ....:c)r1n1_: ,u 25.!i. while dl'hm~"
    Commen1.s:. It will he one .nltl ou1 e1~h1 a",;;1,;;11: per ~mne. The fai.1 rha
    for each nfthc:"-C 1cam... But ~y. 11 ·, he,..,.,( lell nft the '"' <11 I5 finjhll.
    :l i:rcat expencncc for all the player-.
    tor the John Wooden award. \It.hit
    mvCll\'ed. and 1hey'II he ahlc to tell ,omconc 111-.c Vince Caner "-il,n·~
    1hc1r 1::r,1ndl-.1dit 1hr11 1hey !'!u.irdecJ 1nc.hc;.11c,;; the ~ame now \'aluc, Jeti~
    Raef Lafreniz. Mile(; S11non or h.111c duni.., rather 1han ou1,;;1and1~
    Antawn Jan11...on The onl) prnhlcm 'f}l;t) I'm not qmle .,urc 1h;.1t', hi ~
    " 1ha1 1llc)l.t t-1 t, (Ced game-, will he Coach \Vooden hl,.c,;, 11. ,mi.I ,1"lf'l"lt
    mer .u halH,me and the ,upc"i.u, Ihm~ h.:lh ,nc 1h,11 he dnc,n·1 hnt_
    wc,n'1 he pla)lllf: man)' m1m11c, 1
    100 mud ot a'-') 11, 1he ,1w-ard ti(,..
    Mayhe the~ are thi, ~t:ir·, ,tr- 1n~ h1, n.nnc.
    ~i...1\ 1cr.
    l>t'Teri l\la~e"' - M,,)'e, "
    ~1',;;(;1,,1ppt and Tcnne.......cc
    pure ,cnrcr. He'll bca1 )'OU h1
    'l'he Gnlialh'i: UCLA. Cmt.:mn,111. im)-whcrc nn 1hc cnun~ ,1,..eni~,,~~
    New Mc"<.:ent lrnm 1hrce-pom1 ran~e. Ht\
    The Oavidti: Iona, Ea\tcrn M1ch1- 1hc rea,nn you mit;ht \Ce 1he R.-;,
    J;an. Murray Srn1c and Richmond. er, in 1he ,econcJ round ot 1hc IC'1'1r,



    Comments: The Rarnhtlw~ need
    10 play well rn the We'-ICrn A1hlc11c Conference (WAC) Tournament to earn on 111vi1a11on. A<:- hl!'
    E.a,tern M1ch1~an· ... 11" 1ht)' face
    a team wit.h a \\-Cal-. rn1er10r. 1hc
    ,;1mt appllc, for them a, 11 cJoe.,
    for 1hc Gach ol Iona .•ind )'OU ,an
    pencil them rn for ~1 lir-.t rc,und
    #13 Seeds: Murray S1,ue. Pac1hc.
    Richmond and Sou1h Alabama.
    Comments: If you don '1 1-.now
    nhnut Murray S1:ue. you ,hould a11L
    ,omchody Led by De 'Ten Maye,.
    1he Racer, are for n:.il and nul!hl
    JU"t knod off one ol the b1r ho)'~.
    A" for Richmond'( upset pmenual.
    a(k Syracu~c tibout the Spider~
    when 1hey were (;ttdecJ second in
    #14 Seeds: B0~1on Univer~ity
    (America Ea~1 winner). Coppin

    \Player:(; to "'' atch oul for during
    lhe Ris: Oanc:e lhal ~ou mil!hl not
    ha,e !.ffn during the regular ~a,, on:

    Ma1een Clea~u - M1.:h 1~;m
    S1,11e·1: i;ody tloor-le.1Jcr ,, the

    Thai', my analy~1s. All I ha,tl

    ,,1) ,._ ,i..,p cl;ai,,-.;, t.ikc 1llnc" n, 11•
    1u1 )'- Dt, whme-..·er you ha\·e tn ~,
    mdcr hl ,pend lung hnu" \l!llnt!' ,,
    l nllll ot 1hc TV w,uehm[! me NCA.\.

    \/,1n111n-.\1·~~, \'.t/t1Jn,d \/ 11Jrt,

    l:olkgi: B.1,ki:th.1II Top 2:;
    I. Duke
    2. Arizona
    3. Kansas
    4. North Carolina
    5. Utah
    6. Con necticut
    7. Kentucky
    8. Princeton
    9. Purdue
    10. Stanford

    I I. Mississippi
    12. Michigan State
    13. Cincinnati
    14. Texas Christian
    I 5. South Carolina
    16. Arkansas
    17. UCLA
    18. Michigan
    19. New Mexico
    20. Illinois

    1. Money 2. Travel 3. Football
    The Varsity Football Team is looking for two
    managers for next year's team. Managers will be
    paid and travel with team to road games is included.
    Any interested people should call Coach Dan Hunt
    at X7619.


    National Sports

    MARCH 6. 1998


    Feerick 'Chokes' On Spree Case
    In front of a rowdycrowd at Cameron IndoorSudium. the Duke
    Blue Devil, CJ.me back to knock off Nonh Carolina in one of the
    ~sl ~a mes of the season. Boston Red Sox slugger was inexplicably
    .1cquhted on drunk driving ch~rges. despite testimony that claimed
    he w:as unable co count beyond 5 following his arrest. And this
    week. the Feat goes to ...

    Portland Blazers: Trailing ... By A Lot
    The Indiana P:1cers defeated the Blners l24·S9 in the second·
    most lopsided game in NBA hi11tory. For the fi rst 1ime since che
    Advent of the shot clock. one tc,1m doubled the points of ,mother
    J'i dtc P.1cers won by an unfathomable 65 poinu. Perhaps moSI
    amazing of all - Portland had won in Chicigo only two nighu earlier. handing the Bulls just their rhird home loss of the stason.

    ..I should have sold my urine to the Ynadian
    snowboanfcn ...

    -Clncmnatr Rtds C'atch~r £ddrt Taubtnstt d[Ur
    pdumg /,is sprmg t'r,iinmg physw,I.

    l)ono, .in\ l'uh Tri, i.1 (:h.1llcngc
    Who was the only pitcher ro chrow a no-hitter
    in four consecutive seasons?

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    •Last week's winner: Andrew A1e,er '99

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    Anudq 1hc Ions hM ,1f problem\
    that 1he NRA ha, faced chc pa,1
    ,cveral YC-'"· 1t d1dn·1 nttd 1h11- hlt·

    est hit or con1rovcr,y. When 1he
    lea,g.ue finnlly ,look 1he hard-no4-ed
    s.tance on an i~.:.ue. 1hey Y.Crc np•

    By undcrnunml,! 1he tmlhon1y ol
    hnch 1he lc.i~ue ,md the tt.•.nn. thi:
    arhuer ruined 1he oppur1u1rny
    which the lc.i,guc had Jompcd al. 10
    llex ~ome mu~ck and ,rnnd ur tn


    nearly every·
    one hu1 1h~il'
    Plnycr~ A~(O·
    cin1mn. who
    would have
    Sprewell. or
    any player t'or
    1ha1 maner. if
    they were on dc:uh row. Jma the
    ~ame. tht one pC:r:(On who needed
    to give his. approval 10 1he affnir.
    There is no way m 1:ugnrcoa1 the
    1ru1h: Sprewell will oc11 h.ivc 10
    ~rve the puni~hmeni 1hm he wall
    ~ivcn by Comm11-i.roncr David
    Siem ,md hy the Golden Srn1e Warriors. Pcrhol)', lhc only po;.111,•c 1h;11
    come!i: out of 1he en1ire si1ua1ion ,~
    that no one. in any wny. really hen·
    elii... from 1he n1lm~ handed tlown
    Wcdnc~ay by independent arb11m1or John Feerick. who ovenurned
    lhc team·.; tcrmmation ot
    Sprewell"~ con1rac1 and !>-hortcncd
    lhe lcnl,;lh ol the comm,,..,,oncr",
    A"' ol' July I. Sprewell rc1um,
    m the Golden Srnte 11rgonw111on.
    alhell prnh.ibly not for long. Th,,
    i~ neither wh:11 the former All-Star
    anucipaccd nor what he del-ircd a~
    a solution. so he Can·, he 100 cwerJO)'cd, I won'I feel badly f<'lr him:
    1hc dcc,~ion to rc,maa1e h1!>- contract rc1urncd S 17.J4 mill1<'n 1u
    him. The linal toll for Sprewell i,
    1h01 for Chol.in~ his ht).;s, C(l:tCh
    P.J. Carlc..,mm. he will h:1vc hccn
    s,hpendctl for 68 ~amc, and pcnali,ed hy a lo-,!'- ul S6A million. It
    should ha\'C t,cen more.
    I thinL 1ha1. if 1he arh11er
    would have r•:imply 1-hortencd
    Sprcwelrs ~u,;pen!r:1on from the
    orit;inal one calendar yenr 10 ,imply the end ot 1he N8A ,eason. ii
    would not he such a tu~ deal. Had
    h,, su,pcn'IOn noi enc.led un1il
    Occemhcr 191)9. Sprewell prnhahly wouh.l ha-..e nc,1 found 100
    lll.lll) dollar, t1\\1111111g hun 111
    trec·at?Cll\'.y. And by not Ju" end•
    IRJ:! it in July. bu1 hy .il,o rcim1a1mg the con1rac1. Sprewell will not
    ge11he luxury of1cqing hi~ value
    nn lhc open marl.el ill all. The re.al
    di~1;a1i-.:fy111~ aspec1 of 1h1~ ar•
    rangcmcnl i, lhat lhe .1rb11cr
    Mcpped in and ruled again-.i lhe
    league and 1hc 1cam al till - nnl
    1hc actunl rcsuh.
    Scc11on 16 of the uni form
    NBA player contrnc1 ~lales Ihat
    all pl:tycr!i must "conform 10 ~1andard" of good ci1i1en~hip and
    good moral charac1er'" prohibit•
    inJ; 1hem from "cng,1ging in ac111
    of moral 1urpi1Ude:· Like 1he
    01her c l3uscs in the con1rac1. if
    1his one ~oes unfulfilled. 1hc employer may 1ermina1e the agree•
    men1. The Warriori. hecarnc the
    firs1 team ever tn invoke the
    clau!i:e and C!i:!'-en1ially rired
    Sprewell nn ground, lhat he c.lid
    nOI live up co 11. I am in agreemen1 wi1h Garry S1. Jean. general
    manager of the Warrior:t.. 1ha1 at·
    tacking one·,- coach con!itilUtes
    moral turpitude. A!i Stern .,;aid tin
    Wedne.,;day. how Feerick could
    rule 1h11 Sprewell"J ~eemingly
    premedita1ed anack on hi~ coach
    rould not w1mnt termination i~

    Asst. Natio11af Sports Editor
    it-.: playe~. Th", .. extremely rmhlcma1ic for :i leaJ_:ue ,uffennl! tn,m
    a ple1horn of ima~e """'"·
    A hricf tnurnf lhC' NBA d1 .. pl,,~,
    why 1he le:il,:ue·lt> JlOJltrlimty ,, 111
    jeopardy. By ..,.irtml,; m L1"'- An~..:le ... whel'e it h painful 10 even ,ech1ghht=h" of lhc l~.OCH) t:lllJ'II~
    ,e.i1, .11 1hc 'Sf')(1r1, Arc,1.1. 11 , .. 11h.
    VUlll\ lh:11 lh<.• e-pnce, MC nul ignored C\ crywhcrc.
    a, they arc 111 New Yori.: and Phoenix. On 1he coun. 1hc mo..i h;1 ..1c
    problem ,, a hH.·J.. ot cumpc11t11m;
    1hc De1l ver Nut-:get" h:I\C t 1vi::
    wm,. Fwc. They h,1\C 54' l,,..,..e,
    Ry comJl,iriMm. 1hc Chic,1!=11 llulf..,
    h,1\e lihl .lt) i;;1mc .. ,met· M11.:h,11.·I
    Joni.in c.uue 0 111 ol n:llrcmcnl m

    hcr,on . .i c1,n,·1t.·1ed l"ch1n and
    C.eor~.:1tm n t.lropnut. \I.OU Id nnt
    h;I\ C hl':1.' n ,n ca1ele..,, w11h h,,
    .. ummcr pn1 -.. mnl..m1! 11 1he cnn ,cquc:111.:l':, wnuld have hcen more
    "l':' ere than .i one i:amc- ,u,pcn,11,11.
    Wchher ,, ;1, ret·cn1 ly Jllllkd
    twer for .. peed·
    Ill~ tlll h1, \\,I)

    10 pr;.'1.'llCI.' al IO

    ,un Ht.• h~, w;1"

    ,1unctl ,11 1he
    ,,me. I tlun'I
    th1nJ.. .1 rolcnHH.kl d1,cu"·
    ,u,n 1, nci.:e",1ry here. hu1 1he
    (t11n.1~c 1h,11 an lnl'1tkn1 IIJ..t.· thm
    ,h,c" to 1hc perccp11on ol the
    ka~uc ,, 1111111..:a,ur:ihle. Whal "
    ,ad h 1ha1 . while 1h,.., 1:;111,cd em·
    h.1n-.1, .. mcn1 (,1r Wchha ;md the
    W,1,h,nft,1n 1e .im. 11 h;irtlly
    t..·,111,t·tl ,in upro,ir. Such 1hm~ .. ,ire
    ..u cn1munnrl;1cc ,n 1he NBA
    l't1mnn1111I)' 1h,11 no one r..:nll>

    The W,1rnclr... cared. They made
    the d1ll1c11l1 dc\'.i,mn In drop 1he1r
    he"! pl:1yt·r. wtth nnt·nmp,cn,.11 ion.
    ,11111,Jy hcc;III\C II W:t\ lhc nghl
    lhtn~ In do. Sprewell did 1101 dc,cr,c h1 he allnwctl 10 r lay ,111 1h:-.1
    1cam or h,l\'C h1, rct.1uc,1 In he.
    11.1tk1I lulltllcd. Mayhe al ,omc
    pt•1111 .t ~con,1 chanc-c wnuhl have
    Sr,c,1J..1n~ nf. I,m.., arc t.·11n ..1.m1 I) hccn ,~,ur.uned. h111 he h;ul 1111
    .. uh.1cc1cd 111 hc;mn~ lhc !=rca1c,1 place 1hcrc S1crn cuulJ h,wc ,It'·
    player whu,e and 1hrc~11e,, 1t, n.•1irc ct:-pted that .mtl held Sf')rcwcll nu1
    ,hould hi' cotlch nnt he rehired
    for ;1 le" l!;nnc .. , hLc he did 10 Oen·
    The lack ofloyahy -.:hown. nm 11nly n,.., Rr1o1.lm,m f;1 .. 1 ,ca.;(,n for nudi;·
    10 men Ille Ph,I J ad, .. on ;ind
    m~ ,I 1.:ourt..1dc c;uncr,umm. hclnrc
    Geor~e K.irl. htH the pl;\yer, ;,, ;1lluw111f h1111 10 ''!!" w11h nnn1her
    "'ell. i,; crouhhn~. Thi" ,ummt•r. 11 1ca111. lrMC,111. lhc NRA ,ou~hl In
    1, widely ,... ,umed. the c,,llet'l1\ t:· m,11,,c .in e,,rn1Jllc nr the rc~J..le,,h~u·t';unrni; agreement will he re- nc,.., 111 Sp,cwdl. 1h:11 ,ui.:h hchilV·
    opened due 10 endle"I)·cw,1latm~ 111r wt•ultl hardly he 1nlcr,11cd.
    s.il,inel. The din:c1 re,ull w1I I prnt-.
    HowC\Cf. Fcer1cl.. det·id.:d.
    ahly he lhc J..ind c1I lod.11u1 th.11 m,ll'h hLc 1hc 1mlgc 111 1hc rcce111
    Stern :wClldctl. unhJ..e lhc NHL ,ind C'u,cy M.ir1,n hennng. th:11 he
    Major Lcnp.uc B.,~chall. carhe, '" wc,ultl inter, enc ,md overrule 1hc
    the decade.
    lc.1~ue on 11, ,iancc. He ,,nd 1hm
    \Vuhout que,11on. 1he h,gi;c..,, 1hc lc.igue hml m• precedent. Exoh,tacle w11h whu:h 1hc le;ll!lle nc1ly Sprc\\rcll \\oultl have ..c11he
    mu\l deal,, the inllux ol d1..,,,,1. prct·etll·ru Whal pl;1) er would he
    ,,lied player" C'nn...,Jer the nh:n: .. wp,,1 cnt'4.1J;h Ii' dn :in) lhtnl! on the
    lun.1\'.)' nr tcc,w:;c,, re,ct.·1111:; ,;1111<." lc\d "" chnJ..m:; 1hc1r t·11.1t'h
    guar,mlccd con1r.1c1, ol more th,11 ;1~.1111. J..nu" ml! lhc con\.Cqucncc,'
    (;100 m,11,on lm;1~1nc tantl I
    Dunnt W1.·dn.,: ..(1;1y· .. t,,•onlCI'·
    t.l11n·1 mc.111 111 p1cL nn Kl·, m cnn· t,·;1II. S1crn ,ununcc.l up h1,
    Garnc11 ht:\'.;.n1,c hi: ,, 1hc lccl111~,. ··1 1h111f.. 1h..: tund,11ncnT1mhcrwolve,· franch,..,d ., h;1,. 1.1l 1lmn1 ,, whether )'OU c.111 ,1nJ..c
    l.ethall pl,1ycr - nnc "ho ne11h..:r )'OUr hn" ,ind ..,,, 11 hold ynur 10h.
    h,1, a collet,;c cduca11on. nm 1hc Th.: ;111,wcr ,, 1ha1 )'tlU c;innot
    uh1lity 10 get one. 1hanJ...., 111 a 11 ,1nkc ynur tio .. , and ..,,1 11 hole.I
    on h11, ACT, - 1urnml! dn"n 1h;11 your 10h - unle" you pl,1y 111 1hc
    J..1nd of mwnrJ..1ng environmenl :ill11wctl the t1~h1 u.le.1. The Gtiltlcn State
    him to do it .ind tn he rcw,irdcd W;irnnr,. who had the Oll"'-1 w
    lmc. hatl the n!!hl idea Sp,·ewcll
    hy uppm~ the ,1111e even lu11hc1
    The 1emm are v1c11m,nflhc 1rn1n- wuultl IM,c "ullcrcd. hul h1, ca~1er.1h:u Stern crca1cd He matk reer \\ottld nnt have hcen n.uned:
    1hc lcai;uc wha1 11 i, u,tlay .me.I 11 ..,,Hnc low -rcn1 11rt!an11ation.
    is h1.; prohlem that there ore fran· muyhc nnc wuh Grcg1; Pnpov,ch
    chi5.e~ willing 10 pay the player, m the helm. would have handed
    .,;uch outrageou.; money ;md then c1u1 t1 h1g contrn<.·1 10 land
    ~uffcr 1he fotc nf hhin1= money Sprewell evcnwally.
    Th 1, dcc,..,u,n dc1c,n ·1 ;1ccomond raising 11cke1 price ...
    In the pa'iit year ..ever.ii h1t,;h· pli,h any n( lh.H - II .lt'l'1101pJi..,hes
    profile pl;1yer, have found them- 1m1h1nt!, Wh.11 can he lct1rned'! A
    .;clvci. m lcl!til lmuhlc" llrnnh 1n 1c,11u doc, nn1 have the ~uuhoruy
    1he1r mariju.ina hah11,. The NB,\ to lcrmmntc .t c1,n1r:u.:1. lhc comi" u,ecJ In dc,1lrn1,; with chu~ prol'i- 1111"1oncr thlC .. 11·1 have 1he ngh1
    lcm.,;: Rny Tarpley nn lon~er to imrilcmcm h,.., own ._u,pcnsion
    play~ baskclhall hec,w,c he and. while 1he player ii. pum..,hccJ.
    c<,uldn'1 May away from coct1ine. there 1~ no htMins harm. He 10"1
    Accordins to 1he league. mari- some money. hut kepi hi,; job ..
    jmmn i!!o nol a hanned suhMance The whole !'-ilut11ion turned IO
    1ha1 can he IC!Hed for. Every s i1U- !>-hamble~ and 1he real :-.hume i!i
    11ion 1he NBA foce~ i:,. a product 1ht11 nothing can be done from
    of their own crea1ion . I am quite prcven1ini; ano1her tlehade like
    certain tha1 7~cr~ guard Allen lhi, tn occur in the ruwre.


    MARCH 6, 1998-



    Department of Education



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    MARCH 6. 1998



    ~Je>Pi:e(J 11


    wtntis blues With •
    _ _ and

    ~@~P$e$ +.



    _kp_ "'"'
    da, hdla and then


    at• local elate ...._
    Wed. 4/1 • . . _ Wed. 4/8. 4-7- Wed 4/15, 4IJplll: ,.._ 4/11. 3pa, • S.t. 4/18. :lpm: PHltD
    4tlO,\; *20: fnltNdOrl,: Kale a.rte: & U. Schulte

    8ptbcti:ne Je

    Prt 3/27. 3-Spm: F'r1 4/3. 3pm - Sat 4/4, 3pm: Fr1

    comna .. n-. time (Of' the V'UUcl.l

    I.am tbofundalilenlalo olcllmblnC
    lnducllnC - .,..,,,. and lccbnlqu... There
    wm be Jtmlty ~ bandi--on o:pcr1a.1tt
    u you reech.

    "'--·and,,,_,.,... -r up Ibo ....n.

    1bure 3/2$, 4-7pm: Thun 4/2, 4-llpm: Sun

    4/12, 7am - 3pm (opUoril.lJ: 'Tbura 4/16, 4-11pm:
    PHltD 490,\: '34: lnotNCIGn: Heidi Erl)ocn & Don



    a.k.a. m)g, lbll eourw Ide you dabble your fed In
    (ouroutdoorpwaulla! - . . . . - . . . _
    and • low .ropm courae.. Bxpe:rlence tomethln& ne,,

    _ . . . , _ , , _ , . . , ...-nfoldlnthe~


    nt 3/27. , . _ Wed 4/1. 4-6pm: Wed 4/8.
    4·7- m 4/17. 2-epm; PHED 486A: t20:
    lnlCNctoro: - - &Alll$Wllllama


    badtym,11 We'll ,_d otrtbo- path f..- -

    ..... . , . . _ . . . _ . -hllilnC, 0yeo....,_
    ceood"' and more. nu COW'te II ror thole who


    tlPe JOU been ln a C1Y9nC due and art dying [or
    men CAVINO? 'n'awd to an amazing marble cave tn
    vr •· ........,
    otren bouni of \mdetVOw>d
    to eq,lo_,,,_
    and de,e1op cmna U>Cbndque. 1bla,. . . ....,. "'P
    )'OIi dcn't want to mlNI
    Prtrtqutslte: beg. cavtnc or lnltructor"a pentllNton
    Tues. 4/14. 7.10pm: rn 4/17. 3pm . Se.t 4/15,


    PHED 496A; ;

    -...a: oa.. 1.uan,a_...., Schla,.SC1u 1.anCow.. I ... •n non-rJund.W. •nd mutt Le ,-id 1t
    ......,.. (c..l, •• .1--1.. ,.,..J,I. 0o C.U.)

    n»e wa,u. Nitto Croeeanc. Sptdtta Web, Add River ••

    7pm; Mon 4/ 13, 3-•7pm: PHEO 467A. *20:
    1.netructon: Ruben caldwtll a Haldre RoCttS

    the IJ'Oup wtD challenge tlldf phy91Cally and mentaJly
    on lheee low ropee c:ow-ee dcmcnta £or t.hrtt daMee
    and lhen Wt the hllb ropes courec 1n Cooperstown.
    lfyou want to cxi-nd your bort&onl lna not•aoordlnary way, thu: COW'9C ls tor you.I
    Wed 4/8. S.8pa:1: Wtd 4/IIS, 3-6pm: Sat 4/18. 12•
    3pm; 1\o 4/21. 4•1 lpm: PH.ED 493.A, *20;
    a Wade Taylor

    m 4/3. 2-1pm: Mon 4/8. 3.


    ae1I end

    Ibo allure ottbo-dM'Walture: lelm the backcol.antry bMke
    food• . , . . . _
    irarth In

    and .....
    tbo-altbo ,.................... __ ......
    )'OW'NII', tue tn eome frelh tiC:'ffltl'>' and tr\101·


    nwr. 3/28. 4-epm: nwr. 4/2. 4-7pm. n>uro 4/9.
    4-epm: m 4/10 . Sun 4/12: PHED 453A: *34:


    _ _ , , , Cbno

    Ga-. <=-n>lyn~.


    Wed 4/1, 4-8Pm,: Wed 4/8. 4-'lm: Wed 4/15, 4·
    8pm: Pl't 4/11 • 8un 4/19: PHltD 4538: *34:
    ~ lllller.JoyO,,-. Vin Rancluzo

    Whit would you do II you had 10 1urvrve a cold
    Hamilton night Without the comforte ol four walls
    and • bed? We1J ~ you the koowt~e and yCKJ
    bring lhe tmnd&etl Emphu,lt le on &d1-challcnge
    and the ftnal O'Y'efflight wt1l be spent l.n • thclter you
    buUd yourself,
    1\let 3/31. 4-6pm: 1\Jce 4/7, 4-7pm: Tuel 4/14. 4·
    7pm, Fr1 •111. 4pm · Sat 4/18, 103.m: PHEO 466A.
    *20; lnatruetot1: lJSI M-,hew a Kat Wdbrecht


    need eome antJ,f.ta- m tbdr 1,tvet,.

    Mon 3/30. s-1Jpm;

    4/10. 2•6pm: Fri 4/17, 2-6pm: PHED 4718, $26;

    Intlructon.: Sara Al/;e 6: Chna Erb

    Kave you

    CYff wondered

    about dcveloplng o( • eense

    or P1ace? Been tntcrcstod 1n orgaruc farms? wanted
    to know whit ~ think wbal they devdop
    forest managemmt pltns? Wdl ~t out or the
    tburoom and lel'• start lhe advmturd There are
    tome ructnaung places and people who really care
    1.boul e:nvtron.mentaJ lNuea around H.amlJton.
    Join 1,.1.1 on a ru•on ol out-docn. tntdlect. 1.nd great
    rum we·u learn by dot.n&, tng13e tn cottversauons
    about Emerson. Thortau. and Leopold, and "8.m
    more about our surround.tnp In Ctntr1.I New York.
    Enroll today with an open mind and detlre to be
    pue:tonate about the natural world
    Fri 3/27. 3-6m: Fr1 4/3, 3pm · Sat -4/-4. 10am; Fr1
    -4/10, 3-?pm: Sat 4/18. 12•-4pm; PHED 46JA.. $20:
    JnstruclOl"I: Adam Dale. Chad Jans.son



    You m11 be thlnklnC: that Liu courwe eounds llke
    tomethlng to •t Cor breufut •• but It's noU We1J go
    canoetnc once at Lake Morunc to learn ~ basiee:
    and once at Nine Mlle Swamp to crplore the
    _,...,._ 1he .......,.,, will mlall hllilnC, camping
    and perbapa-.,. the Vernal 1!quJnox.

    3i(Jil-lt1Jil •r tl\e ~88Jel:
    ~•a ii, - vfe
    5-ti... A

    1bW'e 3/28. 3-llpm: Sal 3/28. 10am • Sun 3/29.
    10am: 1hW"1 4/2-. 3-7pm: 'Tbu.ra 4/9. 3-7pm: PH.ED
    47 lA. t26; lnltrudora: Chapin Brackett 6: Tory




    What is the SPEAK OUT?
    The SPEAK OUT against sexual violence is an
    opporrunity for survivors of sexual violence, both men
    and women, to speak out about their experiences
    with assault, rape, incest, abuse, and harassment in a
    supportive and.safe setting.
    We encourage anyone who has been affected by
    sexual assault, either personally or through someone
    close, to come. You do not have to speak, and many
    people attend simply to show support for others.

    You are more than welcome to just come and listen.
    However, those who speak are talking about
    experiences and emotions which are very powerful.
    We do ask that you taJre their stories seriously and
    come with an attitude of respect, confidentiality, and

    Hall of Presidents
    March 25th, 8:00 PM
    There Is A Way Out Of The Silence
    The Sexual Crisis Resource Center
    228- 7070


    Fight Ignorance at Colgate's 1ST Annual
    LGBT Coafel'ence

    USreakiug Down
    ~ety's Closet"
    Saturday, March 28
    llegistndoD 81llrtll at 9-..30 a w , lr.epnoC. at 10:30 am.

    Kepnote Speak..-: Cougressw~man

    Sabrina Sojourner
    Register by emall at JGREENWELL or by signing up at
    the following locations:
    ALANA Cultural Center
    Center for Women"s Studies
    Resldentlal Life
    Student Activities
    Sponsored by: ALANA CUitural Center, Budget Allocation Committee, Center
    for Women's Studies, Chaplain's Office, Dean of the College, Dean of the
    Faculty, Office of the President, Residential Life, Student Activities



    MARCH 6, 1998


    Men's Hockey Seeks To Earn Home Ice In ECAC Playoffs
    Ry Michael Donlin
    ,H,1,mm-N,·o" Swff

    The men·, ice hockey tcnm cnn1inucd 10 ,m1~glc Ja,q wed.end.

    hu1 rcm;un, rn the mix a"- ,,nc of

    wr !Cam, in lhC ICll!!llC.

    On 1:nday ruih1. ,ix di l fcrc,u
    l l1111,n p luycr, "-l;'orcd ••"- the Sl..::11lll~ Duti:hmt'.'n (6
    hrol..c 1hc1r I J-g,unc E;1,1crn C'nl •
    kg<.· A1hlc111: Ct111fcrcncc cEC AC)
    \\ 111lcv, ,1tc.il. 11l a 6-0 up,et v,c-

    tt,r~ n\'er C1,1i!u1c :11 Siarr Rrnl..
    ··We rrcp,m:d well durint: 1hc
    \\(.'cl... ,rnd when y,,u·vc cxpcn1,.• 1wcd ,1, m;my lo,,c, ri, we have.

    I'd 11 1.. c w 1hml,. 1h.i11hcre ,, only
    11nc ,,.1y in ~n. and lh:11 ,, up: ·

    l J11tc1n Coach Stun Mc1ttre ,a,d al1cr h,, 1c .1m' , llr,1 lc:l}!UC win
    , rn,,;c Dct.·cmhcr ~- 1')97. " When
    ~o n rn,•p;1rc and :1dhcrc 10 lhc

    ,,n,.,.·c,,. ,11.,_•,c




    Dt',l'IIC hemf lHIIShtll 1..1-6 111
    1hc 11r,1 pc:nod. dctcn(cman Joel
    l3Hnd·, llr'1 career ~o"I 1!.ive
    l !n,nn a 1.0 ad\':rnta~c :titer one
    ri:ru~I c,f pl:-1)'·
    ··we: nMy ha, e had <1ur ht',1 1ir,1
    pcn11d ol ho"°l.ey lh:H we h;1vc
    h,1d Ill a hmf 1rn1e :· Hc,HI Coach
    l),,n V,m~han ,:ud 11f th.: "rnn,a.
    " It·, 1,·. c 1'ta1111ly tr,Mr:urn~:·
    She ldnn
    P11:111yl,,,c1wsl,,,1 and fa~nn Ralph
    mo\'ed Union ou110 a 4.0 advan·
    t;1~c a(1er 1wo period(.
    .. We m:inai;ed to fCI a cot1plc of
    hte,11,,, ... hecau ... e (,r ColJ;~tlc·!. 1.lt;·
    l!,rC:,.(1\'C play ... Moore added.
    "They tu·e ~o ngJ:!re~!.ive a nd 1hcy
    :ilw;iy-. have hecn . They arc a
    ,cry 1c nnc it1u,:, 1e~11n. I nev,r
    1hou!!hl lhcy would lc1 up. anti
    lhC) tlill nc11:·
    lnd..:cd. the Red Raiders did not
    11!1 up i n 1hc third pcri1)d.
    Cnlt:tue·, :i11emp1$ were 1urned
    ,1,1dc tiy Union baclt..~top Trevor
    Kucnii;. In h1$ ,econd ~hu1ou1 of
    lhl' ( 1!3(00. 1he Edmonton native
    ,11,ppcd 14 ,hot~ in 1he firs1. 12
    1111he , econd. and Bin 1he third.
    "'I ~1,•c ti lt11 nf credit 1n Trevor."
    r-1,,.,rc ,11id o f his. 1;.,,allcnder"i;
    .' 1)-,a\'e ni~ht. " I 1hink nf1er 1he
    tir,1 pernld we shored up our de·
    len~e. We stuclt.. 108e1her a,: a uni1
    ddcn,.ively when we needed 10:·
    The wrn marked Moore·!i- firs,
    1•u;tory over Col8:tle 1n four 31·
    1cmp1!i-. Moore (erved as a Red
    Raider a~,o.rnn1 under Vaui;han
    Imm 19'>2 10 1996,

    ··1 hoped 1ha1. a~ long a~ I would
    he coaching at this. level. I would
    htwe 1hc chance tn come h;ick tind
    h:1vc a 1e:1m play wc11.·· Moote
    i;a,d ... Ri,;ht now. I think more for
    my lcam . I am very prcltid of
    them. proud for ,Uclt..inf wi1h 11.
    We h:1d a 1nu~h hr,t peru\Q ::md
    1hey coultl have 1hmwn in 1he
    towel. hu1 they didn't,"
    The ou1t.·c,mc tcf1 V;rn~han
    h.tl I led 1111d ,earching tor ;.,n.
    ,wcr, . ..The ,a,·e~ ,peak for
    1hcm,clvc,." he ,aid ot'cer wn1ch111f h1( cluh oul(hoo1 the Ska11n~
    Dutch men
    Clutchanccd 1hcm. but I gue,,
    when II ram<., i i pnuri.. The guy~
    :lrc wtll'lt..mf hare.I - 11 JU'I won·,
    gn in tor
    De,,,i1e dro11p1ng five or 5even
    ,,u1rng(. 1hc Re,1 R;1idcr" re·
    rna111cd 111 lc1ur1h place al 1cr Fri•
    day mgh1·, oi:tmn. pm,cd for a
    S,11urd11y n1{:hl (houdown wilh
    h,ml•cht11·g1nl_! Rcn,i;clt1cr.
    O n Satu rday n1~ h1. Colgate
    managed 10 cwercome ,t, (Corrnl!
    ,lump. h111 could nm overcome
    1he IH!!h-powered Engineer of•
    fen,c a, che 1wo c;luh~ ,l.:ucd 10 a
    ..i • .t uc ,n lton1 or 2.0~4 people at
    Starr Rml. .
    The Rett Raider< led 4-1 enter•
    ,n~ 1he h ,rnl peind. hUI
    Reni;,(cloer s taged yc1 ano1her
    vnhanl 1hird·pcriod cnmchack for
    the 1ie.
    "I lhOU!!hl ii wa( 3 hard-fought
    game:· Rens.(clacr Head Coach
    Dan Fridsen c.aid. ··we really
    didn't play well in the ~ccond
    period and that really came back
    In ~, in~ U!i-. hut I 1hough1 we
    ,howed a lot ot' character and a
    lot of i:ri1 to go 001 and come back
    the way we did in the third pc•
    Engineer forward Chri~ Aldous
    rciii;.1eted 1he only ,oal of 1he
    fir(t period on a power ph1y
    s laps ho1.
    Junior winger Tim Brokaw
    ended 1hc four-period Red Raider
    (Corin~ drou,ht wilh his (iXth
    goal nr 1hc ,ea!mark of the :,.econd period .
    Brol.aw deflec1cd home a ,:.hni
    from i;ophomme wml!cr Darryl
    Le~~ than 20 ~econd( Irater. jun·
    ior center Jed Whi1chureh convened nn a nifty odd·man ru,:.h
    (or his. s.i,oh tally or 1he (Cason.
    Senior marksmon Dru Burge~,;,
    ,cnred the Red Raiders.· lhird goal
    wi1h1n 1hc fil':(;I four minute,:. when


    he mu led a wris1s.hot Over .i.1ar1~ . .. , juc.t 1hnugh1 we nccdcc.l 10 he played this weekend. De.
    Ren(sclaer ~oaltender Sco11 to chanse Prcknc:ki. Burges( 1hcn mode it 4. around. Joel wcn1 in there and he Red Raiders could finish ae; high
    1 on a power play J:!Oal at the 7:29 was very c:olid:·
    ;,,;. third place or as low 3( eighth.
    marl. Burgess.· 1wenty·~econd
    .. ,.. ,. a cmt.y i;Umc. i:,.n it'!'. Rec.I
    Tonight. Cnl~ace hopes. to
    and 1wenty.1hird goal~of thc ~ca- Raiducoach Don VauJ:!h:m won• ave n~e a J.J January lie at
    ""n put him a1np the league in tiered af'ler the 4.4 tie. ··We've Clarkson. The Golden KnighlC;
    1hat column.
    hcen in a rut larely. hu1 I wa, will he gunning for fir-1 place ai;.
    Ju,1 a, Colgate had lired ou1 of • ptca,ed wilh the cffor1. We c;unc they (11 only one point hehi nd
    lhe l_!,uc, 111 lhe ,econd period. oul in 1hc lRcn1;,clm.~r ign11ed i,~ c,lfe1be m our i:onfideni:c had, .
    On Sawrday n1i;ht. Sr. Lawreoc-e
    1he third period. En~inccr
    ··we haven·t hecn playing w,th may he \hooting (or the fin al
    dcfcn,enrnn Glenn Coupal took a lnl of confidence and we were EC AC plnynff ,101.
    1he Samt\
    ndvnnlal!C c,f an open ne1 for h1!. hacl,,, on our heel~ ... he conunued. currently hover in the ele"emh po.
    fir(t career !!Oal at the I :50 mark. "Until you experience (nmc po"· 'lllon. Earlier th,~ i;ea,on. JUniOJ
    when ~emor Col~atc goaltender 1ive,. then you can !!Cl ,ome con- w1n.i;cr Dan Wildfon~. Burge(~.
    Don Bren,avich wac: tan,;lcwilh RPI center Danny Riva who 1-econd permd."
    McDonald and Whi1church s.cored
    appeared 10 he ~euins a ,creen in
    DcCnlgale rem:un, 111 tour1h plat:c 1norc ne1m,ndel' Shep Uarder made
    All·Anltr1ca cand1da1e Enc ,n the ECAC. Tied w11h Brown. 27 ,,1,·c, 111 1ht11 cnnle!i.l.
    • lca!!UC weel.cnd will
    ReJ;nrc.lles< of 1h1c; weeLend\
    Healy added to h,, pc,m1 101:11, a-. 1h1, llm,I
    he hea1 Brl'n,avich 10 mm ir to a dei:ille where thl' cluh f,i.. 1111n rc,ul1,. CulgollC will play nex1
    4-.' con1e1;t, The Engmce" lhcn 1hc playoff null.. The Reel R,ud· Friday n1~h1 rn Game One ol lhe
    tied 1he Eame OI 11 : 14 of 1he 1hirtl er< have ,ccured a i.po1 111 the ECAC For,1 Round . If ohe Rwhen Brnd Tapper banged a ICJJ;Ue playoff~. ht1t thal i, .ill. If R.nderc: hn,~h m 1he le,,gue·s 1op
    c ro,;,;,1111! p:.1,t from Stc,•c Cale 1hc ,ea,on wete to end iuday. live .;pots. the puck will drop ,u
    111,.,de the po1;1.
    Coli;a1c would have home ,ce. St;irr Rini,,, ,II 7;)0 p . m. The
    Colgate mu(tered ,i:< c:ho1.; 0~1he which ii- awarded 10 1he iop hvc· EC AC champion clinche!. a henh
    in the I 99R Naiional Collegiate
    extra "es.\lon. hu1 could no1 i;ec the ,ced, in 1hc ECAC playott"c:.
    However. rwo mnl'C g;,me, need A1hle1ic Ac:c:oc1ation tournament
    pucl pa-.1 ~onhen,lcr Joel Laing.
    ··1 we111 \\ 11h Scott 1,11 fir~II he·
    cau, e he wa, the hFrcdFcn ~,11d of Sco11 Prd,a,ki.
    who had n~,1 lo(I in hi~ la,1 nine
    Man:h 6-Man:h 12
    Home pmeo in CAPS
    •Patriol Lape/ECAC Opponeors


    Sports This Week

    Colgate Falls
    To Lafayette In

    r1i,lfm11nl /mm ptl/(r .f?

    ;;.corer midway thmugh the (;ea.l;flO.
    Tilley wa,1riddecJ 101he Red Rais.tnning lineup tor nine of1he Ja.q ten
    con1es.1s. Hi~ ~,eady pl;1y included
    flflC of the ronfcrcnce·slop a~e;is.t-10-lt1mnvcr mliM.
    Junior fmn1coun mate( Wi(wall
    ond Ben W:md1kc t11i1li:ted 1heir a1hle1ic abili1y 10 compc:1e wuh taller
    foe.e; in 1he J)fKt. Wandtke. selected
    a~ a ~"Oncl team all•Jeaguc forward.
    cumllcd a <,,ta~n·high 19 rcMund!'in :in K7-M lo:s~ a1 Lehigh oo Fchruory IK.
    Ncx1 r.eai;,on. 1he Red Ratdc~ will
    hn,.·e IO replace the intrituti(')n·s top
    three point thrc:11. bu11hc 01hcr four
    ~tane~ arc c:1:ucd 10 rc1um.
    " I thinl \\'C can chaltenge for 1he
    mp next year." Wic:wall. ''Obviously.
    l..afayeue i!'- going to be 1he prc-~a~ n favori te. but I think with the guys.
    we have cnmin£ back th;u we'll be
    righ1 in lhc mix."

    Lenten Suppers jointly sponsored
    by the Newman Community and
    University Church presents the
    following members of the Colgate
    community reflecting on the
    meaning of faith during the
    Lenten season.
    Wednesday March 4: Prof. Marilyn Thie
    Wednesday. March 11: Dir. of Counseling Services
    Marie Thompson
    Wednesday, March 25: Prof. Pavlos Sfyoeras
    Wednesday, April I: Patty &_Joe Caprio

    The suppers are held on Wednesday evenings,
    5:30-7:00 p.m. in the Chapel Garde11 Level. Call
    x7682 or sign up in 112 Chapel Garden level by
    Tuesday noon, the day prior, to reserve a place.



    Men's Hcicllley
    II Oarlaon* ................................................ _____ 7:l(t
    Men·1 Tennis
    a1 Cornell ............................................................. _. TBA

    Saturday, March 7
    Men's Hadcey
    at SL l..awlwe4' ........................................- ............ 7:00
    Men.• Indoor lnck & F'ield
    11 IC4A Cllampionshlps (Camell) ......................... IO:GO
    Women', Indoorlnck & field •

    • l!CAC a.a.,ionships ···-·····-·-·-·-........ -.-10:00
    II Coraell ................................................................. TBA







    0-, 75 acc..tilN coarw


    ~= r Ii•'" Propw

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    e Oahmal:Emc.Mur

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    11ocAmmcuU.-,.•St aw '7nps r, 8- S-2000
    102 . . Sc. Ckab;. 7"11111 .... , . _
    Toi. (3311) 40 62 06 14
    Fa (3311) 4062 07 17
    Now Ymli ollo,: Toi. (212) ,.,,_1414

    T« .


    _--- ..______
    "-·--l!!Jr, ,-.::~-..-=:=:.~·-:-.:-.::




    =~•I• •

    New York Olly

    . ~-..r,........

    lxs,.. i.-·a I 1rw.


    .. l ...



    M A RCH 6. 1998


    Men 's Tennis Sweeps
    Vermont And Boston U.
    n~ n:" id ca:1"

    MtllNI At'l('\lt/

    The women's ice hockey team experienced success in lls fir~t seasnn a~ a varsity team.

    Women Close Out Inaugural Hockey Season
    Ry L»ra Carney
    '-l1/llNoJl·Nr" ( S111I/

    With um1y and confidcn.c. the
    .,.,,men'!- 1cc-hockey 1cam 1;.knted
    r"IIO the 1cc tor rhc final ti me m

    h,,umc inaui;ural ~ea.,on la~,

    •eel.end a~nim-.t Ea.-.icrn College
    A1hlcuc Cunl crcnce (ECAC) alli1nce tcom\
    Vermont and
    \hddlchury. Playing at rhe top ol
    ·heir game a~rum.t Vcnnont o n Sal·
    JRl,1)· ,II Starr R, nl. Col~arc loq a

    ~.,mw••,.2 d<.-c1,1on, Al;Otn',ta~uc·, wp,rankcd team. 1hc
    tl'wc.-e-)'c:tr undefeated Middlebury
    Panthers. the Red Rmder< foll in a
    dN:1,1\fe !0-3 lo,,.

    .. h,r the fil't )Car a, a var,11y
    lt',.m1. II wn, \Cry ,uc«.:ue,,tul Ii.Ca·

    11\tl:· HcJd

    c,,ach Br.HI lfom,ron


    H,1\ IO!! hhl 1n Vermon1 x.1 ~,11 .
    ,rr'" thi: '-C,1,on. c,,1ga1c pnwed
    )1\\ mut"h 1hcy have 1mpn1ved a,
    l ttarn,
    \J,ne 1.ccond1:: 1nm the game.
    ophomorc forward Charlolle
    !>J\CI c;ent a q uick pac;c; to 1-opho·
    -..ore cen1er S tephanie Sand. who
    1u11hc puck into the ne t wuh a mp
    er sho1. The Red Raiders led
    I.fl ill the end of the fiN;t pe:riod.
    A1 IO: 15 i n the ~cond period,

    ~amount rorward Torrey Dennis.
    Jneu~cttd 1M puck pas.1 mphorc go.a lie Jenni ref Buck with as•
    l\li: by teammates Maiki Camp
    Jtnnifcr Wcl4;h, The score tied
    1-1. the Red RaidcN went on 1he
    tnll.ive L,t i.cnior forward Amy
    rych and Sand a~si~lcd Davel.
    hn !:Cored Cnlga1c·~ M:cond goal
    the rame.
    -we played very well again~,
    VM :· Hou~1'"' qkl. ··11 wu an
    a,. inrcnr.e same. We had a
    lid perf'onnancc."

    But the 2· 1 wn, nul enough

    Scnnw Stcrh R,1ccuc l'llfll"ludcd her
    hold b,td, the Cnrnmounlll.. Dei:pi1c Colgate go;dL.eepmi: curccr tll Siarr
    Buck 'ot I J ,,we, m i;ool during the Rml.. Sunday af1emoon as :-.he i.Jc.
    ~t-ond pcnod. c;he wac; unable 10 fended 1hc Red R;udcr net fmm nmc
    stop 1wo or Vermont's shot~ a1 the :-.hots in the '-«'Olld pcnod anti from
    net tn the third period. Al lhC"5:IO all 11 c;ho1, m the 1hird period.
    murk. Cutamounl forwa rd Allie
    Colgmc tin1,;;hcd 11.ll. 1997-1998 varKnowles sen1 i.lll unac;c;ill.rcinto 1he net tying the game ohce 12·2 and a lca~ue rec.:ord .l-11-2.
    aJ;ain Catamount forwa rd Hope Ahht•u!=h they wtll not hcchg1Mc fn,
    Thompi:;on then 1.ingle-handedly the Alllant.-e playoff" ~hedulcd for
    drove the puc k ,nm 1hc net a1 14:J~ March 7 at Moddlchury. the Red
    of the th ird period. re,;;ultrng in n Ra1derc; will cnn1irh1e 10 1mm in
    .l-2 vic1ory for 1he v1i:.i1mg 1eam.
    pl'Cf>'lnllmn for their \C(.'Ond year a:,.
    "We gCH a couple of really good an o tlicial \•an.i1y team. Wi1h a hand·
    goafc;:· Buck ll..:11d. ··oave1 really ful of l'C(.Tiut~ applying fnr adm11,;~1on
    helped uc; nut wuh ~coring bul. m lh1,;; c;pring. next year promise~ 10 he
    1he end, they ou1shot Ullo."
    full of hoth new fa1..-e:- ond cxcuing
    Although lhe rmk ,hould ha\'C contc,1,.
    helnnped 10 the Colgate "-enior~ on
    Sunday, M,ddkhury quickly made
    11 clear 1ha1 1hey would he in cnnlml nl the 1cc. Both 1he tir,1 and
    ,econd period, 111 plil) were dnm1m11cd hy the P,mther,. ,1, 1hey

    1he fif"\t pcn od.
    The Red Raider~ finally fou nd
    scnrini; oppon un11ie,;; tn 1hc lhird
    period. Despite 1heconfosion or rcpe1ucd i:;hots ;ind reboundi:.. Oave1
    received a pai:.s fro m Sand and

    Zarych and plopped the puck into
    the net. ,;;coring Colgate's fi r,;t goal
    of the game at 2:54 nf 1hc fi nal
    ,;;.tanza. Sophomore t'Ofw-ard Charlouc Hcnnigar incrca~d Colgace·s
    score al 17:34 when she broke
    away from the ma.c;~~ and deaked
    Panther soal ie Suzanne Chcpren
    wi1h an una.c;.c;isted ,:.hot.
    Davct scored for lhc M:cond time
    in 1he game af'ler anothe_r Hsi,:.r
    from Sand and Zaryeh wilh under
    a minute to play. Wi1h thi~ goal.
    Davel achieved 37 point~ for 1hc
    seuon. bearing last ycar·s poin1
    1n1al of 36.

    ,11\ "'-~ B11\k ll~I lhl· lt.'Ollll Ill lh\'
    \1,,,,.. ,,, ,,... • •111111
    !11-...1 ,m~ll•, ,pol. lll.".IIUI~ lhl• rl'I·
    11\·1," Jh,,d\h,1h11wh !. 7. _'i l111ht·
    The men·, 1..:nm, 11.·,un lr,1\l'llcd 'l"nllld ,lllll 1h1rd ,111~!1.•, ,rot,.
    10 Uurhn!_!t01l. Vt:11H11n1. l.1,1 l·r1d.1>
    rud.tr ;md K,,111.,n , ,m 1111u ,t,mc
    for ,1 pour nl tht,11 m.111."hl', ;1l!,11n,1 trn11hk. hhlll~ dll'H 111.11\·hc, 1n
    Vcrmf1n1 ,tnd Bn,1t,n U111,.,•1,11\
    ,111,lfhl ,i:1,. fl.J. n ..l ;oul 6- '· f,.1.
    The Ri:d Ra1tkr, 1,l.i)ctl ,,di m r\''P'-'\'l 1\ d~
    ~,,h ('('fllt:,1,. lkh:,11111~ 1h1..· C.11;1, .. l\t•,,.111;111 ,,,.cn:,1111c lth1111! h"
    mnun1, 1111 Frnl.1). 6·1. and 1twn 111·,1 '\"I ,11=,1111,1 Rod Sd1.i,lll) 1111
    con111u11ng 1hc1r ,oltd pla~ \\llh ,1 " '·"· "· '· h-' 'll"IOI ~ Lt~C\\ ,,....
    ~-:? \ti:1or~ n\t.'1 1ht.• Tt.·H1t.•1, "" \m11h h,ul ,1 l'11mth,11.·l ,. ll'ln1::,
    tnl'I Ri11I lk,:\'lr\' Ina 1h1.• n111nht.·r
    A~nin,1 Vc-rmo111. C',lll-'.,lll' ll\l' ,mfk' ,pnl. "111111111! .'·6. (,.
    M\cpl all,,.,: ,m~lc, m,11d1c-, . .i, I. 7-6 17-0>. In lh\' numha ,1,1h
    well a, the ,econd dnuhk, ,p111 ,,n!!lc, nt.ih:h. 11r,1-yc,1r kr..:-my
    en route (O a dec .... ,vc victory.
    F.1,t;"mann cru1,ed 1,,1,1 Dean
    Jumnr Cupl;un Bn•rn 8\iyk (k• Ml•cl;irp 6-1. 6-2.
    tc,11ed 1hc Ca1.111111un1, · M1k,
    At 1ht hq:1n1111lf 011hc compc11111,n.
    C-ol!!lllC Wtl' ahlc In t:ilc
    Wch,1cr 6-.l. tl,., m flr,t ''°fl'-''
    ,tction. s,,phonuwc B.J Tul.·li:r 1hc dntthk, compnncnl. w11h
    ;ind 1unmr C,1r,1,11n z,,d, K;q,t.u1 llnylc an,1 Tu\'~t:r winnrn!_! 1hc1r
    cl,11mcd 1hc ,c-c..·ontl ,uul 1lunl 111;11d1 x . .,. and lhc lcnm ,,1
    "'P""· w11h ,i:nrc-,ut (J.J. ft•.,. ,111tl K,1pl,111 .rnd N\'wm,in ,·nmrn~ up
    .J-6. ft.(), (l.~. rc,pccll\d~
    \\ llh ,111 M~~ \'ICl(II)',
    Snphnmurc, Ro"" NC-\\ man ,ind
    All\'I' th..: wcc~cnd. Hc.iJ Cn:11,:h
    Ke\•in Sm11h anti t11,1-ye;1r Evan
    Ren\' Viti.ii ,cc111cd plc;,,etl w11h
    Paui-hter completed 1hc '"'cc-p. h1, t:luh·, cllnrl.
    "llo,ton Un1vcr,11y·~ ;1 very
    each muling thei r uppponcn1i- io
    take the remaining rnur1h. 1,11h 1!11od 1c,11n. ·• he ,md. '1'hc key for
    u, w,1, wmn,ni; 1hc ck1ouhlc, pc,,n1.
    nnd ,:ix1h
    In douhlcc; ;1,·11011. 1he C,u.1- Th,11 put 1hc 1!llY' mto the n[!hl
    moun1c;· Wch,i;;icr .ind Chllrl'-"' lrnmc of nund a, 1hcy wen1 m111
    P;1get dcfe;11cd Tud,cr and ,rngk,."'
    W11h 1he I\Vo \11\"lfll'1c,. 1hc Red
    P:iu,luer .11 1hc nmnl')cr 1,nc 'J'M''
    hy lhe ,.,:ore nl '>• 7. But m 1hc- R.111lc1·, nuwe,1 In X-2 nn the ,c,1•
    ,ct:11ml d1,uhlc, nm1ch. B11ylc .111tl ,on. Th\'y will I ;11.·c Cornell 1h1,
    Snulh gm ,in early rump nn 1hcir "cclcnd III lllmc,1. New Ynrl.
    oprt1'1110n. 1.el,nF 1hcm hy lhc
    "("orndl will ht' our h1J;1!C''I ch,11·
    ,cure n l ~-~
    lcngc:· Vul,11 "11d. "hccau,c 11
    On Sniurd,1y. the Red Rmdci" r,111 mc..,n, ,o mu1,.·h 10 our rl;iycr,. 1· m
    into 1011ghcr comrc111mn. hu1"'-'re 11,, ,lmg 111rwal'd 10 ,cc111~ h•1w nur
    c;11II able 10 ddc.11 B1i,111n Uni,. 1..·r· 1=11y, rc,pt,nd tu 1hc t,:h.illcn!!C. ··



    Name: Mike Ti lley ·99
    Homecown: New York Cicy. NY
    Spore: Men ·s Baskethall
    Pos ition: Point Guard
    Th is Weck: The Queens product hit the
    second of twn free throws wi1h 3.9 seconds
    remaining In advance the Red Raider,, pa,,
    Lehigh. K4-XJ. and into the ,emi-tinab of
    the Patriot League Tc>urnmncnt. Ti lley had
    n game-high nine a~!\iM!\ a" well .
    Quolahlc: "A lthnugh I'm di»appointed
    that we didn't have a chance 10 play fnrthe
    league c hampion,hip and didn 't have a
    more succC!-.!\ful scm,on rccord•wi!\e. our

    team gave a tremcndnu, cffon this past season and , hnwed a 101 of resilience."
    Name : Stephanie Sand ·oo
    Hometown : Mttrlhom. NJ
    S port: Wome n\ Hockey
    Posilion: Center
    This Week: Sand came up with four points
    in the Red Raiders· final weekend of play this
    season. She scored a goal and assisted on another against Vennont. and had two more a<·
    sists Che following day against Middlebury.
    Quneai.: "This has been a greacseait's unfonunate thac it's over. As a tirst-year
    varsicy team. we really showed a great deal
    of hean and worked hard everyday. Looking back. we ·vc come a long way since last
    season and I know chat nexc year wi ll only

    nu. t.-. *P*lna m11%, ~ next laaue of
    The Colgate Maroon-Neu,s
    .UI N ,,..,,,,.,,_, on Mardi 27.

    Anp letters, commentarv
    aul>m,..fona or
    acfNa tfNmenta sltould l,e
    handed fn .,, Wedneedav,
    March 25.

    gee heller."

    Midshipmen End Women's
    Basketball Season Early
    R~· .Julia MilAIIIIIM/11· \·..-,, • \luff

    On the hl..--cl, ol tc.1m lo,1 their lnMI ~ame itl 1hc-.ca ,;on laq l;ru.la)' Ul ,ccond-,ccdetl
    N,1\·y m 1hc f1N round ol the l\unc,,
    Lc;1guc Toumamcn1 ,II Alu mm I I.ill
    inAnn,Lpnl1,.MO. The M1d,h1pmcn
    won w11h u tJcc:i-.1\·e 72-46 tmunL·-

    '"!!The Red Ranlc,... coded 1hc1r -.c.,.
    ,011 10-17 ~wc:rall m1J 2-R m 1hc P,,
    tml4 Lc,1,t:ue. Na,f, win ,mpRl\Cd

    I.J; A•tlH•r

    Coli:,~lte fell in the semi-nnals of thl' Pal riot Ll'ague Tournamtnt for the stcond straiiht year.

    Men's Hoops Falls In Tournament Semis
    H~· Mkhnel Donlin
    lf,,,, .,.,,. \ ','11 • 'it11/I

    In ~• -..c•...c,n marl,.;ed b)' ,1ni1_:i:lc-.
    and 1rn1mplh on .ind oft 1he coun.
    the men·, h.,,l..i:1b.1II 1c.im cclfl4:h1ded
    thcu· 1-,.)7.199)-1 c-.eac.on \\ nh an ,m..
    pri:,,"e nm in the P.11rn,1 league

    Tc,um.1mcn1. and pm, cd that chcy arc
    wnr1hynt hnth m.lul;111on and rc:1.pect.
    In 1hc1r 1wocc,mc1,1c; 1h1c; wccl.cnd.
    an )(J.R,'\ "m over Lehigh and a
    hc.inhl'cal,.;ing lt\, 77 lo,, agmn,1
    munhcr one ,ced Lr11,1ye11e. 1he Red
    R:mlcr- ralllcd hack lrom dnohlcd1~ 11 dchc11,
    Jurnor point gu.1rJ Mike Till~y h11

    tht.• -..ecoml o l ,,,...c, free 1hrowc. wilh
    ., t) ,c(,.·nnt.l, rcm;umng ,n Saturday·c.
    11r,1 round game 10 g,"c lhc Red
    R,11dcr, an s-i.JO vicwry over
    Culi;lllC ovc1-cainc a douhle -d,J;-11
    \C(."Ol'ltl hall dctku 10 grab the vich,rJ' 111 1he upcmn~ round,
    Two,,I the lcnguc',; higf'c,1 1hrccprnn1 thren11: hwu~hl their 1op gmne
    1n the 1oum,11ncnt. Scnmr i;uatd Se1h
    Schncfler. an all-league -.clcc1inn.
    .md one nf lhc na1mn·, l<'lf) c;(.'Ore"".
    l.eh,gh !!U,U'll Bren Eppch1mcr. led
    their dut-i, 111 ,co1m,;
    S..h,lelh,:rdwpped 111 a 1oumamcn1
    n.'\.·nnl '4.'.'\ en 1hr« prnn1c" on 1hc
    \\ ,1\ 11, 1.' prnn1, The ,h,u'ft'htl(11Cr
    l\.m!,'Cd a d utt.:h 1hrcc-pnm1cr th,11
    11ctl 1hct.·c,111c,1 al l{\.K., \\llhO:~ 1 tn
    l!ppehnncr--cun;hcd 1hc Red R:ud1.•r, lor a i;:unc-h,~h JO point,, hut
    1111 ....cd 1he l!arnc·, linal ,hoc. Folknv111;: Ttlh:),'' cl111..-h lrec 1hrow.
    1:rpch11ucr launched .1 'C),.foo1c, ,11
    the h1111cr thal 1'-lnl!Cd nO lhc gl.11,,~.
    A Lch,i!h nn'-'=ue -.et up the 1hnll111~ 11111,h , The Mnunrnm H;,w~,
    t.·,1lkd 111neou1 and ;111emr>1ed 10 Ill·
    hound 1he hthke1~1II with 24.3 -.cconch on lhc dod, . O n 1hc pla).
    I .ch1fh ·, Fido \Villyt,oro ,1cppcc.l tm
    1hc ,,tkhnc a, he c:iu~h1 the hall.
    W11h 1hc dncl.11ckm,g (klwn. Ttllcy
    pcnc1m1ed 1mm the tell qdc and wa.,
    hi\Cl.cd a, he drove m lhc tx,,~cl. The
    A1\.·hh,..hc,p tvfolloy pmdoc1 clnngcd
    lu, nr-.1 mtcmrt nff1hc h.1d. nm. hu1
    h11 1hc -.ecc1nd m , teal 1hc vic;lory.
    ··1 ";;i, pmb.thty
    ocr"ou~ rrom
    1he tiN one 1h;11 I cnoldn'1 foel any•
    1hm,t: nn 1hc -.(.."t:Onol the fll'C'-$Urc free 1hmw.
    On Sunday. 1he ca~e~ met a re1;.1ed
    Lafayc1tc club. A1,, the leai:uc·~ rcgu·
    lnr ~a.-.on champion.1:. 1he Leopard"
    gaincc.l an automatic !.IOI in the semi·

    Lataycue tired nu1 ot the ~a1e1o. II
    :tppc.irtd a, 11 1hc Red Ra1dc~ '-'Cre
    iomg to taller again,1 the m~!!ed
    cluh a, they 1r.uled 46,20:u lhe half.
    Bue lhe:-.c Red Rrude" were noc F""
    lllJ; down w1thout a h~hl.
    "Aller halll,me. we came 10 ,
    i:ether:· 1un1or forward Chad
    Wi,wall (;,ud. "We coold not out
    o,, a hlnw nui. We c.ircd 100 much
    tor th+11."
    \Vi(waJl l..eyed the Red Raiw,1, ai: h1~h .,, 23 pomt11 w11h 17
    m1mi1c-i. re,namm~. Al the 1:29 m:;irk.
    Junior prnnt i:uanl Chcqcr Fch"
    ,1a,ht..~ for a l;1yup1ha1 cul 1t t<"I a 75.
    7 1 ~nme.
    Ull:iyeuc pu,hcd 11, lead h.id up
    IO ~\·c,1. hut Wis.wall llunc1hrec-pmntcr to mnle 11 a four pcmu
    i?•une a_g:nn. Hc1wcver. 1w1C."C dnwn
    1he 1ot~1ch. 1he Retl Raider,. foiled 10
    keep 1hc Lcc:ipard, oil the nfterKi\C
    t la,,. W11h 1hc fflpc,l.y forward Bnan Ehle,... ptdcd
    up a loo-.e ball and kepi hii: club 111
    control. Ehle" c.louhlcd h,-. plea.,urc
    on 1he ofTcn,1\'C 1;la:,.., ~1, hc nlwcun\'Crli.!d on a 1canuua1e·, llll'--"Cd lrcc
    The Red Ranier,;. made 11 :, thrc-.:
    point i;.une on Tille)·, 1hrce•p,11 RC).7 7. htll cou Id pu 11 no do-.er a,


    l-1foye11e nipped Col~atc &J· 77.
    lime w,l, nt)I on the Red Raider<
    ,,de. J)crh,lp'- the hack-10-hacl
    i;n1nei: i:()I co 1hc club. hut they did
    n··srnym~ m :.l ho1cl ror lhree day, can
    drnm a tc,1111." Wi,wall ,a,d. " I 1h,nl.
    ,1,·c c:ame om a lmle h11 lla1. bu1 they
    were no fire. We left 11 oll on 1hc floor.
    " It wa~ a tough liea~on. After lu,.
    mg a i;rca1man m Coach Bruen. we
    pl:l)'cdour hcrul,11 11111c, " nd really s1oyed 10fe1her
    a., a 1ea111. I 1hmk we aC.'"(.'<>mph11;ht.-d
    m<>rc 1hnn people pave us credit for
    a1 the txi;m111ng or lhc 1-ea.\C'.m." he
    In a prc-~;ivi,11 poll of 1hc leapue·,
    eoache'-. 1he Red Raiders were
    p1d,ed to hn,,h in 1hc league·, eel·
    lar. After Jo,;;mg Adornd Foylc 10 1he
    pmt(',c;mn.il rank, and fron1coun
    mate Tim Oolhn 10 pradumion. 1hi~
    1eam wa~ unc;ure of ii~ iclen11ty. O:;ic.~e1h.1II pn~no:-.11ca1ors lnew 1ha1. in
    order lor Col!!ate 10 he , ucc~i.lul.
    ,ome new foee~ needed 10 contribute.
    Thmt1t;hRed Raider:\ played t1 key role.
    Schaeffer led the cluh m MXlnng IS
    1111'1C1:. hu1 he- wa, nm the tone offen"ve 1hrca1 Fel1, sw11chcd Imm h,,
    point puard role to 1h;11 of a '1.laJ,.hmg
    r,w,11111,.·1I ,.,,, /'Vti:.- .~I

    1heir rectwd u, 2~-6. cx1cndm!! 1hclf
    wmmni ,treak 01 home 10 14.
    The fir-.1 half ol the i;,unc ~a .. ,111
    in1cn1,,c defcn... ve ,1ru~~lc hc1wcen
    holh 1can1,. v.h1ch rc-1,,ultcd ,n low
    ,ho(llmg J)Cl\.'Cnt:t~C"'-. Ccll{!ale wa,
    ahle to 1a):c the M1dc.h1pmen ou1 ot
    1hc1r m\ldc ,t:llmC and tor-cc them
    101hc pen meter. where 1hcy pnwt."tl
    10 he le!'., of a 1hrca1. connecun~
    on only 1\\-0 ol IR 1hrce-prnntcr...
    Oe,p11e -.conn~ le,, 1h.in h;1lf of
    her ,ea<;,0n :ivcrage.Jun1M f(lf"U.·ard
    MclJ'n Gibbon\ led the way lnr the
    Red Raideri: with ciJ;hl point, ,,nd
    i:ix rcboui,d,. Junior ~unrd Keh)
    Weck, added 1o1x pnin11o on 1wo
    pi"ornl three-pomte"" m 1hc fil'I
    half. Fir.t-year pmnl ~uard France,
    Boone and Junior guard K n-.im
    Donahoe each ndded ,,x.
    Wi1h ({'Oftn~ held 10 \Ingle d1i;1t<1i tor the hr'-t IJ minute\ of 1h1.·
    ~ame. there wa" no1 much uttcn"'"c cxc11cmcn1 in 1hc fir·q half
    Colgate led by a, m:any a-. ll\e :it
    20-15. but 1he Midi:h1pmen ended
    lhe ,1nnta w11h an g.2 run IO take
    a 2.'-22 halfumc lead.
    "I 1houi;h1 we pl:1yed very well
    in 1hc hr(t half.'' Hc;id Co3Ch Ron
    Rohn ~aid. "Our pl3n wa, 10 make
    Navy "hoot from ou1,1de and ,1op
    1hcir in'1de a;ame We did lh,11
    well. bul 1hcy were able 10 ,lowly
    pull away in the la'-1 15 m111u1c,."
    The Red Ru,ders' dcfen,;.ive.
    minded '-!ratcgy wa" nnt ennui;h
    10 comba1 1heir poorollen<;,t,·e e'll.ceuuon . ShuotmJ; lO percent 111
    1hc pame. Cnl~ate w"' unt1ble 1n
    cap11ah1e nn 11\ ~oOO defcn,e. rc,ulun,; m lhe lo~ided final -.c,.'Ore
    Shootm1! "J' not 1he only problem

    Diving Trio Has.Top Finish At ECACs
    HJ Jon Eµan
    .\porH l-.il1tnr

    For I he t 1f\l 11 me ,ince I99~. 1he
    men', :ind women·.; '" unmrni
    anti tit\ in~ tenm, h:1d three thvcf(;
    compc1e tn the f111alc. of the E.a,1crn Cnlle~c Athletic CClnfcrcnce
    CECAC) Champ1mnre m1gh1 h:1\'e ,f confl1cung
    c ln-..i.e, h,1d no, ,1nod 111 1hc way.
    I lcld a1 (ilnuchc,1er. NJ. and at
    Lai-alh' Un1\ cr,11y in Philadelphia. PA • .;cnu-.ri: Cheryl Mehl
    and Krc,cent Hancoc k and
    ,ophomorc Wellrnr; Savo all fin.
    ii-hed in 1hc 1op c11;h1 on 1hc thrccmc1cr hoard to lend the women·,
    lctim In a fourteenth place finish
    :unnng the 29 ,chools. The men·1;
    team placed 1wen1y-,1x1h in a
    field uf J~ 1eam1;.,
    Midway throu~h the compe1i1ion. Mell 1. wni: pacing 1he Oeld.
    only 10 he "cauiht hy a furious
    ru~h by 1he 01hcr diver~ al lhc
    end," said Head Diving Coach

    Matt Leone. who wa~ recenlly
    honored a, lhc Pa1no1 Leoiue·~
    Oivmg Coach-Ol•lhe· Year for 1he
    fou rth t1111e rn his c.·nrcer. Mell,
    frn,,hcd a rc"pec111hlc fifth behind Snvo. who e:1rncd a (ilver
    medal in the c"enl.
    On the 011e-me1er board. Meht
    and S01vo fml'-hed filth and \lrei:pccuvcly.
    " I wa, really ilad for Cheryl
    and Welhni.·· HancclCk ~aid. who
    rim"hed e1~h1h m 1hc evcn1. ·-rm
    l'eally happy we all made it 10 1he
    final~ and ii wa~ grc;u way for me
    10 finish oul my diving career."
    Ironically. in lhe Patrioi League
    Championship$ held 1wo week~
    before Qt Culga1e's Lincbcl'ry Na•
    1aionum. ii wai: Meltt who edged
    nu1 Savo for 1hc gold medal hy a
    mere 0. 15 pointi:. The three
    women (Wepl 1he fir.-1 lhree places
    in 1ha1 mee1 '"' earn 1hcir ~pol( in
    the ECAC Championshil".
    Sophomore Eric Zlua and nior Jeff Ro,;eman. who won both

    hoard, an the leai;ue chomp1on,h,p,. each qualihed fo r 1he
    ECAC'"· but were unnhle 1ocnmpete due 10 clas, i:chcduhng confhcl"·
    " In 001h even,,. all nf uur d1"c1,
    dme agr;rci:i\rely and placed very
    well in o t;1len1ed field of of 1he
    Ea,t', he,;1 diver.:· Leone !-i.Ud."
    Bo1h Mell, and Savo. a, well a,
    Ro,eman. have qu:thfied 1o cnmp,c1e m 1hc Na11onal ZOne Cham·
    pion,;h1p~ on March 14 rn
    Annapoli~. MD.
    In the (wimmrng even1,. ~ophnmMe Vickie Armclhno placed fif.
    1ecn1h in lhe 200•yard back,1mlc
    w11h a 1ime of 2:09.52. Firi:1.year
    Mik k i Chevalier nni,hcd in
    2: 14.46 10 finish in 1wen1y•-.CC•
    ond place in the prcliminaric1;. of
    th< 200- yard hunerlly.
    For lhc men. ~ophnmore Mike
    Fonteno1 a l~o compclcd in the
    200-yard buucrny. finishing in
    2:00.95. sood enough for 1hinys.even1h place.


    Im lhc Red Rauler,. whn .ah(,
    ,1rug~led ull lhe hcl.1rd, C't,1.::.iit
    p.1lk"tld1,wnllfll) .'Orehnun~J..101~
    ri..1,d,h1pmc11· .. ~7.
    " In 1he '4!t.·nnd h;1lf. \\&; gut hu11 111
    h,.,;.1rcl,." Rohn '-ud. "\\'e d,dn '1 ,Ji.~•
    1h1.• h.ill wtll. Our dch~n,t "-M
    hnh.hn~ lhc other 1e.1m llll\\-n , \\t
    needed 10 c.1p11.1h,c ,ind '-' Crcn· 1
    ,,hie 10 do \Cl •·
    The- Red R.uder, nc"er ,.i" ,1
    lc,1d in 1h.:- ,ccnnd h;.111, .1, N.1,,
    rnn aw.-y \\1lh 1hc !?•une. Thi: la.~1
    1cn n1111t11c, ,a" lhc Mu.t..h,pn'ta
    t.:nme ,,u1c,t 1hc1r '-ht11.,11n~ ,lumr
    111 11111e 10 hury CnlJ!harr,11!C nl Jl•mper,. crc,urn,t: a
    pc,i,11 dehci1 wHh 5:30 lch 111 tht



    Allhou~h the year ended with 4
    tou~h lo\\, lhe 1cam t(~ok


    cn11cnl ,1ep, toward,; hecom111~ a
    heucr hall club and more of ;.1 thrc-,11
    m 1hc lc,1i;ue.
    H,1vin~ one ol the bc,t ,1art-. for
    ,1 -.c.1,on m the,r 11-year h1qfll).
    lhe Red R,uder, won e1gh1 of 1h<-,r
    hr,;1 12 :;amc"-. They hroke and -.ct
    hve team rccon.i.... three md1v1d!Ul
    record, and c1~h1 Couerell Coun

    "Thc ,c,1,011 J;OI otf w a fOlld
    ,uirt."' Rnhn " 'Utl. "\Ve -.iruiJlc
    the ,econd half. m the Pa1noi
    League. nM,re. r· m di'-ilppo1n1ed "'
    ,hcrn·, rcrlorm t)e11cr ,ind d1dn·1
    win. e,pcc!ijll)' in 1hc ~onct:·
    Comparatively. Colgate 1, a llllKh
    'lllnllcr te.im 1han inMI ol '" Pamo1
    l..eatue competnor<;, Thi, 'wOrloJ In
    1hc t1d\'Jnt.i.i;e of Nti"Y· who had nu·

    memuc: -.cc.-ond and 1h1rd opponuna,

    Nexl yc.ir. \C\'ttal p,vocal pla\~'I\
    will have more expcnence. ha\tnt
    f;iced P.11rio1 Leapue compc1111°'
    :ind the PfC'-'llrt of 1hc 1oumamen1
    "We motlc <;,0me ,;ood ,1cp.. 1n fet
    10 where we need 10 he for nc,1
    year:· Rohn ,aid. "Some of 1ht
    youn~C\t playi:r. ~()I ~notl C'< p(O•
    cnce. We'll have to nnalyte "hJl
    we' llnccd mchange for ncx.1 )'C,1.t'~
    1eom. which " '•II be bigger ;inJ
    more expcncm.:cd. You c,m call th1\
    1,,ea"1n one of 1ho,c ..icpp,ng ...1nnt

    Sl'()l{EB<> \RD

    Union 6. Colgate 0
    Colga1e 4. RPI 4
    Vcrmonl J. Colgate 2
    Middlebury 10. Colga1e 1

    Colgale 84. Lehigh 83
    Lafoyeue 83. Colga1c 77
    Navy 72. Colga1e 46

    Swimming & Diving
    261h Place a1 ECAC
    141h Place al ECAC

    Men's Tennis
    Colga1e 6. Vermont I
    Colgate 5. Boston u. 2

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    Author: Patricia Veum II

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    Author information

    Name: Patricia Veum II

    Birthday: 1994-12-16

    Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

    Phone: +6873952696715

    Job: Principal Officer

    Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

    Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.