Obituaries in Sioux Falls, SD | Argus Leader (2025)

Friday, August 23, 2024

Vivian BoschAge 92Sioux Falls, SDVivian L. Bosch, 92, of Sioux Falls, SD, passed away on Thursday, August 22, 2024, at Ava's House in Sioux Falls.She was born on June...Vivian L. Bosch, 92, of Sioux Falls, SD, passed away on Thursday, August 22, 2024, at Ava's House in Sioux Falls.She was born on June 2, 1932, in Del Rapids, SD, the daughter of George...Miller Funeral Home
Scott BrendeRenner, SD64, died August 21, 2024. Arrangements provided by Minnehaha Funeral Home. Services on Aug 26, 11:00am at Renner Lutheran Church. East Nidaros Church Cemetery.64, died August 21, 2024. Arrangements provided by Minnehaha Funeral Home. Services on Aug 26, 11:00am at Renner Lutheran Church. East Nidaros Church Cemetery.Minnehaha Funeral Home
Kenneth BunkersDell Rapids, SD81, died August 22, 2024. Arrangements provided by Minnehaha Funeral Home Dell Rapids. Services on Aug 27, 10:30am at St Mary Catholic Church Dell Rapids....81, died August 22, 2024. Arrangements provided by Minnehaha Funeral Home Dell Rapids. Services on Aug 27, 10:30am at St Mary Catholic Church Dell Rapids. St Mary Catholic Cemetery.Minnehaha Funeral Home Dell Rapids
Adella LennonCanton, SD, SD92, died August 20, 2024. Arrangements provided by Anderson Funeral Home, Canton, SD. Services on Sep 07, 11:00am at Canton United Methodist Church, Canton, SD....92, died August 20, 2024. Arrangements provided by Anderson Funeral Home, Canton, SD. Services on Sep 07, 11:00am at Canton United Methodist Church, Canton, SD. Forest Hill Cemetery, Canton, SD.Anderson Funeral Home, Canton, SD
Rollie D. SmithBrandon, SD, SD79, died August 21, 2024. Arrangements provided by Heartland Funeral Home. Services on Aug 30, 11:00am at Brandon Lutheran Church. SD Veteran Cemetery.79, died August 21, 2024. Arrangements provided by Heartland Funeral Home. Services on Aug 30, 11:00am at Brandon Lutheran Church. SD Veteran Cemetery.Heartland Funeral Home
Rich VictorAge 72Sioux Falls, SDRichard Duane (Rich) Victor passed on to his heavenly home at the Dougherty Hospice House after a lengthy illness on August 19, 2024. A celebration...Richard Duane (Rich) Victor passed on to his heavenly home at the Dougherty Hospice House after a lengthy illness on August 19, 2024. A celebration of Rich’s life will be held at Spirit of Joy...Heritage Funeral Home

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Gayle FentonSioux Falls, SD84, died August 20, 2024. Arrangements provided by Miller Funeral Home.84, died August 20, 2024. Arrangements provided by Miller Funeral Home.Miller Funeral Home
Harris Isaac ReevesAge 28Sioux Falls, SDHarris was born in Goshen, IN to Cary & Anita Reeves, the fifth of their eight children. Moving with his family, he lived in TN,...Harris was born in Goshen, IN to Cary & Anita Reeves, the fifth of their eight children. Moving with his family, he lived in TN, TX, CO, UT, and SD. Harris was a huge CO...
Harris Isaac ReevesAge 28Sioux Falls, SDHarris was born in Goshen, IN to Cary & Anita Reeves, the fifth of their eight children. Moving with his family, he lived in TN,...Harris was born in Goshen, IN to Cary & Anita Reeves, the fifth of their eight children. Moving with his family, he lived in TN, TX, CO, UT, and SD. Harris was a huge CO...
Edith "Marilyn" WooddenMarilyn Woodden, 82, died peacefully on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, in Sioux Falls, SD, surrounded by family who loved and cherished her. Memorial services will...Marilyn Woodden, 82, died peacefully on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, in Sioux Falls, SD, surrounded by family who loved and cherished her. Memorial services will be held at 10:00 AM, Monday, August 26, 2024, at...Miller Funeral Home

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Darlene HarmerHarrisburg, SD91, died August 20, 2024. Arrangements provided by Heritage Funeral Home. Services on Aug 26, 11:30am at Heritage Funeral Home. Hills of Rest Memorial Park....91, died August 20, 2024. Arrangements provided by Heritage Funeral Home. Services on Aug 26, 11:30am at Heritage Funeral Home. Hills of Rest Memorial Park.Heritage Funeral Home
Richard KnutsonMarion, SD88, died August 17, 2024. Arrangements provided by Hofmeister-Jones Funeral Home. Services on Aug 24, 2:00pm at Bethesda Lutheran Church, Marion. Greenwood Cemetery, Marion ....88, died August 17, 2024. Arrangements provided by Hofmeister-Jones Funeral Home. Services on Aug 24, 2:00pm at Bethesda Lutheran Church, Marion. Greenwood Cemetery, Marion .Hofmeister-Jones Funeral Home
Carol MackSioux Falls, SD84, died August 19, 2024. Arrangements provided by Heritage Funeral Home. Services on Aug 23, 10:00am at St. Mary Catholic. St. Michael Catholic.84, died August 19, 2024. Arrangements provided by Heritage Funeral Home. Services on Aug 23, 10:00am at St. Mary Catholic. St. Michael Catholic.Heritage Funeral Home
Carolyn E. SchulerSioux Falls, SD79, died August 17, 2024. Arrangements provided by Miller Funeral Home. Hills of Rest.79, died August 17, 2024. Arrangements provided by Miller Funeral Home. Hills of Rest.Miller Funeral Home
Alma WollmanAge 98Freeman, SDAlma Wollman, 98, of Freeman passed away on August 19th at Oakview Terrace in Freeman. Funeral Services will be Saturday, August 24th at 10:30 am...Alma Wollman, 98, of Freeman passed away on August 19th at Oakview Terrace in Freeman. Funeral Services will be Saturday, August 24th at 10:30 am at the Salem MB Church of rural Bridgewater. Visitation with...Walters Funeral Home
Edith "Marilyn" WooddenMarilyn Woodden, 82, of Sioux Falls, passed away Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at Sanford USD Medical Center. Memorial services will be held at 10:00 AM,...Marilyn Woodden, 82, of Sioux Falls, passed away Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at Sanford USD Medical Center. Memorial services will be held at 10:00 AM, Monday, August 26, 2024, at First Baptist Church, 1401 S....Miller Funeral Home

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Craig Christopher BeumerAge 61Arlington, WACraig Beumer died August 15, 2024 surrounded by his sister and her family, after a short battle with cancer.Craig Christopher Beumer was born January 8,...Craig Beumer died August 15, 2024 surrounded by his sister and her family, after a short battle with cancer.Craig Christopher Beumer was born January 8, 1963 to James and Connie Beumer and was a life...
Alice LonemanAge 86Centerville, SDAlice Mae (Thormodsgaard) Loneman, 86, died Aug. 18, 2024 in Centerville. She married Francis Loneman in 1978 and taught elementary school in South Dakota and...Alice Mae (Thormodsgaard) Loneman, 86, died Aug. 18, 2024 in Centerville. She married Francis Loneman in 1978 and taught elementary school in South Dakota and New Mexico. Alice is survived by cousins and friends.Funeral services...Wass Funeral Home

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Obituaries in Sioux Falls, SD | Argus Leader (2025)


How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Argus Leader? ›

Placing an obituary in the Argus Leader starts at $70.63.

Do obituaries list cause of death? ›

It is preferable, when applicable, to include the age at death and a personal comment such as “surrounded by family” or “comforted by his wife.” NB: Sometimes it is desirable to omit the cause of death – such as when death came as a result of extreme violence, or the carrying out of a court sentence.

How do you list survivors obituary? ›

It is customary to list family members who have survived the deceased, possibly including their current residence (city, state), including: Parents • Spouse/partner • Children (with their spouses'/partners' names also noted in brackets) • Grandchildren, great-grandchildren (often listed just as a number, ex.

Why do I read obituaries? ›

D., Boston-based clinical psychologist, occasional obit reader, and author of the book How to Be Yourself. “They cause us to reflect on the narrative of our own life and what we want that life to mean. Young people especially might look to them for guidance, a way of tapping the wisdom of their elders.”

Why does it cost so much to put an obituary in the newspaper? ›

The cost of a newspaper obituary depends on the size of the newspaper's circulation, whether there's a photo, the number of days it will run, and the size of the obituary. Small towns may charge $50, but on average expect to pay at least $250 for the typical short obituary.

Do people get paid to write obituaries? ›

Someone, a writer like you, is both performing a valuable public service by honoring the deceased with a well-written commemoration, and making a living by getting paid for their writing service, year after year.

What not to put in an obituary? ›

When writing an obituary, leave out details that could be used for identity theft, such as the deceased's date and place of birth, middle name, maiden name and mother's maiden name. And don't include the deceased's home address.

What happens to a person that dies suddenly? ›

The Police will arrange for a funeral director to collect the deceased and take the body into their care. If your loved one died while travelling to, or in, the hospital, they will be kept in the hospital mortuary. There will be experts on hand to inform close family immediately.

Why would someone not want an obituary? ›

Publishing an obituary can be expensive , and the funds may be unavailable. The deceased has few family members or friends , so there might have, unfortunately, been no need for an obituary. Obituaries are also written for the living so that they may learn of an individual's passing.

Do you put deceased siblings in obituary? ›

Typically siblings and their spouses names are also included. Survivors are generally listed first, followed by any preceded in death names you would like to include.

What does it mean when a name is in parentheses in an obituary? ›

If you like to be technical, names should be listed as follows: first name, spouse's first name in parenthesis, then surname (ex: Tom (Sarah) Johnson). If the spouse or partner's surname is different, include their surname in the parenthesis along with their first name (ex: Tom (Sarah Williams) Johnson).

What is the order of grandchildren in an obituary? ›

The order should go as followed: spouse, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, parents, and siblings. It should be noted that nieces, nephews, cousins, and in-laws are typically unmentioned unless they were especially close to the deceased.

Why do obituaries lie? ›

Obituary writers sometimes deliberately distort the truth in their stories. False obituaries are written for many reasons: concealing a divorce, excluding children from another marriage, exaggerating a deceased's accomplishments, or excluding certain relatives.

Is it morbid to read obituaries? ›

Reading an obituary is not so much an act of mourning a death but of reviewing a life of notable accomplishment and celebrating it. Obituaries are capsule biographies. Still, obituaries concern death.

How much should I charge to design a obituary? ›

Average Obituary usually ranges from $1,000 to $1,500 See What Affects Pricing for details.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Lexington Herald Leader? ›

FAQ. How much does an obituary in the Lexington Herald-Leader cost? Placing an obituary in the Lexington Herald-Leader starts at $125.83.

Who is responsible for writing obituary? ›

Family Members of the Deceased

The primary responsibility for writing obituaries often rests with family members. When a person passes away, the assumed responsibility for obituary writing often falls on the family. There is, of course, a good reason for this.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Athens Banner Herald? ›

FAQ. How much does an obituary in the Athens Banner-Herald cost? Placing an obituary in the Athens Banner-Herald starts at $0.01.


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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.