Evansville Press from Evansville, Indiana (2024)

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Evansville Pressi

Evansville, Indiana

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V- i i I te to 'V 1 1 II 25 THE EVANSVILLE PRESS Friday Sept 21 1973 help Wanted SI HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED antiques-novelties-gifts 3-PC ANTIQUE Bedroom Suite 5250 Cill 4323S34 a CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMI fell rancher tren Classified Ad USED SPECIALS Used hnrkhees Ditch Witch Davis oil sires Ditch Witch ef Southern 47233)1 (34 hrt1 1M7-AC-HD 7-0 End Leader CONDITION See of: Diamond Cemf Equip Co -1040 Diamond Ave 4214421 GOOD M4 DITCH WITCH TRENCHER-4T'! i Ilxe mw 11439 HAILENKERGFR INC 571 Boanvltie Hwy 477-5555 Mustang Skid Leaders Used Air Compressors CARL KRATZ RENTALS and Jack Its Kentucky Ave 4JS 774J BUILOINO IUPPLIES Used brick ptpv nine fitting 4 1 1 tt Floumctnf fixtures 42S4251 Aluminum (term windows all styles-sim Benthall Brat 1 IS 1 Read St 4244411 LEGAL NOTICES ZeQAL NOTICE r--i PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO HEIRS CREDITORS LEGATEES ETC A No 71-491 matter at the ettate at Dorrlt A VauaM deceatedj Garland Vaught Per- SwIawCaurtm' Vandh Nriictta hereby given that Garland Vaught Pertonal Reprewntallve ol theet-tate ofDorrls A vaugh deceased hat pretented and Hied her account and vouch art i final left lament el told ettate and that the tame will come up tar a earn-nation dlitrlbutlon and final action at1 Court on the Jrd day at Oct 1(71 at which time all heir credits legatees dlv trlbuteet and all other aertant into retted hi told ettate are required to appear tald Court and thaw came If any there be vdiV laid account and voucher! ihoutd net be approved: and the helrt or legattet el told ettate ard alia required to appear on aid day and make preot at their heirthipi Witness My hand at Evantville In-1 dlonalhll 1 21 day of Sept W71 SHIRLE JEAN COXXlerk Vanderburgh Superior Court By Mary Lee Hahn Deputy JOHNSON CARROLL and GRIFFITH AHy tor Perianal Repreientative 2230 Wett Franklin Street Evantvllle Indiana IPrett Sept M211t73l Jubllc nolle li hereby given that on Au-Wl JO 171 Evonsvllle-Vanderburgh fltoel Corporation licensee of non-com-Oprcial television Itotlon WNIN at Evanv wile Indiana tondtrod to the Federal iem muni cations Commlnlon In WbsNng ton DC an application raaumtkia an ethmoid at license tor Station WNIN-TV to SauthwHt Indiana Public Television Inc Station WNIN aaoralN an Channol nth power at 212 kw visual with antenna Snout above avtrago terrain at 570 teel The eroent acting Superintendent at the Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corpo option it Victor liher Jr Southwell Indiana Public Television me it on Indiana noMor-prollt corporation Ill olficcrt and dlroctort are: Kenneth Aleeander Robert Armna Oeryl A Blackburn Mrs ReglnaW Getker Philip Drachma Wallace a Graves Tim Hints Mrt Philip Nov Grace ftughes Jack Humphrey Glen I vet Ronald Kailowtki Raymond Kuaer (pq Lackey Bernard Lavlne Loit gich Diane Lana Jo met McCoy Mrt Dierid Peck Jr David Rice Joann WvSchwenlker Gloria Speer ML meet Tran Albert A Woll A copy of the eepneatien It available lor public In-median during normal Dun nett hourt at ew WNIN-TV studies (201 Petenburg Rend Evantvllle Indiana Courier Press Seal 14 1521 23 1973 jwe i WANTECF-Experlcnced night ceek must hm reference Apply In per-on 1559 1 Gram River Moment Mtate RN Supervisor Deltorm Nunlng Care Center Cent Dr Arendetl S47-I744 4222141 CURB GIRLS Glrlt 14 to IS yn of age and out ef School You can earn up to 140 per vrfr Apply In person Deg N' Suds 1(23 WT Franklin Fountain and Stock Clark Mole li dally Apply In person DuM Drlvt-ln 4730 Division Ladies Needed Immediately For port ffcnt warfc Avmgp IS ptr hour dwiontlfotlnp toys No ceL lechens ne delivery ne cosh in-vestmenl Noun ef Lloyd Call 474 5553 MOTHERS Christmas Is araund the corner Earn new tar Ihate extra ex pen vs by dmienslraflng tor PLAYHOUSE TOY CO New to Dec Ne rollecltng er delivering Coll Martin 4774524 Peggy 472 M4( ta MCDONALD'S Needs Ml- part-time help ply la persen Hwy 41 I 41 Lincoln Avt op- HELP In Sandwich Shop Opposite Hesse HWl Matured and unot (ached and ahte to cop with lean' ogert 477-7(55 HOUSE WIVES (tort yaur own busl-ness telling Bee Line Fashions In yeur heme I style shews Ne cal-leettng ne delivery Far Intorma-tien call 4224205 474 0(70 or 422 WANT slder lady to baby ill with I mo eld baby my heme mornings yeur heme afternoons light house keeping 125 wk Harrison Village 4724 BABVSITTEN NEEDED 1 blocks (ram Evans School pm Call 424442 oiler er 3 2:32 5 AUTOMATIC trommlsilon rebulldtr experienced only excellent working conditions paid vocation paid holidays Insurance proqram For Interview phone 111-424-2267 'AIFtnFRK Opportunity tor toll time I eh Regular Income pleasant working conditions Sates training Apply In person Claytons Fine Dry Cleaning 14(4 Washington Ave Part-Timt Girls $450 PER HOUR Attractive girts with seme college to training call! 3 make public re tat tan mornings or 3 afternoons business mm PImm 14024221(10 Avon Christmas Earnings Con help moke the hotidoys happier tor the entire family! Its easier selling line AVON products Call new 432-172 er 4723410 Accountant Auditor JASPEB IND CPA FIRM Has tpenlnqs tor iccountant 2-3 yrs experience desired salary spen Send resume to: Pout Nonta 113 5th Jasper Ind 47545 call 4024330 MCDONALD'S FOR opportunity In management see Jim Devlin et McDonalds 4701 Lincoln Ave Frt er Sat Ne experience necessary Welcome Waqon Hostess UNUSUAL opportunity entoyon Interesting egreer white children In school Work out of yeur i heme flexible hours cor necessary for Interview a 1 1 Mn Moore 25 4254411 room SID Beauty Shop Spaca Reasonable 477-SOW Secretary $125 Wk FEE PAID Bren- well's Licensed Agency 4229001 SALESGIRLS FULL MaH store qualifications to Box 821S COURIER 1 PRESS Write INSURANCE Yff are In need et a' well rounded Insurance women witn or without license te manage eur Insur- once Dept It Is a growing ooenev Call Mr Jarrett at JAR-RETT REALTY INSURANCE 477-4414 Your own nolghbeitned customer cMMrn you a trip to Florida far Christmas S44I earnings per hour WMli SHORT-ORDER Apply to pel Barbecue ITS Night shilt Old Kentucky rson 704 Kentucky Ave BARBARA COOPER 2501 Graham Avt Holiday on Ice winner DELIVERY Eve weekends have cor Apply to person Cnkken Delight I Willow Rd Musi MAIDS Apply Skywoy Motor Ledge 4101 Hwy 41 North No Phene Calls CARPENTER 1 CARPENTER'S HELPERS Seme experienced needed OHIO VALLEY HOMES 1324 Harlan An Equal Opportunity Employer WELDERS Experienced production welders wttt arc Mlg welding needed at enct Apply at Hahn Inc 1425 Garvin An Equal-Opportunity Employer SHORT ORDER COOK ALSO SALAD GIRL DAS KOLLKER HAUS 4501 Washington FYFflUIVF INN 500 Walnut IMMEDIATE NEED tor bus who ran work the evening gm III II pm Apply to 2 pm to 7 pm Man thru office girls I Hllll ptrseri Thun MAN with knowledge of furniture manufacturing Experienced on vnr-Over 31 4254(45 Experienced Grill Cook Apply to persen Round Table Restaurant Washington Square Moll HELP WANTED tor steam cleaning and mltc wark Apply to 101 (Hi Ave Prtna Perl Time Accept aritert and make light deliveries Inc Phenn Ne in reply Write Miss Snown't Candles Bex 3471 Melnet lewd 50322 CfSt-M" ASSOCIATION OFFICE WOF Must be good at shert-heni a typlnq 1 willing to ds all onersiiens connected with Association ottlce work Including attending Board ef Directors' Meeting out ef city Group Insurance available pe'd holldevs paid vocations $5400 starting salary 4254295 wk days tor appointment DESK CLERK Prefer Mote Accounting Student Te Work MS pm Apply: SKYWAY MOTOR LODGE 4101 Hwy 41 Ns Phone Cells! The Madden Handle Cera ef Brawn St Mt Vernon need men II yrs older tor factory work call 1322531 Port-time 20 hrs earn STD picking up catalogues delivering orders For Interview 475-7011 PARTS COUNTER MAN Truck experience preferred extef-tont benefits 2 worklnq conditions Salary open Coll 4244(51 tor op- HAVE FUN 1 earn bonus Part or full Mrs Werner 424-71(0 plus Sales LADY tor salads evenings 2 pm to (: pm Also tody te serve cettoe on Cafeteria line port time days Apply In persen Wtlnbacb Cafeteria 1 wetnbach NOW taking applications tor day shin heto apply to persen at Burger Chef 1401 Washington Ex-boakmtn heorinq aides shKng and vacuum cleaners and i ether direct sales of best 3 appointments set far you by phene plris each day For toe Quickest del lor to town call 424-2(45 SERVICE STATION Attendant-Experienced Days 14 Jtoi Haves Airport Service Station FURNACE Electricians Apprentices Gd working conditions fringe benefits 120 1 Karttt Attention Ladies 5tarf yaur Christmas Work from your own heme demonstrating Luiler Products For Infer motion call 4744442 SECURITY OFFICERS for Evansville area Uni-furnished Paid vocation Increases Deterred prof 1 1 Lite Insurance plus ether are yowl os a Pinkerton Apply 24 weefcdovs 304 Court Bldg 4th Vine Evansville Veterans bring DD-214 Form An EquoLOpper-tunlty Employer Ited men In both salts Held service Held Complete training 5120 wk plus commission Call Mr Marlin 424-21(4 NOTICETOTAXPAVERS Notice It hereby given to tapayert et the City at Evantvllle Indiana Vanderburgh County that the proper legal alficart el told city at their regular meeting place at 7:30 pm (CSTI an the lit day of October 1(73 will con infer the tot lowing additional appro-pnatlant which told officeri coniider necettary to meet the extraordinary candrtlant (iitlingatlhiitlme 1 Whereat the Controller hat advlted that additional apprepriationt are necettary to Atari current expenses in certam amounlt and roqucitt that additional aapropnationt bemadeastaltows: ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS ROM: Motor Vthtcle Hiqhwav General Fund 1 10 000 00 TO: Motor Vehicle Hiahwav Department T-41 Repair Parti 1000000 TOTAL FISCAL IMPACT SI 040000 FROM: REVENUE SHARING VfcuLf MUA0S20 REVENUE SHARING ACCOUNTS 72-Eauipment Equipment Eauipaient Equipment Bwldinat Structural A Improvement! Equipment Equipment Equipment 43-Leaal Aid Equipment I other Compematien 24-Other Contractual Building Mater lalt Repair Parti Eawpmont Satarm A Waaet Health Inturance Communicatiom A Tramporlalien Inttitutionai A Medical 3 Laboratory 34-OHice Supptiet Office Supaliet Retirement A Social Securitv Public Employed Retirement Fund Equipment Equipment Repair! 22-Heat Light A Power 72-Eauipment Equipment Eawpmont Equipment Eaumment Bwldinat Structures A Improvements 72 Equipment Other Supplies 24-Other Contractual Servlcd (O: DEPT Weights Meaturet Oak Hill Central Garaoe too fork Community Canter Recreation Finance £iiy Judge Buildingt A Ground! Health Stadium Building Committloner Ooq Pound Health The City Garage Willard Library Police Junk Vehicle Removal 'PWice Civil Service Ifpmmlssion HELP WANTED VIVIAN WOODARD Motto glrH te tench makeup Full nr parMtme high earnings frag training IMOGENS COOK 4721(90 RFTIRED man er woman tor lanllorM work Send resume to Distributors PO Bex 4525 Evansville Ind 47711 WAITBESSE5 wonted tor a fun nnd busy place te work Apply at The Hear Garden Fullon and Colum bia 1-5 pm only Office Salts Lady with nice personality capable et meeting I he public 4221421 Jr Wk Heavy Typing Shorthand flramwctita Licensed Agency 434001 1 0000 Yr NEGOTIATE FEE TAKING APPLICATION FOR OVER THE ROAD FURNITURE HAULERS Musi be able to Pass ICC Physical Applyi NATIONAL Of EVANSVIUE 1301 Keller St Evansville Ind An Equal Opportunity Employer STRUCTURAL STEEL LAYOUT MAN Structural sheet fabricating Com-Pony West Tennessee wittTa' work force el 30 need! shea lore man and layout man Tap wage with excellent trmae benetils (health lilt and hospital insurance paid holidays pension plan Far further in tor motion write WILLIAMS STEEL COMPANV Bex 1504 JACKSON TEN-NESSEE 31301 or call (01-423-4(00 AUTO MECHANIC WOULD YOU UKE TO BETTER YOUR INCOME? Prefer with GM Experience Work in one of Evamvillq'i fined (Hop Guaranteed (alary Va-pliant Group Inwranco Hotpi-talixation and many other fringe benefit Apply in per ion to WRIGHT MOTORS 109 SE Third St Evannrille BODYMAN Ta ipecialixa on kn parted Cara Mud he experienced and have proper toeh Guaranteed income owoei the right apptkam with full king benefit! indudmg Ho rpdoli taken and lifo tmuranco Uniterm! pad hahdayi and natation Fenian and prufil iharing Apply in panon la Haruhal lUa D-PATRICK IMPORTS 200 Green River Rd 479-1451 WORK WANTED WOMEN Will keep book in my home alia itotementi Mall Courier Prei Bex 1222 Mature medical laboratory technician with complete ottlce public related background deilre local Petition Would consider nottidlnl cal lab PO Bex 122 Hendenon Ky Babysitting ter any age lew rates cSft -BV or BABYSITTING In my Berne 24 hr service 425235 INSTRUCTION Systems Inc Heme Otti: Indianapolis School Train Send Driver! Veteran! Benefit! 423-2311 ITT Technical Institute 11 LINCOLN PARK 479-1441 DIESEL TRACTOR-TRAILER Driver training By Ryder Short heme study followed by on-the-rig ex-pcrtence et one of eur glont trotn ing centers Approved Vet education Far Local Into coll 423-5431 RYDER TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 111 NW 5th Street Heme Office: Atlanta Go BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 42 Bamboo Bar 3-way licansa Good Corner 423-2352 BEAUTY SALON FOR Ideal tecaffon well publicised 5 station! of beautlM fixtures Looki trill sacrifice due to ether business Interest Call 44444M tor personal appohtfmtnr USED Furniture Store Blda 4 Ream Apt S150 Me 12a Henning Ave FOR SALE OR LEASE A pros-perous lumber business to (ver 50 vrs 1 main bldg 4 large sited bidgi- Over 14000 sq tt under cover Can be used tor many purposes Priced right De-Witt Lumber Ce 102-104 17th SI Mt Vernon III 411-2444(31 Beauty Shop Reasonable NEAR VOGEL SCHOOL 4754501 BARBER Complete good le-cation established business 422-(7(1 a -5 pm 4774442 after 1 pm 4774442 alter 5 pm Gambles Hardware Appliances 111 Main Mf Vernon Ind CHINCHILLAS 4 females A 1 male Mated With cages Good quality 5750 425-1010 Lee's Ky Dam area US 41 US 41 near Parkway txlt 10 units some kitchenettes 3 bdrm llvinq quarters bsmf Bear carport approx 512400 yr in-come 545400 Will finance or take trade-in Lee Schug Rf Ne 7 Benton Ky Station call nltes 502-5274114 Adolnlng property available RESTAURATEURS Only one year ok! and business is eooal This attractive well equipped restaurant with dining ream coffee shop bar and party roam can seat 250 guests strata-gicallv located in a nearby grow-ing community Is ottered tor sale or lease Either way It Is a terrific opportunity for a knowledgeable operator Far details contact Rheinhardl: HUBERS LOANS LOANS on Real Estate Signature SJ50 te nooon Safeway Finance 4794M5T BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 42 Interviewer Trainee TBAIN to represent tap flrmr Jj' Jgtaen ntart personnel 4122244 KEY licensed emptoyment NEED PROFESSIONAL will Dnor-tactoar Interviewer Secure appointments te sell hulldlnq products Installed Fominas above average HOME BUILDERS Inc 2510 MORGAN AVE 477432 Applications Baing Accepted for Full-Time Part-Time Work Musi ue neat dean willing to work with ne police er drinking problems DAILY-CLEAN 3M3 Franklin St WANTED: Hod Carrier Call 4254459 MUSICIANS Fermiuq rack qraup ferial lor recording Coll 72-2701 between am and 5 pm Aik tor Dick Teachers Coaches Frustrated? Comer opportunity wllh lllyr-eid company Salary plus commission during J-yr training program Ottlce 4723051 Res ISMKM Equal-Opportunity Employer Station Wagon Driver fititrn Intereslsd in rominu 12100 yearly by driving the sta lien wagon le a point 50 milts out' side the city doily Must tornlsh character reference so hr can be bended will participate In paid holidays paid vacations Im Insurance policy Apply ENFIELD MANUFACTURING 119 Merton 2nd fleer EXPERIENCED Injection shift foreman er assistant shilt foremen Apply I om 4:34 pm Men-Frl Flair Melded Westlcs 1100 Lynch Rd WOMAN-4 days monm-tiqht de livery Must have car phene Lake Candy Co Bex 1547 Highland Ind ROOFER For shlnele work Hourly basis Frank Sdwlcr Rooting Ca 2327 Michigan DRIVERS FULL OR FART TIME AM FM OPENINGS STEADY 52 CHECKS PER YEAR APPLY: 526 NW FIRST ST MANAGER-CHEF To taka charge of dining roam and grill Couple occaptaUe Christmas La kg Caoalry Qub Santa flans Call! 12-529-1500 GENERAL OFFICE GIRL exMrienctd in book keeping payroll and general clerical work Reply te Courier Press Bax 1231 NEW CAR CLEANUP Wanted experienced panon far new car clean up depf Excellent working condition many fringe Benefits Apply in panon to Wayne Pate at VANDEVEER DODGE 500 5 Green River Rd WANTED MOLD MAKERS Also Tool Room Machinist Top pav and benefit! SERVICE TOOL DIE INC 2310 Grcca Henderson Ky 502 127 WW Paint Shop Trainee Must be II yr el age opportunity te earn white you learn Fringe benetils See Mr Hone butt KEN-NV KENT CHEVROLET CO 109 NW 2nd St FINISHED PRODUCT INSPECTOR Of Upholstered Furniture Salaried Position liberal Fringe Benefits NATIONAL OF EVANSVILLE 1501 Keller Evansville bid An Equql Opportunity Employe1 DATA PROCESSING MANAGER Corporation purchasing a now IBM system 3 model 10 needs someone ta establish end set up a new EDP department A person with extensive background will find this a ha Hanging position Excellent opportunity to grow with this mUtti-plant operation Excellent fringe benefits Salary dependent an exparienca and ability Sand confidential relume of employment and earnings history to Coirwr 4 Praia Box 1241 PA AMOUNT FOODS Desires Professional Feed Sales Representative lor well known line In Evansville Market area Experience and knowledge In Food Field in Evansville Area necessary At least 2 vrs Cotieqe preferred Must have own Car Some mileage allowed Good so-lory Handsome commission Bonus Program Lite Insurance and Hospitalisation plus Meier Medical Included In remuneration Fine Retirement Program Address lull resumete: PARAMOUNT FOODS PO Box 13025 Louisville Ky 40213 Interviews will be confirmed en individual Basis and held In Evansville BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 42 FAULTLESS DIVISION Plltt and laughtla inWamog A Equals Oppofhnlly EtRBtavor BARTENDER WK ENDS mutt Be experienced PIZZA HUT hM available both day and nl bo 31 er ever Apply odor IB i 2070 Washington Room 201 Heston Ini Bldg Waitrass Full Tima DishwAshor Apply Skyway Lounge A Restaurant 4101 Hwy 41 No phono colli IXPERIENCED transmission and yard man hr truck Boris Apply In person to Liberty Auto Sal-le Hot Merges Ave light house- LIVE-IN Housrkooper CM than wages keeping cooking Mi 42MN( otter I pm Movers Helpers Experienced Full gnd part time itrawb uiw Awwlto Am ba" PPf lee PV (30 Cragrett General Peeth expendtad css-tnptle rpntultanb needed here to bam A troch prefratonal make-up technlquM Centorte training Ellen Klstel 4722991 Drillers needed knmedtalely tor Hydraulic rotary riaat emptoyment pood pd hatpHalltnllen Inuir- once plus ether benefits Cell between 21 pm er 412 34 hn service CROW WITH THE LEADER-SNAPPER COMET Smell enqlne mechanic Must be ex-perienced Yrar-arouml work Hi pttal Insurance A fringe brarllH Opportunity tor onvnnrenwnt Phana far appoint 4254214 MID-WEST EQUIP CO Cora of Ell Mouth (01 Ktck Ave Evansville Ind BREAKFAST COOK Day Satot Girl NlgM Cook Night Cleon-uo Apply hi person Holiday Inn Hwy 41 No phone calls HOUSEKEEPER tor small family attractive ream TV 2 per wk References required Writ Courier-Press Box 1247 MALE SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Musi He Neat Randall's Mara than JN0 Oak Hill Rd SERVICE STATION attendant! torn men or women Apply In par-son 4(1 Diamond Ave Handy retired picture tor part-time framing Must hove wood (finishing knowledge scad resume to Evamvllto Courier A Press Bex 1227 Don't Answor jWs Ad JUST READ IT This ed wttl net premise veu envIWne ttwt vw can net rarn but If veu are the type of sales persen whe tanking te makg manev and make It new then I will give you writ-len-ln leads sent by people noting that we send eur Representa-lives out to sell You can earn a dally commission plus vxtrd renewals It veu are Interested to earning between S17MS IIMM vr contact Fred Hdrvov ol 4747547 Bankers Lite Casualty Co An equal opportunity company Dealer Sates Reorasentativa Handle (04 of Sates Work by phene-Visit Dealers Semi-Annually to Introduce New product lines ter Notional firm SMOS Mtri ear FVANSVILLE EMPLOYMENT 24-2151 Licensed Agency Maintenance Suoarvisor LOCAL Suoervlse smell rrew tor leodine Manufacturer TOP SM FEE PAID Evansville Pmelov-ment 4222151 Licensed merit Agency Medical Raid SI 30 TAKE direction from us your good office skJIH- tvoJF' vlllr Employment 4222151 Licensed Employment Agency Medical SSS ENJOY nice wraundtnes at veu use your shills work Inn tor buv Doctor Evonsvllle Fmnjovment 4322451 Licensed Employment Aeencv "bysifter needed I days wk Pre-tor im hnme Roby school alrl 4774333 offer 4 pm Inwndolf Man hr route vendlo" ervlce eermaowd employment PrctaroMv married and under 4n venr of be Apply to person at 1107 Virginia PART-TIME Delivery driver naans Write Courier and Bex 1253 niter Mac's Fnmaut Bnr B-O- Im mediate lob eoenlngs tor toe tal lowing nersonner dev kitchen dev bus bov stock rm mnn her nO cook Anplv In Person 1400 Maryland No Phan calls EXPERIENCFD ottlce alrl Dulles consist of tvnlne fillna erderlno material ond ontserlno phnne fall between 21 Mon-Fri Call 427-0554 SFPVirF STATION Perl me help Experlennced Evelnqt Apply to person 200 Diamond Parf-Tim Sntes Parsonnef Leads Furnished It you wont to supplement yaur Income with SlOO SIM week on nort-llme basis Manooer PO Bm Vevov Indiana 47IMI District Manager Need one oood man who has had experience rwmlna a sales crew and understands mm Earn te 125000 commission over ride with na selllna an your part Call 502-9375(57 er write State Maraoer pO Bex 1(4 Vrvov lgtu 414 Drilvcrv help wanted must hniiish dependable car ebevetoverooe eamlnqt apply In person between 4 14 am PI re Rome 1425 Division St COOKS HELPER-Ocys I am to 4 pm Apply to person Welnbach Cafeteria 1 Welnbach swnttftw ensmavejss PO Bex 41 Princeton Ind HOUSEWIVES NEEDED National Firm needs responsible women to demons Irate special gilt line hows" 4774724 SIM CASH Have your group Mil Watkins to maut vanilla 4774721 ASSISTANT SHIFT FOREMAN For Inlnctlen moldtna monufoctur Ina Mutt be experienced In opera Don of Inlectlon moldlna equip ment Able to train supervise moldlna operators Rotation thlttt Very eeod opportunity tor advance- eraal BegMM ISIg ntofn lOl Cl PClwHtq PCTIwli WF ere alia Intarvlewlna experienced meld set-uo men whe are auell-fled to stop un to nsslstant Shift Foreman position Fleece submit rental to: Persennel Mar Mail Teel I Fid Stic Cera 2319 Lynch Rd Evonsvlllo Ind WINE 31 vr! or elder Also la rarte salads ttomtna desserts Will train Anolvt RA MADA INN Henderson Kv See Mr Bill Pugh after 10 am 5024744400 Need Temporary Work? Have A Phone A Car? MANPOWER needs rellabto men for Interesting temporary assignments You will be helping many of the areata leading business firms AND you go from heme net the watting room Call Wet at 42241(5 tor details er (top ol 101 Mo In Equal Opportunity Employer NEED 0VERI8 (TEMPOKARY WORK) IP you leant work almost Immediate tv step at the Manpewsr Office 101 Main between aid 0 am There are a variety ef lebo avail-ahle todudlng warheuse work 1 material handling Seme tod shift abs available Dolly spending phene dtapatditng avail- Equal Opportunity Employer SERVICE STATION Part Time Work Columbia Main 37-Other Suaplid 1000 00 TOTAL (402 40124 Taxpaversoppeorinaatsuchmeetlneihoflhaveariehttobeheardthereon The addilionai opprapnatient at linally made will be automatically referred la the Sate Board of Toe Comaniuonan which Commission will hold a further hearing with-ip lilteen (IS) days at the County Auditor ottlce ol Vanderburgh County Indiana or at torch ether place at may be designated At weft hearing laiwavert obiacting at any er tudi additional appropriations may be heard and Inter et led taipayert may Inquire at the County Auditor when and where tuch hearing will be heard Dated th 1 1 13th day at September 1(73 DAVIDA KOEHLER SR roti dent ol the Common Council ATTEST: JAARGARETHUNT Meting City Clerk Courier and Press Seel 21201(73) AUCTIONS AUCTIONS NO o' 0 () 1 CD 400000 I20000t IO722JS 425000 4tSOOOO J1SN OS 2021 10 (00000 475515 750 00 5JN000 540000 440000 100000 1300000 7100 It 4S0-B 22500 150000 100 00 22(004 1S0000 500000 2240000 400000 IS 00000 7310tS0 4330000 JS00000 17133341 2S00 00 540000 CD CD 3 Ml I CO i 5 a NOTICES Display your patriotism We will place Pea outside your rest draco er piece of business the II Had days et the year Far mere Inf or motion write er call Distributor! po lax 4524 Evansville 47212 4221124 WE BUY estates collections complete houseful! or one Item Cell 424-12S9 or 1224154 EVANSVILLE COIN CLUB' GOLDEN FLEA MARKET Sun Sept 23 9-5 Gvic Canter PERSONALS ARE YOU ALONE? OVER IS Single Club In vllle PUtvfllba parflei with dance Ing and refreshments Far Intot-mallon call 4234M4 Jerry you're net petting alder but better A sweater Love you Shirley PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMERCIAL JANITORIAL SERVICE For free estimates call er write Distributors PO Bex ini Evansville ind 47712 444-2131 EMPLOYMENT ACENCIEB 22 23 yrs expert- equivalent HUSO MIDWEST PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS INC 5(11 Washington Ava 4774531 Licensed Employment Agency TRAY LINE WORKER: Autfflbb trays other routine duties KITCHEN HELPER: Will train operate machine dbitwashef A do aeneral cleanup COOK Experienced Able to cook Plato lunches APPLY AT THE INDIANA STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE MS SOUTH THIRD AVENUE NO FEE CHARGED SERVICE MAINTENANCE Faml-liar with refrigeration cycle bran copper end steel needs 3 KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Pleas-ant working conditions FOREMAN Line experience FACTORY HI School Graduate NATIONWIDE 423-6229 IS COURT BLOO 4TH A VINE Licensed Emptoyment Agency HELP WANTED MECHANICS NEEDED NOW with experience excellent pay pton gnod brae-fits We will train to work an Re- Enqlne Apply perse O'DANIELdlOWARD MAZDA arson te Bill Fisher (SI Green River Rd WAITRESS-11 dm4 pm Apply In persen: We IPs Barbecue 4HS First Ave Rntdential Industrial Farm FENCING vwJifr la ttilhllnm (A-ff tuiiniV miimtii PUI AI1K till 177-tdl I imiwntiiun till ITU-llll PKIMIKTIIM piimixvii Miff tMim MACHINERY TOOLS CHAIN Hemritte New Ued Rente)! GENERAL RENTALS: i CO 40B Cengrad 47K571 Lincoln portable wilder SSIFamg mounted or trotter Cat! i (4M557 10 HP Air censpreHer air trdpev ard requlaton Spray gun adding machine K2-74S9 1 BOATS-MOTORS-TRAILERS DRASTIC Reduction on nil ban boate In tteck 1(74 runabout! mw oval table RALPHS 3121 Willow Rd 4334725 FIKERGLAS repair kit Ox-bn Mon-Thura Frt l-ITm Fibergie Product Inc OVERSTOCKED CLEARANCE SALE Our Mlstaks Is Your Gain All 731 Mint Go We Need Spaca Far Th 74 SHOPS SAVE SSS East Side Marine 9305 Welnbbch SEVERAL USED duck beats bdws Jen Charlie's Marine 310S St Joe 4234321 Sacrifice 1(71 Glostron 14) cm-niete with trailer Ml equipment Take ever paymenls see at 1207 5E Riverside ONE ONLY NEW 17 toot Camvelte 141 full canvas 13S HP Regular UJttth New S142MSI East Side Marina 2305 South WMnbach Fall Beating SpocTafc Hew Shewing 1(74 tail ran Beat Autherixed Mercury a I a JACK'S MARINE CENTER Rider-way III Call 4112737211 LLOYD'S MARINE til best tn Arrow Glass Beate In Service 2907 Harmony Wav 424-1715 ll-tt GLASPAR RHierse EVINRUDE Osborn's Beats Motors -lit SHAOEWOOD 423417 167 tr Larsen beat ttXMip MerA ei try outboard Hotsctaw Irellerf N5-39J4 alter 1:30 pm 1C Evhtrudc Sportsman 155 HP 1-0 Tandtm Trailer $3475 Sib's Storinetand 425536 1(74 1 hB MERCURY PaweJ Trim 1C Gtaslron GT 1404 Holsctow Iralter LEON'S 1555 5 Wetnbach! 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ment supplies raw wed Good Equipment Ce 474-1395 USED COVMERCIAL olr cendk 1 1 oner with warranty Used ton end pumps In deed operating condition Phone 425-1331 Ext 217 Lyons ABTICLBS FOR SALI IB Full Site Bookcase Reg Sale 5100 Flnke Wort-house Store 119 Main FRENCH Provincial nette refrig Call 4254721 furniture dl-FrlSat Freeier up right 1 yr old S12S 151 cubic tt Sears Celdspot Ca-paclly 553 lbs 4234355 MATERNITY Six VERY NICE CALL 47740(1 YARD SALE gos cook sieve wrlnatr washer desks rhalrs dishes Misc 2700 1 Villa Frl-Saf RUMMAGE SALE mo McLeod Cf Sandy Acres GARAGE SALE Frl Sept 2144 Misc Item toys aames 5710 Fexbere Ln 1 Meek north if Central High stadium I) Inch couch Avocado double bed Hoover electric broom Call 4730413 RUMMAGE SALE Frl Sol (am pm Kit (Hi Ave Metal Detectors Whites Bounty Hunters Detection 10 off en Models In Stock THE HODAKA SHOP 3200 KRATZVILLE RD 424-1111 PUBLIC AUCTION Due to Breaking op heuiokeeeing the andertigned owner will toll the tot-towing pertenel property at the heme located at 1)04 North Mow an Men- dnj eblflHI tea kMlaBiBaa4gD 41 VEST HPmnEEl ffw EEVNEEIIVEI BiiB iIWi FURNISHINGS: Good Portnoy rotor centeto tetovltieni nice china cobinH with gtoto treat 3 piece Bodreem urite: pair el 3 drawer Mold Hands dwttorabe eld Bate cabinet storage cabinet 4 eak tide chain 2 piece slatted hvtng room twit nice eccatienal table sweeper cettoe table dining raot tattle ttl ctalrt letetieni tirte 2 ietel lnen ctairt ratrige rater gat range Hear tempt reiser lamps: vanity pie tale tolding picnic table racHner with vibrator Singer electric tewing me-dune Maytag wether twin tuki srenitt bucket etone churn enters jatia misc cettuii lewelry eld deatle rarret etrttai tnnlttene InS Per nyte garden leeit pelt and pant ditfiet muc linens utverware Wt at fher items ROSA BUTCHER OWNER TERMS: Catfi Lunch AvW table Sale by Curran Miller Auction A Realty Company Phone 867-2486 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN Immediate Openings Minimum of 2 years experience in iiyiustrial electrical work Excellent wages benefits and working conditionL Advancement based on ability and past experience Call or apply in parson to: KENT PLASTICS CORP 1 528 Fulton Evansville Ind PHONK 424-2434 An Equal Opportunity Employer TO GET Itie matt far your fumitory end mltc tetl tt at AUCTION We need miscellaneous 4221101 LOST A POUND 12 FOUND Silver miniature mole Poodle vicinity Identify M7-5522 LOST: Toy Poodle malt vicinity cf 124 Rovensweed Dr CM Ids pet Lett: Black and gray tabby cat years old last seen around Jack-son Ava Reward 44-7511 LOST )0 wfc old Dachshund Pup-py Vicinity at Keck Ave REWARD 4221401 NOTICES BEAUTIFUL MINTON JEWELRY Makes wonderful glfti tor ysurietf friends er relatives Cad or write tor free catalog Distributers PO Box 0531 Evansville 47712 472-2124 Dance every Sat nlghl Lincoln Drive In miles A Dale Ind 4 miles north Chrlsnty Ind Jet 460 A 231 PM to 1 AM FREE TEEN DANCE Eagles Country Club Old Boonvllle Hwy Sept 23 25 am INTERMOTION FAZE Refreshments WE BUY Anything of Value Furniture Antiques TV5 etc IF YOU HAVE A COMPLAINT ON AUTO REPAIRS AND SERVICE CALL 42242(5 FURS are In style again cedan trim capos stoles hats Mrs Hale again doing all type tew-Ing A restyling Mere yn experience than I care to admit 1400 Garvin 424-1231 4M-50H AUCTIONS 4 RED LOBSTER Fastest growing Seafood Chain in America Come aboard we offer group insurance paid vacations opportunity for success Looking for Bus help kitchen Employees Experience not necessary We will train if you are the right person for us Apply between 9 AM-1 1 AM 2-4 PM at 4605 Bellemeade An Equal Opportunity Employer MF AUCTION FRI 7 PM 15 MAIN Due to our clients moving out of State we will tell all perianal belongs canilillng el: Ermine wal-nut bedroom tulle complete GE double door refrlg WHIRLPOOL oat range automatic washer A dry-er chrome dinette set modern bad-room suite complete rockers chests hvlnq-room mile complete eats 4f box tprlngs A mattresses New Early American love teat couch CHINA cupboard' Pedestal table square lamp table with claw A ball feet old chest A greuer Queen Ann dresser antique radio we have 2 tablet toll at antique dishes taels ditties antiques linens A household geode This Is only a partial listing came A see Auctioneer's Note: 4 rooms of furniture consigned from local Finance Company net listed Evansville Auction 422-1801 JOE A MIKE Auctioneer! AUCTION Coatrecton Uqgtfotiag Sat Sgpt 22 1973 laOOAJM Nwy Dsilsf rl Gas and Distal School -Biksa loo den roll on fork- itfts trudiL cari tools and mmy other itsmi CARL WHITE AUCTIONEER Fish Ate 314-967-3300 IXACl ALLIED CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS DIVISION Has Immediate Openings in Southwest Wyoming For tha Fallowing Underground Positions: (1) MACHINE OPERATOR: (Long Wall Continuous and conventional) Minimum 2 yrs experience (2) MECHANICS: Minimum 2 yrs experience (3) UTILITY Conventional Minimum 2 yrs experience EXCELLENT INCOME AND BENEFITS IN A RAPIDLY EXPANDING OPERATION APPLY: EMPLOYER RELATIONS DEPT ALLIED CHEMICAL CORP PO BOX 551 GREENRIVER WYOMING 82935 PHONE 307-875-3350 An Equal Opportunity Employer PUBLIC AUCTION OFANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES Saturdays Sept 22r 1973 at 9 :30 am LOCATION: 3500 Mentkslle Dr Owensboro Kv The lifetime cei lection et Mr one Mrs Jshn Schmidt OVER Ml ITEMS hrass-cooporpowtar eless Osds-clochi-oU tamps Call tar cotatoeeeirechura Will be Shewe ea Fridov Seel It from pei TERMS: CASH Sab by WILSON-GALLOWAY AUCTION A EALTY CO MSI Frederlcalt Owenskore Ky Ottlce 106(24( Nile 403-3170 TEXACO SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE Texaco will help you get started with: COMPLETE TRAINING WITH PAY ON THE JOB GUIDANCE TO PROFITABLE MANAGEMENT ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONAL SUPPORT FOR MORE INFORMATION-CALL: DAYS 425-9035 EVENINGS: SPANGLER i 476-9708 5-Gal Roof Coatinq $479 ASBESTOS LIQUID (No Cedi' Tar) I 90-lb ROOFING $549 Columbia Hdwe Harriet Columbia.

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Evansville Press from Evansville, Indiana (2024)


Where was the Evansville Courier Press? ›

Evansville Courier & Press
Front page of The Evansville Courier dated August 8, 1945 featuring the aftermath of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan.
Editor-in-chiefRyan Reynolds
Headquarters300 E. Walnut St. Evansville, Indiana 47713 United States
6 more rows

Where is the Evansville courier and press printed? ›

closed in March 2017, and printing of the local newspapers moved to the Gannett-owned Courier Journal in Louisville, Kentucky. The Louisville facility permanently closed in March 2021, and printing of the Evansville and Henderson newspapers went to Indianapolis.

What news paper is in Evansville Indiana? ›

Courier & Press | Evansville IN.

How do I contact Evansville Courier and Press? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-844-900-7104.

Where is the courier newspaper based? ›

Dundee, Scotland

Where is the Lafayette Journal and Courier printed? ›

LAFAYETTE – The Journal & Courier announced today its editions will be printed in Indianapolis starting next month and its printing facility will close in Lafayette.

Where is the courier mail printed? ›

Its editorial offices are located at Bowen Hills, in Brisbane's inner northern suburbs, and it is printed at Yandina on the Sunshine Coast. It is available for purchase both online and in paper form throughout Queensland and most regions of Northern New South Wales.

How do I cancel Evansville Courier and Press? ›

You can opt out of Premium Editions at any time by contacting customer service at 1-844-900-7104. If you do not contact us to opt out of Premium Editions, your receipt and acceptance of the Premium Editions constitutes your consent to these charges and these terms.

What is the largest newspaper in Indianapolis? ›

The Indianapolis Star is the largest paper in Indiana.

Does Brownsburg Indiana have a newspaper? ›

Brownsburg Sentinel | Brownsburg Sentinel – News Commentary Publication on the town of Brownsburg, Indiana.

Does Gary Indiana have a newspaper? ›

The Post-Tribune of Northwest Indiana (formerly the Gary Post-Tribune) is a daily newspaper headquartered in Merrillville, Indiana, United States. It serves the Northwest Indiana region, and is owned by the Chicago Tribune Media Group.

Where is the courier and press headquarters? ›

Evansville Courier & Press, 300 E Walnut St, Evansville, IN - MapQuest.

How do I contact journal and courier Lafayette Indiana? ›

How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-800-456-3223 or chat online here.

What is the phone number for Asbury Park press delivery? ›

To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-800-822-9779 or chat online here.

What is the history of the Charleston news and courier? ›

It traces its ancestry to three newspapers, the Charleston Courier, founded in 1803, the Charleston Daily News, founded 1865, and The Evening Post, founded 1894. Through the Courier, it brands itself as the oldest daily newspaper in the South and one of the oldest continuously operating newspapers in the United States.

What did the Pittsburgh Courier do? ›

From the beginning, The Courier called for improvements in housing, health and education, and protested the slum conditions in which black people were forced to live in Pittsburgh and elsewhere throughout the nation.

Where is the Charleston Post and Courier headquarters? ›

TO OUR READERS: If you have questions or comments about articles or photographs in The Post and Courier, write us at 148 Williman Street, Charleston, SC 29403, or email the appropriate news editor or manager listed below.

Who owns Courier Post NJ? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.