Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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I 0 I sin and ribbed ll np dif 4 I I 4 I CITY LOTS EOK SALE eligibly situated for building Noe 10 11 12 13 14 15 and 1C equate 36 do A 300 1000 200 600 50 10 3 3 40 I I PAUL Bi GODDARD Secretary No 7 south Ninth street' Wore ted Balzartneof the richest sod late style varying in price from 25 cents to 75 cents black and colored Berege i rench Ballerina and Lawn Organdie Lawns of rich and elegant stylo low price Mousselines and Alpaccas hue Cambric end Imce I 602 on 2d street 609 on let street 660 on south Capitol street Paul Goddard Poyntell Johnston Hnlrhtnfen VI Caspar Morris Joseph Carson Di James Rogers WW Gerhard AV VW WVUUSWU COACH MAKING The subscriber takes this method of informing hie customer and the pnblie generally that he continue to carry on the Coach making in all Its various branches both in building and repairing of Carriagea and pledges himself that wilt endeavor to give satisfaction to all those who favor him with their patronage He continues to keep constantly on hand an assortment of Carriages! which he will recommend and which he will always sell at lowest prices Carriages exchanged at fair rates i THOSi YOUNG Penn avenue between 3d and 4 streets south side Jan w3mif VX1ANTED A situation to go to any part: of South Caroli na or Georgia by a person accustomed to travelling The best of recommendations and references can be given Apply at the west and of the city at the Two Sisters i mar 29 eolw fHAVE this day opened a new and beautiful assortm ept of Spring and Summer Goods and would respectfully in vite the attention of my regular customers and purchasers genet rally to the seme 1 in WEAR I HAVE 600 yards Chameleon Poalard a rare and 'beautiful article 500 70'1118 IS TUC1VB NOTICE that the subscriber fl 1 has obtained from the Court of Washington cminty the District of Columbia detters testamentary on the personal estate of Beverly Kennon late of the United States Navy deceased All persona baring claim against the said de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouch ers thereof to the subscriber on or before the lllh day of March next they may otherwise by law be excluded from all bene fit' of said estate i 1 Givemunder my hand this 11th day of March 1844 npr w3t KENNON Executrix The house recently occupied by Com Ken nou in offered for reck Apply to MMORIT gVENEHAL AGENCr WllIJAM A BRADLEY fljT and THOMAS THRUSTON have opened an office in Washington in Hotel and will devote their time to the settlement of claims of every description before Congress aodtho several Departments of the Government including claims for military and navy pensions for lands under the pre emption and other laws Claims arising under treaties de the settle ment of accounts of disbursing agents who cannot attend in per son the purchase nnd sale of real estate the collection of bills and notes or other evidences of debt Any business which maybe entrusted to them will bo faith fully and promptly attended to at moderate charges and all mo neys received will be promptly transmitted on the day oftheir receipt Letters post paid addressed to Bradley Thruaton Washing ton will meet with instant attention References may be made to the members of both Houses of Congress and to the residents cf Washington generally and The Han Abbott Lwiiscs Boston ji Palmbb Eeq President of Bank New York Richabd Pxtxbs Esq Reporter of Supreme Court Philad JohisGibmh Esq Baltimore A 1 The Hon Jowr McLean Judge of the Supreme Cdur Ohio Atnto ThbubtON Esq Louisville Kentucky' i The Hun ChAklks Conbad New Orleans Do Luke Lawless St Louis Mo Do Chablis Mzaczn lorida 'His Excellency Gov Call lorida dec dtf k1 rpo ROAD Proposals will bo re by the undersigned at the Bank of Washington until the t3lhof April' next for forming and gravelling the Co lumbia Turnpike about sixteen feet in width from Abe Alexan dria turnpike to the District line about three and a half miles Proposals to state the amount per rod or for the execution of theentire work which is to be done tn a satisfactory manner GUNTON 1 President Columbia Turnpike Road Company mar eo3t 5 TO ALL STATESMEN AND MEMBERS lilatorlcgl GEORGE TEMPLEMAN has for sale athia Bookstore' opposite hotel all the laws documenta journals and Registers ef Deba(es and all other books subscribed for or published by order of Congress also Niles's Weekly Register in 66 volumes from 1811 to March 1844 to gether with a large number of jaw boqkg and soma rare acarce and valuable old works apr 3 3t 7 ft I WM STEWART Magistrate Conveyancer Ac Office Hotel on 6th street No 2 from the eorusr of I street rf mar HOKT HANl) System of Stenography 1 small volume London 1843 with engraved lessons end exercises A Practical System of Short hand writ ing by Woodhouse on the basts of Taylorip Universal Ste nography I vot London 1842 with engravings Stenography an easy and practical system of acquiring short hand without the assistance of a master by Hinton of Trinity Hall Cambridge 1 vol London Just imported from London by TAYLOR a few copies only On fiantf Art of Short band Writing I small volume and Self laught Stenographer 1 email volume wittt engraved plates and examples price 25 cents mar 29 Mb SALE In virtue of writ of fieri facias LVJL issued from the office of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the county of Washington and to ma di rected I eball expose at public sale fbr eaah on Wednesday the 6th day of March next at 12 o'clock befofo the court house door of said county the following real property via All that piece or paro'l of ground situate in the eity of Wmhfngton known and on the ground plan marked out and laid down on the plat of said city as lot No 12 in sqnaie No 321 together with all the legal estates and interest of George Miller late of said cqunty in said lot with the improvements' thereon feeing a frame house one and a'half stories high in front and a two stuty brick house in the rear Seized and levied upon as the property of the said George Miller and sold to aaiisfy judicials No 27 to November term 1843 in favor of John Lloyd ALEXANDER HUNTER fob die Marshal District of Columbia The above sale la postponed till next Wednes day the 13th March instant same hour and place mar 7 A HUNTER Marshal' rir The above sale 1 further postponed till Wed nesday the 1st day of May next same hour and place mar A HUNTER Marshal 4 A a Bank AND STEAMBOAT STOCKS at AUC TION On riday the 12th instant at 1 1 A we shall sell at our auction store by order of the Orphans Court tbe following stocks belonging to the estate of the late Joseph Johnson i 7 7 shares stock in steamboat Phenix in steam ferryboat Alexandria in steamboat Columbia in steamboat Osceola ih steamboat Johnson Navy Yard Bridge 1 in Bank of Washington in Bank Metropolis ROBT DYER CO i Whig Standard Auctioneers i THE linwof Stages from Washington city by way of Alexan dria airfax Court bouse and Warrenton to Culpeper Court house losses the General Stage Office opposite i tel every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 3 A Pars 36 Ths lins of Stages from thia place via Alexendria airfax i Court house Aldie Middleburg Paris an Millwood to Win Chester will lesre the sama office same days and hours I ars 4 50 i ix In making this announcement to the public the subscriber would call particular attention Each of the above linos goes through in one day connecting with all the stages leaving either Culpe par Court house or Winchester and passengers for the Northern cities reach Waabiogton the sama day by 8 ready to taka the oars next morningat 6 for Balti uore Philadelphia New York Both rohtes have been newly vtockel and can not be surpassed for good horses Careful drivers and tbe very best Troy made coaches passing through a part of the country i unsurpassed for its beauty of scenery and fertility of soil and as for the fore would ask a comparison with other routes' JOHN BROWN Proprietor Washington A LEMING Agent Alexandria Seats oan'be taken at the General Stage Office Wash i ington Or at Hetel Alexandria oct dtf rg3O RANCIS A DICKINS continues JR to undertake the agency of claims before Congress and other branches of the Government including commissioners under treaties snd tbs various public offices Ha will attend to pre emption and other land claim? the procuring of patents for public lands and tbe confirmation by Congress of grants and claims to lands claims for property lost in ortakan for theservice of Aha United Stales property destroyed by tbe Indians or while in the possession of the United States invalid re volu tioaerynavy widows' and half pay pensions claims for Revo lutionary servlcee whether for commutation half pay or bounty lands as well those against the State of Virginia as the United States all claims growing out of contracts with the Government or damages sustained in consequence of the action or conduct of the Government and indeed any business before Congress or the public offices which may require the aid of an agent or attor nay His charges will be moderate and depending upon the amount of the daim and the extent of the service' i Jn the prosecution of claims against Mexico under tbe late Convention Mr A Dirkins and the Hon Van Nees late Envoy and Minister Plenipotentiary of ths United States in Spain are associated and any claim sent toitherof them will receive their united and prompt attention Mr A Dickinaia known to most of those who have been in Congress within the Inst few years or who have occupied any public station at Washington I His office i at bis residence on 12th street north of tfte Madi sonian office i 9 11 letters must be post paid dtf Blackwood's Magazine monthly Magazine do Dublin University Magazine do United Service Journal do Ainsworth Magazine do British Critic edited by Bev Chas Eden quarterly British end oreign Medical Review do 6 Together with many others at prices much lose than they have been usually supplied t' 'I StWlLEY A PUTNAM New York and London The subscription in all eases must be paid strictly In advance Jan loo 6m 1 Valuable estate on jajm is river OR SALE By virtue of a deed of trust bearing date the 15lh day of March 1844 to secure the payment 13000 I will cell at public aoetioa on the premises to the high! cat bidder on Wednesday tbs first of May next all that tract of land in Sa rry county Virginia known as Castle with mill and all other Improvements together with all tb chattel property now thereon consisting of horses mules sheep oxen cows corn fodder a large slock of farming utensils lately got from the north lighters axes household snd kitchen furniture a pier head on James river that will hold 200 cords of wood and also the time of ten good negro men hired by the present owner for the year 1844 The above namej property consists of 1640 acres of land BOO being cleared nnd 750 wooded the balance being in 'swampe and old field pines of young growth It is situated on dreek about three miles from its mouth on James river navi gable for large lighters to a pier head on the river to which wood schooners can come with facility and which ha been used dur ing the past year for the purpose of sending off wood to tbe north seven miles from Surry court house snd twelve miles from the village of Smithfield with a store and a post office on the property There is an abundance of good marl upon every part of the plantation that has been freely ussd in the past year There are many very fine springs feeding a mill pond and giv ing a constant certain anpply of water with a naw grist mill Corn oats and wheat crops are in the ground and the same hands that pitched the crop will be hired out for the rest of tbe year About 200 acres of the wood land have been principally cleared of their pine growth and could dksily be brought under cultivation Tbe house on the plantation is of brick large and comfortable ences and galea and out buildings all la good or der fWheat thresher corn cutter Ao Tbe sale will be partly for cash with liberal credit exact terms made known on the day of sale title indisputable Any inquiries addressed to Castle Surry county a post paid shall be answered mar 2swtA27 TAXEWIL TAYLOR 1 WASHINGTON AND ALEX ANDKIA BOAT rv ea a a a trfom ana iner moDUiv cue lain inatant th hours of departure of the steamboat nlElv I A will be as fol lows until farther aoties vis Leave Washington at 8 10 3 and 5 Leave Alexandria at 7 2 and 4 Leave Alexandria for Georgetown at 11 Leae Georgetown at 12 3 mar 15j JAMES GUY Jr Ca'ptaiu WASHINGTON AND ALEXANDRIA BOAT Tbe Steamboat 4 UaErH JOHNSON continues to ply between the above places and until further notice will follows Si Leave Washington 9 12 2 and 4 Leave 'Alexandria' 10 1 3 and ISj cents JOB CORSON Captain do do do do KO Berege Shawls Scarfs and fancy Handkerchiefs Black Berege end Silk Shawls 1 7 IN WEAR 1 Cloths of every shade and quality i Plaid striped and plain Caevimerea I Black and blue do Plain and plaid rench Drillings warranted all linn Silk Casbmere and Marseilles Vestings 'Scarfs Crava a Handkerchiefs and Gloves in great variety i 25 dozen Palm Leaf Hats for boys case straw Bonnets I do lorence braid Bonnets 6 cartons of rlch9pring Ribands io do bw prieed artificial lowers With a great variety of other goods all of which I am deter mined to offer to those who may favor me with a call at prices that cannot fail to give them the moat perfect satisfaction GEO ADAMS between 8th and 9th streets Pennsylvania avenue ap dtweolw raxvvt) VALUABLE HOUSES AT PRIVATE JL The two story Brick House with basemeqftand back building situated on13th street west lietween and etreeta north 25 feet front by 37 feet deep bnilt in modem style with slate roof containing in all 12 rooms The lot which is 104 feet deep to a 29 feet alley is well enclosed with a brick wall with stable carriage house wood house Ac attached Also the rame House called on the corner of 14th street went and street north This dwelling has every Convenience thatean be desired viz pump miik bouse wah bouse wood boUse stable Ac The two lota attached thereto contain about 17Mi0 square feetef ground are in good cultivation with choice fruit trees TheJnttage contains ten rooms besidestore rooms Ao Both or either will be sold on accommodating terms a email portion In casta tbe balance on a long credit or fu tber particulars inquire at the Cottage or of wov 3tawtf i JAS A KENNEDY Nos 15 and 19 square 102 Sj No I square 122 i Nos 31 and 33 square 24 And: 764 feet fronton northwest side of sq 952 CHANDLER Corner of West and Congress streets Georgetown inar 15 3taw3w QEVERAL well furnished apartments at Miss i S3 on Pennsylvania avenue between Third and our and a i half streets lately occupied by Judges of the Supreme Court are sow vacated and open for the accommbdatioq qf Members of Congvevs with their Ladies or of other Gentlemen either single or families rt I mar 20 if UHLIG SAL13 Will be sold at public sale tbe follow ing goods and chattels viz i i 21 cases large board and stands I large stone and stand 1 iron chase nnd side sticks 1' stool 2 stoves and pipes 1 trough a quan tity of type 4 stands 1 stand sod galley 1 lot ot rules bucket and roller and I sign Seiz end Liken as the property of Wil liam Coale and A Dickinson for rent due in arrears' to John MoDuell Sale to take place on the premises on 13th street near Pennsylvania avenue on Tuesday the 2d day of April next at 10 Terms cash mar 3t MICHAELREARDEN Bailiff nr The above sviei Is postponed until Saturday next ot 10 A ap 3 I'APGK MILL EOK ALfcl OH LBASiK rVYHE Matoaca Manufacturing Company will lease on moderate terms tbeir Paper Mill near Petersburg Virginia It con tains a ourdriner and a Cylinder machine with all other machi nery and apparatus 'requisite to cafry on an extensive business The buildings are of granita and the whole establishment is in good condition Or the company would tell all the machinery and if the purchaser should ba inclined to carry on the business in the vicinity of Petersburg a very favorable aite can be obtain ed on moderate tarma Waste rope snd bagging fyom eight cotton mills can be obtain' ed and also country rags at low rates 'I Any person disposed engage in thebuainess is invited to view the premises and tor further information to apply to I SAMUEL MORDECAI ap 2 2ta3w Agent of Matoaca Manufacturing Company Beckwiths anti dyspeptic A fresh supply of the above this day received from the proprietor Persona using these Pills may 'rely on getting them fresh of me ns I am the only person in the District who receives them regularly from the proprietor mar 9 eod6m PATTERSON Agent VHYO TEACHERS A gentleman sf experience and note fl as a Teacher who is willing to engage as co principal in a Boarding Schobl will hear of an eligible situation by address ing a letter post paid to Washington containing his real name and residence mar 25 wdAc4 Boarding school for young ladies The third session of Mrs GARNER'S Boarding School for Young Ladies will commence ou Wednesday the 6th of March instant in Upperrille auquier county Virginia to continue five months 7 i i This village is remarkable for its extreme henlthfulnesa being situated in a rich and fertile country accmaibla from all quarters and combining the advantages of town and country Every care: and attention will be paid to the religious instruction sad moral i deportment of those committed to her care The nsnal restraints of a boarding school will entirely bauisbed ami the young la dies share alike with her own children tbe privileges and oom forts of home and tbs most tender care and uuitchfulnesa of a mother' or this end Mrs Garner limits her number to twelve Temr for the eeholastic year of tenmonths 7 Hoard and tuition i all the branchea neeeaaary to a com j' plate snd thorough English education $140 Music oo the Piano or Guitar by Mr Nax a gentleman fa vorably known as a music teacher together with the use ol tne instruments rench Latin and Drawing each ancy Needlework Ornamental of various descriptions I Entrance money All communication addressed to Mrs A GARNER tJpperville auquier county Virginia Reference may be had to I Rev Mr Stringfellow Rector of Trinity Church Rar Mr Blown Pastor of Tenth street Church Doctor Thomas Sewall and Mr Kelly of the General Land Office Washington for further information i Upperville Va March 2 1844 eolm BRICKS SMITH A PROUD have on hand at their Steam JI Brick Press near the Navy Yard a large anpply of excel lent Bricks which they are prepared to sell at reasonable prices They ere new making a new and beautiful brick wbieh will be i 'found to be superior to any of and be randy fof delivery in few weeks" They also keep on hand a supply of Very superior ire Bricks from their press in Baltimore of different shapes and sizes adapted to furnacea ovens gratea stoves Ac which are avid cheaper than any other fire bricks mar 2aw3w Madisonian 1 UMBBR LUMBER LUMBER! NEW Ths subscriber has established! Lumber Yard oo the corner of 14th and Canal streets where he bason hand 1640(10 feet of Susquehanna White Pine Lnmbir consisting of '8 4 6 4 6 4 and 4 4 inch panel merchantable selecta and com mon cullings whieft'h will sell in quantities to suit purchasers for cash or approved paper at very lbw price will Sell common cullings at 9 psr thousand fest and other qualities in proportion I Ho will procure an asortmentof Joist Scantling Ac a soon a practicable which hb will sell at a very small profit as he is dstaraained to kep up an asaortment and'sell du the cash prin ciple of small profit I fob 14 2 w2n PRESTON A'OR RENT the south part of the House and Lot at ffnljf present occupied by Mr Randolph Coyle corner of JMlWL Maryland avennq and street west containing fiva rooms and passage with a good cellar and kitchen back con tainingiihree rooms and separate stairway all well finished a good stable wi'h two stalls and loft sufficient to hold a ton of hay and ground for a small garden Possession can be had the 1st day of May next i or further information inquire of Mr Pitch north end of said building or of Edward' Mattingly near the Navy Yard 'Washington' ap 3 eolw SALE'O IMPROVED AN OTHER On riday tbe 12th instant at 4 we shall fell' the following property by order of the Court belonging to tbe estats of the late CapU Joseph Jehneon i lot Na 1 id square No 664 and improvements situated on I and streets on tbe Point neartba Eastern Branch The im provements consist of a large two story brick dwelling bouse possessing every convenience for the accommodation of a largo family with smoke house milk cellar and corn crib Lot No I' in square ea square 664 on 1 street east of street running to the channel of the Extern Branch Hnlf of Lot 10 in square 660 and improvements situated on 4 street near the Eastern Branch The improvements arc a small frame dwelling house Lot No 2 iq sq lare No 662 on the corner of 1 and I streets Do a do Do 10 do i Half lot 1 'j do Part of lot 16 in square 770 situated on 3d street between and ati rets with ltrs improvements which area email frame dwelling house And a lot in square 9C6 rooting 25 feel on 7th street near the Navy Yard without the improvements 6 The sale' to take place on the premises commencing wi'h lot ol in square No: 664 Terms of sale cash' JAMES JOHNSON i HDGUNNELL i'i DYER A CO ap WTuAds Whig Standard Auctioneers MEMufelRBO CONGRESS Merchants JL clerks Please call nd see Palmerif Computing by th use of which interest at any rate per cent taxes gauging measuring land squares cubes sod all kinds ef mathe matical calculations may be computed in an incredibly abort 'apace of time andithout a possibility of an error saving there by an fmmstwe deift of time and mental labor This scale may be obtained for a few days of i 4 MORRISON mar 30 eo3t Pennsylvania avenue MEDICAL INSTITUTE PHILADELPHIA1 Locust Street above Eleventh THE Cours of Lectures for 1844 will commence on the first Mondsy in April end will continue until the end of ths en suing October with the exception of a vacation from tbs 15th of July to the latterpertof Anguat Clinical instruction in Medicine and Surgery will given every afternoon during the season and In order to make theeouraeaa practical as possible those students who desire it will be furnished with cases 4 Clinical instruction in Midwifery will be given by ths lecturer on that branch and cases of labor provided lor students who may wish to attend them Practical Instructions in Materia Medtca and Pbrmacy willIso be given and ths students taught to compound prescriptions and prepare medicine "1 LECTURES ON Anatomy by I Surgery Obstetrics Practice of Medicine Materia Chemistry Clinical Medicine 'i it Clinical Surgery Johnston pi I oe for the Oourse Including Olioicai instruction STU or tickets apply to 1 1 rtisr MayV IIRUSTIJES' The undersigned Trustees un JL der two separate deeds of lruat executed by Jampa Moore Jr one dated the 22d day of October 1834 and the other dated the 27th dsy of November 4837 will offer for sale on Tuesday the 23d dsy of April next at 6 o'clock on the promises iart of Lot No 4 with the Improvements a leasehold interest of Lot No 5 with foe improvements and the whole of Lot No 6 with tbe improvements in square No 38 1 The property will be eel up iin separate parcels according to a plan which will left in the hands of Henry Nsylor tbe undersigned and will ba exhibited Son foe day of sale I' Also at foe eeme time and place Lota Nos 10 and llinqoar No 529 fi" Th term of sal will be One fourth cash and the balance In one and two years for which bond and security will be requir ed bearing interest and on foe payment of the purchase money the subscribers 4wlll execute th necessary conveyances If the terms of sale are not complied with iu two days they will be re sold at the risk and exnenas of the purchaser ft JOHN MOORE HENRY NAYLOR mar 23 r2awAds Trustees Il ROBERT DYER A CO S' ''1' Auctioneers SALE VALUABLB 'IJI ERT By virtu of a deed of trut front Mathias Jef far and other to me dated 25fo July 1842 and recorded in li ber No 96 folio 55 66 67 58 59 and 6 of the land re cord of tbe county of Washington I will offer st auction in front of the'premise in tbe city of Washington on Mondw th 8th dty oft April ensuing at half past 4 all tne west half part of lot No 6 in square A of said city with the two story brick dwelling and other improvements thereon Terms of sale are one sixth of the purchase money to be paid In cash sod the residue in ten equal half yearly payments with interest from the dsy of sale to be secured by pproved notend a lien on the property and oo full payment of the ptrcbase money and interea I will execute to foe purchaser at bia cost valid dsed of conveyance of tba premises with all the title therein believed to be undoubted vested in me by said deed of trust If the terms sale be notcomplied with in three days I re serve the right to resell th premises et auction for cash or on any credit after three advertisem*nt in any convenient newspaper published In the city of Washington at ths risk and postof the first purchaser JOHN KURTZ Trustee mar 16 2awts DY ER A' CJ li nr The shove sale is postponed till THtrasDAV l8ib instant Same hour and place DYER A CO I ap 2 Auctioneers jALE VALUABLE REAL Oo Satnnlav 6th of Aptil nest et 4 we allSil sell en the premises at public auction by order of the Courtf Washington county District of Columbia that valuable two story brick house snd lot fronting on I Sth street west situated on lot No 6 in square No 200 lately owned and occupied by Daniel Haskell I Terms of sale: One fourth cash the residue at 6 12 and 18 hontha with interest from day pf sale 1 HOLMEAD A WRIGHT 1 mar StawAds Auctioneers UTALUABLE TEXAS LAN furl? lie On Wednes pv day the 10th day of April at hilf past 4 we shall sell at our a notion store 10000 acres of Texas Land advan tageously situated and watered by rivers and streams It will be Sold in lots to suit Title unexceptionable All the papers connect ed with it may be teen st our auction store on the day preceding foe aalo snd day of tale Terms liberal and made known at sale ROBT DYER A CO Auctioneers rMNRUSTEE'S On Thursday the 1 Ith day of jj1 JL April next at 6 on the premises 1 shall pur Siiant to a decree of tba Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the county of Washington made in the ease of Augusta Theriotps pi hairs of Paasett and others offer for eels al public auction to foe highest bidder lot numbered tbiity one81Jin square marked A in tbe city of Washington'' (t: Terms of sale One third cash tha residue in force equal in stalments at six nine and twelve months the purcbasei giving' bond with satisfactory security bearing interest for such de ferred payments BRADLEY Ik msr 14 3taw4wAds Trustee' jjj HOLMEAD A WRIGHT Auctioneers ryxins IS TOGIVE NOTICE that the subscriber has fl obtained from tho Court of Charles county in Maryland letters of administration on the personal estate of rancis Nalley late of Charles county deceased All personshaving claims against the said deceased ere hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber oo or before the first dey of October next they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate sj Given under my hand thia 19th day of Mirch 1844 1 JAMESOLIVER ill ap 2 w3w Administrator of Ntlley OR NOKOLK TWIDE A'WEEKi mu a rwr'E'rn a MH A RLCaLUCi Washington rant Wednesday nnd Saturday at 9 A for the tw nlaee Rturnlng will leave Norfolk every Monday and Thursday at 5 EPavsage and fare 6 8h will take off and land passengers at the different landing on th river and touch iu Con rivsr vry Saturday going and Monday returning Tbare will ba a United States letter box ou Saturday and Wed nesday mornings at the store of Messrs Bason A Co foir a de posits of letisre for Norfolk mar28 eolm JAMES MITCHELL SCapt ROBB (WINEBRENER A Co Tailors ra apcctfully announce their customer snd the public gn erally that they have opened their Spring aekione together with a handsome assortment of West of England and rench Cloths Cassimeres Vestings Ac which will be made up in thir usual superior' style al the old established bouse No 102 Chesnut street Philadelphia where nil orders will be thankful ly received mar Cqd2m PKOOSALS will be received in Washington by the sub scriber agent of th Joint Committee of Cobgress until the 20fo dey of April next for printing account of the discoveries made by th Exploring Expedition under the com mand of Lieut Wilkes of tbs United Slate A full spe cification of the manner In which the work muat be executed may be seen in Boston et th bookstore of Little A Brown in New York st the bookstore of Wiley A Putnam snd ia Philadelphia at ihe bookstore of Lea A Blanchard Persons living in other parts of ths country wishing to make proposals for foe work will receive such specification by applying to mar23 td 1BNJ TAPPAN EllING AT THORNTON intending to close his business during the spring snd sum mr will esntinua to sell his stock of Spring and all Good at eost Having received some beautiful Spring Goods he would respectfully invite ths public generally to call and examine his stock he ia determined to sell bargain it being generally known that be does that thing I Call eight door above Hotel Balzarines all colors snd worsted of superior quality 4 4 rench Lswns pink blue purple and al! colors Spring Mousseline Laine cheap rench do superior quality Dark and light do beautiful Chusans light and dark Mourning Do Cashmerets Blue black Mousselines de Laine Jaconet Muslin superior I Thick Cambric all prices Swiss Muslin all qualities Ixce do do Check and cross barred do I Striped do cheap i Cloths Cassimeres and Sattineta rench Linen superior quality all widlhs and qualities matsciues esung superior Black snd while Cotton Hose Do do Silk do Super Whit lannel Sunshades beeutiful Lisle Lace wide and narrow Blaek and colored Silk Mita KM Qtnaaa i1 licxht Gentlemen's Kid Silk and Thread Glove Shawls of every kind Bleached and brown Domestics Calicoes all price and colors And every article to be found in a dry goods store mar eo2( THORNTON AGENUY AT JAMES HCAUS ZL TEN (lata of Baltimore) having mads this city his perma nent residence will undertake with hisaceuaUNnad zeal and dil igence tbe settlement of claims generally and more particularly claims before Congress against the United States or the several Departments tbsreof and before any Board of Commissioner that may be raised for the adjustment of spoliation 'or other claim He has now in charge the entire class arising out of rench spo liations prior to foe year 1800 with reference to which ia addi tion to a mess of documents and proof in his possession has secess to those in tbe archive of the Government Claimants and pensioners on the nsvy fund Ac bounty lands return duties Ac Ac and those requiring life insurance can have their business promptly attended to by letter (poet paid) and thus relieve tbemaalvee from an expensive and inconvenient personal attendance Having obtained a commission of Notary Public he ia prepared to furnish legalized copies of any required public documenta or other pepcre He has been so long engaged in the duties of an ageat that it can only be neeeeeerry now to ssy that economy and prompt attention shall be extended to all business confided to his ear and that to enable him to render hi services uj facili ties more efficacious has bscom familiar with all tbe forme of office Office an etreet near the nets TJr earury Building OR SALE five and three fourths years time of an aejive colored lad aged about 21 years say to expire on the 1st of January 1860 Terms low Inquire eo3t ANDREW COYLE PICTORIAL BIBLE No 2 this i JIJSL day' received for sale by TAYLOR containing 26 engravings besides ornamented letter and other embellish ments price 25 cents per number Individuals who subscribe now to the complete work will thereby secure the earliest im pressions of every number throughout the series the very large circulation of the work rendering it Certain that later impressions will be very much inferior to the earlier ones 7 msr 8 Jr THE LAW 3 (J1IIE number ot this periodical for January 1844 will con i JL tain the commencement of the following very valuable jwork which will be printed (n several successive numbers until completed: 1 i A Selection of Leading Cases on various branches of th law with Notes 2 vol by John William Smith Esq Second American from the last Ixindon edition with Notes and Refer 'ence to American Decisions by Binney Wallace and I Clark Hare of the Philadelphia Bar This work with so unpretending a title is kn important ad dition to legal literature Th idea is excellent it is to select some of those leading which involve and are usually cited to establish some point er principle oT reel practical import ance and append to them notes in which ire collected subse quent decisions bearing on ths points reported in tbe text end in which doctrines having some obvious connexion with them era occasionally discussed We cordially recommend foie bouk to the profession It is not one of those hasty and erode compila tions put forth with such fatal facility and frequency by many of hi competitor at the bar It affords evident marks of lenu and patient thought end industrious Landon Legal fjbeerver The above work being part of ths Law Library will be eent by mail to any part of the United States It will form enly a part of the year 1844 Subscriptions there fore commencing with January will secure not only leading Cases entire but other publications The follow ing among other valuable works will be published as early aftet the completion of Case as may be practieeble I Cooper's Compendium of the Lafe of Personal Property Chief Baron Joy on tbe Evidence xf Accomplices Macpherson on the Lew Relating to Guardians White's Selection of Leading in Equity' Walford on the Lpw Respecting Parties to Actions The Law Library is published monthly price 10 per snnvm' payable in advance i All orders must be addressed to JOHN STOCKTON I ITT ELL I dec 15tcp Law Bookseller No 23 Minor1 Philadelphia I GREAT REDUCTION The leading English Quarterlies at $3 per annum I MM 1 LEY A PUTNAM will furnish hereafter by mail from London fall expenses being paid by them to Boston) jthe genuine original English editions with all advertisem*nts Ac of the following Quarterlies viz The Edinburgh tbe London Quarterly tbe oreign Quarterly the British and oreign Review tbe oreign aud Colonial Re view at the low price of three dollar psr year The number wilt be done up ins wrapper with a printed addrgsa and can be sent to any part of tbe United Stales They will also furnish in the same way the genuine English editions of the following valuable Periodicals al the prices affixed 35 per annum 6 do 1 1 8 do do do BON NETS BONNETS Wholesale and WM EDSON from Philadelphia having rented a store on Pennsylvania avenue between 9th and 10th streets op posite Shoe Store respectfully informs thg ladies of Washington snd the District generally that be has just arrived with a large nod splendid assortment of Ledies' and MiMe Bon nets embracing all the variety of kinds and fashions most ap proved of st this time in New York and Philadelphia His arrangement with the manufacturers will enable him to receive every few days any thing in his line that may be new snd desirable Also Leghorn and Men's Seagraas 'Hats All bf which will sold at such prices as cannot fail to suit Please cell and examine Thoee wishing to purchase by tba case or dpzen will be supplied at Philadelphia prices mar 25 eo2w NKTATIONAL LIVERY WALKER A Jw KIMMELL respectfully announce that they have opened the Specious and commodious brick stable lately erected by them on street' Tbeir new stable ha excellent and superior accom modation for upwards of one hundred horse' They have ample room for forty carriages Ths new stable and carriage houses ere situated within one hundred yards of Brown's And Tbe Exchange Hotel (conducted by Thompson Tyler) ia immediately opposite the National Uvery Stables The advertisers intend to keep every kind of vehicle such as coaches buggy wagons Ac which may be bad at ths shortest notice for hire by tbe month week dey or hour Saddle horses also hired in the same manner Horses will be taken at livery on term as reasonable a any other establishment Members of Congress aud other gentlemen bringing their horses and car riagea to tha eity can be accommodated with excellent stabling good coach houses and attentive hostlers Horae drovers visit ing the city will al all limes bs safely accommodated and on rea sonable term nor 1 i i I0teo6m WALKER A KIMMELL (nil I RT THOU 8 AN PRIME INOCULATED A PEACH TREES (at the low price of 5 cents each and at less if they are not taken at that price) for sale at my Nursery Haddonfield Now Jersey These trees are only two old from tbe stone and one growth of the inoculation they will average over 7 feet in height and will compare for size and quali ty with the best ever produced A sample may ba ssen nt the printing office of Mesar Gales A Seaton Washington Large tots will be sold on time for approved paper Tbe kinds are Early York Troth's early red red rareripe red cheek tualacaton white late free Madeira royal Kensington old mixon clear incomparable yellow rareripe magnum bonum nonsuch cailabere pavie old mixon eling late heath groeae m'gnonne freestone heath Cooper late red rare' ripe mammoth Chancellor Also a tot of good size cherry trees viz Msyduke amber heart white heart Spanish heart English morella at 374 cent Also some very fine silver leaf maple at from 75 cents to 25 cent each Moderate Charge for pocking All orders will meat with prompt attention DAVID ROE nur5 Haddonfield New Jersey LETTERS UURTIUN Letters of Curtins to the People of the United States No 1 or sale at all the bookstores Price 6j cents mar 22 ir ife GEN JACKSON by Amos Kendall JLJ The second number of this work this day received by TAYLOR Price 25 cent per number dec 4 OR RENT well finished House with stabling and about three acre of ground enclneed Thera are a num ber of choice fruit trees on the premises a pump of excellent water nearly in front of the hnu and every convenience ne cessary The House is situated on East Capitol street between 9th and lOib etreeta east snd has a south front It will ba rent ed by the year et a moderate rent and possession given imme diately It would bo a desirable place of residence for sne of foe clerks in the offices who is fond of a retired and rural life or term apply to WM BALDWIN mar eolw on the premises! LET a large and convenient house un the Capi iWfW tol Hill on South street near the Capitol The bouse iMiBg is in good condition recently papered and painted and oh an elevated site affording a fine view of Alexandria There is a spacious garden and an excellent stable on the premises and a pump of good water near the bouse It has been proved from long experience to be among the most healthy situation in Washington Some furniture now iu the bouse may ba had on reasonable terms Inquire of the Rev Mr Tixdaix residing in tbe house lor of the subset iber nn Third street near the Railtoad depot mar eotf 7 THRUSTON A CARD Miss HILL respectfully informs the ladies of Washington and vicinity and especially her old custom ers that she has removed her establishment to Pennsylvania avenue north side between 8th and 9th streets next Joor to Mr store tnar 12 eo2w NEW MU6IC Just received at the old established Music and Stationery Stere un Pennsylvania avenue two doora east of 1 2th street ISCHER The Cleveland Waltz by Ling Plasmipn Waltz by Zel aetb The Ocean Waltz bT Brieher Indian Summer Waltz by Briehcr Starlight Waltz by Leavens Party Quadrille by Camille Scbubert IJfe is a Dream by Baron Rodol ph tie Pfenr Valse Hnngroie by Camille Schubert Party Waltz end Quickstep by John Bartlett Beauties of Lvbitzkey a selection of the most admired waltzes of that cele brated composer it favorite Waltzes by Strauss German Quickstep hy aust Village Quickstep by Edward White Emperor Quickstep by De leur Quickstep by A owler Recruiting March The March Love Not by Edward White Locomotive tlckstep by Chadwick Old Dan Tucker Quickstep Lady Mine Variations by a Lady of Virginie Come dwell with me Rondo by Cyemezy ra Tanti Angroscte Rondo Hua ten Thirty National Saoth Airs by Valentine The Noble Voy agers antasia by Znmey Long Time Ago Rondo by Zemey The Three Prayers Sacred Ballad music by Knight The Birth ol Christ by A Petersilea The i Greeting by Neilson Passing Away by Neilson Pl A oK'A er 18 UBLICy jfb 1 do 2 do i 3 do 20 i do i 1 do L'l do 27 do ap WTuAds set bri hs Jan 25 UrJ 'll 1 to I vil al tit 1 WM BRENT Clerk 641 647 Pu sei Pot fap the I sh al a 1617181928 157 Het bar of 1 tl 11 bl pet me pn IB Stt brii 11 fa: st di 7 12 13 14 10 11 12 13 14 3 56 9 19 'a 200 1150 1135 100 lie ki( 3OI 5 I I'M 5 6 8 9 3 4 1 2 12 3 72 IxHl 2 4 8 10 12 13 1 4i 1 5 81 I 85 145 147 163 494 631 635 638 639 64ft 584 588 21 21 22 1 2 7 8 do do do do do do do do do I do 1 2 3 4 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 do 12 3 4 2122 2324 The whole square Th whole square The whole square i 167891011121314 2 PUBLIC MALE LOT AND SQUARES GROUND IN! THE CITY WASHING By virtue of the several deedshereinafterreeited will be sold at public auction in the city of Washington on Wednesday 10th of Aprii at 104 at ths Auction Rooms of Dyer A Co all foe following tots squares snd psreel of ground Ij ing in ths city of Washington to wit I bquare Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do DoEoffi90 Do Do DoE 1643 DoSof043 1 i hoi to i I bn do 1 la do 12 3 4 56 78910 11112 14 15 It Is to sa Ido do 12 3 4 5 lb Court Marsh 8th 1 8 District of Columbia Haehingten County to wit i IN the case of Richard Briscoe administrator of John Dtx deceased The administrator aforesaid with tha approbation of the Orphan's Court of said county has appointed tbs 4fo of May next for the settlement nf said eela and for payment and distribution under tbe direction and control of the assets in the hand of said administrator so far as the same have been collected and turned into money All creditors of said deceased are notified to send iu their claim on or before that day other wise by law they may be excluded frem all ben efit of said bstat provided a copy of this order be published in the National Intel ligencer once a week for three weeks previous to laid 4th day of May next True Test ED ROACH mar w3t Register of Wills Do 644 11 At fill The deeds above referred to are the following viz June 26 1797 deed Robert Morris John Nicholson azd others to Pratt rancis and others conveying divers lots snd square in the city of Washington in truiit for certain purpose therein stated Recorded among the land records of Washington county in rhe District of Colombia in Liber page 192 Ac September 30 1800 deed Scott and others (xtmmissfohero for establishing the Seat of Government of tbe United Slates Ae to Pratt rancis and others trustees for diver tots upon the same trusts are declared in the above recited deed of June 26 1797 Recorded in Liber No 5 folio 372 Ac August 1 1800 deed Gi Scott and others commissioners Ac to Pratt and others trustees in trust as above staled Record ed in Liber No 6 folios 369 Ac ebruary 19 1801 'deed Thornton and others commission ers Ac to Pratt and others trustees in trust aabov stated Recorded in Liber No 6 folio 202 Ac I June 17 1811 deed Thoma Munroe superintendent of the city of Washington to Pratt and others trustees in trust ee above stated Recorded ia Liber No 25 folio 472 Ac i October 17 1837 Pratt surviving trustee to Tilghmen for all the property of the'aforesaid trust then Vested in the said Pratt in trust to recon ay Ae and deed October 18 1837 Tilghman to Pratt Dundas and Miller for all said property upon tbe original trusts Recorded In Liber No 71 folio ill Ac i i The title to the above property is belleyid to be unimpeach able but the undersigned acting as sole surviving trustee will In making the sale convey such title onlysaa' I vested ia him by the above recited conveyances The terms of sale will be One eighth of the purchase money io cash one eighlh in sixty days and the balacea in equal pay ments at six nine and twelve months the purchaser to give their note payable with interest at thoee periods and to receive deeds conveying the title bf tbe trustee as above set forth to be made and executed st their cost on tbe full payment of foe pur chase money JAMES DUNDAS Surviving trustee ROBT WDYER A CO i' feb lawtAplA3tawt Globe Auctioneer District of Columfi Vaehington county ''HEODOlU "SjBDLiiY has applied to th orable Willf Chief Judge of the Litcatl Court of the DietrwWJr iOolumbia to be discharged tram tmm moment under Ihep JSD the relief of Insolvent Debtors the District of Cd 1 oa the eighth day of April A at room when and where bis requowieu lu i ap 2 1 31 rnteks horse power a aaaAw aamA a us asvv fl uflllb irfth imororftd hnxnfl last if TyNtng threshing machine for two tM GEORGE PAGE Manufacturer "j5Baltimore Md west'Baltiioore street I' I 1'OIV BLE MAW MILL fl has bees recen AXrsslly improved in efficiency sad the subscriber takes pl" tn re commending it to public uae It is portable can be r4 led from place to place a occerioo nay require with an ort team of from 3 to 6 horses can fanjy be putin operation Asily kept in order end worked by any country carpi er or cr in elligent hand it is strong sadim ple In its coni tn fo I will ut with a' four horse power froth 1000 to 1600 feet wnk a der with six horse power front 1800 to 2000 feet ib horses one of them has cut 2800 ini day with steam equal to ten horses 10000 feethat been cut In a nglsg to show ft durability and power I will state that with wsold I have been assured liy the purcha ser that he eut In fiWJionths with it with a four horde power 200000 feat of luintyf ond that it did not get materially out of order have nurm certificate tn prove all I say' Th price with a large power attached 3500 to mw 1'2 feet long If it be desired to altf rf other machine to this the price of th article will be addedk fee wiy pamphlet which cos be had on application by letter jetpasd or( personal application (or cer tificates and further Jculara 'i GEORGE PAGE Manufacturer Jan 16 dig Wt Baltimore street Baltimnre A 11 1 A new and valuable InvfT non ha been put io fall operation fey the subscriber by which 1 hundred and twenty posts with five boles each may be iborriadlTcp one hand ready for fencing in a sing! day Qne of these (j lines may be seen fa full operation os tha farm of Charles rrt Esq near Bladensburg where seve ral miles of fence made with it during the past lesson Tbe machine may buri's in connexion With on of my portable sawmills by which a sqiru of the fence may be prepared ready for putting up Prlepj tihe machine 65 1 A I GEORGE PAGE Manufacturer feb West Baltimore street Haliimoret IMriVED PORTABLE TBit ESH I ING MACIZ A ND CLEAN Portbisi plement which is stywtortant to the economy and convenient of foe farm I may little merit It ha attached tn it fan rake and lni perform atone nnd the same rim tbe triple operation 4rohing fanning and cleaning Widi a four horse power tit? gt out 200 bushels a day and leave it as clean as" gram wfef passed through th fan the first time Priee 125 ij i I have also a PortjThrsshing Machine which will thresh 500 bushels a day vrtril can sell for 875 Also another which I will sell for 45 af Vina of tWo horae power foal will wld for830 1 GEORGE PAGE jan Manufacturer Baltimore PAG I ETSveD This invention calculi i to be of Immense benefit It posar can be appropriated 'Js to grinding grain sawing lumber' pumping water of SwOUber purpose where power may ne reaary It is eupla 'j ong and wII last and is self adj ostiag to any kind of' vnnA On tan be seen aA Sr shop in jBal timers now ta successful operation Price from 50 to 400 according to th purpose for which it may be reqfe 1 1 ft St GEORGE PAGE Manufacturer Jan 11 dtf 1157 Baltimore west Bale street PAGE'S Ij I LL I am manufacturing Grist Milla which with a four horse power will grind four ofVulful meal an hour Tbe advantage of such a convenience O' zA large farm I will not dwell upon bat will only aey that it iT4nple strong and dot easy to ba put out of order Price wtjtlj cologne stones 8126 bolt 815with 3 eet stones 3 bolt to suit 3'26 The Grist Mill sad Corn and'Cob crufoC bs so arranged as that the same power will operate both GEO PAGE Manufacturer 1 jau 17 sC Baltimore West Baltimore street 4NDCl CRUHHEHbrtrib' ing corn end meal auiBcianUy fine to feed heroes mulea and all other Ki Yr By thia process of crushing at least two fifiha is saved Ao the power of this machine It is suf ficient to say that wft two horse power ilwil crush two hun dred bushels Ina dayagQ that its capacity ein be increased to anygdsslrable amoupurt will also crush cornstalk 0 as to ren der them equql to lb vat bay The price made to suit tbs time being only 34k i Term cash Made by GEORGE PAGE 1 fan 13 Man ptorer west Baltimore st HOLES This yimpld saving machine will do thra time as much works is old wr It could be extended so as to walla It 1 ia only 86 1 1 GEORGE PAGE Manufacturer Jan 30 West Baltimore street Baltimore I A CARD ThMwiscrtber has for rent at bl old and well known ealablisoivnt two parlor and three bed rooms furnished in the handjJfeYt and moot modern manner Hi houa being situated tn Ih moat pleasant and fashionable parts of the city and havtl JAttached to it every comfort eonr nience offer peculiar vjducementa to those who may desire pti vate board Ac in thy during th session of Congress or for a longer period A PAVIER at the corner of 1 LAiaylvanta avenue and 19th street west A rstaCi mia thanks to his old customer for favors haretofore bestowed informs them and the public that be continues to serve 'eAMng snd dinner partis and balls at shortest notice faibiL 'Wan at all times find diahea ready to bs served or can be sj" lied with pastry Jelly Charlotte russe' ice cream 01 whaler hey may require in bia line dtf i 4 A CARD ThZpscriberdo consequence of heavy losses by the erfedinb''m has been induced tolresolve on selling hereafter (except to'rernment officer and public institutions) exclusively for casbArdueed prices and to eall again most respectfully but Jly upon al! person indebted to him on account of a date pnCtX the present year to cal at hh store end settle tbe same befot ia llyst of May next a all then remain ing unadjusted distinction placed in the bamlsqf an officer for eollectfYy compulsory means mar 2w5w ISCHER CHANCERY The PresidentDirectors of the Bank of Metropolis cl John A BraokennJ 'Mexeeutof of John Brackenridgsdecaas ed and Robert administrator of Alexander Keny deceased 1 ij tvY EH' bill Its th flue in substance states that the deceased JL John Brscki fokilge was in hi lifetime and at the time of his death iiidetU the complainants upon bis certain pro missory note dateif 1 iptember 11 1840 tor 8390 payable is sixty days after date Aiicb was discounted by the complainant That for the purpoejjk5 securing the payment of any and every note which he then WT or might thereafter have discounted st the said Bank he Jin hi lifetime execute a certain sealed instrument which with th bill whereby he sntbs rixed Alexander KeS jitice deceased and whose adininistrstor la the said Robert EOtefr Ins successor in office to transfer ths said stock to such K'A1 and in such manner 3 foe complais: anjs might require That the said noSJ due and unpaid except so far as credit have been given tbt'jl for dividends from time to time declared on said stock amotYinall to 3259 62 The bill prate the said John A Bvjftenndge the sole acting Sxecutor of ths said John be decreed to pay foe said debt by short day snd that 'default of such payment thes may be sold i and fif general relief Ac i And forasmuch aSfe said John A Brackenridge does not rs aldo within the DisttjgHXif Golnm'iia but In parts beyond ths jiuu' diction of thia Coq jKp api aarY by the bill it je therefore on this 19th day of yyJier 1843 by the Court mdered that tn complainants max Vf iestion or tne substance ot tnw run i National IntelngeHeal th eity of Washington once a for Lor months prUfer the second Monday in May next aouiy ing tbe said dfendJohn A Brackenridge fa be and appear here the Cojtrin propria persons br by solicitor on before the said leek toned day to answer foq aaid bill wise such pnblicatfeaT Ying duly madelhnl the said bill tn several matter slhfff gatons thereof be taken pro confess against tbe said defiijt By order of th Court Teat: Uuse ana JartialsMcitor lor complainants 1 "fen Iqs 4m 2 BRENT ClL SALE SPLENDID WHAR PRO JL PERTY IN THE CITY OP By virtue of a decree of Baltimore County Court sitting as a Court of Equi ty the undersigned ee Trustees will sell a Auction at the Ex change in the city of Baltimore al on Wednea day the 17th day of April: nextthe extensive and valuable pro perty situated on Point iu the said eity known as wharf snd conveyed by Henry Wilson to MsrlPringle Jobs Sherlock and Hezekiah Waters by dead duly recorded In Balti nqore County Court in Liber No 79 folio 125 Ae with the various buildings and tmproveroenta thereon There is cer tainly no wharf io ihe city more conspicuous to vessels entering the harbor and none in other respects more eligibl than that ottered i Tbe property has a front on Wolfe gtreet of 65j feet and on Thame street of upwards of £3 fast and besides presents various fronts of wharf and platform conveniently arranged on the water line making an aggregate water front of more than 1000 feet and enabling it to accommodate many ships of large size with Inside berths at once The area of ground unoccupied by buildings is afa pie for the erection of other large warehouses and the present buildings on tha lot are as follows viz i I One large brick warehouse near tbe water 100 feet long by 854 fael deep 1 2 One large brick warehouse near the north line of the pro perty 106 feet long by 40 faet deep 7 3 One brick store fronting chiefly on Wolfe street20 feet fron by 45 feet deep 1 4 Two small frame dwelling houses fronting on Wolfe street 5 One large brick shed Warehouse binding on Thame street 103 fact long by 20 feet deep i The termsof sale as prescribed by the decree Kre very libe ral being one fourth of the purchase mousy in cash on the dsy of sale and the residue thereof in three equal payment atone two and three years thereafter the credit payments to bear in terest of six per cent per annum payable semi annually for which notes with security to be approved by the trustees are re quired 'j! A The title is indisputable for particulars of whtcfi and for a view of a plat of the property please apply to NICHOLAS 1 WM COLLINS Court house Lane Baltimore Trustees I HOMANSA CO mar 12 2iw Auctioneers NEW DIGEST THE LIW8 VN THE UNITED STATES brought down to 1844 including the Treaties with foreign Powers and an abstract of tbe Judicial decisions elaiing to tha Constitutional and Statu tory Law by Thomas P2 Gordon sale by mar 25 i Pi TAYLOR 1 1: i 'i i RYW Mi MORRISON I Books Books) Hooka I at auction Avery rare valuable and splendid collection of books ancient and modern of most countries and languagea In the various branches of science literature snd the fina arts selected from tbe choice and extensive library of Itbiel Town of New York architect and bridge engineer to be sold in Washington by MORRISON four doors west' of Hotel on Tuesday 30th of April Thursday the 2d Tuesday the 7th and Thursday foe 9th of May commencing each evening at 64 Among which mostly in splendid bindings early and choice editions large psper and India proof copies are the Ip 'J Elephant Atlas imperial and royal folioi and quartos The Dreaden Gallery 2 vol Houghton do 2 vol Versailles do lorence Gallery of portrait engraved stone end numlima tics 10 vol full bound in fin calf Orleana Gallery 3 volt Duaaeldorff do) lorence do'of psiut Inge 4 vols i Mnaee rancais 4 vole) Muse Royal 2 vol 1 Hogarth Restored Euripides splendid copy: Numismatic of the Barbadiciau amily of lorence beautiful copy end very rare Religious Ceremonies mor than 700 engravings re markably fin copy 4 Piranesi's Works tbe only' complete copy in th conntryjfin condition and binding 27 vol I Egypt complete early and super iorcopy 2 rols Ruin of Palmyra end Balbeo Egyptvery rare! Picturesque Voyage th Naples Sicily 5 vol splendid work Collection of 180 choice heads after Raphael red ink 2 vole Hunting scenes by Stradanus IDS plate exceedingly fine snd very rare: Le Monuments lofGeece 2 volumes Magna Gracia Boy de Il's English School 150 plats Taylor A Antiquities of Rome 2 volume De West India Voyages one of th most interesting vol ume of this extremely rare work 177 plate of History of England (he most splendid work of the 'kind The Engraved Work of Leclerc The! do do I U1 celebrated painter Wateau a splendid copy i Views in Upper and Lower Egypt Pompeii 2 Thomson's Seasons a must elegant specimen of printing en graving and binding best edition 2 volume Icing's London Custom house 69 plate Works 200 engraving (rota tba library of tha lata Mr Canning Ionian Antiquities by Jha Dilitanti Society best edition 2 vols Work Italian lorence 4 volume (pleudid work' Collection of Etching Bible Print 283 engraving iplendid work Skelton' Oionia Reetaurata 170 engravings snd his Antiqul quitles ot Oxfordshire numerous plates prools 3 vols edition of Dugdale' St great work on South America Museum of Pope Clement Engraved Work more than 200 plates proefa and etching Antiquities of Nubia "I Sir Joshua Works over 200 engravings Ornsments ef the Vatican Scientific Expedition to th More lemish and rench Schools 200 engravings after ths best artists 2 volume Carlo Mora Engraved Works over O0 engravings Collection of Prints from the beat English Masters 50 engravings Cabinet over 100 engravings after tbe beat Artists of the alian rench and lemish school I Hbtory of Art by its Monuments 6 volume Ancient Monument ot Great Britain fry the Society of Anti quarians 5 volumesvery rare Engraved Works of le Brun and Le Sueur I Collection of 200 BiblePrints after Titian Paul Veronese Ac extremely rare 2 volumes Woraleyan Museum acultectidn of moire than 100 engravings of shtique statues Ac 2 volumes Imitations of the Original Designs of the: Italian Masters 70 en gravings Antiquities of Westminster over 100 plate Roman Antiquities of Wbodchester i Antiquities of Albano English Galleries proof and etching Embitsyto China with a supplementary volume of Platea 3 volumes rare March 27 1844 spr entd Bl a Improved (rtarle tobacco press This highly machine which ia equally as wj sdapted to packing hrJ baling cotton as if is for pressing and bogsheading which I can strongly reedtnmend ft Is simple and stronffSr onsfruction therefore lasting and eai ly worked ia empfi a labor and moo ay saver and should' ba owned by every fyAgir and planter Pries 8300 A Toba Prsss alona I can faJrt for 3100 1 1 iGEORGR PAGE Manufacturer Jan ast Baltimors street BeltlmdreJ Tfre tscrlber in returning thanks fin the vX LN libtwal extended to him draires to i irm foa public thsrjfoJss made full arrangements for msnufec luring bis various matSjiery for agricultural snd mechanical co! poses and now rmU to fill all orders that he may hrotid with on ths shortest and at tha lowest possible price His terms era csstMen ihe sfticles are ready far deli payable to bis clsrkqSliam Brown in Baltimore i The subscriber mai3 riet generally be found in Washington inquiry of Mr Jes at the Patent Office or inthis manufactory GEORGE PAGE Machinist maf 30 i Baltimore Md UY1DRICaL CORN HHELLERu In the conitrtCan of these macliins I bav md improvement andysAiplified them tn bring the price dom to th ability of syelfmer to purchase and thia I hav do without leeaentng and power Worked by hori power they will hulZjnd shell from 3C00 to 4000 bufofo corn a day and recflfirdia corn aa fast a it can be fed Price for largest second sis 812 They will either by horse or hand power Pi JjhGEORGE PAGE Manufacturer Jan dly vjgf Baltimore west Halt MOflING MACHINESTd factoring the machine and canny thateverresfe penter and other MEjhA 111 wood who bav tested thea In unbounded ternflPaise of their power The smallest will do the work of and do it with mathematic! eco cy not attainable rWa hand and the largest is equal wotk of 50 men Pi" of the machin 825 that nt 1 largest 825ft 1 GEO PAGE Manufacture Jan 1 Baltimore street BahiniOTa IMBtpVEI) HORSE POWEBt! now manofactljp hone powsie of various sizes combine strength Sricfty and durability nd hive be'ea unZ nouncsd equal if noLrVferior to any other in the country 1 st or foe largest? Do ntxt Do small Do Do Hi Hh fl 3 1.

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About Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express Archive

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


Why is DC called the District of Columbia? ›

The new federal territory was named District of Columbia to honour explorer Christopher Columbus, and the new federal city was named for George Washington.

Is Washington, D.C. owned by Columbia? ›

Congress passed the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801, which officially organized the district and placed the entire territory under the exclusive control of the federal government.

Is it Washington DC or Washington DC? ›

Washington, D.C. (also known as simply Washington or D.C., and officially as the District Of Columbia) is the capital of the United States. It is a federal district.

Why was DC chosen as the capital? ›

Like many decisions in American history, the location of the new city was to be a compromise: Alexander Hamilton and northern states wanted the new federal government to assume Revolutionary War debts, and Thomas Jefferson and southern states who wanted the capital placed in a location friendly to slave-holding ...

Why isn't DC a state? ›

Washington, DC, isn't a state; it's a district. DC stands for District of Columbia. Its creation comes directly from the US Constitution, which provides that the district, "not exceeding 10 Miles square," would "become the Seat of the Government of the United States."

Why did DC give land back to Virginia? ›

After decades of debate about the disenfranchisem*nt that came with district citizenship, and tensions related to perceived negligence by the U.S. Congress, this portion of the district was returned to Virginia in 1847.

What is the 51st state in the USA? ›

Puerto Rico is designated in its constitution as the "Commonwealth of Puerto Rico". The Constitution of Puerto Rico, which became effective in 1952, adopted the name of Estado Libre Asociado (literally translated as "Free Associated State"), officially translated into English as Commonwealth, for its body politic.

Who owns most of Washington DC? ›

Answer and Explanation: The federal government own Washington DC. Under Article I Section 8 Clause 17, the seat of the national government is under the purview of the Congress. Today, the majority of the city is owned by the federal government with foreign governments owning their embassies and consulates.

Who owns the city of Washington? ›

Washington DC is a federal district, owned by the United States of America.

Which Washington is the White House in? ›

The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. The Washington Monument, the Capitol Building, the Jefferson Memorial, the Pentagon, and the Lincoln Memorial are also in the Washington, D.C. area.

What is the closest city to Washington DC? ›

Because it's the nearest city to Washington DC, Arlington is noticeably connected to the cultural and historical significance of DC and the DMV metro.

Is DC considered the south? ›

Historically speaking, any state below the Mason-Didion line and west of Mississippi would be considered The South, which Maryland and Washington, D.C. are.

Why do they call it the District of Columbia? ›

The name Columbia was apparently in reference to Christopher Columbus and was also used as a reference to the original 13 colonies and to the United States during the days of the American Revolution. The president then hired an architect and engineer to start laying out the new capital city.

Why isn't Philadelphia the capital of the United States? ›

The Residence Act of 1790 put the capital in current-day Washington as part of plan to appease pro-slavery states who feared a northern capital as being too sympathetic to abolitionists.

What river was Washington, D.C.. founded on? ›

Potomac River
StateWest Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia
CitiesCumberland, MD; Harpers Ferry, WV; Washington, D.C.; Alexandria, VA
Physical characteristics
SourceNorth Branch
54 more rows

What state is the White House in? ›

The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. The Washington Monument, the Capitol Building, the Jefferson Memorial, the Pentagon, and the Lincoln Memorial are also in the Washington, D.C. area.

How did Washington state get its name? ›

WASHINGTON: May be said to have a truly American name - named for George Washington, "The Father of our Country." When the bill creating the Territory of Columbia was introduced in the 32nd Congress, the name was changed to Washington because of the existence of the District of Columbia.

Why is it called Columbia? ›

1. Columbia is the first city in the US named for Christopher Columbus. The name Columbia won over the other popular option, Washington.


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.